Immanuel—a Christ-centered community of Mission & Discipleship NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID CROSBY, MN PERMIT No. 35 May 2015 Happy Mother’s Day Immanuel Lutheran Church 600 4th Street SW PO Box 98 Crosby MN 56441 Volume 28, Issue 5 May 10, 2015 . . . . in Prayer Ministry If praying does not come effortlessly for you, try these 10 tips for making your prayer life more focused and effective. Return Service Requested Phone: 218-546-6010 E-mail: Emily Wesleyan Church PO Box 153 EMILY MN 56447-0153 For a few hardy prayer warriors, talking with God is as easy as breathing; it happens almost effortlessly. When you ask them how they do it, they simply shrug and reply, "I just pray." 2 Not all of the suggestions below will apply to your particular situation, but if you begin by incorporating a few of them, your prayer life will improve. 3 1. Choose a specific place to pr ay away from distractions so you can concentrate. Immanuel’s Story told in…. Worship Scriptures Looking Ahead in Summer Worship Prayer Shawl Bible Presentation First Communion M W M I m m a n u e l ’s S t o r y Sunday, May 17, 2015 Meal with a Mission Benefitting: Technology 10:00am-12:00pm Children’s Ministry Youth Ministry Malawi Mission Rummage Sale Memoriuals & Honorariums Birthdays Baptisms Wedding Anniversaries Attendance 4 5 6 7 Monthly Calendar Grief Support Council Minutes Worship Schedule Lutheran Disaster Assistance Inserts Members Ministry 8 Poet’s Corner 9 Pastor’s Perspective Leadership 10 Donations Financials 11 Meal With a Mission 12 ing as well as petition. Spend some of your time reflecting on the Scripture, meditating on it and digesting its meaning. 8. Keep a prayer journal. Her e ar e two variations of this idea. The first is to keep track of what you prayed for and when you prayed for it. Leave a space to jot down the answer when it comes. This will help you to keep alert to God's answer so you can thank Him promptly. Sometimes prayer answers come in the back door and you don't want them to slip by you. The second variation is to write the entire prayer in your journal. Make it a personal letter to the Lord on a daily basis. Just write "Dear Lord" instead of "Dear Diary." 9. Pray with someone else. Though some 2. If possible, pr ay at the same time ever y prayers can only be said in solitude, there day. Make it part of your regular routine will be times when you'll want to join and it will become habit. hearts with another person in prayer. If you 3. Pray out loud. Many people can pr ay commit to meet on a regular basis, the acunder their breath or in their minds for long countability can really help build consistenperiods and still maintain intensity, but for cy. Such prayer trysts can become powermost of us it's a quick ticket to dreamland. ful, life-changing events. We have to concentrate more on what we're 10. Pray one-sentence prayers. If the praying about. thought of laboring over a topic wears you 4. Keep a note pad handy so you can jot down different things that come to mind while you're before the Lord. Sometimes you'll get great ideas totally unrelated to what you've been praying about. If you jot them down you can quickly get back to the topic at hand without being too distracted. out, pray short, sincere prayers instead. A sentence or two may be all that's needed to exhaust the topic for you for the time being. If so, just move on to the next item without feeling guilty for your brevity. Susan Bushard 5. Make a list to keep tr ack of your pr ayer needs. Each day you pray for a different set of needs. You may want to include prayer everyday for a different area of society that has a tremendous influence on the direction of our nation. 6. Redeem time for pr aying out of unused corners of your schedule. Those who have to drive to work can use the time talking with the Lord instead of screaming at traffic (just don't close your eyes!). . . . in National Day of Prayer . Brainerd Lakes area National Day of Prayer is being held on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at 1:00pm at the Brainerd National Guard Armory located at 1115 Wright Street, Brain7. Change the pace dur ing your pr ayer time. Include praise, thanksgiving and sing- erd, MN 56401. I m m a n u e l’s S t o r y . . . . in Worship Judi Burson, Worship Coordinator Office: 218-546-6010 Cell: 218-838-1510 Email: Page 11 Volume 28, Issue 5 Page 2 Remembering April’s Article: “The proof that God raised Jesus from the dead is not only the empty tomb, but the full hearts of his transformed disciples. The crowning evidence that Jesus lives is not only a vacant