GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH MARTHA’S VINEYARD Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time • September 7, 2014 St. Augustine’s Church 56 Franklin Street Vineyard Haven Our Lady Star of the Sea Church 22 Massasoit Avenue Oak Bluffs St. Elizabeth’s Church 86 Main Street Edgartown I am the vine... You are the branches... The Catholic Community of The Good Shepherd on Martha’s Vineyard Our Lady Star of the Sea-OB St. Elizabeth’s-EDG St. Augustine’s-VH A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River Most Rev. George Coleman, Bishop Good Shepherd Parish Our Lady Star of the Sea Church 22 Massasoit Avenue, Oak Bluffs (Closed for Winter Schedule) St. Augustine’s Church 56 Franklin Street, Vineyard Haven (Open for Winter Schedule) St. Elizabeth’s Church 86 Main Street, Edgartown (Closed for Winter Schedule) Rectory: 86 Main Street, Edgartown Parish Center/Office: 55 School Street, Oak Bluffs Mailing Address: PO Box 1058, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 Office 508-693-0342 Fax 508-693-8517 Mass Schedule 508-693-3995 (ext.10) Office Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday (9am to 4pm) Pastor, Rev. Michael R. Nagle, ext. 13 (508-878-0331) Deacon, Rev. Mr. Karl Buder (508-693-3333) Office Manager, Beth Mello, ext.11 (508-693-0342) Office Assistant, Bernice Lopes (508-693-0342) Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Sue Pagliccia, ext.12 (480-276-3071) Youth Minister, Angela Candreva, ext.14 (508-808-5395) Maintenance, Joe Capobianco, ext.15 (508-274-1170) Prayer For Our Parish God, our Father, bless our Parish of the Good Shepherd. Help us to welcome all who come to worship, adore and praise You, the One true God and Father of us all. Jesus, be with us, as we celebrate your life, death and resurrection in Word and Sacrament. Holy Spirit, fill our parish family with your love. Help us to love one another in our parish and in our family. Guide us in your holy will for the present and the future of our Parish of the Good Shepherd. AMEN. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, September 6 through October 12 St. Augustine’s Church Saturday 4pm & (7pm Portuguese) Sunday 8am, 9:30am & 5pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Saturday, October 18 until Memorial Day St. Augustine’s Church Saturday 4pm & (7pm Portuguese) Sunday 9am (*Please note time change) Sunday 5pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daily Mass Monday thru Thursday 8am Parish Center Chapel, OB First Friday 8am Parish Center Chapel, OB ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reconciliation St. Augustine’s Church Saturday 3pm or by appointment with Fr. Nagle (508-878-0331) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Our Mission: Knowing that all things in this world are gifts of God, presented to us so that we can know God more easily and make a return of love more readily; recognizing God as the Origin of Life, the giver of freedom and the source of all that we have and are and will be; knowing ourselves to be recipients and caretakers of God’s many gifts; grateful for all that we have received; eager to cultivate our gifts out of love for God and one another. The Mission of the Good Shepherd Parish is to give witness and to celebrate the Risen Christ’s Presence in the life of each person. To accomplish this goal we ask our parishioners and visitors to recommit themselves to being disciples of Jesus and in so doing we will strengthen our community and help one another to live our faith in the fullest possible way. “in necessary things, unity; in doubtful things, freedom; and in all things, charity.” Augustine Page 1 - 921 Baptism Please call the Parish Office to sign up for our Baptism Prep classes which consist of 3 consecutive one-hour discussions based on the book “Raising Faith-Filled Children”. Book and workbook are available at the Parish Office. Reconciliation This sacrament is held on Saturdays at 3pm (St. Augustine’s Church) or by appointment with Fr. Nagle (508-878-0331). Anointing of the Sick This is a sacrament of healing. Do not hesitate to call Fr. Nagle if you or a member of your family wishes to receive this sacrament in your home, at the hospital or nursing home. Care of the Sick or Homebound Please notify the Parish Office when you or a member of your family is unable to attend Mass and would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick or Holy Eucharist. Marriage Please make arrangements at least one year in advance by calling the Parish Office. Marriage Preparation In the Diocese of Fall River, Marriage Preparation includes 1) an initial meeting with the priest who is preparing you for Marriage, 2) the FOCCUS profile, 3) Pre-Cana and Natural Family Planning Classes (these are off-island), 4) the FOCCUS evaluation, 5) Planning the Liturgy meeting, 6) Rehearsal and 7) Your Wedding. Since the Island is a very popular place for weddings, we need to schedule a date at least a year in advance to avoid being disappointed and then begin the preparation process 8 months in advance. Please contact the Parish Office 508-693-0342. Sacred Heart Cemetery Please call the Parish Office if interested in purchasing cemetery plots or obtaining any other information in regards to the Sacred Heart Cemetery. New Parishioners The Good Shepherd Parish welcomes all who join us for Masses. All are invited to register. Please call the office at 508-693-0342. Parish Registration Forms Forms are available at the office, or on our website. Moving Please notify the Parish Office when you move. St. Vincent De Paul Society “Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me” We strive to see the face of Jesus in the poor that we serve. All Holy Day collections go to the St. Vincent De Paul Society. If you or someone you know is in need, please contact the Parish Office at 508-693-0342. Curious Corner Questions, concerns, what you have heard on the street - Insert in the Curious Corner Box in the back of the church - Answers will be forthcoming. ~~~~~ Interested in going on a Retreat: Make a visit to Saint Joseph Retreat Center in Cohasset, MA. (For more details & to apply visit or call 781-383-6024.) Make a visit to Mercy Center at Madison By the Sea in Madison, CT. (For more details visit Prayer Groups of Good Shepherd Parish Holy Rosary - before Daily Mass Charismatic Prayer Group (Portuguese) - Every Monday at 7pm (Parish Center Chapel) Grupo de Oração, Carismatico (portugues) segunda-feira, sete horas na capela do centro paroquial Centering Prayer & Lectio Divina - Tuesdays at 2pm , Parish Center. Please call Peggy McGrath, 774-563-0875 Wednesday Morning Book Group - Meets every Wednesday from 10:15am to 11:15am at the Parish Center. The current book is: THE WOW FACTOR: Bringing the Catholic Faith to Life by William J. O’Malley, S.J. You are welcome to join at anytime as the books are read and discussed at each gathering. For more information call Fran Tierney at 508-627-7265. Eucharistic Adoration/Benediction (Portuguese) - on the third Wednesday of each month at 7pm (Parish Center Chapel) Adoracao e Bencao do Santissimo Sacramento, toda terceira quarta-feira de cada mes, sete horas na capela do cenro paroquial Intercessory Prayer Group (Portuguese) - Every Tuesday from 8-9:30pm (Parish Center Chapel) Prayer Shawl Ministry - Join us as we knit and pray every third Tuesday of the month at 7pm (Parish Center) Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - First Friday of the month 8:30-6pm (Parish Center Chapel) Liturgy of the Hours - Deacon Karl Buder will give private instruction on the Church’s official daily prayers, using the Book of Christian Prayer. Call 508-693-3333. Page 2 - 921 Sunday, September 7, 2014 Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Gospel (Matthew 18:15-17) St. Augustine’s Church Sat Sept 6 Sun Sept 7 4pm 8am 9:30 5pm David Cunniffe Patricia Maseda Mary Federowicz-2nd Ann Patricia Brown Sat Sept 13 Sun Sept 14 4pm 8am Frank Coutinho Billy Vieara, Frank S. Vieara Dorothea King Gloria Cron Alice Hafner 9:30 5pm Mon Tue Wed Thu Daily Mass Intentions 8am Parish Center Chapel Sept 8 Mary & Ellsworth Fisher Sept 9 Francis Brunette Sept 10 Karen Crall Fallon Sept 11 Deceased of Sept. 11, 2001 Mission Cooperative - September 13/14 They give by going...and...We go by giving! Welcome Rev. Leon Bonikowski, OSFS on behalf of The Foreign Missions of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Doctor of the Church, Patron of the Catholic Press, Patron of the Deaf, and Founder of the Sisters of the Visitation, served as a young priest-missionary to the Chablais region of his native France. Today, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales - whose unique charism in the Catholic Church is to spread the spirituality of The Gentleman Saint - continue his work in the footsteps of Our Lord Jesus Christ “to the ends of the earth.” Established in France in 1876, the DeSales Oblates arrived in North America in 1893 in order to work among the Native Americans of Oklahoma. Since that time, more than 300 DeSales Oblates serve in North American communities. Today, many North American DeSales Oblates serve with 200 other DeSales Oblate Missionary Priests, Brothers, and Deacons from Brazil, Ecuador, South Africa, Namibia, India, Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria, Italy, and the Netherlands. Fr. William Gore established a new foundation in the western part of Ukraine, an area where the communists inflicted their greatest persecution upon