HOPE LUTHERAN CHURCH Anchored in Christ…to Build and Grow Faith Hope Happenings May 2015 Volume 38 ● No. 05 Inside this issue: Council News 3 Check IT Out!! Building Hope for Future 4 Hope’s New Website is on-line Prime Timers 5 www.hopetemecula.org Hope’s Preschool 6 Children’s News 7 Youth News 11 Find the pictures of what our new campus might look like! Need Bible resources? Interfaith Council Night of Music 6:30 pm Sunday, May 3 at Grace Presbyterian Church Interfaith Council of Murrieta & Temecula Valley presents “Night of Music: Music to Embrace Interfaith Unity and Diversity” at Grace Presbyterian Church 31143 Nicholas Road, Temecula. Public Welcome & free admission. This is an annual celebration and presentation of ecumenical music. Gifted musicians from varying religious faiths and congregations perform for the entire community. Rite of Confirmation 10:15 am Sunday, May 10 Please pray for and come support our young men and women as they enter into a new and important step on their faith journey Women’s Gathering 9 - 11:30 am Saturday May 16 “Understanding the Religions of Abraham: Christian, Jewish, Muslim” Guest speakers: Pastor Daren Erisman of Bethlehem Lutheran & Mary Shaima details pg 13 Jordan Charrier Brooke Hanson Meghan Edwards Mia Prim Marina Wesel At G-Force VBS, kids explore how to put their faith into action. The overall Bible verse for the program is Acts 17:28a: "In God we live, move, and exist." A life with God is one of movement! Each session’s action word sparks a way to show God’s unstoppable love: Move! Act! Care! Follow! Share! Go out and serve! Registration (preschool thru 5th grade) begins soon. Watch for details and join the team to bring VBS to our community this summer! Page 2 Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 05 Pastor’s Message Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! Alleluia! On Easter morning Hope celebrated that Good News with joy and excitement. Almost 400 people gathered for worship at Redhawk and at Ronald Regan Park! Amidst praise and thanksgiving, we shared worship and communion, baptisms, breakfast and a very special Easter egg hunt. In it, the kids experienced first-hand the sadness the women felt when they went to prepare Jesus' body and found the tomb empty (kids found no eggs in the first location), and then the joy the women experienced when they realized the Good News that Jesus IS Risen (kids discovered 2,000+ eggs in the second location) It was a surprise we hope the kids will long remember! As I've reflected on THE first Easter morning, I'm convinced that the stone was NOT rolled away to let Jesus out. Instead, I believe the stone was rolled away to let US in, to let us see that Jesus is on the loose, in our lives, in our relationships and in our world. Every day Jesus continues to bring new life and hope to our Good Friday experiences! With the stone rolled away, Jesus' followers met him in surprising places. On a dusty road to Emmaus. In a locked room where the disciples were hiding. On a beach tending a campfire that would cook fresh-caught fish. Today, 2,000 years later, Jesus is still on the loose in and through the ministries and people of Hope. Our limited space is encouraging us to find new ways to share the Good News of God's love! As we go to print, we're reaching out to find partner churches who might allow us to hold memorial services and receptions. This week found us hosting two "Play Dates in the Park" with young families. This June we are partnering with Temecula United Methodist Church (TUMC) to host Vacation Bible School for our community. We are also exploring the possibility of a joint week of Day Camp in July. We're starting new small group Bible studies around the community and seeking new ways to feed the hungry and welcome the stranger. Who knows where you and I may meet Jesus? Imagine what new ministries may be born or expanded as God helps us see Jesus set loose in US! Pastor Sandy He Is Risen! at Redhawk at the park in our hearts Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 05 Page 3 From Hope’s Council Dear Friends in Christ, Every Church Council meeting begins with a council member providing devotion and all of us sharing Holy Communion. With Holy Week just ending, the April devotion focused around how powerful the phrase we often use to end our prayers “In Jesus’ name.” Until reading through Acts 3:12-19 and Christ in Our Home a few times prior to our Council meeting, I had never taken the time to deeply consider how calling upon Jesus’ name in prayer links our lives to the one who overcame every obstacle, even death, that we might know new life. I discovered this Holy Week that we submit our prayers to Jesus’ authority and to his good purpose, which is for wholeness and peace. Council would like to say thanks to everyone involved