INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 A Study on Brand Awareness among Women Skincare Buyers in Tier-3 Cities of Madhya Pradesh Ms. Asiya Faisal Khan1 Abstract The market and store shelves today, are flooded with n number of products and countless brands, giving number of choices for the consumers to buy. Increase in literacy levels, high increase of women joining the workforce have made people more aware and conscious towards hygiene and beauty. The growing concern for a perfect skin and a perfect body has become the goldmine for the skincare industry all over the world. This paper focuses on an effort to determine the impact of Brand awareness on the purchase of skincare products by Women living in the tier -3 cities of Madhya Pradesh. Questionnaires were distributed and self administered to 202 respondents. Chi-square and ranking method used in the study. The sample includes women skin care users both working & non working. The findings of the study indicated women buyers are influenced with Product Brand. Since, the research is on the consumer buying behavior, certain degree of subjectivity can be found among sample respondents was the limitation of the study. Its practical implication suggests that the Companies should strive to build Brand image in the minds of the consumers by exercising innovative practices to reinvent the Brand and create Brand equity. Keywords: Brand, sub factors of Brand, women skincare users, consumer buying behavior, tier-3 cities. 1. Introduction Exposure to western culture, increase of disposable income, more and more women joining the workforce has strengthened the growth of the Indian skincare sector. As the competitive landscape is becoming intense day by day, it has become a challenge before the marketers to understand the diversity in consumer behavior and offer products & services accordingly. The main impetus for marketing managers is to know how the social and behavioral factors could help to find the specific causes of consumer’s actions and in particular their buying decisions. Why did people choose Brand X as opposed to Brands Y or most importantly, how would the consumer react to a new or an improved Brand X. Indian consumers are maturing fast and upgrading within the product segments at a pace that consumer companies are struggling to keep with. Companies therefore have to straddle the whole consumer pyramid rather being focused on one part of it. These changes have raised new challenges for the old brands. There is danger for these brands 1 Assistant Professor, Sahib Institute of Management and Research, Indore, India, 1 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 fading away. As a result, there is a new challenge for the old brands to adopt innovative approaches and reinvent themselves. 1.1 Skin Care Products Skin care products refer to all products used for cleansing, massaging, moisturizing etc. of the skin especially the face or hands. The aim of such products is to maintain the body in good condition and protect it from the harmful effects of the environment. Skin care products also fall into the general category of cosmetics. Skin care products include cleanness facial masks, loners, moisturizers, sunscreen, tanning sets and lotions, skin lighteners, serums and exfoliants. Exposure to western culture, media, magazines, fashion shows, billboards have cultivated the concept of role models. No doubt, people wish to look like their role models. The growing concern for a perfect skin and a perfect body has become the goldmine for the skincare industry all over the world. 1.2 The Global Skin care Industry The skin care market consists of the retail sale of facial care, body care, sun care, hand care, depilatories and makeup remover products. The global markets consist of Africa and Middle East, Americans, Europe and Asia-Pacific. The global skin care market generated total revenues of $78.1 billion in 2011, representing a compound annual growth (CAGR) of 4.5% for the period spanning 2007-2011. Facial care sales proved to be the most lucrative for the global skin care market in 2011, generating total revenues $50.1 billion equivalent to 64.1% of the market's overall value. The body care segment accounts for a further 16.8% of the market sun care at 9.2%, Hand care at 5.9%, Depilatories at 2.0% and makeup remover at 1.9%. Market segmentation of the Global market finds that Asia-Pacific accounts for 44% Europe at 33.7% of the global market, Americans at 20.4% and Africa, and Middle East at 1.8%. The market share of the leading companies of the world shows that L’Oreal S.A. is the leading player in the global skin care market generating a 12% of the market's value. Beiersdorf AG accounts for a further of 9.2% of the market share. Unilever is at 7.3% and other companies are at 71.5%. 1.3 Indian Skincare Industry The Indian skincare market is led by facial care (representing 70.9% of the total market value) followed by body care (representing 11.6%), depilatories (representing 7.4%), hand care (representing 5.1%), makeup remover (representing 2.6%) and sun care which makes up remaining 2.5% in 2011. The leading companies in the Indian market are Unilever, L’Oreal S.A., Emami limited, cavinkare Pvt. Ltd, Reckitt Benckiser Group ltd., Oriflame Dabur India Limited, Procter and Gamble etc. 2. Review of Literature Cunningham (1967) examined the pattern of consumer behavior regarding the selection of one’s favorite brand and its availability. He also analyses purchasing behavior regarding the number of 2 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 brands purchased and the percentage of money spent or most frequently purchased brands by using a brand loyalty