Social Media 101 INTRODUCTION TO FACEBOOK, TWITTER AND INSTAGRAM APRIL 7, 2015 Syllabus What is Social Media Facebook Twitter Instagram Q&A What is Social Media? Social media is a way for people to communicate and interact online using any Internet-connected device. What is Facebook? Facebook allows easy sharing of content – thoughts, news articles, photos, videos and much more! Facebook Stats Worldwide, there are over 1.39 billion monthly active Facebook users (MAUs) which is a 13 percent increase year over year. 890 million people log onto Facebook daily. Five new profiles are created every second. Photo uploads total 300 million per day. Average time spent per Facebook visit is 20 minutes. Every 60 seconds on Facebook: 510 comments are posted, 293,000 statuses are updated and 136,000 photos are uploaded. One in five page views in the United States occurs on Facebook. Facebook Things you need: An email address An interest in learning Patience Some free time Getting Started Register a Facebook account Confirm your email Edit your profile Add a profile picture and cover photo Find friends Start posting Facebook Terms Profile: The overall area with your personal information. Usually includes a picture, name, location and other identifiers. Wall: The center of your profile for adding new things, like photos, videos, notes and other application content. The Publisher at the top of your Wall allows you to update your status and share content through many different kinds of Wall posts. Facebook Terms Info tab: Includes specific information including your email address, birthday, education and work information, list of your fan pages, etc. News feed/live feed: Your default homepage on Facebook. Shows the information from all the friends and organizations that you are connected to. Facebook Tips When you post on your wall, everyone who is your “friend” can see this on their news feed. When you post on someone else’s wall, your friends do not see that on their news feed. You can change the way this works through privacy settings, but we will get to that during future workshop of this presentation this summer. Facebook Pages Since your ultimate goal is to use social media to get your audience engaged: Notice how you receive updates on your news feed. Notice how you cannot see other’s profiles unless you are friends with those people. Connecting with fan pages connects you professionally. Facebook Pages Join other fan pages! Search for other interests – sports teams, politicians, musicians, TV shows Look at HSBP Favorite pages for recommendations of where else you can connect. What is Twitter and a Tweet? Twitter is a microblog where you can post very short pieces of information. A tweet is an expression of a moment or idea. It can contain text, photos and videos. A tweet can only be 140 characters or less. Twitter Stats Twitter has 280 million active users; 500 millions tweets sent per day . In 2015, one-fifth of Internet users in the U.S. expected to be on Twitter. 80% of active users are on mobile. Over 300 billion tweets have been shared since Twitter launched in 2007; 32 million of those tweets were shared during the 2014 World Cup final. Average user follows five or more businesses; over a third of them will buy from a brand they follow. Katy Perry (60 million) and Justin Bieber (57 million) have more followers than President Obama (50 million). Americans love to tweet about what they are watching. Twitter Things you need: An email address Internet-connected device Photos for your profile page Ability to be concise Getting Started Pick a Twitter “handle” that is personal – can be your name or something casual, like a screen name. You can always change it. Your handle is your profile name. No two handles can be the same though you can add your real name to your profile so your followers can recognize you. The HSBP handle is: @HSBP_808 Add a profile photo and header photo to share your personality. Twitter Terms Tweet: Post or status update. Retweet: When you want to share something someone else has posted, but give them credit using the RT. Mention: You must use the @ sign before a person’s handle to ensure it gets linked. Favorite: Hit the star button to let the author know you like their tweet. Notification: When someone mentions you, replies to your tweet or retweets/favorites your tweet. Twitter Terms Feed: The live stream of people’s posts and updates. Your homepage will be the stream of everyone who you are following. It is listed by the latest tweet first. Depending on how many followers you have, you may only see one minute of tweets on the first page before needing to scroll down. When you follow people, their tweets instantly show up in your timeline. Similarly, your tweets show up in your followers' timelines. To see interesting tweets, follow interesting people: friends, celebrities, news sources, or anyone whose tweets you enjoy. The more people you follow the better diversity of content you’ll get. Twitter Terms Hashtag: Assign a topic to a tweet that will help people search for or discover tweets related to that topic The hashtag is when you use the # sign before a word that you want people to search. Adding #HSBP to your tweet allows you to be part of a larger conversation and helps others who want to see any tweets as it relates to HSBP. Hashtags can help you gain more followers and likes, and find people with similar interests. Twitter Terms Direct Message: A private message between two users. (A new feature now allows a direct message between multiple users at the same time.) Go to a person’s profile message and click on the button that says message. Messages also need to be 140 characters. You can use DM before a person’s avatar to label that message as a direct message. DM @HSBP would mean you are directing that message just to @HSBP. Twitter Terms Lists: Personal list of select followers. Aggregate your followers by subject, type of business, etc. The homepage feed can be overwhelming. Use lists to only see content on a certain topic. For example, create a News list by adding only media organizations to that list. Your lists