the Voice April 2015 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church “I am the resurrection and the life,” says the Lord. “Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26) Martin Luther taught us that this resurrection is not something we have to wait to experience after we die…it can be experienced here and now as well. Luther said, we daily die and rise to new life. The previous day is the past with all its mistakes, and a new one has begun through the grace of God who renews us each day. If one can believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, then s/he can also believe that God can raise her/him from the dead as well…and if that, you certainly can believe God can resurrect your life that is dead though physically alive. From the Pastor … One of the things I like the most about the church seasons of Lent and Easter is that we may start out in winter, but we end in spring. Consequently, as I write this there are hints everywhere that nature is ready to bud and be reborn, and the occasional cold day is not going to scare me from believing this! How awesome is God’s plan for his creation that even in nature his Good News of rebirth is so vividly played out before our eyes…we just need to take the time to smell the roses. (I couldn’t help myself by saying that!) Furthermore, how fitting that Jesus’ resurrection is celebrated in the spring when we are surrounded by nature being reborn around us. Jesus died for us and God the father raised him to new life, no matter what we do we cannot change this. The difference in our lives comes from our faith and trust in that event and the power of God to do such a thing. If you don’t believe it, you will still live your life as if you are a slave. Trust God’s promise…We are FREE INDEED! For Christ is Risen…HE IS RISEN INDEED ALLELUIA!!!!! Louisa Tarkington said, “I wish there was some wonderful place called the Land of Beginning Again…where all our mistakes and all our heartaches and all of our poor, selfish grief could be dropped like a shabby old coat at the door and never put on again.” Peace, Love, Joy, PBret 1 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 Please keep these names near at your times of prayer and hold them before God who knows our every need:, John Kohn, Rick Dodsworth, Eloise Kagey, Sherry Ferrell, Molly Nye, Pat Scarmack, Liberty Carey, Harry Siebert, Joyce Klinger, Shawn Garrett, John Keller, Ryan Varnum, Jonathon Buzzard, Elaine Willey, Sharon Bauerle, Wanda Quay, John Stockdale, and all those who continue to suffer from illness. For all those who risk their lives for the sake of freedom from oppression especially men and women in uniform. Adam Hamilton, in his book 24 Hours That Changed The World, tells us that the Last Supper is a transformation of the Passover Seder. Whereas the Israelites became a covenant people by the blood of animals (a lamb), all of humanity was invited by Jesus to become God’s covenant people. God, walking in human flesh, suffered and died for us. Both in the Seder and Holy Communion, participants are reminded that they started as slaves and then are freed. Christians are delivered from the slavery of sin and Death. Holy Communion is a reminder of this. (See Pages 25-26). The Last Supper occurred on the night just before Jesus’ arrest. We call this Maundy Thursday. At that evening service we observe the stripping of the altar. Altar Guild members and some of the youth remove paraments and altar pieces that help relate Christ as the centerpiece of Hosanna. We are left with a symbolic picture of his absence in our lives. Hosanna, Christ’s bride, would face a pretty gloomy existence without him. Lucky for us we know the end of the story and are blessed with direction through scripture, such as Ephesians 2:8-10. For it is by grace you have been saved through faith…God has made us what we are, and in our union with Christ Jesus he has created us for a life of good deeds…(Good News) Altar Guild’s next meeting is April 13th at 7pm in the church library. Please call Donna Roberts at (740) 927-6857 or Pat Crawford at (740) 927-6857 for more information.. If you are not presently part of Hosanna’s prayer team and you would like to join this ministry, please contact Sandy Bricker at or (740) 9277422. Every time a prayer request is received, Sandy sends the request to you by e-mail. You don’t have to contact anyone else—just pray for the person in need. If you don’t have access to e-mail, a list will periodically be mailed to you. Presently there are 83 of us on the team. We’d love to have your help in this vital ministry. The Newsletter Deadline is the third Sunday of each month. The “Hosanna Happenings” Sunday