Document 129079

Christian Ranchman
We're not trying to build an organization.
Volume 38, Number 2-3
We're trying to fill the Kingdom of God.
"..By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one for another." John 13:35
I want to report on the Fort Worth Live Stock Parade and the wonderful opportunity to represent
the LORD and ride behind the Cowboys For Christ banner, a banner that has been carried in that
parade longer than any other Christian Cowboy ministry. (The actually date has not been determined,
but it is safe to say that it was sometime in the ‘70s) I was not sure about riding in it for this year and
I needed to send in our entry form in December. Since there is always a bunch to do and the
Prisoner Children’s Bible Horseshoe program was much bigger than anticipated, I had about decided
to forget about it even though Cowboys For Christ has ridden in it for many, many years. So, I
prayed and asked the LORD what did I need to do, well, “you ask, and you will receive” because in
just a very short time the phone rang and LeeRoy Ashcraft, who had ridden in the parade with us for
many, many years, wanted to know if we had room for more riders. He had a bunch of folks that
wanted to ride with us, so I got busy and filled out and sent in our entry form.
Well, I’m here to report that we had 30 riders (usually we have about 20) and I got our Cowboys
For Christ jackets out of
stock and with all of us
dressed in those blue
jackets, we were a sharp
looking group of Cowgirls
and Cowboys. Many
thanks to all who took their
time and made the effort
to join with us to ride
behind the Cowboys For
Christ banner, which is not
only the oldest Christian
Cowboy group to ride in it,
but who helped keep a
long standing tradition
alive for another year and
growing. Praise the LORD
Email, Snail Mail
or Pony Express....
Any way you can
get it to us!
March / April 2014
How Do We Become A “Princess”
By Jessica Thompson
Princess, WOW what a pony!! She is an
amazing little lady, a once in a lifetime find!! Where
do I start, well we bought her for my oldest daughter
Lindsey when she was about 10 years old. She
called her pretty pretty pink Princess.
She is the type of horse that would never kick, bite,
or buck. She is truly gentle. You can run barrels or
poles on her, trail ride, or ride her in a parade, she
loves it all. Last summer Hannah jumped on her
bare back & won the goat tying on her. Lindsey
rode her until her legs almost drug the ground and
then I gave her to Hannah (Lindsey cried and cried).
Hannah loved her and rode her everywhere.
(Cont. on Pg. 12)
Go to the General Store Tab
on our
website and click on the
Fort Worth, TX
Permit No. 284
Cowboys For Christ
P.O. Box 7557
Fort Worth, TX 76111
Non-Profit Org
U.S. Postage
Page 2 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
receive the great blessings from our Heavenly Father.
Love you brothers, Oscar G., Texas
Thank You Cowboys For Christ
Dear Christian Ranchman,
My name is I. A. and I have read your newspaper for
many years. My son has been in and out of prison with
alcohol addiction, DWI for 17 years. He always gets
paroled then he’s in again. I have tried to help him and
prayed for him. I don’t know what to do for him anymore.
He is to be released around the last of March on parole.
He is now in Brownwood doing rehab for when he gets
out. I don’t know if I made a mistake this time, but I
wrote a nice support letter to the parole board. I told
them that unfortunately he could not come home this
time. Because he comes home and does not have to
worry about rent, bills or pay for anything. I know that I
believe it’s my fault, but he kept promising he was saving
money for an apartment and to be on his own. But every
time (4 times now) he keeps going back. I would love
someday to see him write a testimony like this girl in the
last issue that found Christ and changed her life. I know
my son thinks that I’m abandoning him, but I am 67
years old and I won’t be here forever and he needs to
know how to be on his own. Thank you for your time
and I would love for someone on your staff to maybe
write him with God’s Word.
Sincerely, IA in Texas
Cowboys For Christ,
Herein find a gift for your endeavors for Christ. Thank
you for being there.
For Christ, PGB in North Dakota
Dear Cowboys For Christ,
Keep up the good work. I enjoy your paper.
JF in Kansas
Hi Everybody,
Enclosed is our tithe for the 3rd quarter. We’re
expecting great thing from the Lord this year, hope you
are, too.
Blessings, PB in Colorado
Cowboys For Christ,
I like what you are doing for those Cowboys out there
and I like the Bible that you have sent.
SM in Texas
Cowboys For Christ,
I just wanted to send you a few lines to say “thank
you” for the gifts that you sent my children. They loved
the Bibles and the horse shoes, it was a great blessing.
They have already started to read their Bibles. I have
also sent them some Scriptures to read out of their
Bibles. You just don’t know how you just might have
made a big change in their lives. Once again Thank
You so much. I will continue to pray for you that you
Dear Cowboys For Christ,
God bless your ministry. I’ve been receiving your
great newspaper for years. It has blessed me more than
you know. Continued success, your ministry has blessed
many people.
Thank you, Chris C.
Bro. Dave,
Hope this will help out. The Lord is helping to stretch
out my faith for great and might things in 2014. It is
nerve racking for sure, but I stop and praise Him and all
gets quiet and peaceful.
Bro. Les in Wyoming
Dear Cowboys For Christ,
God Bless you all, and I hope you all have a wonderful
blessed Christmas and New Year.
FC in Texas
Cowboys For Christ
Just want to encourage you’ll to keep on spreading
the Good News of JESUS CHRIST! Don’t grow weary,
or be led astray by our enemy! Keep on planting seeds
and encouraging each other. Enclosed is some funds
to help, sorry it has been a little slow this year, also a
check for a silver belt buckle for a friend. He has seen
mine and really liked it, so I thought I would surprise
him. May you all at CFC have a blessed 2014 and
wouldn’t it be great if our prayers are answered and we
have revival this year in this country.
KD in Oklahoma
To Whom It May Concern,
Here is a little something to help with all your
ministries you have. God bless you for helping so many.
LE in Iowa
Cowboys For Christ,
I have been getting your wonderful paper for many
years. I enjoy the reading very much. Please send
your paper to my great grandson, address enclosed.
Thank you, Mary D in Louisiana
Have You Moved or are You
Planning to Move? Please notify
your new mailing address.
The Christian Ranchman
Volume 38
Jan / Feb 2014
No. 2-3
The Christian Ranchman is published Bi-Monthly
(subscriptions are free) by Cowboys For Christ,
P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111.
Physical Address: 514 County Road 4699,
Boyd, Texas 76023
Post Master: Send address changes to The
Christian Ranchman, P.O. Box 7557, Fort
Worth, TX 76111.
Phone (817)236-0023
Ted K. Pressley, Founder (1938-2011)
Dave Harvey, Executive Director/Editor
Please remember that the statements and
expressions are those of the witnesses, and not
necessarily those of the staff or officers of Cowboys
For Christ.
E-Mail Address:
Supreme authority over this organization
and all its activities is vested in God's own Son,
the Lord Jesus Christ, and exercised by the
Holy Spirit. This must be recognized and
practiced as laid out for us in God's divinely
inspired Word, the Holy Bible.
Cowboys For Christ is not a substitute for
the local Church or Assembly, nor is it in
competition with any denominational group.
It seeks, rather, through God's enabling grace,
to be a helper to all local churches,
denominations and groups to the extent that
they are in harmony with the will of the
Almighty God. Its function is to proclaim the
Word of God. It is designed for outreach and
building up of the Body of Christ, God's bloodbought people, and in harmony with the work
of the Holy Spirit is an active force in the Lord's
program for the present day.
The message of The Christian Ranchman
is the saving grace of Jesus Christ. These
messages come to us in a variety of
expressions, including testimonies and Letters
to the Editor, and each is meaningful in its own
way. We pray that the Holy Spirit will minister
to each of you that bit of reassurance and
comfort your need today.
2014 Cowboys For Christ
Page 3 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
Dear Brother Dave,
I have talked to you over the phone in the past
and mentioned that I am in the promotional
products business here in Indiana and at one time
had made a sample embroidered ball cap for Bro.
Ted Pressley prior to his death. I believe he was
interested in some but could not afford any at that
time and that was okay.
I am also the founder and former publisher of
the “Trail Rider Publication” that today is a
worldwide publication for horse lovers that enjoy
trail riding on horseback here in the United States
and also in different parts of the world. Although I
sold the Trail Rider several years ago I am proud
to say it is being published and is very successful
When I started the “Trail Rider Publication”
being a Christian myself I asked Brother Ted if I
could use something from his publication to put in
the Trail Rider each issue and he willingly said that
would be okay. I did use something from your
publication for each issue as long as I was still the
That started around 1991 and a copy of the
Christian Ranchman has been sent to me ever
since. I must say I have never sent anything to
help support your effort except maybe by those
that found an interest in the Christian Ranchman
through the Trail Rider.
Sorry to be so long in sending something to help
with your effort until now, not much, but maybe this
will do something to help. I do intend sending more
from time to time. Your Christian message is worth
the investment and now more than ever. Please
keep it up, horse lovers need Christ like everyone
God bless you and keep up the good work, who
knows Christ might return sooner that we realize.
Your Brother-In-Christ,
George Uppling
Happy New Year Everyone,
THANK YOU!!! We had a great time at the New
Year’s Eve Celebration. I would like to thank
everyone who helped in every way in making the
evening a success. Carol wanted me to particularly
thank all those who brought cookies. She was
overwhelmed with the response. Thank you all for
your friendship and support.
