The Good News of Immaculate Heart of Mary March 29, 2015 Parish & School Staff Father Bob Sims, Pastor Father’s Emergency Number (317) 727-2667 Stacy Hennessy, Pastoral Associate/D.R.E. Joan Lile, Youth Minister Deb Condon, Business Manager Kelli Ayres, Administrative Assistant Lisa Akers, Administrative Assistant Jeanne Whaley, Office Assistant Karen Winternheimer, Accounts Payable Carey Landry, Music Coordinator Ronda Swartz, Principal Ed Seib, Assistant Principal Barbara Horton, School Secretary Richard Foran, Facilities Manager Kim Elkins, Assistant to the Pastoral Associate Jose Moreno, Custodial Services How to contact the Staff: Church Office: 317-257-2266 Fax: 317-475-7380 School Office: 317-255-5468 Fax: 317-475-7379 Website: Bulletin Submissions: (deadline 9am Monday) The Mission of Immaculate Heart of Mary The Immaculate Heart of Mary parish strives to be a vibrant Catholic community with the Gospel of Jesus Christ as our guide. We invite those who seek to strengthen their spirituality and develop their relationships with God through our dynamic liturgy, life long learning, and sharing faith within and outside our community. Artist: Jody Flynn 5692 Central Avenue | Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 | 317-257-2266 3/29/2015 2 Palm Sunday Thank you Stewardship for: March 22, 2015: $ 8,418 Dear IHM Community, “Pilate again said to them, ‘Then what shall I do with the man whom you call the King of the Jews?’ And they cried out again, ‘Crucify him.’” ~ Mark 15:12-13 Jesus told us “whatever you do for the least of my brothers, you do for me.” Every day we are presented opportunities to help someone. Every day we have the opportunity to see the face of Jesus in others and be the face of Jesus to others . Pray for the courage to stand up for those in need of our help. Blessings, Fr. Bob Schedule of Masses Mon., Mar. 30 8:15 am (chapel) Monday of Holy Week For the People of IHM Tue., Mar. 31 8:15 am (chapel) Tuesday of Holy Week Bill Hickey By Phil & Pat Kenney Wed., Apr. 1 5:30 pm (chapel) Wednesday of Holy Week Melanie Esselman By Marc & Monica Frost Thurs., Apr. 2 6:30 pm Holy Thursday Diane Flora By Ann & Bill Moreau Fri., Apr. 3 8:20 pm 4:00 pm Good Friday Mime of the Lord’s Passion Mime of the Lord’s Passion Sat., Apr. 4 7:30 pm Holy Saturday Jeanne Parker Wiles By the Caring Community 8:00 am Easter Sunday Bill Hickey By Jim & Liz Elias Sun., April 5 9:30 am Church Dick Coak By Dr. & Mrs. Larry Burch 9:30 am Act Ctr For the People of IHM 11:15 am Church For the People of IHM 11:15 am Act Ctr Jeremiah Kane By the Perry Family Servers & Lectors Sat., Apr. 4 Sun., Apr. 5 7:30 pm servers TBA 7:30 pm lectors Ken Koehler, Roys Laux 8:00 am servers Maggie Schaffer, Eric Bowes 8:00 am lectors Stacy Hennessy, Colleen Drasga 9:30 am servers Timmy McNelis 9:30 am servers (Act. Ctr) TBA 9:30 am lectors Dee LaRosa, Erin Lewis 9:30 am lectors (Act. Ctr.) TBA 11:15 am servers Karl Meyer 11:15 am servers (Act. Ctr.) TBA 11:15 am lectors Meghan Adkins, Michael Bain 11:15 am lectors (Act. Ctr.) TBA Thank you for your continued support of IHM. Liturgy Sunday Eucharist: 8:00 & 9:30 am. 11:15 am 3rd weekend of September until (but not including) Memorial Day weekend. Weekdays: Varies. Please consult the Mass Schedule. Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: 4:30 pm Saturday or by Appointment. Infant Baptisms All baptisms take place at one of the weekend Masses chosen by parents. One preparation class for first time parents is required. New parents are encouraged to attend prior to the birth of the child. Godparents are welcome as well. Classes are held the first Monday of February, April, June, August, October & December from 7:30 –9:00 pm. Please call the parish office for the class you will attend. Marriages Engaged couples must start their preparation at least six months prior to the wedding. Preparation includes work with a sponsor couple and