Newsletter! - Hood River Valley Christian Church

Hood River Valley Christian Church
June 3, 2015
Sunday Worship Time
Chair of Elders
Church Secretary
Interim Minister Sat/Sun/Mon
10:30am Worship
with Children’s Worship & Wonder
Kathy Holmson
Sharon Smiley
Rev. Myrna Phillips
503 798-7242
Two Weeks and Counting....
One of the formative books I read when I was a campus minister in
Oklahoma in the early ‘70s was Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock. The
book outlined the impact of rapid, multiple changes on individuals
and societies. To put it mildly, change was deemed a challenge.
Religions are among the most conservative institutions in our
society. Who else do you know is following a two- or threethousand year old story on a regular basis? So it seems appropriate for us as we
anticipate the arrival of Alicia, our new pastor, to reflect on our readiness for some
change. After all, it will come. No two pastors do their ministries in the same way, and
Alicia will work as she has learned to do.
In my previous note about our upcoming transition, I asked that we give Alicia some
time to settle in and get acquainted. This morning I invite us to ponder and embrace
the opportunity she brings us to work together in new and different ways.
Rod Parrott
Board Chairperson
Everyone is invited!
Meet at Bette's
Restaurant on Oak Street the
First Thursday of each month
(June 4) at 9:00am. Invite a
This is a new day for the
monthly breakfast. We hope
Thriftshop workers and Quilters
can come to Bette’s for
breakfast (or a cinnamon roll!)
on a Thursday.
Something Special for the Speidels
We are preparing A WELCOME PACKET for the Speidel family (Pastor Alicia, her
husband Geoff, daughter Kailey and son Jackson) when they arrive. We are
collecting flyers on family and kids’ activities and such, and also donations for gift
certificates/cards at places such as G Willikers Toys and Mike’s Ice Cream. If you
have information or resources to add, please give them to Kathy.
Youth News
Middle & High School Sunday Class is
Sundays at 9:30am with Jennifer
Stager & Leslie Hidle Meet in the
Youth Room—start with hot chocolate
and pastries!
Youth Group Meetings Sundays
5:00pm Enjoy dinner all together
5:30pm Study, project time, with
games and activities following.
Youth Dinners
Thanks to Frances Henne and Bev
Carpenter who provided dinner May 24,
and Kathy Holmson who provided dinner
May 31.
Dinner cooks are needed:
June 7
June 14
You can sign up on the list in the kitchen.
Thank you.
Regional Youth Summer Camps
at Suttle Lake Camp in Sisters, Oregon
Camp Dates:
Grade School (3-5 grades): August 10-14
High School & Middle School: July 26-31
Have registrations to the church office by June 14.
Early Bird prices (available through June 30):
Grade School $320
Middle & High School: $355
Honoring Melissa Crosswhite
You are invited to celebrate
the upcoming arrival of Baby Crosswhite!
It’s a GIRL!
Saturday, June 20th 1-3:00pm
at Laurie and Scott Crosswhite’s home, 3950 Acree Drive
RSVP by June 10th to Laurie. Melissa is registered at Target &
Eileen Royster
Bob Williams
Jim & Carol Carnes
Barbara Buchheit
Karen Tyree
Patsy Nash
Robert Nash
Smoke Smiley recovering from heart bypass surgery last week.
The Speidel family –Pastor Alicia, her husband Geoff, daughter Kailey and son Jackson— as
they prepare for their move to Hood River.
Thank you Church Family,
For the prayers, support and love from you all during this difficult time.
Love in Christ, the Duback/Eskildsen family
To our family at Valley Christian Church,
The family of Larry Hayes would like to thank you for your support and caring during this very
difficult and sad time. We so appreciate the food that the ladies provided for Larry’s celebration
The thoughtfulness of our friends and neighbors will never be forgotten. Dianne Hayes & family
Thank you to the Prayer Shawl Team,
Thank you for the wonderful, blessed prayer shawl which I wear often for prayer and comfort.
On May 30 I moved to Rock Creek Assisted Living in Stevenson, WA. Jack and I have started
attending Shepherd of the Valley Church close to where we have been living. We both seem to
fit in there and we will continue attending. I will always remember the loving kindness and care
your church extended to me when I was ill. The prayer shawl reminds me of you and your great
church and wonderful choir. Thank you, love in Christ, Lynn Mead
A Note from Pastor Alicia Speidel…
Hello from almost Hood River.
About the time you read this I will be deep in boxes, wrapping paper and end of
the school year activities. I will have lists galore of where everything is and I still
probably won't know where everything is. Then on June 6 we begin the trek to our
new home, arriving on June 7 in Hood River.