in making Holy Week and Easter special for our congregation, friends and visitors. Although the Redhawk campus on Easter was filled to overflowing with followers of Christ, the feedback was that the service was very moving. Additionally, the breakfast, worship service and Easter egg hunt at Ronald Regan Park was a huge success. The Lord provided us with beautiful weather, a moving service and plenty of space to worship. Some of the Council heard more than one person comment that worshiping at the park on Easter Sunday could become a new tradition, even after we move into our new campus. If anyone is not aware by now…it is true we have closed on the Vallejo Campus on March 25 for $4.22M. The sale was recorded with net proceeds of $1.55M plus retention of our approximately 3 acres free and clear. Currently, soil testing is concluding on the property so that the Steering Committee can submit our new church building plans to the City of Temecula. In addition, in April we have finalized the signing of reciprocal parking and our lease for Hope Children’s Center with Julian Charter School (JCS). The last remaining item to close with JCS is the sale of Hope’s identified personal property that remains at the Vallejo campus. Recently Pastor Sandy, Cheryle Fritsch and Rodney King met with First Citizens Bank (FCB) to discuss and apply for a construction loan. FCB has funded numerous new church construction projects around Riverside County and Southern California. FCB offers very competitive rates and uses a neutral third party to help manage the loan during construction and payments to contractors. We all walked away from the meeting confident that FCB could be a strong partner with us now and in the future. On Saturday, April 18, Pamela and Neil Nevills opened up their home for the annual Church Council retreat. Furthermore, not only did Pamela host the event she facilitated the meeting. The key items we focused on during the day were: Who am I spiritually? Is the Council aligned with its covenant? We talked about clarity of purpose and identified the strengths that each Council member brings to the table. We also had sometime time for selfreflection and getting to know one another on a more personal level. We all left the retreat r e-energized and committed to identifying Hope’s purpose as we “Build Hope for the Future.” In Jesus’ name, Rodney King Hope Church Council 2015 Hope Council Rodney King Renate Jefferson Chuck Coe Cheryle Fritsch Jim Allmon Diane Anderson Marta Bills John Hanson Sherry Ito Pr. Sandy Bentz President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Member - at - Large Member - at - Large Member - at - Large Member - at - Large Member - at - Large rking60@verizon.net renategary@verizon.net temchuck@earthlink.net cheryle.fritsch@cardinalhealth.com jimallmon@yahoo.com ndjanderson@verizon.net tbills4@verizon.net huskerhanson@yahoo.com sherry@idsprintwise.com 951-723-0261 951-699-4895 951-676-7408 951-600-0488 951-676-1597 951-834-3191 951-699-9939 951-741-5743 951-303-9879 sbentz@hopetemecula.org 951-676-6262 ext 205 Page 4 Hope Happenings Steering Committee Volume 38 ● Number 05 vacant lot we own on Vallejo Avenue. Proceeds of the sale, once we paid off the mortgage, were $1,551,667.75 We continue to pursue the best possible terms for a construction loan; we have options, which is a good thing. The sale of our Vallejo Avenue property to Julian Charter School has been completed. This has been a long, arduous transaction that began with an unsolicited offer from Julian. But through numerous delays, complicated financing and a bylaw change with the HOA, our faith was rewarded. We are in a more sound financial state and are in position to build a right-sized facility on the Thus far we have been able to avoid doing expensive seismic testing on the vacant lot, thanks to the efforts and background knowledge of our contracted civil engineer. Our engineer worked on our vacant lot back when it was originally purchased by Rancho Community Church. We are currently awaiting results of soil testing on the property. Once the soil has been evaluated and the results received, we will be in position to submit our application for a Conditional Use Permit. $45,610 as of April 19 Once the city has accepted our application, we'll make a presentation to the Los Ranchitos HOA. Please keep Building Hope for the Future in your prayers. To give a gift to help with Building Hope for the Future... A separate account has been established for Building Hope for the Future donations. Gifts to this fund will be used only for expenses directly related to Phase 1 development (surveys, permits, grading and site work) and other building-related expenses in developing Hope's 3 acre parcel. If you would like to give a gift for this purpose, simply write a check to Hope Lutheran