Announcement Page Deadline is every Wednesday by Noon. Please email your articles to: Our Shut-ins: John Stockdale, Wanda Quay, Kenny King, Eloise Kagey, and Virginia Leiter 2 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 WELCA GATHER FOR FAITH AND ACTION: WELCA Bible Study will meet on April 8th at 10:00am in the Amber Park Family Dining room. The theme of our study is Suffering and Endurance based on the story of Job. Please plan to join us followed by lunch (cost of $6.00). Call Nancy Sander at (740) 7398381to receive a copy of the study and to make lunch reservations business. The topic in Sunday School centers on prayer with help of Mark Batterson’s book, The Circle Maker. He introduces us to a Jewish legend about Honi, who prayed for rain in a severe drought during the generation before Jesus. The author offers down-to-earth, bold perspectives on talking with the Lord. Join us from 9:45-10:45 between services. The Men’s Group resumes meeting on the first and third Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm. Please call Fred Kaufman for more information or with any questions. (740) 9271193 What: Games, Music, Bible, Science and more Who: Four years old to completed 2nd grade Where: Hosanna Lutheran Church When: July 20-24 Time: 9 to Noon Director: Angie Kennedy The new edition of the devotional, Christ in Our Home, should be here soon. Look for a free copy on the table in the narthex near the Usher stand to get your copy. The monthly scripture reading list that appears in this Newsletter is a gift from one of our members. Please let Pastor Bret, Sandy Bricker, Fred Kaufman, Rhea Mathias, or Charlotte Kurt know how you use it and if you rely on it being available. Online sign ups available soon please go to for more information. We need volunteers and donations, look for more information in upcoming emails and newsletters. To help Hosanna adults see what is available in the libraries, Adult Ministry is looking for a volunteer carpenter to build a book cart for the Narthex. We would use it to bring a sample of the library contents out to the members of Hosanna. Please contact one of the team members if you are interested in helping with this project. Lutheran Memorial “Confirmation” Summer Camp June 21st – 26th, 2015 Register online: Hosanna pays $200 for each camper Camp is fun with Pastor Bret attending. You receive many points for attendance. 3 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 Chemo Care Bags: Our focus January through May will be collecting items for the “Chemo Care Kits.” These were a huge success last year, and we received many notes of thanks for this project. There is a basket in the narthex to collect items. Our goal is to make 24 kits. Items needed are: travel size hand lotion, travel size hand sanitizer, pocket size tissues, lip balm, packages of pens or pencils, small puzzle books (Sudoku, Crossword, Wordfind, etc.), bottles of water, boxes of herbal tea, lemon drop or other tart hard candy, and Biotene dry mouth products. We will again be asking congregation members to take kits to deliver to anyone who may need one. Kits will be available at the Youth Sunday service in May. If you would like to “reserve” a kit please contact Traci Brandt (740) 927-7684. A big thank you to all the student and adult volunteers who helped with the Easter Egg Hunt again this year. We are truly grateful for all the prizes, candy, baked goods and other donations from everyone at Hosanna. It is a joy to see the community come to Hosanna for this special event. THANKS to all students in their Internship year who have been stuffing the plastic eggs during the six weeks prior to Easter, too. It takes everyone to make this a wonderful day at Hosanna. JoAnn Fettrow for the Youth Committee Congratulations “Welcome to the Table!” Catechism/Promise Seekers/ Middle School The following students participated in four classes with Pastor Bret during the Sunday School hour during February and March. On March 20th, four of the students also attended “Come to the Table” at Camp Mowana for an overnight. All seven students celebrated their 1st Communion on March 22nd at the second service. A reception was held in the fellowship hall following the service. Elizabeth Beach Chloe Brown October Buzzard Abigail Downs April 25th All Day Retreat (Required for all Students) Leaders: Pastor Bret, Jim Southard, Cathy & Jeff Konkler 9:00 – 3:00 at Hosanna House Breakfast and Lunch provided / THANKS to Dale & Susan Pugh David Martin Emily Whitmer Madeline Whitmer 3:00 – 5:00 at Rule 3 in Pickerington – all expenses paid. 4 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 Hosanna will be having a Rummage Sale on June 11th, 12th