grave, but a spirit-filled fellowship. Not only a rolled-away stone, but a carried-away church.” (Adapted from writings of 20th Century St. Clarence Jordan) We have been so richly blessed in our scripture lessons and teachings about the resurrection after-math! Have you ever asked yourself what you might have done? How you might have reacted to these “rumors” of a living, resurrected Jesus? . . . . in Donations full hearts of his transformed disciples, a spirit-filled fellowship, and a carried-away church.” That’s who we are, Immanuel, a “Carried – Away Church!” Someone said recently, God has so much for us to do, we just have to stay open and keep our eyes on Jesus to know where God wants us to minister next. We are growing – as we see through our children, youth and new members. We are serving – as we see again and again through New Pathways and other ministries. We are helping feed the hungry – through the Food Shelf, Soup Kitchen and Good Sam Ministry. And as we celebrated our Volunteers, you all know how God is using YOU. No matter the size of the offering – in the plate or out of the plate – in front or behind the scenes – we are and want to keep on living as “A Carried Away Church for Jesus Christ!” called and witnessing to the amazing love and grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Welcome to the Body of Christ! Welcome to Worship! From week to week in our Bible texts, we have seen Jesus appear in the midst of the disciples and give them just what they needed to believe, and to accept, and then that day when he “opened up the scriptures” to them. Whether that be a word from another believer, a touch, a presence, or the knowing of those amazing THANK YOU! words – “Peace be with you!” – not as the I want to add a deeply heartfelt THANK YOU world gives, but as Christ gives. And He fin- to all of you who helped keep the services ishes with coming together during Holy Week when I was down in bed for two weeks. (I was so “YOU are my witnesses!” thankful for technology’s remote access.) Thank you, Pastor Paul, for the invitation to There is no doubt you are a Church on the look at “witnessing” as telling others about move! You DO know your Jesus! You DO how God is moving in our lives, or the lives of know God’s love and grace! And you ARE those around us, and how God is teaching us living witnesses to what He has done and is through the scriptures. This perspective makes doing in your lives. And you ARE many hearts witnessing a much more do-able thing. Don’t and hands, but ONE BODY. you think? And when those God-incidents happen in our lives or the lives around us, we Lord Jesus, help us to walk in that love and simply cannot contain ourselves! We MUST unity always! Keep our eyes on you and your tell someone else what we have “seen and ex- ways. In your name we pray. Amen. perienced”. And with all that is going on – with all that God is “up to” in our ministry and work at Immanuel, we have stories to tell and witness to share abundantly! Let’s shorten that original quote: “The proof that God raised Jesus from the dead and that Jesus lives is found in the When considering memorial/honorarium donations please consider these Congregational Donation priorities: IMMANUEL BUILDING FUND TECHNOLOGY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS GOOD SAMARITAN MINISTRY MALAWI MINISTRY (food & education) Other Ministry Donations that you may also consider are: YOUTH MINISTRY SUNDAY SCHOOL VBS SUNSHINE MINISTRY (flowers sent to those hospitalized) PARSONAGE FUND GENERAL RESERVE NEW PATHWAYS (homeless ministry) SCHOLARSHIP FUND PUPPET MINISTRY HANDBELL MINISTRY FIRESIDE LIBRARY A huge thank you to all who support these important ministries! Mortgage Principal Balance: March 12, 2015 $218,910.41 Extra Payment: March 26, 2015 $3,000.00 Principal Payment: $2,075.61 Interest Payment $ 995.42 Building Mortgage Balance: April 14, 2015 —3,071.03 $213,834.80 Building Fund Savings Balance: February 28, 2015 FYI: All pledges and donations to the Building Fund are applied to the Building Fund mortgage excluding 5% per month that is designated for Capital Improvement. $22,406.21 April 15, 2015 Capital Improvement Balance $6,199.13 Financial Stewardship Report March 25 $261.00 131.75 Envelopes Loose Simply Giving Choice Dollars Lent 250.00 Totals $642.75 March Totals $30,926.10 April Totals April 1 $ April 2 $740.00 211.00 495.00 April 3 $ 50.00 78.00 April 5 $4,955.00 1,367.72 386.00 April 12 $7,850.00 447.00 106.00 April 19 $4,757.00 370.00 441.00 531.00 $531.00 495.00 $1,941.00 475.00 $603.00 2,745.00 $9,453.72 151.50 $8,554.50 _________ $5,568.00 $531.00 $2,472.00 $3,075.00 $12,528.72 $21,083.22 $26,651.22 Immanuel’s Story Page 10 . . . . in Pastors’ Perspective: Pastor Paul J. Mattson 218.546.6010 God sent His only son into the world so that we might live through Him” (1 John 4:9) Doing some devotional reading the other day, I came upon this true story. I think it kind of hits the nail on the head with regard to “living through Christ.” Many years ago, the wives who lived within the walls of Weinberg Castle in Germany were aware of the massive riches it held: silver, gold, jewels – wealth beyond belief. The day came in 1141AD when all their treasure was threatened. An enemy army surrounded the castle and demanded the fortress, the fortune and the lives of the men inside the walls. Although the conquering commander had set a condition for the safe release of all women and children, the wives of Weinberg refused to leave without having one of their own conditions met as well. They demanded that they be allowed to fill their arms with as many possessions as they could carry out with them. Knowing that the women couldn’t possibly make a dent in the massive fortune, their request was honored. When the gates of the castle were finally opened, the army outside was stunned at the sight. Each woman had carried out her husband. We are Christ’s possession. He alone carries us to freedom, to eternity and to the Father in Heaven. With you, in His grip, Pastor Paul . . . . in Leadership Greetings, Wow! Want an amazing Holy week! We are truly blessed here at Immanuel. Our congregation is a wonderful mix of people and talents. Because we have the luxury of such diversity the church council would like to allow each member to share areas they would be interested in being a part of at Immanuel. Stay tuned, as we will be asking you to answer questions about your time and talents, and then we will enter them into our database, so that as the needs arise we can easily connect with the people interested in that particular activity or area. We have now completed reading Draw the Circle and we don’t have a book to read and discuss for our homework part of the council meetings. I know that we have a congregation full of avid readers, so I’d love for you to share some recommendations with us. I am excited to announce that we have a new member of our congregation join the council to fill in the open position. Welcome Brian Oren, we are excited to have you on the council and look forward to working with you! With all the transitions that have occurred in the last year the council thought it would be good to update all the position titles, who is in those positions, the existing committees and the committee members. Thank you to Brenda for putting this all together in an easy to read format. This information has been printed out and is located in the back of the church sanctuary for your reference. I would like to thank each and every one of you for your continued support of our Mission work here at Immanuel. As always, feel free to contact me with any suggestions or concerns. In God’s Peace, Becky Pakarinen 832-928-1125 Page 3 Volume 28, Issue 5 . . . . in Focus Scriptures ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SUNDAY, MAY 3, 2015 WORSHIP WITH CHURCHYARD BAND Scripture: I John 4:7-16a Gospel Text: John 15:1-8 Blessing of 2015 Graduates (10:30 Service) Graduate Reception during Fellowship Time ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SUNDAY, MAY 10, 2015 TRADITIONAL WORSHIP HALLELUJAH HANDBELLS Scripture: John 15:9-17 Mother’s Day ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP WING AND A PRAYER BAND & CHAPEL CHIMERS Scripture: Acts 1:1-11 ASCENSION SUNDAY Meal With A Mission: Immanuel’s Technology ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SUNDAY, MAY 24, 2015 BLENDED WORSHIP Scriptures: Acts 2:1-21 PENTECOST SUNDAY (Liturgical Color of the Day is Red. Wear Red to Worship Today) Memorial Weekend ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2015 BLENDED WORSHIP Scriptures: Isaiah 6:1-8 TRINITY SUNDAY New Members Received in Worship Individual Blessings for All ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . in Looking Ahead To Summer Worship Wednesday Informal Worship @ 5:32 p.m. "Summer of the Word" / "We Are Witnesses" Acts 5:32 "And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him." If you are interested in being part of this worship ministry, and would like to help out as ushers, greeters, etc. please contact John Gordon at 218-866-2103 and Kristi Gordon at 218-821-4881 or email Thank you! . . . . in Seder Supper I would like to