Jubilee Holy Spirit Day - Jubilee Community Church

Jubilee Holy Spirit Day
Jubilee Centre, 30 May, 2pm – 4.30pm
This is an afternoon of instruction and Holy Spirit ministry that could
change your life!
Please choose ONE seminar (2.15pm – 3.15pm)
All will gather together in the Auditorium at 3.30pm
2.15pm - Seminars
Each Seminar comprises 40 mins presentation and 15min Q&A
(Please see below for a detailed description of each seminar)
Understanding the Spirit’s Power
Experiencing being filled with the Holy Spirit – Stephen van Rhyn
Ministering in the Spirit’s Power
Moving Forward in the Prophetic – Jeremy Hansen
Healing the Sick – Caryn Wilson
The Spirit and Personal Ministry – Kyle Johnston
Spiritual Warfare – Wes Fredericks
3.15pm - Break (drinks will be available)
Encounter Meeting – Wes Fredericks/Lex L
This meeting is a key opportunity to personally receive the power of the
Holy Spirit, to minister to each other, pray for the sick and exercise His
4.30pm - End
Register for your seminar choice (one seminar) at the Info Desk on
Sundays or email Chido: chidom@jubilee.org.za.
Seminar Descriptions
All Seminars include a 15-minute Question and Answer time.
Note: You will only able to attend one of these seminars per Holy Spirit Day.
Understanding the Spirit’s Power
Being filled with the Holy Spirit – Stephen van Rhyn
This session is an introduction to the Bible’s teaching about receiving the
power of the Holy Spirit once you have become a Christian. This is an
experience promised to all believers so if you are not sure you have been
filled with the Spirit this is the session to attend.
Ministering in the Spirit’s Power
Moving Forward in the Prophetic – Jeremy Hansen
This seminar is an introduction to the topic of the gift of prophecy and
includes a consideration of the various ways in which we can hear from God
and helpfully communicate to others what we feel God is saying.
Healing the Sick – Caryn Wilson
An introduction for those who would like to grow in faith in the area of
supernatural healing and see more answers to prayer in this area.
The Spirit and Personal Ministry – Kyle Johnston
This seminar is an introduction to ministering to others in prayer and basic
counsel. The goal of the session is to help you pray with sensitivity and
Spiritual Warfare – Wes Fredericks
This seminar is an introduction to the reality of spiritual combat in the
Christian Life. Topics covered will include the nature of the demonic, our
protection in Christ and some guidelines to helping others.