We would like to have your feedback about the
New Year’s Eve Celebration. Should we plan on
doing it again next year? (If so we need to start
making arrangements soon.) Do you have any
comments or suggestions? (All comments and
suggestions will be considered and taken before
the Lord in prayer. We want Him to be in charge
of planning all our events.)
Jan 24 - 26 If you are interested in going to
Miracle Mountain Ranch for the Adult Retreat
please let me know as soon as possible before
the end of this week. Horse related activities, Bible
lessons, meals, lodging, good fellowship, and
Sermon from the Mount Presentations are all
included in the $89 cost for the week end. We
begin with registration at MMR 7pm Friday night
and end with Sunday brunch. I sure hope you can
be a part of this enjoyable time with us.
If you are planning to attend Bible Study this
year please let me know. It is scheduled to start
Jan 18th, 6:30pm. Let me know if Saturday night
or Sunday night suits you best. Thanks, we want
to accommodate as many as possible.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
God’s blessings to you in 2014,
Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all staying warm and are able to
use some of the time during these cold winter
months to dig into the Word and deepen your
relationship with the Lord.
This past week end 17 of us braved the cold
and enjoyed another retreat at Miracle Mountain
Ranch in Spring Creek, PA. We had a great time
with the MMR staff and students. The messages
were insightful and inspirational, and the worship
and fellowship were sweet. I wish more would take
time to accompany us to MMR. It is definitely worth
the effort.
The next Bible Study will be Saturday, February
1st, 6:30pm, at Dale & Faith’s. We invite you to
come join us. It’s a great way to spend a Saturday
evening. We are studying 1st & 2nd
“This is what the Lord says, “Stand at the
crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask
where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will
find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16a
Be Blessed & Be a Blessing!
Note to Chapter Presidents and
Vice Presidents
Updates are due whenever there is a
leadership change.
The update form is available at:
If you do not have internet access and do not
have the current form, please call the office at
Updates can be e-mailed to: or mailed to
PO Box 7557, Ft. Worth, Texas 76111.
Contact us via E-Mail:
Dave Harvey General mail:
Submit testimonies, articles or to
subscribe to the Christian Ranchman at
Order Inquiries:
Paperwork/Chapter Correspondence:
Central: Matt Wagner
South West: Dr. Bob Rawson
South East: Suzy Harvey
Great Lakes: Mike Gentry
West: Robert Barnard
Email, Snail Mail or Pony
Any way you can get it to us!
Page 4 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
Dear Friend,
I‘m writing to you what my wonderful Heavenly
Father has done in my life; I cannot keep it a secret.
I told God that I would tell everyone that would
listen. Please use this in your church and your
ministry to show the power, love, forgiveness and
faithfulness of the wonderful Lord.
Recently, I was feeling a great burden in my spirit.
I had a yoke of bondage dragging me down. My
niece, Kelli Rice, became missing under suspicious
circumstances in March 2008. I had a terrible
hatred toward those responsible. My thoughts can
only be described as evil, and I will not even
mention my intentions.
One day God showed me that my sins were no
different. The Lord showed me the error of my
thinking. He told me to pray for them. I prayed for
those I knew to be responsible for Kelli’s death. I
prayed for their salvation and that God would bless
them. I did this diligently every day. I started to
actually forgive them and after inventorying my life
I found I was harboring ill-feelings toward others in
my past. I started praying for those as well. The
yoke of bondage had been removed from my life.
I was feeling a great relief and I feel a freedom so
profound I can’t keep my mouth shut about it.
On November 29, 2013 almost 6 years after
Kelli became missing. I went to my prayer partner,
Tyvieo Woods and asked him to pray with me that
God would allow Kelli’s remains to be found so
that my family could find closure and that Jesus
would get the glory. On November 30, 2013 two
deer hunters found Kelli’s remains in the woods.
My friends, I’m here to say that I serve a
magnificent God. He is true to His Word! He is
faithful! He wants to move in your life, too. If you
will only believe and trust our Heavenly Father, He
will move those mountains in your life. He tells us
to love our neighbor as ourselves, even our
enemies. He even provides a way for us to forgive
them—just pray for them! Whatever the yoke of
bondage may be, He will set you free indeed.
Jesus is my Lord and my Savior, and I want the
whole world to know how great He is. There is a
way to love and forgive, and that way is Jesus.
The Name above all names! He is the Way, the
Truth and the Life! Just remember, if you do not
forgive men for their transgressions, your Heavenly
Father will not forgive you.
I would very much appreciate it if you will assist
me in spreading this to the world. When you are
through sharing this letter, please copy it and send
it to another church or ministry so the message will
not stop. Your assistance in this matter is greatly
God Bless You!
In His Love, Ronnie
There is one very, very important decision that
each and every person must make some time in
their life. That decision is to accept JESUS CHRIST
as their SAVIOR and LORD or not to accept HIM.
No one knows when their life will end, so it is very
important to make that decision before it is too late.
I am not trying to scare anyone, cause any worry
or alarm, but I am telling the truth. It isn’t hard,
painful or difficult, in fact, it is very easy. The Bible
very plainly tells us in Romans 3:23, “For all have
sinned”. Also, in Romans 6:23 we are told, “For
the wages of sin is death”. This death actually is
referring to eternal death. But the last part of
Romans 6:23 reads, “But the gift if GOD is eternal
life through JESUS CHRIST our LORD. John 3:16
“For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS
only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in
HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life”.
Romans 10:9 & 10 explains how, “That if thou shall
confess with thy mouth the LORD JESUS, and shall
believe in thy heart that GOD has raised HIM from
the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart man
believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth
confession is made unto salvation”. And Romans
10:13 includes everyone, “For whosoever shall call
upon the name of the LORD shall be saved”. Right
now, this very minute you need to make that
decision for eternal life and by praying this prayer
and truly believing you can accept the LORD
late great D.L. Moody once said, “GOD has put
salvation within the reach of everyone, because
all you have to do is believe”.
Please pray this prayer.
sinner and I am sorry for those sins, please
forgive me. I know that your SON, JESUS
CHRIST, died on the cross and rose from the
dead to save me from eternal death and I believe
that in my heart. Please, Dear JESUS, come into
my heart as SAVIOR and LORD. And FATHER
please help me to be your child. In JESUS’
NAME, Amen.
If you prayed that prayer, please let us know so
we can add you to our prayer list. Also, we will send
you information on Cowboys For Christ and a New
Testament to help you in your new life with JESUS
Contact information:
Phone: 1-817-236-0023
Mail: Cowboys For Christ, P O Box 7557,
Fort Worth, TX 76111
How would you like to be involved in a
ministry that takes the GOSPEL of JESUS
CHRIST to Cowboys and Cowgirls
wherever they ride the trails of life? We
would certainly like for you to join us in a
very unique and rewarding ministry, and
we will help you get started through the
power and guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT.
Please pray about starting a local chapter
of Cowboys For Christ, especially if you
are not afraid of a bunch of hard work, long
hours, and eating the trail dust of service
to the LORD. It will take boldness,
dedication, and commitment, but the sheer
joy of saddling up for JESUS CHRIST is
worth the effort, and the rewards are totally
out of this world. Contact us about a
Chapter Start Up Packet, and let’s work
together to make a difference in your area
to change lives for eternity just as Cowboys
For Christ has done for over forty-two
Howdy Cowboys and Cowgirls
We need sponsors for our
Prisoner Newsletter and the free
Prisoner Bible/Bible Study
program. Please pray about it
and if you feel the HOLY SPIRIT
speaking to you about helping
Cowboys For Christ go inside the
walls with the Gospel of JESUS
CHRIST, we certainly welcome
your support. We are reaching
out to those who are drawn to the
cowboy image or who have been
a part of the cowboy way of life
before they were imprisoned.
Your support will certainly be
greatly appreciated for helping
us continue and expand this very
fruitful work. GOD bless you
and I Thank You.
Page 5 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
Riding Point With Dave Harvey....
Matt 3:1-2 In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the Desert of Judea and saying, “Repent, for the
kingdom of heaven is near.”
The difference in one little letter in one little word sure can change things a bunch. It looks like that John the
Baptist was really preaching a message of “Repeatence” instead of “Repentance” I mean, Cowboys and Cowgirls,
look at the world now and tell me that the message of repentance was heard, received and acted upon. It sure looks
like the “a” has it over the “n” in this situation, especially in this nation today. I really think that the exact words that our
LORD JESUS spoke to the women caught in adultery in, “John 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her,
Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. That sure sounds like that “go, and sin no more” does not mean to
“go, and do it again” or go, and “repeat” your sins.
Now, I do have to admit that there is a very slight possibility that someone (non-cowboy type) might mix up the words “repeat and repent” but not
Cowboys and Cowgirls. Because Cowboys and Cowgirls know the difference in cows and horses, dogs and cats, and night and day, so that pretty much
proves the point that they certainly know the difference in an “a” and an “n” and that they pretty much know the difference in “repeat” and “repent.” I am
speaking from my personal experience and exposure of a lifetime in the cowboy world, so I guess that I may have a somewhat limited viewpoint, but
probably not.
