April 2015
Hello IEBRA Members,
The Youth Clinic is coming up on April 11th! There
are great prizes as well as great instructors. Don’t
miss out on the day of fun and learning. Spread the
word! There are still openings so contact Briana
Randall to sign up. Her contact info is on page 2.
Hello fellow Barrel Racers,
I hope everyone has had a chance to get
their horses out. The weather has been awesome.
Just a few short weeks till the first co-approve
race with WBRA at Twin Willows on April 18th.
Don’t forget the weekend before is the youth
clinic. If you or someone you know would like to
take part, please contact Briana Randall.
I want to give a shout out to Briana. She
has been working super hard at getting this clinic
together. I just wanted to thank her for all the
hard work she has put in to help the club. Without
her dedication, the clinic wouldn’t be a go. So
remember to give her thanks for all her hard
We are still looking for donations and/or
sponsors for the race gift baskets. If there are
any ideas or suggestions please feel free to
contact any of us.
Enjoy the sunshine and your horses.
Hope to see you at Twin Willows!
-Lacey Reedy, IEBRA President
Have your been barrel racing this winter and spring?
Remember to email Lola your updated lifetime
earnings if they have changed since the Awards
Banquet in November. Thank you to those of you
who have been in contact with us about this.
I don’t want to be redundant, but please keep in mind
the previous notes about honesty, lifetime earnings
and making sure funds are available before paying
fees with a check. And once again, thank you to
everyone who has updated us on the changes this
winter and spring!
Don’t forget to send your membership form and
payment! Remember, for each nomination, $10
needs to be added to the base individual ($25) or
family ($35) cost. This excludes youth and jr. Open,
$2000N, $500N, and Senior divisions all cost $10
per nomination, per horse.
I will no longer mail newsletters to my entire list
from last year. It will be sent to 2015 members only!
Forms and dues can be turned in at the Youth Clinic
or any of the races. But remember, money (points for
youth/jr) does not count toward year end awards
until you become a current member. The
membership form and money needs to be turned in
before the race, when entry fees are paid, if you want
the race to count towards awards. So if I ran at the
first three races but don’t turn in my membership
form and money until the end of the third race after I
ran, my money earned would not count towards
awards until the fourth race.
If you have suggestions for me to improve the
newsletter or anything you would like included in it,
please let me know by the 15th of the month.
Emmy Beckedahl – IEBRA Treasurer & Newsletter
April 2015
Page 2
2015 Race Schedule – Subject to Change
Time Time Only
April 11
Youth Clinic- 8:30am Medical Lake
April 18
Twin Willows 2:30pm 1pm
May 10
11am 9am
May 24
6:30pm 5pm
May 25
11am 9am
May 31
11am TBA
June 6
Rosalia Battle Days – 1pm TO@10am Double
June 13
See Approval on p.6
June 21
11am 9am
June 28
11am TBA
July 11
11am 9am
July 18
Newport Bull-A- Rama Slack and Performance
7:30pm Slack time TBA
July 19
10am 8am
July 26
10am 8am
August 9
11am 9am
August 22
11am 9am
August 23
10am 8am
September 5
11am 9am
September 12 Clayton
11am 9am
November 8
Award Banquet
Highlighted Races mean Full Dress Code for Entire Slack and
Performance – refer to rule book, page 11, for official rules.
-Western Hat
-Long sleeve, button up, collared shirt
-Western wear
When Full Dress Code is not in effect, long pants and boots are still
required along with other appropriate wear. Shorts, sweat pants, tennis
shoes and swimsuits are examples of inappropriate attire.
