THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT DECEMBER 14 PRAY THE ROSARY WITH US Please join us to pray the rosary every morning after daily mass. And Every Monday night at 8 P.M. a small group gathers at the church to recite the Rosary. JOIN US! It takes less than ½ hour and is a wonderful way to end the day. PASTORAL VISITS TO HOSPITAL VIGIL 5PM SCOTT SAMANCHIK/Mom & Dad LORETTA ROM/Sarah Maura & Zachary Cantor SUNDAY Is 61:1-2a, 10-11; 1 Thes 5:16-24; Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 8:00 JUAN A. PASSANO/Humberto Maravi ANTONIA A. FIGUEROA/Daughter 10:30 DOMINICK MAURO/The Passaro Family KYLE JASCOT/Fr. Dan 12:00 THERESA & PASQUALE NOCE/Edith Restaino STEVEN GILBERTI/Celia Coltri 7PM LIVING AND DECEASED PARISHIONERS MONDAY – 12/15 Nm 24:2-7, 15-17a; Mt 21:23-27 8:00 DIANE GALKA/The Bosland Family ROSINA WEINER/The Sullivan Family TUESDAY – 12/16 Zep 3:1-2, 9-13; Mt 21:28-32 8:00 JOHN MOTTOLE WEDNESDAY – 12/17 Gn 49:2, 8-10; Mt 1:1-17 8:00 PETER BROWN/The Sullivan Family THURSDAY - 12/18 Jer 23:5-8; Mt 1:18-25 8:00 FRANCESCO LATERZA/The Bosland Family FRIDAY 12/19 Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Lk 1:5-25 8:00 ROSE WEINER/Georgette Deraney SATURDAY 12/20 Is 7:10-14; Lk 1:26-38 9:00 CHARLES FERRARA/The Havill Family VIGIL 5PM LIVING AND DECEASED PARISHIONERS SUNDAY 12/21 - FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Rom 16:25-27; Lk 1:26-38 8:00 FERNANDO VIGO/Mother LUIS PARDO/Sister 10:30 PETER BROWN/The Sammartino Family FREDERICK GUTROFF/The Sullivan Family 12:00 CHARLIE FERRARA/The Edie Family REGINA OPFER/Steven & Michele Pio 7PM TERRY PELOSO/Family Because of privacy laws, the area hospitals no longer notify us when a parishioner has been admitted. If you would like to be visited by a priest, deacon or Minister of Communion, please call or have a FAMILY MEMBER call the rectory at 973-6943400 and let us know the hospital and room number. Also, call the rectory if you wish to be included in the Prayers of the Faithful at weekend Masses and the bulletin. THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Sunday, December 14: 8:30 – 10:30am – Rel. Ed – Mr/School 9:15 – 10am – R.E. Class Mass - MC 11:30 – RCIA - IHMMC 1-3pm – Youth Ministry - MC 5 – 7pm – Confirmation Faith Sharing – GYM/School Monday, December 15: 3 – 4:30pm – G.S. Troop # 146 Mtg. – MR 6 – 9pm – Pre K dessert with Santa - GYM 6:30 – 8:30pm – Rel. Ed – MR/School 8pm – Novena – CH Tuesday, December 16: 3:30 – 5:30pm – Rel. Ed – MR/School 6 – 9pm – Christmas Concert – GYM 7:30 – 9pm – B.S. Troop #192 Committee Mtg. - MR Wednesday, December 17: 9:45am – Prayer Group – MR 12- 1pm – Zumba – MR 7 – 8:30pm – Pack #192 Mtg. - Gym Thursday, December 18: 3 – 5pm – G.S. Troop #94125 Mtg. - MR 7 – 9:30pm – Choir – CH 7:30 – 9pm – B.S. Troop #192 Mtg. - MR Friday, December 19: 7 – 8:30pm – Junior High Youth Ministry - MC Saturday, December 20: 4pm - Confessions – CH 8 pm – AA – MR INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK SANCTUARY LAMP CHARLES FERRARA, SR./ SANDRA WHITTY TO SERVE WITH GRACE WELCOME I met him the first time when my friend, Fr. Richard, was celebrating his first Mass in his home parish of St. Jude in Sylacaga, Alabama. He had met Richard on a retreat in Florida and befriended him. With a friend companion, he traveled from Florida to Alabama for the first Mass and celebration. His spirit could fill a room. He had been a priest from 51 years and was now retired living in the sunshine state. He was filled with stories and loved to share them. Msgr. Pack was a charming man that loved to play the room. He was full of life and thrived being in the company of others! Two years later, Richard and I were taking a road trip from New Jersey and Maryland to visit his parents in Alabama and we made a special stop in Signal Mountain, Tennessee. Msgr. was now living with cancer in a beautiful assisted living facility operated by the Alexian Brothers. It had been two years since seeing him and with the onset of cancer I wasn’t sure what to expect at our meeting. I still cherish the time and treasure the pictures we took in the chapel of his new home. He was thinner and needed more assistance, but the sparkle was still in his eyes and now he had more