Maybe we should look at the words Repeat and Repent and try to get a good cowboy handle on the meaning and definition of each. In plain ole
Cowboy language, repeat means “do it again” and in the same ole Cowboy language, repent means, “I’m sorry and I won’t do it again.” See, I told you
that it was simple and that Cowboys and Cowgirls really would not get the two different words mixed up, even though they only have one letter that is not
the same. In fact, it also means that maybe we should learn by example, when we see how sin is destroying lives, families, relationships and cowboys
and cowgirls, and then we should not follow those examples, but look at how folks who are walking close to the LORD and trying to live a victorious
Christian life. Now, those are the folks that we should be trying to imitate and follow in our walk on this earth.
We can look at it from a universal viewpoint and declare: not a nation, state, city or community would be worse off by seeking the HOLY GOD and HIS
HOLY WORD in every part of their operation and functions. You say, “Now hold on a minute that is a pretty broad statement.” But I say that I have ample
proof that what I am saying is correct, because just look around you. It seems that most, if not all, nations, states, cities and communities are drawing
away from GOD and the results are readily apparent with the crime, disregard for life and total lack of Christian principles and morals. Integrity, honesty,
the Golden Rule and every good action and Christian movement is certainly an attribute that must be searched for and rarely found in today’s world. But,
lying, cheating, serving self, distorting the truth, immorality, and all types of evil is certainly running rampant in this country and around the world. They
are “repeating” the age old tradition of “repeat” their sins, evil deeds, evil actions; instead of “repent” and change their ways to good, moral, respectful
and CHRIST-like.
Now, let’s look at the individual, especially the Cowboy and Cowgirl. Like I stated earlier, Cowboys and Cowgirls have an inherent trait of “horse
sense” which tells us that “right” is “right” and “wrong” is “wrong” so your argument of not understanding the difference in “repeat” and “repent” just won’t
hold water. (That’s plain ole cowboy talk which means you may fool yourself that you don’t understand the difference, but you sure won’t fool anyone
else, especially GOD.)
Today, right now, you are where you are, (again I have to use plain ole cowboy talk) and that means your decisions and circumstances have put you
where you are right now. So, wherever you are you can make the decision to start working on the “n” part of “repe-t” and stop doing the “a” part. In fact,
we can again go back to the ole cowboy language and tell you to “repent” of your sins and turn away from them, and do not “repeat” them. Matt 21:32
For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after
you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.
Also, I want to tell you that you are not alone in this struggle against sin and the evil that is moving so strong in so many lives, because we have the
HOLY SPIRIT to help us, to guide us, to support us as we make the “right” decisions. Acts 2:38-39 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of
you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 The promise is for you and your
children and for all who are far off — for all whom the Lord our God will call.” Please do not forget to ask for that help, guidance and support, because
the HOLY SPIRIT is there any time and all of the time if we will just ask. Now I must admit that you need to be a child of the MOST HIGH GOD before
you have HIS help, but that is the easy part. Please read and pray the prayer in the Decisions Decisions Decisions section of this paper and then you
will have the HOLY SPIRIT by just calling on HIM, and you will have eternal life, too. Acts 26:20 First to those in Damascus, then to those in Jerusalem
and in all Judea, and to the Gentiles also, I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds. And remember,
don’t get confused over the “a” and the “n” because you are a cowgirl or cowboy if you are reading this and that means that you can’t get by with that
excuse. HEAVENLY FATHER, I pray that you give each cowgirl and cowboy strength and guidance to stand strong against the wiles of the devil and to
repent and not repeat their sins, In JESUS’S NAME, Amen.
Page 6 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
For more information about activities, meeting dates, times and locations,etc.,please contact people listed for the chapter nearest you, or our website at:
Circuit Riders CFC – Ohatchee, AL
Malibu Chapter -
Troy Crosson, Pres., 256-419-3140
Jason Yates, V. P., 256-490-3549
Fellowship: Fridays at 6pm
Morten Wengler, Pres.
Elizabeth Smith, V.P.
Contact for information
Cowboyn’ for the Son CFC- Athens,
Odis Everett, Pres., 256-431-7338
VP Eugene Leimneweder,
Fellowship: 1st Thursday each month
At 6pm at Meeting same time at 306 BBQ
S.E.A. Riders (Southeast Alabama)
Chapter, Troy, AL
Tommy Manns, Pres. 334-897-8316
Bobby Jones, V.P. 334-566-6303
Fellowship: call for location and time
Mat-Valley CFC - Wasilla AK
Tim Avritt, Pres., 907-376-2370
Jerre Attwood, V.P., 907-775-0834
Fellowship: 2nd Monday at 6:30pm
Call Debbie Avritt at 907-376-2370
Southern Arizona Chapter - Tucson, AZ
Jason Summerkamp, VP 520-403-8289
Ministry activities and fellowship - call
for info
Durango CFC – Durango, CO
John Beranek, Pres., 970-247-8288
Chris Swift, V. P., 970-533-9797
Fellowship: Thursdays at 7pm, at Animas
Valley Grange Hall,
7271 County Rd 203, Durango, CO
Malibu, CA
Angel Haven Ranch & Rescue
Chapter, Littlerock, CA
Monique Yates, Pres. 661-944-1803
Gina Nichols, VP 800-692-8977
Call for information
SonCoast Chapter – Nobleton, FL
Barbara Mackenzie, Pres., 352-568-1507.
Nancy Ramirez, V. P., 352-569-5318
Fellowship: Call Barbara for location and
Antioch CFC – Dover, FL
David Gillett, Pres. 813-789-0589
George Gillett, V.P. 813-986-4751
Fellowship: 2nd Saturday of each month
Call for location and time
Northern Indiana CFC – Elkhart, IN
Willie Hostetler, Pres., 574-575-0451
Ryan Eash, V.P., 574-202-3946
Fellowship: Trail Ride 3rd Saturday of each
Cowboy Gathering first Saturday of
every month 5:30pm
South/Central Indiana Chapter, Ed
Edwards, Pres. 812-343-0776 Lisa
Edwards, VP 765-516-3828 Fellowship:
call for information
North Iowa Chapter – Alta Vista, IA
David Williams, Pres., 641-330-9742,
Chuck Halsey, VP, 507-279-8602
Fellowship: call for location and time
We Will Ride Ministry Chapter,
Greene, IA
Mike Reicherts, Pres.,
Scott Chisholm, VP, 319-230-1859
Fellowship: call for date and time
Clay Center CFC – Clay Center, KS
Chuck Smith Pres., 785-632-5841
Brian Girrens, V.P., 785-926-3085
Fellowship: See website.
Round Up Minisries Chapter,
Inman, KS
Ken Pitzer, Pres., 620-200-9750
Karen Pitzer, VP 620-200-2157
Call for info and activities.
Trinity Cowboy Ministries CFC
Chapter – Carencro, LA
Mel DuPlechein, Pres., 337-678-2060
Dr. Mark Freeman, V. Pres., 337-8527855,
Call for information
Great Lakes CFC - Coopersville, MI
Jim Hansen, Pres., 616-450-4887
Harlan Smith, V. P., 616-837-6432
Fellowship: Call Jim Hansen for location
and time
Michigan CFC - Midland, MI
Pat Murphy, Pres., 989-832-9092
John Oelberg, V. P., 989-708-0090
Fellowship: Call Pat Murphy for location
& time
Minn-Iowa Cowboys For Christ,
Frost, MN
Judy W iedemeier, Pres., 515538-0109
Kim Olson, VP, 962-913-6936
Fellowship: Second weekend of the
month-call for info
Cowboy Church: 1st Sunday each month9am Jackson Livestock Sale Barn,
Jackson, MN
Flying B Soldiers Of The Cross CFC
- Hazzlehurst, MS
Scott Briggers, Pres., 601-672-4262
Jack Foster V. P., 601-894-3809
Fellowship: Call Scott Briggers for lo
cation and time
East Mississippi Equestrian
Riders—Meridian, MS
Jack R. Griffith, Pres. 601-479-9242,
Gerry Rutherford, VP 601-616-5577, Call
for information on activities
Capital Region CFC – New
Bloomfield, MO
John Hunter, Pres., 573-310-1293
Gary Ellis, VP, 573-491-9988
Fellowship: 3rd Friday of each month
Call for location and time
Bible Study and Fellowship: Wednesday 6:00pm Cameron’s Holts Summit
Pony Express CFC – St. Joseph,
Matt Wagner, Pres., 816-390-7561
Glenn Spencer, V. P. 816-685-3210
Fellowship: 1st Tuesday at 7pm at Pony
Express Club
Green Hills CFC – Kirksville, MO
Jarrod Rapp, Pres., 660-689-3127
Betty Young, V. P., 660-349-1686
Fellowship: 3 Thursday at 7pm.
