Hunter’s Green Elementary School Volume 23, No. 15 School Calendar APRIL/MAY Mon, Apr 27-May 1 Tickets for “Kids Rule” Raffle On Sale Wed, Apr 29 Chick-fil-A Spirit Night Thu, Apr 30 Box Tops Collection Battle of the Books Mon, May 4—8 Teacher Appreciation Week Mon, May 11—22 Read-A-Thon April 24, 2015 Principal’s Message Gaye Holt, Principal Novenda Wilson, Asst. Principal Dear Families, I can’t believe how quickly this year is going. Before we know it, it will be the last day of school. I want to thank all of our families, community, and Hunter’s Green staff members for all their help with our Panther Jamz. It was so successful. We have several things coming up on the calendar. Kids Rule the School will be on May 15. We will sponsor a Read-a-thon for our students from May 11—22, and the Scholastic Book Fair will be held from May 18—22. More information will be coming. Please tell your family and friends that we will have another Kindergarten Round Up on May 14 at 6:00 pm, for students entering kindergarten for the 2015-2016 school year. Thank you for all your support! Mrs. Gaye Holt Principal Tue, May 12 PTA General Assembly Thu, May 14 Kindergarten Round Up 6:00PM Fri, May 15 Kidz Rule the School Mon, May 18—22 Scholastic Book Fair K I D S WH O R U L E! Students will take over the School on Friday, May 15th K I D S RU L E T H E S C HO O L D AY! Teacher and staff positions are being raffled off to be taken over by students on this day! Any student can enter to win any position. Raffle tickets are $2.50 each. Winners will be announced in the May 8th edition of the Paw Prints Newsletter. Entry forms have been sent home. Tickets will be on sale before school April 27—May 1. Hunter’s Green Elementary School, 9202 Highland Oak Drive, Tampa, FL 33647, (813) 973-7394 A Hillsborough County Public School PANTHER PAW PRINTS April 24, 2015 PTA News Media Center News Fairy Tale Bowl Results Thank you to everyone who came out to our Panther JAMZ night. Our families enjoyed their time meeting vendors, eating and a little dancing under the covered court. Panther Pat’s Prize Packs were amazing as we had over 30 winning families. Finally, a HUGE Shout Out to the teachers for showing their talents on stage! A wonderful evening was had by all. Thank you to all the PTA volunteers who helped organize this event! Congratulations to Mrs. Jamieson’s class, winners of this year’s Fairy Tale Bowl! Caden Tate (captain) Alyssa Rojas Auria Jackson Isabella Visconti Other teams participating: Throckmorton Janelly Martinez Vanessa Maya-Gomez Kayla Lewis Ashley Lopez-Mardaiaga Ramirez Sienna Hamilton-Grein, Jackson Sanders Vianca Varela-Morales, Catherine Rollings Cahill Paige Kiser Daniel Ellis Yalexis Villanueva-Zeno, Corey Washington Franklin Aubrey Zechmann Demario Malone Noel Brown Elizabeth Eckhart Jefferis Mia Negron Joanna Maldonado-Guitierr Bryce Fullet Moumal Urfi Lam Reece Cohen Hunter Dingman Kaitlyn Pratt Arjun Ramachandran White Jahnyia Dennard Lucianna Villacis Vasquez Dashaunti Sanders Tryer Myo Kyi The final PTA General Assembly for this year will be Tuesday, May 12 at 6:25 pm in the cafeteria. What is Speech?..... Speech refers to how intelligible you are and the way that you produce your sounds. It is common for young children to exhibit developmental sound errors such as “baf” for “bath.” If your child is less than 75% intelligible, it may be time for a speech screening. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have concerns regarding your child’s speech. Thank you, Jamie Gwiazdowski, M.S., CCC-SLP Chick-fil-A Spirit Night! Wednesday, April 29th Buy Great Food! Earn $$ for our school! Congratulations to Mrs. Joni Cagle! She has been nominated for an Excellence in Education Award. She will be recognized at a ceremony on May 11th. Mrs. Cagle currently teaches second and third grade students and has been at Hunter’s Green Elementary since the fall of 1993! A percentage of sales come back to Hunter’s Green Elementary! PANTHER PAW PRINTS is published bi-weekly by Hunter’s Green Elementary School PTA Principal: Gaye Holt PTA President: Vickie Lombardi Editor: Jenny Giraldo Box Top Collection Next Collection is due: April 30th. The classroom with the highest amount of Box Tops wins a pizza party! Start clipping! page 2 Send your submissions to or Info deadline, next issue: Wednesday, May 6 Publication date, next issue: Friday, May 8
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