Church with “Building Hope for the Future” in the memo line. Help Us Put Out the Welcome Mat Coffee is now available in the back of our Worship Center throughout the Sunday morning and you can help yourself. Many are already helping us welcome and accommodate guests and members, but we still need MORE HELP! • Would you be part of a team to start the coffee Sunday at 6:45 am? • Put out signs with balloons by 7 am? • Would you like to bring a treat to share? • Help clean up or take in signs after the 10:15 am worship? Worship Servants are needed at BOTH Services: • Ushers/Greeters now a shared task to welcome/share bulletins at BOTH doors • Altar Care Set Up/Take Down teams (2 people once or more a month) • 3 Communion Servers • 1 Prayer Leader • 1 Bible Lesson Reader Questions? Call Laura at 951-676-6262 x 201 Email the church office staff@hopetemecula.org or sign up on the Yellow Sheet or use Sign Up Genius Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 05 Page 5 Help us find the person GOD wants to partner with Hope in music ministry! Part-time Music Director for 10:15 am Worship The Music Minister we seek will plan and lead blended and contemporary Lutheran worship that involves band, vocalists and other musicians at 10:15 am Sunday morning worship and other special services and congregational events. Resumes may be sent to staff@hopetemecula.org A detailed job description is on Hope's web site: www.hopetemecula.org/openings/ and in the church office Prime Timers May Luncheon and Program Guest: Gale Jungemann-Schulz on Osteoporosis Thursday May 14 11:30 am – l pm ** NEW LOCATION** Assistance League Meeting Room 28720 Via Montezuma (West of Jefferson just south of Overland) Prime Timer luncheons will be held at Assistance League Temecula Valley Meeting Room, 28720 Via Montezuma, Temecula. Going north on Jefferson turn left on Montezuma, first driveway to the right. Our May program will be presented by Gale JungemannSchulz on osteoporosis. May is Osteoporosis Awareness Month! There are natural and safe ways to build bone density which can prevent, stop and even reverse osteoporosis. This brief presentation will look at how the body safely builds bone density, steps to place the body in the optimum condition for building bone and the advantages of maintaining overall musculoskeletal health. Facts and myths about loss of bone density and the consequences of bone loss will be shared. Individuals of all ages and capabilities will benefit from this information. A free bone density assessment will be available for anyone choosing to participate. Please sign up in the back of the worship space on either of the two Sundays prior to this event so we know how many are coming. Please don’t forget to sign up, and please remember we must pay the caterer for every name on the list - $9. We urge all 50+ people to attend. The program, the food and the fellowship will make for a most enjoyable outing. Friends are especially welcome. At this time I don’t have menu but I promise a delicious lunch. Hope to see you there. Men’s Breakfast Saturday, May 9 8 - 9 am Journey’s End Restaurant at Pechanga Golf Course Men Breakfast will meet this month at Pechanga Golf Course Journey’s End Restaurant We’ll meet to share breakfast, fellowship and end with a short time of Bible study. All men, young or older, are welcome!!! Questions? Howard Cunningham 951-907-9626 or Jim Allmon 951-676-1597 Lake Elsinore Storm verses Visalia Rawhide Pre-game Christian Music Fireworks after the Game Tickets go on sale May 17 $7 Game Tickets $4.50 Meal Tickets $4 Parking Page 6 Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 05 Hunger Ministry Thank you to the congregation for your continued support for the Hope Food Pantry. As you know we have limited space here at Hope’s temporary campus. However, we want to continue Hope’s community outreach through donations of food, coats and other needed items. We will organize donation days such as the food drive held on Super Bowl Sunday, where the food was delivered directly to locations such as the Murrieta & Temecula Community food pantries and Project T.O.U.C.H. These donation days will have scheduled dates (yet to be decided) that will be announced in future bulletins and Hope Happenings. Thank you again for your continued support of this greatly needed community outreach. The cold weather Project T.O.U.C.H shelter is closed for the season. Hope Lutheran members provided delicious meals for 40 shelter guests on the 1st and 3rd Saturday evenings of the month from December through March. I want to thank everyone on our Project T.O.U.C.H team for their generous hearts and hands. We had a fantastic group this year which made light work of the task and delivered healthy and hearty meals each time without fail. Thanks to all those on our e-mail