HOPE REFORMED CHURCH June 2015 Volume 11 Issue 6 Hope Within Vacation Bible School Inside This Issue: A Word From Our Pastor 2 Education Committee 3 Small Group Ministry 3 Graduates 4 Library News 6 Meet our New Member 7 Transportation Ministry 8 Meal Ministry 8 New Chairs 8 A Unique Retreat 9 Strawberries for Sale 9 The Hope Within will return in September. The deadline for the September issue is August 23rd. SAVE THE DATE: August 10-14th 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM Ages 3 – Entering Grade 6 At Everest VBS, kids embark on the coolest adventure of the summer! Everest VBS is filled with incredible Biblelearning experiences kids see, hear, touch and even taste! Sciency-Fun Gizmos, team-building games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real life. Plus, we’ll help kids discover how to see evidence of God in everyday life. Questions? See Julie or Allison. INFORMATION: ∗ We need lots of help! If you’re willing to volunteer for the week of VBS (group leaders, group helpers, center leaders, kitchen staff, etc.), please come see Julie or Allison soon! ∗ Keep your eyes open for our annual donation board and registration in July. ∗ Mark your calendar for Saturday, August 8th when we’ll need help getting everything ready for the week ahead. There will be painting, decorating, craft preparation, etc. Contributors: Pastor Kent, Karla Durian, Ruth Wiers, Gayle DeYoung, Ed Moore, Mary Nap, Mari Wielopolski, Lana Loedeman & Jerry Loedeman Support Staff: Laura Strunk (Editor), Ed Moore, Jerry Waalkes, Gayle DeYoung, & Markie VanPutten Page 2 Hope Within The man who had received the five talents went at once… In my Pentecost sermon, “Eager Waiting” preached on Sunday, May 24, I referred to Jesus’ Parable of the Talents (cf. Matthew 25:14-30). In this story Jesus told the servants who receive 5 and 2 talents are commended by their master for multiplying their talents; but the one who received one talent, fearfully buried it in the ground and returned it to the master is seriously condemned. Jesus wants us to use our talents (skills, money, time and other resources given to us) to increase Jesus’ kingdom on earth. During that preaching moment on May 24 I forgot to mention something I planned on saying, so I’m using this newsletter as a platform to name that something that struck me in this parable. The detail that caught my attention is that the first and second servants didn’t wait to invest their master’s talents. Jesus says, “[they]… went at once.” In other words, they got busy for their master right after he left on his journey. They were immediately industrious. Jesus, our master, expects us, his followers, to employ all the gifts he has lavished on us. Before his return, he expects us to invest them in such a way that they multiply and increase his influence in this world. And he wants us to get at it now. He doesn’t want us to wait until we are “adults” or until our kids move out of the house or until we retire and have more time. Yeah right! He wants us to get going at once with whatever he has offered us through the gifting of his Holy Spirit. A wonderful biblical example of going at once into mission is Peter and the other apostles on Pentecost in Jerusalem (cf. Acts 2). Right after the Spirit descended on them in the upper room where they were staying, they hit the streets speaking in all kinds of languages as the Spirit enabled them. And on that day 3,000 people were added to their number. I hope we will not wait for the fall to come, when we will have more time (yeah, right!), to dig into God’s Word, devote ourselves to prayer, forgive someone who has hurt us, serve our community, and volunteer to serve in a ministry of the church. I pray we go at once and find a way to serve at Jesus Loves Kalamazoo, volunteer for the Everest Vacation Bible School, attend to the needs of a person having a tough time making ends meet. There are so many opportunities for us to get busy for Jesus and his kingdom mission on earth. It is really easy for us to say, “I don’t have time right now,” or “I’ll be more ready when….” But our master expects some immediate industriousness from us. And who knows how the LORD will bless our efforts. May the LORD bless and keep us as we go at once and live the life the Spirit empowers us for. Grace and peace, PK Page 3 Education Committee The Education Committee oversees all of the education needs and programs within Hope Church - Sunday School classes, VBS, GEMS, Cadets, Jr & Sr High youth groups and adult classes. The members include: Ed Moore, Betsy Frens, Sue VanderMeer, Shauna Collison, John Beeman and Karla Durian. All of the church volunteers who give of their time to help teach and lead these programs are key to the survival of our ministry. Each time we meet, we discuss the current status and upcoming needs of all of our educational programs. We are also in charge of finding people within the congregation who are able and willing to use their talents and abilities to help further God's kingdom through these ministries. Whether it is teaching Sunday School, leading a youth group, helping with VBS or an adult class, volunteers are vital to the success of our programs. We have been very fortunate the last number of years to have so many church members 'stay on' in their