Call Craig Bakke at 660-695-3803 for
more information
Salvation Riders CFC – Lamar, MO
Jim Harrison, Pres., 417-682-9219
David Eaves, V. P., 417-214-1239
Fellowship: 1 & 3 Sunday at 6pm at
Memorial Hall
Cotton Creek Chapter - Richmond, MO
Mike Stephens, Pres. 816-256-1403
Bob Simmons, V.P. 816-776-2936
(Chapters continued on page 7)
(Cont. from Pg. 7)
First Monday of each month at 7:00pm
at 40794 E. 144th St., Richmond, MO
Cotton Creek Cowboy Chapel 9:30
every Sunday
Tombstone Village Ministries
Tony Smith, Pres., 417-274-4334
Laurie Smith, VP 417-274-4333
Meeting: Sunday 10AM West Plains, MO
Page 7 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
NC Foothills CFC – Statesville, NC
Craig Deal, Pres., 704-873-3421
Andrew Sams, V. P., 704-880-3661
Fellowship: Call Craig Deal for more info.
Tri-County CFC – Marion, NC
Bill Queen, Pres., 828-738-8485
James Nations, V. P., 828-738-4343
Fellowship: 1 Monday of each month at
7pm at Providence Farm
Twin Counties CFC – Rocky Mount,
Les Hornback, Presw., 775-934-9248,
Diana Hornback, VP, 775-964-2015
Call for info and activities
Alfred Tyson, Pres., 252-459-6091, Sue
Armstrong, V. P. 252-443-4434
Fellowship: 4th Thursday of each month
at Englewood Assembly of God Church,
2181 S. Halifax Road, Rocky Mount,
North Carolina.
Cape Fear Chapter - Bladenboro, NC
Cenntral Nevada Outreach, Austin,
Las Cruces Chapter - Las Cruces,
Pat Henry, Pres., 575-644-5108
David Komarek, VP 575-523-2062
Robert Barnard, Reporter 575-3733737
Contact for information
Heart of Carolina CFC – Clayton,
Cliff Lee, Pres., 919-553-6726
Jerry Sprague, V. P., 919-365-9247
Fellowship: 2 Thursday of each month
at Carolina BBQ at 6:30 pm
Jacksonville CFC - Home of Camp
LeJeune – Jacksonville, NC
Carl Godfrey, Pres., 910-324-7137
Athina Williams, V. P., 910-779-9529
Fellowship: Call for date, time & location
John Milligan,Pres. 910-840-1402
Gary Cashwell, V.P. 910-874-0613
Fellowship: 3rd Saturday of each month
Trail Ride 10am; Dinner 7pm
Call for location
Sand Hills Chapter - Fayetteville, C
Gary Wells, Pres. 910-286-6906
Stewart Wells, V.P. 910-797-3386
Fellowship: 2nd Thursday of each month at
7pm at Western Sizzling, Fayetteville
Dakota CFC - Mandan, ND
Karen Hook, Pres., 701-391-4271
Loren Wetch, V. P., 701-663-5424
Fellowship: 3rd Sunday of each month
Dakota CFC - Mandan, ND
Karen Hook, Pres., 701-391-4271
Loren Wetch, V. P., 701-663-5424
Fellowship: 3rd Sunday of each month
Central OK CFC – Norman, OK
Mid-East CFC – Ayden, NC
Jack Keel, Pres., 252-525-8519
Lennis Freeman, V. P., 910-358-9723
Fellowship: Call Jack Keel for more information
Steve Womack, Pres., 405-872-7329
John Payne, V. P., 405-396-2738
Fellowship: 1 Tuesday of each month at
7pm at the Remington Place
No Bull About Jesus Chapter—
Pocola, OK
For His Glory CFC – Royce
City, TX
Jamie Jones, Pres. 479-926-3242
Wade Biggs, VP 479-522-0605
Prison, Jail and Recovery ministry
Call for information on activities
John Clayton, Pres. 214-215-6139
Kay Healey, V.P. 214-790-7526
Fellowship: call for more information
Southwest Oklahoma Chapter Comanche, OK
Ken Neher, Pres. 580-470-8055
Carolyn Neher, VP 580-470-8055
Contact for information
Green Country Cowboys For Christ
- Collinsville, OK
Fred Thomas, Pres. 918-378-8855
Rita Simpkins, VP 918-815-7087
Fellowship: Call f or information on
West Keystone CFC – New Castle,
Dale Brenneman, Pres., 724-924-2830,
Bob Steffler, V. P., 724-758-6255
Fellowship: 1 & 3 Sundays/ Call for
Southwest Pennsylvania Chapter Kittanning, PA
Paulette Zimmerman, Pres. 724-2520178
Jim Zimmerman, VP 724-252-0178
Ministry activities and fellowship - call
for info
Coastal Cowboys For Christ,
Conway, SC
Buddy Smith, Pres. 843-397-9133, Calvin
Barfield, V.P. 843-365-5636
Fellowship: 3 Thursday of each month
at Shoney’s in Conway, SC
Hill Country/South Texas
Chapter - Wimberley, TX
Dr. Bob Rawson, Pres. 512-8470521
Barbara Rawson, Sec/Tres 512-8470521
Contact for information
Rock’n Cross Ranch Ministry –
Collinsville, TX
Robert Taylor, Pres., 360-410-8883
Lief Martinson, VP, 505-429-1836
email address:
Fellowship: call for location and time
Boots and Bibles Chapter
Madison, VA
Heather Campbell, Pres. 540-2196928
Joanne Owings, VP 540-923-4679
Call for information on activities
Ridin For The Brand CFC- Victor, WV
Elbert Horrocks, Pres., 304-658-5730
George Hawkins, V. P., 304-658-4206
Fellowship: call for Location
Christ’s Cavalry
Daniels, WV
James Hartsog, Pres. 304-763-4207,
Beth Mays, V.P., 304-763-7247
Fellowship: call for location and time
Southeast Texas CFC, Kountze, TX
A.H. Elmer, Pres. 409-246-8985, Sneed
Elmer, V.P. 409-246-8985
Fellowship: Meeting - 3 Saturday each
month at 7:00 pm at the CFC Barn on Hwy
326 N, Kountze, TX
Cowboys For Christ Headquarters
– Boyd, TX
Dave Harvey, Pres. 817-236-0023
Call for more information
Lighthouse Chapter CFC –
Arkdale, WI
Mary Harris, V. P., 608-547-5477
Fellowship: Last Saturday of each
Call for location and time
Northeast Wyoming, Wright, WY
Robby Gallop, Pres., 307-622-7411
Kathy Jordan, VP, 307-622-0302
Call for info and activities.
Page 8 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
Cowboys For Christ
General Store
The Following Items Are For Sale
Specialty Items
The Following Items
Are Free:
Logo Belt Pins
NEW T-Shirt
Ball Caps
Belt Buckle
Belt Buckle
CFC Flags
COMPLETE (Palm Size) Bible
_______ Your Entry Fees Are Paid
_______ Need a Lift?
_______ FREE Professional Tips to a
Winning Ride
_______ The Race Is On
_______ Just a Short Ride Across the
_______ Five Steps to Become A Top
_______ The Ride
NEW Short
Sleeve Shirt
NEW Long
Sleeve Shirt
Cowboy Angel
CFC Jacket
American made Poplin
Cotton Jackets!
White, Royal Blue S-M-L-XL
and Grey
White, Royal Blue S-M-L-XL
and Red
24K Gold Plated
Blue/w Logo
Cotton Poplin
Screw on backs
White, Khaki or Black
Antique Bronze
Silver w/24k Gold Plate
Inlaid-Royal Blue, White &
Green in Shield & Letters
$ 25.00
$ 37.50
$ 4.50
$ 5.50
$ 6.50
Include S & H cost posted to the left.....
Other Materials
Name: __________________________________________________
_______ Bible Studies
_______ Bumper Stickers: Cowboys
For Christ
_______ Offering Envelopes
Address: ________________________________________________
City: ____________________State: ______ Zip: ______________
Phone: (_______) ________________________________________
Please fill out quantities. Fill out check/money order for sale items. Fill out portion below and mail to:
CFC, P.O. Box 7557, Fort Worth, TX 76111
United State Shipping & Handling
and up
Lifetime Membership
Card - $10
Life-time Membership Card signed by
Brother Ted Pressley, imprinted with
your name and laminated as long as
they last for $10 dollars, you must
print your name just like you want it
on the card.
$25.50 + $6.60 S/H
Total = $32.00
You can now order online....just go
to our website and click on the
General Store......
50/50 cotton/polyester short sleeve
Available in White, Royal Blue
and Grey
Sizes: S, M, L, XL (small extra
charge for larger sizes)
Cowboy & Cross design will be
stitched in complementary colors
65/35 polyester/cotton long sleeve
Available in White, Royal Blue
and Red
Sizes: S, M, L, XL (small extra
charge for larger sizes)
Cowboy & Cross design will be
stitched in complementary colors
Short Sleeve shirts
are $25.00
Long Sleeve shirts
are $37.50
Custom ordered!
Page 9 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
This wonderful Bible is the Easy-to-Read version by the World Bible Translators, prepared especially for CFC. It’s the Old and New Testaments
with beautiful CFC colors—royal blue leather imprint with expensively striking gold inlay on the
cover. It is 4-7/16 inches wide by 6-5/8 inches high,
perfect size to fit in your coat pocket, yet designed
with type size—very easy to read. Printed on thin
crystal white onion skin paper, making it beautiful,
flexible and very readable.
