2009 LifeWay Worship Leadership Conference June 29–July 3

LifeWay Worship 2009
Leadership Conference
June 29–July 3
Ridgecrest, North Carolina
A word of welcome
A word of welcome
from the director of LifeWay Worship
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the beautiful mountains of Ridgecrest! All year long, we at LifeWay Worship
eagerly anticipate the days we will have here with you! Thank you for sacrificing your time
and resources to join us in this memorable week together.
I’d like for you to take just a moment and think back to those special moments you’ve had,
whether in choir or congregational worship, singing great songs and hymns of the faith. Got
it? Now, let me ask you: was there one person in particular you loved to stand beside as you
were singing? Mine has always been my wife, Teresa, with an honorable mention going to my
Dad, who could throw down a pretty mean bass line.
Recently, however, I saw something in Hebrews 2 that changed my mind (sorry Teresa!) about
my favorite voice to harmonize with during congregational singing. Verse 12 reads “I will
proclaim Your name to my brothers; I will sing hymns to You in the congregation.” The incredible
thing about this verse is that the person talking is Jesus Himself! Did you get that? Jesus sings
with us in our worship!
So, while I am absolutely going to enjoy singing with you as we worship Jesus on this
mountain, your voice is not really the one I want to hear. I want to hear Jesus sing. In the
classes and the Bible studies; when Kirk Kirkland is leading our corporate times of worship;
as Dr. Don Wilton opens the Word of God; in those quiet moments of reflection in the prayer
garden or on a hiking trail, let’s all resolve to listen to the most important voice of all—the
One who has the power to change our hearts.
Let’s all listen to Jesus sing. And if we do, none of us will ever be the same.
I Love You All!
Mike Harland
Mike Harland
Conference Director
Originally from Corinth, Mississippi,
Mike is a 1984 graduate of Delta State
University where he played baseball and
graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in
Music. After college Mike entered New
Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
and later graduated with a Master of
Church Music degree. Having served on
staff in churches located in Mississippi,
Louisiana, and Texas, Mike joined LifeWay in May, 2005, where
he serves currently as Director of LifeWay Worship. Mike and his
wife have three children—Lee, Elizabeth, and John—and make
their home in Franklin, Tennessee.
table of contents
Schedule at a Glance (NEW!)
General Information
Evening Features
10–11 Campus Maps
Centrifuge Schedule
12–13 Faculty and Staff
14–26 Class Descriptions
Don Wilton
Conference Pastor
Having served as Senior Pastor of the
First Baptist Church of Spartanburg,
South Carolina, for 16 years, Don also
serves as President of The Encouraging
Word broadcast ministry and is the
published author of many books,
manuals, articles, and reviews. A
frequent speaker for the Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association, Don is also in demand as a guest or
speaker for many other Christian events. Don and his wife,
Karyn, have three grown children: Rob and his wife, Annabeth,
and grandchild, Bolt; son Greg and his wife, Abby; and daughter
Shelley, in college.
Kirk Kirkland
Worship Leader
Kirk has been living his passion as a
songwriter, concert artist, studio singer,
and worship leader for more than 15
years. He’s been writing for his own
publishing company since 2002, and
since 1999, has led Evidence Ministries,
a concert ministry that has brought
him to stages nationally and around
the world. He serves currently as Minister of Music and Worship
at Judson Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennesssee. Kirk has
been married to his wife, Julianne, since March of 1999. They
currently reside in Nashville.
Class Schedule
Tuesday–Friday, 6:45–8:15 a.m.
Tuesday–Thursday, 11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
General Session
SP Auditorium
Class Schedul
Conference Children’s Choir/JS Azalea C
Tuesday–Thursday, 8:00–9:30 a.m.
Monday–Thursday, 4:30–6:30 p.m.
Conference Orchestra/DW 1–3
Tuesday, 9:00–9:50 a.m.
Wednesday & Thursday, 8:00–9:50 a.m.
Conference Choir/RH 1–3
Tuesday–Thursday, 6:00–6:55 p.m.
Wednesday, 3:00–3:55 p.m.
Auditioned Handbell Choir/SP 2
Tuesday–Thursday, 1:00–1:50 p.m.
SP Auditorium
Closing Worship (NEW!)
Friday, 9:00 a.m.
Conference Children’s Choir
Handbell Choir
Conference Choir and Orchestra
Evening Features
Morning Worship
Tuesday–Thursday, 10:00–11:30 a.m.
SP Auditorium
7:00–9:00 p.m.
South Carolina/SP5
RH 5-6
SP 2
Praise Team, Tech Team, One Team
SP 5
PS Moving to Learn
YC Do-Re-Mi
OC Living as a Child of the King
JS 3 A-D
JS 2 A-D
JS 1 A-D
The Key to God’s Heart, Part I
Praying for My Husband
The Worship Project Overview
JS Azalea B
JS Azalea A
Piano Repertoire
Organ: Spice Up Your Registration
RH 7-8
SP Auditorium
Choosing and Using the Right Keyboard
Intro to Finale
SP 5
ML 1-4
YC/OC How Firm a Foundation
JS Azalea C
Small Church: Worship Beyond Words
Who I Lead: People
WorshipMap™ Pro
The Servant Principle
Seeds: Family Worship
I Want to Be Blessed
Bass Bell Techniques, Part I
JS Holly D
JS Holly A-B
JS Azalea A
JS Holly E
JS Holly G
SP 2
Basics of Songwriting
Finale Application
Sound Reinforcement 101
PS Using Movement to Teach Music
YC/OC Put a Hymn in Their Hearts
JS Holly F
ML 1-4
JS 3 A-D
JS Azalea C
Florida/JS Azalea B
Developing a Keyboard Team
Level 1-2 Ringers
Check-in Begins
Small Church: How Firm a Foundation
How I Lead: Skills and Attitudes
Copyright and My Church
Conducting 101
JS Holly D
JS Holly A-B
JS Azalea A
ML 5
Handbell Choir Auditions
SP 2
Praise Band: How Do They Do That?
Song Analyzation Lab
Starting and Maintaining a Drama Ministry
Worship Tech: Speakers
DW 5-7
JS Holly F
SP 4
Reading Session—LifeWay
Registration for Orchestra
RH 1-3
DG 1-3
Reading Session—Multi-Publisher
RH 1-3
CMS Reading Session
JS 1 A-D
State Fellowships
Monday following Evening Features
JS Holly C
Seven Words of Worship, Part I
Leading a Student Choir
Worship Tracks
Worship Leadership
Worship Arts
Worship Tech
Seven Words of Worship, Part III
Student Choir: What Will They Sing?
Retirement Planning
Arranging and Composition
Essentials for Every Organist
Level 2-3 Ringers
Creative Movement
Yamaha: Basics of Improvisation
PS Exploring Activities
YC The Spiritual Priority
OC Take My Voice & Let Me Sing
JS Holly C
RH 4
RH 7-8
RH 5-6
SP 2
JS Holly H
SP 5
JS 3 A-D
JS 2 A-D
JS 1 A-D
Seven Words of Worship, Part V
Student Choir: You Did What?
