Nominees for the position of
Clubs are reminded that if they have not paid their International Inner
Wheel Capitation Fees or if they do not write the name of the Club on
the front of the ballot envelope their votes will be invalid
Please do not enclose any correspondence in the ballot envelope. The
ballot envelope requires a stamp and the last day for acceptance at
International Headquarters is 31 March 2015
Approx 2600 members
As member of Inner Wheel I realize that the organization and success of clubs depends heavily on the quality and enthusiasm of its members. When I was president of Inner Wheel Netherlands I took the opportunity to be deeply involved in several projects for children. In one of
these projects I am on the board and together we are successful in helping children and families that are living in poverty. The experience I gained in several boards, my work as manager
and the involvement and support of my family give me the possibility to work with the IIW
board on the future of Inner Wheel worldwide. I believe in “strength of many people….. for
many people”. Having a challenge like this and executing it well is very important in my work
for Inner Wheel but also in my private life. To be transparent and to have the courage to look
forward are very important characteristics to be a solid and modern organization worldwide.
These characteristics enable us to help all over the world and to give strength to other people.
Together we have created a unique situation in which we can be in touch with each other; we
can share our knowledge to enhance the future of Inner Wheel and to develop or improve the
programs for helping children and their families.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Immediate Past National Council President 2013-2014
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 2006-2007
Club Vice President 2005-2006
District Chairman 2009-2010
District Vice Chairman 2008-2009
National Council President 2013-2014
National Council Vice President 2012-2013
Approx 300 members
Inner Wheel became part of my life. I attended the 14th Convention in Malaysia and the world
opened to me. Afterwards I took part and represented my country in numerous international
events enjoying all my friendships and created new ones. This was exciting and fullfilling! On the
the 15th Congress in Istanbul, at the closing ceremony, I was honored to take the stage and represent my country in front of an audience of more than 2,000 delegates. In Bulgaria, Inner
Wheel’s popularity has growned tremendoussly - all happens dynamically with zeal and mutual
support. I initiated the 6th International Conference WOMEN FOR EUROPE - The Role of Inner
Wheel "EXPO MILANO 2015" to take place in Bulgaria. EXPO is undoubtedly phenomenon with
strong messages addressed to people. One in particular touched my soul deeply - "women know
how to think in the plural". Friends, I fully concur with this statement - women are most effective
and think best as a group. I have the will, passion and enthusiasm to serve. I work consciously to
ensure my friends are inspired and passionate about Inner Wheel. The feeling is amazing! That's
why I accepted the nomination for the Board Director 2015/2016 IW year. My challenge is all the
friends I've already met from so many various countries, and all those with whom I'm about to
meet. I offer my energy to a successful Inner Wheel colaboration worldwide & my efforts to
enlarge IW in new countries. I clearly see the future of the entire world in the warm multinational
embrace of the Inner Wheel women.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
National Representative 2014-2015
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 2010-2011
Club Vice President 2009-2010
Club Secretary 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006
District Chairman 2007-2008
National Representative
2013-2014, 2014-2015
Approx 220 members
I, Kathleen Brodrick will offer my experience gained as a member of Inner Wheel for the last 30
years to others in the organisation through the mechanism of the International Board of Inner
I will represent women from all over the world that subscribe to the Inner Wheel ideals of friendship and service in an honest and open manner in the understanding that differences between
women from different parts of the world are superficial and that basically all women have similar
hopes and aspirations.
I will promote the formation of Inner Wheel Clubs by reviewing the entrance qualifications to the
organisation in accordance with the current members wishes so that International Inner Wheel
grows in a climate where all service clubs are dwindling in numbers.
I will, through my own experience spread the word about the benefit of belonging to a worldwide
alliance of women and to promote the formation of Inner Wheel Clubs in all countries. The benefits include;
• Being able to work together with others to make a difference to other people’s lives in one’s
community as well play a part in assisting others in the case of national and international crises.
• Having a group of friends to rally round if needed in a personal crisis.
• Having a group of like minded people with which to celebrate and have fun.