This awesome Bible brings an easy and new
flare to Bible study. It's a must for your spiritual
life! Order yours now, they make GREAT gifts!!!!
See order form.
Only $6.50 each
+ Shipping &
PRICE $50.00
Become a Partner with Cowboys for Christ....
Be Part of the Blessing & Share in the
The Christian Ranchman is distributed to approximately 14,500 homes
each month FREE of charge. Cowboys for Christ also provides tracts to pass
out at events FREE of charge to anyone who asks. Brother Dave and other
leaders in Cowboys for Christ chapters preach, teach and speak at many local
events FREE of charge.
Would you consider partnering with us with a monthly donation to help
with this vital ministry to the lost and hurting? All donations are tax-deductible
and are used to spread the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ.
GOLD or SILVER Guardian
Angels (with cowboy hats) just
$4.50 each.
Logo Shield Hat/Belt
Pin with white
Available in M, L, XL and XXL
$12.50 all sizes plus shipping.
White hat with blue bill and Black hat with embroidered
CFC logo patch embroidered
CFC Logo Patch
Page 10 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
The next meeting will be Saturday, March 8th @
7pm at Dell, north of Frost. Please plan to join us and
bring friends!
Hi Everyone!
We had a fantastic time of worship and praise this
We had our second meeting on Saturday, February morning at the Jackson Sale Barn! ! W e had
8 at Dell Church by Frost and we had approximately 30 people at the service and Gary Froiland
13people there. We covered a lot of ground!
gave a wonderful, spirit-filled message. We had a table
We discussed the possibility of having committees with The Christian Ranchman, Gideon Bibles, and tracts
that would be responsible for getting folks to do Cowboy set up in the main desk area. Almost all of them were
Church at the Jackson Sale barn, since we have been gone!! Seeds were definitely planted today!!!
invited back. Cowboy Ray consented to present
Our next meeting will be Saturday, February 8th at
on March 2. Carolyn was going to ask Pat Jenson from 7pm at Dell in Frost,MN. We’ll have coffee there, and
Buffalo, MN to present for April 6, and hoping that Gary some folks have said they will bring “goodies”. If you
Froiland would come back for May. We can be thinking feel the desire to bring munchies, by all means do so!!
of groups and speakers that would like to conduct
We have a lot of things to discuss. I plan to send out
Cowboy Church.
an agenda later this week.
We talked about having a banner created so that we
I pray you all have a great week!!
can display it at Cowboy Church services and functions,
and even have it carried at parades in the summer.
Judy Wiedemeier 515-538-0109
Cowboy Ray has had banners made by Blue Earth
Graphic and he will check on what they could do and
how much it would cost. If we have a banner then we
Report from South West Region
need a name to put on it, and Diana moved to use the
name “Minn-Iowa Chapter Ridin’ For The Brand”. Lori
Since our last South West Region/Hill Country
seconded that motion and it was passed. That will be Chapter report we are blessed to announce that we have
our new name. Pray about making a donation to the gained a new vice president. His name is Matt Wheeler
banner fund.
who is very enthusiastic in spreading the gospel of Jesus
Next we talked about having a Facebook page that Christ. Matt also owns a couple of horses and has done
people could go to for notice of upcoming events and some cowboying. He enjoys trail riding along with other
get-togethers. Judy will talk to Laura to see if she would horse activities. Matt will cover mainly the Canyon Lake,
be able and interested in helping with that. Also, KJLY New Braunfels, and San Antonio, Texas area for our Hill
has offered to interview Judy and Kim about Cowboys Country Chapter. We welcome Matt and are truly
for Christ and having a Facebook page would give people blessed to have him join our outreach ministry.
something to look at for more information. Besides KJLY,
We are also thankful to Lynne (DS Ranch Park Arena
Horse n’ Around magazine might want to introduce our Event Coordinator)for allowing us to have our Cowboy
Cowboys For Christ chapter, so Anita is going to contact and Cowgirl Gathering & Fellowship in a small part of
them, and Carolyn will do the same for Valley Equestrian. the beautiful new covered arena on the 1st and 3rd
We talked about being a presence at Brushy Creek Thursdays of each month. This is such a blessing being
over Memorial Weekend, maybe having a cowboy in a setting where an organization such as ours should
church there, and having a table and doing the prayer at be. We also have received approval to have a CFC
Jack’s 4th of July Horse Show. We could also ask about table set-up during major events such as the Live Stock
getting booths or tables at county fairs around, and at Shows, Roping, Barrel Racing, 4 H, Team Penning/
the Fjord Horse Show at Blue Earth. Judy had helped Sorting, etc. There are worlds of possibilities for some
at the Iowa Horse Expo and had a really positive really good ministry and new friends in our new home.
experience, so we discussed having a booth at the
Barbara and I went down to Gonzales, TX on January
Minnesota Horse Expo April 25-27, 8:30am-9:30pm.
11th to meet with a developing chapter down in that part
Jerry moved to get a table at the MN Expo for $200, and of the CFC South West Region. Ava Anderson, our Hill
Carolyn seconded the motion. It passed, and we are Country Chapter Recorder was our gracious host. I gave
invited to donate to the expense of the table. Please a talk on cowboys, outreach ministry, and the CFC
consider coming to sit at the table at the MN Horse organization to a number of CFC members and guests.
Expo…we especially need people to man it for Friday,
Shirley (Bible Study)and Patsy Jo (Trail Riding Ministry)
April 25. Judy, Anita and Kim are some of the folks that were there to help with CFC conversations. We enjoyed
will be available to work at the table Sat and Sun, but visiting with everyone and look forward to seeing them
anybody is welcome to come keep us company and hand sometime in the future.
out tracts.
For the first time ever, Cowboys For Christ will be
We broached the topic of a spring potbless/trailride, represented at the annual San Antonio Rodeo during
possibly at Pilot Knob or Mankato…it could be held on February. Matt, our VP, has arranged this to join with
a Sunday with Cowboy Church first, eat and then ride, the cowboy church tent and services on Sunday morning
or it could be a Saturday ride and an evening meeting.
worship as well as, other possible times during the rodeo
Thoughts for next meeting. Also think of parades where and horse shows. It took some prayer and doing but
we can ride horses with our Cowboys For Christ banner, just like a good cowboy, Matt “got er done”.
July 5th in Bricelyn for sure. Don’t forget, we are planning
Finally, I have been invited to attend the Texas
to have Cowboy Church at the sale barn in Jackson, Baptist Western Heritage Evangelism Conference on
MN on March 2 with Cowboy Ray. Please pray!
March 21st and 22nd. Approval was given to set-up an
Chapter Updates.....
exhibition for CFC while there.
We want to give thanks to Almighty God for his
guidance, direction and support for our chapter and its
outreach ministry. Everything we do is to glorify His
Name and we are so thankful for the people who open
doors so that we can bring His Gospel “Good News” in
to those looking for His saving Grace and Healing. MAY
Dr. Bob Rawson
SW Region Director/
Hill Country Chapter President
In Memory of:
Michele Burnette
Patricia & Garry Quas
Joseph & Ruth Spatafore
Warren Family Trust
Mrs. J Beaudry
In Memory of:
Jerry Shannon
Wendy Williams
Did you know that when you carry the Bible,
Satan has a headache, when you open it, he
collapses, when he sees you reading it, he loses
his strength, AND when you stand on the Word of
God, Satan can’t hurt you!
Page 11 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
We had 20 people attend our Cowboys for Christ Gathering Jan, 20th at LoveWay, Inc. As we
shared a meal together there were wonderful conversations and a time of just getting to know each
other a little better.
After dinner we went into the heated indoor arena and enjoyed a message given by Ryan Eash
and his dog Coach. Many of you may not know that Ryan Eash train Labrador Retrievers for sporting
As Ryan demonstrated Coach’s devotion with his intense focus on Ryan and his commands,
Ryan spoke of “Authenticity.” This dog was so in tune with Ryan! He was able to guide the dog just
by pointing and blowing his whistle. Obviously, this relationship was not developed over night. The
dog was nine years old and Ryan told about the times early in their relationship where Coach was
always willing to follow Ryan.
Ryan then gave the parallel with our relationship in Christ. If we have an authentic relationship
with Christ it will show by our honesty and admission of failures. Basically, we have to trust in God
and take the mask off. Be strict with yourselves in following the demands of Jesus. Galatians 6:9 Let
us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Our next “Gathering” will be Feb. 1st at 5:30 at LoveWay, Inc. as usual. Dean Yoder will be
bringing us the message with one of his horses. You won’t want to miss it!
If you have any questions feel free to call Willie at (574) 575-0451 or Ryan at (574) 202-3946.
Love Through Christ,
Kim Hostetler
PS February Cowboys For Christ Gathering cancelled due to bad weather. Come out to the March
Gathering for a double blessing.
MARCH 1, 2014
5:30 p.m.
Meal followed by a message/
By Dean Yoder
Along with sidekick Ryan Eash horse
Please bring a side dish to share and a lawn chair
20379 Marcellus Highway
Decatur, MI 49045
MARCH 15, 2014 @ 11:00 a.m.