Tobit. A person must be registered & active for 6 months BEFORE plans will be discussed. Holy Orders Priesthood or Vocation as a Religious Sister or Brother. Those considering entering the Priesthood or a Religious vocation, please contact our Pastor or the Archdiocesan vocation Office. Holy Communion Holy Communion is offered Monday through Friday at 15 minute intervals from 7:00-8:00 a.m. in the Chapel. New Registrations Please visit our website at or call the Parish Office at 257-2266. IHM Events & This Week at IHM Volunteers Needed to “Help Celebrate The Light” The 2015 IHM Illumination Gala planning committee is looking for vibrant individuals to help with the planning of the largest fundraising event for our church and school. This year’s event is being held on November 7th and is under the leadership of co-chairs Emily Bruns and Jennifer Gause. There are various sub-committees for the event from which you can select based on your interest, including the auction, marketing, and sponsorship teams just to name a few. Please pray for our great team as we work together to plan a wonderful event for IHM. Interested? Please contact Emily at or Jennifer at 3 March 30 Monday March 31 Tuesday April 1 Wednesday 2015 VBS - Save the Date We hope you can join us June 15-18th for IHM VBS Everest, where we will be conquering challenges with God’s mighty power. We are looking forward to a fun week! More registration information will follow. IHM VBS wouldn’t be possible without the help of the volunteers that assist during the week and help plan VBS. If would like to be a part of the VBS Committee please email We’d love to have you! IHM Fall Kick Off Fest & 5k Run/Walk April 2 Thursday April 3 Friday The 7th Annual IHM Fall Kick Off Fest and the 6th Annual 5K Run/Walk will be on Saturday, August 29th, 2015. If you are interested in sponsorship or becoming a volunteer, please contact Mike Semler at 317.590.5838 or 50+ Luncheon and Speaker Please join us in the Gathering Space on Tuesday, April 14 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Our speaker will be Scott Swan from Channel 13. $8.00 per person, $15.00 per couple. Parking will be available on the school playground. Please RSVP to Jeanne at or call the IHM Office at 257-2266 April 4 Saturday April 5 Sunday 6:30 am Rosary/Communion Chapel 7:00 pm Boy Scouts Act. Ctr 7:00 pm RCIA Parish Conf. 6:30 am Rosary/Communion Chapel 8:15 am Yoga from a Christian Perspective Gth. Spc. 3:00 pm After Care Ch B 7:00 pm Women’s CRHP Gth. Spc. 6:30 am Rosary/Communion Chapel 1:00 pm Marian Movement/ Rosary Cenacle Chapel 3:00 pm After Care Ch B 6:30 am Rosary/Communion Chapel 8:00 am Easter Decorating Ch 10:30 am Meditation Class Gth Spc 3:00 pm After Care Ch B 6:30 pm Mass Music Practice (8:00 am) Ch 6:30 am Rosary/Communion Chapel 12:30 pm Reserved Parish Conference Rm 3:00 pm After Care Ch B 8:00 am 9:00 am Easter Decorating Easter Decorating Ch Act. Ctr. EASTER SUNDAY In Hebrews 9:11-28, St. Paul explains that the New Covenant, like the Old, had to be sealed in blood. This time, however, the blood is not the blood of calves and goats that Moses offered at the foot of Mount Sinai, but the Blood of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ. Christ is both the Sacrifice and the High Priest; by His death, He has entered Heaven, where He "may appear now in the presence of God for us." Parish Ministries & Notes 4 Eucharistic Minister Schedule Holy Week & Easter Holy Thursday, 6:30 pm: Lenore Schmitz, Dawn Zimmer, Jennie Gerard, Sr. Cathy Campbell, Joe Klein, Mary Ann Klein, Sr. Ruth Ellen Doane, Julie Snider Saturday, 7:30 pm Mass: Sue Foxx, Larry Coan, Wendee Maniago, PJ Maniago, Maggie Maniago, Ron Wallace, John Platte, Suzie Platte Sunday, 8:00 am Mass: Dawn Zimmer, Joe Klein, Mary Ann Klein, Kathy Gogola, Linda Eicholtz, Joe Soria Sunday, 9:30 am Mass: Church Jeff Huffman, Karen Daugherty, Amy Gaisser, Barb Kowich, Stacy