I am ready for this next step and I pray you are too. We are going to be
partners in ministry. We are also going to be learning about how we each operate.
This will take time, patience, love and grace. May we all sign on to this adventure
wholeheartedly knowing that God is guiding our steps. I look forward to meeting each
one of you and to hearing your story. In the meantime back to the boxes and the not
being able to find what I need or maybe I will.
See you soon. Blessings.
a popular coffee hour event at HRVCC, is on Father’s Day, June
21. Invite your friends to join us that day. We need someone to
coordinate kitchen duties that day—is that something you’d like to do?
We also need people sign up to bring pies to share and the kitchen crew
gets pies ready to serve. The Pie sign-up sheet is in the lobby.
Meet at Bette's Restaurant on the First Thursday of each month (June 4) at 9:00am.
Come by for a bite to eat and visiting with friends. Bette’s has a wonderful meeting
space directly behind the main restaurant which is beautifully decorated. Drop by if
you can. No host, so your choice of just coffee, breakfast or treat yourself to one of
Bette’s famous cinnamon rolls! Bring a friend!
When Saying Good-bye Is Saying Hello
People rarely have one feeling at a time. I am certainly
experiencing a mixture of feelings. I am sad to leave because
I have enjoyed knowing the people in this congregation. We
have laughed, prayed, worshipped, played, eaten together
and shared our love of music and children. I love the town of Hood River and every
week feel so blessed to experience these incredible surroundings, I have felt
welcomed, supported, and appreciated these past nine months.
I also feel a deep sense of hope and excitement for this congregation. Alicia is
an extraordinary person of deep faith and compassion. She is a highly skilled pastor
who is intelligent, wise and with good instincts. Each person of this congregation will
need to step up and explore with Alicia how to be a working team to discern together
the will of God for HRVCC.
I wish you peace, joy, and love. I look forward to hearing more about the
adventure before you and hope to connect with you again at Alicia’s installation. God
bless all of you.
Encore Event! Did you miss the Celebrating Women Event featuring
Betty Osborne’s “stand up comedy” routine last month? On Tuesday
June 9 at 9:30am, Women’s Ministries will show the video Justin
Crosswhite recorded that day. Everyone is invited to come watch and
after the video, women are welcome to stay for Gertrude Circle Bible
Study at 10-11am, in the Vista Room.
Book Group News “A tale of ambition and survival on the early American frontier,”
Peter Stark’s Astoria, is the new book selection for the reading group. It is the story of
John Jacob Astor’s failed attempt in the early 1800’s to establish an American colony on
the banks of the Columbia River. Discussion of the book is scheduled for Thursday, June
11, at 7:00 p.m., at the home of Mary Anne and Rod Parrott. Church members and
friends are welcome. For a copy of the book, see or call Rod.
Pentecost Special Offering
Thank you!
Our gifts to the Pentecost Special
Offering total $477. Pentecost Special
Offering supports the work of new church
development. One half of what we give is
dedicated to our Oregon/SW Idaho Region;
one half is used by Hope Partnership for
Missional Transformation to support new church ministry.
We’d like everyone to be wearing their HRVCC nametag for Pastor
Alicia Speidel’s first Sunday, June 14th, when we welcome her,
Geoff, Kailey and Jackson to our church. If yours needs to be
replaced, please let Kathy Holmson know. Thank you!
Special Music Worship Service May 31, 2015
Pastor Myrna invited her friend Elizabeth (Beth) Eck to join us for a special
music worship service last Sunday. Beth is from the Salem area and is a professional
singer vocal coach/consultant for area high schools, and for churches in the
northwest, as well as working with theater productions.
Ayden Phelps, Carly Wyatt and Pastor Myrna joined Beth in singing. Mary Anne
Parrott accompanied them on the piano.
Musical selections included: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring; Panis Angellicus; Jesus
Loves Me; His Eye Is on the Sparrow; At the Feet of God; Ride On King Jesus;
Marching On Up; When God Dips His Love in My Heart; The Lord Bless You and Keep You.
The congregation appreciated the special worship in song.
Photos by Cindy Winfield
Seven Things Church Members Should Say to Guests in a Worship Service
By Thom S. Rainier from the blog
May 20, 2015
One of the more common questions I’m asked relates to growth
barriers. For example, church leaders may want to know how to
move past the 150-attendance level of the past five years. Or
other leaders desire to know how to break though financial giving
Those questions are tough because they often presume a brief response to be
adequate. In reality, there are many theological and methodological issues at work
in growth barriers. Today, I am looking at a very basic barrier: lack of friendliness to
church guests.
In a previous blog post, I noted things we should not say to a guest in our worship
services. In today’s post I look at the positive perspective: seven things we should
say to guests.
