Sunday bulletin -

2055 Filer Ave. E. - Twin Falls, Idaho 83301 - (208) 733-7820
Welcome to Immanuel! We are honored to have you join us in
worship today! We ask that you enter reverently, worship
devoutly, and leave enriched to serve Christ faithfully.
Roger M. Sedlmayr
Cell: (208) 308-7993
Home: (208) 733-0611
Missionary Pastor
Clint Lutz
Cell: (208) 562-9902
Music Director
Cherry Willie
Cell: (208) 731-2134
Immanuel Lutheran School Principal
Michelle Jund
Phone: (208) 733-7820
Immanuel Child Development Center
Yvonne Reinke
Phone: (208) 734-3420
† Before service -- talk to God.
† During the service -- listen carefully as God speaks to you.
† After worship -- talk to your neighbor. Share Christ’s love with
your community!
In our worship services today we are blessed by having the
opportunity to celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. We
honor the Biblical practice of close communion. Guided by St.
Paul's words in 1 Corinthians 11:17-39 we believe that the Body
and Blood of Jesus in this sacrament is intended for those who:
1. Honestly examine themselves to know that they need the
sacrament for strength and forgiveness of sins.
2. Discern and believe in the Real Presence of our Savior's body
and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine.
3. Recognize that to commune at our altar is to publicly declare
fellowship with us and agreement with all that we believe. A
If you are a visitor to Immanuel, we respectfully ask you to speak
with the Pastor or one of the Elders before coming to the altar.
You may wish to refer to Dr. Martin Luther’s Small Catechism
discussion of the Sacrament of the Altar, found in the front
portion of the hymnal (LSB, pages 326-327, and “Christian
Questions and Answers”, LSB pages 329-330) to gain a deeper
understanding of our view of this precious gift of grace. Thank
To Our Guests
Fellowship Book:
We extend our warmest greetings and pray that God will
bless you as you visit today. If you would like to learn
more about becoming a member, please make a note in
the Fellowship Book or call the church office at 7337820.
During the offering, please register your attendance in the
red folder located at the end of each pew then pass it on
to the others seated in the same pew. When it has
reached the end of the pew, please pass it back. Look
over the names of those who worshiped with you and
greet one another following the worship service.
Gentlemen: What a busy summer so far for
everyone! This month we will again meet on
the second Saturday, July 11th at 7:00 a.m. in
the Fireside Room. Mel Quale will provide
the donuts, and Chris Barth will assist with the
coffee preparation. Pastor will lead us in
a continuing discussion in Timothy. I hope
many of you can come out to share the
message we gain from each reading. The
following Saturday, July 18th. Pastor Latham
will lead a discussion at the Snug in
Eden. This is a great breakfast and will likely
include things that your wife or mom won't fix
Chris will provide additional
approaches. Our next meeting will be on July
27th at 7:00 p.m. at Mike Gibson's home, 1070
Elkhorn Circle. There will be no biscuits and
gravy, but I promise a yummy snack will be
provided while you visit with your brothers in
Christ. Pastor will continue our discussion of
Satan in this world. We hope to see all of you
there. Blessings, Mike Gibson
The Progressive Dinner will soon be here
(tentatively August 22nd). If you would be
interested in hosting the appetizer or main
meal please notify Donna Kruger or Cindy
Immanuel’s new
Deaconess Intern,
Amanda VandeKamp,
will be installed
We are continuing the “card shower” for
Amanda today July 5th. Your cards of
welcome, gift cards or monetary gifts will be
collected in a basket (in the Narthex) and
presented to Amanda following services.
Thank you!
Registration is open for the LWML Retreat
at Camp Perkins July 17-19. See the
Summer UI for more details.
Rebekah Circle is serving in the Bookstore
this month. Come and see our gift selections!
Thanks and praise be to God for a successful
2015 VBS Day Camp this past week! We
had 111 total registrations with a daily average
of 96 in attendance. A special thank you to
everyone who helped -- Whether you
contributed financially, helped during the three
days, housed and/or fed the five Camp Perkins
staff, you are much appreciated!
In His Service,
Stephanie Sievers
VBS Coordinator
If your child is going to the National Youth
Gathering, please have them come visit with
Cherry, so she can get a bio and a picture of
them. Thanks!
Summer Sunday School is now in session!
TODAY @ 6:30pm: Jr. and Sr. Youth
meet at Cherry Willie’s home at 2146
Rusty Ct. for a GET-TO-KNOW-YOU
BBQ for Deaconess Intern, Amanda
VandeKamp. Please bring: side dish,
drink and chair.
July 12 - We will be doing a bake sale at
the church between services. We ask that
you please bring at least 3 items for the
bake sale.