volunteer list! Over 30 families at Hope (members, friends, friends of friends!) helped us provide and care for our neighbors in need. Diane Anderson Terry Wood Faith Explorer Leaders are invited to an Appreciation Lunch 11:30 am-1 pm Sunday, May 31 in the Conference Room Thank you for leading our children in faith and through the move! Hope Children’s Center Preschool — a ministry of Hope Lutheran Church Classes are offered Monday thru Friday for children ages 3 to 5. To tour the preschool or for more information, contact Director Jane Osuna at 951-694-3607 or hopechildrensctr@hotmail.com See more information including tuition at www.hopetemecula.org/locations/hope-childrens-center-preschool/ NOTE: Our preschool remains at the Vallejo campus - 29141 Vallejo Ave while the church is at our temporary Redhawk campus! Hope Children's Center has opened enrollment for the 2015-2016 school year to the public! If you have friends or family who might be interested in enrolling their child for the fall, please have them call or come by the office. No appointment necessary, we love showing off the preschool!! Limited space is available in some classrooms for this school year. Pinwheels for Prevention! Pinwheels for Prevention began as a grassroots campaign in Georgia, Florida and Ohio. Their success and desire to create a national symbol for child abuse and neglect prevention led them to take this effort nationwide. They chose the pinwheel, which reminds us of childhood memories, to promote their efforts to increase awareness, and provide opportunities to give children healthy, happy and full lives that everyone deserves. Our local chapter is run by the Temecula Valley Women's Club. This year our students participated in this awareness campaign by making their own pinwheels and creating a garden of pinwheels around our trees! Pictures of our garden will be part of this year’s nationwide campaign! For more information on this wonderful cause you can go to www.preventchilabuse.org Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 05 Page 7 for Children 5 years and younger and their Parents Kids 3 yrs -5th grade invited to Faith Explorers Wednesday, May 20, 1–2:30 pm at Crown Hill Park (We meet 10:15 am worship) 33203 Old Kent Road, Temecula Meet near the playground—Restrooms available Sunday, May 31, 3-4:30 at Winchester Creek Park 39950 Margarita Rd., Temecula Meet near the playground—Restrooms available Both play dates will explore the same theme: Jesus feeds 5,000! Come to both or pick one that fits your schedule. Get to know others with young children and give the kids time to play with others and engage in faith activities/ playtime designed for them. Questions? Call or email Shirley Lee, Minister of Family Life 951.676.6262, ext. 203 slee@hopetemecula.org Jake Bullock shared in first communion at noon worship Maundy Thursday May 3 - Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8:26-40) Memory Verse: Then Philip began to speak, and starting with this scripture, he proclaimed to him the good news about Jesus Christ. Acts 8:35 May 10 - The Holy Spirit Comes Down (Acts 10:44-48) Memory Verse: Can anyone withhold the water for baptizing these people who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have? Acts 10:47 May 17 - Matthias the Apostle (Acts 1:15-17, 21-26) Memory Verse: One of these must become a witness with us to his resurrection. Acts 1:22b May 24 - Pentecost Sunday and The Holy Spirit (Acts 2:1-21) Memory Verse: Then everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:21 May 31 - Trinity Sunday Isaiah’s Call (Acts 2:1-21) Memory Verse: Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send and who will go for us? And I said, “Here am I, send me.” Isaiah 6:8 Kaitlyn & Maggie Reid, Miranda Marble, Isabelle & Johanna Marx, Amelia Marble, Ariah Martinez shared in first communion at 7 PM Worship Maundy Thursday Kenna, Kalee & JJ Broach shared in first communion Easter morning Questions about anything on this page? Want to get involved with something above? Contact Shirley Lee 951-676-6262 ext. 203 or slee@hopetemecula.org. Page 8 & 9 Hope Happenings Sunday Monday Volume 38 ● Number 05 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 Church Office Closed 3 8 & 10:15 AM Worship Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th gr) during 10:15 am worship 11:30 AM Music Rehearsal 4:00 PM Detroit Bound Transformers 5:00 PM Transformers 6:30 PM Interfaith Night of Music at Grace Presbyterian Church Mother’s Day 10 8 & 10:15 AM Worship 10:15 AM Rite of Confirmation Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th gr) during 10:15 am worship 11:30 AM Music Rehearsal NO Transformers 17 8 & 10:15 AM Worship Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th gr) during 10:15 am worship 11:30 AM Music Rehearsal 5:00 PM Transformers 