From the Pastor … - Hosanna Lutheran Church

the Voice
March 2015
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
The Lifetree motto is…You're welcome
just as you are. Your thoughts are
welcome. Your doubts are welcome.
We're all in this together. God is here,
ready to connect with you in a fresh way.
Lifetree Café is a safe place where great
conversation is served up.”
Lifetree Café will be another way we will
reach out for Jesus, and I’m inviting you to
participate in this adventure. To start, I’m
looking for folks who are interested in
helping me get this ministry setup and
started. If you would like to be a part of the
Lifetree Café steering team…let me know
soon…as we are already putting things in
motion and would love for you to be a part
of that process. I hope you will also
participate by attending a weekly episode
at our Lifetree Café when you can.
If you would like to know more…let me
know and I can answer whatever questions
you may have. You can also go to to check it out for yourselves.
Maybe you might want to visit an existing
Lifetree Café in our area…there are few on
the Westside of Columbus. The Lifetree
Café website will give you more info on
where to go for the latest weekly episode.
I’m excited about the new Pataskala
Lifetree Café opening soon. I hope you are
too! Please pray for our success with this
new ministry.
Peace, Love, Joy, PBret
From the Pastor …
An hour of stories and
conversation to feed your soul.
At a special congregational meeting back
in January, the members of Hosanna voted
to move forward with establishing a
Lifetree Café in our area. I have been
working since then with folks at the main
Lifetree Café office to start getting things
in place for that to occur hopefully as early
as May.
Some of you are probably still wondering
what is Lifetree Café? Here is a description
from the Lifetree Café webpage:
“Lifetree Café is a comfortable place and
time to gather weekly to explore life and
faith. It looks and feels like the kind of
place you'd typically meet a friend for
food, drink and fun. Where the
atmosphere encourages conversations,
questions, and personal stories.
There’s compelling stories about
fascinating people. Stories from the news.
Stories from our own lives. The story of
what God is doing in the world around us.
At Lifetree Café, we explore all those
stories - and make sense of our faith and
our lives.
Every week, Lifetree Café gathers
friendly people to experience the
intriguing stories of life around us. Stories
about the big-and little stuff that shapes
our lives. Family. Friends. Fears.
Busyness. Balance. Money. Materialism.
Health. Heaven. Peace. Purpose.
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
March 2015
Please keep these names near at
your times of prayer and hold them
before God who knows our every
need:, John Kohn, Rick Dodsworth,
Eloise Kagey, Sherry Ferrell, Molly
Nye, Pat Scarmack, Liberty Carey,
Harry Siebert, Joyce Klinger, Shawn
Garrett, John Keller, Ken Buzzard,
Ryan Varnum, Jonathon Buzzard,
Elaine Willey, Sharon Bauerle, Wanda
Quay, John Stockdale, and all those
who continue to suffer from illness.
For all those who risk their lives for
the sake of freedom from oppression
especially men and women in uniform.
TRADITION. Among other things it
helps us mark events in our lives giving us
stability and comfort in relationships and
belonging. Christ’s 12 disciples, who were
Jews, observed the Sabbath (Saturday)
according to the Genesis story of creation.
When Christ’s resurrection occurred on
Sunday, a new tradition was in the works.
His resurrection was seen as a new creation
by the disciples and early Christians. Their
day of worship, praise and rest moved from
Saturday to Sunday.
Jesus’ resurrection happened after
Passover, and still today, the alignment of
those two events brings their celebrations
close to each other on the calendar. They
both have movable dates in the spring, but
sometimes Easter precedes Passover.
Although the tradition of Lenten
observance isn’t mentioned in the Bible,
repentance and use of ashes in mourning is
found in several places. Among them are
Matthew 11:21, 2 Sammuel 13:19, Job 2:8
and others.
Altar Guild is an enabler of tradition.
The Lenten season is an especially active
time for the members. Planning for it
continues at the next meeting, Monday
March 9, at 7:00pm. Join us won’t you?
