Page Pour Q^IN^^CITY OF N ^ Y O R K ) THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 1950 B89SSS • South Shore Division, AJC, NEPONSIT- BELLE HARBOR ROCKAWAY PARK Will Attend FEPC Hally Rockaway Composer's Hit Returns Auxiliary Enrolls To Popularity On Wave Of Revivals 100 New Members Center Senior =u League Plans Heart. T h r o b Hop Backing up the recent Civil .The Senior League of the Far Rignts Mobilization in WashingRockaway Jewish Center, one of ton in support of the F E P C m a , the newest and fastest growing bourn oiiore Division ot trie youth organizations of the RockESTIMATE I1D. AI'l'ICOVEM West E n d Unit Reports An American Jewish Congress will Frank Warshaiier, Lifj long Resident, Has Written Many aways, takes over the local social SLITS FOR LIFEGUARDS Increasing Interest I n spotlight on Sunday evening, The Board of Estimate has Mrs. Robert Chapey of 243 Beach 143rd street, to Or. Arnold be represented next 'mesuay ai Popular Songs; Ap|>< (reel As Drummer In Morrison's February 12, by sponsoring a Beach JL35th street, has been ap- Glaubman of Brooklyh, will be i.!j lu^i"v rally to be* held In tin adopted a resolution, recommend K o e k a w a y B c h H o s p i t a l "Heart Throb Hop." The dance |()()th Street Forty Years Ago Theatre On Beach Grand Ballroom of the Henry I..4_J ......... „ .. youthheld on F e b r u a r y 8 at the P a r k pointed chairman of the cd by the Director of the Budget, Hudson Hotel, Manhattan. will take place on the atmospherMarriage C a w c r Committee--«f Inn Hotel, approving an expenditure withInterest in the work of the Mrs. Henry Lazere, president jval of old-time song hits has picked up ic "Candlelight Room" of the cent n e Queens Council of C a t h o l i c The Junior Hadassah and RockThe current wave of r out public letting in an amount Rockaway Beach Hospital is inof South Shore Division, urges ah ter, 1295 Central avenue. Women. I a w a y Park Masada will sponsor a i hit tune of twelve year |go written by Frank Warshauer, well not exceeding $10,017 for the purci easing in the area represented members to attend the rahy ahel The affair shapes up as the of popular tunes. Warshauer V smash chase from Canter and Matlerr. Mrs. E. X. Frlsch will entertain mqvie and dance on Sunday, Febknown Rockaway compos by the West End Auxiliary, it support eltorts to have the bill a meeting of the Belle Harbor r u a r y 5, in Temple Beth-fcl audi' recorded by Sammy Kayo and has the Company of swimming shirts ant was reported at. a meeting of the gayest winter frolic of the Mock-1 song hit, "It Isn't Fair," w Garmden Club a t her homo, 188, torium. , brought before the present sea RCA-Vietor recording fact: a t Camden, N. J., working overtime trunks for use of lifeguards cm group in the West End Temple aways. Artie Wagner and his Beach 146th street, on Friday aft-1 Mr, and Mrs. Melville Marx of sion of Congress. ployed on the various city beach- last^ Friday. The session was well rhythmic orchestra, featuring the to All orders from all part Speakers at the rally will be ernoon, F e b r u a r y 3. i 222 Beach 127th street, will ol> "Moonrise," "Cuban Holiday," es, under the jurisdiction of the attended and Mrs. Frederic E. melodious tones of Leo Croteau country, at the piano, Will furnish the muHubert H, Humphrey, United Mr. a n d Mrs. Martin W, Mar-I serve the 29th anniversary of "Rainy Day Blues," "My Cuban Department of Parks. Hammer, membership chairman, sic for dancing. A star-studded Kayo's "out of this wor) States Senator from Minnesota; tins of 415 Beach 134th street,! their marriage tomorrow. Dream," and "My Rosana," the A report by the Director of the reported that 