the Christian people of that country. DeSales Oblates from Brazil began evangelization programs in the slums of Manta, Ecuador. Fr. Tom Hagan works among the poorest people of Haiti. Fathers Harry Schlight and Robert Hindley have labored in the Namib Desert among the poor of South Africa, during their years under the racist apartheid regime. Fr. Walter DeSa supports orphaned children in a new African nation Namibia. Jesus said to his disciples: “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have won over your brother. If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, so that ’every fact may be established on the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.” Reflection Jesus acknowledges the presence of sin within the community of believers and provides a path for bringing members back into the fold. Only when all else fails is the sinner to be excluded from the community. This Gospel makes it clear how important community is for Christian believers. Each individual member of the community is important and necessary. No one can be spared. We need each other, Jesus reminds us, to pray with us and for us, to call us to task when we go astray. There is something special about this shared prayer: even where just two or three are gathered, Jesus is in our midst. Even the smallest community is a privileged place of grace. Page 3 - 921 Raffle and Bake Sale to help raise additional funds for Pilgrimage Trip and the Parish Raffle Tickets: $5.00 for one ticket $10.00 for three tickets $40.00 for a book of twelve tickets Raffle is for two round-trip tickets anywhere that Cape Air fly’s except White Plains, New York. Please visit the Cape Air Website to get full details as to where they fly. Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are two of the destinations they fly to. The value of the tickets is worth $750. DRAWING DATE : JANUARY 15 BAKE SALE Saturday, September 13 9am-1:30pm Main Street, VH Wednesday Morning Book Group: The group meets every Wednesday from 10:15 to 11:15AM at the Parish Center. The current book is THE WOW FACTOR: Bringing the Catholic Faith to Life by William J. O’Malley, S.J. You are welcome to join at anytime as the books are read and discussed at each gathering. For more information call Fran Tierney at 508-627-7265. STRUGGLING IN YOUR MARRIAGE? - YOU ARE NOT ALONE! If your marriage is tearing the two of you apart, if there is little or no meaningful communication, if you are considering separation or divorce, we believe Retrouvaille can help. You are NOT alone! Our peer ministry is led by couples who have lived through the honeymoon phase often followed by deep disillusionment before finally finding resurrection in their marriages using tools taught in this program. Rediscover a loving marriage with a Retrouvaille weekend September 12-14. To register for the weekend or for more information, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit www.HelpOur Worldwide Marriage Encounter: “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Today’s gospel challenges us to come together in His name. Is God in your Marriage? Enrich your marriage on the next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends (September 19-21, 2014, October 24-26, 2014 and December 5-7, 2014). For more information call 1-800-710WWME or visit Growth Committee Good Shepherd Parish has recently launched a new growth committee whose mission is to Help the parish grow and bring people back to church by Building a stronger sense of belonging among our people and Encourage in them to engage in more sharing, interaction, and dialogue so that we may Reach out more effectively to others In new ways that will encourage them to join us and share our rich spirituality. Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do! Come be a part of the change at Good Shepherd Parish. Page 4 - 921 Ten Things Pope Francis Wants You to Know about Evangelization Despite over a year and a half after his election, the praise for Pope Francis continues from people of all sorts of backgrounds. The media, the public, and the members of the Catholic Church continue to hang on his words and his actions. Pope Francis has the amazing knack for preaching while embodying this preaching with his own life. He is not simply a great marketer for the Church; he is a model of evangelization that we can all learn a lot from. Pope Francis has been trying to tell us more and more about how he hopes the Church can evangelize. 1) Everyone is Meant to Evangelize Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively engaged in evangelization; indeed, anyone who has truly experienced God’s saving love does not need much time or lengthy training to go out and proclaim that love.