A Family of Faith We are a family of faith, called to celebrate God’s message of love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ. Guided by the living Word of God, we nurture one another through worship, prayer, teaching and fellowship. Led by the Holy Spirit, we reach out with hearts and hands to those in need, seeking to inspire hope in an ever-changing community and world. Rev. Dr. James Skimins Senior Minister Rev. Emily Riley Campbell Associate Minister Rev. Christopher Thomas Associate Minister (FPCP Vision Statement) June 1, 2014 Communion / Baccalaureate A PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.) 701 Church Street ● Plymouth, MI 48170 ● 734.453.6464 ● www.fpcp.net In Covenant Agreement with Mtenthera CCAP Church in Malawi 1 THE LORD’S DAY IN WORSHIP AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, PLYMOUTH, MI June 1, 2014 ~ Communion / Baccalaureate PRELUDE “How Can I Keep from Singing” Dale Hicks & Praise Band C. Tomlin WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS *CALL TO WORSHIP and OPENING PRAYER *OPENING PROCESSIONAL AND PRAISE NO. 136 “Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty” (v. 1, 3, 4) +++ CALL TO CONFESSION PRAYER OF CONFESSION Lord forgive us for we have been unfaithful. We have sought after our appetites and other gods to rule us and give us comfort in troubling times. We have built altars in our lives to pay homage to many things above you. Give us grace for our lack of faith. We repent and turn to you to help us tear down the idols we have built. Rekindle our relationship so that we may know your love and trust in it more highly than anything else. (Silence for personal confession) ASSURANCE OF PARDON (people respond Amen) CHORAL SELECTION “Help Me Find It” Sidewalk Prophets Reunion Youth Choir and String Ensemble RECOGNITION OF GRADUATES BACCALAUREATE PRAYER ANNOUNCEMENTS OF YOUTH SCHOLARSHIPS OFFERING OUR GIFTS TO GOD (Members and Visitors, please take this time to sign and pass our friendship pads which are located in the book rack of your pew.) OFFERTORY “And All the People Said Amen” Dale Hicks and Band *PRAYER OF DEDICATION +++ SCRIPTURE LESSON Matt Maher 1 Peter 2: 1-11 Pew Bible, New Testament, page 219 ** SERMON “Into Marvelous Light” Rev. Chris Thomas SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION INVITATION: (All who love the Lord Jesus Christ and would be his faithful disciples, including baptized children, are invited to his table.) GREAT PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING THE LORD’S PRAYER (unison) Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen. COMMUNION MUSIC “Mighty is the Power of the Cross” C. Tomlin Dale Hicks and Band CLOSING SONG “Mighty to Save” (words on pg. 6) Morgan/Fielding *THE CHARGE *BENEDICTION POSTLUDE “Mighty to Save” Morgan/Fielding 2 FPCP Scholarships have been awarded to: Amanda Crowther Rachel Gran Alexander Johnson Devin Kelly Bailey Marco Meera Martin Andyana Miller Dominick Murphy Zack Murphy Breana Noble Brendan Noble Nathan Samoy Breana Underhill Graduating Senior Information Page 8 IMPORTANT EVENTS FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY (see pg. 5 for full articles) 1. Saturday, June 14, Opening Worship Service, 11:00 AM, Cobo Center, everyone welcome 2. Sunday, June 15, Deacons Breakfast to welcome the General Assembly; 9:00 AM (before worship Worship Schedule ~ Sanctuary June 8 June 15 - June 22 June 29 - Rev. Emily Campbell; Alycia Wilder, Violist **10:00 AM Service (only) - Welcoming General Assembly Guests. Dr. Jim Skimins, “Who Needs the Church?”; Chancel Choir; Fifth Season Ensemble Dr. Jim Skimins, “Explore”; John Hummel, Soloist Dr. Jim Skimins, “Focus”; Sylvia Smith, Soloist 3 Prayer Concerns Please pray for the following church members and friends who are in special circumstances. In the lisngs below members’ names will be printed in bold type. The names of family & friends will be printed in italic. Quesons or concerns about the prayer list should be directed to Carole Crete in the church office or carolecrete@fpcp.net. Names are only le in the bullen for 3 weeks unless you call again or the office is aware of the circumstances. CONCERNS & CELEBRATIONS Church-wide Concerns Family & Friends of Members TJ McKenzie, friend of David Olender Tim Woolf, neighbor of Louise Hinkson Jon Weaver and wife, Tiffany. Jon is