extend a heart-felt "thank you" to all of the volunteers who made Immanuel's 6th annual Seder Supper a huge success! We had over 100 participants with a delicious lamb meal prepared by Dick Gunter and his crew. Thank you everyone! - Susan Bushard . . . . in Prayer Shawl Ministry A Prayer Shawl is meant to be given to anyone (male or female including children) who has had surgery, been diagnosed with an illness, lost a loved one or is dealing with a hardship. Prayers are said while the shawl is being made, that recipients may feel comfort and love as they wrap themselves in it. Shawls are available in the Fellowship Hall in the far right hand corner on cabinet shelves. Please be sure to check/sign the book saying to whom you are giving a shawl because we don’t want to duplicate. Please let me know of anyone you believe should receive one of these Prayer Shawls. Thank you, and if any questions, please feel free to call or email me at 218-546-6065 Marsha Larson Page 4 I m m a n u e l’s S t o r y Bible Presentation, March 2015 Page 9 Volume 28, Issue 5 . . . . in the Poet’s Corner This article was presented to us by Brenda Bongs who thought this was important for all of us to read. It was in the Sr. Perspective Poet’s Corner in their April issue. It was written by Jan Klug of Freeport: “I Had A Dream” One night I had this vivid dream, to me it seemed so very real. I only had to close my eyes all of His suffering I’d feel. So, briefly close your tired eyes, go on this sacred trip with me. Put your varied feet in my shoes, as you walk, feel and sense and see. The night was cold and deeply dark, dense fog hung heavy in the air My Jesus walked the path alone, but wait, not alone - I was there! Front (left to right): Haley Reinhart, Hannah Pederson Back (left to right): Hannah Pakarinen, Chase Hage, Jay Hunter, Dennis Welch, Johnathan Hodges, Gracesen Klein and Ben Gujer. Not pictured: Mason Miller, Noah Larson My Lord held my hand in His, although not a word was said. He held my hand with such a grip, like I was suffering instead. First Communion, March 2015 I knelt with Him in the garden, where there, by Himself, He prayed. I knelt with Him in the garden, where there, by Himself, He stayed. We knelt by that big, sharp rock, our knees were wet, and so cold. I heard His prayer for mercy, felt His stress and pain unfold. Then, when His hear-wrenching words had been uttered in sheer pain, I knew I was the poor soul who had everything to gain. I gasped with such a shudder, that sent a spine-tingling chill. Jesus was doing this all, His father’s will to fulfill. Front: Levi Jarvela, Amber Ogle, Haley Lubovich, Miranda Sicora Back: Tason Ceplecha, Hayden McGowan, Ben Gujer, Easton Maucieri, Johnathan Hodges. Not pictured: Hannah Blood, Holly Seely, Brandi Moran With quietness around us, hushed, Jesus got up to stand. Then, still not a word spoken, He, once again, took my hand. We slowly walked farther on, there His disciples slept. I thought, Oh! You faithless friends, with inward anguish, I wept. For thirty pieces of silver, and a kiss on my Jesus’ head, away to His fateful doom, my humble Savior was led. A noisy crowd had gathered, many kept taunting my Lord. But in His simple manner, He deftly dismissed the sword. They yelled and they laughed, they mocked and they jeered. Still holding my hand, at my Jesus they leered. We walked on, ever drearily, up that treacherous hill. Though so hard He bled and stumbled, He held tightly unto me still. Our eyes met only one time, as we walked up the barren hill. To this very present day, I see the grief in them still. Harsh yelling grew much louder. His loving arm was yet strong; and His grip grew much tighter, as the two of us trudged along. Deep red blood from His open wounds, thundered loud, hitting the hard ground. Yet His beaten, wretched body, did not make a whimpering sound. They took my Jesus from me, to do Him more bodily harm. Yet I felt His strong grip hold me, in the crook of His living arm. The sixth hour it grew deathly dark. In the ninth hour, Jesus cried out, “God, why have you forsaken me?” from the crowd, not a sound or shout. Louder thunder cracked the crusted earth, gale winds swept the darkened skies. Gloom and death reared their ugly face. He wiped the tears from my eyes. My dream is gone, but was so real. This you must definitely know, never once in all His suffering, did my dear Savior let me go. Page 8 I m m a n u e l’s S t o r y . . . . in Members Ministry New Member Sessions coming Soon! Please contact me if you (or someone you know) would like to participate in the upcoming new member