IHM 4-19-15.indd - Immaculate Heart of Mary

The Good News of
Immaculate Heart of Mary
April 19, 2015
Parish & School Staff
Father Bob Sims, Pastor
Father’s Emergency Number (317) 727-2667
Stacy Hennessy, Pastoral Associate/D.R.E.
Joan Lile, Youth Minister
Deb Condon, Business Manager
Kelli Ayres, Administrative Assistant
Lisa Akers, Administrative Assistant
Jeanne Whaley, Office Assistant
Karen Winternheimer, Accounts Payable
Carey Landry, Music Coordinator
Ronda Swartz, Principal
Ed Seib, Assistant Principal
Barbara Horton, School Secretary
Richard Foran, Facilities Manager
Kim Elkins, Assistant to the Pastoral Associate
Jose Moreno, Custodial Services
How to contact the Staff:
Church Office: 317-257-2266
Fax: 317-475-7380
School Office: 317-255-5468
Fax: 317-475-7379
Website: www.ihmindy.org
Bulletin Submissions: (deadline 9am Monday)
The Mission of
Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Immaculate Heart of Mary parish strives
to be a vibrant Catholic community with the
Gospel of Jesus Christ as our guide. We invite
those who seek to strengthen their spirituality
and develop their relationships with God
through our dynamic liturgy, life long learning,
and sharing faith within and outside
our community.
Artist: Jody Flynn
5692 Central Avenue | Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 | 317-257-2266
Third Sunday of Easter
Thank you
Stewardship for:
April 12, 2015: $12,574.55
Dear IHM Community,
“Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace to you.’ But they were startled and frightened.” - Luke 24:36-37
Throughout the day we have many opportunities to “see the face of Jesus” in others and
provide some “peace” in their lives. Just because the person is a stranger, maybe looks
different than us or is someone we don’t particularly care for doesn’t let us off the hook.
Fr. Bob
Online Giving Update
Online EFT and Credit Card donation updates will overwrite prior authorizations. When setting
up your EFT and Credit Card donations, please be aware that you will not be able to set up different
pay frequencies (i.e. monthly, weekly, annually, etc.).
Note: No confessions on Saturday, April 25th.
Mon., April 20
8:15 am (chapel) Easter Weekday
Charlie Caspersen
By Christina & William Collier
Tue., April 21
8:15 am (chapel) Easter Weekday
Bill Hickey
By Tom & Anne Fallon
Wed., April 22
5:30 pm (chapel) Easter Weekday
Melanie Esselman
By Jim & Vickie Roe
Thurs., April 23
8:15 am (chapel) Easter Weekday
For the People of IHM
Fri., April 24
8:20 am
School Mass
Easter Weekday
Second Grade as they Prepare for their First Eucharist
By the Berg Family
Sat., April 25
5:30 pm
Vigil: 4th Sunday of
Walter Nowak
By the Henneberry Family
Sun., April 26
8:00 am
Fourth Sunday of
Rod Hughes
(Brother of Tim Hughes)
By the Nunley Familly
9:30 am
Emilie Tomaszek
By Carol & Carey Landry
11:15 am
For the People of IHM
Servers & Lectors
Sun., April 26
5:30 pm servers
Michael McNulty, Whitney Nester, Owen Teed
5:30 pm lectors
Mary Lou Cox, Ed Stahl
8:00 am servers
Marta Schmitz, Anna Neale, Andrew Davey
8:00 am lectors
Kevin Davey, Mary Ann Wallace
9:30 am servers
Claire Hurley, Taylor Oberlies, Andrew de las Alas
9:30 am lectors
Christine DeWeese, Seamus Wheeler
11:15 am servers Thomas Roth, Walt Lewis Margaret Roth
11:15 am lectors
Sunday Eucharist: 8:00 & 9:30 am.
11:15 am 3rd weekend of September
until (but not including) Memorial Day
Weekdays: Varies. Please consult the
Mass Schedule.
Saturday: 5:30 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
4:30 pm Saturday or by Appointment.