Davenport Fees, please be prepared to pay separately
-$25 Inside gate w/electricity
-$20 Outside gate w/electricity
-$20 Inside gate NO electricity
2015 IEBRA Officer Contact List
Lacey Reedy
PO Box 133
Elk, WA 99009
(509)993-3547 (Cell)
Vice President
Lola Rickey
8993 Scotia Rd
Newport, WA 99156
(509)292-2223 (home)
(509)570-2535 (cell)
Audrey Tibbs
7287 Road K.7 NE
Moses Lake, WA 98837
(509)760-0416 (cell)
Emmy Beckedahl
3521 E Benge Winona Rd
Endicott, WA 99125
(509)887-2022 (h)/(509)671-1685(c)
Awards Chairwomen
Briana Randall
9325 S Thomas Mallen Rd
Cheney, WA 99004
(206)679-6962 (cell)
Meriah Peplinski
9825 N McCoy Rd
Newman Lake, WA 99025
Megan Peterson
24012 N Madison
Chattaroy, WA 99003
(509)251-4311 (cell)
(509)238-6843 (home)
Board Chair
Makayla Raulston
4607 Furze Rd
Clayton, WA 99110
April 2015
Page 3
Approvals, April 2015
IEBRA Barrel Racing &
Horsemanship Youth Clinic!
April 11th 8:30am-3:30pm
25421 W. Hallett Rd, Medical Lake, Wa
Fun, encouraging clinic to advance your
Small group and individual instruction
All proceeds benefit IEBRA year end
Prizes, lunch provided
18 years old and under
Limited to 30 riders
Bring your horse $50, or Audit for $20
Indoor Arena and classroom space
Ric Rodolph – Horsemanship
 Trained horses in many diciplines
 Over 40 years experience
 Horsemanship clinitian
 Rodeo judge and competitor
 Horsemanship mentor to many
Joyce Merril – Barrels
 35 years raising, training and competing on
barrel horses
 WBRA Reserve Championships $2000 & $500
 Top 6 Pro-West Rodeo
 Mentored others to get their horses to the
Amy Sullivan – Race Day Prep
 15 years in education
 Jr, Sr High and College Rodeo Competitor
 College National Finals Qualifier
 Top 10 Breakaway Roper
 WBRA Barrel Racer
Questions or to sign up
Briana Randall (206)679-6962
Name/Location: Twin Willows Farm
Address: 4980 S. Wallbridge Rd. Deer Park, Wa 99006
Date of Race: April 18, 2015
Start Time: 2:30 pm, following 4D race
WBRA Race, IEBRA co-approve
Race Information:
1. Open:
a. Single, $200 added
b. Entry Fee: $40 + $10 office charge
c. Accepting Late Entries? Yes
2. Novice:
a. Double
b. All Novice Classes? Yes
c. Entry Fee + Office Charge = Total:
i. Jackpot: $25 + $7 = $32
ii. $2000: $25 + $7 = $32
iii. $1000: $20 + $7 = $27
iv. $500: $20 + $7 = $27
v. $250: $15 + $7 = $22
vi. $100: $15 + $7 = $22
vii. Youth: $15 + $7 = $22
viii. Junior: $10 + $7 = $17
d. Added money? No
3. Time Only’s
a. Yes
i. Time: 1:00pm – 1:45pm and
after race
ii. Fees: $4.00 Each or 3/$10.00
Entry Information:
 Entry Date:
Thursday April 16, 2015
 Entry Time:
7:00pm – 9:00pm
 Entry Person:
Joyce Merrill
 Entry Phone:
 Entry Email: – NO
entries thru email
 Call Back Time: 9:00pm
o Other call back information same as
Entry? Yes
This race will be run in indoor arena, following 4d race.
Time only’s prior to race if time allows, and after race.