and 13th, so throughout Spring start looking through your homes for items you no longer need. Once HLCC has completed their classes at the end of May, we will start collecting items in the classrooms. Furniture, household items, clothing, holiday items, books, DVDs, kids' toys, etc. are all welcome. If you have a TV, only flat-screen TVs! As the sale gets closer, we'll need many volunteers to help set-up and work the sale. All of the proceeds go towards Day Camp. Kids' Klub had a crazy winter with snowy days, but we are off to a great start in Spring. We heard the story of how Jesus washed his disciples feet, and then JoAnn and Pastor Bret had the kids wash each other's feet. On Sunday, March 15th, the kids were able to see one of the Kids' Klub members, Chloe Brown, along with her mother Rebecca and brother Gavin be baptized! Our end-of-the-year family picnic will be on Sunday, May 17th at 4:30 p.m. on JoAnn Fettrow's house. Mark your calendars for Youth Sunday May 3rd. There will be one combined service that Sunday at 10:00am and we want to see you there!!! Each of our youth groups at Hosanna have been working very hard to create an amazing service for the congregation to enjoy. Plan on coming early to get a good seat! Counselors from LOMO (Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Ohio) will come to Hosanna Lutheran Church in Pataskala to share the love of Jesus through games, songs, crafts, and other activities. This year's theme is "A Love That Never Ends." Day Camp will be July 27th - 31st from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The cost is only $25 per child. We have reserved spots for 50 children. We already have over 33 signed up! Please contact Melissa Fettrow for more information. 740-739-2257 or Date Night/Lock-In: Our next date night / lock-in is Friday, April 10th at 5:30 p.m. This is for ages 3 years old through 5th grade. Children can be picked up by 9:30 p.m. or stay the night until 10 a.m. on Saturday. Contact Melissa Fettrow if you are interested in participating or volunteering. or 740-7392257 5 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE The next blood drive is scheduled for April 20th from 1-7 pm at the Hosanna House Event Center. To donate, please call 1-800-Red Cross for an appointment time. Volunteers for the registration desk are also needed. If you are available to work the registration desk please call Kathy Sims at 740-927-7145 or email her at On Sunday, May 3rd Hosanna will be serving their delicious meat loaf dinner at Faith on 8th. Please start planning now to sign up to make meat loafs or donate milk, bread or cookies. The last time we did this outreach, there was a shortage of sign ups to make the meat loafs. The cost of the ingredients continue to rise and necessitates that it would help if more people would sign up to make one. The sign-up sheets will be in the narthex starting April 12th. LEADS DONATIONS: Thank you Hosanna for your generous donations to the LEADS Food Pantry. Due to inclement weather the end of January and throughout February donations were difficult to get to LEADS for stocking in a timely manner - however, by the 12th of March we had caught up on picking up; delivering; and, stocking your generous donations. Your donations from the, 17th of February through March 10th, were picked up; delivered; and stocked, Tuesday the 10th. Your donations of ravioli, spaghetti o's, hamburger helper, stuffing mix, soup and much more will help feed the hungry within our community. Also generous donations of dog and cat food will keep their furry friends fed as well. The pantry is currently low on the following: spaghetti sauce, flour (which we breakdown into 2cup bags), jelly, crackers, rice-a-roni (rice mixes), pancake mix and syrup. We are not asking for all the items to be supplied by our Hosanna congregation!!! We are noting what is needed at this time so if you are out shopping and see some of the noted items on sale or perhaps have coupons for same you may have the funds at that time to help stock the needed items. Your more than generous weekly donations are such a blessing to your community! Thank you ever so much, your food pantry representatives. STEP RIGHT UP and ONTO the CARE COMMITTEE. There are currently two openings in a couple of our outreach projects. One position is for the SCHOOL SUPPLIES COLLECTION. This requires you to take the donated school supplies over to the Leads Center. The collection starts in July and ends the middle of August. The COAT COLLECTION position requires you to take the donated coats to the Leads Center. This project runs the month of September and October. Please consider jumping on board the Care Express and accept