Retirement Planning (Repeated)
Keyboard: Creating Effective Transitions
Level 3-4 Ringers
JS Holly C
RH 4
RH 7-8
SP 2
Recording 101: CD Projects to Podcasting
PS Making Minutes Count
YC A Few of My Favorite Things
OC Keeping Them Coming
SP 5
JS 3 A-D
JS 2 A-D
JS 1 A-D
The Key to God’s Heart, Part II
Growing Your Garden
The Worship Project Overview (Repeated)
Small Church: All for One—One for All
Why I Lead: Calling & Passion
The Ministry Principle
Seeds: Partnering with Families
Piano, Organ, Synth: Keyboards in One A’chord
Songwriting: Submit for Review
Creative Movement (Repeated)
Musical Production: Doing a Lot with a Little
Music Tech for Modern Worship
Intro to Finale (Repeated)
Mic and Monitor Techniques
YC/OC Wonderful Words of Life
What to Do with Combined Choirs JS Azalea B
JS Azalea A
JS Holly D
JS Holly A-B
JS Holly E
JS Holly G
SP Auditorium
The Key to God’s Heart, Part III
Marriage, Children, Ministry
The Worship Project Overview (Repeated)
JS Azalea B
JS Azalea A
Organ Repertoire
RH 5-6
Music Tech for Modern Worship (Repeated)
Finale Application (Repeated)
Video Editing for Every Church
YC/OC: Worthy of Worship
SP 5
ML 1-4
JS Azalea C
Reading Session—LifeWay
Seeds: Building Family Worship Time
Proverbs 31 Woman
RH 1-3
JS Holly G
More Than Four Songs & a Special
When I Lead: Priorities & Schedules
WorshipMap™ Pro (Repeated)
The Team Principle
Seeds: Leading Music for Family Worship
Be Still, Walk Worthy: Psalm 23:2
The Organ in Contemporary Worship
Bass Bell Techniques, Part II
Songwriting Lab
Acoustics, Sound, Video, Lighting
JS Holly D
JS Holly A-B
JS Azalea A
JS Holly E
JS Holly G
SP Auditorium
SP 2
JS Holly F
YC/OC Creativity for the Kingdom
PS/YC/OC Choir on a Shoe String Budget
JS Azalea C
Small Church: The Danger in Drinking from Firehoses
Where I Lead: Environment & Culture
Copyright and My Church
Seeds: Make Scripture Your Own
Choral Conducting—Masters
How Do They Do That? (Repeated)
Songwriting Lab (Repeated)
Musical Production: From Good to Excellent
Video Projection
JS Holly D
JS Holly AB
JS Azalea A
JS Holly G
ML 5
DW 5-7
JS Holly F
SP 4
Reading Session—Multi-Publisher
RH 1-3
Dovetail Musicals Reading Session
JS 1 A-D
Seven Words of Worship, Part II
Keyboard: Utilizing Student Musicians in Church
RH 7-8
Organ: Is It Sunday Again?
RH 5-6
EasyWorship: From E to Z
SP 4
PS Matching Pitches & Singing
JS 3 A-D
YC Rhythmic Response
JS 2 A-D
OC Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
JS 1 A-D
RH Rhododendron
JS Johnson Spring
JS Holly F
JS Holly H
SP 4
SP 5
ML 1-4
JS Azalea C
JS 2 A-D
DW Dogwood
Seven Words of Worship, Part IV
Improvisation for the Church Musician
RH 7-8
Organ: How Do I Do That?
RH 5-6
EasyWorship—From E to Z (Repeated)
SP 4
PS Speaking Bible Phrases
JS 3 A-D
YC Play, Plan, Prepare, Practice
JS 2 A-D
OC Presenting the Royal Instruments
JS 1 A-D
ML Mt. Laurel
JH Jim Henry Auditorium
SP Spilman
EH Exhibit Hall
General Information
LifeWay Worship
Leadership Conference
is sponsored by
Gate Hours
Campus Groups
There is 24-hour access to the campus
through the main gate.
Conference Choir
LifeWay Worship
Mike Harland, Director
Medical Services
LifeWay Christian Resources
of the Southern Baptist Convention
Dr. Thom Rainer, President
Mission-St. Joseph Hospital
(Trauma Center)
The Conference Choir is open to all
conferees and will lead in selected
morning worship times and Friday’s
closing worship session. Rehearsal
is Tuesday and Thursday at
6:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 3:00 p.m.
in Rhododendron 1–3. The group is
directed by Mike Harland.
LifeWay Church Resources
John Kramp, Vice-President
Hospital Emergency Room Services
509 Biltmore Avenue
Asheville, N.C. 28801
Open 24 hours, 7 days a week
Registration Information
Other Facilities
Program and registration fees are
charged to help provide the funds
needed to maintain facilities, faculty,
and ensure the quality of other services
at the level we have come to expect
at Ridgecrest. Conference name tags
should be worn at all times. Only people
wearing a gold registrant’s name tag
will be admitted to classes. Those with
orange name tags may attend General
Sessions (Morning Worship and Evening
Features only).
Family Care
Registration Desk Hours
7:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m.
Cashier Services 7:00 a.m.–10:30 p.m.
11:00 a.m.
Conference Office
727 U.S. Highway 70
Black Mountain, N.C. 28711
Open Mon.–Thurs., 8:00 a.m. to
7:00 p.m.; Fri. 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
Sat. 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Dining Options
Dining Room Hours
6:45 a.m.–8:15 a.m.
11:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.–6:30 p.m.
Nibble Nook
8:00 p.m.–11:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. –4:00 p.m.
(Ice Cream Only) 8:00 p.m. –11:00 p.m.
The Conference Office is located in
Clouds Coffee Shop
Spilman 1. Hours are:
1:30 p.m.–5:00 p.m.
Tues. and Thurs.
7:30–9:45 a.m. 8:00 p.m. –11:00 p.m.
12:30–3:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m.
Wed. 7:30–9:45 a.m.; 12:30–2:00 p.m.
Lost and Found
Check at the main Registration Desk in
Pritchell Hall for Lost and Found items.
LifeWay Christian Store
9:30 a.m.–7:00 p.m.
9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m.
Quiet Time
Ridgecrest has set 11:30 p.m.
to 6:00 a.m. as a quiet time for
all conferees.
Ridgecrest’s Centennial Eatery
2:00 p.m. –11:00 p.m.
11:00 a.m. –11:00 p.m.
Hours subject to change—times posted
on entrance door.
Conference Student Choir
Student Choir is for all students and
will be under the direction of Centrifuge
staffer Carla Edmonson. No audition
required. This group will meet in the
ARC-Centrifuge Worship Center and
prepare a variety of music to perform
Thursday evening.
Conference Children’s Choir
Directed by David Guy, the Conference
Children’s Choir is for all children who
have completed grades 3–6. Rehearsals
are in Azalea C (Johnson Spring),
Tuesday–Thursday from 8:00–9:30 a.m.
They will prepare a variety of music to
present in Friday morning’s service. No
audition is necessary. Information and
sign up will be Monday evening during the
parents’ meeting (6:15 p.m., Spilman 5).
Conference Orchestra
The conference orchestra is open to
those who have completed the 9th grade
or higher with experience in concert
orchestra and concert band instruments.
Paul Gilchrist will lead all of the sessions
in which we will prepare music to be
used in morning worship services and
evening performances. Rehearsals
are Tuesday morning 9:00–9:50 and
Wednesday and Thursday from 8:00–9:50
a.m. in Dogwood 1–3. Instrumentalists
are asked to bring their own instruments.
Conference Handbell Choir
The Conference Handbell Choir is an
auditioned group that will rehearse
each day at 1:00 p.m. in Spilman 2.
Auditions will be held beginning at 3:00
p.m. Monday afternoon in Spilman 2.
Purchase your handbell packet in the
LifeWay Christian Store on campus.
The group is under the direction of
Christine Anderson.
Dress Code
Preschool is provided for children
between the ages of birth through
completion of kindergarten. The
Preschool faculty will be trained and will
teach the LifeWay Sunday School and
TeamKid curricula, allowing a spiritual
dimension to learning and play times.
Preschool children may be enrolled
outside on the breezeway of the second
floor of Pritchell during conference
registration. The Preschool staff is
ready to receive children 15 minutes
prior to each conference, and requests
that children are picked up within 15
minutes after the conference or worship
sessions end.
Centrifuge is a discipleship camp
providing an environment for lifechange. Because we believe ministry
takes place best in the context of
relationships, the Centrifuge model
is founded upon small-group Bible
study led by quality staffers. These
staffers also provide team-building
recreation, special-interest track times,
and powerful worship. Through these
elements, staffers invest in the lives of
campers. You will meet together in the
evening with other youth who came with
their parents to share and debrief the
day and grow together.
LifeWay Ridgecrest Conference Center
is a Christian conference center. Guests
are expected to dress reflecting a
Christian example. Parents and church
leaders are responsible for the dress of
the conferees they bring.
