THE PARISH MESSENGER St. Stephen Martyr Catholic Church 2436 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20037 Telephone: 202.785.0982 An Oasis in the City – a diverse, welcoming Catholic community; Dedicated to beautiful worship, spiritual growth and caring. Serving Foggy Bottom and the West End Since 1867 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time —July 27, 2014 Readings for Aug. 3, 2014, 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time Is 55:1-3; Rom 8:35,37-39; Mt 14:13-21 DIRECTORY Telephone: 202.785.0982 Fax: 202.785.1574 Email: Website: OFFICE HOURS Monday-Friday: 9:30am-5:30pm. CLERGY Rev. Msgr. Paul M. Dudziak, D. Min. . . ... Pastor Rev. Klaus J. Sirianni…………….Parochial Vicar & GW Hospital Chaplain Rev. Greg Shaffer…GW Newman Center Chaplain Deacon Ted Dmuchowski…….Permanent Deacon STAFF Helen Corrigan. . . . . . . . . . . . …. . . . .Assistant Secretary Raphael Kadio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Facilities & Maintenance Elsa Thompson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....Office Secretary Ted Westley…. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ..Accountant MUSIC Neil Weston ………... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Director of Music Marie Stettler………………………..Music Coordinator Maria Sampogna…….………………Assisting Organist Grace Srinivasan………………………………Cantor SUMMER MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil ….…. . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .5:30pm Sunday…...9:00am, 11:00am, & 5:30pm Mon/Wed/Friday……..……6:30am & 12:10pm Tuesday/Thursday….……....12:10pm &.5:30pm Saturday…………………………….....12:10pm CONFESSION Monday-Friday. . . . . . . . . . . ..11:30am--12:00pm Saturday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:30pm--5:15pm BAPTISM: Contact the Rectory. MARRIAGE: Please review guidelines on our website & contact one of the Clergy at least six months prior to the desired wedding date. All must complete a Marriage Preparation Program approved by the clergy and the Archdiocese of Washington. CARE OF THE SICK: Visits to the hospitalized and infirm are made regularly. Please contact Fr. Sirianni at the Parish Office for visits at George Washington University Hospital, or one of the parish priests for Anointing of the Sick or to receive Holy Communion. Welcome to St. Stephen Martyr! Martyr Do you know of someone who is interested in learning about our Faith? Please invite them to our RCIA program. The rewards are Eternal! Details are on Page 3. Carmelite Spirituality This fall we will welcome Br. Nicholas Blackwell, O. Carm to St. Stephen Martyr. Br. Nick will be with us while he completes his studies for the priesthood. He will lead a small group centered on Carmelite Spirituality and some of the pivotal Carmelite Saints including St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, and St. Therese of Lisieux. One of the suggested meeting times is Sunday after the 11am Mass. Please call the rectory office with your thoughts about a meeting time. Summer in Washington Brings Music! Military Bands, Organ Recitals, & HEAVENLY MUSIC— “Sea to Shining Sea” If you have never heard the unique, heavenly sound of LIBERA, then prepare yourself for something very special indeed. The boys who make up the South London based vocal group Libera have been described as "normal" and "ordinary". However, as their recordings and performances demonstrate, the music they produce is anything but. With shimmering, mystical chords and ecstatic harmonies they are unlike any other group you have ever heard. These are truly sounds to lift the soul. They are performing on Thursday, August 7, 2014 at 7:30pm at the Basilica of the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, 400 Michigan Ave. NE, Washington, DC 20017. The free concert is being filmed for PBS broadcast in the Spring of 2015. Tickets are required. Get them at Msgr. Paul PAGE 2 THE PARISH MESSENGER July 27, 2014 PARISH UPDATES Calendar of Events Prayer With The Community of Sant’Egidio Thursday, July 31—6pm Church First Friday Devotions to the Sacred Heart Friday, Aug. 1 following the 12:10pm Mass First Sat. Adoration, Rosary, Benediction, Mass & Reception Saturday, Aug. 2 at 11am. Mass follows at 12:10pm Mass Intentions Saturday, July 26 Sts. Joachim & Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary 12:10pm 4:30pm Elsa Thompson Confession Fr. Sirianni Vigil Mass for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30pm Tim Corrigan Msgr. Dudziak Sunday, July 27—17th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am 11:00am 5:30pm Pro Populo ± “Mac” Mendzela ±Alberta Staub 6:30am 11:30am 12:10pm Ellis Davis Confession ±Frank Mallgrave Msgr. Dudziak Msgr. Dudziak Fr. Sirianni Monday, July 28 TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME! During the 2014 Washington Nationals season, you can purchase tickets to any game, any seat and a portion of ticket sales benefits Catholic Charities! Buy your tickets online at tickets (promo code: CC2014). Faith Day on September 6th :Nationals vs. Phillies at 4:05pm Following the game: Player/Coach testimonials &Free concert featuring Lincoln Brewster. Ability to move down to a closer seat for the postgame concert! PRICING FOR FAITH DAY: $29 LF/RF Corner Ticket ($50 face value) $22 OF Reserved Ticket (30 face value) $12 Upper IF Gallery Ticket ($22 face value) MIRIAM’S KITCHEN—WAYS TO VOLUNTEER: Please email our Volunteer and In-Kind Donation Coordinator, Jennifer Dean, at Jennifer will be able to let you know which volunteer opportunities are currently open and VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR FREE DENTAL CLINIC : Be a part of something truly monumental: a free dental clinic for more than 1,000 patients who will receive $1 million worth of pro bono dental care on September 4-6 at the Comcast Center on the College Park campus of the University of Maryland. Hundreds of volunteers – clinicians and lay people – are needed to make this event a success. For questions, email or FAITH DIRECT: Going on vacation? Don’t forget to include St. Stephen’s in your planning. One of the best ways to ensure that St. Stephen’s receives the support needed is “egiving” through Faith Direct. Please consider enrolling today at or 1866-507-8757. Our parish code is DC576. Weekend of July 20, 2014 Identified Offertory Givers (59) Other Poor Box Total: RENOVATION CAMPAIGN Total Pledged Total Received $5,081.07 $1,698.86 $93.00 $6,872.93 $225,125.00 $219,600.00 Fr. Sirianni Msgr. Dudziak Tuesday, July 29—St. Martha 11:30am 12:10pm 5:30pm Confession Mecca Davis ±Grace Staub Fr. Sirianni Msgr. Dudziak Wednesday, July 30—St. Peter Chrysologus 6:30am 11:30am 12:10pm ±Msgr. Kenneth Roeltgen Fr. Sirianni Confession Chelcey Ann Davis Fr. Davis Thursday, July 31—St. Ignatius of Loyola 11:30am 12:10pm 5:30pm Confession Alexander Ellis Davis Ruth Mildred West Fr. Sirianni Fr. Sirianni Friday, August 1—First Friday St. Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 6:30am 11:30am 12:10pm ±David Slade Confession Harold & Noelle Griffith Fr. Sirianni Fr. Sirianni Saturday, August 2—First Saturday St. Eusebius of Vercelli, St. Peter Julian Eyrnard 12:10pm 4:30pm Omar Cole Confession Fr. Sirianni Vigil Mass for the 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:30pm Brian Nathaniel West Fr. Sirianni Sunday, August 3—18th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am 11:00am 5:30pm Pro Populo Fr. Davis ±Irma Jones Fr. Sirianni ±Msgr. Kenneth Roeltgen Fr. Shaffer PRAY AND FAST FOR PEACE—From the Archdiocese of Washington Web Page: Prayer is the most important tool we have in the struggle for peace. Join us each day in praying the Saint Francis Prayer. Pray it alone, with your family before a meal or with your friends. Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O, Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life. Fast: In solidarity with our brothers and sisters who have been forced out of their homes, consider fas)ng as sign of support and prayerful offering. PAGE 3 THE PARISH MESSENGER July 27, 2014 PARISH NEWS Revive Your Soul—Inform Your Mind! ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Was baptized as a Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist? We offer an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith. Join us every Thursday Evening 6:30&7:45pm Beginning Thursday, Sept. 25, 2014 Call Fr. Sirianni at 202.785.0982 For more information or to sign up. SUMMER TIME: During the summer months , our church attendance tends to drop off as school ends and our parishioners go on vacation. On the other hand, the services we provide and our expenses continue year round. Your consistent financial support of our parish is vital to achieving our stewardship mission. The easiest way to be sure that your gift reaches us, even when you can’t be here, is through enrollment in our electronic offertory program: Faith Direct. Please consider enrolling today at 1-866-507-8757 or or. Our parish code is DC576. BATA (Be an Angel to an Angel) is an after-school program for the poorest children from a shanty town in Quezon City (Manila, the Philippines). One of the organizers is our former parishioner Rosa Alonso who is currently living in Manila. sites. The program started last February and has been a success, but funds are urgently needed. Your donations will be most appreciated. For more information, please contact Rosa: SUMMER ORGAN RECITAL SERIES AT THE NATIONAL SHRINE You are invited to attend the Basilica of the National Shrine’s Summer Organ Recital Series. The recitals are held on Sunday at 6pm. There is no charge, but a free will offering will be accepted. The Basilica is located at 400 Michigan Ave. NE, offers ample free parking, and is walking distance from the BrooklandCUA Station on Metro’s Red Line. For more information please call (202) 526-8300. July 27 Gabriel Dessauer, Wiesbaden, Germany August 3 Benjamin LaPrairie , Washington, D.C. August 10 Ronald Stolk, Washington, D.C. August 17 Thomas Fielding, Kalamazoo, Michigan August 24 Christopher Candela, New York, New York and formerly of St. Stephen Martyr! August 31 Peter Latona, Washington, D.C. THE POPE’S TWEETS: “The great threat in today’s world is the loneliness of hearts oppressed by greed.” (July 22, 2014) “When one lives attached to money, pride or power, it is impossible to be truly happy.” (July 24, 2014) SUNDAY NURSERY PLANNING TEAM: Would you like to serve on the Planning Team for an11am Mass Child Care Nursery ? We would like to provide a family-friendly environment at St. Stephen Martyr, particularly during the 11am Mass. If you would be willing to serve on the Planning Team, please do let Msgr. Paul know by e mail at or provide contact information on the clipboard in the vestibule. YOUNG ADULTS: Get Involved in your Faith with DCCatholic: Whether you just moved to DC or have been here for years, all Young Adults (21-late 30s) are invited to get involved in the active Young Adult Catholic community in DC! Young Adult events include: Happy Hours, monthly Masses, retreats, Bible studies, service projects and more! Visit or to learn more about upcoming parish and city-wide events, or email Jonathan Lewis at to get involved YOUNG ADULT TOT TALKS—DCCatholic presents its Summer Theology on Tap series: “Stories worth Spreading.” Join us Tuesday evenings July 22, 29, August 5 and August 12. Happy Hour from 6-7pm with a talk and Q/A to follow from 7-8pm. New location: Catholic Information Center Rooftop, 1501 K St NW, Washington, DC. JULY 29 TOT: “Why I Believe in Love” by Meg McDonnell and “In Faith & Start-ups: There is no self made man” by Juan Pablo Segura. Meg McDonnell is co-founder and Editor in Chief of, an online web magazine that aims to foster conversation for and among young Americans about their pursuit for lifelong love, marriage, and stable family and economic life. I Believe in Love is a project of the Chiaroscuro Institute, where Meg serves as Executive Director. The mission of the Washington DC based non-profit is to assist especially lower middle-income Americans to re-connect sex, marriage, and childbearing for the sake of reducing a host of social ills including entrenched poverty, non-marital pregnancies, abortion, single-parenting (father absence, in particular) and the deinstitutionalization of marriage. In 2011, Meg was one of two recipients of a full time Robert Novak Journalism fellowship. Meg’s writing has appeared in the Washington Post, The Public Discourse,, (an Australian web based magazine), Verily Magazine, The International Business Times,, AltCatholicah, Our Sunday Visitor, Family Foundations, and other secular and religious news outlets. Juan Pablo Segura is an entrepreneur focused on improving the way technology is used to deliver healthcare. His company, 1eq, has been named a healthcare transformer by the Startup Health Academy in New York City and delivers prenatal care solutions. In addition to his work in healthcare, Juan Pablo manages an investment portfolio in the food and beverage