Please call Donna Roberts at (740) 9276857 or Pat Crawford at (740) 927-2037 for
If you are not presently part of Hosanna’s
prayer team and you would like to join this
ministry, please contact Sandy Bricker at or (740) 9277422. Every time a prayer request is
received, Sandy sends the request to you by
e-mail. You don’t have to contact anyone
else—just pray for the person in need. If
you don’t have access to e-mail, a list will
periodically be mailed to you. Presently there
are 83 of us on the team. We’d love to have
your help in this vital ministry.
The Newsletter Deadline is the third Sunday
of each month.
The “Hosanna Happenings” Sunday
Announcement Page Deadline is every
Wednesday by Noon.
Please email your articles to:
Our Shut-ins:
John Stockdale, Wanda Quay, Kenny King,
Eloise Kagey, and Virginia Leiter
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
March 2015
Women’s Group meets using the book
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World and
DVD discussing our relationship with the
Lord. Sandy Bricker leads the group on
Monday’s at 10:00am and 6:30pm.
On February 22nd, March 1st, 8th and 15th,
Pastor Bret will be holding a class for 2nd
graders and at least one parent during the
Sunday School hour to talk about
communion and the importance of it. The
students will then be going to Camp Mowana
for an overnight entitled “Come to the Table”
on March 20th and 21st. The students will be
signed up as a group from Hosanna. The
parents are asked to pay $20.00 toward the
cost of the overnight. Older students who
have not already taken the classes or have
not yet received communion are welcome to
attend the classes please let JoAnn Fettrow
know at as soon as
possible. The students of this class will take
their first communion at the Hosanna Service
on Sunday March 22nd.
The topic in Sunday School focuses our
attention on the gift of grace. Join us from
The Men’s group is studying Luke. They
meet on the first and Wednesday’s of the
month at 7:00pm but will be taking a break
during Lent.
All 20 copies of the devotional, Christ in Our
Home, have been picked up. New booklets
will be available next month so make sure
you check the table in the Narthex!
The monthly scripture reading list that
appears in the newsletter is a gift from one of
our members. Please let Pastor Bret, Sandy
Bricker, Fred Kaufman, Rhea Mathias or
Charlotte Kurt know how you use it and if
you rely on it being available.
To help Hosanna adults see what is
available in the libraries, adult ministry is
looking for a volunteer carpenter to build a
book cart for the Narthex. We like to bring a
display of sample areas to you. Materials
will be provided.
WELCA Bible Study will meet on March 11th
at 10:00am in the Amber Park Family Dining
room. The theme of our study is Suffering
and Endurance based on the story of Job.
Please plan to join us followed by lunch (cost
of $6.00). Call Nancy Sander at (740) 7398381to receive a copy of the study and to
make lunch reservations business.
We will be having another rummage sale this
June to raise money for Day Camp, so if
there’s anything you plan on giving away, set
it aside and save it for the rummage Sale.
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
March 2015
On Sunday, March 15th Junior LYO will be
going to SkyZone Indoor Trampoline Park in
Delaware. After second service we will be
either ordering pizza or grabbing fast food
before heading to
SkyZone. We are
reserved for
jumping, flying and
any other acrobatic
stunts from 2:304:00pm. Hosanna
is graciously paying
the admission for
the Jr. LYO
members. The kids will still need to bring
money for food and drinks before and while
at SkyZone. Anyone who has not filled out
the waiver yet will need to do so before their
child goes on the trip and we will have it
available on March 15th. Please RSVP to or
It is hard to believe that Easter Season is
upon us. With that comes a lot of fun
activities here at Hosanna! Inserted in this
Newsletter you will find a flier created for the
2015 Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt
here at Hosanna Lutheran Church. During
this event we have a ton of eggs that are
placed in the large grass area between the
church and the Hosanna House. That is
where our church family comes into play.
