JUDSON WEEKLY MESSAGES 4/17/2015 APRIL 18 Pleasant Hill Jazz Festival 21 JET schedule MS Adv. Band Festival @ North High, 5:00 - 9:00 pm 23 Take Your Student To Work Day 27 No School - Grading/Inservice Day 29 JET Schedule MAY 1 Culture of College Day 4 - 8 Mother’s Day Flower Sale 5 JET schedule 6 8th Grade Picture @ 10:30 am 8 Best In The Northwest Choir Festival 12 JET schedule 14 Booster Club Meeting, 12:30 pm - Conference room 18 South Area Jazz Concert @ South, 7:00 pm 19 JET schedule 21 Sprague Area Orchestra Concert @ Sprague, 7:00 pm 25 No School - Memorial Day 26- 29 Doernbecher Week 26 Band Concert, 7:00 pm - Main Gym 27 JET schedule 28 South Area Band Concert, 7:00 pm - Main gym 29 All-School After-School Activity, 3:00 - 4:15 pm JUNE 1 Orchestra Concert, 7:00 pm - Main gym 2 JET schedule Choir Concert, 7:00 pm - Main gym 3 Finals 4 Finals 5 Culture of College Day 8 8th Grade Dance, 7:00 - 9:00 pm - Auxiliary gym 9 Field Day 10 Last Day of School - Early Dismissal 8th Grade Picture, Wednesday, May 6th The 8th grade panoramic picture will be Monday, May 6th. Payment for picture orders MUST be given to the photographer at the time of the picture. Track Schedule Please note: athletic schedules are subject to change. 4/23/2014 (Thursday) Judson vs. Walker & Waldo @ McKay - 4:00 pm 4/30/2014 (Thursday) Judson vs. Claggett Creek @ South - 4:00 pm 5/7/2014 (Thursday) Judson vs. Crossler @ Sprague - 4:00 pm Tuesday, May 13th All City @ West, 4:00 pm There will not be any practices on Monday, May 4th, due to the all-staff staff meeting. Http://judson.salkeiz.k12.or.us Turn-Around Student of the Year Congratulations to 8th grader, Tiffanie Eaton. Tiffanie is Judson’s Turn-Around Student of the Year Award winner for the 2014-2015 school year. Since arriving at Judson as a sixth grader, Tiffanie’s attitude and work ethic has made a 180degree change in every way. Her fantastic attitude towards staff, her peers and completion of her school work has made her deserving of this award. Tiffanie will join students from other schools who were also chosen by their teachers for the TurnAround Award, at an awards ceremony on May 12th. Take Your Child to Work Day National “Take Your Child to Work Day” is Thursday, April 23rd. If this is an event your student will be participating in, we ask that you send written permission with your student to take to the Attendance Office BEFORE April 23rd in order for the absence to be excused. Normally, your student would need to be in attendance for a full school day to take part in after-school events. However, for this one day, they will be able to miss school and still participate if the absence has been excused prior to April 23rd. Students who have not been excused prior to April 23rd, will not be able to participate in after-school activities and/or events. Please feel free to contact the Judson office if you have any questions. All students choosing to participate in TYCTWD are NOT eligible for the Perfect Attendance Award given at the end of the year. 8th Grade Dance The annual 8th grade dance will be held Monday, June 8th from 7:00-9:00 pm in Judson’s Auxiliary Gym. The cost for the dance is $5. The decorations will be done by the 8th grade parents. Attire must comply with the dress code. Girls may wear halter dresses or spaghetti straps for this one event, but strapless dresses are not permitted. The dance is not for mal; school clothes are appropriate. Students are not required to have a date. In fact, most students arrive solo. Visitors from other schools are not allowed. STUDENTS MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE A FULL DAY OF SCHOOL ON THE DAY OF THE DANCE. SPRAGUE HOOPS Sprague High School South Salem High Cheerleading Open Tryout/Practices for Incoming Freshman Summer League Team Tryouts April 20th, 21st, 27th and 28th from 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Monday, May 18th and Tuesday, May 19th At Sprague High School, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Thursday, May 21st At Crossler Middle School, 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm A completed registration form must be returned to Sprague in order to participate. Registration forms are available in Judson’s office. BOY’S OLY HOOP CAMP Sprague High School June 15th - 18th Grades 2nd - 8th Cost $50 Try Outs for the 2015-2016 Season Please join South for the try-out Clinics in the Howard Street Gym (entrance is at Howard St.) IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN TRYOUTS STUDENTS MUST HAVE A TRYOUT FORM COMPLETED AND TURNED IN ON THE FIRST DAY OF TRYOUTS. Tryout forms are available in Judson’s office. Please come dressed in workout attire, keeping within school dress code. Wear cheerleading or athletic shoes. Hair needs to be up and tightly secured. Bring water. Cell phones will need to