score. Relationship between brand loyalty and certain personality measures was observed in the study. Simon J.L. (1969) attempted to analyze the effect of advertising on the sales of brand. The role of advertising in shaping one’s image and perception of brands is known. Many researchers have attempted to study the role of advertisements on brand loyalty. A successful advertisement must be able to transfer its distractive image and appeal over to the brand. Akagun et al. (2005) conducted a field study on Turkish women’s Brand loyalty among Cosmetic products studied the level and pattern of Brand loyalty among Turkish women was done. They have farther tried to analyze the relationship between demographic factors like age, education level, city of residence and occupation and brand loyalty; the relationship between factors that cause loyalty for and switching of brands and the Turkish woman’s Brand loyalty behavior. They concluded that firstly Turkish women do not have brand loyalty among the skin care products they use; secondly there is no significant relationship between a woman’s brand loyalty for skin care products and her age and education level but the city of residence of a woman and brand loyalty for skincare products are related to each other. Thirdly when analyzing the relationship between a woman’s brand loyalty and the reasons that a particular brand is selected, they found that factors like product advertisements, recommendations of family and friends, wide availability of products and the brand name’s reputation had significant relationship with a woman’s brand loyalty for skincare products but factors like price of the product, packaging, sales promotion, product-skin type matching did not. And finally they found out that there is significant relationship between a woman’s brand loyalty and her behavior that result from being unable to find the desired product while shopping at a store and when the product is finished in stock. Panigrahi and Chandra (2006) have comprehensibly covered the level and pattern of brand loyalty behavior of consumers in the Indian Marketing Environment. Based on the survey work, the book explores the complexities of brand allegiance behavior of FMCG buyers. It attempts a subjective understanding of the factors having a direct bearing on the loyalty level and pattern of consumers at the market place. Nair and Pillai (2007) analysed the purchase pattern of cosmetic consumers in Kerala. The purpose of this paper was to study the demographic profile of cosmetic consumers, style of purchase, the impact of brand and other factors involved in the purchase decision of the consumers. It also studied the spending patterns of the cosmetic users. The methodology used by the authors was exploratory & descriptive type of research. In exploratory research secondary data was collected about the cosmetic sector in India and it was followed focus group discussions with the cosmetic consumer. The second stage was descriptive research which was conducted through a survey method. Data was collected through interview schedules. The findings of the study were Male consumer purchase and select brands individually. Quality is the major factor affecting their purchase. Male consumers purchase products only from one shop of their convenience. While the female consumers purchase their cosmetics individually but their mains sources of information are their friends. Even is the case of brand selection. Women consumers also buy products from any shop of their convenience. But buy from many shops rather from one shop. Male consumer spends Rs.300-500 per month while female consumers spend Rs. 100-300 per month. Khraim (2011) investigated the influence of brand loyalty on cosmetics buying behavior of female consumers in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in the UAE .The seven factors of brand 3 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 loyalty taken into consideration are brand name, product, quality, price, design, promotion, service quality and store environment. A questionnaire was developed and pilot tested through interviews with five level professionals at Paris Gallery, the most famous Cosmetics outlet in UAE. The Questionnaire consisted of two parts, the first section about consumer demographics & second section about brand loyalty factors. A sample size of 382 respondents was taken. Sample was collected from respondents of different age groups such as 16-24, 25-33, &34-42 years old. The findings revealed that product Quality plays a significant role in influencing consumers to be brand loyal customers. The overall finding of the study also show that UAE consumers prefer brand name, product Quality, price, promotion stores environment and service Quality as Relevant factors attributable to brand loyalty. All these factors show positive relationships with brand loyalty except design which shows no relationship. 3. Theoretical Framework 3.1 Brand A name becomes a brand when consumers associate it with a set of tangible or intangible benefit that they obtain from the product or service. Simply stated, brand is an outcome of company’s marketing efforts, product performance and customer satisfaction. A strong brand stands for many things: quality, design, products, position, image and value for money and confidence. Since Products have lifecycles; brands don’t. The brands with strong equities live in the hearts and the minds of the consumers. Brand value is endowed to products & services. This value is reflected in how consumers think, feel and act with respect to the brand, as well as the prices, market share, and profitability that the brand, commands for the firm. Marketers should build brand image by creating right brand knowledge structures with the right consumer. The brand elements should be chosen with care. The brand elements should be meaningful, memorable and likeable by the consumer. Strong brands continuously provide relevant information and reasons to buy the product to the customer in a creative and motivating manner which will directly or indirectly drives sales growth. The basic attributes of winning brands obviously are ubiquity, equity, value positioning/pricing, consistency and innovation. 