Willie Hostetler at 574-575-0451 or Ryan Eash at 574-2023946 or
APRIL 20, 2014
7:00 AM
817-236-0023 OR 336-601-7393
Capital Region Cowboys For
Banquet Room of Cameron’s
- Holts Summit
Except Christmas Day and
New Year Day
Winter Fellowship & Bible
With Facilitator Frank Hodge
Page 12 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
How Do We Become A “Princess”
(Cont. from Pg. 1)
One time we were trail riding in Missouri along the
Little Sugar Creek and Hannah screamed for help.
When I looked back the scene was terrifying, Hannah
and Princess were on the ground and Princess was
laying in an awkward position with her leg twisted under
her. She held herself up off of Hannah until I got Hannah
away from her, then she took a deep breath and laid
down. Normal horses will kick and flail until they break
free from what ever they are tangled in, but not Princess.
She held still until Hannah was out of the way and then
tried once but as soon as I laid my hands on her and
talked to her she calmed down and didn’t try again. My
cousin Erin from Canada was with us on this trip, she
held Hannah who was crying for Princess and began
praying. I was sure Princess’ leg was broke under her
because of the position she was laying. Thoughts of
me having to shoot this beautiful pony right here while
my girls cried desperately were running through my
head. I laid down by Princess and decided to try to run
my hand down her leg to feel the break but as I ran my
hand down her leg I felt a deep hole that had given way
next to the creek. Her leg was perfectly fine under there.
Yay!! Our favorite horse was okay, we just had to figure
out a way to get her flipped over and her leg out of the
hole so she could regain her footing and get out of this
mess. We finally got her flipped over, we pulled and
pushed on her, and screamed “get up Princess” we all
cheered for her as she fought to get up. Her only injury
was a cut lip which dripped a little blood on the way
home (Hannah worried about her lip all the way back).
Another time we were riding in Arkansas at Devil’s Den
State Park, it had been a really wet spring and there
was lots of mud on the trails. Hannah asked if her and
Princess could lead the group because she knew the
way and we were just up the trail and across the creek
from being back at camp. I said sure go ahead but
watch out for mud. A few minutes later I heard Hannah
scream and they almost disappeared!! When I got
closer I realized Hannah and Princess had fallen into a
huge pit of mud and Princess was trying to swim across.
I jumped off my horse and ran over to the edge. I told
Hannah to jump off and grab the rope I was holding out
to her, but I told her to try to get away from Princess
because she could step on her while she was trying to
get out. When Hannah jumped off, Princess stopped
moving and waited for Hannah to get to safety. What a
sweet horse, she would never hurt a child!! After we
got Hannah out we hooked ropes on Princess and pulled
her to a spot where she could get her footing and climb
out. Hannah and Princess were both shaking and
covered in mud from head to hoof!!
Princess is the type of horse that the girls have swam
with, laid on backwards bare back lol, stood up on,
crawled under, and have both loved endlessly.
Hannah has now moved on to a new, faster, bigger
horse named Big Time. One weekend we were gone to
a rodeo when I got an upsetting call from my husband
Troy. He said when he checked on the horses something
didn’t look right with Princess and on a closer look he
saw that something had poked her in the eye. I called
Dr. Shackelford out to the house and he said she had
jabbed it on something, maybe a stick, and that she might
be blind in that eye. We were all so sad and we doctored
her with all her medicines everyday hoping for the gray
film that had formed across her eye to clear up. I had a
horse with a blind spot in her eye when I was in high
school, she spooked and jumped at everything and would
jerk back when she was tied up. I thought oh no, now our
wonderful pony will be scared of everything and Tristan
(my 6 year old son who was next in line to enjoy Princess)
would not get his chance to experience galloping across
the pasture bare back on this beautiful horse. Over the
next few weeks as Princess got better we kept hoping
that her eye would heal completely, but it didn’t, she could
not see very well, or maybe not at all out of it. We
wondered how Princess would react to this new handicap
she was facing. To our amazement she kept her gentle
temperament and learned to trust us and to let us lead
and turn her on her blind side. So now Tristan is the
proud owner of this amazing pony who has won our hearts
How do we become a “Princess” when it comes to
hard times in our lives? Do you know anyone who is
facing a hard time in their life? How are they handling it?
How will you and I handle it when storms in life come? I
hope I can handle the rough stuff like Amber Martin.
Amber is a 16 year old girl who fought and won a battle
with Liposarcoms (a type of cancer) 6 years ago. She
also lost her daddy to cancer three years ago and she
recently found out that she has astrocytoma (a type of
brain cancer) now.
So she has every reason on Earth to be sad, mad,
frustrated, and hate the world. Does she? No!! She has
the same spirit as Princess. She is not letting this
diagnoses get her down, she is fighting and enjoying every
minute of life with a smile on her face. When I asked her
if I could use her story in my blog she said, “I think it
would be so amazing if you could use my story!” Here
are a few more quotes from Amber to inspire you:
“Today is going better than expected! Everyone’s
prayers must be working.. still have radiation treatment
and oral chemo tonight but feeling good for now. God is
good! And Wendi Horst for taking the role of mommy
today.. she is doing fabulous”
This is what she said at her prom a few weeks ago:
“I love it. I love my life. I love everyone. This is the
best day of my life.”
The next time Amber is back in Kansas, Oklahoma I
think she needs to take a ride on Princess, I think they
would be kindred spirits!! Do you want to know the secret
to Amber’s strength, radiant smile, and positive attitude?
I think her secret is her relationship with Jesus. If you are
facing a rough time in your life remember these verses.
In fact pick your favorite and memorize it so it will be
hidden it in your heart forever.
Psalm 91:2 I will say of the LORD, he is my refuge and
my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.
Psalm 28:7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my
heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for
joy, and with my song I praise him.
Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are
not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed
in us.
Psalm 119:50 My comfort in my suffering is this: Your
promise preserves my life.
Our challenge, to be like Amber and Princess, find
the positive in every situation, and don’t let hard times
rule or ruin your life.
By the way the text in this blog is purple in honor of
Amber, you are inspiring to us all!!
Page 13 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
By Ray Young
The worst air-to-ground disaster ever to occur
in the United States before 9-11 took place in
Sacramento, CA in 1972. At the close of an air
show at the Executive Airport a Vintage F-86 jet
fighter crashed during take-off. An Ice Cream
Parlor located in the shopping center across the
street from the end of the runway was torn apart
by the impact of the crash.
Just before the jet fighter hit the ground, still at
an altitude of about forty feet, the pilot dropped
the fuel tanks. The fuel tanks burst open in a ball
of flames then bounced across the street, hitting a
car and then taking a fire hydrant with it as they
skidded across the ground and didn’t stop until they
were totally inside the ice cream parlor. Although
the pilot was injured, he somehow go out of the
plane with two broken legs, but the plane and fuel
tanks took the lives of twenty-two children and
adults that were inside the ice cream parlor. One
of our own off duty Sacramento City Fire Fighters
was killed along with eight members of his family
at the tragic ill-fated birthday party on September
25, 1972.
The rabble of the torn plane, parts of an
automobile and other wreckage was shoved some
forty feet as the vintage jet passed through the front
wall of the ice cream parlor. From the outside of
the building the only thing that could be seen
through the demolished wall was the tail section of
the jet. More than forty Firemen, plus many
volunteers worked more than two hours to get the
people out of the burning building. I am a firefighter
by trade and being a fire fighter has some
drawbacks, one of those drawbacks is to have to
work at least four Sundays out of twelve.
For several years, my wife and I have been a
part of the Singing Christmas Tree program at
Bethel Temple. We have three children and they
are also part of that program. There are many
months of practice for a program like this. My family
and three of their friends wanted to have an ice
cream snack before leaving for their scheduled
practice of the Singing Christmas Tree program.
Farrell’s was directly across the street from the Air
Show and on the day of the crash they were waiting
in the lobby just behind the front wall where the
plane was soon to make it unscheduled landing,
and they were totally unaware of the tragedy that
was about to take place. They waited for some
time, but they couldn’t get a seat in Farrell’s, so
they left in time to make it to the Singing Christmas
Tree practice.
Within a time span of ten minutes, my wife at
the time had been shopping in the Crossroad
Shopping Center and saw that the time was getting
late for their practice, and the kids decided to leave
and look for her so they would not be late. They
left the building and found her and jumped into the
car and was turning east on Fruitridge from
Freeport Boulevard when their radio program was
interrupted announcing the tragedy that they all
had just missed.
Of course this is where the title of this article
comes from: Saved by a Christmas tree in
September. Nevertheless, I was on duty that day
working at City Hall Station Two. I was called to
take the light plant to the scene. While working at
the scene cleaning debris from the wrecked
building, I found a plaque that had been hanging
in the wall of Farrell’s before the accident. The
WITH GOOD INTENTIONS. I wondered to myself,
“How many of those who died had put off their
decision to secure their eternal life with Christ.”