Infant Baptisms
Schedule of Masses
Sat., April 25
Thank you for your continued
support of IHM.
Lucy Eisgruber, Kurt Eisgruber
All baptisms take place at one of the
weekend Masses chosen by parents.
One preparation class for first time
parents is required. New parents are
encouraged to attend prior to the birth
of the child. Godparents are welcome
as well. Classes are held the first Monday of February, April, June, August,
October & December from 7:30 –9:00
pm. Please call the parish office for the
class you will attend.
Engaged couples must start their
preparation at least six months prior to
the wedding. Preparation includes work
with a sponsor couple and Tobit. A
person must be registered & active for
6 months BEFORE plans will be discussed.
Holy Orders
Priesthood or Vocation as a Religious
Sister or Brother. Those considering
entering the Priesthood or a Religious
vocation, please contact our Pastor or
the Archdiocesan vocation Office.
Holy Communion
Holy Communion is offered Monday
through Friday at 15 minute intervals
from 7:00-8:00 a.m. in the Chapel.
New Registrations
Please visit our website at ihmindy.org
or call the Parish Office at 257-2266.
IHM Events & This Week at IHM
Men’s Club
IHM Men's Club Social welcomes guest speaker, parishioner
Bryan Neale. Bryan is an NFL referee and a motivational
speaker. This event this Sunday, April 19th, 7:00 pm in the
Gathering Space. Refreshments by Tow Yard Brewing, Flat 12
Brewing and Bulleit Bourbon.
April 20
Kick off Meeting for Illumination 2015
Please join the 2015 IHM Illumination Gala planning committee on Thursday, April 30th at 7:00 pm in the Gathering
Space. Come and hear about the various sub-committees for
the event from which you can select based on your interests,
including the auction, marketing, and sponsorship teams
just to name a few. Please pray for our great team as we
work together to plan a wonderful event for IHM. Interested?
Please contact Emily at eebruns@me.com or Jennifer at
April 21
Spring Blood Drive
May 10th
8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Gathering Space
April 22
Positive ID required
Questions: Call Tim Lohrstorfer at 702-0360
Athletic Commission
The Athletic Commission of IHM is seeking interested candidates to fill two (2) open seats for a three (3) year term beginning with the 2015-2016 school year. The Athletic Commission
is a ministry that promotes knowledge, growth and development of IHM students and parishioners who participate in
IHM athletics and physical wellness programs. The Athletic
Commission meets monthly to monitor and assess the impact
and interaction of its athletic programs with the school and the
larger parish community. Interested candidates are asked to
submit a brief biography and letter of interest to Chris
Lefebvre, cglefebvre@yahoo.com by FRIDAY MAY 1st.
Questions may also be directed to Chris at 506-3291.
April 23
April 24
6:30 am
8:00 am
1st Communion Prac- Ch
10:00 am
Group Photos Yr
Gth Spc
3:00 pm
After Care
Ch B
7:00 pm
Boy Scouts
Act. Ctr
7:00 pm
Parish Conf.
6:30 am
8:15 am
Yoga from a Christian Perspective
Gth. Spc.
10:00 am
Ruth Lilly Teen Talk
Gth Spc
3:00 pm
1st Communion
Individual Photos
3:00 pm
After Care
Ch B
7:00 pm
Women’s CRHP
Gth. Spc.