the nephew of Tom & Jane Weaver Colleen Chometa, sister of Marie McCubbrey Dick Pierce, father of Dianne Cumming Devin Joyce, nephew of Elizabeth & Warren Pierce Austin Merritt and parents, friends of the Underhills Caitlin Sall, niece of Carol & Jeff Stoner Becky, friend of Anne Sherwood Diane Thompson, sister-in-law of Joyce Holmes For all our family & friends serving in the Military The planning for Vacation Bible School is already well underway. Please pray that many hearts are reached this summer through VBS, including children, their parents, and the many volunteers involved. Please pray for the volunteers planning now for Bridge/ Oasis for next year, that they may follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and that the ministry bring glory to God. FPCP is working more closely with our Presbytery and its program for foster children. Our prayer ministry can help by praying for this month’s featured child in foster care. This month we are praying for 15 year old Lakenyei. She is a friendly and bright young girl. She can be shy at first, but will soon open up and be very engaging and talkative with others. Lakenyei likes to help people and teach others. She enjoys music, TV, skating, bowling, going outside and spending time with her friends. Lakenyei says, “I would like people to know that I am a nice and intelligent person!” More information is available at http:// www.mare.org. Our Members Leora Norgrove Ruth Porter Marge Lynch Diana Markley Carolyn Benages Karen Salley Members Receiving Long Term Care Cathy Tartaglia Bill Tracey - at Four Seasons Meera Martin This month we are supporting Foster Care Closet. They have a tremendous need for NEW socks, underwear and pj’s.(sizes 3T to 10-12) Often children come to them with nothing but the clothes they are wearing. Car booster seats are also needed. There is a bin in the donation area downstairs or contact Peggy Kmieciak. Our Sympathies To Lynne Porter and family on the death of her father, Fritz Groenke in Parma Hts., OH, on May 21st. To Joyce Holmes, Karen Danke & family on the death of Joyce’s sister-in-law and Karen’s aunt, Diane Thompson Our Deacons of the Day are: Rachel Gran and Bev Girard Our Ushers today are: Jack & Kiki Farrow and John & Beth Stewart Counting Team this week: Wayne Krupin, Kathleen Barker and Steve Renaldi Flowers today are given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Charles & Elizabeth Bosselman by Betty Curran 4 PARENTS: SUMMER CLUB starts TODAY 9:00 a.m. in the Dining Room CROSSROADS CALLS… As you and your family make plans for the summer, mark off Saturday, August 2nd and Sunday, August 3rd as special days. Once again, FPCP will sponsor a meal at the Crossroads Soup Kitchen. There are several opportunies to volunteer. First, on Saturday, August 2nd, we will meet here in our own kitchen at FPCP between 8:30 and 11:30 to prepare the meat and cheese for the Sunday crews. Then on Sunday, August 3rd, two groups will go to Crossroads. The meal preparaon team works between 8:30-11:30. The serving team works between 11:15-3:30. Please consider making me for this rewarding and important local mission project. It feeds over 600 people. Sign-up sheets will be placed on the mission bullen board. Come and join the fun and make a difference! If you have quesons or need more informaon, please contact Kris Black at 734-455-8765. Thank you! Everyone Invited OPENING WORSHIP SATURDAY, June 14 at 11:00 at Cobo Center Join with thousands of other Presbyterians as we convene the assembly giving praise to God! This worship service will include the Alma College Pipe Band; the Detroit Metropolitan Youth Symphony; liturgical dancers; a mass choir of youth and adults; a renewal of baptism; Holy Communion; and plenty of singing from the new hymnal, Glory to God. The Rev. Dr. Neal Presa, Moderator of the 220th General Assembly, will preach. Following the service, you will be welcome to visit the Exhibit Hall and to enjoy fellowship with Presbyterians from near and far. Join the Deacons as we welcome our guests from the General Assembly by attending the Deacon’s Breakfast on Sunday, June 15. We will be serving breakfast, catered by Chef Alan, in the Dining Room & Fellowship Hall beginning at 9:00 a.m. before the worship service and 11:00 a.m., following the worship service. To help defray costs, we are asking for donations of fruit and sweet breads. If you would like to donate, please look for the sign-up sheets in the Narthex. Questions can be directed to Cathy McKinstry, Bev Girard, Mark Burgett or Rich Smith. 