stories to share. What I also remember are the Alexian Brothers that supervised the home and the staff that managed the day to day operation. The nurses would flirt with Msgr. Pack and he loved it! The care was gentle and affirming. It was a home filled with life, hope and dignity. Before that trip I knew nothing of the Alexian Brothers and their outstanding ministry to the sick and dying. After my visit and hearing the praises shouted by Msgr. Pack, I was not only impressed with their ministry, but deeply moved by it. This weekend, we are again asked by the Church to reach into our hearts and with gratitude now help support the Religious Men and Women who have supported us with their ministry. Some were teachers, some nurses, some ministers to the poor, others to the very sick and dying. Many of them, as they grow older and are in need, look to us to be the ministers in Christ’s name. I was blessed with the ministry of the Dominican Sisters in Elementary School, the Sisters of Christian Charity in High School and the Jesuits in College. In time, perhaps, I will be ministered to by other Religious Men or Women as my needs change. I simply pray that, after years of serving with grace, they will be ministered to with the same dignity in which they served. You enter this Church… not as a stranger, but as a guest of God. God is your heavenly Father. Come, then, with joy in your heart and thanks on your lips into God’s presence, offering God your love and service. Be grateful to the strong and the loyal ones who, in the name of Jesus Christ, built this place of worship and to all who have beautified it and hallowed it with their prayers and praise. Ask God’s blessing on those who love this house of faith as the inspiration of their labor, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit, and may that blessing rest on you, both on your going out and your coming in. With blessings and love… Fr. Dan DECK THE HALLS The liturgical Environment Committee (also known as Fr. Dan’s elves) will be decorating the church for Christmas on Friday, December 22nd and 23rd, after the 8:00 AM Mass. Anyone who might be interested in “lending a hand” is welcome. Call the rectory at 973-694-3400 for more info, the more the merrier. We really NEED you! PARISH MEMBERSHIP All adult Catholics should officially register in the parish. Young adults of working age should register independently of their parents even if ‘living at home’. We cannot serve you by issuing letters for sponsorship of Baptism, Confirmation, or Matrimony, nor give character references for teaching positions, etc. if we do not know you. All new members of our faith family are encouraged to come to the parish so we can meet you. Call the rectory for an appointment. Also, please notify the parish office of any changes in address, telephone number, or if you are leaving the parish. OFFERTORY COLLECTION To meet the needs of our parish family and to proclaim the Gospel of Christ Jesus: Budget requirements: $13,000 each WEEK - To offer our young people Youth Ministry experiences - To offer our children a faith-filled program of learning about Jesus and the Gospel - To worship with faith and grace at our Sunday Eucharist - To reach out to God’s people in need have support and care. Please remember the needs of our parish ministry in making your weekly offering. Thank you for all you do to enable the Gospel to touch the lives of God’s people. Last Sunday’s Collection - $15,303.00 PRAY FOR THE SICK Please remember the sick and homebound of our parish family in your prayers during the week: Katherine Ryan, Bob Ryan, Mary Sudovar, Stan Bednarczyck, Donald Law, Michael Gossinger, Anna Stadler & Kurt Spinner. “IT IS A HOLY AND WHOLESOME THING TO PRAY FOR THE DEAD” Please pray for the souls of the departed members of our parish family. CHRISTMAS POINTSETTIAS Envelopes for the giving of memorial Christmas poinsettias on the altar are available in your December envelope packet and are also available in the vestibule of the church. Please fill out the face of the envelope with your intention ($20 is the usual donation). The flowers will remain on the altar throughout the Christmas season. SCRIPTURE STUDY FOR ADVENT Join us as we explore the Sunday Scripture Reading