—Evangelii Gaudium To be continued….. Marriage Blessing Our prayerful congratulations are extended to the following couples as they are joined in the Sacrament of Marriage on Saturday, September 6th. May God’s choicest blessings be yours as you live this Sacrament of God’s Love! Dominica Penicaud and Luis D’Agostino (St. A’s) Liza Lamar and Brian Farrell (St. E’s) Capital Improvements to the Good Shepherd Parish Buildings Please help our Parish with the costs associated with the following improvements: Installation of Webcam Streaming Video $ 11,000 (St. E’s) Installation of Music Projection Screens $ 7,000 (St. E’s) Painting $ 10,000 (St. E’s) Stained Glass Window & Installation $100,000 (St. A’s) Air Conditioning $100,000 (St. A’s) Insulation & Siding $ 70,000 (St. A’s) Irrigation $ (St. A’s) 5,000 Please put any donation made into a separate envelope marked “Capital Improvements” Checks should be made payable to: Good Shepherd Parish (Capital Improvement donations may also be made online through our Online Giving Program) Thank You! Donations Received to Date: $21,877 Sign up for our Online Giving Program! If you would like to donate online and have not yet had a chance to do so, please visit our church website and click the Online Giving link. Page 5 - 921 Religious Formation Registration for Students & Children Available After all the Masses this weekend in St. Augustine’s Church It’s almost time to begin sessions! Angela Candreva, our new youth minister and Sue Pagliccia, director of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd will be available after all the Masses in the back room behind the choir, assisting you with registration. We invite new families to register with our parish and enroll their children in our fall sessions. We will have all the necessary paperwork to enroll in our programs. Remember to bring health insurance information as a new form has to be filled out each year, and bring a copy of the child’s sacrament certificates: if he/she wasn’t baptized here on Martha’s Vineyard, and/or First Communion, if celebrated off island. Please note the diocesan policy is that all children must have one full year of religious formation prior to the year of celebrating sacraments. Tuition will remain the same as last year: $35/child with a $75/family maximum. Also, an additional fee of $45 may be paid early for children who will be celebrating the sacraments of Reconciliation/Eucharist (2nd grade or older). Checks are to be made out to: Good Shepherd Parish. EDGE sessions for 7/8th graders begin Saturday, September 20th in St. Augustine’s hall Immediately following the 4 pm Mass from 5:00-6:30 pm Life Teen sessions for high schoolers only start on Sunday night, September 21st in St. Augustine’s hall From 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (join us for the 5 pm Mass in the church and dinner at 6) Families are welcome to join in the meal with their students. CGS sessions start Monday 9/22 through Thursday 9/25 3:30-5:30 pm, and Tues. evening 6-7:30 pm Held at the Parish Center, 55 School Street, Oak Bluffs Religious formation is about a relationship with Jesus Christ, it should not be looked at as just another after school activity or babysitting. It’s not simply learning “about” God but a time to introduce God and to experience God’s love through prayer, the Bible and liturgy, and community. All that we do points to the Mass, the sacrament of the Eucharist, which is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church/CCC #1324) Students learn about personal responsibility as well as to their community. Please see the importance of nourishing the spiritual life of your children, and yourselves in Adult Formation. Visit the parish website: for more information under the Faith Formation link. Look for us on Facebook at Good Shepherd MV Youth Ministry or Good Shepherd MV. Can’t stay after Mass? Please stop by and visit us during office hours: M-F from 9:30am-4pm. If you have any questions or are interested in volunteering in these ministries, please contact: Angela Candreva 508-693-0342 x14 for Life Teen or EDGE, or Sue Pagliccia 508-693-0342 x12 for CGS. Or email us at: or Page 6 - 921 Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Religious Formation for children ages 3-12 ‘Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.’ (Matt. 18:20) Living as Disciples of Jesus in Community: An Invitation The Gospel of Matthew records five great discourses or teachings of Jesus given either directly to, or primarily to, his disciples. In reading the introduction to Matthew in our Bible, it says, “No other evangelist gives the teaching of Jesus with such elegance and order.” The discourses are: Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5:3-7:27); Missionary Discourse (Matt. 10:5-42); Parable Discourse (Matt. 13:3-52); Church Order Discourse (Matt.18:3-35) and the Eschatological Discourse (Matt. 24:4-25:46). This weekend’s Gospel reading is from the fourth teaching, Church Order. In the narrative before Chapter 18 (Matt. 13:54-17:27) Jesus is shown preparing for the establishment of his church with its teaching authority—that will replace the blind guidance of the Pharisees (and Sadducees) whose teaching is rejected by Jesus as the norm for his disciples. Also that Christ’s church will be built on Peter who will be given the authority to bind and loose on earth, and confirmed in heaven. This authority given to Peter includes the giving of authoritative teaching which was given to him immediately after he declared Jesus to be the Messiah, the Son of the living God; that confession, remember, was made as a result of revelation given to him by the heavenly Father. Last Sunday we heard where Jesus was instructing his disciples about how he must go the way of suffering and death, and there was Peter protesting that, resulting in the sharpest rebuke given: “Get behind me, Satan” for attempting to deflect Jesus from his God-appointed destiny. Peter is still a man of little faith. But both he and the other disciples must know not only that Jesus has to suffer and die, but they too will have to follow him on the way of the cross if they are truly to be his disciples. But calling this chapter of Matthew’s Gospel “the Church Order” discourse might be a bit misleading because the emphasis is not on the church structure but on the care that the disciples must have for one another, it’s about community life. With a Bible before you, you will see the subheadings: it begins with the question asked by the disciples, Who is the greatest? (v. 1-5); the Temptation to Sin is in respect to guarding each other’s faith in Jesus, to not lead another into sin (v. 6-7) and ridding oneself of what causes us to sin (v. 8-9); and the Parable of the Lost Sheep, teaches to seek out those who have wandered from the fold (v.10-14). A Brother who Sins, teaches the obligation to correct the sinful fellow Christian, and should one refuse to be corrected, separation from the community is demanded (v. 15-18); and finally the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, containing the maxim of forgiveness, teaches to always forgive fellow disciples who have offended us (v. 21-35). We can relate to this, can’t we? And in some way nothing has changed, in this Gospel we see the Church of the first century having the same problems that we face today. The need to stay connected with the source of life, the Risen Christ, bringing about healing, peace, and fullness of life. Jesus came to reveal God to us; to invite us into his life of union with the Father through the Holy Spirit. The purpose of Jesus' teaching is to allow the divine life to surge through us so that we become transformed in Christ, making us more like Him. The “children” or this community that Jesus refers to are the people whose entire being is about humility, being small before God; being childlike, accepting the invitation and responding to the promptings of God without the ego getting in the way. Those who help others participate in the divine life so they, the other, may fully flourish. And it has to always be done with love/charity. What is Love? Helps us to Know: Who is Love—I AM I listened to a few homilies given by Fr. Robert Barron and he defines what love is: “It is not a feeling or a sentiment … it is an act of the will; it is willing the good of the other, as other; and doing something about it.” Looking again at Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Do these words seem to belong in the middle of this chapter? It may appear to stand only in a judicial context like in today’s Gospel reading, but how else can we live in community, caring for one another, helping others or even forgiving one another? Sometimes we need to remind ourselves of these words to help us in our attitudes and behaviors; the members of the Matthean community clearly needed to hear it. Can we begin to see that union of love between God and his people? That Jesus will always be present within his Church, his Mystical Body, and with Authority? Take some time to reflect on the different ways Jesus is present to you … in his Word, in Sacrament, in the Tabernacle/Eucharistic Adoration, in each other, in prayer, in nature, in suffering and death--in all things. Then do something about it. Page 7 - 921 YOUTH MINISTRY Hello Everyone! I hope it has been a smooth transition back to school for you and your families. Please remember that our programs start up in just TWO WEEKS! We are all getting excited and ready for you. I will be outside of each Mass this weekend to bring registration