1. “Thank you for being here.” It’s just that basic. I have heard from
numerous church guests who returned because they were simply told
“thank you.”
2. “Let me help you with that.” If you see someone struggling with
umbrellas, young children, diaper bags, purses, and other items, a gesture
to hold something for them is a huge positive. Of course, this comment is
appropriate for member to member as well.
3. “Please take my seat.” I actually heard that comment twice in a church
where I was speaking in the Nashville area. The first comment came from
a member to a young family of five who were trying to find a place to sit
4. “Here is my email address. Please let me know if I can help in any
way.” Of course, this comment must be used with discretion, but it can be
a hugely positive message to a guest.
5. “Can I show you where you need to go?” Even in smaller churches,
guests will not know where to find the nursery, restrooms, and small group
meeting areas. You can usually tell when a guest does not know where he
or she is to go.
6. “Let me introduce you to ___________.” The return rate of guests is
always higher if they meet other people. A church member may have the
opportunity to introduce the guest to the pastor, other church staff, and
other members of the church.
7. “Would you join us for lunch?” I saved this question for last for two
reasons. First, the situation must obviously be appropriate before you offer
the invitation. Second, I have seen this approach have the highest guest
return rate of any one factor. What if your church members sought to invite
different guests 6 to 12 times a year? The burden would not be great; but
the impact would be huge.
Work around the church
building continues…
Fellowship Hall floor waxed!
Thanks, Laurie Crosswhite!
The landscaping is looking GOOD! Work on the planting strip north of the parking
lot continues on Wednesdays at 8:30am for 2 or 3 hours at a time—or other times if
it is better for volunteers. Bring the tools you want to work with for pruning or
removing shrubs or spreading bark groundcover.
Thanks to the workers: Doug & Linda Massingill, Rick & Jane Damschen, David
Nash, Tom Biddle, Bernie Krager, Bruce Holmson, Bob Norton and John Ihle who
have been working on this project for several Wednesdays and other times.
Doug & Linda Massingill, John Ihle
1. Front entrance—Volunteers have painted the entry structure and the new carpet on
ramp has been installed.
2. Exterior paint maintenance—a contractor is repairing some exterior panels and
Perkins Painting is starting to paint the problem areas of the exterior.
3. Fixing cracks in the upper parking lot. Professional Pavers have fixed the cracks.
4. Landscaping the church property—Project continues. Trimming the rhododendrons
and other shrubs and putting ground cloth under new wood chips to minimize weeds.
Wednesdays are landscape project days—or other times if more convenient for
Volunteers painting the main
entrance ramp
Thanks to Shirley Ihle, Frances Henne,
Mary Patterson, Kathy & Bruce Holmson,
Otto Behrmann, Rod Parrott and Chuck
Fresh paint and new carpet installed
Flowers celebrating special days. Flowers remembering
special people. If you would like to provide flowers for a
worship service on Sunday, please sign up on the
bulletin board outside the church office. Thank you.
Our thanks to Cindy & Tom Biddle who brought flowers
May 31.
WANTED TO RENT A small travel trailer to be used as a guest bedroom July 15
– August 15. Shirley Ihle (541)386-6843
HRVCC has special fund to help when neighbors are in need
The Help A Neighbor fund is available to help members of the
church with assistance for a variety of needs: Over the past 18
months, HAN has helped financially after house fires, helped a
member fund some needed home care, helped pay for rent, paid the
registration fee for a GED, and provided gift certificates for gasoline.
We also helped others in the community purchase prescription
medicine, helped with bus fare for a client at the domestic violence shelter and
purchased a disposable cell phone for another. We also provided rent assistance, helped
pay utility bills, and gave gasoline gift certificates to people who needed vehicle fuel.
In general, Help A Neighbor assistance grants are for $50 or less. HAN is
supported by direct donations from church members and receives a percentage of our
Local Service Outreach dollars. The fund was first established in the 1960’s-70’s when
several families in the church who had experienced the death of young adult children
created the fund in memory of their family members. The fund is administered by John
Ihle, Joanie Logan and Kathy Holmson, with input from the pastor.
Co-ed softball league for post-high school adults.
Games are played at Westside School field on Mondays,
Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6:30-8:00pm. The games are for
fun and not highly competitive (no spikes!) Sign up
with Fred Duckwall. He can tell you more about the
games. HRVCC’s first game is Sunday, June 14th, at
6:30pm vs. River of Life Church
Bring donations of non-perishable food, cash and checks for FISH
next Sunday.
Featured foods for June: soup, cooking oil, tuna, and
cereal (cereal is on sale at Rosauer’s, June 4-5!)