4 5 6 7 8 Church Office Closed 1:00 PM Staff Meeting 6:30 PM Bell Rehearsal -Promise Lutheran, Murrieta 5:00 PM Quilt Tying 6:15 PM Council Working Meeting 11 1:00 PM Staff Meeting 5:00 PM Quilt Tying 5:00 PM Hope Happenings Deadline 5:15 PM HCC Board Meeting 6:30 PM Bell Rehearsal -Promise Lutheran, Murrieta 18 6:00 PM PowerZone 8th graders only Confirmation Rehearsal 6:30 PM Chapel Choir--Vallejo 12 13 14 9:30 AM HCC Chapel –WC 9:30 AM HCC Chapel-WC 11:30 AM Prime Timers at Assistance League 12:00 PM Interfaith Council Mtg. at Community House, Murrieta 6:30 PM Chapel Choir-Redhawk 5:30 PM Council Meeting 19 20 9 8:00 AM Men’s Breakfast at Journey’s End, Pechanga Golf Course 15 Church Office Closed 21 16 9:00 AM Women’s Gathering “Understanding the Religions of Abraham” 22 23 Church Office Closed 1:00 PM Staff Meeting 6:30 PM Bell Rehearsal -Promise Lutheran, Murrieta Pentecost Sunday 24 Memorial Day 25 8 & 10:15 AM Worship Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th gr) during 10:15 am worship 11:30 AM Music Rehearsal 5:00 PM Transformers Church Office Closed 6:30 PM Bell Rehearsal -Promise Lutheran, Murrieta 1:00 PM Play Date in the Park-Crown Hill Park 6:30 PM Chapel Choir-Redhawk 26 9:30 AM HCC Chapel –WC 10:00 AM Newsletter Assembly 27 9:30 AM HCC Chapel-WC 6:30 PM Chapel Choir-Redhawk 28 Pacific Synod Assembly in Riverside 29 Church Office Closed Pacific Synod Assembly in Riverside 30 Pacific Synod Assembly in Riverside 31 8 & 10:15 AM Worship Faith Explorers (3 yr - 5th gr) during 10:15 am worship 11:30 AM Music Rehearsal 11:30 AM Faith Explorers Leader Appreciation Lunch 3:00 PM Play date in the ParkWinchester Creek Park 5:00 PM Transformers Easter Egg Hunt Fun! Page 10 Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 05 Thank You’s Prayer Ministry Dear Hope Family, Just led to drop you a note to let you knowknow1st for Shirley’s “kids” Easter Baskets for shut ins. 2nd for Cathy Seguin for her delivery service and visit. It is so very special to be remembered at this blessed time of the year. Thank you so very much. Love & Blessings, Dotty & Bob Peterson Our Prayer Ministry Team continues to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and receives and prays for all prayer requests received. George and I wish to thank you for the lovely Easter Basket. The messages from the eggs were a wonderful reminder of the days before Easter and Easter day. Fondly, George & Barbara Strutz In addition to praying for all prayer requests, since September 27, 2014, Joan and Marigold have consistently also been applying Centering Prayer Method individually and together weekly. If you would like more information about Centering Prayer or want to join us, please contact the church office 951-676-6262 staff@hopetemecula.org Please note: you can now request prayer on Hope’s website. Go to Hopetemecula.org/prayer-request/ Thank you for the Easter basket. You made the day for my dad. He is having a hard time with loneliness. I guess after living with my mom for 62 ½ years, he has a “new life” to get used to. Appreciate your kindness. Sincerely, Joan Jensen Prayer requests may also be called to the church office or included in Sunday prayers through the “Prayer Book” in the back of Hope’s worship space or on the back of the Yellow Sheet in bulletins. “And in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groaning too deep for words;” Romans 8: 26 There is still time to sign up for Synod - wide Work Day at Luther Glen! Open to all ages, children to senior citizens, and skill levels Saturday, May 16, 99 -5 Saturday, May 16 churches of the Pacifica Synods will come together to spend time in the space and with each other, work on the campus of Luther Glen as they work to make a sustainable garden for teaching and to provide fresh fruits and vegetable to the Central City Lutheran Mission in San Bernardino. One of the main projects will be to build a retaining wall, but there will be other jobs as well. Do you have some time to help with: Sewing seeds Digging Cleaning Building Weeding Painting Removing asphalt Bring gloves and well marked garden tools. Other tools may also be helpful if you have them. (All help will be appreciated, but special skills and abilities, along with the correct tools will be greatly appreciated) You are welcome to come Friday evening, but if so, plan to bring sleeping bags and plan to sleep in the cabins. Breakfast is provided by the camp. If interested, contact Constance Mithelman, cmithelman@hopetemecula.com or 951.676.6262, ext. 202, by May 5. Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 05 Youth News PowerZone/Confirmation (6th-8th grade) Page 11 transformers (9-12th grades) Friends are ALWAYS welcome! May 6th: 6 - 7 pm 8th graders only! Confirmation Rehearsal Sunday, May 10: 10:15 am Confirmation Worship **6 & 7th graders– Come and support the 8th graders!