Preschool Hours
Parents of students should attend the
Parents’ Meeting Monday at 6:00 p.m.
in Spilman 5. Students will register for
Centrifuge at the Parents’ Meeting as
YWP (youth with parent).
8:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m.
1:00–5:00 p.m. (Tues./Thur.)
1:00–3:00 p.m. (Wed.)
6:00 p.m.–9:00 p.m. (Mon.; Tues.; Thur)
No child care Wednesday evening.
9:00 a.m.–10:00 a.m. Fri.
Day Camp
Day Camp is provided for children who
have completed grades 1 through 6.
Children may be enrolled outside on
the breezeway of the second floor of
Pritchell during conference registration.
The Day Camp staff is ready to receive
children 15 minutes prior to the
beginning of each conference period,
and requests that children are picked up
within 15 minutes after the conference
or worship sessions end. Day Camp
children will need additional money for
ice cream and slushies one or two days
during the week.
Day Camp Hours
8:00 a.m.–11:30 a.m. (1st/2nd grade)
8:00 a.m.–9:30 a.m. Conference
Children’s Choir (3rd–6th grade)
9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. (3rd–6th grade)
1:00–5:00 p.m. (Tues./Thur.)
1:00–3:00 p.m. (Wed.)
6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. (Mon.; Tues.; Thur.)
No day camp Wed. evening.
Parents’ Meeting
Parents of preschoolers and children
should attend the Parents’ Meeting
Monday at 6:15 p.m. in Spilman 5.
eneral Information
Smile! You May Be on
GuideStone Office, Rhododendron
first floor
Office hours: 8:00 a.m.–12:00 noon;
1:00 p.m.–3:00 p.m.
Johnny Ross, GuideStone State
Representative, NC
LifeWay will be audio- or videotaping
and photographing this event. You may
be filmed, recorded, or photographed
individually or as part of an audience.
By your attendance, you are granting
permission to be audio or videotaped
or photographed for commercial
purposes, and you are agreeing to
the following: being recorded, filmed,
videotaped, or photographed by any
means; commercial or any other use
of your likeness, voice, and words
without compensation; specifically
waiving all rights of privacy during
the videotaping, filming, recording, or
photographing; and releasing LifeWay
Christian Resources from liability
for loss, damage, or compensation
for the commercial or other use of
your likeness, image, voice, or words;
compliance with all rules and regulation
of LifeWay for this event.
Morning Worship
State Fellowships
Worship services are held daily at 10:00
a.m. in Spilman Auditorium. Messages
are brought by Dr. Don Wilton with
worship led by Kirk Kirkland.
You are invited! State Fellowships are a
time for you to connect with the worship
and music leadership at the convention
and network with other ministry leaders
from your state.
Parents’ Meeting
GuideStone Financial
Tennis courts, sand volleyball, softball
field, Frisbee golf, a basketball gym,
and a putt-putt course—all of these
and more are located at the recreation
area on the hill above the nature trail.
Equipment can be checked out from the
recreation shack. Take a hike on one
of several hiking trails. Trail maps can
be picked up at the front desk. If you
enjoy fishing, a small lake for fishing is
located above the tennis courts. Fishing
equipment can be rented from the
recreation shack.
South Carolina
Mark Powers, State Music Leader
Monday after Evening Feature
Spilman 5
Terry Williams, State Music Leader
Monday after Evening Feature
Johnson Spring Azalea B
General Information
7:00 p.m. Spilman Auditorium
Evening Features
Florida Men’s Worship Choir & Orchestra
Worship Pastors, Ministers of Music, Senior Pastors, and
musically talented laymen from the four corners of Florida
come together to make up the 135 members of the Florida
Men’s Worship Choir & Orchestra. The group was founded as
the Florida Baptist Singing Men in 1967 under the direction of
Paul Bobbitt, and is now led by Terry W. Williams, Director,
Church Music Department, Florida Baptist Convention.
They were the featured USA choir for the International Church
Music Festival in Bern, Switzerland in 1997 and again in 2002,
this time in Coventry, England.
In 2006 they journeyed to Sydney, Australia, where they performed
in the Sydney Opera House, as well as other venues throughout the city. In addition, they combined this opportunity with
a trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, where they were the featured guest artists for the grand opening and dedication of the
First Baptist Church of Kuala Lumpur.
The Florida Men’s Worship Choir & Orchestra concerts are a great opportunity for fellowship, networking, spiritual
renewal, and excellence through music and worship.
Seeds Family Worship led by Jason Houser
Jason Houser is an award-winning music writer and producer, working with some
of today’s most popular Country and Contemporary Christian artists. He’s also on
staff as a worship leader at Harpeth Community Church in Franklin, Tenn. He is
passionate about helping families get into God’s Word and teaching children how
to have a real walk with Jesus Christ through Seeds Family Worship. Jason leads
worship in churches all over the nation.
Luke Garrett
Luke Garret’s songs have been included in a variety of choral releases
offered by LifeWay Worship. Most recently, he collaborated with Mike
Harland to create God Bless America Again, the highly acclaimed 2008
release from LifeWay Worship. He has served on the music staff of First
Baptist Church, Dallas. While there he began a recording agreement
with Home Sweet Home Records (distributed by Word) in 1986. He has
sung for every president since Reagan, various denominational national
conventions, state conventions, evangelism conferences as well as for the
local church, various charities, and prison ministries.
luke garrett
ing Features
Evening Off!
Spend Wednesday afternoon and evening reconnecting with your
family and discovering the local attractions.
T w i l a Pa r i s
Twila Paris
Twila Paris has released 22 albums, amassed 33 number one
singles, and was named the Gospel Music Association Female
Vocalist of the Year an astounding three separate times. But
she’s much more than just a pop songwriter. Familiar Twila
Paris songs, such as “He Is Exalted” and “We Bow Down,”
can also be found in many church hymnals. Her latest CD,
simply titled Small Sacrifice, showcases Paris the well-rounded
songwriter, as it displays compositions with wide ranging
spiritual application.
Centrifuge Student Choir
Directed by Carla Edmondson
Combined Children’s Choir
Presenting Knight Camp at Rock Kingdom (Young Musicians 5.2)
Directed by:
Melanie Sauer, Children’s Choir Coordinator, FBC Woodstock, Georgia
Dana Coleman, Children’s Choir Coordinator, FBC Snellville, Georgia
ampus maps
Campus Maps
Add a map here? Since it is only
buildings shown on left?
Centrifuge Schedule
Centrifuge begins on Sunday but students may register on Monday at the parents’ meeting
in Spilman 5 at 6:00 p.m.
7:00 a.m. Breakfast
8:00 a.m. The AM Show
9:00 a.m. Recreation
10:30 a.m. Quiet Time/Bible Study
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:10 p.m. Student Choir Rehearsal
3:30 p.m. Hang Time
5:00 p.m. Dinner
6:30 p.m. Worship
8:00 p.m. Church Group Devotion
10:00 p.m. Night Life
10:30 p.m. Hang Time
11:00 p.m. In Rooms
11:30 p.m. Lights Out
7:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:15 a.m. 10:30 a.m. Breakfast
Quiet Time/Bible Study
Closing Celebration
Meet your family and leave for home
Thursday Evening
Centrifuge Campus
Student Choir
7:00 p.m.
Spilman Auditorium
Faculty and Staff
Craig Adams, Creative Development, Publishing
Brian Brown, Manager of Sales and Business
Kathy Franz, Worship Music Events Strategist
Karen Gilchrist, Marketing Strategist
Michelle Guy, Contract Design Editor
Renee Hardwick, Administrative Assistant
Mike Harland, Director of LifeWay Worship
Tim Henning, Music Clubs and Plans Coordinator
Stan Loyd, Field Sales Specialist
Courtney McClendon, Manager’s Assistant
Celia Powers, Events Associate
Paula Sims, Project Coordinator
Dr. Allison Smith, Worship Events Specialist
Patrick Watts, Manager of Marketing, Events,
and LifeWayWorship.com
Keith Wilbanks, Project Leader
Christine D. Anderson received her music degree
from Florida Atlantic University, and is in great demand
as a handbell clinician and solo handbell artist. She
is a sales representative for Malmark Handbells,
serves as editor for Handbells magazine, and conducts
handbell festivals and conferences across the nation.