current volunteer positions. But when a need arises to fill a vacant position, it is our job to find the right people! Speaking of which, we have several 'openings' available! We are currently seeking new Jr High and Sr High Youth Group leaders for this fall! Our current Sr. High class will have an average of about 10 kids. Our Jr High will have close to 20. We ask for prayers on the behalf of those that God is preparing for these important roles. We also ask YOU to prayerfully consider if this is a position that God is calling you to be a part of. If you would be willing to engage in this conversation, please contact Pastor Kent or any of the Ed Committee members. We are happy with the success of our past programs and look forward to many more good things God has in store for the children and adult ministry here at Hope! Karla Durian Chair of the Education Committee Members: John Beeman, Shauna Collison, Betsy Frens Julie Dintaman, Ed Moore, Sue VanderMeer Education COMMITTEE Small Group Ministry Thank you to everyone who completed and submitted a small group survey. It has been exciting to see the interest in small groups and a new group will be forming in the fall. Surveys are still available on the table in the narthex for those who have not had a chance to complete one. Hope Within Hope Within Page 4 Graduates Tyler Cousineau is now a graduate of Kalamazoo Central High School. He has no particular plans beyond high school at the moment but he will probably accompany his father in a move to Tennessee in the near future. Tyler grew up at HRC and spent a couple of years in the high school youth group. Tyler lists world history as a favorite subject in school especially the time period around World War II. For fun he enjoys riding his bike on his own or with friends and he has read approximately 500 fantasy books including the Harry Potter series. Tyler enjoys talking and playing video games with his dad. Favorite games include Dynasty Warriors and Assassins Creed. Family get-togethers for birthdays and holidays play a significant role in his life as well. Matthew VandeMeer is now a graduate of Portage Northern High School. His immediate plan is to work toward a CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) for the purpose of driving trucks. He is also interested in an industrial job where he would be operating heavy equipment. Matt lists wood shop (Furniture & Cabinetmaking Course) as his favorite class. Here he developed his skills by getting experience with a wide range of tools and equipment in a variety of building projects. He even had opportunity to help others with their projects. Areas of enjoyment for Matt include family get-togethers. As you might guess from his picture hunting is high on his list of fun things, especially small game and deer hunting. This summer he will be taking a trip to Wyoming with brother John, dad and uncle Don to engage in a prairie dog hunt. This will include a stop in Wall, South Dakota for some sight seeing. Matt has been active in the Hope senior high youth group. He was part of the Chicago mission trip. Here he enjoyed working with a group of underprivileged kids at a YMCA center. He also was involved with 2 Genesis Youth Ministry retreats in Traverse City. Here youth are placed together in an atmosphere of fun & fellowship where God’s unconditional love is evident. Continued on next page... Page 5 Kari Havenaar is now a graduate of Plainwell High School. She will be attending Eastern Michigan University in the fall majoring in Anthropology and participating on the women’s rowing team. Long term she wants to travel the world and gain experience through different cultures, on how they live. During her senior year Kari was captain of the Women’s Swim and Dive team. Here she served as an example and mentor for newer swimmers. She received a special award as best laugh out of whole class of 2015. For a couple of years she participated in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Plainwell School District program. Kari’s favorite subjects were art and science. “I love art because there are so many different ways that you can express yourself and still make a genuine piece that other people may like.” In science her favorite class was biology. For fun Kari likes to read, write and talk the ear off her mom. She also enjoys painting and making gifts for all the relatives. She identifies sister Erika as her rock and advisor helping her get to where she is today. “God has a plan and you just have to figure that out.” Her message to the Hope congregation: “Life is an obstacle course. You choose the way you go, and it may hinder you in the end. But there is always an alternative route that can be chosen, and can better your life. Being wise is good, but making the right decisions along the way is better.” College and Beyond Rachael Charles has just received her Associate of Liberal Arts at KVCC. This Fall she will be transferring to Grand Valley State University to pursue a Bachelor's degree in Social Work. Lee Blanchard has received a Certificate of Achievement as a ServSafe Food Handler presented by the National Restaurant Association. His studies involved completion of the Food Handling Guide and 1000 hours of kitchen experience. On May 26 he served as the chef at the Gospel Mission