April 2015
Page 4
Approvals, May 2015
Name/Location: Davenport Fair & Rodeo Grounds
Address: 1601 Morgan St. Davenport, Wa 99122
Date of Race: May 10, 2015
Start Time: 11:00 am
IEBRA race only
Race Information:
4. Open:
a. Single, $100 added
b. Entry Fee: $35 + $10 office charge
c. Accepting Late Entries? Yes
5. Novice:
a. Double
b. All Novice Classes? Yes
c. Entry Fee + Office Charge = Total:
i. Jackpot: $25 + $7 = $32
ii. $2000: $25 + $7 = $32
iii. $1000: $20 + $7 = $27
iv. $500: $20 + $7 = $27
v. $250: $15 + $7 = $22
vi. $100: $15 + $7 = $22
vii. Youth: $15 + $7 = $22
viii. Junior: $10 + $7 = $17
d. Added money? No
6. Time Only’s
a. Yes
i. Time: 9:00am – 10:00am
ii. Fees: $4.00 Each or 3/$10.00
Name/Location: Davenport Fair & Rodeo Grounds
Address: 1601 Morgan St. Davenport, Wa 99122
Date of Race: May 24, 2015
Start Time: 6:30pm
WBRA co-approve
Race Information:
7. Open:
a. Single, $100 added
b. Entry Fee: $35 + $10 office charge
c. Accepting Late Entries? Yes
8. Novice:
a. Double
b. All Novice Classes? Yes
c. Entry Fee + Office Charge = Total:
i. Jackpot: $25 + $7 = $32
ii. $2000: $25 + $7 = $32
iii. $1000: $20 + $7 = $27
iv. $500: $20 + $7 = $27
v. $250: $15 + $7 = $22
vi. $100: $15 + $7 = $22
vii. Youth: $15 + $7 = $22
viii. Junior: $10 + $7 = $17
d. Added money? No
9. Time Only’s
a. Yes
i. Time: 5:00pm-6:00pm
ii. Fees: $4.00 Each or 3/$10.00
Entry Information:
 Entry Date:
May 7, 2015
 Entry Time:
7:00pm – 8:30pm
 Entry Person:
Lacey Reedy
 Entry Phone:
 Entry Email:
 Call Back Time: 9:00pm
o Other call back information same as
Entry? Yes
Entry Information:
 Entry Date:
May 21, 2015
 Entry Time:
7:00pm – 8:30pm
 Entry Person:
Lacey Reedy
 Entry Phone:
 Entry Email:
 Call Back Time: 9:00pm
o Other call back information same as
Entry? Yes
$25 inside gate w/electricity
$20 outside gate w/electricity
$20 inside gate, NO electricity
$25 inside gate w/electricity
$20 outside gate w/electricity
$20 inside gate, NO electricity
April 2015
Page 5
Approvals, May 2015
Name/Location: Davenport Fair & Rodeo Grounds
Address: 1601 Morgan St. Davenport, Wa 99122
Date of Race: May 25, 2015
Start Time: 11:00 am
WBRA co-approve
Race Information:
13. Open:
a. Single, $100 added
b. Entry Fee: $35 + $10 office charge
c. Accepting Late Entries? Yes
14. Novice:
a. Double
b. All Novice Classes? Yes
c. Entry Fee + Office Charge = Total:
i. Jackpot: $25 + $7 = $32
ii. $2000:
$25 + $7 = $32
iii. $1000:
$20 + $7 = $27
iv. $500:
$20 + $7 = $27
v. $250:
$15 + $7 = $22
vi. $100:
$15 + $7 = $22
vii. Youth:
$15 + $7 = $22
viii. Junior:
$10 + $7 = $17
d. Added money? No
15. Time Only’s
a. Yes
i. Time: 9:00am – 10:00am
ii. Fees: $4.00 Each or 3/$10.00
Entry Information:
 Entry Date:
May 21, 2015
 Entry Time:
7:00pm – 8:30pm
 Entry Person:
Lacey Reedy
 Entry Phone:
 Entry Email:
 Call Back Time: 9:00pm
o Other call back information same as
Entry? Yes
$25 inside gate w/electricity
$20 outside gate w/electricity
$20 inside gate, NO electricity
Name/Location: Chewelah Arena
Address: Corner of Logan and HWY 395
Date of Race: May 31, 2015