We are asking that all of you bring in a bag
of small toys, small candies, tattoos, stickers
etc. that will fit into the small eggs. The
Catechism students are already in the
process of stuffing eggs with the donations
we have already received. There will be
large donations tubs in the narthex at the
church for you to place your donations.
Please consider helping us make this event
last. Stay tuned for more exciting
information and feel free to hand out the flier
to a friend!  We hope to see you there!
God bless,
Denny and Suzanne
Catechism/Promise Seekers/
Middle School
June 21st – 26th, 2015 is the Lutheran
Memorial “Confirmation” Summer Camp.
You can register online by going to Please remember that
Hosanna pays $200 for each camper. Camp
is always fun with Pastor Bret attending.
You receive many points for attendance, so
please consider joining. Please contact
JoAnn for further information
On February 8th Junior LYO went to Kelly
Marie's Pottery in Pataskala and painted
mugs and plates which were fired and
available for pickup on February
17th. Afterwards the kids were are able to
create their own pizza next door at Mama
Linda's Pizzeria. Nothing better than pizza
and pop after honing everyone's artistic
Mark your calendars for Youth Sunday May
3rd. There will be one combined service that
Sunday at 10:00am and we want to see you
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
March 2015
Chemo Care Bags:
Our focus January through May will be
collecting items for the “Chemo Care Kits.”
These were a huge success last year, and
we received many notes of thanks for this
project. There is a basket in the narthex to
collect items. Our goal is to make 24 kits.
Items needed are: travel size hand lotion,
travel size hand sanitizer, pocket size
tissues, lip balm, packages of pens or
pencils, small puzzle books (Sudoku,
Crossword, Wordfind, etc.), bottles of water,
boxes of herbal tea, lemon drop or other tart
hard candy, and Biotene dry mouth products.
We will again be asking congregation
members to take kits to deliver to anyone
who may need one. Kits will be available at
the Youth Sunday service in May. If you
would like to “reserve” a kit please contact
Traci Brandt (740) 927-7684.
HLCC ENROLLING: Registration for the
2015-2016 school year is now open to the
general public. Please invite family
and friends to call or check out our website
for more information. We have already seen
a great number of alumni families utilize the
early registration so are off to a great start
for next year. If you know a friend,
neighbor or family member that might be
interested in placing their child in preschool,
please have them give me a call or email
me so that we can set up a tour for them to
see our preschool. Remember spots are
always limited due to class size.
Upcoming events at HLCC:
Dad's Day is March 12 and 13
Preschool Field Trip to World of Bounce on
March 19th
Pre-K Field Trip to COSI on March 25th
Spring Break is March 30- April 3
“Souper” Bowl Sunday Success
SUPER JOB on the
SUNDAY collection. A
total of $166.26 was
collected and will be
sent to Lutheran
Social Services to
help restock their food
pantry. THANKS for
Date Night/Lock-In:
We had over 30 children participate in our
last lock-in. A big thank you to our
volunteers: JoAnn Fettrow, Melissa Fettrow,
and Penny Killilea. We collected $297 in
donations. Since it was Valentine's Day, we
talked about sharing God's love with others.
We decorated Valentine posters for some of
our church leaders: Pastor Bret, Ali, Annette,
Choir, Praise Band, Lori Butts, and Jodi our
custodian. Thank you for all you do for
CARING and Sharing
Parking Lot Campaign Update
Thank you to those of you who
have already donated funds
toward the parking lot. The
Campaign committee really
all your help
making this campaign a
success. So far we have
raised $5,385.00 towards
our goal of $43,000.00.
