Practical Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental

Practical Pharmaceutical Analytical
Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis
Second Semester, 20012-2013
General Information:
Instructor: Dr. Ala Y Sirhan
Office Hours To be announced
Room 334
Course Objectives:
The students will be oriented to the safety guidelines to be followed when practicing in
the lab.
The students will be instructed to follow strictly the uniform policy, attitude guidelines
and the general rules for practical laboratory sessions.
A course designed to provide the student with a basic understanding the theory and design
of the instrumental instruments in addition o understand how the instrument actually
makes the measurement.
The students will be introduced to the most used techniques in pharmaceutical analysis.
The students will be made familiar with Classical methods such as gravimetric analysis
and titration as well as instrumental analytical methods such as spectroscopic and
chromatographic methods.
Required Texts:
Skoog, West, Holler, and Crouch, “Fundamentals of analytical chemistry”, 8th Ed., 2004,
Thomson ISBN: 0-534-41797-3.
Skoog, Holler, and Crouch, “Principles of Instrumental Analysis”, 6th Ed., 2007,
Thomson ISBN: 0-495-01201-7.
Attendance in all labs REQUIRED.
You should inform the instructor before, or as soon as possible afterward, if you must
miss a class, quiz, or exam.
University policy states that students are allowed a maximum of 2 excused or unexcused
absences from a 1-credit hour course. Any absence beyond this maximum will result in a
student's immediate withdrawal from the course.
Course Evaluation:
Reports ................................................................................................................. 15 %
In-Lab Quizzes ..................................................................................................... 10 %
Evaluation (5% each) ............................................................................................ 10 %
Midterm Exam ...................................................................................................... 25 %
Final Exam ............................................................................................................. 40%
Week 1
Week 2
Check In, Introduction, Safety Laboratory Rules
Preparation of Standard Solutions
Experiment 1: Sampling and Statistical Handling of Data
Week 3
Experiment 2: Analysis of Commercial Antacid Tablets
Week 4
Experiment 3: Phosphoric Acid Analysis
Week 5
Experiment 4: Gravimetric Determination of Chloride
Week 6
Experiment 6: UV- Visible Molecular Absorption Spectroscopy
Assay of Paracetamol
Experiment 7: UV- Visible Molecular Absorption Spectroscopy
Determination of Chromium Concentration
Experiment 9: Atomic Emission Spectroscopy
Determination of Sodium using Flame Photometry
Experiment 8: Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
Determination of Lead Concentration
Experiment 10: Thin Layer Chromotography (TLC)
Separation of Paracetamol and Metabolites by TLC
Experiment 11: High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Assay of Mefenamic Acid
Experiment 11: High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12