Elizabeth "Libby" Carlton is a church organist,
music educator, Music Professor Emerita at Catawba
College in Salisbury, N.C., author, consulting editor
for LifeWay’s Children’s Music Series, grandmother to
seven grandsons, and wife to Dr. C. Robert Carlton for
50 years.
Paul Constable is Sales Director for EasyWorship
Presentation Software. We are pleased to partner
with EasyWorship again this year for the Worship
Leadership Conference. Paul will be available to
answer questions after morning worship and during
his classes.
Glenn Crosthwait has served as organist for several
churches in his career including First Baptist, Odessa,
Tex. and First Baptist, Jackson, Miss. He is in his
11th year as Minister of Music at Johns Creek Baptist
Church, Alpharetta, Ga.
Melodie Cunningham serves as a clinician, writer,
and composer for LifeWay's Children’s Music Series.
She has been active in drama ministries as a writer,
performer, and director of plays and musicals for a
variety of age groups in public schools and churches.
Karen Alexander-Doyel is a conference and Bible
study leader who has a heart and ministry for the
Christian family. Karen teaches seminars in schools,
associational retreats, women’s conferences, and local
Christian radio programs. She and her husband live in
Lenoir City, Tenn.
Douglas Duggan has been involved in handbells for
over 30 years. With a specialty in the lower octaves,
Douglas has played at Handbell Exploration and in
numerous community handbell groups. Douglas lives
in Virginia Beach, VA with his wife and three sons.
Dr. Jon Duncan is Music and Worship Specialist for
the Georgia Baptist Convention.
Luke Garrett's songs have been included in a variety
of choral releases offered by LifeWay Worship. He
has served on the music staff of First Baptist Church,
Dallas. He has sung for every president since Reagan,
various denominational national conventions, state
conventions, evangelism conferences, as well as for the
local church, various charities, and prison ministries.
Paul Gilchrist directed high-school orchestras for
22 years and then served for more than 10 years as
associate pastor of instrumental music at First Baptist
Church in Carrollton, Tex., before moving to Nashville
to continue writing/arranging.
Sheila Goskie is the Director of Children’s Music at
Idlewild Baptist Church and lives in Tampa, Fla. She
has written for Made for Praise Vol. 9, 11, & 13.
David Guy has been the Minister of Music at
Crievewood Baptist Church in Nashville, Tenn., for
the past ten years. He also co-directs the Concert
Choir of the Nashville Children's Choir Program at
Belmont University.
Dr. Barry Holben is Vice President of Sales for Allen
Organ Company, as well as organist and choir director
at Christ Church UCC, Bethlehem, Pa.
Phillip Keveren is an accomplished pianist, educator,
arranger, orchestrator, and composer. His works are
widely published and recorded.
Kirk Kirkland has been living his passion as a
songwriter, concert artist, worship leader and studio
singer for more than 15 years. Recently, Kirk finished a
master’s degree in Counseling and is utilizing
this training in ministry at Judson Baptist Church
in Nashville, where he is also the Minister of Music
and Worship.
Katheron Latham has taught children’s choirs
for 16 years and has served as the Children’s Choir
Coordinator at Bayside Baptist Church in Harrison,
Tenn., for over 11 years. She has been a writer of Made
for Praise and Children’s Music Series for LifeWay.
Roscoe Meek is currently the technical director at
Broadmoor Baptist Church in Shreveport, La. He
spent 18 years as a guitarist for Geoff Moore and the
Distance, DC Talk, 4 Him, Jaci Velasquez, Phillips,
Craig and Dean, Kathy Trocolli, Susan Ashton, and over
60 other Christian artists.
Doug Pacas is the Director of University Information
Systems at LSU in Baton Rouge, La. He is also the
pianist and keyboardist for Istrouma Baptist Church in
Baton Rouge.
Dr. Nathan H. Platt serves as Assistant Professor
of Worship and Music Ministry at Boyce College,
the undergraduate school of the Southern Baptist
Theological Seminary in Louisville, Ky. He presently
serves as the Associate Minister of Music at the East
campus of Highview Baptist Church in Louisville.
Mike Overlin is the Manager of Worship Resources
for Yamaha Corporation of America, and a worship
leader and consultant with the Free Methodist Church
in Southern California.
Johnny Ross is the N.C. State Representative for
Guidestone Financial Resources.
Steve Stanford is senior systems integrator at Allied
Sound, Inc. in Nashville, Tenn.
Don Wilton has served as Senior Pastor of the First
Baptist Church of Spartanburg, S.C., for 16 years. He
also serves as President of The Encouraging Word
broadcast ministry and is the published author of many
books, manuals, articles, and reviews. A frequent
speaker for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association,
Don is also in demand as a guest speaker for many
other Christian events.
Dennis Worley has served as Music and Worship
Minister at Brentwood Baptist Church in Brentwood,
Tenn., for the past 15 years.
Carla Nichols is the Music Assistant for West Jackson
Baptist Church and the Preschool/Children's Choir
Consultant for the Tennessee Baptist Convention. She
serves as choir coordinator for West Jackson Baptist
and directs an older children's choir, a middle school
choir, and a children's handbell choir.
Duane Norman is a professional studio/live
performance drummer from Brentwood, Tenn. He is a
member of the praise band at New Hope Community
Church and travels the world performing with Grammy
award winning artist Crystal Gayle.
Monday, June 29
3:00–6:00 p.m.
Team building is often one of the most challenging
aspects of being a worship leader. All the teams
associated with worship—audio, media, musicians,
and singers—should rehearse together and
fellowship together. This workshop is for music and
tech leaders.
Handbell Choir Auditions
Christine Anderson, SP 2
4:00–5:00 p.m.
Tower Power: Moving to Learn!
Libby Carlton, JS 3 A–D
Experience delightful, natural ways to lead
preschoolers to use their body in purposeful
movement as we listen to discover the two important
aspects of steady beat, same-different, high-low,
loud-quiet, and other basic musical ideas. Learning
through purposeful movement is a child’s (and
adult’s) strongest way of remembering!
Reading Session—LifeWay Worship
Brian Brown and Stan Loyd, RH 1–3
Registration for Orchestra
Paul Gilchrist, DW 1–3
Tuesday, June 30
8:00–8:50 a.m.
General Session, SP Auditorium
9:00–9:50 a.m.
Leading a Student Choir
Tim Henning, JS Holly C
Whether you love the idea of leading a student choir—
or would rather go to the dentist but have been told
you’re doing it like it or not—this class is for you. We’ll
talk about you as a leader and what it takes to get a
group of teenagers to stand up and “make a joyful noise.”
Teach younger children all they need to know about
melody and harmony with melody instruments and
their own voices. Sprinkle in some singing skills
and games, and you have a class that will help you
develop each child’s musicianship.
Learn how older children can develop a closer
relationship with Jesus Christ through participation
in children’s choirs. Hear about creative ways to
present the gospel to children and then encourage
their growth through “knowing their King” by
studying His names and attributes.
1:00–1:50 p.m.
The Key to God’s Heart, Part 1
Dr. Don Wilton, JS Azalea B
Developing a Keyboard Team
Glenn Crosthwait, RH 5–6
Discover ways to work together to enhance worship
so that the piano and organ are not just duplicating
each other. Develop a team spirit and help determine
who takes the lead on what.
Level 1–2 Ringers
Christine Anderson SP 2
Sessions will use Summer and Fall 2009 issues of
Handbells. Techniques and skills taught, hands on.
Sheila Goskie, JS 2 A–D
Living As a Child of the King
Katheron Latham, JS 1 A–D
Seven Words of Worship, Part 1
Mike Harland, JH
Worship TracKs
Worship Leadership
Praise Team, Tech Team, One Team
Mike Overlin, SP 5
Series of three classes taught by Conference Pastor.