** --------------Mark Your Calendars! Confirmation Camp at Luther Glen June 21-26 $150 deposit due ASAP -------------Watch your email... ...for summer activity calendars for PowerZone! May 3 4 - 5 pm Detroit-bound youth 5 - 7 pm Everyone May 10 Happy Mother’s Day! No evening gathering May 17 4 - 5 pm Detroit-bound youth 5 - 7 pm Everyone May 24 5 - 7 pm 5 Sundays in May = Change Here for Change There! The youth will be passing the change buckets during offering time every Sunday during the month of May to help support our trip to the ELCA National Youth Gathering in Detroit this summer. Every penny counts! May 31 5 - 7 pm Join us Sunday evenings 5 - 7 pm for dinner, devo and FUN! Next Detroit Parent & Youth Meeting Sunday, May 3 at 9:15 am (meet at picnic tables on north side of Redhawk) **Please bring your calendars and thinking caps so we can finish out our fundraising! ** Parents of the Class of 2015 Tying nights for Senior Quilts will be Tuesday, May 5 and Monday, May 11. Both will be held from 5 - 7 pm Quilt Sunday will be June 7 at 10:15 am Next payment for Detroit is due June 1 $175 For details on any event, questions or ways to get involved with Hope’s Youth Ministry, please contact Constance Mithelman, Youth Ministry Leader 951-676-6262 ext. 202 or cmithelman@hopetemecula.org Page 12 Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 05 The first Sunday of each month we celebrate baptismal anniversaries at the beginning of worship. If your baptismal anniversary is not listed below, please call the church office and make sure we have the date. 1) Susane Bittner Sarah Brownstone Andrew Davis Cheryle Fritsch Karen Lankford Debra Moore Elisa Niederecker Rhonda Pethoud Steve Prystash James Seguin Murial Solberg Jake Swenton Susan Wall 2) Randi Fritsch Katie Fritsch 5) Paul Jensen 6) Carlos Myers 7) Doris Ford 9) Eddie Prieboy Joshua Utke 10) James Ayres True Hartman Betty Pyle Chris Lindberg 11) Cheryl Morg Harold Reikes Prayers For health and healing Ilse Richard Diane Anderson Dan Pearson Taylor George/Barbara Strutz Wayne/Janice Scherkenback Ella/Pete Loschky Danelle Giacchetti Art/Janet Yorke Jeanne Cole Chuck Coe Laura Stevens Karen Chapman Ruth Kaumeyer Marilyn Clark For financial, work, family Jeremy For those unable to regularly worship with us, including Pearl Lundgren Dale Johnson Bob/Dotty Peterson Jim/Leslie Riley Rodger Stroud For other Those struggling with cold, flooding, drought and wildfire. 12) Silver Dixon Alexander Dixon Dan Pearson Sharon Poole Tasia Schork Matthew Schork 14) Pam Danek Adam Fenton Casey Sanders 16) Bethany Bradwell Karyn Loy 18) Logan Garland Janelle Garland 18) Lucille Oakes 19) Rosie Hartman Wendy Morrow John Rosingana 21) Colton Swingle Philip Zinna 23) Betsy Schork 24) Rose Marie Cathcart 25) Austin Efflandt 26) Walter Clifford 30) Sarah Casey 31) Glen Nielsen Todd Stevens A Saint Goes Home Our prayers are with Donna Hedges and the family and friends of Don Hedges who entered into eternal life on March 6, 2015 at the age of 69. A memorial service was held at Hope March 10. God’s Blessings to . . . Kalee & JJ Broach baptized Easter Sunday, April 5 at 10:15 am worship. Parents are Kraig & Tonya Broach and older sister Kenna. God’s blessings to… Darren & Stephanie Dobson on the birth of a son, Oliver George born April 1, 2015 weighing in at 9 lbs, 15 oz, 21” Oliver joins older siblings James, Marilyn & Bruce! Hope Happenings 1) Tanner Bowls-16 Cliff Marks Juan Ruiz 2) Marissa Aspevig Gary Check Isabella Cicciarelli 3) Alexis Smith Jenna Martin-17 Emily Olson Terra Shelton Erica Ziobro 4) Brittany Tajalle Ken Hauer Volume 38 ● Number 05 7) Walter Clifford Gary Colfack Brendan Hartsook Leroy McCament Eric Orner Don Van Every 8) Alex Lord 9) Betty Cholewinski Nancy Marks Britta Pederson Eddie Prieboy 10) Logan Garland John Griffith Bella Knight-7 Abby Knight-7 Leslie Mayer Joyce Schmidt 11) Jacob Demos-14 Grant Holm-17 12) Sarah Martinez Thomas Schork-16 Renee Turbeville 13) Eunice Chisholm 13) Donna Wulff-Davis Erin McCrann Sarah Scalf-7 14) Jake Maurer-14 Mary Ann Mericle 15) Lauren Mobley Alex Yelton-15 16) Todd Braun Jennifer Clements Susan Wall 17) Christian Dekker 18) Greg Lumsden Dan Pearson 19) Chris Bradwell 20) Oliver Campos-1 Marilyn Dobson-7 21) Justin Gonzales-14 Lucas Meinke Heidi Orrell Terry Prelgovisk 22) Christine Maurer-16 Andrew Olson Janet Van Every 1) Chuck & Nancy Coe-39 Mike & Patti Utke-22 5) Kevin & Lisa Bowls-26 6) Ken & Wanda Koch-9 17) Josh & Amanda Knight-7 19) Josh & Kirsten Simar-8 21) Reva & Rich Gonzales-15 Women of Hope Praise the LORD, all you nations! Extol him, all you peoples! For great is his steadfast love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD! Psalm 117 Praise the Lord, all you ladies! Our annual spring/summer