where he currently lives. Next studies will be directed toward food management. Hope Within Hope Within Page 6 Library News Non-Fiction What Good is God? by Philip Yancey In What Good is God? journalist and spiritual seeker Philip Yancey travels the globe in search of an answer to a query posed the world over. It’s a universal question, one that “occurs in some form to every person who experiences pain or death or poverty or unfairness – in other words, to everyone,” says Yancey. What good is God in a world where terrorists attack tourist sites in Mumbai, where women and children are sold into sexual slavery, where a gunman kills 32 students and staff on a college campus, and where six million people in South Africa alone suffer with HIV/AIDS? Or, on a more personal level, does faith really matter when you’re struggling with an addiction, when you get laid off from your job and your home is in foreclosure, or when chronic depression sets in? This book recounts Yancey’s search, including meetings with leaders of the underground church in China, with Dalits (untouchables) in India, with prostitutes, alcoholics, and Bible college students in the U.S., and with charismatic Christians in Johannesburg. Each stop provides a fascinating clue to answering life’s most profound questions. As he relives these ten memorable occasions, the author tells the dramatic “story behind the story” as well as what he said at the time to the people he encountered. This unique combination provides a compelling reading experience, as well as firsthand evidence that faith really does make a difference, even when belief is severely tested. Fiction Bridge to Haven by Francine Rivers Hollywood, 1957 To those who matter in Hollywood, Lena Scott is the hottest rising star to hit the silver screen since Marilyn Monroe. Few know her real name is Abra. Even fewer know the price she’s paid to finally feel like she’s somebody. To Pastor Ezekiel Freeman, Abra will always be the little girl who stole his heart the night he found her, a wailing newborn abandoned under a bridge on the outskirts of Haven. Zeke and his son, Joshua – Abra’s closest friend – watch her grow into an exotic beauty. But Zeke knows the circumstances surrounding Abra’s birth have etched scars deep in her heart, scars that leave her vulnerable to a fast-talking charmer who lures her to Tinseltown. Hollywood feels like a million miles from Haven, and naïve Abra quickly learns what’s expected of an ambitious girl with stars in her eyes. She discovers too late that fame comes at a devastating price. Continued on next page... Page 7 One Perfect Spring by Irene Hannon Independent single mom Claire Summers is doing her best to make lemonade out of the lemons life has handed her. Workaholic Keith Watson is interested only in the bottom line – until a letter from Claire’s eleven-year-old daughter reaches his desk and changes everything. As the executive assistant to a philanthropic businessman, Keith is used to fielding requests for donations. But the girl isn’t asking for money. She wants help finding the long-lost son of a neighbor. As Keith reluctantly digs into this assignment in his usual results-oriented style, he has no idea how involved he and Claire will become – nor how unusual the results will actually be. Who could have guessed that a child’s kindhearted request would bring love and hope to so many lives…including his own? Through compelling characters and surprising plot twists, fan favorite Irene Hannon offers this tenderhearted story that demonstrates how life is like lilacs – the biggest blooms come only after the harshest winters. *** Wilka Andrus is now a member of Hope by reaffirmation of faith. She had been visiting various churches with her friend Marion Louis when they decided to try Hope. She had previously been invited to try us by her friends Mary and Sharon Kornoelje. In addition to discovering some old acquaintances (Harold Block was an old classmate), she found the congregation to be accommodating and warm. She particularly appreciates Pastor Kent’s preaching and for being who is. Fun activities have been reduced mostly to walking with friends having given up her bicycle and golf due to health concerns. She misses golf. However, family times retain a special place. Wilka, who has a twin sister, has a son, grandson and twin daughters. Apparently twins run in the family. The entire family will spend the beginning of June in Florida enjoying a family reunion. Hope Within Hope Within Page 8 Transportation Ministry If you are having an issue finding a ride to a medical appointment or to our Church events, Hope Church is here to help! Kindly call the Church Office and let Gretchen know the date, time and destination of your transportation need. She will contact one of our friendly volunteers who will then call you to solidify the plans. If you are interested in volunteering for this ministry, please call the Church Office and ask Gretchen to add you to the list. She will need your phone number and the days and times you’re available. Office Phone: 269-349-9788 Meal Ministry Hope Church has a ministry of providing meals to those with lengthy health issues, recent hospitalizations, or a new baby. We are thankful to those who prepare (or purchase) and deliver these meals. If you would