To be able to communicate with women from across the world and gain understanding of their
Together we are stronger.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Board Director 2013-14
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 1989/90, 1999/2000
Club Secretary 1988/89 2004/05, 2005/06. 2006/07
District Chairman 2002/03
District Vice Chairman 2001/02
District Secretary 1995/96, 1996/97, 1997/98
National Representative
2008/09, 2009/10
Approx 3450 members
A member of Inner Wheel for 18 years and founder of my club, I have not hesitated to expeditiously take up posts of
responsibility, initially at district, then at national level for several years.
I am sure that my two years as National Representative and Association's President brought me a good knowledge
of statutes and a solid experience of our Organization.
As a former teacher of science and management techniques, my principal expertise encompasses communication,
the sharing of information, training and new technologies.
I have set up support measures and organized training courses for Chairmen and Club Presidents, as well as press
packs to present and explain the Inner Wheel movement.
I would hope to put this knowledge and know-how at the service of International Inner Wheel, to serve as a conduit
between International Inner Wheel and IW non districted clubs which are often in need of information, communication
and formation..
In my first year as Board Director, I succeed to build good relations with them and I would like to continue this job to
strengthen these contacts and relationship. I would like to encourage these clubs to create new clubs in order to ultimately form coherent districts, capable of successfully undertaking large scale social projects. My goals are to help
them to overcome their difficulties to understand and apply procedures and rules of IIW given in English language.
Having travelled and worked in a number of different countries, my desire to discover and familiarize myself with different cultures and my openness to others are real strengths in making new contacts.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
IIW Board Director 2014/2015
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President founder 1995/96, 1996/97
Club Correspondent 1998/99, 1999/00, 2000/01
District Chairman 2006/07
District Vice Chairman 2005/06
District Extension Chairman or Organiser 2007/08
District Editor 2001/03
National Association President 2011/12, 2012/13
National Association Vice President 2010/11
National Association Editor 2008/09, 2009/10
National Representative
2011/12 2012/13
Immediate Past National Representative 2013/14
Approx 17600 members
I am honoured to be nominated as the GB&I candidate for the position of Board Director for 2015-2016
and the possibility of working within a Team of like-minded and dedicated Inner Wheel members whose
aims are to promote and strengthen our International Organisation.
Our tomorrow’s future is in our hands today and my aim is to ensure that Inner wheel continues to be the
World’s largest Women’s service Organisation, committed to ensuring that women and children in particular have a safe and secure future.
I believe that to grow and retain membership—we must actively promote and market Inner Wheel– we
must identify priorities and needs within our communities—we must be pro-active with our skills to both
lead and collaborate with others from different cultures– we must let our voices be known and heard.
I have a passion, second to none, for Inner wheel and its future. A future in a world of ever changing conflict and environmental pressures where Inner Wheel Members can enjoy the ever important benefits of
Friendship with each other whilst providing compassion and service to those in need.
Combining my skills and knowledge gained at Club, District, Association and National Representative
level, with my experiences from visiting and participating with Inner Wheel around the World, my vision as
a Board member would be to ensure that we do not become the world’s best secret.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 1989-1990, 1998-1999, 2008-2009
Club Vice President 1988-1989, 1997-1998, 2007-2008
Club Treasuer 1995-1997
District Chairman 2001-2002
District Vice Chairman 2000-2001
District Extension Chairman or Organiser 2002-2003
National Association President 2011-12
National Association Vice President 2010/-2011
National Association Treasurer 2008-09, 2009-10
National Association Council Member 2004-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2007
National Representative
Approx USA 538 USA N/D 340
As a member of the Inner Wheel Club of San Leandro, I have made it my mission to encourage the women to be part of the community and the world at large, and quite successfully, I
might add. We have corresponded with many International service Organisers which certainly keeps everyone abreast of the problems and solutions around the world
If elected to be a Board Director I certainly will be willing to work with everyone to achieve our
common goal of true friendship, personal service and international understanding
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 1984-1985
District Chairman 1987-1988, 2002-2003
Vice Chairman 1986-1987
District Editor 2006-2007, 2007-2008
National Association President 2005-2006
National Association Vice President 2004-2005
National Representative
Approx 2020 members
I joined IW in 1998, which became a very important part of my life. Various positions at Club,
District and National Levels enabled me to obtain step by step experience and a through knowledge of our organization. It allowed me to work alongside other members, to enjoy it and to become highly motivated
Among other activities, participation at the Convention in Istanbul, organising the European Meeting in Luxembourg in 2013 and travelling to Benin in 2011 to visit our National Project on educating girls, confirmed my belief that International Exchanges are very important. They make IW
stronger and better.