event IS going to happen! Mark your calendar for 9 - 11:30 am Sat., May 16. We will meet at Redhawk. Our program will help us learn about and ponder current events. Pastor Daren Erisman of Bethlehem Lutheran, Interfaith Consultant for Pacifica Synod, will present information dealing with the religions of Abraham – Christian, Jewish, Muslim. We’ll embrace our similarities and have more understanding of our differences. Mary Shaima will be co-presenter and will add musical charm. Come a little early to enjoy Page 13 23) Brinda Jarratt Wes White 24) Brandon Veron-9 25) Elliott Bills Ruth Denson Alyson Enochs-14 Cheryle Fritsch Suzanne Holm Myrna Swearingen 26) Ryan Dekker-12 28) Susan Garland Donna Hedges 29) Danica Borromeo Jim Fenton Grace Krstich Lorrie McKenzie Beth Olaveson Jennifer Phan Brad Volden 30) Marge Anderson Nancy Frommling 31) Katie Fritsch-16 22) Luke & Britta Pederson -5 23) Ted & Virginia Olander-51 Ted & Lisa Verschueren-28 27) Terry & Marta Bills-25 Jim & Leslie Riley-28 28) Juan & Leslie Ruiz-10 Spring Get Together Saturday May 16 the treats and coffee. (Sign up on the Yellow Sheet or contact the church office, so we can make sure we have enough for all.) A freewill offering will go to a local community outreach program. Bring canned goods for the Temecula/Murrieta Community Pantry. Please contact Sally Glahn or Lynn Petroff to offer help with food and facility set up/ clean up. (Ella is sidelined with knee surgery procedures.) Come one, come all! Bring a friend! Rejoice! REMINDER OF REGULAR EVENTS WELCA has two monthly women’s circles and a weekly Bible study group, all providing women’s fellowship and Bible study. •The Joy Circle meets at 2 pm, the third Wednesday, in one of the member’s homes. For more information call Sally Glahn at 951698-8236. •The Martha Circle meets at 10 am, the third Thursday, in one of the member’s homes. For more information call Mary Munger at 951677-8848. •A weekly Bible study meets in Temecula (42149 Camino Romo) Mondays 1-2:30 pm. For more information call or email Joan Neidig, 951-676-2928 or jpmneidig@outlook.com To start a new group, please call Ella Loschky at 951-894-2372 for information and ideas. Page 14 Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 05 Adult Small Group Bible Study Join or Start a New Group Many Hope small groups are studying the Bible together using A.D. study resources. The A.D. studies coordinate with the NBC TV series which runs through June 21. Each week participants watch the series on Sunday evening OR record it to watch at their convenience. There is even a website where the A.D. series is available following each Sunday presentation on NBC. The Bible study follows the TV show and focuses on what happened after Jesus’ death and resurrection. Current small group studies are listed below: Host Studying A.D.: Joan Neidig Doris Ford Neil & Pamela Nevills Mark & Cheryl Medin Bob & Shirley Fuller Mack & Maria Jones Barbara Meinke Location Meeting Day/Time Temecula Monday 1pm The Colony/Murrieta 2nd and 4th Monday 7 pm Fallbrook Monday 6:30pm Temecula Wednesday 7 pm Temecula Thursday 7pm Temecula Ev other Saturday 7pm Lake Elsinore TBD Studying Daniel: Susan Reid Temecula Wednesday 10 am Want A.D. study materials? See samples in the back of the Worship Center. A study book may be ordered online ($4.99). For more information and other study materials or resources, go to www.hopetemecula.org/small-group-study/ Questions? Want help joining a group? Starting a group? Please call or send an email to the church office staff@hopetemecula.org OR Pamela Nevills, 951-314-9220, or panevills@earthlink.net Hope Helpers “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12 It takes ALL of us to be Christ’s Body here at Hope. While it is impossible to thank everyone individually for all their acts of discipleship, each month we try to highlight a few folks who have been “especially supportive!” To suggest someone to be included in our “Backbone of Hope” list, please contact the office who will forward those names to council. • • • • THANK YOU to: • Chapel Choir and Bells of Hope for Easter Sunday 8 a.m. Worship, including Bells of Hope ringers who joined the Chapel Choir Hope staff that planned and coordinated the wonderful Easter Sunday worship, breakfast and egg hunt at Ronald Regan Park Mary Bergman, Katie Bradley, Cherie Gero, Barbara Meinke and Delores Myers who serviced and polished Hope handbells which included more than 34 woman-hours of work Prayer Ministry Team for all the prayers and Doris Ford and Marigold Velasco-Dong for mailing Prayer Ministry Cards on behalf of Hope All who planned and helped with February’s Dinner/ Dance especially: Diane Anderson, Mack Jones, Diane/Craig Cotten, Susan Reid, Greg/Mary Ann Ahola, Guylean Morgan, Bob Mericle, Debra/Mike Gallup, Lynn