7:30 pm
PTO Meeting
6:30 am
10:00 am
Spring Flower Pick up Act Ctr
1:00 pm
Marian Movement of Chapel
Priests Rosary Cenacle
3:00 pm
After Care
Ch B
6:30 pm
Mass Music Practice
6:30 am
10:30 am
Meditation Class
Gth Spc
3:00 pm
After Care
Ch B
6:30 pm
Mass Music Practice
(8:00 am)
6:30 am
3:00 pm
After Care
Ch B
6:30 pm
Pack Meeting
Bike Safety
Ch B
6:00 pm
Women’s CRHP 21
April 25
IHM Fall Kick Off Fest & 5k Run/Walk
The 7th Annual IHM Fall Kick Off Fest and the 6th Annual 5K
Run/Walk will be on Saturday, August 29th, 2015. If you are
interested in sponsorship or becoming a volunteer, please contact Mike Semler at 317.590.5838 or mike.semler@dtz.com
April 26
Parish Ministries & Notes
Eucharistic Minister Schedule
April 25 & 26
Saturday 5:30 pm Mass: Sue Foxx—Coordinator
Sue Foxx, Melissa Avery, Bob Bestvina, Brad Bisser, John Christ,
Vickie Christ, & TBA
Sunday, 8:00 am Mass: Ruth Durbin—Coordinator
Sheila Dropcho, Mary Claire Chapman, Daniel Houchens, Susan
Wiggenhorn, Ron Wallace
Sunday, 9:30 am Mass: Paula Clendenin—Coordinator
Pam Budny, Ashli Pettibone, Amy Gaisser, Suzie Platte,
Sue Tempero, Mike Hurley, Diane Powers
Sunday, 11:15 am Mass: Sharon Ross—Coordinator
Mary Dougherty, Kathleen Caspersen, Lisa Kobe, Julie Snider,
Anita Wallis, Kristin Guy
Youth Ministry News
Market Day orders are due Tuesday, April 21. Orders will be
ready for pick up in the Atrium Monday, April 27 from 5-6
pm. Time to stock up on grilling items and snacks for road
trips. So far, proceeds have purchased items used for; material
for blankets given to shelters, Easter eggs for the Deanery Food
Bags, food for dinners at Anna's House, supplies for Honduras,
and signs for Saints in the Street project. Thanks for your continued support of our projects.
A reception will be held for the
newly confirmed this Sunday,
April 19th after the 11:15 am
Mass in the Gathering Space.
2015 VBS - Save the Date
We hope you can join us June 15-18th for IHM VBS Everest, where we will be conquering challenges with God’s mighty
power. We are looking forward to a fun week! More registration
information will follow. IHM VBS wouldn’t be possible without
the help of the volunteers that assist during the week and help
plan VBS. If you would like to be a part of the VBS Committee
please email ihmindyvbs@gmail.com.
We’d love to have you!
NCYC, a gathering of over 25,000 high school teens will be in
Indy November 19-21. We are taking two groups this
year. One group will arrive Thursday evening and stay
through Sunday morning at the Westin Hotel downtown. The
cost is $425. The other group will be commuters, arriving in the
morning and returning home after closing session each
night. The cost is $255 and we will fundraise for both
groups. The cost includes t-shirts, hats, items to trade, and
meals. Forms and more information is on the youth board in
the back of Church. IHM's deadline is July 1 for getting forms
and a $100 deposit into the office. The balance will be
due September 10th.
After that date, there is a $40 late fee added. Check out
www. ncyc.info for more information. Questions? Call Joan
Joan Lile, Youth Minister, IHM - Phone—317-257-2266
Email - ihmym@yahoo.com Web site - www.ihmindy.org
Boulevard Place Food Pantry
Bags will be passed out this weekend & every 3rd weekend
to help keep the panty stocked! Please take the bags and
bring your monthly donations to the food carts at the church.
Additionally, if you wish to donate money, you may use the blue
envelopes labeled St. Thomas Food Pantry and turn them in during Mass or to the parish office. (Address the check to Boulevard
Place Food Pantry if writing a check).
Anyone wanting to make a direct donation to the Boulevard
Place Food Pantry can send it to: Boulevard Place/SVDP Food
Pantry, 4202 Boulevard Place, Indianapolis, IN 46208
Thank you!
Growing in the Faith
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Thomas Merton turns 100
In honor of Thomas Merton, one of the greatest
spiritual thinkers of the 20th century, and his one
hundredth birthday, the Adult Education class
will do a five month study on Merton beginning April 8 at 9:30 am with a
film on Thomas Merton. This
class meets in the Parish Office three times before the
summer break, and then again
in August and September. All
are welcome! The class is free.