be turned off and put away. Cheerleaders will learn jumps, cheer, and dance on days of tryouts. Judging will be observation style and team placement is up to the discretion of the coaches. Questions? Contact Kendell by email at SaxonCheerSSHS@gmail.com It’s time to register for the Boy’s Oly Hoop Camp, June 15th - 18th. The camp is open to boys grades 2 - 8 and the cost is only $50. Registration is online at: spraguehs.com It’s time to register for the Awesome 3000 The early bird registration deadline is April 21st. A $10 late fee will be added to all entries between April 22 - 28. No registrations will be accepted after April 28. Registration forms are available in Judson’s office. The race is May 4th at McCulloch Stadium at Bush Park. Race entry fees Grades K-12, $18 Pre-K, $12 Completed forms along with payment can be dropped off at: Where the Sidewalk Begins 233 Commercial St NE You can also mail your entry and payment to: Awesome 3000 233 Commercial St. NE Salem, OR 97301 or For just $2 more, register online at: www.skeducationfoundation.org SPRAGUE VOLLEYBALL 2011/2012/2013 CVC Champions LITTLE KIDS – August 12&13 - $30 4th&5th GRADE – August 12&13 - $40 MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMP – August 12-14 - $50 Location: Sprague High School 2015 incoming K thru 3rd graders at Little Kids Camp 2015 4th&5th graders at 4th/5th camp 2015 6th-8th graders at Middle School Camp This camp is designed to learn new skills and strategies, but to also see your future high school, meet the coaching staff and potential future teammates. We will go over the basic fundamentals of volleyball and also introduce offensive, defensive, and serve receive systems. We want you to learn and love the game of volleyball like we do here at Sprague! *Please bring: Court shoes • Knee pads and workout clothes • Water bottle • Good attitude • Willingness to learn * st Registration due by July 1 to guarantee t-shirt size Register Online at www.spraguevolleyball.wordpress.com Any questions? Contact Coach Anne @ olsen_anne@salkeiz.k12.or.us The following and future articles are provide to you by the Judson Middle School Counseling Department. For further information or questions regarding career exploration please contact Mr. Perez at 503-399-3201 or email perez_carlos@salkeiz.k12.or.us How can I help my child progress on his or her career path? 9) Supporting career-related learning Meaningful and effective education prepares students for academic success AND for life. Thus, schools in Oregon are required to deliver career and life role education as part of their curriculum. Career and life role education helps prepare your children for the six roles of adulthood - that of the individual, the learner, the producer, the consumer, the family member, and the citizen. It helps your children connect the personal side of their lives to their education and their future. They learn to live, learn to learn, and learn to work. Career-related learning spans a wide array of formal learning activities and projects. Your children may take part in a career day or an internship, create a career portfolio, complete a senior project, write their resume, take an interest inventory, and visit colleges or industry sites as part of their school day. These types of activities are part of the school's comprehensive guidance program. They help your children develop self-knowledge, explore their options for work and learning, and develop plans to succeed after graduation. Oregon school districts are creating career programs that best fit their students and their communities. Each district, however, must insure that their graduating seniors have: 1. Developed an education plan and build an education profile. 2. Demonstrated extended application of their knowledge and skills through a collection of evidence. 3. Demonstrated career-related knowledge and skills in these six ar eas: per sonal management, teamwor k, communication, problem solving, employment foundations, and career development 4. Participated in career-related learning experiences as outlined in their education plans. Parents and communities are critical to the success of career-related learning. Middle school career-related learning As your children enter middle school, they are also ready to begin career exploration. Career exploration helps them personalize the world of work through research and experience. It explores the questions "Who am I?" and "Where might I go with my life and learning?" By seventh grade, your children will begin to build an education plan. In order to do so, they will engage in activities that help them learn more about themselves in relationship to work. They might explore whether they prefer to work with data and information, people, or things - and then connect their preference to occupations or a broad career