Our next Lock-in is Friday, March 20th. This
is for ages 3 years old through 5th
grade. Drop-off starts at 5:30 p.m. Evening
activities include dinner, snack, games,
crafts, music, story and a movie. Children
can be picked up by 9:30 p.m. Or if they
want to spend the night, pick-up is by 10 am
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
March 2015
Thank you Hosanna for donating the four
large cans of coffee; two small cans of
coffee; personal items; wash cloths and hand
towels for those who need to be sheltered
and well cared for during a time of transition
from a life of
abuse to starting
over again. DUE
CONDITIONS the NB donations
are to be
February 18th. Thank you ever so much for
your generous hearts, your food pantry
Inside this Newsletter you will find a survey
for the Hosanna Lutheran Church Women’s
Retreat. We ask that all women fill this
survey out and place it in the box in the
Narthex marked. You may also give your
completed survey to Tina Blackburn or
Charlotte Kurt. If you have questions please
let one of them know. Additional surveys will
be beside the box in case you may need
more than one. Thank you for taking your
time to fill out this survey. The women of
Hosanna and the team in charge appreciate
all your efforts to helping!
Week ending January 28th: Thank
you Hosanna for food donations for
LEADS. There were 162 items donated;
picked up Wednesday the 28th; and
stocked. A big thank you for those of you
who have been
donating dog and cat
food... often times
when people lose
their jobs; home; or
just hit a low spot
they have animals to
care for as well as
their children. Thank you for thinking of
their furry friends. There were 20 cans of
tuna; 7 large cans of chicken; 11 large
cans of soup; along with many other items
including cereal, smaller cans of soup;
peanut butter and macaroni and cheese.
We are pulling from the holiday donations
already... thank goodness for the surplus!
February 4th - 10th: The donations
were picked up and stocked, among the
donations were a case of macaroni and
cheese; a case of Ensure! WOW!!! Also
were items such as large cans of soup;
fruit and veggies... Each and every item
will ensure someone will not go hungry.
February 17th: Due to weather
conditions donations were not picked up hope to deliver and stock on the 18th or
Thank you to everyone who made the
December Blood Drive a huge success. We
managed to collect 45
units of blood which
allows us to save about
130 people lives. The
next blood drive is
scheduled for April 20th
from 1-7 pm at the
Hosanna House Event Center. To donate,
please call 1-800-Red Cross for an
appointment time. Volunteers for the
registration desk are also needed. If you are
available to work the registration desk please
call Kathy Sims at 740-927-7145 or email her
2015 Spring Vendor Extravaganza
Located in this Newsletter you will find a flier
for the Spring Vendor Extravaganza that will
be held at the church on Saturday March 21st
from Noon-5pm. This event was created by
Ali and Marissa Priest in order to help the
youth attending the National Youth
Gathering! The proceeds will go towards the
youth that are helping at the event. There are
19 vendors that are registered to have a
table at the event. You won’t want to miss it
so please come and bring a friend! Hope to
see you there!
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
March 2015
The Lifelong Learning Institute (LLI) of
Central Ohio Technical College (COTC)
provides educational opportunities for mature
learners to broaden and extend their
knowledge, share their life experiences,
become more attuned to community
resources and interact with other “lifelong
The Men’s Group of Hosanna meet the first
and third Wednesday of every month and will
resume these meeting times in April after
Lenten services are completed. If you have
questions or wish to join please see Don
Burkey, Bob Lochmeyer, Fred Kaufman or
Dick Bricker for further information. Be ready
to enjoy activities and fellowship together
starting again in April!
The LLI offers a year-round menu of
courses, as well as lectures, “Coffee and
Conversations,” and events that focus on the
arts, literature, philosophy, science,
languages, technology, spirituality,
economics and local, nation and world
affairs. Most of the events are held at
COTC’s Pataskala campus at 8660 East
Broad Street.
Direct Thrivent Choice Dollars:
Eligible Thrivent Financial members have
until March 31st, 2015 to direct any remaining
2014 Choice Dollars. After that date, 2014
Choice Dollars expire. Through the Thrivent
Choice program, eligible members have the
power to recommend where Thrivent
distributes part of its charitable grant funds
annually. Choice Dollars can be directed to
thousands of enrolled nonprofit organizations
and congregations, including Hosanna
Lutheran Church. To direct your Choice
Dollars, visit
or call 800-847-4836 and say “Thrivent
Choice” after the prompt. Act soon before
your Choice Dollars expire. If you have
questions please see Dianne Drozdowicz!