Start Time: 11:00 am
IEBRA race only
Race Information:
10. Open:
a. Single, $100 added
b. Entry Fee: $35 + $10 office charge
c. Accepting Late Entries? Yes
11. Novice:
a. Double
b. All Novice Classes? Yes
c. Entry Fee + Office Charge = Total:
i. Jackpot: $25 + $7 = $32
ii. $2000: $25 + $7 = $32
iii. $1000: $20 + $7 = $27
iv. $500: $20 + $7 = $27
v. $250: $15 + $7 = $22
vi. $100: $15 + $7 = $22
vii. Youth: $15 + $7 = $22
viii. Junior: $10 + $7 = $17
d. Added money? No
12. Time Only’s
a. Yes
i. Time: 9:00am – 10:00am
ii. Fees: $4.00 Each or
Entry Information:
 Entry Date:
May 28, 2015
 Entry Time:
7:00pm – 8:30pm
 Entry Person:
Lacey Reedy
 Entry Phone:
 Entry Email:
 Call Back Time: 9:00pm
o Other call back information same as
Entry? Yes
April 2015
Page 6
Approvals, June 2015
Name/Location: Rosalia Battle Days
Address: 1st St. Rosalia, Wa 99170
Date of Race: June 6, 2015
Start Time: 1:00pm
WBRA co-approve
Race Information:
16. Open:
a. Single, TBA added
b. Entry Fee: $35 + $10 office charge
c. Accepting Late Entries? Yes
17. Novice:
a. Double
b. All Novice Classes? Yes
c. Entry Fee + Office Charge = Total:
i. Jackpot: $25 + $7 = $32
ii. $2000: $25 + $7 = $32
iii. $1000: $20 + $7 = $27
iv. $500: $20 + $7 = $27
v. $250: $15 + $7 = $22
vi. $100: $15 + $7 = $22
vii. Youth: $15 + $7 = $22
viii. Junior: $10 + $7 = $17
d. Added money? Yes, amount TBA
18. Time Only’s
a. Yes
i. Time: 10:00 am
ii. Fees: $4.00 Each or 3/$10.00
Entry Information:
 Entry Date:
June 4, 2015
 Entry Time:
7:30pm – 9:00pm
 Entry Person:
Lola Rickey
 Entry Phone:
 Entry Email:
 Call Back Time: 9:30pm
o Other call back information same as
Entry? Yes
 NO entry by email or answering machine!
Full Dresscode
Name/Location: Springdale Open Rodeo
Address: Hwy 231 Springdale, Wa
Date of Race: June 13 & 14, 2015
Start Time: Saturday: 2:00pm, Sunday: 2:00pm
WBRA, IEBRA co-approve
Race Information:
19. Open:
a. Slack: Sunday 9am
b. Single, $250 added
c. Entry Fee: $40 + $10 office charge
d. Accepting Late Entries? Yes
20. Novice: After Saturday’s Rodeo Performance
a. Not to start before 5:00pm
b. Single
c. All Novice Classes? Yes
d. Entry Fee + Office Charge = Total:
i. Jackpot: $25 + $7 = $32
ii. $2000: $25 + $7 = $32
iii. $1000: $20 + $7 = $27
iv. $500: $20 + $7 = $27
v. $250: $15 + $7 = $22
vi. $100: $15 + $7 = $22
vii. Youth: $15 + $7 = $22
viii. Junior: $10 + $7 = $17
e. Added money? No
21. Time Only’s
a. TBA
i. Time: After
ii. Fees: $4.00 Each or 3/$10.00
Entry Information: OPEN ONLY
 Entry Date:
June 2 – June 8 2015
 Entry Time:
9:00am – 7:00pm
 Entry Person:
Lynette McMillan
 Entry Phone:
 Call Back Time: June 9, 9:00am – 6:00pm
o Other call back information same as
Entry? Yes for Open Only
Entry Information: For Novice/Youth/Jr Entries
 Entry Date:
Monday, June 8, 2015
 Entry Time:
7:00pm – 9:00pm
 Entry Person:
Joyce Merrill
 Entry Phone:
 Call Back Time: 9:00pm
o Other call back information same as
Entry? Yes
Up to 8 Youth or Jr entries will run in either rodeo perf. The
rest will run at beginning of Novice race Saturday.