100 new members bill of entertainment will add to cording of the number has' who a r e a t their winter home in Dr. Joseph I. Weiss of the congressman A d a m C 1 a y t o n other recording companies latter his latest rhumba. "Lima Budget stated that the garments have been enrolled. the festive occasion. Miami, have entertained many West End Temple will address Powell and Congressman Jacob 1 Caravan" recently recorded by specified as "Grantor Ill-visibility" frantic race to get the s Volunteers are needed at the Nelson Wolther, chairman ci Rockaway neighbors, the Rockaway Section Qf the Na- Javits of New York, Shad Poller, Lenny Herman, may soon make J can be furnished only by the Can- ' - ' ^ o t a l to work in the stockwax with their top arti the social committee, is hopeful The Ladies Auxiliary of the Lt, tional Council of Jewish Women vice-president of the American cording to Nick Kenny, no its debut. "Dinah Leo From Ten- , ter and Mattern Company, manu- rooms and take care of supplies, of having a huge turnout at the Bernard H. Wiener Post, JWV, at its meeting in tho Commodore Jewish Congress; Norman Atkins nessee" recorded by Kate Smith facturer and owner of the patent Mrs. Alice Heyman, president, an-, dance which will be set up j umnist. The n u m b e r is oi n will sponsor a card and man Hotel on F e b r u a r y 6. His topic well known entertainer, and a is one of his favorite records. I rights. This fabric is designed to nounced. Women wishing to vol- elaborate cabaret style. large collection of hit host of others prominent in the jongg p a r t y on Washington's will be "Jewish Woman's Future Daughter Now Helps | be more visible, particularly un- unteer ior this service were askWarshauer has written entertainment world. Birthday night a,t the Del Mar! Role." der beach condition's, than ordi- ed to contact her. Warshauer is a member of the his lifelong residence < STORY If^ 1 "" 'WMORKOW Hotel. I Mr. and Mrs. SI Colton of the nary fabrics, The use of a small American Society of Composers Rockaways, Mrs. E t t a Kay reported on t h e ! Jf <» AT BEACH LIMIARY Abe Engel of Beach 138th Harbor dress shoppe, 188 Beach Far Rockaway Man To Wed and Publishers known to the ! number of similar suits during Umu'u Jiospnai Fund campaign,! A story . u u r tor children will Played At Morrison' street, who, with Mrs, Engel, i s ' 116th street, left Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Warshauo! who trade as the ASCAP. His daugh- ; the 1949 season proved satisfacto- and Mrs. E. Sacks, chairman of bo held a t the Rockaway Beach On a vacation a t Miami Beach, j Florida where they will spend a Washington Resident ter," Rose Virginia, now helps him ry. The Park Department ha* j the ways and means committee, Branch of the Queens Borough Ireet, Harry Waldstreicher, son of live at 211 Beach 91st writes t h a t the weather has been j brief vacation by writing lyrics for his tunes. ! adopted this type of suit as the. | reported on plans for fund-raising Public Library, 8002 Boulevard,* good, business not so good, but Charles E. Kinsrie was elected Mr. and Mrs, Abraham Waldstrei- have been Intimately cor Icted The latest is "In Love Willi You," I standard of all lifeguards. i to purchase equipment for the on Friday at 4^).m. Mrs. Decinia the he enjoys the scenery on tho president of the Rockaway Park cher, owners df tho Victoria bake with the development which he hopes to have published J hospital. Mis. Heyman urged the LaForge, librarian, will tell two beach. Business Men's Association at •<: shop, 1021 Beach 20th street, F a r Rockaways for many year iWar- shortly. Rose Virginia was graduI members to support the