This is a deeply challenging exegetical study in which
Dr. Wilton will dive deep into Scripture to unlock “The
Key to God’s Heart.”
Praying for My Husband
Karen A. Doyel, JH
Join us in this study to guide us into intensive prayer
for our husbands as they minister to others.
Worship Arts
Worship Tech
The Worship Project
Karen Gilchrist, JS Azalea A
How Firm a Foundation
Carla Nichols, JS Azalea C
Class will be repeated Wednesday and Thursday at 1:00.
Discover the print, recorded and projected resources
available for your church through the LifeWay
Worship Project…everything from hymnals to
PowerPoint, oboe parts to QuickCharts, organ books
to accompaniment tracks you can download straight
to your iPod. We’ll be looking at samples and talking
about how you can configure a set of resources that
will change and adapt to your church’s needs.
Begin your choir year by establishing Jesus Christ
as your Cornerstone. Learn how to choose a theme,
plan a kickoff event, enroll leadership, and start your
choir program off on a solid foundation.
The Classics: An Overview of the “Tried-andTrue” Piano Repertoire
Phillip Keveren, RH 7–8
Always looking for something new? Let’s go back and
rediscover some musical chestnuts you may have
forgotten or overlooked.
Spice Up Your Registration
Barry Holben, SP Auditorium
Are your preludes and hymn accompaniments all
starting to sound the same? Find out how to add new
life to old favorites with inventive registrations.
2:00–2:50 p.m. (Tuesday)
Small Church: Worship Beyond Words
Nathan Platt, JS Holly D
We will conduct a careful examination of the biblical
basis of worship and the implications of worship
vocabulary on the weekly service of God’s people.
Corporate worship will be radically different when we
truly understand and apply the truths of God’s Word.
Practical Worship Leading Concepts
and Ideas, Part I
Dennis Worley, JS Holly A–B
Some Things I Am Learning About Who I Lead:
WorshipMap™ Pro
Patrick Watts, JS Azalea A
Choosing and Using the Right Keyboard!
Mike Overlin, SP 5
There are dozens of contemporary performance
keyboards to choose from. How do you decide
which is right for your church? We will cover digital
pianos, performance keyboards, synth workstations,
arranger workstations, and portables. You will
discover capabilities in these instruments that you
never dreamed existed! Learn what features you
need and how to use them.
Intro to Finale, Paul Gilchrist, ML 1–4
Class will be repeated Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.
This entry-level class is for anyone who is
considering purchasing or just beginning to work
with the music notation program FINALE. Session
I will include an overview of the features of FINALE
and its applications for the church musician,
including the basics of note entry, text input, basic
editing, and creating lead sheets.
Class will be repeated Thursday at 2:00.
WorshipMap™ Pro is a brand new online subscription
worship planning tool. Invite ministry team members
to join for free, and they’ll be able to access
calendars, worship plans, and discussion boards.
Whether you plan week-to-week or months in
advance, this new LifeWayWorship.com feature can
streamline and simplify the communication in your
ministry . . . for a lot less than the competition!
The Servant Principle
Kirk Kirkland, JS Holly E
In this series of three classes, we will discuss biblical
principles that should inform our worship definitions,
worship planning, and worship team formation.
We’ll cover topics including servanthood in worship
leadership, how to build a team and raise up leaders,
along with effective ensemble voicings and practical
rehearsal techniques.
Seeds: Family Worship
Jason Houser, JS Holly G
Is Family Worship something new? Why is it
important? Come explore the biblical and historical
context for family worship.
RH Rhododendron
JS Johnson Spring
DW Dogwood
ML Mt. Laurel
JH Jim Henry Auditorium
SP Spilman
EH Exhibit Hall
3:00–3:50 p.m. (Tuesday)
I Want to Be Blessed—Matthew 5
Karen A. Doyel, JH
Small Church: How Firm a Foundation
Nathan Platt, JS Holly D
This is a women’s Bible study of the beatitudes—
learning to let God change us from the inside out.
Bass Bell Techniques, Part I
Doug Duggan, SP 2
Learn how to handle the BIG Bucket bells from the
basics...lifting, playing, handling, and stretching.
Basics of Songwriting
Mike Harland/Craig Adams/Luke Garrett,
JS Holly F
Discover and explore the art and craft of songwriting
and the essential tools necessary to strengthen
your skill.
Finale Application
Paul Gilchrist, ML 1–4
Class will be repeated Thursday at 1:00.
This more advanced class is for those who have a
working knowledge of the FINALE program. We will
unlock the power of this music notation program and
discover ways to use it more efficiently.
Sound Reinforcement 101
Steve Stanford, EH
Sound system basic signal flow. Mixers: Digital or
analog and what are all these knobs for? Tips, tricks,
and setting gain structure.
Using Movement to Teach Music
Libby Carlton, JS 3 A–D
The body NEVER forgets! Children of all ages eagerly
respond to active, hands-on learning because they
are strong tactile-kinesthetic learners! Discover
teaching techniques that provide the strongest
tactile-listening-singing connection to pitches all kids
need to develop pitch memory, beginning harmony,
and musical form. So come, move with purpose, and
solve a few pitch puzzles with us!
Put a Hymn in Their Hearts
Carla Nichols, JS Azalea C
Recognize the value of hymns in the musical
and spiritual lives of children and learn ways to
incorporate the study of hymns into your choirs.
Explore the history behind wonderful hymns of our
faith and discover great resources that will make
learning hymns fun for boys and girls of all ages.
Worship TracKs
Worship Leadership
Based on the biblical understanding of worship, what
theological and historical principles of the Christian
faith direct the weekly service of God’s people?
Corporate worship can be greatly enhanced when we
substantiate the exuberant and experiential worship
style of contemporary culture with the doctrinal truth
and rich tradition of generations past.
Practical Worship Leading Concepts
and Ideas, Part II
Dennis Worley, JS Holly A–B
Some Things I Am Learning About How I Lead:
Copyright and My Church
Patrick Watts, JS Azalea A
Class will be repeated Thursday at 3:00.
Sift through the world of copyright compliance in the
digital age in this seminar for music leadership. We’ll
explore print, audio, and broadcast licensing, the idea
of “fair use,” and how it all flows together with the
new features of LifeWayWorship.com.
Conducting 101, Allison Smith, ML 5
Has your adult choir gone astray, each person
singing to their own way? Let’s get back to
conducting basics, by learning to conduct clear
patterns that reflect the style, tempo, and meter of
the music, with strong entrances and cut-offs.
Playing in a Rhythm Section—
How Do They Do That?
Pacas/Wilbanks/Norman/Meek, DW 5–7
Class will be repeated Thursday at 3:00.
What is the key to making a group of musicians
sound like one band? Where can resources be
found to make a rhythm section work? The rhythm
section players for the conference invite you to a live
rehearsal and “jam session,” where these and other
questions will be explored. Find out what works, and
what doesn’t, and take away some practical tips for
making your rhythm section the best it can be!
Song Analyzation Lab
Mike Harland/Craig Adams/Luke Garrett
JS Holly F
Explore and analyze songs from some of today’s most
highly acclaimed and prolific songwriters.
Worship Arts
Worship Tech
Starting and Maintaining a Drama Ministry
Melodie Cunningham, SP 4
EasyWorship—From E to Z
Paul Constable, SP 4
What are the key things you need to do to start a
drama ministry at your church? What is needed in the
care and feeding of a new or faltering drama ministry
to keep it vital and growing? Who should you include?
Class repeated Thursday, 8 a.m.
Has technology taken over your church? Have your
volunteers begun to disappear? There is a solution
to satisfy the need for creativity without sacrificing
the volunteer staff. EasyWorship® is presentation
software that’s easy to use and powerful by design.