As Board Director, I would emphasise three keywords: Dreams, Actions, Sharing.
Dreams which allow us a certain reflection about our future objectives and projects. We have to
adapt IW to today’s world while preserving the values of our organization.
Actions. It is essential to have continuous communication at all levels inside IW about what our
organisation stands for and how it functions. Better knowledge inside IW will lead to better transfer of information towards the outer world. We have to continue to put in place International Actions. One of my main interests would be to develop actions against illiteracy of girls and women.
It affects worldwide their daily and future lives.
Sharing our points of view and ideas: “My view is a view, not the one and only view”. IW is
teamwork: listening, being respectful, tolerant and diplomatic. These are all signs of strong
friendship, beyond nationalities, languages and cultures
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Immediate Past President of Council
Immediate Past National Representative
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 2004-2005
Club Vice President 2003-2004
Club Secretary 2002-2003
District Chairman 2009-2010
District Vice Chairman 2008-2009
District International Service Overseas Chairman Organiser 2006-2007, 2007-2008
National Council President/Chairman 2012-2013, 2013-2014
National Council Vice President 2011-2012
National Council Secreatry 2011-2012
National Representative
2012-2013 2013-2014
Approx 3220 members
I became a member of Inner Wheel in 1998.
I have held posts for my club and for my district, and for the whole of Inner Wheel Denmark in my
2 years as National Representative.
In my years as National Representative, I realized what an exceptional organization we are privileged to be members of.
Not only does it give us the possibility of creating a local network, but also of being part of a
global network. And that is, for me, the essence of Inner Wheel. To be part of a women´s network transcending borders, religion, political ideals and cultural differences.
That is why Inner Wheel is such a strong organization. My aim is to let all members feel that they
are members of an international organization, where one´s own club is the base, and where
every single member, by involving herself in the life and work of the club, is by this involvement
shaping the future of Inner Wheel. A modern organization, where there is room for differences,
and where we can look ahead without losing sight of our historic heritage, so that we also in the
future are able to attract new members.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 2003-2004
Club Vice President 2002-2003
District Chairman 2005-2006
District Vice Chairman 2004-2005
District Treasurer 2007-2008, 2008-2009
National Council Chairman/President 2009-2010, 2010-2011
National Council Vice Chairman/Vice President 2008-2009
National Representative
2009-2010, 2010-2011
Approx 1031 members
Board Directors have a key role in expanding the growth of Inner Wheel and sharing experiences across
borders to empower members and enhance their impact on their communities. Team work and coordinated efforts to reach out to various members will put into action our annual Presidential theme and future goals. Happier Futures Initiatives and new membership rules are expanding our objectives of friendship, service and international understanding. In addition, our 90th Anniversary has reflected the global
impact of members’ sustained efforts.
My experience in the service of Inner Wheel for more than 33 years has brought me in close contact
with the needs of underprivileged people in developing countries. Having worked at numerous national
and international levels, I have acquired a deep understanding of how to reach out and help those in
need effectively.