4. Research Methodology The research undertaken was exploratory in nature. The data was collected through consumer survey method. Consumer survey method was adopted to develop an approach towards the problem so as to understand the Brand consciousness of this population towards skin care products. To determine the level of agreement five point Likert scale and ranking method was used to analyze the perception of women skin care users for brand and the sub-factors of brand. 4.1 General Objective of the Study The main objective of the study is to analyze the impact of Brand awareness among women skincare users in the state of Madhya Pradesh. 4 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 4.2 Specific Objectives of the Study The main objective of the study is to analyze the impact and perception of women skincare users regarding Brand in skin care products in the state of Madhya Pradesh. 1) To study the importance of Brand for the women skin care users living in Jabalpur and Gwalior cities of Madhya Pradesh. 2) To analyze the impact of different sub-factors of a skincare brand on the women skincare users in the state of Madhya Pradesh. 4.3 Sampling Design Sample size : 202 Sample frame: two major cities of M.P. i.e. Jabalpur, Gwalior. Sampling Method : convenient sampling Survey : questionnaire Hypotheses are: Ho1: Women consumers living in tier-3 cities of Madhya Pradesh are not influenced with product brand. Sub-H1.1: Women consumers in the Jabalpur city are not influenced with brand is important. Sub-H1.2: Women consumers in the Jabalpur city are not influenced with purchase of favorable brand makes them happy. Sub-H1.3: Women consumers in the Jabalpur city are not influenced with brand is indicator of quality. Sub-H1.4: Women consumers in the Jabalpur city are not influenced with well known brand has superior quality. Sub-H1.5: Women consumers in the Jabalpur city are not influenced with high price means high quality. Sub-H1.6: Women consumers in the Gwalior city are not influenced with brand is important. Sub-H1.7: Women consumers in the Gwalior city are not influenced with purchase of favorable brand makes happy. Sub-H1.8: Women consumers in the Gwalior city are not influenced with brand is indicator of quality. Sub-H1.9: Women consumers in the Gwalior city are not influenced with well known brand has superior quality. Sub-H1.10: Women consumers in the Gwalior city are not influenced with high prices means high quality. Table-1 presents the result of the analysis of the hypothesis from 1.1 to 1.5. It was observed that at four degrees of freedom (df-4) and .05 level of significance, the calculated value of chi-square is 60.35 and it is more than its table value 9.48. (60.35>9.48).Therefore, the subhypothesis 1.1 that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are not influenced with brand is important is, rejected and the alternate hypothesis that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur 5 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 city are influenced with brand is important is accepted. The researcher concludes that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are influenced with brand is important. It was observed that at four degrees of freedom (df-4) and at .05 level of significance, the calculated value of chi-square 61.05 is more than its table value 9.48. (61.05>9.48). Therefore, the sub-hypothesis 1.2 that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are not influenced with purchase of favorable brand makes happy, is rejected and the alternate hypothesis that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are influenced with purchase of favorable brand makes happy is accepted. The researcher concludes that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are influenced with purchase of favorable brand makes happy. It was observed that at four degrees of freedom (df-4) and at .05 level of significance, the calculated value of chi-square 81.43 is more than its table value 9.48. (81.43>9.48). Therefore, the sub-hypothesis 1.3 that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are not influenced with brand is indicator of quality is rejected and the alternate hypothesis that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are influenced with brand is indicator of quality is accepted. The researcher concludes that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are influenced with brand is indicator of quality. It was observed that, at four degrees of freedom (df-4) and at .05 level of significance, the calculated value of chi-square 58.98 is more than its table value 9.48. (58.98>9.48). Therefore, the sub-hypothesis 1.4 that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are not influenced with well known brand has superior quality, is rejected and the alternate hypothesis that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are influenced with brand has superior quality is accepted. The researcher concludes that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are influenced with well known brand has superior quality. It was observed that, at four degrees of freedom (df-4) and at .05 level of significance, the