like to assist with this ministry, please contact: Lorraine Witteveen, 269-381-8041. New Chairs We have a new set of chairs for our Fellowship Hall !! And they all match !!! The chairs were purchased through Memorial Fund donations in honor and memory of Sandrea Thomas, Gary Nap, Rena Brand, Jerry Mejeur, Bette LePert, Marilyn Klepper, Marian Nickel, Barb Schuur, and Rena Penny. Funds were also contributed by our Church Life Committee. A huge thank you to the crew who unloaded and unwrapped our 250 chairs: Marvin, John & Matt VanderMeer, Don VanderMeer, Ron Kornoelje, Ken Schiedel, Denny Collison and Larry Gillam !!!! Page 9 A Unique Retreat - Advance Notice Save the date for an opportunity to glorify God through great music and speakers! Thursday, September 10, 2015 at Friendship CRC in Byron Center the Bible League International Volunteers are hosting a day of spiritual renewal and fellowship. The featured speaker is Valerie Elliot Shepard, the only child of Elizabeth & Jim Elliot, missionaries to the Quichua Indians in Ecuador. Men and Women will enjoy her testimony of living with the tribe where her father was killed in 1956 along with four other missionaries. She is a pastor’s wife, homeschooled eight children, and teaches Bible studies. Following the 5:00 p.m. banquet, a concert by Captivating Keyboards will end the day with wit, wisdom and wonder in music. If you’ve seen and heard them before, you will not want to miss another opportunity. Invite someone who has not experienced their musical talent for a wonderful treat. You’ll find brochures in your mailbox on the narthex table. The registration deadline is August 13th, so you have a few weeks to decide. Young at Heart: This would be a great way to get together, carpooling to all or part of this special day. You can make a difference in the lives of people in South America by providing Bibles through the special offering, as well as being inspired and praising God in this unique setting. For more information contact Lana Loedeman, 375-5175 Strawberries For Sale Summer is here and that means an abundance of fruits and vegetables. If you would like some Michigan Strawberries, Jerry Loedeman will have extras this year. We will be selling them for $3.50 per quart and we will begin picking after the first of June. Call if you would like 2-30 quarts and we will let you know when we have them ready. Home: 375-5175, Cell: 808-0897 Hope Church Committees & Leadership Church Life Members: Judy Larsen, Ken Larsen, Loretta Moore, *Allison VanderMeer, Markie VanPutten Mission: minister especially to the social and recreational needs in the life of the congregation, including planning & facilitating fellowship activities. Congregational Care Members: *Gayle DeYoung, Sally Drenth, Sue Johnston, Linda Joy, Kathy Rozek, Gretchen Rustenholtz, Mari Wielopolski Mission: minister especially to the spiritual, emotional and physical needs in the life of the congregation, including small groups, prayer chain, and a care network for congregant members. Education Members: John Beeman, Shauna Collison, Julie Dintaman, *Karla Durian, Betsy Frens, Ed Moore, Sue VanderMeer Mission: implement ways and means for congregants to become firmly grounded in the Word of God through Scripture study, including Sunday school, Family Night, and other educational programs. Executive Members: specifically comprised solely of Sr. Pastor and consistory VP, Clerk, Chair of deacons, and Treasurer Mission: carry on the duties of consistory including giving direction to all paid staff and serve as a sounding board for the pastor Mission Members: Denny Collison, Mike Koets, Lana Loedeman, *Jeff Offringa, Karen Schaap, Gary Schripsema, Steve Thomas Mission: initiate and promote all activities pertaining to missions including contacting missionaries and mission causes that receive our support. Outreach Members: Joel Bell, *Scott Poehlman Mission: promote and prepare the congregation to an effective ministry of evangelism, including visitor follow-up and assimilation, public relations and promotion of disciple-making ministries to the local neighborhood and community. Property Members: Denny Collison, *Kathy Doornbos, Alex Schramm, Don VanDonselaar Mission: general oversight of building and grounds, maintenance and equipment including supervising the church calendar for use of church property. Worship Members: Al Apotheker, Doug Charles, Tom Drenth, PK Frens, Pat Gernaat, Heather Offringa, Sara Poehlman, *Nancy Schripsema, Allison VanderMeer, Marian Veld, Sue Williams Mission: plan and implement all musical activities for service, ensure flowers or arrangements are in sanctuary, recruit and train ushers and greeters and ensure sound equipment is operational, including taping of services. *indicates the committee Chair Consistory 2015 Elders & their congregational group John Beeman N-S Dennis Collison (Clerk) N-S Tom Drenth A-F Mike Koets (VP) A-F Linda Joy T-Z Loretta Moore T-Z Sue VanderMeer G-M Mari Wielopolski G-M Hope Reformed Church Deacons Joel Bell Doug Charles Kathy Doornbos Larry Gillum (Chair) Ken Larsen Jeff Offringa Scott Poehlman (Treasurer) Alex Schramm 910 Jenks Kalamazoo, MI 49006 Phone: 555-555-5555 Fax: 555-555-5555 Email: We’re on the web! www.hoperca.org
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