efforts Oriental fairy tales from the hook Dr. and Mrs. Robert Cordis ro« meeting held Monday night in Rockaway,'will be married Febru- shauer himself appeared 4 fears ated from F a r Rockaway High P a r k HuriusHuh S e e k s made to proviaq needed equip- "Demons and Dervishes.' i»y turned on Tuesday from a south- the Bank of Manhattan Building. ary 20, to Miss Mollie Kolker of ago as a drummer at the o I Mor- School and attended the Ann I M I I H I S t o p A l i y u h ment for the hospital and to in- Phyllis Fenner. The stories are al Washington, D. C. The wedding rison Theatre which st ern vacation. Dr. Cordis will occuReno Toachers Training School. | Mrs. Myra Fox, Youth Aliyah terest their neighbors in the "Sir Buzz" by Flora A. Steel, mrl 'Miss Helaine Marx, a student will take place in Manhattan. Mr. Beach 100th street and the >anpy t h e pulpit in Temple Ecth-El at Temple University, Philadel- Waldstreicher has resided in the front. Since then he has |ayed Her piano playing helps her fa- chairman of Rockaway Park work of the organization. "Women's Wit" by Howard p y !e. tomorrow evening, phia, arrived at her home today Rockaways for about four years in the St, Regis and Comr; Sdore ther in composing. The couple Chapter of Hadassah, has reArthur Allen, superintendent j Jacob Goldberg, realtor, of 120to spend the mid-semester recess and attended N.Y.U. He served Hotels among others, wi (Paul have two other daughters, Mrs. ceived contributions for the youth of the hospital, gave a talk, emREPAIRS AT IJIIS PARK 10 Boulevard, left for a month's Malcolm Klein and Madeline Warwith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. of Israel, but says a great deal phasizing the fad that while the] A request from Parle Commis| Whiteman, Tommy Dorse and four years In tho Army. vacation a t Miami Beach this shauer, both of whom graduated Melville' Marx of 222 Beach 127th more money is needed to support hospital is a voluntary institusioner Robert Moses for approval* i Jimmy Dorsey, and at the Ulanweek from F a r Rockaway High School. the needy children of Israel, It stu tion it does a large amount of of an expenditure of $668,97, been ppstponod (o a date to be tic Beach Club. He d r u m n for Stella Maris Commercial High' Jftrcet. She will return to her costs $600 a year for tho suporl charity work and cares lor out F e b r u a r y ddies , e s oon n Mrs. Warshauer is a violinist without public letting for extra j the late George M. Cohan i some announced. School will hold commencement H ' b i u a i y o. of each child and the m.lnyan plan patients. He said that reports had and is well known for her apwork in exxeess of the five per-j Cub Pack 81 of St. Francis de Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beehler of of his hit tunes. exercises in St, Camillus Hall on is now in full swing. | boon circulated that the hospital pearances in Arion Hall, where Sales Church, of which William 413 Uracil 129th street are the ) Warshauer recalls the J cent of contract price in connecSunday afternoon, Minyan means a group of peo- does not perform Junctions. tion with six contracts appi )ved she frequently played for the J, Norton is Cubmastcr, will visit parents of a son born at Rock- j vaudeville artists who a p | William H. Reynolds of Beach the Beach station house on SaturRockaway Beach Hospital so- ple who make a pledge toward away Beach Hospital on Sunday. I at Morrison's including F, A skit titled "A Day In the by the Board of Estimate on Jan» 142nd street, h a s been appointed day morning. the $000 needed for housing and cials. Her family owned Klein's The Rockaway Civic Club will gliay and Van and Sch< Rockaway