sessions. These informal gatherings will take place on Thursday, May 14, 21 and 28 from 6:00-7:00pm. Immanuel will provide the meal on May 14 and the subsequent meals will be “potluck” appetizers provided by those participating in the sessions. New Member Mentors will also be needed to help welcome our newest members on May 28th from 6:00-7:00 and the New Member Reception on Sunday, May 31st during coffee/ fellowship time. Upcoming Opportunities to Serve and Fellowship Page 5 Volume 28, Issue 5 . . . . in Children’s Ministry I am still in need of volunteers to help in the nursery during the 10:30 worship only. The church has hired nursery staff, but also has a policy in place requiring an additional person (over the age of 21) to be present in the nursery in case of emergencies. My goal is to have enough volunteers so everyone can take 2 turns each year. Meal with a Mission The next Meal with a Mission will be held on May 17th. This meal will benefit the technology needs at Immanuel (computers, cameras, projection equipment, lighting equipment, etc.) All of these technology items help to make our worship experiences more enjoyable and help everyone to see what is going on during worship. As this school year comes to an end, I would like to take an opportunity to thank those who help out with Sunday school here at Immanuel. Thank you to teachers, Donna Radinovich, Pat Rinde, Brandon Radinovich, and Jillian Rinde. Also, thank you to our regular helpers, Jim Radinovich and Jessica Klopfleisch. I would also like to thank my family, Jon, Ean and Jay Hunter, for supporting me in my role as Children’s Ministry Coordinator. Lastly, thank you congregation, parents, grandparents and Kinship Partners, for making kids a priority at church. Our faith family and our community are blessed to have you all. The number of students present at Sunday school this year was steady and strong at about 25-30 kids, ages 3 – 12. Over 20 students were either presented with Bibles or received their first communion last month! What a blessing that is!!! We should all be so proud of what is happening with our youngest members – they are being reached! Upcoming events for kids at Immanuel and the community: Vacation Bible School! August 3rd-7th This year’s theme is Everest: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power Peace, Holly Hunter 218-851-4484 Sharing Responsibility Teams Sharing responsibilities team #2 will serve coffee during the month of May. Please refer to the enclosed worship schedule to see if you are assigned to serve. Also, please note that you do not need to bring treats when serving coffee. Immanuel provides the treats for fellowship. The month of May will begin with Graduate Recognition on May 3 at 10:00 and Immanuel will also host the Ecumenical Worship Service for Graduating Seniors (Baccalaureate) that same evening. Fellowship and coffee will be served at Immanuel immediately following the 7:00pm worship service. There is a need for a minimum of 5 volunteers to host this fellowship time for the gr aduates and their families. Please note: treats will be provided by the Ministerial Association. I will also need 2 or 3 fellowship servers to help host the Hallett Cottages Birthday Party on May 11th at 1:00pm. Additionally, 2 or 3 fellowship servers to help host the Hear twood Bir thday Party on May 14th at 2:00. (Treats will be provided at both Hallett Cottages and Heartwood—they just need our help to serve and visit with residents!) If you would like to bake/provide treats, please contact me so I can adjust my bakery order. Homemade treats are always welcome and enjoyed by all! If you have a heart for hospitality, contact me to find out how you can be more involved in your Sharing Responsibility Team (or SRT as they are often called.) I am still in need of captains/leaders to step into roles vacated by retirements. Blessings and Peace, Jenni Kannel . . . . in Youth Ministry Jill Mattson and I hosted our first Lunch Bunch at the high school on March 25th. Ten students met with us during their lunch break. We had several Immanuel kids attend, as well as a few of their friends. We hope to host another one before the school year is over. We also had two of our Immanuel kids, Bria and Austin Davis, volunteer their time at the New Pathways Spring Banquet on April 11th in Brainerd. A big thank you to them, along with three of their friends, for helping out at the luncheon. The next big event the CREW scheduled was a Meal with a Mission scheduled on April 26th. A delicious pancake breakfast was served after both services. Thank you for all those who