to you. I look forward to seeing you and answering any questions you may have. The EDGE! Welcomes all 7th and 8th graders beginning on September 20th and will be held right after the 4pm Saturday Mass from 5-6:30pm. Life Teen is for all those in 9th-12th grade. This year we will kick off our program on September 21st and will be held after the 5pm Mass and dinner from 6:30-8pm. Youth ministry dinners will occur after the 5pm Sunday Mass – and all are invited to attend. The second reading this week starts out by saying “owe nothing to anyone, except to love one another” and the gospel teaches us practically on how to live this way. The readings are a great pairing. As we begin another new year as a community let us come and practice living this way. This isn’t easy; it isn’t about retaliation but reconciliation and we aren’t alone. Take 5 and look for the areas where you may have failed to love particularly not only in action but also in where you have failed to reach out to someone. May we begin this new year as a community that reaches out and loves. Angela Candreva 508-693-0342 x14 for Life Teen or EDGE Page 8 - 921 *Rosary Making Ministry* Would you like to join a group that is dedicated to consoling the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary by learning to make corded rosaries for Good Shepherd Parish and for the missions? You do not have to be craft oriented!!! For more info: contact Betsy Allen at: or Carmen Amadeo at: Next Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 10th at 6pm at the Parish Center. New Members are always welcome. “The family that prays together, stays together.” Servant of God, Father Patrick Peyton Natural Family Planning Course The Good Shepherd Parish would like to offer a NFP Course in conjunction with the Couple to Couple League, but first we need to get a count of how many couples would be interested. Time: Sept or Oct which consists of 3 sessions over 3 months Cost: $135 a couple, scholarships are available on line through the Couple to Couple League If you are interested please call the Parish office (508-693-0342) or Donna Gazaille (508-627-5095) Love of Life Apostolate The Love of Life Apostolate will be meeting on the Third Monday of each month at the Parish Center at 8:45am. Our goal is to inform and educate on the numerous issues of life. Let’s be a people of life! If interested please contact Margaret Van Sciver (508-939-4561), Jean Billingham (508-693-7939), or Donna Gazaille (508-627-5095) Please visit our Website: Our Masses are live on our Webcams Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, St. Augustine’s Church and St. Elizabeth’s Church MV Cancer Support Group This organization provides temporary and emergency financial assistance to year round island cancer patients and their families. The funds provided are used primarily for travel expenses not covered by insurance. Information is also provided about resources available to the Vineyard cancer patients on the Island and elsewhere in New England. The MVCSG is run completely by volunteers allowing all of the money raised to go directly to the people it serves. A gift of any amount is always very much appreciated. For more information please visit Remember to friend us on Facebook at Good Shepherd MV Page 9 - 921 Stewardship Report: Our Gift of Time~Talent~Treasure August 14 August 13 August 12 YTD 14 YTD 13 YTD 12 Income 65,773.00 56,948.41 90,605.81 408,134.58 425,961.04 451,853.50 Expense 67,951.62 66,989.64 69,694.85 687,379.01 653,055.35 486,947.51 Net Ordinary Income -2,178.02 -10,041.23 20,910.96 -279,244.43 -227,094.31 -35,094.01 Interest/Savings 18,247.18 21,081.40 22,371.50 Rainy Day Fund Due to Work at St. A’s 47,000.00 -260,997.25 -159,012.91 Net Income -2,178.62 -10,041.23 20,910.96 -12,722.51 Weekly Stewardship: $9,965 Weekly Online Stewardship: $190 Last Weekend Total: $10,155 Good Shepherd Parish Gift Shop New Items arriving for Fall Take a look at our 1/2 off Sale Bin Open During Regular Office Hours Parish Center, Oak Bluffs Good Shepherd Parish Marian Pilgrimage Please join us on a personal pilgrimage to reconnect with Our Lady, and through her our Lord. Enjoy April (2015) in Paris as we begin our journey to Lourdes and her healing waters. Continue in the footsteps of faithful pilgrims to the Way of St. James in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. We end our journey in Fatima, Portugal at the Basilica of Lady of Fatima. Thirteen days on a journey of faith. This is a trip for your bucket list. Please contact Carmen Amadeo 508-693-2797 or Laura Rose 508-6939636 if you are interested in joining us on this journey. Martha’s Vineyard $2 OFF EDGARTOWN LIGHTHOUSE BOX 3 slices fudge & 12 oz. brittle OR 5 slices A Slice of Island Not valid on specials