Beach Hospital," was nary 1,'i for bathhouse, etc.. at chairman of the Queens Heart the basic needs for the children's restaurant formerly located in A United World Federalist hold its annual meeting and elec- j one time Morrison's was r presented by a group of mem- Jacob Rlis Park, was referred by campaign for $750,000. maintenance. A letter is being Seaside. bers and was well received.'Tak- the board to the Director of the A reception in honor of the en- meeting scheduled for February tion ot officers next Monday eve- j a level with the Palace % sent to each Hadassah member In answer to the question he is ing part were Helen Edwards, Budget. | in Manhattan for top ilig g a g e m e n t of Miss Adele Fetter of 6 at the West End Temple, has ning at the Commodore.Hotel explaining the minyan plan, tofrequently asked about a drumSidney Kuller, certified public . cleville performers. Marjorie Bornst.ein, Ann Herman,] mer who composes melodies,! gether with a pledge card. In this Sylvia Lipshie, Sid Senior, Alice accountant of 516 Beach 135th j Warshauer started play Warshauer simply points to t h e , way all members can feel that Heyman, Lillian Piteaithly. Elsie S p e a k e r T o D i s c u s s W o r l d strcel. is enjoying a two weeks' j drums .when he was flveycf famous Irving Berlin' who plays they have played part in saving Scher, v Gertrude Tullis, Lenore vacation in Miami. G o v e r n m e n t Movement I and appeared with pinto'" no music and picked out his tunes the life of some child. The more Zelondek and Etta Kay. Rockaway Section of the Na- phony Orchestra as the ycj Next Wednesday evening, Mrs. with one linger on the piano be- children Hadassah saved and tional Council of Jewish Women drummer in t h e city. Mi Lewis Bandler of 13416 Cronston fore he rose to fame and em- sends to a normal life in Israel.! is planning a paid-up membership as a drummer increased avenue, will entertain a home ployed a pianist to assist him. I the happier- all can be. luncheon to be held Monday aft- and he took to writing m meeting to introduce her friends Warshauer plays chords on the] ernoon, March 6. S. C. Fazio, Jr. Graduates and neighbors to the World GovSpecialist in Remodeling an early ago, He wrote a r: piano sufficiently well to enable The Parents Association of Pub- called "The Valentino T ernment movement. A speaker Mr. and Mrs. Mel Marx Plan From Miami University mm to compose his songs. lic School 43, will sponsor a musi- Tout Mon Amour," for th Expert in Persians. Cold from the United World federal Double Celebration Many local friends will be ists, New York State Speakers Warshauer hopes that the curcal show on Wednesday evening, screen lover in 192G shoi Storage. Always Stock on rent revival of old-time favorites Mr. and Mrs. Melville Marx of pleased to learn that S Chester Bureau, will lead the discussion February 8, a t the Park Inn Ho- fore his death. Hand. All Kinds of Furs. will carry with it some of the 222 Beach 127th street will cele- Fazio, Jr., is to be graduated next and answer questions. tel. / Among his hit. tunes! newer songs he is ready to marbrate the 29th anniversary of week from Miami University at /ere ket and has a collection of manu- their wedding by being hoxis at Oxford, Ohio. He plans to remain m www scripts from which he carefully an Oneg Shabbath which will fol- at Oxford to work for his Mas84-07 Rockaway Beach Blvd. selects the best to submit to the low the evening service at the ter's degree. Mr. Fazio is the son j MERCHANTS publishers. Rockaway Beach, N. Y. West End Temple tomorrow. The of S. Chester Fazio, former R o c k ! WISE celebration will also be in appre- aWay Beach Hospital