To learn more about LLI, please talk with Pat
Sagar or Tony Starn. Please consider
joining us and becoming a lifelong learner!
Every Wednesday evening during Lent we
will be having a Soup Supper beginning at
6:00pm. Please sign up to bring a soup of
your choice. Please sign up on the Worship
Board in the Narthex!
Please remember that the Professor and
Niko will be joining us every Wednesday
evening during Lent at 6:45pm along with a
number of their animal friends. Come join us
every Wednesday evening and learn what
animals represent in the bible. We hope to
see you there!
Palm Sunday will be on March 29th this year.
We will have two worship services as usual.
Traditional service will be at 8:30am and
Contemporary service at 11:00am.
No matter which service you attend you will
be moved by the Spirit!
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
March 2015
things like that and this year for lent was no
different, I decided to give up junk food…
mostly because in a few short months I will
be wearing a big white dress and I want to
look amazing in, but also because it was
consuming all of my life. I would eat junk
food when I was bored, when I didn’t have
anything to do, or when I was upset. But
then it hit me this year… what if instead of
just giving something up, I fill it with
something else. So I made a vow for Lent
that instead of putting a bag of chips away or
eating the Fudge Rounds… I now pick up my
devotional, I poke around on the internet and
find an inspirational picture that I share with
my friends, or I open my bible to a verse that
my finger lands on. Instead of consuming all
the unhealthy things that make me feel good
for a moment, I consume something that will
make me feel good for a life time.
Hosanna Monthly
Financial Report
January 2015
Total Budgeted Income $22,376
Actual Income Received $17,172
Below Budget(negative) - $5,204
Total Budgeted Expenses $24,100
Actual Expenses Paid $21,548
Below Budget(positive) -$2,552
Income Received
Expenses Paid
Net Position(negative) -$4,376
This season of Lent is not about giving
something up, it is about truly feeling and
understanding the way our Lord had to live.
It is about understanding the thorns around
his head, the nails in his hands and the cold
tomb where he laid his head. This year for
lent if you have given something up trying
adding something instead. I feel completely
different knowing that when I get upset with
wedding planning, or frustrated because I did
something wrong, I have a God who hung on
a cross for me!
How many of you give something up for
Lent? You pick something that you do so
much of and you make a “vow” that for 40
days and 40 nights you won’t do that ONE
thing. How many of you are successful,
how many of you truly give something up
and never cheat? Chances are you might do
really great during Lent season then as soon
as Easter comes around you are back to
your old ways, doing the one thing you gave
up for those 40 days. Well what if we
changed that mind set. What if instead of just
allowing ourselves to give something up we
swapped it for something? This year for Lent
while you have given something up try
adding something into that void.
Try it, see where God has you go. He
makes a path for you that is irreplaceable to
anyone’s “back up plan” He makes the way
that will not only keep you feeling good, but
keeps you feeling whole. God will make a
way when there seems to be no way. He
loves you and so do I. Please remember this
year what he did for us to be here, to be able
to worship in the place we worship, live in the
world we live, and love the people we love.
Without all these amazing friends, family and
Christians where would we be… Would you
be in a storm without help if he wasn’t put on
that cross and left to die! Remember that I
love you, God loves you and everyone in
between. Be kind to one another.
Every year I give up something… most of the
time it’s the usual Pop, Chips, Chocolate
Much Love,
Ali Priest
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
March 2015
Altar Flowers
Suzy Hahn
Brenda Behnke
Nate McLeod
Cathi Varnum
Justin Mohler
Annette Plasterer
Paula Reliford
Dean Shrigley
Karen Combs
Darlene Gillenwater
Kathy Sims
Ericka Stemen
Don Burkey
Bobbi Dopslaf
Todd Downs
Cristi Lemaster
Julie Martin
Ben Rizzo
Dave Engel
Bryce Bulderbergs
Matt Carberry
Jim Southard
David Lynd
Sue McLeod
Neil Von Ahn
Stacey Blum
Nancy Dickerson
Fred McLeod
Valerie Wills
Shai Rhoades
Carolyn Harne
Jackie Roach
Rodney Ruark
Susie Zavotka
Jim Krebs
Kayla Napier
Tony Starn in memory of Jane
There are many dates open for flower
donations throughout the year. Stop by the
bulletin board in the Narthex and sign up
today. You will need to make arrangements
with a florist of your choice to order and
have your flowers delivered.