Anyone can build a feature-rich product. We’ve
deliberately designed EasyWorship® to be powerful
and easy to use, easy enough for a volunteer staff to
learn in 20 minutes and powerful enough to satisfy
seasoned technicians looking for things like full
PowerPoint™ support, a DVD editor/player with
portable clips, and broadcast quality output with antialiased text. Don’t be frightened, it’s Easy…
Worship Tech: Speakers, Steve Stanford, EH
Clusters, arrays, distributed, and delay—discover the
advantages and applications of different types and
locations of speakers.
4:00–5:00 p.m. (Tuesday)
Reading Session—Multi-Publishers
Mike Wilkins, RH 1–3
During this reading session, we’ll take a look at new
choral releases from a variety of music publishers.
Children’s Music Series Reading Session
Michelle Guy, JS 1 A–D
Get an overview of songs that teach kids the names
of God in the coming year’s Children’s Music Series:
Strong Tower, Knowing My King.
Tower Power: Matching Pitches and Singing!
Libby Carlton, JS 3 A–D
Participate in ways to help all preschoolers in choir
match pitches so they sing in the same key at the
same time! Have fun with vocal warm-ups and
“copy-cat” pitches. Use parts of Libby’s Body Scale
to promote in-tune singing. You may be surprised by
your own “pitch memory” recall!
Rhythmic Response
Sheila Goskie, JS 2 A–D
Wednesday, July 1
Using rhythm instruments and movement, discover
fun and creative ways to teach younger kids all they
need to know about beat and rhythm.
8:00–8:50 a.m.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The King Invites You!
Katheron Latham, JS 1 A–D
Take a journey through the CMS Young Musicians
Seven Words of Worship, Part II
Mike Harland, JH
curriculum and discover how children can learn
musical and spiritual concepts through creative
lesson plans and activities to develop their worship of
the King.
Piano: Utilizing the Student Musicians in Your
Church Family
Phillip Keveren, RH 7–8
9:00–9:50 a.m. (Wednesday)
It can be a blessing for both the congregation and
the developing musician when budding talents
are shared in the worship service. We will look at
repertoire and programming concepts that will
enrich your congregation.
Seven Words of Worship, Part III
Mike Harland, JH
What Will They Sing?
Tim Henning, JS Holly C
Organ: Is It Sunday Again?
Glenn Crosthwait, RH 5–6
Sunday seems to come around 3 times a week. We’ll
talk about how to be prepared and productive and
even refreshed as you face the oncoming Sundays.
RH Rhododendron
JS Johnson Spring
DW Dogwood
Need resources? In this session we will look and
listen to music that could work for your student choir.
ML Mt. Laurel
JH Jim Henry Auditorium
SP Spilman
EH Exhibit Hall
9:00–9:50 a.m. (Wednesday), continued
Retirement Planning in Tough Economic Times
Johnny Ross, RH 4
Class will be repeated Thursday at 9:00 a.m.
How do market declines and volatility impact your
retirement goals and planning processes? There are
important things to do and NOT to do during times
like these. Get valuable perspective and learn how
tools and products available to you from GuideStone
Financial Resources can help.
Piano: Arranging and Composition for the
Church Musician
Phillip Keveren, RH 7–8
Finding the arrangement that perfectly fits your
particular need can sometimes be a challenge. In
this session for both pianists and organists, we will
explore ways to adapt existing materials as well as
develop compositions from the ground floor.
Organ: Essentials for Every Organist
Glenn Crosthwait, RH 5–6
We’ll talk about planning, practice, and rehearsals.
We’ll also include some “tricks of the trade” and
some approaches to avoiding burnout.
Level 2-3 Ringers
Christine Anderson, SP 2
Tower Power: Exploring Activities!
Libby Carlton, JS 3 A–D
Small-group activities provide preschoolers with
concrete, hands-on extensions to songs and Bible
phrases. Discover short activities that give leaders
opportunities to interact, listen, and guide children’s
hearts and minds as we help them know more about
our King through small groups.
The Spiritual Priority
Sheila Goskie, JS 2 A–D
Let’s keep the “main thing” the “main thing.” Learn
to teach younger children spiritual concepts as well
as worship and praise, so God’s Word will be hidden
in their hearts for a lifetime!
Take My Voice and Let Me Sing
Katheron Latham, JS 1 A–D
Discover how your knights and princesses may
use their voices appropriately to sing for their King,
using vocal techniques in fun and innovative ways for
older children.
1:00–1:50 p.m. (Wednesday)
The Key to God’s Heart, Part II
Dr. Don Wilton, JS Azalea B
See Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.
Series of three classes taught by Conference Pastor.
See Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. for description
Creative Movement
Celia Powers, JS Holly H
Growing Your Garden or Growing
Where You Are Planted
Karen Doyel, JH
Class will be repeated Wednesday at 1:00 p.m.
We will cover spiritual examples as well as practical
ways to incorporate movement into your ministry.
Do you trust God’s Plan for you and your family? Are
you growing where He has placed you? This will be a
time of learning to “serve the Lord with gladness” in
the place He has planted us.
Basics of Improvisation
Mike Overlin, SP 5
The Worship Project Overview
Karen Gilchrist, JS Azalea A
We will cover the basics of improvisation for all
instrumentalists and explore how the worship soloist
can add to your church’s worship experience. Using
popular worship songs, we will explore chords,
scales, rhythms, and how they work together to
create worshipful improvisation. Just as important,
we will look at exciting technology that will make
practicing these skills fun!
See Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. for description.
RH Rhododendron
JS Johnson Spring
DW Dogwood
Small Church: All for One—One for All
Nathan Platt, JS Holly D
We will explore crafting worship in contemporary
culture for the body of Christ and an audience of
one. How can we pray, preach, teach, serve and
sing in such a way that we stay true to our singular
objective? How can we worship in such a way that
every generation is edified and encouraged?
ML Mt. Laurel
JH Jim Henry Auditorium
SP Spilman
EH Exhibit Hall
Practical Worship Leading Concepts
and Ideas, Part III
Dennis Worley, JS Holly A–B
Intro to Finale, Paul Gilchrist, ML 1–4
Class repeated from Tuesday at 1:00 p.m.
Mic and Monitor Techniques
Steve Stanford, EH
Some Things I Am Learning About Why I Lead:
The Ministry Principle, Kirk Kirkland, JS Holly E
Series of three vocal worship ensemble classes.
See Tuesday at 2:00 for description.
Seeds: Partnering with Families
Jason Houser, JS Holly G
Families partnering with the church to minister to
children: building family worship at church.
Wonderful Words of Life
Carla Nichols, JS Azalea C
Three’s Company: Keyboards in One A’chord
Pacas/Keveren/Crosthwait, SP Auditorium
Discover how the organ, piano, and electronic
keyboard can join together to create a glorious
worship experience. All three keyboard instructors
will demonstrate how to collaborate to give your
congregation the full orchestral gamut with only
three players.
Submit for Review
Mike Harland/Craig Adams/Luke Garrett,
JS Holly F
What to Do with Combined Choirs
Sheila Goskie, JS 2 A–D
What to do if you have 1st through 6th graders at one
time in one room! Discover ideas, music, resources,
and more to make combined choirs a great
experience for you and your kids!!
Reading Session—LifeWay Worship
Brian Brown and Stan Loyd, RH 1–3
Creative Movement, Celia Powers, JS Holly H
Repeated from Wednesday 9:00 a.m.
Join us as we sing through more of the very latest
choral releases from LifeWay Worship.
Doing a Lot with a Little
Melodie Cunningham, SP 4
How can you work within or around the limitations of
your worship center when it comes to drama? What
are some inexpensive ways to expand the drama
related capabilities of your worship center? How can
non-acting, off-stage support be helpful?
Class will be repeated Thursday at 1:00 p.m..
Need to create a loop for a worship song? Looking
for technology that will allow you to lead flowing
interactive worship with limited musicians or by
yourself? We will utilize both hardware and software
solutions to accomplish all of the above and more.
Seeds: Building Family Worship Time
Jason Houser, JS Holly G
Building a family worship time in the home.
Proverbs 31 Woman
Karen A. Doyel, JH
She may seem like a super hero, but there is
much we can learn about God’s plan for our daily
walk as women.