EDGARTOWN • OAK BLUFF • VINEYARD HAVEN • 888-55-FUDGE Using Only the Finest Ingredients Since 1887 Island Water Source, Inc. EMERGENCY SERVICE WELL DRILLING WATER SYSTEMS & FILTRATION National Certification • State Licensed 508-693-4999 SINCE 1969 23 North Line Rd. Edgartown, MA MV Florist & Gifts Fair Trade CertifiedTM Roses 508-693-6195 12 Mariners Way, Edgartown, MA 227 Upper Main St. Edgartown 508.627.8344 Offering a full bar Prix Fix Menu Chef/Owner - Antonio Saccoccia Offering a 2 For 1 Entre Special on Thurs., Fri., & Sat. Closed Sun. ® Jeanne M. Ogden Vice President Retail Mortgage Sales Manager Mortgage Division NMLS ID: 704398 T 508.696.4463 F 508.696.7154 75 Main St. • Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 BRENNAN & CO., LLC. Sales • Service • Installation HIGH EFFICIENCY HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING FLOOR • RADIANT HEAT 508-696-0043 Fax: 508-696-6874 Body Balance Health & Beauty Detox Ariana Feldberg Owner & Certified Wrap Technician 2 Tar Barrel Rd., Aquinnah, MA 02535 508-645-2333 508-344-8595(cell) R OR B OHUE HARKET T R MA “Where shopping is a breeze.” Post Office Square • Edgartown 508.939.9300 ISLAND WIDE DELIVERY Call Before 2 P.M. ON OAK BLUFFS 693-3000 Knowledgeable Wine Staff Party & Wedding Set-Ups FINE WINE • BEER & SPIRITS GROCERIES • ICE • FILM LOTTERY • FRESH CHEESE EDGARTOWN 627-4000 E UR GL YEOTRIANKET H R T A AT General Contractor & Builder 508-693-6430 M PO Box 4075 Oxygen & Medical Equipment For Your Home Vineyard Haven John Curelli, R.R.T. • Benjamin Curelli MA 02568 508.693.4380 Serving Martha’s Vineyard Since 1974 ARAUJO BROTHERS Salon & Spa 12 Mariners Way Edgartown, MA 02539 Tues.-Sat. by appointment 508-627-8333 D. P. Canha Appliance Repair PO Box 1452 Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 Phone • Fax (508) 693-9563 JOHN KEENE EXCAVATION AN UPPER-SCALE FISH MARKET 508-693-6071 • 79 Beach Rd., Box 1686, Vineyard Haven, MA 921 Good Shepherd, Martha’s Vineyard, Oaks Bluff, MA (i) FX 508-693-5975 Old Stage Road, across from Takemmy Farm in West Tisbury 6 N. Line Road Edgartown, MA 02539 508-693-5080 THE MORTGAGE ADVISOR Competitive Rates on Refinances & Purchases Septic Pumping Portable Toilet Rentals P.O. Box 723 Vineyard Haven, MA 508-693-2625 Let our family help your family! Professional Painting Int./Ext. • Fully Ins. • Free Est. Serving all New England • Specializing in House Washing Cell 774-521-6644 • Sheila Adams, MLO 47956 • 508-696-7676 $200 Off any complete Ext. Paint Job over $1000 800-640-4333 • $50 Off any complete Int. Paint Job over $250 John Patrick Publishing Co. 1.800.333.3166 • 56 Edgartown-Vineyard Haven Road, Oak Bluffs, MA 02557 Wareham Falmouth West Falmouth Milton Family Owned & Operated Since 1862 Mashpee FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATION SERVICES Bridgewater East Bridgewater Michael Hoyt & Leonard Verville, Directors (508) 693-1495 DRYWALL & PLASTER CONTRACTOR Gas • Diesel • Kerosene • Lube • Oil Changes Tires Soda & Snacks • Propane Tanks Refilled 508.693.4800 • Ceiling & Wall Repair • New Construction Remodeling • Insured Workmen Lenny Beford (508) 631-2248 PO Box 307 • Oak Bluffs, MA 02557 John Pinto Box 82, 83 New York Ave., Oak Bluffs, MA 02557 B.T.U. CONTROL, INC. PAINTING P.O. Box 2173, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 508-627-1064 774-930-0944 508.627.3999 MARY SULLIVAN LITIGATION • REAL ESTATE IMMIGRATION • PROBATE Over 30 Years Lawyer Banking that’s Vineyard Sound 508-687-9929 Member FDIC • Member DIF 87 Center St., VH 02568 Over 30 Years of Experience in the Industry YOUR IRRIGATION & LANDSCAPE SOLUTION 455 STATE RD. • WOODLAND CTR. VINEYARD HAVEN, MA Office: 508-693-5428 Fax: 508-693-7665 508-693-6730 MV MARINE Plumbing Tel: 508-696-9620 Cell: 774-263-6237 • 508-304-4247 P.O. Box 4051, Vineyard Haven, MA Cape Cod Restoration, Inc. & Collision Email: INDOOR CLIMATE CONTROL & SYSTEMS Heating • Cooling • Ventilation Radiant Floor & Solar Water Heating Experts 508.693.1298 Chris Silva, former owner of Falmouth Auto Works is again available for high quality auto body collision repairs. CRANE SERVICE 508-693-9311 Unhappy with the MASS FAIR PLAN? Free Estimates Rozana Pires Tel/Fax: 508-693-8657 P.O.Box 1889 • V.H. MA 02568 European Auto Repair & Service Servicing Volkswagen, Audi, Porsche, BMW, Volvo, Mini Cooper & Smart Car 356 State Rd., Vineyard Haven 693-8460 4 Crane Circle • Cataumet, MA Tel: 508-563-1130 45 Years in Business Kim Baptiste • Mike Baptiste HOUSE CLEANING Good References “We Pick Up At The Ferry” 508-627-9655 • HOMEOWNERS! 