space called Gaucho Capital. He is also very blessed to have the opportunity to serve as a board member for the Spanish Catholic Center and the Community Services Board in Fairfax County, organizations called to help the most at risk in the DC metro area. He is a proud graduate of the University of Notre Dame and grew up in Washington DC. PAGE 4 THE PARISH MESSENGER IMITATE GOD'S PATIENCE AND AWAIT THE HARVEST WITH HOPE “In a field where the master sows the grain, one night an enemy sowed tares among them, a plant whose name in Hebrew has the same root as 'Satan' and refers to the concept of division. The following morning the servants wanted to remove the weed, but the master stopped them, 'Lest while you gather up the tares, you root up also the wheat with them'”. The Holy Father commented on this parable on Sunday morning, July 20 as he appeared at the window of his study to pray the Angelus with the faithful gathered in St. Peter's Square. “The parable of the good seed and the tares takes on the problem of evil in the world”, explained the Pope, “and highlights God's patience”. “The teaching of the parable is twofold. First, it says that the evil in the world does not come from God, but from His enemy, the devil. This enemy is astute; he has sown evil amidst the good, so that it is impossible for man to clearly separate the two; but God, in the end, will do so”. The Holy Father went on to consider the second theme: “the constrast between the impatience of the servants and the patient waiting of the master of the field, who represents God”. He remarked that often we are hasty to judge, classify and sort the good from the bad, and emphasized that God, on the other hand, knows how to wait. “He looks at the 'field' of each person's life with patience and mercy. He sees, far better than we do, the dirt and the evil, but He also sees the seeds of good and waits confidently for them to mature. God is patient, He knows how to wait”. “The attitude of the master is that of hope, based on the certainty that evil has neither the first nor the last word. And, thanks to God's patient hope, that same weed may in time become good grain. But beware: evangelical patience is not indifference to evil; one must not confuse good and evil! Faced with the weeds in the world, the Lord's disciple is called to imitate God's patience, to nurture hope with the support of an unshakeable faith in the final victory of good, of God. In the July 27, 2014 end, we will all be judged by the same yardstick with which we ourselves have judged: the mercy we have shown to others will be used also with us. Let us ask Our Lady, our Mother, to help us to grow in patience, hope and mercy”.(VIS from Vatican Radio, July 20) GUESS WHO CAME TO LUNCH? Pope Francis made a surprise visit on Friday, July 25 to the Vatican’s canteen for its employees. He turned up there unexpected shortly after noon much to everybody’s astonishment and after taking a tray and cutlery joined the line with all the employees to be served his lunch. Staff at the canteen said he ate pasta without sauce and cod served with grilled tomatoes. He ate his lunch at a long table alongside a group of various employees. Describing the papal visit as "like a thunderbolt out of the blue," the canteen’s chef Franco Pai'ni said the Pope was introduced to the staff and others there and asked them questions about themselves and their work. Afterwards, he paid them compliments on the quality of the food, gave his blessing and took part in a group photo before leaving. (Vatican Radio) PRAYING THE ROSARY WITH POPE FRANCIS Praying the Rosary with Pope Francis is an easy-to-carry booklet of meditations, exclusively available from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. This booklet offers meditations by Pope Francis on the twenty mysteries of the Rosary and the life of Jesus and Mary. Immerse yourself in the Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary with scripture passages and easy-to-understand reflections from our Holy Father. Each mystery is accompanied by beautiful, full-page color illustrations. This convenient booklet fits easily into a pocket or purse and makes a perfect gift. Size is 4 x 6" and 76 pages total. Cost: $7.95. Item no: 7-476. Call toll free at (800) 2358722 or order online at
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