My previous responsibilities as IIW Editor/Media Manager and my role in making Communication an integral part of our organization have widened our horizon to include every corner, remote and close of
our Inner Wheel world. This unique opportunity I had the honor to experience has helped in bringing our
members closer by sharing their impressive achievements and experiences through contributions to our
website, social media and written publications. Multi-media and hands on technology at our fingertips
have bridged many frontiers and are rapidly becoming effective Inner Wheel assets reflecting the modern image of our multi-cultural and diversified membership. This is crucial in promoting our objectives
worldwide and ensuring new generations and global membership growth.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
District Webmaster 2014/15
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 1989/90
Club Vice President 1988/89
Club Secretary 1987/88
Club Correspondent 1982/83, 1983/84, 1984/85
District Chairman 2008/09
District Vice Chairman 1997/98, 2007/08
District Editor 1993/94, 1994/95,1995/96
Egypt & Jordan Webmaster 2000/13
National Representative
2000/01, 2001/02
IIW Editor/Media Manager 2013/14
Approx 1660 members
MORE VISIBLE: through the active use of our new membership rules. An organisation closed to most
women lives in darkness and does not enjoy the positive talk of the town.
STRONGER: through continuity and renewal. I want IIW officers and members both locally and globally
to build our work on the best ideas from our predecessors. At the same time we have to open up to new
impulses. Let us not be private practitioners but work for the best of Inner Wheel.
MORE UNITED: through a clear opinion showing what impact women have in society. This we can do
My vision is of course coloured by my background. I became an Inner Wheel member in 1987 because of our third object: To foster international understanding. It is there, black on white, and no
one so far has questioned its existence. It s an obligation
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 1993/94, 2007/08
Club Vice President 1992/93, 2006/07
Club International Overseas Service Organiser 1991/92
District Chairman 2001/02
District Vice Chairman 2000/01
District 2nd Vice Chairman 1999/00
National Council President 2009/10, 2010/11
National Council Vice President 2007/08, 2008/09
National Council Member 2001/02
National Council International Service Chairman/Organiser 2003/04, 2004/05, 2005/06
2009/10, 2010/11
Approx 900 members
My mission statement focuses on the objects of Inner Wheel
To Promote true friendship, to encourage ideas of personal service and to foster International Understanding
In order to build further the objects of Inner wheel I will focus on the following priorities:Membership & membership development
Members are the key strength of the clubs. My utmost priority would be to attract, induct new Inner Wheel members & retain the existing members through the clubs in both the Districts in Bangladesh.
Also promote new Inner Wheel clubs based on the community need & to encourage women folks to join Inner
Wheel movement.
Basic Education & literacy
In countries like Bangladesh we need to promote basic education & literacy focusing the women folks in order to
create a good family, good society and thereby a good country.
The basic education will also include health & hygiene projects in the community we live.
Promote cooperation with Rotary clubs to do joint projects on child education & basic health & hygiene.
Create Social awareness programme
Gender discrimination, promote equal rights involving women organization.
Environment pollution, promote green environment with environmental organization
Victimised women, Work with Acid survivor foundation
Care for otherwise able people, work with Autism society and national society for disabled.
For International Inner Wheel
I will promote cooperation between Districts both in the country and internationally. Facilitating Joint projects with Inner Wheel Districts in India. Promote among Inner Wheel members in Bangladesh to participate International events like Convention and conferences
I firmly believe that I will be able to add value for the Inner Wheel
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
National Representative 2014-2015
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 2000-2001, 2001-2002
Club Secretary 1999-2000
District Chairman 2011-2012
District Vice Chairman 2010-2011
District 2nd Vice Chairman 2006-2007
District Secretary 2005-2006
District Extension Chairman or Organiser 2008-2009, 2009-2010
District Editor 2004-2005
National Representative
Approx 1730 members
When I became involved with Inner wheel I felt a sense of achievement knowing that my club’s
voluntary contribution was making a difference.
We would all like a better world for our children and grandchildren. Inner Wheel members around
the globe share a dream for a better future. We need to promote our Service to the Community
and our friendship base. To streamline and improve communication we must promote the use of
the generic Gmail for Clubs and Districts. We also need to ensure that the details of all clubs are
available on the International Inner Wheel database.
By offering our support to the IIW President and the Governing Body as we continue to undertake
projects under the theme of “Happier Futures”, we will improve the lives of children and our
vulnerable people. Inner Wheel must strive to raise the profile of our organization by seeking
recognition for our good deeds.
I hope to promote Inner Wheel service while nurturing and encouraging members to take active
participation at all levels. New ideas will be discussed at the IIW Board meetings and strategies
and implementation put in place to move our organization forward.