After my family’s program practice was over they
came back and found that I was on the scene. They
were surprised to see me there and they all began
to tell me what had happened and how close they
came to being victims like the twenty-two that had
died in the accident. If it wasn’t for the grace of
God, I could have suffered a similar loss. That is
how my family was, “saved by a Christmas tree in
September.” While I was holding the plaque the
photographer for the San Francisco Examiner took
this picture and it was sent with the related story to
be published in newspapers and magazines all
over the world. The caption for the photo read,
“Ray Young is a Fireman for the City of Sacramento,
CA. He is holding a plaque that he found in the
rubble of Farrell’s after a jet crashed into a crowded
ice cream shop killing twenty-two. Ray’s family
missed death by only minutes, but left the scene
only minutes before the tragic plane crash. Photo
complements of the San Francisco Examiner 9/
It has been over forty-one years and that
question is still on my mind and I would like to ask
each and every one reading this article today that
question, “How many of you have put of your
decision of securing your eternal life with Christ?”
Are you presently in the
US Military or do you have a
friend or loved one that is
now serving that would enjoy
receiving The Christian
Ranchman? Please send us
their name and address and
we will put them on The
Christian Ranchman mailing
list. Bless our soldiers with a
little bit of cowboy while they
are serving away from
Email, Snail Mail or
Pony Express....
Any way you can get it to
Page 14 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
By Becca Schilinski
A family member was recently admitted to the
hospital and within a couple of days he was in intensive
care and fighting for his life. We all kicked in our prayers
and encouraged him but I could tell he was struggling maybe because he is so self-reliant and physically strong.
Sometimes it’s not easy to be the one who needs prayers.
It was not his time to leave this earthly life and he
miraculously recovered, was sent home and was
released to go back to work just a few days later. Thank
You Lord!
During that ordeal, I recalled what many Christians
have said, “You don’t have a testimony without a test.”
Brothers and sisters, we know all about that, don’t we? I
think the young man I mentioned was in a time of testing,
and, man, does he have a testimony! So, I pondered
that statement some more - “You don’t have a testimony
without a test.”
Now, we all read the Word of God and believe the
Word of God. Brother Ted would tell me to read the Word
and let the Holy Spirit teach you because the words are
ink on paper but inspired by the Holy Spirit and therefore
cannot be understood without the help of the Holy Spirit.
He also instructed us in our weekly Bible Study to write
that phrase down in the front of our study Bibles. It got
me on the right path in my early years as a Biblebelieving Christian. Brother Ted also taught the
overcoming victory of Jesus and made an assignment
for us to read what Jesus did through His death, burial
and resurrection and ask the Holy Spirit to help us
understand what that meant for Christians today.
Knowing full well what the Word says and means, it
is often hard for me to understand why there are so many
“tests” in the Christian life. I want to walk in Victory and
have determined in my spirit to be an Overcomer. I know
Jesus bought Victory for me and you with His death, His
blood and His resurrection. I know God, Jesus and the
Holy Spirit walk right with us no matter what test we
face and will never leave us or forsake us according to
Heb 13:5, and many other Scripture references that
support this. But I thought I’d better take it a step farther
and see what the Bible says about testimonies.
There are more than 70 references to “testimony”
and the translation of the word means “witness, attest,
evidence, record, and a good report”. The one Scripture
that stood out to me was Revelation 12:11. That was a
good place for me to stop and chew on the Word for
(The Message) Then I heard a strong voice out of Heaven
Salvation and power are established!
Kingdom of our God, authority of his Messiah!
The Accuser of our brothers and sisters thrown
who accused them day and night before God.
They defeated him through the blood of the Lamb
and the bold word of their witness.
They weren’t in love with themselves;
they were willing to die for Christ.
So rejoice, O Heavens, and all who live there,
but doom to earth and sea,
For the Devil’s come down on you with both feet;
he’s had a great fall;
He’s wild and raging with anger;
he hasn’t much time and he knows it.
Act 20:24 goes on to say, (KJV) But none of these things
move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so
that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry,
which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the
gospel of the grace of God.
That’s when I realized each child of God has a
testimony of God’s goodness, faithfulness, love, power,
victory, mercy, grace (and on and on) and of Jesus Christ,
His only Son, our Savior, our Healer, our Champion, our
Deliverer who defeated death, hell and the grave and
held up our enemy for public ridicule, and clearly stated
in Colossians 2:15 (NKJV) Having disarmed principalities
and powers, He made a public spectacle of them,
triumphing over them in it. When I heard of my family
member’s fight for life, I sensed in my spirit that this
was his time to see the awesome love and power of
God. It was one-on-one time with the Father, Jesus, the
Holy Spirit and the Word. He would have a testimony
when the dust settled. That’s a wonderful experience for
a young Christian and his life will never be the same
after that encounter.
The Victory of Christ long ago and the “tests” in the
Christian life today may sometimes be perplexing, but it
sure is sweet to have a testimony for the Lord while
we’re here on earth. In many cases, that encounter will
alter the way a life was heading. Christians can testify
to all that He is and all that He does when faced with
overwhelming situations, circumstances and “tests”. God
and His Word have the final say in all things, and as for
me and my house, we will serve the Lord and overcome
the enemy with the Blood of the Lamb and the bold
witness of our testimony.
Hi Dave,
I want to thank you for the Bible and Newsletter,
that was very thoughtful of you and I hope that
you receive many blessings in return. I am 63 years
old and I too grew up horse-back and began taking
in outside horses and colts as a young boy learning
most everything I know about them from my Dad.
Our family history has a tie in with Texas from
sometime around 1900 or so when my Grandfather,
Ray Dooley and his brother, Tom worked for the
Matador Ranch. This was around the time of the
Mexican Revolution because the story goes that
Tom was run out of Mexico by Poncho Villa. I’ve
heard that since I was a small child so I suspect
there might be some truth to it.
I thought of horses as a tool to accomplish a
task and took them for granted (other than a few
good ones) up until I came to prison in 1993. After
I couldn’t be around them any longer I discovered
what a huge part they played in my life and it
seemed like I was missing part of my soul. It was
not un-common to cry when I saw one on TV, even
the sight of the mangiest of nags would move me
to tears. I truly miss (most of) them.
I met Jesus in 1996 and have been involved in
a daily spiritual battle since. I read the Daily Bread
from the RBC each morning, than follow it with a
chapter from Psalms and one from Proverbs. I
struggle with vanity and pride, and it seems like
every day. I know how the Psalmist felt when he
asked God to remove vanity and lies far from him.
I’m very grateful that I belong to God and He
accepts me as I am, else there would be no hope.
I am very pleased that you are putting the Word
out there for the young Cowboys and Cowgirls. I
truly believe that if I would have humbled myself
and sought God as a young man I could have done
much better.
Richard Dooley in California
Rev 12:10-12 (KJV) And I heard a loud voice saying in
heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the
kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the
accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused
them before our God day and night. And they overcame
him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their
testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them.
Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the
devil is come down unto you, having great wrath,
because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.
God Bless America
Page 15 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
By Sheila Sellinger
The wound glared up at me, an angry yellowish
pulp surrounded by dark haired hide. I glanced at
Tom, his wrinkled face shadowed in the shade of
the barn. “Is it fat?” I asked. Tom shook his head, a
light grin creasing his lean cheeks. He always
enjoyed my questions—maybe because I was so
serious, and they were so….childlike?
“Naw, girl,” he traced the jagged edges of the
weeping cut along the foreleg just below the knee,
“It ain’t fat. It’s called proud flesh.”
I studied the wound. It looked horrible. I held
the bloody wrap up to the light, its cotton pad crusted
with ooze. “I should call the vet.” I mumbled. Why
hadn’t I called the Vet instead of Tom? I mentally
ticked off the reasons; the biggest being that the
Vet cost money, and I was running low. I felt Tom
staring at me, and I lifted my gaze to his.
“Naw need to call the Vet for this, girl, just dust it
daily with plain meat tenderizer, and it’ll be fine.”
I raised my brows, “meat tenderizer?” Tom had all
sorts of old home remedies that he’d collected over
the years which he shared with me. The aging
racehorse trainer grinned at my look of surprise.
“Why sure. The meat tenderizer eats the proud flesh
off in no time and doesn’t leave a scar. It heals up
right nice and clean.”
“Are you sure?” I asked hesitantly, “Won’t it heal
on its own, without putting meat tenderizer on it?” I
couldn’t see how that ugly mass of goo could ever
be nice again. Though Tom had given me wonderful
advice in the past, I had my doubts about applying
meat tenderizer to my horse’s open sore.
Tom nodded, “Oh, sure it‘ll heal on its own, but
it’ll leave a nasty raised scar.” He shook his head
sadly, “It won’t grow the hair back either. Nope, it’ll
be like a solid callous cap stickin’ out from the leg.
It will be a real ugly thing for the rest if her life—and
she’s such a pretty little filly, too. It sure would be a
I pictured her leg with a giant scab forever and
knew that he was right. I would do it. So, for several
days, I dusted the wound each time I changed the
bandage and before too long the proud flesh was
all gone. In its place was soft, pink, new flesh with
no signs of raised scarring. She was all right in no
Thinking about proud flesh brings to mind the
ugliness of fleshly pride. Sinful proud flesh infects
our hearts making it ugly and calloused. The heart
grows hard, and if untreated will never soften and
heal—it will only scar over and become a blemish
on our lives. Like the filly’s wound, proud flesh of
the heart also must be tenderized. It must be
softened by the tenderizing Word of God, cleansed
daily with the love of Jesus to remove the scab of
unrighteousness. It’s by this cleansing that we begin
to see the soft, pink, new heart that is promised
when we turn to Christ for healing. And, it’s through
confession and repentance, through steadfast trust
in an eternal Savior, that our hearts are touched
with compassion and forgiveness.