can be public or private. People can invite you to “subscribe” to their lists. Twitter Tips The best tweets share meaningful moments — big and small. Quote your grandma, share a photo of your pet sloth, or make a Vine video of your youngest doing a tricycle wheelie. If you think it's interesting, chances are your followers will, too. Anything you say on Twitter is public unless you check a box to make all tweets private. This can be found in your settings. Other people or organizations to follow include: news organizations, local businesses, non-profits, politicians, interesting celebrities, other organizations you support, etc. What is Instagram Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them on a variety of social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Flickr. You can only upload photos/videos through a mobile device though you can view content from a desktop. Instagram Stats Instagram counts 300 million monthly active users An average of 70 million photos are shared through the app each day Engagement on Instagram is 15 times that of Facebook’s 76 % of American teenagers use Instagram, making it their favorite social media network 94% of Instagram users are on Facebook, which owns Instagram Instagram has surpassed Twitter in popularity among U.S. adults Nike is the most popular brand with nearly 14M followers; Starbucks is No. 2 with nearly 4M followers Getting Started Download the Instagram app from the app store on your device. Create an account. Click the “Sign up” button at the bottom of your screen and enter your email, username, password, phone number (optional), and upload a photo (optional) to create your account. You can choose to add a bit of personal information in the “about” section as well, including a personal website. Follow friends. You can now optionally choose to import contacts and find friends from your contact list, Facebook account, Twitter account, or simply search for names and usernames. Following people allows you to see their posts in your newsfeed. Using the Tabs Scroll through your feed. From within the “Feed” tab you can scroll through posts by all of the users you are following by. To get to the Feed tab, tap on the icon that looks like a house to the very left. Search for photos. Find photos or people to follow. Photos in this feed are based off the people you follow. People listed in this feed tend to be celebrities and those whose photos are getting attention from the Instagram community. Using the Tabs View your news and updates. Anytime someone likes one of your photos, comments on one of your photos, follows you, or tags you in a photo, you will be notified under your ‘News’ tab. This is the small comment-box icon with a heart in the center, the third tab over. Like and comment other people’s photos. Whether you are scrolling through your news feed or viewing images under the popular tab, you can show your interest by liking or commenting on them. To like a photo, you can either press the heart shaped button just under the photo, or you can double tap the image. To comment on a photo, click the small comment-bubble icon and type your comment when the keyboard appears. Using the Tabs View your own profile. To see an archive of your uploaded photos as well as a complete list of who you’re following and who your followers are, you can visit your profile tab on the far right side. Here you can see all your photos, edit your Instagram user profile, and add or disable social networks under “Linked Accounts.” Adding Photos to Instagram Add your photos to Instagram. Clicking the center camera-shaped tab will allow you to snap photos or select photos from your device’s photo albums. Take a new photo for Instagram. If you don’t have the photo you want to post in your photo albums, you can take a new photo and upload it directly to Instagram. After clicking the ‘camera’ button, click the camera icon in the center to snap a photo. Or click on the image at left to access your camera roll. The video image on the right allows you to take video. Click ‘next’ to move onto the next screen. Adding Photos to Instagram Edit your photo. Instagram has minimal editing abilities, but it does give you some. You can choose to rotate your photo, add a frame, create a blurring effect, or brighten the photo by selecting each of the corresponding icons (in that order) on the screen. If you decide you don’t like the edits you’ve done, simply click the icon again to revert the edit. Apply a filter to your photo. Instagram provides multiple filters that you can use to edit your photos. Click on the intertwined squares at the bottom left to choose a picture to work with, then select a filter from the choices that appear. Adding Photos to Instagram Add information to your image. Enter a brief description of your photo in the “What?” text input field. Add hashtags here to provide a searchable query for others to find your photo with. Add a location if you desire or tag friends in your photo. Share your photo outside of Instagram. Click any of the social networks listed below. Enter the username and password associated with your account to link it with your Instagram account. Click "Done" to complete the process and post your photo. Your photo will appear in your “Feed” and also the feed of other Instagram users that are following you. Instagram Tips All photos are public by default which means they are visible to anyone using Instagram or on the website. If you choose to make your account private, then only people who follow you on Instagram will be able to see your photos. To build followers, take photos, experiment, post often (but not too often), engage with other users and leave comments. There are things you're going to want to snap a picture of — cats, the shoes on your feet, greasy food, an artsy shot of nothing, etc. Followers don't mind these pictures every once in awhile, but give your fans something new to keep them coming back for more. Q&A Shauna Goya Director, iQ 360 380-9017 John Strandberg General Manager, Hawaii Tech Support 535-9700, ext. 102
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