for Advent, Joanne Calafiore will lead you as we enrich our knowledge and understanding of the readings, focusing on the Prophet Isaiah and his message. Sunday, Dec. 14 at 9:00 – 10:00AM, IHM School Media Center Repeated Wednesday, Dec. 17 at 7:00 – 8:00PM, IHM School Media Center Thursday, Dec. 18 at 10:00 – 11:00AM, IHM Ministry Center (Kilroy) All are welcome. Bring your bible. For further information call Joanne at the Rectory (973) 694-3400 or FREE BABYSITTING Deck the halls, wrap the gifts, bake some cookies, or just take a pre-Christmas nap! IHM Confirmation students are volunteering FREE BABYSITTING for IHM PARISH children ages 4-10 on Saturday, December 20th from 1-4pm in the IHM Gym. Pre-registration is a must! Email Cathy Conlee at to register your name, cell phone #, an additional emergency contact #, your child/children’s name(s), age(s), and any medical/allergy alerts. PRAY TOGETHER …With THE CHILDREN OF GOD’S LIGHT Prayer Group. Women (and sometimes even men!) have been gathering – first in homes, then in the church vestibule, now in the Parish Meeting Room (every Wednesday at 9:45 AM) – to pray, sing, rejoice and worship the Lord for more than 25 years! You are invited to join them every week or any week that the Spirit so moves you. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS As the days and weeks of Advent unfold, all of the children in our religious education program are preparing their hearts for the coming of Jesus. The little ones are helping to keep young neighbors warm during the cold winter months by providing new hats, mittens, scarves, and gloves. Our children in grades 4-8 are filling toiletry kits for our brothers and sisters at Eva’s Shelter. And with love, compassion, and a true sense of social justice, our young people will be making a Christmas donation to help bring clean water to struggling communities. Our children – your children – sharing their gifts - making a difference in the name of Christ Jesus! CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE CONFESSIONS Monday, December 15th 7:00-9:00 PM All Saturdays of December 4 – 4:30 PM CHRISTMAS MASSES Wednesday, December 24th – Christmas Eve Vigil Mass 4PM and 7PM and Midnight Mass Thursday, December 25th - Christmas Day 8:00AM and 10:30 AM and 12 Noon (No Evening Mass) ************* MARY, MOTHER OF GOD Wednesday, December 31 Vigil Mass at 5:00 PM Thursday, January 1 11am SAFE ENVIRONMENT “If any person may have been abused by any priest, they should immediately contact their local County Prosecutor’s Office and the Diocese’s Victims Assistance Coordinator: Peggy Zanello at 973-879-1489. You may also be in touch with either of the Diocesan Response Officers: Rev. Msgr. James T. Mahoney, Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia, 973-777-8818 Ext. 205 or Sister Mary Edward Spohrer, S.C.C., Chancellor/Delegate for Religious, 973-777-8818 Ext. 248. The entire text of the Policy of the Diocese of Paterson in Response to Complaints of Sexual Abuse is available on the diocesan Web site:”. YOUR PARISH NEEDS YOUR GIFTS OF MINISTRY Please consider ministering in our parish as a Lector or Communion Minister. We are in need of your gifts and talents so the presence of Christ in Word and Sacrament can be experienced by all. Please call the rectory at 973-694-3400. SEEKING A SPECIAL GIFT THE GIFT OF LIFE A fellow parishioner is in need of a kidney. It is not an easy decision to gift one, but for a person in critical need it is the gift of life. If anyone would be willing to consider becoming a donor, or know of anyone who would be willing, please contact Denise at (973) 519-5969. All medical and other expenses will be paid. Please keep this parishioner and his family, and all in need of organ donations in your prayers. THE FAMILY CORNER YOUTH MINISTRIES December 14 Jn 1:6-8, 19-28 The gospel reports “there is one among you whom you do not recognize.” It is hard to believe Christ is present in a family with crazy schedules, suppers that start too late and end too early, cars that don’t start, misunderstandings, frustrations, piles of laundry, unmatched socks, and stretched budgets. This list is endless. The words spoken at Mass, “the Lord is with you”, are not a hope, they are a fact. Confirmation FALL MAKE UP SESSION: Sunday, December 14th at 5pm for all candidates who missed the October OR November sessions. 