Hennessy, Mike Hurley, Holly Semler Sunday, 11:15 am Mass: Church William Campbell, Jennie Gerard, Lisa Kobe, Kathleen Cleary, Robert Killigrew Youth Ministry News Our final Confirmation Class is Sunday, April 12th starting at 6:30 in the Gathering Space. Our Theme is Confirmation and What's Next, which will include discussion, Confirmation Practice, Candle Prayer, parish speakers and small group. Jr. High Trivia Night coming to IHM - Join 7th and 8th graders from St. Joan of Arc and St. Thomas as we meet minds in the Gathering Space on Friday, April 17. Food, Fun, Prizes and bragging rights. Gather your team of 5 or let us match you up with a team. Cost is $5.00. Permission slips are due Monday, April 13. Don't stand in line in front of the Honey Baked Ham Store for Easter! Order your hams and have them delivered right to the IHM parking lot. Orders are due in the school or parish office by Wednesday, April 1. Pick-up date is Good Friday, April 3 at Noon in the parking lot. You can pick your order up when you pick up your children from noon dismissal. If you have any questions, call Joan at 257-2266 or email All proceeds fund outreach programs sponsored by the teens. Athletics The IHM Track & Field season is underway. All 4th-8th graders are invited to participate. We practice at the Butler Track (West 52nd Street behind the Butler Baseball Field) on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6 pm -- Saturdays at Bishop Chatard High School at 8 am. If you have any questions please contact Larry Coan at 797-4502 or NCYC, the National Catholic Youth Conference is here in Indy again this year, November 19-21. Even though it is far away, several deadlines are coming up. If you would like to be part of NCYC, and sing, dance, and proclaim the word on the stage, Animators deadline is Tuesday, April 7th to complete and submit all information. Check out for more information and application. There are several scholarships to help with the financial part, including the Diocesan, Regional and National one. Deadline is May 1st. NCYC, a gathering of over 25,000 high school teens will be in Indy November 19-21. We are taking two groups this year. One group will arrive Thursday evening and stay through Sunday morning at the Westin Hotel downtown. The cost is $425. The other group will be commuters, arriving in the morning and returning home after closing session each night. The cost is $255 and we will fundraise for both groups. The cost includes t-shirts, hats, items to trade, and meals. Forms and more information is on the youth board in the back of Church. IHM's deadline is July 1 for getting forms and a $100 deposit into the office. The balance will be due September 10th. After that date, there is a $40 late fee added. Check out www. for more information. Questions? Call Joan at 257-2266 or email Joan Lile, Youth Minister, IHM - Phone—317-257-2266 Email - Web site - Mothers' Ministry Bible study group An ongoing Bible study group that you can join at any time. We are currently studying the gospel of Matthew and meeting on Thursday evenings twice a month. Open to all moms and no prior Bible study experience needed! Contact Sofia Livorsi for more information: Growing in the Faith Divine Mercy Sunday, April 12 At all Masses we will offer the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. The Sacrament can be received by anyone who suffers from a physical, spiritual or psychological discomfort. A holy card will be offered to all who receive the Sacrament. 