Full Dresscode
April 2015
Page 7
Approvals, June 2015
Name/Location: Clayton Rodeo Arena
Address: 4616 Wallbridge Rd, Clayton Wa 99110
Date of Race: June 21, 2015
Start Time: 11:00am
WBRA co-approve
Race Information:
25. Open:
a. Single, $100 added
b. Entry Fee: $35 + $10 office charge
c. Accepting Late Entries? Yes
26. Novice:
a. Double
b. All Novice Classes? Yes
c. Entry Fee + Office Charge = Total:
i. Jackpot: $25 + $7 = $32
ii. $2000: $25 + $7 = $32
iii. $1000: $20 + $7 = $27
iv. $500: $20 + $7 = $27
v. $250: $15 + $7 = $22
vi. $100: $15 + $7 = $22
vii. Youth: $15 + $7 = $22
viii. Junior: $10 + $7 = $17
d. Added money? No
27. Time Only’s
a. Yes
i. Time: 9:00am-10:00am
ii. Fees: $4.00 Each or 3/$10.00
Name/Location: Chewelah Arena
Address: Corner of Logan and Hwy 395
Date of Race: June 28, 2015
Start Time: 11:00 am
IEBRA only
Race Information:
22. Open:
a. Single, $100 added
b. Entry Fee: $35 + $10 office charge
c. Accepting Late Entries? Yes
23. Novice:
a. Double
b. All Novice Classes? Yes
c. Entry Fee + Office Charge = Total:
i. Jackpot: $25 + $7 = $32
ii. $2000: $25 + $7 = $32
iii. $1000: $20 + $7 = $27
iv. $500: $20 + $7 = $27
v. $250: $15 + $7 = $22
vi. $100: $15 + $7 = $22
vii. Youth: $15 + $7 = $22
viii. Junior: $10 + $7 = $17
d. Added money? No
24. Time Only’s
a. Yes
i. Time: 9:00am – 10:00am
ii. Fees: $4.00 Each or 3/$10.00
Entry Information:
 Entry Date:
June 18, 2015
 Entry Time:
7:00pm – 8:30pm
 Entry Person:
Lacey Reedy
 Entry Phone:
 Entry Email:
 Call Back Time: 9:00pm
o Other call back information same as
Entry? Yes
Entry Information:
 Entry Date:
June 25, 2015
 Entry Time:
7:00pm – 8:30pm
 Entry Person:
Lacey Reedy
 Entry Phone:
 Entry Email:
 Call Back Time: 9:00pm
o Other call back information same as
Entry? Yes
April 2015
Page 8
Debbie Berreth
Melissa Tosi
Jill Connolly
Amy Sullivan
Sage Marinello
Audrey Tibbs
Brianna Randall/Star
Haley McKee/Prissy
Audrey Tibbs/Rocky
Hali Putz/Mopar
Becky Evers/Lilly
Kristi Knapp
1. Randi Bafus/Seven
2. Jodi Heitstuman/Bently
3. Dusti Kissler/Clue
4. Pat Heckert/Quita Honor
5. Christine Nichols/Zan
6. Makayla Raulston/Bay
7. Debbie Clinton/Fama
8. Noretta Stritzke/Caddy
9. Amy Sullivan/Cowboy
10. Chris Tellessen/Sweet Lail
11. Pat Heckert/Lakota Honor
12. Meriah Peplinski
13. Carly Oman/Missy
14. Candi Wood/Josie
15. Cindy Fullmer/Levi
14. Candi Wood/Bodee
16. Lacey Reedy/Kadee
17. Tandi Duvall/Kinecki
18. Kat Hanson/Buzz
19. Sam Schmick
IEBRA Standings As Of 9-20-2014
All Races (Official Audit 11-2-2014)
Year End
$2000 Novice
Life Time
$500 Novice
Life Time
76 Points
38 points
18 Points
Hali Putz
90 Points
Koyes Reedy
69 Points
Jolena Naccarato
12 Points
Carly Oman
Tyanna Evers
Jalin Earl