5 Jesus conquered the grave So take me as you find me All my fears and failures Fill my life again I give my life to follow Everything I believe in Now I surrender “Mighty to Save” Everyone needs compassion A love that’s never failing Let mercy fall on me Everyone needs forgiveness The kindness of a Savior The hope of naons (Chorus) Shine your light and let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory of the risen king, Jesus Shine your light and let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory of the risen king. (Chorus) Savior, he can move the mountains My God is mighty to save He is mighty to save Forever author of salvaon He rose and conquered the grave (Chorus) Shine your light and let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory of the risen king, Jesus Shine your light and let the whole world see We’re singing for the glory of the risen king. (3X) No Matter What, Jesus Loves You! VBS is right around the corner! This year’s theme is Weird Animals: Where Jesus’ Love is One-of-a-Kind. God filled the world with a lot of crazy creatures… including us! Kids will learn that when they feel weird, left out, different, confused, afraid or even bad, that Jesus loves them no matter what! Date: July 21 – July 25, 2014 Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Place: FPCP Cost: $25/child with a family cap of $40 Registration: Register your children TODAY In-person registration: VBS table in the narthex on May 18, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 or July 13 Online registration: http://fpcp.net/9grow/children/vbs/2014-vbs-registration-center Register early and receive $5 off! Early registration window is May 11 – May 31 All information and payment must be submitted by May 31st for registration discount. No exceptions Scholarships are available, contact Victoria Barkoff for scholarship information Past participants say… “… a great program and wonderful teachers. I will definitely be sending my kids again.” “My kids loved VBS!! Thanks for a great week.” “My children loved FPCP VBS...they participated in 2 VBS weeks this summer, and they said yours was their favorite!” We need volunteers to help with VBS! There is a link to the VBS Sign-Up on the VBS webpage! Use the QR code to the right to access the registration page. 6 New for Summer 2014 - We're pleased to announce that there's a new way to stay connected to FPCP while enjoying your summer at the cottage, visiting friends or doing some extended traveling. Introducing our GIVE page. Now, pledge and per capita payments, mission and program giving, program registration fees, etc., may be conducted online via our secure link to NPC Secure, FPCP's credit card processor. Look for the GIVE tab at the top-right side of FPCP's website. Enjoy your summer vacation plans without getting behind on your pledge giving. Convenient one-time payments may be made while you're away from home. Use the Comment line to specify your envelope number or other giving details. First Presbyterian Church of Plymouth, Thank you so much for the beauful flowers and also for puDng me on the prayer list for my recent gallbladder surgery. Everything seems to be healing on schedule, and I should be back to normal real soon. Thanks, again, Julie Perri A phone message from Leora Norgrove, I cannot write anymore, so I must call to say thank you so much for the beauful flowers delivered by Jan Strube. It means a lot to me. I don’t get to church anymore because I am 98 and live at Wyndwood of Northville, assisted living. It is so nice to know my church sll thinks/cares about me. Leora Norgrove 7 Graduate info: Curtis Julian Crosier graduated from Michigan State University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Resources Management. Amanda Morgan Crowther graduated from Plymouth High School. Will be attending Schoolcraft College in the fall and she is going to be a Nurse Anesthetist. Brandon Crowther has graduated from college and is now in law enforcement. Rachel Lynn Gran graduated from Canton High School. Will be majoring in Spanish at Central Michigan University. Alexander Douglas Johnson graduated from Plymouth High School. Will be