The textbook for the class is
$15, The Franciscan Heart of Thomas Merton by Daniel Horan, OFM.
Classes are on April 22, April 29 & May 6.
Parenting Without Shame
Maggie Denari, Parent Coach and IHM parishioner, is offering a course on Brenee Brown's
"Daring Greatly", parenting from a place of vulnerability. If interested, please contact Maggie
directly at maggiedenari@me.com
First Wednesdays:
May 6, 2015
June 3, 2015
July 1, 2015
from 6:30 am to 9:00 am,
IHM Church
Confirmation for Adults
If you are over 21 years of age and have not yet received
the Sacrament of Confirmation, you may do so this
year. Here are the requirements: contact Stacy
Hennessy, DRE at shennessy@ihmindy.org. The Sacrament will be conferred at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and
Paul on May 31st at 10:00 am. Deadline to register is
May 1st.
Join Family Life and Faith Formation Commission!
Elections are on Mother’s Day. We would love to have
Congratulations to our 70
Second Graders who are
receiving their First Communion
on Saturday, April 25th.
Mass Intentions:
If you would like to have a Mass offered for
someone, living or deceased, please stop by or call
the Church office at 257-2266. The suggested Mass
stipend is $10.
Lord, give us the gift of
tears, the ability to cry for
our sins and so receive
your forgiveness.
Diocese & Community Events
From the Diocese
Camp Cathedral
Catholic Home Missions Collection
Cathedral High School’s Summer Camps are open for registration at campcathedral.com. Camp Cathedral runs from June 8July 31 and includes half-day single camps and all-day
combo camps. Before and after care is available! Families can
choose from over 35 sports camps and nearly 60 enrichment camps. Camps are age specific with offerings for Kindergartners through 12th graders! Make new friends and new
memories! But hurry, as popular camps fill up quickly. Find
more information and sign up at campcathedral.com.
The Catholic Home Missions Appeal will take place next week.
One way that this appeal works to strengthen home mission
dioceses in the United States is by funding seminarian formation
in poor dioceses. The blessing of seminarians places a financial
burden on these dioceses, where educating each seminarian
costs $35-40K per year. Your support is needed for these young
men so that they might go back and serve their parishes. Please
strengthen the Church at home by making a generous gift to
next week’s appeal. Envelopes are in this week’s bulletin.
Know your Body: Love your Spouse
April 30, 2015 & May 3, 2015
Creighton Method Fertility Care Introductory Session with Liz
Escoffery FCPI.
Thursday, April 30, 2015 6:30-8:00 pm, Catholic Center, Benedictine Room - 1400 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis, IN 46202
Sunday, May 3, 2015 2:00-3:30 pm, St. Barnabas Catholic
Church, Upper Room - 8300 Rahke Road, Indianapolis, IN
46217. Learn about the scientific basis for the system and how
to track a woman’s reproductive cycles to achieve or avoid a
pregnancy and/or for reproductive health maintenance. The
Creighton Model is also effective and helpful for those couples
who are experiencing infertility. All are welcome: catechists/
teachers, parents, priests, religious, parish staff members, couples, and singles who may want to share this information with
families and women in their parishes. Private follow-ups may be
scheduled following the presentation for those interested in using the system. Session is free to attend, materials are $30 if
taken, and follow-up appointments are $50 each. Questions or
to register, e-mail liz.stgiannacenter@gmail.com or call 317-4464248 at least 5 days in advance of the session.
From the Community
BCHS Theatre
Bishop Chatard High School presents… Bye Bye Birdie
April 23, 24 and 25.
Reserved Tickets on Sale Now!
$7 General Admission- Available at the door!
$10 Reserved Seating
$2 BCHS Student with ID
North Deanery Students, Bring Your Future Trojan Friendship
Pass for FREE General Admission!