calculated value of chi-square 15.54 is more than its table value 9.48. (15.54>9.48). Therefore, the sub-hypothesis 1.5 that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are not influenced with high prices means high quality is rejected and the alternate hypothesis that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city is influenced with high prices means high quality is accepted. The researcher to conclude that women skincare consumers in Jabalpur city are influenced with high prices means high quality. The hypothesis is determining that women skincare consumer in Gwalior are not influenced with brand is important.Table-2 present the result of the analysis of the hypothesis from 1.6 to 1.10. It was observed that at four degrees of freedom (df-4) and at .05 level of significance, the calculated value of chi-square 107.34 is more than its table value 9.48. (107.34>9.48). Therefore, the sub-hypothesis 1.6 that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are not influenced with brand is important is rejected and the alternate hypothesis that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are influenced with brand is important is accepted. The researcher concludes that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are influenced with brand is important. It was observed that, at four degrees of freedom (df-4) and at .05 level of significance, the calculated value of chi-square 91.28 is more than its table value 9.48. (91.28>9.48). Therefore, the sub-hypothesis1.7 that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are not influenced with brand makes happy, is rejected and the alternate hypothesis that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are influenced with purchase of favorable brand makes happy. The researcher concludes that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are influenced with purchase of favorable brand makes happy. 6 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 It was observed that, at four degrees of freedom (df-4) and at .05 level of significance, the calculated value of chi-square 86.67 is more than its table value 9.48. (86.67>9.48). Therefore, the sub-hypothesis 1.8 that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are not influenced with brand is indicator of quality is rejected and the alternate hypothesis that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are influenced with brand is indicator of quality is accepted. The researcher concludes that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are influenced with brand is indicator of quality. It was observed that, at four degrees of freedom (df-4) and at .05 level of significance, the calculated value of chi-square 55.23 is more than its table value 9.48. (55.23>9.48). Therefore, the sub-hypothesis 1.9 that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are not influenced with well known brand has superior quality, is rejected and the alternate hypothesis that women consumers in Gwalior city are influenced with brand has superior quality is accepted. The researcher concludes that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are influenced with well known brand has superior quality. It was observed that, at four degrees of freedom (df-4) and at .05 level of significance, the calculated value of chi-square 15.13 is more than its table value 9.48. (15.13>9.48). Therefore, the sub-hypothesis 1.10 that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are not influenced with high prices means high quality is rejected and the alternate hypothesis that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city influenced with high prices means high quality is accepted. The researcher concludes that women skincare consumers in Gwalior city are influenced with high prices means high quality. Sub-factors of Brand The five sub factors of Brand considered were well-known reputation of the brand, brand name, brand endorsed by celebrity, brand colour and character, and ease of brand name pronunciation. The data was analysed through ranking method. Well-known Reputation Table 3 shows the analysis of data revealed that a great majority of women consumers (58.50%) recorded that they are influenced the purchase of skin care products by well known reputation of brand and as second important factor of women consumer recorded (17.90%), third (11.70%), fourth (7.80%), fifth (4.1%) that they are influenced the purchase of skin care products by well known reputation of brand. It can be concluded that majority of 58.50% women skincare consumers are accepted that well-known reputation of brand is the first important factor influenced to purchasing of skin care products. Brand Name Table 4 shows the analysis of data revealed that women consumers (23.40%) recorded that the purchase of skin care products is influenced by brand name and as second important factor of women consumer recorded (58.20%), third (11.00%), fourth (3.6%), fifth (3.80%) that they are influenced by brand name. It can be concluded that 23.40% of women skincare consumers accepted that brand name is the first important factor influencing the purchasing of skin care products. 