I enjoy forming close associations with members and will continue to learn about other cultures
and I look forward to making more lifelong friendships.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Immediate Past National Council President
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 1999-2000, 2000-2001,2001-2002
Club Vice President 1998-1999
Club Secretary 2003-2004, 2005-2006
District Chairman 2010-2011
District Vice Chairman 2009-2010
District Second Vice Chairman 2008-2009
District Secretary 2004-2005 2006-2007,2007-2008
District Extension Chairman or Organiser 2011-2012
National Council President 2013-2014
National Council Vice President 2012-2013
National Representative
Approx 3400 members
If afforded the opportunity to become a member of the International Inner Wheel Board, I would
explore and develop positive ideas that may be implemented for the benefit of IIW. I believe in
working cooperatively to steadily build IIW into a stronger, more vibrant and appealing organisation that continues to reflect its aims and objectives.
I would work to maintain strong and effective communication at all levels of Inner Wheel. It is this
communication that will ensure the future of Inner Wheel.
I am especially committed to working towards attracting a younger generation of members, while
ensuring that existing members continue to feel part of the expanding Inner Wheel family. Most
importantly, IIW must always and acknowledge and honour its proud history.
My legal and business experience will assist me in improving strategies for positive development,
striving to have suitable new technologies, and innovation, implemented to refine and steadily
build IIW thereby ensuring its future.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Immediate Past National Council President
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 1999-2000, 2000-2001,2001-2002
Club Vice President 1998-1999
Club Secretary 2003-2004, 2005-2006
District Chairman 2010-2011
District Vice Chairman 2009-2010
District Second Vice Chairman 2008-2009
District Secretary 2004-2005 2006-2007,2007-2008
District Extension Chairman or Organiser 2011-2012
National Council President 2013-2014
National Council Vice President 2012-2013
National Representative
Approx 200 members
My vision for the coming year (or, perhaps two) is to improve the growth of Inner Wheel by
bringing in new younger women to Inner Wheel. Many of us became involved with Inner Wheel
when we were much younger, and getting together with other women our age filled a need in
our social lives. But, today, our younger females have many ways to stay in contact with
friends their own age—use of our new technical toys. So the first thing we need to work on as
a vision for the future, is to find out what our younger ladies are looking for to satisfy their social
How do we find this out? How do we meet these needs that we may be learning about? How
do we introduce today’s younger women in becoming more involved in improving our world?
How do we come up with programs that our younger ladies may become involved in that will
meet our world’s needs today? Taking time to invite younger ladies to attend a meeting, making certain that the meeting they are attending will be more than “business” and may have a
presentation that could be of interest to them, and having a program that is less business, and
more “interesting, fun, social” will be a good start. In other words, we older women have to be
open to “new” ideas.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
National Representative 2014-2015
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 2005-2006
Club Vice President 2004-2005
Club Secretary 2009-2010,2010-2011,2011-2012
District Chairman 2006-2007
District Vice Chairman 2003-2004
International Overseas Chairman Organiser 2008-2009
National Representative
Approx 340 members
Through out my 22 years in Inner Wheel I have seen Inner Wheel is a great organization in
helping women and children . But most of Projects do not have longterm solutions for the
problems .What I beleive is that our first aim should be, to give education to women. We
should persuade each club to have an education Project in their program every year.
If we educate women and children I believe they will be able to find a way to light their own
path and the people around.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 1993-1994
District Chairman 2009-2010, 2010-2011
District Vice Chairman 2001-2002, 2002-2003
District Secretary 2005-2006
District Treasurer 1996-1997
National Representative
2012-2013, 2013-2014
Approx 1850 members
Personal Background
Born high up in the Swiss Alps, I started work as an accountant. Married to Heinrich since 1973, having
two sons, one son now living in Latin America, and one in Spain. My family together with my passion for
NGOs have formed the greatest part of my life. Since 1989, I am working as a treasurer in the tennis
administration of the province Argovia and I am a national delegate for the Swiss tennis administration
since 2001. I like playing tennis and golf, skiing, and travelling.