attending Hope College in Holland, Michigan, planning to major in Biology and minor in Theater. Bailey Marco graduated from Plymouth High School. Will be going to Schoolcraft College. Meera Christine Martin graduated from Salem High School. Will be attending Washtenaw Community College for Criminal Justice Associates Degree. Andyana Erica Lillian Miller graduated from Canton High School. Will be attending Grand Rapids Community College. Dominick James Murphy graduated from Canton High School and will be attending Schoolcraft College. Zachary James Murphy graduated from Canton High School and will be attending Washtenaw Community College. Breana Noble graduated from Canton High School. Attending Hillsdale College, studying Journalism and Politics. Brendan Noble graduated from Canton High School. Attending Hillsdale College majoring in Economics and minoring in Politics. Alexander Campbell Rej graduated from Canton High School. He will be attending the University of Pittsburgh in the fall. Nathan Vanstone Samoy graduated from Canton High School. Will be attending the School of Engineering at the University of Michigan - Ann Arbor. Breana Noreen Underhill will be graduating from Keystone Online Academy. She plans to go to Schoolcraft when she completes her classwork, then to Oakland University to study nursing. 8 Attention College Students and Graduating High School Seniors! Find out about Fun and Fellowship (and Free Food!) opportunities this summer, sponsored by the College Outreach Committee! Come to the summer kickoff, June 4, 6-8:30 p.m. at Jim and Kathy Bernard’s house and enjoy a “Mexican Fiesta” while hearing about the summer schedule (including a book study, movie nights, possible service projects and other activities). You can share your ideas, too! For questions, call Kathy Bernard, 248.305.8614 or Tom Kage, 248.349.6268 COLLEGE INTERNSHIPS. Are you a student looking for an internship? Or a company looking for potential students? As a church family, we want to match up potential candidates for internships with companies in their field of interest. If your company offers internships or you are a student looking for an internship, please forward your information to Al Larson at alarson1461@gmail.com. Current candidates in the fields of mechanical engineering, information management, hospitality management, and graphic design/computer animation. All information strictly confidential. Or do you need some summer help for planting, mowing, clean up around the house? Email alarson1461@gmail.com with your project. We’ll match up students to meet your needs. Students, sign up on the bulletin board outside Mark’s office to be matched up with potential summer jobs. 9 TICKETS ON SALE TODAY The Presbyterian Church General Assembly is meeting to conduct the business of the Presbyterian Church USA. We are honored to have the next General Assembly that will be meeting in Detroit in June at the new COBO Center. This is a national event with anticipated guests of over 3,000. We are seeking volunteers to help support the Information Booths and would appreciate considerations to assist with four hour shifts. Please sign up at www.presbyteryofdetroit.org/cola—look for “volunteer@GA221” button. Thank you for considering this important opportunity to support Presbyterians across the country and our local Presbytery. For additional information or questions, please contact Jim Russell, Detroit Presbytery at jprussell412@yahoo.com or you can call Jim at 248-842-0265. 10 This Week at Our Church Sunday, June 1 ~ Communion/Baccalaureate 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary Service 9:00 a.m. Summer Club (Sunday School) Dining Room Monday, June 2 9:15 a.m. Staff Prayer, Chapel 6:00 p.m. Sanctuary Worship Space Sub-Committee, Mural Room 7:00 p.m. Building & Grounds Committee, B & G Room 7:00 p.m. Christian Nurture Committee Meeting, Calvin Room 7:00 p.m. Communications, Committee Meeting, Bride’s Room 7:30 p.m. Stewardship Committee Meeting, Chapel 7:30 p.m. Worship Committee Meeting, Dining Room Tuesday, June 3 9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting, Chapel 11:30 a.m. Upper Room Meeting, Calvin Room Wednesday, June 4 7:30 a.m. Early Word Bible Study, Chapel 7:00 p.m. Children’s Ministry Team Meeting, Chapel Thursday, June 5 10:00 a.m. American Quilting Guild ( Dining Room) 7:00 p.m. Human