17 Mary & Steve Seal
21 Jim & Donna Roberts
If you do not see your Birthday or
Anniversary please mark them on your
connection cards or email them to us at the
office so we can get them into the system!
Thank You
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
March 2015
Quotes to think
about this season!
A Modern-Day Parable
My friend had a large hydrangea bush in her
yard. Each year for a decade, she found
only one or two blooms. “Cut it down!” she
told her husband in frustration. But he, a
very patient man, urged, “Let’s give it one
more year. I’ll water it and fertilize it with
coffee grounds. If it still doesn’t bloom, I’ll
chop it down.
The next year, as the couple anticipated
carrying out the dath sentence, the bush not
only bloomed but bloomed in abudnace –
and in multitude of colors that amazed my
friend, an avid garener. “It’s the barren fig
tree all over again!” she exclaimed.
Indeed, sometimes God replicates his
miracles, perhaps because we need a
refresher course in patiently waith for his
glorious blessings.
Spring Renewal
By reading the Scriptures I am so renewed
that all nature seems renewed around me
and with me. The sky seems to be a pure
and cooler blue, the trees a deeper green.
The whole world is charged with the glory of
God and I feel fire and music under my feet.
-Thomas Merton
Fear Not
I wonder if fear is not our main obstacle to
prayer. When we enter into the presence og
God and start to sense the huge reservoir of
fear inside us, we want to run away into the
many distractions that are busy world offers
so abundantly. But we shouldn’t be afraid of
our fears. We can confront them, give words
to them, cry out to God and lead our fears
into the presence of the One who says,
“Don’t be afraid. It is I.”
-Heidi Mann
A gardner planted two small shrubs side by
side. During the dry summer, both plants
struggled to get extablished. One developed
black spots and lost most of its leaves. The
gardner assumed the little plant wouldn’t
survive but was sure the heathy-looking
shrub would bloom.
The following spring, to the gardener’s great
surprise, the stronger plant had not a single
bloom but the weak, stricken shrub had
produced a beautiful flower.
This is often true, as well, of people whove
expereinced great sorrow and loss. They
know the Saviors love and comfort in ways
that only those who suffer can know. And by
God’s grace they share that love and comfort
with others.
-Henri J.M Nouwen
Unconditional Love
No matter what sin we have committed, no
matter how terrible it may be, God loves us.
-Billy Granham
The Greatest News
Death carries with it a certain dread. It has
always been the enemy, the great,
mysterious monster that makes people
quake with fear. Death stalks the rich and
the poor, the educated and the uneducated.
Death is no respecter of race, color or cree.
Its shadow hanuts us day and night. We
never know when the momenbt of death will
come for us. Is there any hope?...
The greatest news that mortal ear has ever
heard is the news that Jesus Christ has risen
from the dead, as he had promised.
Because Christ lives, we also shall live. The
greatest truth that you can ever hear is that
Jesus Christ died but rose again, and that
you, too, will die but can rise again into
newness of life.
-Kari Myers
Attitude Check
Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush. It can color
a situation gloomy and gray, or cheerful and
gay. In fact, attitudea are more important
than facts.
-Mary C. Crowley
-Billy Granham
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
March 2015
The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church
March 2015
Office hours are 9:00 am-3:00pm Monday-Friday
Pastor Bret is out of the office on Friday’s.
If you are calling after hours and need to get in touch with him
Please call (330) 559-1846