Music Tech for Modern Worship
Mike Overlin, SP 5
Children’s Choir Coordinators learn how to choose
music that will fill the souls of the preschoolers and
children you teach. Discover how to select music
that is appropriate for each age group musically,
physically, and spiritually.
2:00–2:50 p.m. (Wednesday)
Songwriting class participants are invited to bring
their own original compositions for group analysis
and critique.
Worship TracKs
Worship Leadership
Demonstration and discussions of various wired and
wireless mics including lavs, hand held, instrument
mics, choir mics. What is this White Spaces issue and
how will it affect your wireless mics? How do IEM, or
In Ear Monitors work to help keep life under control
on Sundays?
Take the rest of the day off!
Spend the afternoon and evening reconnecting with
your family and discovering the local attractions.
Worship Arts
Worship Tech
Thursday, July 2
8:00–8:50 a.m.
Seven Words of Worship, Part V
Mike Harland, JH
Seven Words of Worship, Part IV
Mike Harland, JH
You Did What?!
Tim Henning, JS Holly C
Improvisation for the Church Musician
Phillip Keveren, RH 7–8
Improvisation skills are an important part of a wellrounded church musician. We will study keyboard
harmony concepts that will provide the springboard
to improvisation mastery.
How Do I Do That?
Glenn Crosthwait, RH 5–6
Class repeated from Wednesday at 8:00 a.m..
Tower Power: Speaking Bible Phrases Together!
Libby Carlton, JS 3 A–D
Scripture phrases provide an important spiritual
connection to the songs we teach. When these
phrases are spoken in unison together, preschool
children begin spiritual and musical memory
connections that help them realize at an early age
how we can use the Bible as our guide through life.
Play, Plan, Prepare, Practice
Sheila Goskie, JS 2 A–D
What are the ingredients of a good rehearsal/practice
time? How do you organize your time and make
everything “fit”? What if it’s not working? Gain some
ideas on the “nuts and bolts” of your weekly younger
children’s choir rehearsal.
Presenting the Royal Instruments
Katheron Latham, JS 1 A–D
Learn how to use both rhythm and melodic
instruments to teach musical concepts and
lead children in praise. Discover how instruments
can be budget friendly and even created by the
children themselves.
JS Johnson Spring
Retirement Planning in Tough Economic Times
Johnny Ross, RH 4
DW Dogwood
Creating Effective Transitions in
Congregational Singing
Phillip Keveren, RH 7–8
Hymns and contemporary praise songs blend better
when musical transitions are smooth and natural. We
will explore theory and methods to achieve this end
for both pianists and organists.
EasyWorship—From E to Z
Paul Constable, SP 4
We know from Scripture that iron sharpens iron.
Show up to this session ready to sharpen each other
as we share about the things that we’ve seen work
and not work in the youth ministries where we have
served. We’ll encourage each other to press on in this
work while equipping each other with ideas.
Class repeated from Wednesday at 9:00 a.m..
We’ll discuss ways of adapting “non-organ” music
to the organ, adapting to the new role of the organ in
worship, and some basic ideas to help jump-start or
improve your improvisational skills.
RH Rhododendron
9:00–9:50 a.m.
Level 3–4 Ringers
Christine Anderson, SP 2
See Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.
Recording 101: CD Projects to Podcasting
Mike Overlin, SP 5
Don’t skip the basics when making high-quality
recordings for your church or ministry. We will
look at all the ingredients of a recording session,
live recordings, and setting up your church’s own
recording facility on a budget.
Tower Power: Making Minutes Count
Libby Carlton, JS 3 A–D
“One, two, what ever you do, start it right and
carry it through!”
Music time for preschoolers is a joy to lead IF
your PLANS succeed and your TEAM shares
responsibilities. Brainstorm the five essential tools
leaders need (plus a surprise or two), and support
each other for many blessings ahead!
ML Mt. Laurel
JH Jim Henry Auditorium
SP Spilman
EH Exhibit Hall
Low Prices on
Screen Printed T’s
We Offer
Free Monogramming
Call for Details
A Few of My Favorite Things
Sheila Goskie, JS 2 A–D
Worthy of Worship
Carla Nichols, JS Azalea C
Just like the song says, discover some “favorite things”:
favorite websites, resources, music, and sugar sticks
that help us and our younger kids not to “feel so bad.”
Discover ways to teach preschoolers and children
about the character and attributes of God so they
will know Him and glorify Him. Make each choir
rehearsal a worshipful event.
Keeping Them Coming for the Kingdom
Katheron Latham, JS 1 A–D
Develop a plan to involve older children in your
choir in ways that will hold their interest, encourage
leadership development, and teach about serving their
King. Experience games and activities that are great
motivators for older children, especially the boys!
1:00–1:50 p.m. (Thursday)
The Key to God’s Heart, Part III
Dr. Don Wilton, JS Azalea B
Series of three classes taught by Conference Pastor.
See Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. for description
Small Church: More Than Four Songs
and a Special
Nathan Platt, JS Holly D
Participate in a discussion of a disciplined approach
to worship planning that seeks to ensure “worship in
spirit and in truth” (Jn 4:23). Corporate worship can
only be enhanced by systematic, Spirit-led, and longrange planning. How can we plan comprehensively
for cohesion, excellence, participation, and
spontaneity in the service of God’s people?
Practical Worship Leading Concepts
and Ideas, Part IV
Dennis Worley, JS Holly A–B
Marriage, Children, Ministry
Karen Doyel, JH
How does this work? Can we be successful in
all three of these areas? Am I competing with or
complementing my husband in his call?
Some Things I Am Learning About When I Lead:
WorshipMap™ Pro, Patrick Watts, JS Azalea A
The Worship Project Overview
Karen Gilchrist, JS Azalea A
Class is repeated from Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.
Class repeated from Tuesday at 1:00 p.m.
The Team Principle
Kirk Kirkland, JS Holly E
Creative Accompaniments and Repertoire
Glenn Crosthwait, RH 5–6
Series of three vocal worship ensemble classes.
See Tuesday at 2:00 for description.
We’ll look at repertoire for the organist and ways to
keep things fresh and vibrant. Everything doesn’t
have to be original!
Seeds: Leading Music for Family Worship
Jason Houser, JS Holly G
Learning to listen to God and walk with God takes
time and discipline. This study will teach us why we
need to sit at His feet and how to sit at His feet.
See Wednesday 1:00 for description.
Finale Application
Paul Gilchrist, ML 1–4
The Organ in Contemporary Worship
Barry Holben, SP Auditorium
Class repeated from Tuesday at 2:00 p.m.
Video Editing for Every Church
Steve Stanford, EH
An overview of the fundamentals in equipment,
software, and techniques required to prepare video
for presentation on cable, in church, for DVDs, or
even on the web.
Worship TracKs
Worship Leadership
Leading music for family worship: balancing the ages.
Be Still, Walk Worthy—Psalm 23:2
Karen A. Doyel, JH
Music Tech for Modern Worship
Mike Overlin, SP 5
2:00–2:50 p.m. (Thursday)
Do you get sweaty palms when the guitars start
tuning up? Do you feel like a fifth wheel when the
Praise Band starts playing? Don’t throw in the towel.
There’s hope for you and the organ in contemporary
worship. Come, get your groove on.
Worship Arts
Worship Tech
Four comprehensive technology tracks
Three full days of training
WATS is sponsored by the leaders in worship technology training
Yamaha, Shure, Martin Lighting, Yamaha Commercial Audio and Media
Shout. We underwrite it so that the finest worship technology training
available is also the most affordable starting at $149 for all three days.
Four tracks (Audio, Musician /Vocalist, Lighting and Media) assure that
there is something for everyone on your worship team.
Upcoming events include
California - New York - Michigan - Maryland
Get your church the training they need
Worship Arts
Get latest info at
2:00–2:50 p.m. (Thursday), continued
Some Things I Am Learning About Where I Lead:
Bass Bell Techniques, Part II
Doug Duggan, SP 2
Copyright and My Church,
Patrick Watts, JS Azalea A
How do I play so many bass bells with 1 person,
optional bass table positions, and YES, anyone can
handle my bells.
