Jes us sa id, "But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me." (John 15:26) If the Holy Spirit has been working in you or through you we want to hear about it. We want to keep a journal of all the things God is doing for two primary purposes: a) So we can call upon you to testify at times when the Spirit is speaking to the whole church along the lines of what you have experienced to encourage each other's faith; b) To have on hand a record of what God has done here to leave a legacy of His movement in our midst. Please send your Holy Ghost Stories into Connect With Us 128 Mary Street, Arnprior, ON K7S 1E6 Phone: 613.623.0421 Email: website: Office Hours: Mon. – Thurs. 10 - 4 pm Service Times: Sunday Family Celebration 10 am Adult Education Hour 8:45 am in the kitchen valleywordproduction Free WiFi available. The password is 6136230421 Podcasts – Audio versions of sermons are available for download in the iTunes store (search for Arnprior Wesleyan Church) or link off of our website ( DVDs of the message are available. Please put your name down on the signup sheet at the back table (or contact Randy) for requested service(s). The cost for DVDs are $8.00 for a single disk, $10.00 for a double, or $12.00 for a set of three. Each disk contains up to two messages. Life Group – Studies In Luke (Signs, wonders & Miracles) Tuesdays, at the Dunns’ (200 Arthur Street, Arnprior). Pastor Ian is leading this group. (Not the 3rd Tuesday each month) The Kingdom Of God – Part 2b (Foundations For Supernatural Ministry) Alpha every Wednesday, at 6:30 pm. Plan to attend this 12 week Alpha Course and invite a friend who doesn’t know the Lord. It is a great, great way to introduce them to Jesus. Intercessors join us! We will meet once a week from 1:00-2:00 pm on Tuesdays in the Sanctuary. This group is strictly to pray. It is one hour in length. We had a great meeting last week and really sensed God’s presence and affirmation during the hour of prayer. Talk Time Café runs every other Thursday, (February 12th ) from 10:0011:30 am at the Ministry Centre. If you have any questions please contact Aimee at 613.623.8092. Wesleyan Women meet every 3rd Tuesday of the month at 9:30 am at The Ministry Centre. The next meeting will be Tuesday, February 16th . This is a time of sharing & prayer for missionaries around the world. The Crew is a time for men to meet once a month usually on the second Saturday. An interactive study series called study series called, “Learning Leadership From Biblical Leaders” will be led by Pastor Ian. Matthew 5:10 Good News Fitness (GNF) Ministry welcomes you on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10:00 am and 7:00 pm. If you are interested in learning about becoming a volunteer or would like more information about visiting, please contact the church office at 613.623.0421or Kimberly at 613.623.5667 / email February 8th , 2015 Two Books Available for Purchase: “Rescuing The Beauty” by Pastor Ian Dunn ($7); “Naturally Supernatural” by Gary Best ($15). These books are available on the table in the lobby and money can be given to either Pastor Ian or Randy Whiteman. Perfume Free Zone! Please remember we have several people in our midst with moderate to severe allergies to perfumes and colognes. Please refrain from using perfumes, colognes and the like if possible. Thanks so much. Theme verse for the year 2015: 6I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the Lord, give yourselves no rest, 7and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth. (Isaiah 62:6-‐7 NIV) Living God’s life-changing love in the Ottawa Valley We lcome to AWC & Ministry Centre! Welcome! If you are visiting with us, we want you to experience a few things while you are here. First, we hope you feel welcomed. Second, we hope you find us friendly, inviting and willing to listen to any cares, concerns, or needs you may have. We try to do what we do well and keep a heart to listen to new people so we can grow in our ability to love God and people more completely. Third, we hope you will not experience any pressures – like giving money or having to stand up and say something. Just enjoy being with us and open your heart to Jesus. Finally, we trust you will experience God’s loving presence. Our greatest desire is to live lives that please Him and welcome Him when we gather together. May you experience His love above all. Please feel free to call me any time with questions or comments. Joy to you. Pastor Ian After the announcements of community and church events, children are invited to participate in age-specific spiritual growth experiences: learning Bible stories, doing crafts, and interacting with gifted leaders who understand God’s enjoyment of children and who will help them discover His love and purpose for them as an individual person! (Age: 3-12 years) Announcements Dating regularly is proven to strengthen marriages. We want to help you go on a great date for FREE this Valentine’s Day. The Date Night Challenge is a two-hour event featuring comedian Dennis Swanberg, and marriage teaching & insights from Ted Cunningham and Dr. Greg & Erin Smalley with exclusive musical footage from Christian artists. Saturday, February 14, 2015, 6:30pm - 8:30pm * Dinner and Dessert provided. Please let Jeff or Kimberly O'Brien know if you are planning on coming (so they know how much food to cook): 613.623.5667. Men’s Breakfast Saturday February 14th at 8:00am. Pastor Ian will be continuing his series with “David – The Leader and His Attitude” Please join us for a "Winterlude" lunch after church next Sunday, February 15th. Only 40 days until Spring and counting! Bring along your favorite Canadian winter survival food to share with our church family. Please see Dawn or Janice for sign up. FAMILY DAY @ the Lake Silver Lake Wesleyan Camp Monday February 16, 2015, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Dog sleds, Sleigh rides, Ice fishing, skating, hockey, BBQ and Soup, and lots more. See the flyer on the bulletin board for more info. Go to to register. A Nursery is also available during our morning service for children up to the age of 3. Join us for Yak & Snack Prayer requests Pray for Bill and Dorothy Russet and Ralph Northorp. Bill and Ralph are both in hospital at this time. (coffee & conversation) after morning worship. Please consult the Bulletin Boards in the hallway for the latest community information and events. As well as the calendar on the website – for events in our Ministry Centre. Praise Reports Praise God for a complete healing of someone’s back after last Sunday’s service. Sermon Notes: Matthew 5:10
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