2nd Year Candidates: A very important PARENT MEETING for the parents of 2nd Year Candidates will be held on Sunday, January 4 at 5pm. Students DO NOT attend this meeting, it is for parents only. We will be discussing very important details about our Antioch Retreat. 1st Year Candidates: All 1st year candidates are required to attend a DAY RETREAT which will be held on January 10th from 1pm-6pm. The retreat incorporates 5pm Mass and we ask families to attend that Mass with their candidates. High School Youth Ministry A DODGEBALL tournament will be held for high school parishioners in grades 9-12 on Thursday, January 29th in the school gym from 6:30-9:30pm. “Register your team” (of four) by emailing Cathy or just come watch the fun! Food, faith & friends… all that’s missing is YOU! Jr High Youth Ministry We will meet on Friday, December 19th from 7-8:30pm for a “Reindeer Games” Christmas Party in the Ministry Center (Kilroy house, behind the Church). All 7th and 8th grade students are welcome to attend! Deck the halls, wrap the gifts, bake some cookies, or just take a pre-Christmas nap! IHM Confirmation students are volunteering FREE BABYSITTING for IHM PARISH children ages 4-10 on Saturday, December 20th from 1-4pm in the IHM Gym. Pre-registration is a must: Email Cathy Conlee at to register your name, cell phone #, one additional emergency contact #, your child/children’s name(s), age(s), and any medical/allergy alerts. BEEFSTEAK 2015 ANNUAL BEEFSTEAK DINNER Friday, February 13, 2015 7:00 PM in the IHM GYM Sports/Motivational presentation by Gary Jeter (Giants 19771982) & (Rams 1983-1988)! Question and answer period, a raffle and a door prize. Ticket cost is $45.00 per person Tickets may be purchased by calling (973)696-1854, (973) 694-5541 or the Rectory office at (973)694-3400 M-F, 104pm. WAYNE ELKS HOOP SHOOT CONTEST Wayne Elks #2181 will be sponsoring a “National Hoop Shoot Free Throw Contest” for boys and girls up to 13 years of age (as of April 1, 2015). Sunday, December 21, 2014 Registration @ 1:30pm Contest begins @ 2:00pm Location: Immaculate Heart of Mary School 580 Ratzer Road, Wayne NJ Please bring a copy of child’s birth certificate Court shoes or sneakers required Call Lenny Agrusti @ 973-872-3566 for further information FEED THE HUNGRY In the past it has been our mission to take a food collection on the fourth Sunday of the month for the Fr. English Center in Paterson. During this past Lent we collected on a weekly basis and shared the food between the Fr. English Center and the Wayne Interfaith Food Pantry. It was wonderfully successful. Going forward the Food Collection Barrel will be in the vestibule permanently to receive donation that will be shared with both food pantries. Thank you for your care for those that go hungry in our community and our Diocese. TIME 5:00 8:00 10:30 12:00 7:00PM LECTOR B.O’Brien R. Connor T. Sherry C. Smith L. Caban RETIRED FUNDS FOR RELIGIOUS Support religious communities. “Your generous contribution helps us to care for our retired sisters and enables our younger sisters to continue in active ministry,” writes a religious sister. Your gift to today’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious provides vital support for the retirement needs of senior sisters, brothers, and religious order priests. It also helps ensure that younger members can continue the good works of their elders! ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS 2015 EDITION The Knights of Columbus Council have received a shipment of the 2015 Entertainment Books. They are available now through December 15, 2014. The book coupons can be used at once. For more information please contact Vince @ 973-8798415 or Joe @ 973-960-2723. LITURGICAL ASSIGNMENTS FOR DECEMBER 20/21 MINISTERS OF COMMUNION ALTAR SERVERS P. Gorman, J. Karas, M. Kealy R. McNiff, J. Messenger J. Hintz, B. Harkey, H. Maravi S. Huerta, A. Baldyga S. Kaufman, M. & P. Oesterle, C. Kelly, J. Yancy S. Smith, B. Smith Deacon Dan, J. Esser, C. Mesce B. Poland, S. Miriagos C. Cronk, M. Funge, H. Hammer G. Mustac, D. Nolan
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