508-693-4442 TIM McKAY 129 Main St., EdgartownMassachusetts 02539 Lowe Energy Design. inc. SCREEN PRINTING & EMBROIDERY FABRICATION • REPAIR • REFINISH 52 Egdartown-West Tisbury Rd. West Tisbury, MA 508.627.4794 Design • Installation • Maintenance Owner Operated • Free Estimates 508-693-9462 Woodland Center, 559 State Road Vineyard Haven, MA • Unit 21 (Lower Level) 56 North Water Street SALES & SERVICE Martha’s Vineyard Island OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Served Daily 8-11AM Family Owned & Operated Since 1971 48 Hvoslef Way • Box 342 Vineyard Haven MA Fax: 508-455-0429 MA Reg. #1357 ...Talk to TASHMOO! NURSERY & GARDEN CENTER 508-696-7600 680 STATE RD., WEST TISBURY, MA WWW.MIDDLETOWNNURSERY.COM SAVE GREEN! Great Stay & Park Packages are Available F: 508.693.0369 RADISSON HOTEL PROVIDENCE AIRPORT 91 Adjecent to T.F. Green Airport Erik Lowe PO Box 773 • West Tisbury, MA 693-4000 $ 627-9001 By Choice Hotels Martha’s Vineyard 508-693-7708 (508) 627-5161 Reservations 1(800) 922-3009 • 34 Large Guest Rooms • King & Queen Size Beds • Climate Control - Air Conditioning • 27” Cable TV/HBO • High Speed Internet Access • Free Parking • Continental Breakfast (Included) • “The Grill on Main” Restaurant On Site Vineyard Cash & Carry FOODSERVICE SPECIALISTS Fx: 508-693-8059 Doug Best, Owner General Contractor (508) 737-3278 cell (508) 696-8448 office Interior Renovations • Home & Office Additions Decks & Exterior Improvemnts Sheds, Showers & Outbuildings New Construction • Fine Carpentry Kitchens & Baths • Repairs BRUNO’S RECYCLES, DO YOU? 2 Weeks FREE Parking! Complimentary 24 Hr. Shuttle Svc. to T.F. Green (PVD) Airport Book online at or call 401-739-3000 Use promo code STAY13 when booking this special! Radisson Hotel Providence Airport GUTTERS Seamless Aluminum, Copper, Wood EAST ◊ COAST PO Box 1808 • Upper Main St. Edgartown, MA 02539 Advanced Seamless Systems • Est. 1981 508-693-5454 • Fax: 508-693-6877 Email: Clean Fuel Fair Prices Vineyard Cleaners Island owned and operated We have our own on island storage 24 HR On-Line access to your account 24 HR pay On-Line (all major credit cards) 508-693-7389 Dry Cleaning • Work Gear & Clothing Area Rugs Cleaned • Furs, Suedes & Linens 8 Merchants Court Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 New customer referral plan - $25.00 for each referral no limit Visit us at Est. 2012 508-696-8869 F: 508-696-9393 508-684-8257 • 86 Beach Road, Vineyard Haven Susie Wallo MA Masters Lic. 9935 BREAKFAST ATTORNEY AT LAW 508-696-5959 508-693-0751 William Mueller HEATING • VENTILATION • AIR CONDITIONING Plumbing • Heat REFRIGERATION • DEHUMIDIFICATION • WINE CELLARS Solar Hot Water • Air Conditioning Res • Comm P.O. Box 946 Edgartown, MA 02539 FAX: 860-314-4809 Massachusetts Inspection Station Island Real Estate YANKEE CELL: 508-693-6468 MBOELSEN@WEBSTERBANK.COM Service Station & Convenience Store BROKERAGE OF PROPERTY ON MARTHA’S VINEYARD Est. 1972 MORTGAGE BANKING OFFICER NMLS# 39303 deBettencourt’s If we are successful in helping you purchase or sell your property, a $500 donation will be made to the charity of your choice* when you mention this ad. Give us a call! (*upon transfer of deed) P.O. BOX 1474, EDGARTOWN, MA 02539 MICHELLE BOELSEN on island Steven C. Jordan, CLU, CHFC Chartered Financial Consultant REALTOR ® O: 508.696.3704 C: 508.776-6050 Tisbury Markey Pl., 79 Beach Rd. Each office independently owned & operated Life • Annuities • Health Long Term Care • Disability Income 508-693-9500 • F: 508-693-6427 email: 7 North Line Rd., Edgartown NUTRITION Conveniently located on Corsiglia the shore of Vineyard Haven BETSY CORSIGLIA harbor, just a short walk Lic./Reg. Dietitian Nutritionist; Cert. In Sports Nutrition to downtown. Rooms feature Masters in Nutrition & Health Promotion A/C, wireless internet, NUTRITION COUNSELING (774) 836-8599 cable TV, refrigerator in every rm., complimentary parkBishop Services ing... all with a Retro flair and Construction Svc. a private Beach. Seamless aluminum, copper, wood 877-693-3334 921 Good Shepherd, Martha’s Vineyard, Oaks Bluff, MA (B) FX New, Repairs, Cleaning, Covers Same price for all colors no up charge State lic. & ins. contractor • Jim Bishop 508-939-0052 • PO Box 251, Oak Bluffs, MA 02557 FREE EST. • Fully Lic. & Ins. Christopher W. Cottrell, Lic. Gen. Contractor 508-693-6139 • Lic# CS69161 • HIC# 106568 TONY’S 119 Dukes County Ave. Oak Bluffs MARKET Open508-693-4799 Daily at 6:30am ~ EST. 1877 ~ DELI SANDWICHES • BIG, FRESH SALADS DINNERS TO-GO UNDER $9 • WINE & BEER HOT & ICED COFFEE & TEA GROCERIES & PRODUCE ORGANIC GARDENING & LANDSCAPING, INC. CREATING & MAINTAINING DYNAMIC LANDSCAPES WITH THE RIGHT APPROACH 508-627-7094 SHIRLEY’S HARDWARE, INC. HARDWARE STORES “Help is just around the corner” P.O. Box 326, 374 State Road Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 508-693-3070 John Patrick Publishing Co. 1.800.333.3166 •
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