one of these positions. If you are interested, please call Lillian Meade at 740927-8566. Thanks for Caring and Sharing 6 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 Three-Thirds in Three Years Campaign The Three-Thirds in Three Years Campaign is in full swing now. All of your donations are greatly appreciated. For the First-Third (this year-2015), our target is to obtain $43,000.00 in donations for one-third of the parking lot to be redone (hopefully by the end of this year). As of March 16, 2015 the Parking Lot Fund has received $6,903.00 in donations. For additional info, please look for the insert in your newsletter or the poster board located on the narthex table. Please ensure any donations for the Parking Lot Fund are clearly marked on your check, envelope, etc. If anyone has ideas for a fundraiser for the parking lot, please let me know. You can tell me at Church, call me (927-5541) or leave a note in my Stewardship mailbox at Church Mary Seal Stewardship Chair NEW BEGINNINGS: We want to express our apologies for the delay in delivery of your donations due to inclement weather from late January through the 25th of February. All donations which have been collected over the past few weeks have been delivered. The items were picked up in a timely manner and were kept in a warm safe place until weather permitted and/or our work schedules allowed for us to get to Newark for the drop off. We had 6 large garbage bags full of you donations. THANK YOU! Among the donations were personal items - coffee, 8 canisters, towels, diapers, sun glasses, personal item cases, and much more... A big thank you for your donations and your patience with the delivery. Your donations last week were picked up and will be delivered with the March 24th pick-up. We will continue to provide weekly updates and keep items safe for monthly deliveries. We want to keep the narthex as clear as possible. Your donations for the week of March 10th consisted of 3 large cans of coffee, many individual personal item packets, along with shampoos/conditioners, body wash and other personal items. Thank you ever so much! Also we will be delivering to NB many hand-made activity bags for children thanks to Sandy Bricker bringing them to our attention. Your New Beginnings representatives Mark Your Calendars. We will have a unity service on April 26th followed by the Congregational Meeting. Lunch will be served by the youth going to the National Youth Gathering. Please plan on attending! Inside this Newsletter you will find a survey for the Hosanna Lutheran Church Women’s Retreat. We ask that all women fill this survey out and place it in the box in the Narthex marked. You may also give your completed survey to Tina Blackburn or Charlotte Kurt. If you have questions please let one of them know. Additional surveys will be beside the box in case you may need more than one. Thank you for taking your time to fill out this survey. The women of Hosanna and the team in charge appreciate all your efforts to helping! Hosanna House Event Center Update The HHEC calendar is booking up nicely for 2015 and with that the committee would like you to consider joining the team. You are invited to the April 15th meeting at 6:00pm to help brainstorm even more ways for the community to be informed about this wonderful facility. Our meetings are short and sweet, if you have questions please call or text Carole McGonigal at (740) 973-7803. 7 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 is to see how long it takes us to take the post-it note with our burdens and “post-it” to the cross. If we took half of the time we use posting on Facebook about how tough life is and use that time to “post” or “tweet” at the cross do you know how much better people might feel? How much happier would you feel? Consider it this way. The Cross is a big FaithBook. It is looking for your updates it is ready to see your newsfeed. You have a burden upload it to that, you have a negative thought post it, you have a praise, a worship, a song, a bible verse that you keep saying in your head POST IT! Upload it. Share it on your FaithBook. Tell God about all the wonderful things that you appreciate and see from day to day! Use the time you have here on Earth as a chance to help other people. That’s what I do. I pray that the issues I am in the middle of God solves, and I know deep down that HIS solution and my solution probably aren’t the same but I have faith that GOD will comment. God will post something even better to my FaithBook than I could EVER imagine. I know not everyone was brought up in a Christian home, I know not everyone was brought up with an unbelievable family like I was and I know that not