5 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament First Wednesdays: April 1, 2015 & May 6, 2015 from 6:30 am to 9:00 am, IHM Church Prayers for Those Being Received Into the Church at Easter We have twenty four being received into the Church at Easter, nine for Baptism and 23 for full communion in the Church. We ask for your prayers as we approach the Easter Vigil for: Katie Banta, Blake Buehl, Jake Carlson, Katie Crebo, Alan Dale, Isaac Dale, Kim Donahue, Joe Greiner, Claudia Johnson, Tara McDonald, Alex McPeek, Ryan Morton, Ryan Pettibone, Brad Powlen, Marco Preston, Scott Preston, Alyssa Scotten, Oliver Scotten, Zach Snyder, Sheila Ungerer, Amber Vanes, Amanda Waddell, Chris Weaver, Jeff Wells. SAVE THE DATE! Friday April 10, 7:00 p.m. for HOLY SPIRIT IN SONG. Plan to join the musicians and singers of IHM in the gathering space, one week after the darkness of Good Friday, rejoice in this first Friday after Easter musical celebration as we experience the Holy Spirit in song! If you are a musician and would like to participate, or if you have any questions, please contact, Lori Bisser, or 317-755-6625 Thomas Merton turns 100 In honor of Thomas Merton, one of the greatest spiritual thinkers of the 20th century, and his one hundredth birthday, the Adult Education class will do a five month study on Merton beginning April 8 at 9:30 am with a film on Thomas Merton. This class meets in the Parish Office three times before the summer break, and then again in August and September. All our welcome. The class is free. The textbook for the class costs $15, The Franciscan Heart of Thomas Merton by Daniel Horan, OFM Parenting Without Shame Maggie Denari, Parent Coach and IHM parishioner, is offering a course on Brenee Brown's "Daring Greatly", parenting from a place of vulnerability. If interested, please contact Maggie directly at Confirmation for Adults If you are over 21 years of age and have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation, you may do so this year. Here are the requirements: contact Stacy Hennessy, DRE at The Sacrament will be conferred at the Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul on May 28, Pentecost Sunday, at 10:00 am. Daily contemplation of the Gospel helps us to have true hope. Keeping our gaze fixed on Jesus is the core of hope. Pope Francis Diocese & Community Events 6 From the Diocese Archdiocesan Disability Awareness Mass and SPRED (Special Religious Development) Family Liturgy - April 26, 2015 All are welcome to join us for Mass at 10:30 am at Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral, celebrated by Father Pat Beidelman. A reception will follow in the Archbishop O'Meara Catholic Center Assembly Hall, where you will have the chance to see some of the faith formation resources available for those with special needs, as well as some local services and organizations that support people with special needs and their families. For more information, please contact Erin Jeffries at (317)236-1448, or Divorce and Beyond Support Group April 14, 2015 - May 19, 2015 - Indianapolis A peer-ministry support group for all separated and divorced has been scheduled for six consecutive Tuesday evenings 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm beginning, April 14, 2015 at The Catholic Center, (1400 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN.) The topics for discussion will be the process of divorce, self-image, stress, anger, blame, guilt, loneliness, and forgiveness. The cost of the sixweek session is $30.00, which includes a book. For more information or to register, please contact the Pro-Life and Family Life Office at (317) 236-1586 or e-mail: Registration forms may be obtained online at Birthline - Clothing Needed Birthline provides assistance to pregnant women and mothers of infants in need. Over 1,500 mothers are served annually and are provided material goods such as maternity clothes, baby clothes, diapers, baby shampoo and other necessary supplies. Our current needs are sizes 24 month and 2T clothes (pants, tops, sweaters, jackets and pajamas) for both girls and boys; Girls sleepers in sizes 3-6 months, 12 months, and 18 months; and boys sleepers in 12 and 18 months; Spring jackets in sizes 24 months and 2T are also needed. We are grateful for your kindness and generosity. Donations can be dropped off at