Sisters of St. Benedict Offer Workshop
The Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand are offering a workshop,
“Basics of Bread from a Benedictine,” on Saturday, April 25, at Kordes
Center in Ferdinand, Indiana. Come to the monastery and learn about
bread-making from a Benedictine sister. Workshop runs from 9:30
a.m. Eastern time to 2:30 p.m. Cost $75, including lunch. Presenter is
Sister Jean Marie Ballard, OSB, who began as a novice working with
the monastery baker. Registration due April 22. For more information,
or to register, call 800-880-2777, or 812-367-1411, ext. 2915, or
SoulCore is coming to Fatima
April 29, 2015 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Hear the history of this beautiful form of prayer from founders
Deanne Miller and Colleen Scariano then stay to experience
praying the Rosary with your mind, body and soul.
Suggested donation is $15 however we are grateful for a donation in any amount. Comfortable clothes are recommended and
if you have an exercise mat, please bring it along! Call 545-7681.
Fatima’s ongoing programs.....
Monthly days of silent reflection offered as a time for you to
step away, reflect, pray, & grow in your relationship with God in
the beautiful surroundings of Our Lady of Fatima Retreat
Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP) Monthly Community
Gatherings which focus on growing community around the ISP
retreats while learning more about and utilizing Ignatian prayer.
In addition to prayer and building relationships, we present various topics to help us all understand more about the complicated
issues which surround homelessness and addiction.
Always Loving Our Children for parents and families of loved
ones who have revealed they are gay, an evening of support, sharing and learning from one another and our church.
Annual Silent Directed Retreat in July: Choose a 3, 4, 5 or 6
day silent directed retreat from July 26-31, 2015. OR create your
own silent retreat by registering for one or more days or nights
during this week in July.
www.archindy.org/fatima or phone 317- 545-7681.
Saving Energy in Sacred Spaces
Archbishop Tobin recently spoke about our responsibility to be stewards of creation. One practical way to do this is to examine how much
energy is used in our parish and school buildings. But the unique architecture of houses of worship poses a real challenge when it comes
to identifying energy leaks. To find out how your parish can save energy and save money, come to the “Saving Energy in Sacred Spaces”
workshop to be held on Sunday, April 26 from 2:00 to 3:30 at Our
Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, 5333 E. Washington Street, Indianapolis. Register for this FREE workshop by sending an email
to stacreationcare@gmail.com. Although everyone is invited, this
workshop is especially appropriate for facilities managers and Buildings
and Grounds committee members.
Parish Joys & Concerns
Baptisms - Membership
Please Pray
Baptisms—Please Welcome to our Community:
Please pray for these members of the
IHM Community and their caregivers: David Linebarger, Sue Bramlett,
Chase Clark, Willie Flanagan (Mary Ann
Wallace’s Sister), Mary Rose Miller, William
Otter (Father of Kathy Gunn), Matt Pivec,
Brooke Hasler (Granddaughter of Edith
Vasu), Kathryn Monbouquette, Roger
Broderick, Jane Jones, Maeve Bigelow, Katherine Free (Ed Free’s Mother), Rosemary Schilder,
Clara Handshoe (IHM Teacher, Jenny Handshoe’s
daughter), David Weber, Joan Gregory, Jo Ann Cady,
Brad McNulty, Brock Cagann, and all of our frail elderly.
Add to this list by calling the Parish Office, 257-2266.
Alexandra June Chambers—Baptism: 4/25/2015
Daughter of Jeffrey & Anne Marie Chambers
Olivia Rachelle Moore—Baptism: 4/26/3015
Daughter of Christopher & Laura Moore
Visitors & New Parishioners—
Are Always Welcome
Feel free to call the parish office at 257-2266 with any questions. You may join our parish online by visiting our website:
ihmindy.org under “I’m New”. There is also New Parishioner
Information in the Central Ave entrance.
If it’s an emergency, alert Fr. Bob at the parish office,
or call his cell phone: 727-2667.
IHM also has a Prayer Chain, made up of parishioners committed to praying for immediate special needs. The contacts are Gerry
Koors, 251-2562 or Ellen Healey, 253-2086 or ewhealey2@gmail.com.
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