Resource Committee Meeting, Chapel 9:00 p.m. Evening Devotions, Knox Hall Friday, June 6 Office Summer Hours - Close at 1:00 p.m. Saturday, June 7 Sunday June 8 ~ Pentecost 9:00 a.m. Sanctuary Service 9:15 a.m. Summer Club (Summer Sunday School) Dining Room Being very friendly and neighborly, our Christian neighbors, Solid Rock Church, have asked us TO PLEASE NOT PARK in their parking lot on Sundays. We have coinciding services and there have been occasions where their members cannot find a parking spot. We do have several other alternative parking areas. Whenever possible, please walk to church. Thank you. DEACON COOKBOOKS - Please submit all your recipes in the submittal boxes in the Narthex or in the Upper Room. (or they can be emailed: carolecrete@fpcp.net) We need all kinds of recipes, breakfast, lunch, dinner, appetizers, desserts, whatever you have! If you don’t see the boxes, just ask. Thank You! Use this QR code to check out the FPCP website Use this QR code to check out the FPCP calendar 11 COMMUNITY MINISTRIES & MISSION OUTREACH First Presbyterian Church, Plymouth Our Community Fort Street Open Door Alcoholics Anonymous American Red Cross Benevolence Fund Plymouth-Canton Clothing Bank Plymouth Salvation Army Adopt-an-Angel/Gift Tree Bell Ringing Food Drives Thanksgiving Box Assembly Presbyterian Thrift Shop United Way Collaborative Fund FPCP Matching Scholarship, for Mission Trip Attendees New Hope Center for Grief Support Vista Maria Our Surrounding Area Ann Arbor Campus Ministries Barnabas Calvin East Presbyterian (Detroit) 2012 Youth Mission Trip Camelot Hall Convalescent Center Cass Community Service Community meals for homeless Central Detroit Community of Hope Foster Girls Crossroads Detroit Westminster Thanksgiving Meals Faith Communities Coalition Foster Children First Step If you are interested in helping in any of these areas, please contact Rev. Emily Campbell at 734-453-6464, ext. 113 Soup Kitchen assistance Financial Assistance Clothing Drives Habitat for Humanity Hope Medical Center Lighthouse Mission/Soup Kitchen Motown Soup Northville Civic Concern Presbyterian Women Faith Goal Relay for Life Samaritan Counseling Second Mile Center Wayne County Family Center Compassion International Sponsoring Children Haiti Nursing Foundation Kids Against Hunger Least Coin Marion Medical Mission Mtenthera CCAP (Our Sister Church in Malawi) Drinking Well & Storage Tank Bibles & Hymnals Prayer House Roofs Nursery School Supplies Women’s Guild Blouses Church Pews Eyeglasses PC(USA) Hunger Ministries One Great Hour of Sharing Our Nation Supporting our Presbyterian Church (USA) Connectional Ministry through our Benevolence Budget to these governing bodies: Detroit Presbytery Synod of the Covenant General Assembly Causes Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Northeastern U.S. (Sandy Storm) Samaritans Purse Operation Christmas Child Presbyterian Colleges and Seminaries: Princeton Seminary Rev. Phil Magee Endowment Iowa Flood Relief Katrina Recovery (ten trips) Tennessee/Kentucky Flood Relief Our World Church World Service Care Kits Colina de Luz Orphanage Youth Mission Trips (2008-2009) Financial Assistance PRESBYTERIAN THRIFT SHOP 746 N. Mill St. Plymouth, MI 734-459-1250 Hours: Mon., Tues., & Thurs., 10 AM - 2 PM Wednesday: 6 PM - 8 PM Saturday: 10 AM - 1 PM If you would consider volunteering at the Thrift Shop, please call the Porters at 248-719-3378 Our Staff: Jim Skimins - Senior Minister jimskimins@fpcp.net; ext. 112 Victoria Barkoff - Dir. Of Children’s Min. victoriabarkoff@fpcp.net; ext. 110 Dale Hicks Worship Director - Upper Room Emily Riley Campbell - Assoc. Min. emilycampbell@fpcp.net; ext.113 Carole Crete - Office Administrator carolecrete@fpcp.net; ext. 115 Susan C. Scott Organist Chris Thomas - Assoc. Min Christhomas@fpcp.net; ext. 117 Susan Underhill Communication Administrator susanunderhill@fpcp.net; ext. 111 Sharon K. Smith Accompanist Dr. Jerry Smith - Director of Music jerrysmith@fpcp.net; ext.119 Mark Hovermale - Dir. of Students markhovermale@fpcp.net; ext. 120 Stewart Dodge Financial / HR Administrator studodge@fpcp.net.; ext. 116 Stacy Thomas Childcare Coordinator First Presbyterian Church. Plymouth ● 701 Church Street ● Plymouth, MI 48170 phone 734-453-6464 ● fax 734-453-6492 ● on the web - www.fpcp.net 12
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