everyone has a rock solid Church family like I do to hold them up. So yes I am a little special, Yes I am a blessed girl, but it is not just all these things that make me the strong person I am today. These are some of the “extra” positives that I have. The point of the matter is that I have had a lot of growing up to do. This Faith walk that I am taking now, it is because I WANT to walk in his footsteps. I do not want to walk off the path he made for me. I am ready to walk hand and hand with my Lord and my King. My first Abba, and the one who made me from a rib. I want to be a person that people can look to and not only see, but also feel, the Holy Spirit radiating off of. I want to be the person people come to and say “will you pray with me?” I want to be the daughter that my Lord and Savior want me to be. It gets my blood pumping to feel him working in my life. Jesus is leading me because I didn’t give up. I didn’t let the negative that are in my past keep me down, I don’t let the negative things in my present situations keep me down long before I get back up and I WON’T let someone tear me down in the future because I am the Lords daughter. Tattoos or not I will be meeting my savior at the pearly gates with my grandparents jumping up and down to see me! Until that time though, until I am in front of him, I am going to do my best to do right by him here on earth. So my message to you…don’t give up. When you feel like giving in, when you feel like throwing in the towel, Log on to your FaithBook upload your status and wait and see what the Lord does next. Have faith that he will comment back and have faith that the comment he sends back is going to propel you so far ahead you will look back and say “This is the place I always wanted to be!” God loves you and I hope you know that I love you all to. Be Kind to one another my friends and remember I love you, God loves you and everyone in between. Some days are simply overwhelming and cause us to want to give up. God desires us to be persistent in our good work. Maybe you’re trying to mend a broken relationship with a family member and some days are very tough. Sometimes work can be hectic and unforgiving. And sometimes it’s a dream of yours to work on something that you’re passionate about and gifted in. There are peaks and valleys for all of these journeys… there are good days and there are some days that you do not even want to get out of the bed that is your safe haven. The point is that GOD never gives up. He never leaves and he never runs away so why are we so focused on pushing him away? Why are we so quick to say ‘He gave up on me?’ ‘He doesn’t care otherwise he wouldn’t do this to me’ well the point isn’t that he doesn’t care. The fact of the matter is that he is right beside you WAITING for you to ask HIM for help!! Many of you have different circumstances, you all have different trials, you have different battles you are fighting. Maybe you are fighting with an in-law, or with an ex or with a best friend or maybe even a roommate. Maybe it is over something silly like “Not picking up your part of the dorm room” or maybe it’s because they don’t feel like family or maybe it is something as big as a divorce I don’t know the story. I don’t know the pain you have but I know the pain I have. Let me give you a little insight… no matter how or what you tell OTHER people GOD KNOWS! NO matter how hard you put on the “tough guy” exterior God knows your crumbling… he knew when I was. He knows that each and every day it is a LITTLE easier to get out of bed but that some days are tougher than others. He knows your struggles, He knows your problems, HE knows the situation… He KNOWS his children Don’t Give Up on HIM!! We each have struggles. It is going to happen it is the way life is, it’s the way we learn, it’s the way we grow but the important thing isn’t about counting how many times you have fallen or how hard today is or how hard tomorrow might be. The POINT of the matter is that God is always there for you to turn to, for you to confide in and for you to cry out for. God sees our struggles and it is not because he likes to see our pain. God gives us trials to see how we handle them to see if we truly believe. It isn’t a test about how tough we are, or how strong we are, the TEST is to see how FAITHFUL we are. The idea is to see if we try to take on the world ourselves or if we go to him in prayer. The test Much Love & Many Blessings, Ali Priest 8 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 Hosanna Monthly Financial Report Total Budgeted Income Actual Income Received Below Budget(not good) $22,376 $44,752 $16,964 $34,136 - $5,412 - $10,616 Total Budgeted Expenses Actual Expenses