Scrap metal - We have several congregant
members who have offered to give us
some metal. We need help collecting this.
Please let Mike Mumm know if you are
able to help pick up the metal.
Upcoming auction and spaghetti dinner
is tentatively set for Sept. 12th. More
information will follow.
If you have questions please contact Cherry
Willie, Mike Mumm or Pastor Sedlmayr
Please note that if your child does not help
with these fundraisers, they will not
receive funds towards their National
Youth Gathering balance.
There will not be an opening period, but
teachers will be in the rooms by 9:45. There is
one class for the Kindergarten and under; one
for 1st - 4th grade, and the 5th-8th grade are
encouraged to sit in on Pastor’s class. We still
have a couple of Sundays that are not filled
this summer for the 1st - 4th grade. Feel free
to sign up, and let me know if you have any
questions. If we do not have someone signed
up to teach we will cancel that morning’s class
for that age group. I would like to thank all
those that have signed up to teach this summer
and for the teachers at the school who
are helping out this year. It is great we have
some place for the children to go when their
parents are attending Pastor’s class.
On a more serious note, we will be looking for
at least two new Sunday School teachers for
the upcoming school year. Please, if you are
interested at all, begin praying about this and
let me know. I usually try to have two
teachers for each class, so you don't have to
teach every Sunday. Please let me know if
this is a place where you would like to serve.
In Christ,
Bonnie Rast
There are still a few more items to be
completed, but for the most part, the Bell
Room is done.
The bell manufacturer
indicated that the bells have been shipped! We
are patiently waiting! It will be great to play
with new bells in a wonderful new space.
Thank you to the people who made this
happen. THANK YOU! There will be spaces
available for new people to play. Get your
spot reserved!!
Other projects for the summer include
replacing the school cafeteria floor., as it no
longer meets the code. The least expensive
way to fix it will be to paint the floor and put a
finish on it. The existing flooring will have to
be removed first to see if this is possible. The
cement beneath needs to be smooth with no
large ridges. Also, the existing rug in the
school entry is showing wear from many,
many feet. This is a GOOD problem. It will
be replaced with rug squares, which can be
removed and replaced as needed.
The doors into the Church have settled and
have been opened and closed so often (isn’t
that a GOOD problem?), that they need new
hinges. We are blessed with GOOD problems!
Now, the leaks in the roof are not good
problems. The flat roof gathers the water,
which seeks the easiest route to escape, and
that is through the air conditioner vents.
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, August 8,
9:00 AM - Noon. Family Fun 5K BIG
SPLASH! This event is sponsored by the
CDC and Thrivent Financial. Money raised
will be used for the playground resurfacing.
Come run or watch but definitely come for
the BBQ. Pre-register for the run
at For more information on
the race or event contact Yvonne. Hope to
see everyone there!
HELP WANTED! Looking for individuals
to help on Sunday mornings running the
computer and sound board. Please contact
Cherry Willie for more information.
5pm Thursday Praise Team: If you are
interested in singing in a Praise Team for our
contemporary service, please contact Cherry
at 731-2134.
Handbells: If you are interested in playing in
our Handbell Choir, please contact Cherry at
731-2134. No Handbell practice during the
If you see a problem, please let us know. Have
a great summer! Nancy Holtzen, Trustee
Stewarding Relationships
Because God’s nature is relational, it is not surprising to see the importance God has placed
on relationships. From the very beginning, a perfect relationship existed among the Father,
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. God created mankind in His image so He could have
relationships with us. After He created Adam, He knew that Adam was not complete so He
created Eve as a suitable helper for Adam (Genesis 2:18). Until they fell into sin, Adam
and Eve had a perfect relationship with God and with each other. After the fall, the
relationship changed. Because of their sin, they and all who came after them were
separated from God, so God sent His only Son, Jesus, to redeem us from sin and reconcile
us to God. Covered with the blood of Jesus, we are now free to approach God and have a
relationship with Him.
Through our relationship with Jesus, we are encouraged and motivated to build
relationships with others, giving us opportunities to share Christ’s love. We learn to love
our neighbors as we love ourselves. We see our neighbors and their well-being in the same
way we see our own, which calls us to value relationships as ends, not as means to be used
for our own benefit.
As caretakers of God’s creation, we are to have a relationship with His creation. The first
task given to us was to tend the garden (Genesis 1:28). As stewards of God’s creation, we
are not to worship that creation but we are to live in harmony with it, to love it, to tend to
it, and to take care of it. We are to have dominion, rule over, and subdue the earth just as
God has dominion, rules over, and subdues us.