the Catholic Center on Mondays and Wednesdays until 3:00 pm. From the Community WVC gearing up for Earth Day White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, a ministry of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, will host its 17th Earth Day celebration from 11 am to 3 pm, on Saturday, April 18. There will be dozens of educational exhibits on display, as well as children’s activities and musical entertainment. Food will also be offered by local vendors and mini-workshops on a variety of topics will take place. No registration is required and there is no cost to attend, but freewill donations will be accepted. For more information, call 812-535 -2932 or email Easter Egg Hunt at Bishop Chatard April 4th at 10:00 am BCHS Easter Egg Hunt is held each year on the Chatard front lawn (or inside if it rains!). Visit and get a photo with the Easter bunny. Treats & Crafts! Games & Prizes! This is a Free community event and everyone is welcome! RSVP to: Volleyball for Young Adult Catholics Every Tuesday night, from 6:30 - 9:30 at the CYO center. Come! It's fun! Operation Leftover Catholic Young Adults are invited to serve the homeless on Thursday, April 16 from 7-9 at St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church, 126 West Georgia Street in downtown Indianapolis. Go to this website for details: World Youth Day 2016 In Krakow, Poland! July 22—August 1, 2016 Join young adults from the Archdiocese of Indy and Diocese of Lafayette on a pilgrimage to Prague and Poland. In addition to World Youth Day activities, our pilgrimage includes sightseeing in Prague and Krakow before WYD begins. Catholic Cemeteries Association Way of the Cross Services Calvary, Holy Cross & St. Joseph Cemeteries 435 West Troy Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46225 (317)784-4439 Our Way of the Cross procession will be on Good Friday, April 3, 2015 at 12:00 P.M. The 4th Degree Knights of Columbus will once again be leading our procession. We will start at the first Station located outside the Mausoleum. Our Lady of Peace Cemetery and Mausoleum 9001 Haverstick Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46240 (317) 574-8898 Our Way of the Cross procession will be on Good Friday, April 3, 2013 at 2:00 P.M. The 4th Degree Knights of Columbus will once again be leading our procession. We will start at the first Station located in Our Lady of Fatima Section B located near the north entry gate. Should there be inclement weather; the Way of the Cross will be held in the chapel of Our Lady of Peace Mausoleum. That is close quarters, so pray for good weather! The National Grief & Hope Convention 2015 April 16 - 18, 2015 JW Marriott Grand Ballroom 10 S. West Street (located in downtown Indianapolis) Indianapolis, IN 46204 Parish Joys & Concerns 7 Baptism Class - Membership Please Pray Baptism Preparation Class Please pray for these members of the IHM Community and their caregivers: Jim Creamer ( John’s Father), David The next Baptism Class will be held on Monday, April 6. Participation in a baptism preparation class is required for new parents before scheduling a Baptism. Please call the parish office to sign up. (317-257-2266). Linebarger, Sue Bramlett, Chase Clark, Willie Flanagan (Mary Ann Wallace’s Sister), Mary Rose Miller, William Otter (Father of Kathy Gunn), Matt Pivec, Brooke Hasler (Granddaughter of Edith Vasu), Kathryn Monbouquette, Henry Hartwell, Roger Broderick, Jane Jones, Maeve Bigelow, Katherine Free (Ed Free’s Mother), Rosemary Schilder, Clara Handshoe (IHM Teacher, Jenny Handshoe’s daughter), David Weber, Joan Gregory, Jo Ann Cady, Brad McNulty, Brock Cagann, and all of our frail elderly. Add to this list by calling the Parish Office, 257-2266. New Parishioners—Are Always Welcome Feel free to call the parish office at 257-2266 with any questions. You may join our parish online by visiting our website: under “I’m New”. Karen R. Kamer, If