Class repeated from Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.
Seeds: Make Scripture Your Own
Jason Houser, JS Holly G
Songwriting Lab
Mike Harland/Craig Adams/Luke Garrett
JS Holly F
Use your God-given gifts to make Scripture your own.
Choral Conducting—Masters, Jon Duncan, ML 5
Co-write with other class participants and create
new songs.
Experienced conductors will be able to sharpen their
skills in this hands-on master class. Improve your
musicianship and that of your choir by learning from
a master conductor.
In The Beginning Was . . . Acoustics, then
Sound, Video, and Lighting!
Steve Stanford, EH
Play in a Rhythm Section—How Do They Do That?
Pacas/Wilbanks/Norman/Meek, DW 5–7
Acoustics come first, then plan for your new or
remodeled church building. How to work with
consultants, contracts, design build contractors.
Who is working for whom? Discussion of practical
applications and solutions!
Class repeated from Tuesday at 3:00 p.m..
Songwriting Lab, Mike Harland/Craig Adams/
Luke Garrett, JS Holly F
Creativity for the Kingdom
Katheron Latham, JS 1 A–D
Class repeated from 2:00 p.m..
Explore new ways to have creative worship
presentations, both in rehearsal and in corporate
worship as children develop skills to be the worship
leaders of tomorrow. Discussion will include drama,
creative movement, worship tools, and multi-media
Choir on a Shoe String Budget
Carla Nichols, JS Azalea C
From Good to Excellent, Melodie Cunningham, SP 4
What are the important details or factors that make
a real difference in drama? Are you using effective
organizational strategies? Come share your ideas
and experience.
Video Projection, Steve Stanford, EH
Uncover great resources that won’t break the bank.
Learn multiple ways to use inexpensive items in
musical ways for different age groups.
Come discuss video projection systems, ANSI Lumen,
choosing a screen, and controlling natural light
pollution. Explore cameras, switchers, routers, as
well as practical applications for integrating various
video sources.
3:00–3:50 p.m. (Thursday)
4:00–4:50 p.m. (Thursday)
Small Church: The Danger in Drinking
from Firehoses
Nathan Platt, JS Holly D
Reading Session—Multi-Publishers
Mike Wilkins, RH 1–3
Hear suggestions that speak to real innovation in
smaller church ministry. Weekly worship can be more
meaningful, applicable, innovative, and God-honoring
than you ever thought possible. Survey the territory.
Stand your ground. Start from scratch.
Practical Worship Leading Concepts and Ideas,
Part V, Dennis Worley, JS Holly A–B
RH Rhododendron
JS Johnson Spring
DW Dogwood
During this reading session, we’ll take a look at new
choral releases from a variety of music publishers.
Dovetail Musicals Reading Session
Allison Smith, JS 1 A–D
See what’s new in Dovetail musicals by Jeff Slaughter
and Jimmy Travis and Gail Getzen.
ML Mt. Laurel
JH Jim Henry Auditorium
SP Spilman
EH Exhibit Hall
Allen Organ is a unique company with both a rich heritage and
an eye to the future. It maintains a strong commitment to its
older instruments and a passion to make its new ones even better.
Allen utilizes ground-breaking technology to craft instruments
of traditional and timeless beauty. Above all, it is a company driven
to serve its customers. For example:
Millbrook Baptist Church
ver the last thirty years many things have changed
at Millbrook Baptist Church of Aiken, South Carolina.
But the music ministry of this dynamic and
growing church has enjoyed three constants:
an on-going commitment to excellence, the
devoted service of organist Martha Cathcart
and their love of Allen organs. The church’s
chapel is still home to the original analog
Allen organ purchased by Millbrook in the
1960s. The second sanctuary was originally
home to a larger Allen that now serves the
choir room and the current sanctuary houses
a four-manual Quantum™ Allen organ.
The new Quantum™
four-manual is shown
in the spacious
sanctuary at Millbrook
Baptist Church.
Music at Millbrook Baptist ranges from Bach to rock,
but the church does not equate musical style with
worship. Rather than categorizing themselves as
contemporary or traditional, they concentrate on
striving to be “authentic” in the performance of all
Millbrook Baptist
Organist Martha Cathcart
music. As Millbrook’s music continues to evolve,
Allen remains a cornerstone of that authenticity.
150 Locust Street, P.O. Box 36, Macungie, PA 18062-0036
Phone: 610-966-2202 - Fax: 610-965-3098 - E-mail: aosales@allenorgan.com
Web site: www.allenorgan.com
Partial list of recent
Baptist Church Installations
Piney Grove Baptist Church, Mount Airy NC
Lilesville Baptist Church, Lilesville NC
New Hope Baptist Church, Cross Anchor SC
Providence Baptist Church, Sumter SC
Puckett Baptist Church, Puckett MS
First Baptist Church, Huntingdon TN
Meadow Grove Baptist Church, Branson MO
Woodland Baptist Church, Peoria IL
First Baptist Church, Dallas GA
First Baptist Church of Easton, Easton MD
First Baptist Church, Newtown PA
Forest Park Baptist Church, Bowling Green KY
Highland Baptist Church, New London NC
Westgate Baptist Church, Spartanburg SC
Grace Chapel Church, Sanford NC
Calvary Baptist Church, Monroe NC
Millbrook Baptist Church, Aiken SC
Enon Baptist Church, Oxford NC
Brandon Baptist Church, Brandon MS
Cowpens First Baptist Church, Cowpens SC
First Baptist Church, Marion IL
Lewis Lane Baptist Church, Owensboro KY
First Baptist Church, Weaverville NC
Central Baptist Church, Ewing NJ
Trinity Heights Baptist Church, Shreveport LA
North Oxford Baptist Church, Oxford MS
First Baptist Church, Portland ME
Wilksboro Baptist Church, Wilksboro NC
Birdville Baptist Church, Haltom City TX
Morningside Baptist Church, Spartanburg SC
First Baptist Church, Creedmoor NC
Overbrook Baptist Church, Greenville SC
Concord Baptist Church, Concord GA
First Baptist Church, Graniteville SC
First Baptist Church, Fairhope AL
First Baptist Church, Newton MS
Clark-Venable Baptist Church, Decatur MS
Elizabeth Baptist Church, Shelby NC
Carterville Baptist Church, Petal MS
Coinjock Baptist Church, Coinjock NC
First Baptist Church, Ashdown AR
Central Baptist Church, Marshall TX
First Baptist Church, Wisner LA
Acton Baptist Church, Granbury TX
First Baptist Church, Raymond MS
Antioch Baptist Church, St. Louis MO
First Baptist Church, Terre Haute IN
First Baptist Church, Birmingham MI
Wyndale Baptist Church, Terry MS
Nashville Baptist Church, Nashville NC
First Baptist Church, Somerville TN
Grassy Pond Baptist Church, Gaffney SC
Denman Avenue Baptist Church, Lufkin TX
First Baptist Church, Wallace NC
Central Baptist Church, Carthage TX
First Baptist Church, Mendenhall MS
Lakeside Baptist Church, Birmingham AL
First Baptist Church, Dallas TX
Morrison Heights Baptist Church, Clinton MS
First Baptist Church, Perry GA
Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Huntsville AL
Shandon Baptist Church, Columbia SC
First Baptist Church, Logansport LA
Tasker Street Baptist Church, Philadelphia PA
Shalimar Baptist Church, Shalimar FL
Pelahatchie Baptist Church, Pelahatchie MS
Double Pond Baptist Church, Blackville SC
Fairfax Baptist Church, Fairfax VA
First Baptist Church, Winder GA
Berean Baptist Church, Grand Blanc MI
Meadow Brook Baptist Church, Birmingham AL
First Baptist Church, Woodbury TN
First Baptist Church, Greenville TN
West End Baptist Church, Suffolk VA
First Baptist Church, Greer SC