Also, the new FISH building now has space enough to offer nonfood household necessities such as toilet paper, paper
towels, sanitary products for women, diapers, etc. These items can
also be included in our monthly collection for FISH.
Shirts are $12.50 each
(checks payable to HRVCC Youth)
These T-shirts are great to wear for many church
Regional activities
Mission Trips
Softball & Volleyball Games
Relay for Life Team
July 18 at Hood River County Fairgrounds
American Cancer Society Relay for Life of the Columbia Gorge will be
at the Fairgrounds in Odell. It will be a one day event starting at
8:00am and ending at midnight on July 18th. The bagpiper is back to
play for Luminaria time of remembrance—a moving ceremony you
won’t want to miss.
HRVCC Relay for Life Team members are Leonard Mays, Joan Lage, Suze Nigl,
Kathy Holmson, Barb Ritoch, Katie Ritoch, and Mollie Ritoch. We all know
someone whose life has been touched by cancer. You are invited to join the HRVCC team
and help fight cancer! If you prefer to support the Relay for Life financially, you may
give donations to members at any time.
News from Rainier
By Mary Anne Parrott
Rainier Aldwin, our sponsored child in the Philippines, in February wrote us a letter
in response to our Christmas card. The original letter is on the bulletin board; here’s a
brief summary: I have only seen snow in the television, so I don’t know how it feels.
We had a Christmas party in our school; we sang and danced and we enjoyed the games
and good food. We were all very happy. We will soon have our summer vacation
church school classes and hopefully another camp.
Thank you for helping me. My parents are also happy and thankful of your
support. [Women’s Ministry supports Rainier with $25 per month for educational
expenses at Damaguete Kalauman Center for Development on the campus of Silliman
University; this is done through Disciples of Christ Global Ministries.]
Wednesday June 3
9:00am-12:00pm Quilters meet
9:00am-3:00pm Thrift shop Open
6:15pm Choir practice
Thursday June 4 FIRST THURSDAY
7:00am Men’s Bible Study
breakfast @ Bette’s restaurant
Saturday June 6
9:00am-1:00pm Thriftshop open
Sunday June 7 Pastor Myrna’s last Sunday
Collecting for FISH Food Bank
9:30am Sunday School for all ages
10:30am Worship with Children Worship & Wonder
11:45am Program Council meets
5:00pm Youth groups meet
5:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry meets
Tuesday June 9
10:00am Gertrude Circle meets
3:00pm TOPS Group meets
6:00pm Harmony of the Gorge singers
Wednesday June 10
9:00am-12:00pm Quilters meet
9:00am-3:00pm Thrift shop Open
6:15pm Choir practice
Thursday June 11
7:00am Men’s Bible Study
7:00pm Book Club meets at Parrotts
Saturday June 13
9:00am-1:00pm Thrift shop open
Sunday June 14 Pastor Alicia Speidel’s
first Sunday
9:30am Sunday School children & youth
10:30am Worship & Children’s Summer Program
5:00pm Youth Groups meet
5:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry meets
Tuesday June 16
10:00am Gertrude Circle meets
3:00pm TOPS Group meets
6:00pm Harmony of the Gorge singers
Wednesday June 17
9:00am-12:00pm Quilters meet
9:00am-3:00pm Thrift shop Open
6:15pm Choir practice
Thursday June 18
7:00am Men’s Bible Study
Saturday June 20
9:00am-1:00pm Thriftshop open
1:00-4:30pm FISH Food Bank Open House
Sunday June 21 FATHERS DAY
9:30am Sunday School for all ages
10:30am Worship & Children’s Summer Program
Commissioning Youth Mission Trip participants
11:45am Pies for Pops
5:00pm Youth groups meet
5:00pm Prayer Shawl Ministry meets
For Sunday June 7, 2015
For Sunday June 14, 2015
Mark 3:20-35
Psalm 138
Mark 4:26-34
2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
1 Samuel 8:4-11, (12-15),
16-20; (11:14-15)
Psalm 20
2 Corinthians 5:6-10,
(11-13), 14-17
1 Samuel 15:34-16:13
SERVING Sunday June 7, 2015
SERVING Sunday June 14, 2015
Elder this Week
Elder this Week
Nursery assistant
Coffee Hour Hosts
Sanctuary Flowers
Communion Preparer
Bus Driver
Suze, Jennifer, Hanne
Mary Patterson
David Nash
Serving Team #3
F Thomas
B Thomas
R Damschen J Damschen
Nursery assistant
Coffee Hour Hosts
Sanctuary Flowers
Communion Preparer
Bus Driver
Kim, Leslie & Youth
Cindy Winfield
L Welch
Serving Team #4
J Crosswhite J Waits
B Williams
J Williams