7 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 Brand endorsed by Celebrity Table 5 shows that women consumers (6.40%) recorded that the purchase of skin care products is influenced by brand endorsed by celebrity and as second important factor of women consumer recorded (9.80%), third (41.50%), fourth (32.70%), fifth (19.60%) that they are influenced by brand endorsed by celebrity. It can be concluded from the analysis that only 6.40% of women skincare consumers accepted that brand endorsed by celebrity is the first important factor influencing the purchasing of skin care products. Brand Color and Character Table 6 shows that women consumers (6.40%) recorded that the purchase of skin care products is influenced by brand color and character and as second important factor of women consumer recorded (8.80%), third (17.90%), fourth (50.80%), fifth (16.00%) that they are influenced by brand color and character. It can be concluded from the analysis that only 6.40% of women consumers accepted that brand color and character is the first important factor influencing the purchasing of skin care products. Ease of Brand Name Pronunciation Table 7 shows that women consumers (5.70%) recorded that the purchase of skin care products is influenced by ease of brand name pronunciation and as second important factor of women consumer recorded (6.40%), third (16.20%), fourth (14.70%), fifth (57.00%) that they are influenced by ease of brand name pronunciation. It can be concluded from the analysis that only 5.70% of women consumers accepted that ease of brand name pronunciation is the first important factor influencing the purchasing of skin care products Conclusion Exposure of media whether it is print ad, electronic ad, or an online ad has a deep impact on consumers. Women Skincare Consumers perceive Brand as most important factor while buying skin care products emphasizing on the fact, Brand consciousness prevail in the minds of women consumers living in Madhya Pradesh irrespective of the city they live in. Women buyers in the state perceive each of the five sub factors of brand as important. The sub factors of Brand are the associations created by the companies in order to connect with the minds of the consumers and create a space in the memories of the buyers. Good memories and experiences helps to recall the brand leading to a repeat purchase while, Bad experiences diminishes the image of the Brand from the mind space of the consumer. The companies should continuously work on it to remain connected with the buyers in terms of creating associations which are meaningful, memorable and likeable. Brand equity maintained by Brand associations should bring freshness and a new perception for the women buyers. Companies should strive to build Brand image in the minds of the consumers by exercising innovative practices to reinvent the Brand through and create Brand equity. 8 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 References Akagun, E., Ozdemir, H., and Parilti, N. (2005) ‘Brand loyalty in the cosmetic Industry: A field study on Turkish woman’s brand loyalty among cosmetic products’, Journal of Business and Economic Research. Cunningham, S.M. (1967) ‘Perceived Risk and brand loyalty in Donald coaxed Risk Taking information handling in Consumer Behavior’, Boston Harvard University Press, pp. 507512. 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Impact of product brand on Women skin care Buyers living in Gwalior city. Brand is Important 101 57 43 0 1 0 9.48 50.43 Significant Purchase of 101 favorable Brand makes happy 33 55 6 5 2 9.48 105.88 Significant Brand is Indicator quality 101 45 28 21 6 1 9.48 61.72 Significant Brand has 101 superior quality 27 45 19 7 3 9.48 56.07 Significant High prices 101 products means the higher quality 26 23 13 28 11 9.48 11.82 Significant of Brand is important 104 Purchase of favourableB rand makes happy 104 55 45 36 44 5 8 strongly disagree Disagree Undecided Agree strongly agree Brand consciousne ss no. of case Table 2. Impact of product brand on Women skin care Buyers living in Jabalpur city. Table value (x2) Calcula ted value (x2) Significance (.05 level) 7 1 9.48 107.34 Significant 6 1 9.48 91.28 Significant 10 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 Brand is Indicator of quality Well known Brand has superior quality High prices products means the higher quality 104 40 47 12 104 33 43 17 104 18 32 15 3 9 28 0 9.48 86.67 Significant 2 9.48 55.23 Significant 9.48 15.13 Significant 11 Table 3. Sub- Factors of Brand that influence the purchase of skin care of products. Ranks (Responses in Percentages) Brand-related (well known reputation) 1 2 3 4 5 58.50% 17.90% 11.7% 7.80% 4.10% Figure 1 Brand related Sub Factor (well known reputation) 11 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 Table 4. Sub Factor of Brand that influence the purchase of skin care of products. RANKS (RESPONSE IN PERCENTAGE) A.BRAND RELATED ( brand name ) 1 2 3 4 5 23.40% 58.20% 11.00% 3.6% 3.80% Figure 2 Brand related Sub Factor (Brand Name) 12 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 Table 5. Sub-Factor of Brand that influence the purchase of skin care of products. Ranks (Responses in Percentages) Brand-related(brand endorsed by celebrity) 1 2 3 4 5 6.40% 9.80% 41.50% 32.70% 19.60% Figure 3: Brand related Sub Factor (brand endorsed by celebrity) 13 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 Table 6. Sub-Factor of Brand that influence the purchase of skin care of products. Ranks (Responses in Percentages) Brand-related (brand color and character) 1 2 3 4 5 6.40% 8.80% 17.90% 50.80% 16.00% Figure 4: Brand related Sub Factor (brand color and character) 14 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 Table 7: Sub-Factor of Brand that influences the purchase of skin care of products. Ranks (Responses in Percentages) Brand-related (ease of brand name pronunciation) 1 2 3 4 5 5.70% 6.40% 16.20% 14.70% 57.00% Figure 5: Brand related Sub Factor (ease of brand name pronunciation) 15 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS: VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1 16 Published By: Universal Multidisciplinary Research Institute Pvt Ltd
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