As a member of Inner Wheel since 1997 I have been working in various roles in Club, District, and National level. Furthermore, I was a member of the 11th Rallye Charlemagne 2010 organisation committee,
in charge as the treasurer. These positions have given me a deep understanding about our organisation
and its value as well as how we should proceed towards the future. It is an honour to be part of the largest women service organisation. My aim is to further deepen our culture as one Inner Wheel family with
understanding and respect for our different backgrounds and culture.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
National Representative 2014-2015
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 2002-2003
Club Vice President 2001-2002
District Treasurer 2008-2009, 2009-2010, 2010-2011
National Representative
2013-2014, 2014-2015
Approx 8700 members
Born Nov 16 1939 in Dortmund Germany. Both my parents were artists. Due to my father’s employment in theatres, we moved frequently. We finally ended up in Muenster Westphalia. Here I
finished school and started to study Art.
After spending a year as an au pair in Lyon, France, I started a formation as Museum Designer
in the Museum of Natural History in Muenster. I worked as such and as a dancer and actress. I
draw and exhibit pictures to this day. I got married to my first gallerist, Claus Steinroetter. We
have a son and adopted four children of friends, who died in an accident. I illustrated more than
30 children’s books, I designed wooden toys and china for children. This year I will republish a
couple of my books and also publish a new one. I support the NGO Herzenswuensche e. V.
Since their foundation in 1992 with all my hear.
Since 2008 I am as much engaged in helping children in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. An Inner Wheel
friend started the MCRC there, which is an NGO helping mothers and children in distress.
My husband and I enjoy our big family, our 5 children and 12 grandchildren by now.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
National Representative 2013-14
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 2006-2007
District Chairman 2009-2010,2010-2011
District Vice Chairman 2008-2009
National Representative
Approx 33,100 members
It is said that some genes run in the blood. With me it is Inner Wheel. It has been thus since I
joined this organisation in 1987. Being an active Inner wheel member for 27 years is still not
enough. We can do much more and will continue to strive hard for the welfare of the under privileged and children.
International Inner Wheel gives us the inspiration through their varied themes, which gives us a
thought for the year and in the bargain we strive to organise projects in every field. I am a firm
believer in Self-Service. I have been doing this for the last 27 years and will continue in the same
Inner Wheel is a platform which binds us all, immaterial which country we belong to. It is being
humanitarian that pulls us together and I definitely would like to be part of this. Being a Board
Director would give me that extra mileage of interacting with others and exchange ideas and
thoughts on establishing Inner Wheel as an identity by itself.
I am confident that given an opportunity, I would continue bringing all Inner Wheel members together and Light the Path of the down trodden and the deserving ones.
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Immediate Past Association President
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 1988-1989
Club Vice President 1994-1995
Club Secretary 1993-1994
Club International Overseas Service Organiser 1987-1988, 2005-2006
District Chairman 1999-2000
District Vice Chairman 1998-1999
District Secretary 1997-1998
District Treasurer 1995-1996
District Extension Chairman or Organiser 2002-2003
District International Overseas Chairman 1996-1997
National Association President 2013-2014
National Association Vice President 2012-2013
National Representative
Approx 620 members
If I am elected as one of the International Inner Wheel Board Directors, I would like to assigned
certain clubs to take care of and keep their members activated about the great organisation of
International Inner wheel
At the same time I hope to contribute towards building the international inner wheel often by organising some meaningful projects to raise funds.
Future vision is to grow International Inner Wheel membership in members and quality through
training of members special alteration will be given to membership “recruitment and retention.”
Present Office held in Inner Wheel
Past Offices held in Inner Wheel
Club President 1995 -1996
Club Vice President 1996-1997,2002-2003
Club Secretary 1994-1995
Club International Overseas Service Organiser 2012-2013
Club Correspondent 2010-2011
District Chairman 2005-2006
District Vice Chairman 2004-2005
District Secretary 1993-1994, 2003-2004
District Extension Chairman or Organiser 2006-2007
National Representative