superln- '• aOtli St. and BLVD. I.II i mini ii inn Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zeitlin of ciation for the recovery of their tendent, and Mrs. Fazio, who will Adverti:e! •HEACH'M6ihST. ami IIOAKD U K 160 Beach 110th street, are vaca- daughter, Mrs. Been Schoenthal, travel to Oxford this week-end to I I), t i l t H• r bMr 3 - I 6 7 ! Friday and Saturday, Jan. 27-28 • SB j I'M TliTiifc j from a serious illness. j attend the ceremony. tioning in Florida. u I "TELL I t TO "TH* JUDGtE" Thing.. Fri., Sat., Vat Rosalind Russell and Milton Berlo lt ^ J w \ f k J b 2.117 Church Avenue, Robert Cummlngs ALWAYS LEAl IK - • - also /% W r ^ • • ' Brooklyn. THEM LAUGH] "BIG WHEEL" U ^ t Bl ekmlnster 4-8615 Mickey Rooney '•« - - also — Shirley Temple a | f l JF o/l N NO UNCRS Sunday and Monday, Jan. 29-30 Barry FltzgeraluT "ROSEANMA McCOY" Tho, S t o r y oj Farley Granger * Joan Evans LEHRER'S FUR SHOP BEIIe Harbor 5-4.W> \ ^ Gorgeous Spring • N Hats - - also "DANGEROUS PROFESSION" George Raft THAI* Frame Your Face In Ei W Lovliness Sun., Mon., Tues., Jatf 29-31 t a r r y Parks ii , J o l t t o n S i n g s Af in » : — also — Selected Sliorl Tuesday (I Day), January 3lst "SONS OF ADVENTURE" TWENTY-FIVE YEARS Russell llayderi • Lynn Roberts - - ~ also " S H A D O W O F A DOUBT" Free Dishes Today EXPERIENCE Scientific and Specific 41 •*•"* D A Y b Beginning Wed., Febijjiry 1 •luiie Haver ii Wed. and Thurs., February 1-2 A. S# R o s e n s t e i n , D.C* OH, YOU BEAirAlJL DOLL CAIL.C Douglas Fairbanks, »Ir. and Maria Montez - T- - also ""* "" * PALMER METHOD CHIROPRACTOR /»»'"' :»t also DennlB O'Keefe "THE LOST MOMENT" - Abandoned Free Dishes Thursday Neurocalometer and Analyte Service i Seahiscuit that we are Now Open 7 Days a Week! IIWIIIilUMHinWMplWWMII 124-16 BOULEVARD, Corner BEACH 125th STREET Mon., Wed., Fri.. 10 to 12 A.M. 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 P.M. or Call BEIIe Harbor 5-6615 BERNSTEIN'S Dbf%J^*9 • fallal «# Where Food Is a t Its Best. n touted C H I R O P R A C T I C toa,\ m c ^ u / ^ Luncheonette • Soda Foul mn A i r - C o n d i t i o n|_ DELICATESSEN Where a Sandwieh is a F e | Now Offers t h e F a m o u s ANN MORRIS CHOCOLATE! In boxes; alno bidk CHOOSE YOUR OWN ASSORTMENT to he Individually Packed * Now COLD BEER on or off premises 14.5-11 NepotiHii Avenue (Nepoiisitf IjJI. Telephone BEIIe Harbor 5-3027 Deliveries Made Enywhere in the Roekawayl And The Price Is Right! \tV Make O u r O w n STOR! Open Saturday, from 8 a,m. to I p.j * HARBOR BAKE SHOP Joseph Wahlslreieher, Prices Subject to. Change Without Notice 183 Beach 116th Street WE DELIVER Prompt Delivery Throughout the Rockaways Id. Brartch Storesj 55-09 Edgemere Blvd. - 56-27 Edgemere Untitled Document ill All S t y l e s a n d F l a v o r * EXCLUSIVE AT HARBO'K BAK,E SHOP ! Califs Decorated with Party Favors • Special Candle Decorations for Children\s Rirthdays • Graduation Parties - And Other Special Occasions BEIIe Harbor 5-7707 .; . i ICK CREAM CAKES Entirely SPECIAL CAKES FOR ALL OCCASIONS 431 BEACH 129th STREET FRESH FISH DAILY Telephone: BEIIe Harbor 5-3990 •^ for O u r OUR BAKING on ihe Premises M. J. DONNELLY CO, PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS I 15*06 Beach Channel Drive Rockaway Park, N. Y. Waleh DAILY SPECIALS 129th Street Shopping Centir YOUR DREAM KITCHEN IS A YOUN(;STOWN KITCHEN U Make* the 'Difference •)•> IH D o n e M"L IOf': L ,\ "OUAIJTY I L U I U , . . ^ ^ •...!•;!-.-• u : - ,.*',*.:• Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 . r . - \ • ' j | , i: Prop. Rockaway Park, N. Y. Tel. BEIIe Harbor 5-4516 \
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