Payed Below Budget(good) $24,100 $48,200 $23,610 $45,158 - $490 - $3,042 Income Received Expenses Payed Net Position(not good) $16,964 $34,136 $23,610 $45,158 - $6,646 - $11,022 2 3 3 5 6 6 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 18 18 21 21 24 24 24 25 27 27 27 30 Altar Flowers 5 12 19 26 3 5 12 13 16 17 18 30 30 Fettrow’s in celebration of JoAnn & Melissa’s Birthday’s Steve & Diane Jones in Celebration of their Wedding Anniversary Bob & Donna Wood in Celebration of their Wedding Anniversary Scarmack’s in Celebration of Kathy’s Birthday Butch & Kathy Sims Bob & Donna Wood Mike & Dianne Drozdowicz Steve & Diane Jones Erike & Rachel Bulderbergs Jason & Becky Carr Dick & Sandy Bricker Jerry & Diane Brown Art & Darlene Butler Marissa Priest Justin VerWeire Larry Walker Shane Abram Carol Pierce Wendy Storm Melissa Fettrow Ryan Mohler Jeromy Stepp JoAnn Fettrow Kenny King Tina Brown Britain Hanna Dale Pugh Triston Rhoades Halie Berona Dianne Drozdowicz Karen Burkey Susan Downs Andrew Haag Nakotah Kaufman Jan Powers Fred Stowers Mark Mauger Bryan Newland Averie Adams Jared Brandt Tony Starn Samuel Kennedy E. Wanda Quay Kathy Scarmack Katie Vance Kellen Yates There are many dates open for flower donations throughout the year. Stop by the bulletin board in the Narthex and sign up today. You will need to make arrangements with a florist of your choice to order and have your flowers delivered. 9 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 Ponder This Scarred – For Eternity If God raised Jesus from the dead, why didn’t God fix him up? Why Scars? Why the print of nails that you could feel with your fingers? Can it be that the gospel .. is saying to us in our waiting: “You will not see Jesus Christ unless you see the wounds?’ Sopmehow we must understand that the resurrected Christ is forever the wounded Christ. Living, but never fixed up. Not bound by death, yet scarred for eternity. “Little Seeds” by MaryAnn Sundby Raindrops tumble to the ground ‘cause God directs them to come down. Little seeds sprout from the ground ‘cause God directs them up, not down. Tender roots sink in the ground ‘cause God directs them to go down. Pretty flowers will be found Where raindrops tumbled to the ground. The deaf have a sign for jesus. Quickly they make this sign many times during their worship: the middle finger of each hand is placed into the palm of the other. Jesus, the one with wounded hands. And when thy touch the place they remember. They hear the name in their own flesh. “Easter’s Promise” by L.B. Cowman ‘Twas by a path of sorrows drear Christ entered into rest; And shall I look for roses here, Or think that earth is blessed? Heaven’s whitest lilies blow From earth’s sharp crown of woe: Who here his cross can meekly bear, Shall wear the kingly purple there. -John Vannorsdall The Real Meaning of the Cross “at the cross we understand what God means when he talks of loving us, begin to take it in that there is nothing that he will not do, nosacrifice he will not make, no suffering that he will shirk, if only he can help us. ‘He loved me,’ said Paul, standing upon Calvary and gazing in a stunned way at the cross, ‘I who was a persecutor, and a blasphemer, and injurious, and yet he loved me and he gave himself for me.’ And with that Paul’s heart broke, and the old life was gone.” “Spring Cleaning” by Peggy Ferrell Sweep over me, Lord And brush out my sin! Replace it with faith, And live here within. Amen. “Beyond the Door” by Peggy Ferrell To better love God and Christ, our friend, We pass through death’s door; but it’s not the end. It’s only the birth of something more— The eternal joy earth’s prepared us for! -Scottish Preacher Arthur John Gossip A Word of Wisdom You cannot stay where you are and go with God. You cannot continue doing things your way and accomplish God’s purpose in his ways. Your thinking cannot come close to God’s thoughts. For you to do the will of God, you must adjust your life to him, his purposes and his ways. “Out Like a Lamb” by Unknown The March wind roars like a lion in the sky. And makes us shiver as he passes by. When winds are soft, and the days are warm and clear, Just like a gentle lamb, the spring is here. -Henry Blackaby 10 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 11 The Newsletter of Hosanna Lutheran Church April 2015 NON-PROFIT ORG. HOSANNA LUTHERAN CHURCH U.S. POSTAGE 7714 HAZELTON-ETNA ROAD PAID PATASKALA OHIO PATASKALA, OHIO 43062 PERMIT NO. 3 Office hours are 9:00 am-3:00pm Monday-Friday Pastor Bret is out of the office on Friday’s. If you are calling after hours and need to get in touch with him Please call (330) 559-1846 12
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