Our most important relationship is with God Himself. Through faith, we understand that
we were shaped and formed for the distinct purpose of living in relationship with our
Creator God. Through the redemptive work of Jesus, we are restored and reconciled to
God. Our purpose is to love God with all our heart, soul, strength, and mind. Even though
this relationship is initiated by God’s grace and is totally a gift from God, we are called to
steward the relationship. We steward this relationship as we receive His gifts through
Word and Sacrament and respond through our worship, devotion, prayer, giving, fasting,
study, praise, and sabbath rest. As we steward our relationship with God, may He draw us
even closer to Himself.
Sundays at Immanuel
8:30 a.m. Contemporary worship
9:45 a.m. Education Hour
10:45 a.m. Traditional / Liturgical worship
~Lord’s Supper on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of
the month in both services.
~Single, combined worship with Communion at
9:30 a.m. on any fifth Sunday of the month.
Sunday - 7/5
Monday - 7/6
Installation for Deaconess
Intern, Amanda VandeKamp
- both services
9:00 a.m. “Immanuel-God with Us!”
9:30 a.m. “The Lutheran Hour”
CSN - Channel 89.9 FM
8:00 a.m. “The Lutheran Hour”
Tuesday - 7/7
6:30pm - BBQ at Cherry
7pm Boy Scouts
Willie’s home for Amanda
VandeKamp (2146 Rusty Ct)
Friday - 7/10
Thursday - 7/9
Radio Ministry on KART – AM 1400
10am - LLL meeting (FR)
2pm - Funeral service for
PASTOR’S DAY OFF Evelyn Barth - luncheon to
follow in PH
Saturday - 7/11
7am - Men’s Bible
Study - (FR)
1-3pm - 4H - Susie Beem
Wednesday 7/8
Sunday - 7/12
Youth Bake Sale
between services!
9am Quilting
5pm Praise Team Practice
The school office will be closed for the
summer. If you have billing questions,
please call Peggie at 948-5918. If you
registration, please call Michelle at 3200201. Thank you.
Church Office Hours:
Mon: 9am-3pm
Wed: 9am-3pm
Thurs: 9am-Noon
Please submit items for the weekly
bulletin by Thursday morning.
Thank you!
08:30 Shane & Michelle Jund
Marcus & Amber Lutz
10:45 Greg & Stephanie Sievers
Bob & Kristin Brunick
Health Concerns
Ashley (granddaughter / McKenzie Schroeder)
Carole Collins
Clayton Brenna (brother / Eleanor Washburn)
Colette Clark (sister-in-law / Mel Krieger)
Darlena Ohlensehlen (surgery recovery)
Debbie Mehraban
Duane Laird
Elwood Vedvig (friend / Dallas Ulrich)
Gary Diehl, (friend / Mel and Ruth Harder )
George Newman
Hailey Hoggarth
Holly Grimsman - (daughter-in-law Thom and
Sue Grimsman)
Jackie Werner (sister / Peggy Todd)
Jacquie Bent (step-sister / Pastor Sedlmayr)
Joyce Larsen (friend / Heidi Deters)
Joe Young - Redeemer Church, Kimberly
Julie Nightengale (niece / Ruth McKay)
Ken Freeborn
Lexi (granddaughter/Evelyn Jones-St Paul’s Jerome)
Marleen Muenster (sister-in-law / Hank Mayland)
Marilyn Van de Kamp (Grandmother / Deaconess
Intern: Amanda Van de Kamp)
Michelle Wolters
Michael Bailey
Mireille (friend of Amanda Kriwox)
Paul Bamesberger (nephew / Irvin Ehlers)
Pete & Janet Cantor (friends / Hagley’s and
Newton’s )
Ray Blessin
Ray Spreier
Roger Schroeder (brother / Harold Schroeder)
Ronald Lee (father / Mike Lee)
Sarah Meza (daughter / Fred Lewis)
Tammy Rehwalt (sister / Bruce Lutz & Yvonne
Terry Mullinix
Verna Sherrets
Virginia Dane (mother-in-law / Ladeen Dane)
Those Who Mourn
The Family of Trip Craig, who passed away on
June 26th.
The family of Evelyn Barth who passed away on
June 28th.
Those Preparing for Church Work
Darbie Dean
Amanda Van de Kamp
Imprisoned for the Faith
American Pastor Saeed Abedini
Missionary Work
Rev. Clint Lutz
Rev. Roger James
Rev. Alan Ludwig - Missionary in Siberia
Glenn & Linda Meyer
All missionaries and Christians worldwide who
are being persecuted, imprisoned or killed for their
Please let the church office know of any
updates, additions or changes to the prayer
card. Thank you.
Flowers today are shared by:
Mike and Catherine Parke
in celebration of the 18th birthday
of their daughter, Elizabeth