joined us to help raise funds for their mission trip in 2016. We also have some CREW members willing to do spring cleaning to raise funds for their trip. You can contact me at 218-838-9675 if you have are interested. Thank you for supporting our CREW members. Sandy Davis, Youth Ministry Page 6 . . . . in Malawi Mission Planning and organization continue for the first ever Manna For Malawi Music Festival. Take that space on your calendar right away. Sunday, June 28 from 4-7p at the Woodtick Inn in downtown Cuyuna. Proceeds from the event will go directly toward the feeding program and it seems, just in the nick of time. The following came from the Malawi Mission Administrator Shadrek Chikoti in an email he sent to Malwi Orphan Care Project vice-president Joy Jones: There will be hunger in most parts of Malawi this year. The price of maize has already gone up and we expect it to skyrocket in the coming months. There will be a need, in the coming months, especially October, through to February of next year, to provide at least a few kilograms of maize or flour to the volunteers and guardians of the children. The feeding program is also expected to have an increase in the number of children (mostly non-registered). Shadrek added that while much of Malawi experienced flooding, the area near the orphan project did not. Inadequate rainfall came too late and didn't last long enough. He expects costs for feeding program supplies to go up and when he knows how much, he'll pass it on. Thanks for your help, and your prayers. . . . . in Special May Milestones! Birthdays 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 David Pundt & The Malawi Mission Team . . . in Rummage/Bake Sale Our annual Rummage/Bake sale is coming soon: Thursday, May 7th from 4-8pm and Friday, May 8th from 8am-3pm. Please gather all your treasures and bake those goodies to donate to this worthy mission for our community. The annual rummage sale enables families in our area to purchase clothing, household, linen supplies and games and toys for a very reasonable cost. Please bring the rummage sale items beginning Monday, May 4th through Wednesday, May 6th. Bake sale items: Wednesday afternoon, May 6th and Thursday morning,May7th. Volunteers much appreciated beginning Wednesday, May 6th, and throughout the sale. Questions? Please call Judy Running at: 218-534-2980. . . . . in Memorials & Honorariums given in April 2015: In memory of Marion Freese’s mother----- by Ken & Barb Moe for Vacation Bible School In memory of Dr. Mark & Traci Gujer’s mother by Dr. Bradley & Sue Peterson for the Food Shelf In memory of Linda Anderson by Robert & Rita Beard for Youth Mission Trip In memory of Linda Anderson by Dennis & LuAnn Henrichs for Youth Mission Trip Total $95.00 Page 7 Volume 28, Issue 5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 Brian Oren, David Pundt Al Doonan Mason Miller Trisha Abbott, Austin Davis, Hunter Gibson Therese Norwood, Margo Sodahl Megan Kayfes Debbie Foote, Abby Halonen Bill Thoms Karen DeBoer, JoAnne Jarvela, Brenda Lofquist, Taylor Popkes, Ariel Stealy Mary Carlson, Brandon Johnson, Mary Kraemer, Kallie Nixon, Sharon Simons Emily Boike, Joe Simons Peggy Beseman, Judi Burson, Dana Nelson, Robert Reiss Sara Moe Denny Rasmussen, Dan Simmonds, Shannon Thompson Marion Segersten, Hazel Zauhar John Gordon, Rashell Rudek, David Rued Tanya Jacobs, Cindy Schneider Garrett Barber, Taylor Nelson Catherine Kraemer Terri Bunker, Jean Olson, Hannah Pakarinen Alan Gilgen, Mallory Holmvig, Haley Reinhart Chloe Perpich Jocelyn Glomski, June Leopold, John Radinovich Robin Anderson, Zach Brix, Alicia Heggerston Riley Jacobs, Marlys Ravnik Phyllis Collignon, Amber Johnson, Jason Kovatovich Ruth Imberi, Jenni Kannel Meredith Poland Baptism April 1, 2015 Johnathan David Hodges Parents: Sally & Brian Oren Sponsors: Sarah & Jamie Anderson Wedding Anniversaries Bob & Cindy Albrecht Marvin & Karron Jewett Kris & Emily Boike Beryl & Shirley Foote Jon & Holly Hunter Al & Jan Doonan Don & Joanne Kehl Leroy & Barb Habighorst Josh & Nacishia Rinde May 1, 2010 May 5, 2013 May 5, 2012 May16, 1953 May18, 2002 May 19, 1984 May 25,1957 May 29,1993 May 31, 2014 Attendance Sunday, March 22 2015 9:00am 10:30a.m. 122 150 Total 272 Wednesday, March 25 Sunday, March 29 9:00am 10:30am 75 146 150 296 March Total 1,815 —————————————— Maundy Thursday, April 2 98 Good Friday, April 3 75 Resurrection Sunday, April 5 8:30am 225 10:30am 186 411 Sunday, April 12 9:00am 10:30am 137 118 255 Sunday, April 19 9:00am 10:30am 154 106 260 April Total-to–Date 1,099
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