Petroff, Katie Bradley and MC and • • • • • • • • sound minister Hannah Dixon. John Bunge for leading the Easter learning and service event and Mary Ann Mericle, Thrivent action team leader/sponsor and all who participated, helping prepare and deliver the baskets for shut- ins All who helped with the Easter Egg Hunt at Ronald Regan Community Park, filling donating, hiding over 2,000 Easter eggs Diane/Craig Cotten, Linda/Jim Allmon, Myrna Swearingen, Bryan/Sherry Ito and Lynn Petroff moving/storing altar care items Paula Fenton, Linda Foresta, Myrna Swearingen, Bernice Moffet & Molly Nelson for creating the blessing quilt from Hope to Dave Efflandt in celebration of his seminary graduation in May Mia Prim for running sound system for both services April12 and helping whenever needed Sherry Ito for help coordinating Altar Care, especially set up/take down for Easter worship at the park Diane Anderson leading the team and more than 30 families who provided twice monthly dinners for the cold-weather shelter on behalf of Hope Wes White for hanging shelf for Hunger Ministry and Wes and Tony Chavez for hanging bulletin boards Well done good and faithful servants! Hope Happenings Volume 38 ● Number 05 Page 15 Thrivent Choice Dollars Thank you to the following Thrivent Members who have designated their Year-to-date, Choice Dollars to Hope this we’ve received month! $2,290 from Cheryl Morg JoAnn Wasserburger Choice Dollars in 2015!! New Phone System New Extensions New Emergency Number Please note that staff extensions at our Redhawk campus have changed. See list to the right. After Hour Emergencies Hope Lutheran Church A n E LC A C o ng r e ga t i o n M inis ter s : Pe op le of Hop e Pa s tor : Sa n d y B en t z , ext . 2 05 sb en t z@h op et emec u l a .org M inis ter of F a mil y L i fe: Sh i rl ey J . Lee , AI M , e xt . 20 3 sl ee@h op et emec ul a .org Y outh M in is tr y L ea d er : C on st a n c e M i t h el ma n , ext . 202 c mi t h el ma n @h op et emec ul a .org M inis ter s of M us ic : If you have a pastoral care emergency that cannot wait for office hours (M-Th 8:30 - 4 pm), you can now leave a message on Hope’s emergency line. After office hours, call Hope’s main number (951-676-6262) and follow the directions to dial ‘4’. A message will be sent to someone on call. THANK YOU, HOPE! Thank you to all who remember to come to church hungry for 4th Sunday Homemade Cinnamon Rolls! We’ll continue to fill your tummies every 4th Sunday through July 2015! Come hungry again on May 24! 1st Quarter Financial Giving Statements Please Pick Yours Up and Save Hope Postage Thank you for your financial gifts supporting Christ's ministries here at Hope and beyond. 1st quarter statements may be picked up in the church entryway. Envelopes not picked up May 3 will be mailed. B a rb a ra M ei n k e, 95 1- 674- 744 7 t b .mei n k e5 @veri zon .n et B ri a n Nel s on b ri a n sk 8c a l @y a h o o .c om Sound Te ch: H a n n a h D i xon , 9 51- 7 75- 0091 h a n n a h di xon .c a t sc ra dl e@gma i l .c o m C hur ch O f fic e C hur ch S ecr e ta r y: La u ra St even s , e xt . 2 01 st a ff@h op et emec ul a .org Fina nce M inis ter : Jec k i e Al c a ra z , ext . 204 ja l c a ra z@h op et emec ul a .o rg C hur ch O f fic e Ho ur s M on da y - Th ursda y : 8:30 a m - 4 :0 0 p m C los ed Fr id a y Ch urc h Ph on e : 951- 676- 626 2 E ma i l : st a ff @h op et e mec ul a .org w ww .h op et emec ul a .org H o p e C h il d r en ’ s C e n t er Ja n e O sun a , Pr esc h o ol D i rec t or Ph on e : 951- 6 94- 36 07 H ou rs : M on da y- Fri da y : 9:00 a m- 2 :00 p m E ma i l : hope chil dre nsct r@hot m ail .com Hope Lutheran Church NON-PROFIT ORG. U S Postage An ELCA congregation 32819 Temecula Parkway, Suite B Temecula, CA 92592-9676 PAID Permit No. 16 Temecula, CA Phone: 951-676-6262 staff@hopetemecula.org www.hopetemecula.org Dated material - do not delay Change service requested Help us “GO GREEN”. To start receiving Hope’s newsletter by email only (and stop receiving it by USPS) please call the church office at 951-6766262 OR email staff@hopetemecula.org Our Sunday schedule is WORSHIP: 8:00 am (traditional) 10:15 am (blended) Holy Communion is served weekly at both services Coffee and Fellowship 9:10 - 10 am Faith Explorers for 3 yrs - 5th grade meets DURING 10:15 am worship Our Mission: Anchored in Christ… to Build and Grow Faith Our Vision: We will trust God in the midst of what makes us anxious, choose faith instead of fear and serve mission instead of our own comfort. Our Guiding Principles: We are servants of God and members of the Body of Christ. We value each other. We practice open and honest communication. We make decisions that we believe are in the best interest of the whole congregation and will bring glory to God.
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