Life is unpredictable, and even the most supple
heart may become infected with proud flesh. It’s
ugly, and often painful, but it doesn’t need to be
permanent. Call on Jesus—the ultimate Vet. He’s
free, and He knows how to tenderize it.
By John Paul & Linda Jones
Dave, I’m sorry to be so long in getting back to
you. Your Bibles and the Christian Ranchman
have been a great blessing to the inmates at the
Columbia County Jail. This is our testimony; we
raised four children. I had two boys and Linda
had a boy and a girl. Roger, age 20, died in a
motorcycle/truck accident while on leave from the
Marine Corps. John Paul IV, died at age 23, two
and a half years later of aplastic anemia (bone
marrow failure). Larry died at age 25 of cancer. I
met Jesus first, and Linda didn’t want anything to
do with it. For fourteen months I had every
Christian in town praying for her, and she finally
gave her life to Jesus. The only way we would
have survived these deaths of our children is
through Jesus. Looking back into our before Christ
(BC) years, we had many miracles happen, even
before we knew Him. When I was a deputy sheriff
years ago I had a gun put to my stomach, and
”somehow” it didn’t off and the bad guy was flipped
across the room. I am speaking at prisons groups,
and am available to speak in churches, men’s and
women’s groups. If you know of people who would
like to hear our testimony, let me know. I am
enclosing a check to help defray expenses for the
materials you are sending me.
John Paul and Linda Jones
Death, as Christians understand it, is a
change in the form of life; it is not a
cessation of life. Those who have been
given eternal life in Christ Jesus will spend
a few fleeting moments here on this earth.
The rest of eternity is spent in the presence
of God.
Service in the name of Christ can also
live on, even though the servant has gone
to his heavenly reward.
A living memorial in the name of a loved
one, in the form of contributions, bequests
or gifts to the work of Cowboys For Christ,
will be acknowledged with a reproduction
of the Keith Avery drawing, "A Time For
Looking Back". Keith's poem accompanying the drawing. "Checkin' the Back Trail",
will also be included with the reproduction
of the drawing, in a framable presentation
which acknowledges the receipt of the gift.
Memorial Gifts
Cowboys For Christ
P.O. Box 7557,
Fort Worth, TX 76111
This donation is in memory
Name: _____________________________
City: ______________State: __ Zip: _____
DONOR: ___________________________
Address: ___________________________
City:______________State: __ Zip: ______
Page 16 * THE CHRISTIAN RANCHMAN * March / April 2014
agree whole heartedly. (Once the first meeting was set
The Blessing of Obedience
up, I asked just about everyone I know to be in prayer for
it!) To see how God moved was humbling and awesome.
Have you ever had the experience of God asking It’s funny how we have our expectations of where God
you to do something that you really didn’t want to do, will lead us. I thought He might send me off to a distant
and wrestling with Him using various self-centered land, He sends me into my own back yard! But then isn’t
arguments? I did, when God told me to step up and that what Jesus said in Acts 1:8? We should be witnesses
start a Cowboys for Christ chapter in my area. He (missionaries) for Him no matter where we are. So, if
nudged me over a period of at least 6 months, during you can hear God calling you to start a CFC Chapter in
which time I tried to convince Him I was not the person your area, PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, then if you still feel His
He wanted. For the last few years I have felt God may call, DO IT and watch God work!
be moving me toward missions, but this sounded like
work! What if no one showed up? What if I was the
only one in our area who felt a need to tell others in the
equine community about Jesus? Finally, after much
prayer, I made the decision to obey and started the ball
rolling by setting a time for the first meeting. From that
point forward I stood in awe as He took control of it all
and I knew I was merely an instrument for Him.
The day of the first meeting was a snowy day in
Northern Iowa/Southern Minnesota. High winds were
whipping up the snow to make driving difficult in our
area, and as I drove the 25 miles to the restaurant in
Blue Earth, MN I found myself hoping we’d find at least
2 or 3 people there. God provided 12 people! Even
with the nasty weather! At that meeting we discussed
many ministry ideas and we were all in agreement with
our desire to spread the Gospel. One ministry we
decided to pursue was having a Cowboy Church before
By Pat Perekovich
the horse sale in Jackson, MN (they have a sale on the
first Sunday of every month). While we were unable to
In 1964 I began living in sin with a man that I had
agree on a name for our chapter that first meeting, we
a prostitute to win over as a mate. I had 2
did agree to be a force for Jesus that next month at the
we had a son together also. We drugged
Jackson sale.
I was beaten and verbally abused. But I
How things fell together from that point is amazing!!
with him and our immoral behavior. In
The folks that own the sale barn were happy to have a
we would get out of the life style
group coming in to do the Cowboy Church and were
and I soon became pregnant
willing to let us use a table in the main lobby on which to
found an upper flat to rent
put our tracts, Bibles and Christian Ranchman papers.
one day when he called
The speaker was contacted by another member of the
wasn’t good enough
chapter and ended up calling me to volunteer to speak.
and forget him, he
We also had 3 guitar players and a mandolin player
found someone
volunteer to lead music. When the day came for us to
go to Jackson, the day was cold, but clear and we were
Rejected and in a rage of anger and hatred for him, I
able to proclaim Jesus to approximately 30 cowboys
into the bathroom and punched myself in the
and cowgirls! God was glorified and the Gospel was
over and over to kill him and his child. But I
clearly shared. The dozens of materials we had left out
the baby immediately that day, the next day I
for folks to take were nearly gone by the time we loaded
new flat alone and while there I started to
up that afternoon. Seeds of faith were planted that day!!
and lost the baby then in the commode. I
Our second meeting was equally exciting in that we
child and was overwhelmed with what I
had 13 people show (some different faces than before)
and we were able to accomplish much, including
A plumber came to do some repair work shortly after
agreeing on a name, (Minn-Iowa Cowboys for Christ –
to bleed and went to get my mother to take me
Riding for the Brand), and confirm our next month’s
or I probably would have bled to death. I
speaker for the Jackson Sale Cowboy Church and the
had to have a transfusion of blood, but
members who would go to do music and others for prayer
into my arm wrong and again I was
support. We also agreed to man a table at the Minnesota
My aunt arrived to visit me just in
Horse Expo. It’s exciting to see God moving in others
blood on the floor, and once again
to proclaim His Son!!!
All of this has made me realize how much I want
I called a girlfriend, who lived with the baby’s father’s
God to be magnified and me to be minimized!! Our
and she called the father to tell him what I had
lives are His if we have accepted the gift of Salvation
came out of guilt and to keep me from killing
found in Jesus, and once we acknowledge that and
took me home to the new flat to stay with me
release control to Him, He can bless us in amazing ways.
was to be back together again, only to
On the CFC website they say the first step to starting
for the other woman he loved. I
a chapter is to PRAY, PRAY, PRAY and I would have to
was in great depression for many years, addictions
increased and self-sabotaging behavior was extreme
for many years.
I became a Christian in 1993 and repented and asked
forgiveness several times in regard to these sins and I
said I was forgiven but I never received HIS LOVE and
the forgiveness. I was in rebellion. I started asking,
“What is wrong with me?” Then I was led to move to
this area, and this last march I began counseling at Apple
here in Eau Claire and GOD made it clear what it was.
I am now totally free and know God has forgiven me
and I am loved.
When you murder/abort the baby inside of you that
God has created, a spirit of death comes in and stays
until you are born again and repent and receive God’s
Love, Grace and Mercy and not until then are you able
to live in that new life as that new creation you have
been called to be. Because of the sin of murder in your
body, multitudes of illness and infirmities come in and
start the processes of death in you. You become more
immoral and sick in your mind than ever before and
every one you love and others around you are affected
by your sins, your soul sickness and physical sickness.
My family is now free from the generational curses of
child sacrifice spirits of molech and the masonic curses
that were put on us generations ago. God made sure I
could never have children naturally, but He has given
me the love and fellowship of the children in the body of
Christ. I know that I am loved and I know that I am
forgiven! I pray God hears the cry of your heart, and
heals, delivers and restores you to His love and to new
life in Him and all of your loved ones. I pray you are
restored to all God has for you and your life and may
your testimony be one of new life for many others who
are still bound by the sins of death and destruction. In
JESUS’ NAME I pray! Eternally loving you with Jesus
God bless you, Brother Dave and all at Cowboys For
Christ and the Christian Ranchman.
I need to share this testimony now! There are so
many needing to know God does forgive but to allow
you to receive it is the key! I read Brother Mike Stephens
testimony today, thank God for getting the Christian
Ranchman to me now. God gave me a vision (which I
shared some of with you by phone this last summer) to
have a ranch here in the Fox River Valley of Wisconsin.
Abba’s Ranch for women/girls will be a place of
salvation, healing and restoration for women/girls who
have been sex trafficked, raped, incest victims and have
aborted or been forced to abort their babies. I will also
have Celebrate Recovery Bible Studies. I have had
(Praise God) 28 years of continuously being alcohol and
drug free. I need prayer and funds to purchase a place
to begin.
Eternally loving you with JESUS’LOVE,