it’s an emergency, alert Fr. Bob at the parish office, or call his cell phone: 727-2667. IHM also has a Prayer Chain, made up of parishioners committed to praying for immediate special needs. The contacts are Gerry Koors, 251-2562 or Ellen Healey, 253-2086 or Family. Friends. Community. R.N., D.M.D., M.S. Excellence in Microscopic Endodontics 725 East 65th Street., Ste. 400 Indianapolis. IN 46220 317.255.8000 phone BENEFIT SOLUTIONS For your company and personal retirement plan needs Christine Zweber Konvolinka, President IHM Parishioner since 1994 Make your 401(k) work as hard as you do 317.638.3000 Sarah Holtrup Ins Agcy Inc Sarah Holtrup, Agent 1480 W Southport Rd Bus: 317-888-5200 PANYARD “THE DRIVEWAY GUY” 317. Call Joe (225.5563) 1211007 At Broad Ripple Park Wednesday from 5pm till 8pm Thurs. Fri. Bella Bridesmaid Bridesmaid, Prom, May Crowning, First Communion Dresses IHM Parishioner Owned BY APPOINTMENT ONLY: 317-850-0027 Your Ad Here! 1”x2” vertical Ɏ)LQDQFLDO3ODQQLQJ Ɏ,QYHVWPHQW0DQDJHPHQW Ɏ3ULYDWH%DQNLQJ Ɏ7UXVWDQG(VWDWH6HWWOHPHQW Ɏ3KLODQWKURSLF$GYLFH To learn more, contact: Ralph Nowak (IHM Member) Chad Cassinelli (St. Jude Member) 135 N. Pennsylvania, Suite 1000 317-269-2757 BMO Private Bank is a brand name used in the United States by BMO Harris Bank N.A. Member FDIC. Not all products and services are available in every state and/ or location. Investment products are NOT FDIC INSURED - MAY LOSE VALUE - CARRY NO BANK GUARANTEE. ©2013 BMO Financial Corp. 13-323-042 4-7 1-8 Sat. Sun. 12-6 12-4 414 N Dorman Street 46202 606-2111 Your situation. Your goals. Your future. Financial advice with a focus on you. We’re all in this together. State Farm has a long tradition of being there. That’s one reason why I’m proud to support IHM. Get to a better State . ® ® State Farm, Bloomington, IL Steve Robinson Robinson Wolenty & Young, LLP attorneys at law estate & business planning, probate, commercial real eastate parishioner t:317.587.7820 f:317.587.7829 8415 allison pointe blvd. suite 210 Kyle Sanders is committed to building indianapolis, in 46250 significant client relationships based on trust. Kyle and his wife Lauren reside in Meridian-Kessler. An active member in the community, Kyle serves on the board of the Broad Ripple Kiwanis. He is also a volunteer at the Greater Indianapolis Alzheimer’s Association. email: phone: (317)469-9555 Jeff Huffman Associate Broker BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY HomeServices Indiana Realty Valid 3/1/15 - 3/28/15 317.752.7511 Fat Dan’s Deli Call 388-5141 or book online at Community starts with neighbors who care. Emily Nowlin, Agent That’s what our town 1717 W 86th Street Ste 100 is made of. Indianapolis, IN 46260 State Farm® has a long Bus: 317-872-2482 heritage of helping out in the community. That’s why I’m proud to support IHM. Get to a better State . ® 1201196 State Farm, Bloomington, IL David Gilmore, Agent 9450 N. Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46260 Office: 317.819.1800 Located next to McAlister’s Deli. Supporting Catholic education for over 30 years. Private Party/Catering for groups of 25 or more. Rylinn 317-345-6448 MASTER HOUSE &LAWN CARE “For All Your HandyMan Needs” HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING F a m i l y O w n e d & O p e r a t e d S i n c e 1 9 2 0 *Leaf and Snow Removal Mark Trausch has over 30 years with Love and over 15 years as a IHM parishioner! 353-2141 *Gutter Cleaning *Interior and Exterior Painting *And More.... Call for a Free Estimate Please present this coupon for 10% OFF any Service or Sale (317) 569-1811 9603 N. College Ave Sean Roberts-Owner MEMBER DISCOUNT 819 E 64th Street | Suite 230 317.626.7566 Sean Creamer 317-752-3158 Marq Boggs -Parishioner • 849-9000 Contact Chris Hutson at 317-590-2025 or to place an ad. Amy Martin, LCSW | Parishioner Printed by DCG: Digital Color Graphics
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