area. They might take a formal career assessment that helps them learn about their personality type - are they more realistic, investigative, artistic, social, enterprising, or conventional. They might be asked to research different career fields, interview people about their work, or shadow someone on the job. By eighth grade, you and your students will be asked to think about the transition to high school. Your children will set some broad career goals - which career focus areas they want to pursue, what they want to do after high school, what other activities they want to engage in. Their education plan will also look at the kinds of classes that will be important to their goals. At this stage, the more your children learn about what it takes to achieve their dreams, the better prepared they will be for making the most out of high school. You can support career-related learning at your children's middle school by: Finding out about the career-related learning goals and programs at the school. Talking about the education planning activities with your children. Helping your children reflect on what they are learning about themselves and their options. Reaching out to teachers and guidance counselors when you have questions or concerns about the goals and plans your children are setting. Helping your children find and connect to adults who share their interests or career field. Participating in career events and activities as a volunteer. Talking to your employer and other acquaintances when the school needs the larger community to participate in an event. The series of articles presented can be located at “My Child’s Future” http://www.mychildsfuture.org/parents/item.htm? edlvl=2 which is supported by “Oregon’s Partnership for Occupational & Career Information”. How are you planning for it? Monday, April 27, 2015 Willamette University - Sparks Center, Building 47 5:00-6:00 p.m. – Campus Tours 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. – College & Career Fair FREE admission & parking! Sponsored by Representatives from colleges, universities, trade/career schools, and the military will be on hand to answer questions. K-12 College students and parents are welcome. Drawings for educational scholarships and other prizes. The Judson Middle School Greenhouse club is selling the tomato plants we are growing. We have many delicious varieties grown in “soil blocks”. The next page has details. When: Plant Sale on Tuesday 3:00-4:15 pm May 19th Coordinate another time with Mr. Nagy Prices: $3.50 each plant. $3 each if you buy 10 or more Cash or check to Judson Middle School is accepted. How to order We plan to sell out by reservations Email or Call Mr. Nagy. 503 399 3201 or nagy_peter@salkeiz.k12.or.us to make a reservation Proceeds will go to the Judson Garden and Greenhouse program, and we will make a donation to the Marion Polk Food Share Community Garden Program Varieties: Peacevine (nutr ient dense cher r y tomato) Sunbow Paste (meaty sauce tomato) Sun Sugar (bite sized cher r y tomato tur ns or ange when super sweet) Black Cherry (dar k, delicious cher r y tomato) Ropreco (ear ly, ver y pr oductive paste tomato) Principe Borghese (r ed, smaller sized, gr eat for dr ying) Sungella (or ange cher r y tomato) Cherokee Purple (lar ge deep pur ple with super b flavor ) Indigo Rose (lar ger cher r y tomato with blue skin) Red Cluster Pear Hypertress (abundant pear shaped fr uit) Speckled Roma (delicious paste tomato) Aunt Ruby’s German Green (lar ge gr een beefsteak, over one pound and delicious) Geranium Kiss (pr oductive bushy plant) Varieties are indeterminate (vining type grows well with trellising) except Geranium Kiss and Roprecho (bush type) Why Us, Why Soil blocks Soil blocks are made by hand. They are a self-contain plant growing system. No plastic. No sides. Each soil block contains a variety of organic nutrients, for a healthy start through planting time. Soil blocks do not get root bound. The roots sense the edge of the block and wait until they are put in the ground. makes them transplant resistant. There is little damage when planted, for a smooth transition into the soil. Plastic pots are tapered. More root growth happens in the soil blocks. This When to plant: While you can plant tomatoes now and monitor for a late frost, the tomatoes will pr efer staying in the greenhouse and waiting for the soil to warm up a little more. Mid May is a great time to plant tomatoes outdoors. The soil has warmed up and the danger of frost has passed. Parrish Middle School 802 Capitol Street NE WHERE SALEM-KEIZER IDOL middle school talent show TIME Doors open at 5:30 PM Show starts at 6:30 PM May 8, 2015 DATE COST $3.00 (show only) $4.00 (show + dinner) ADVANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE AT PARRISH MIDDLE SCHOOL FOR $1.00 OFF DINNER AVAILABLE AT 5:30 PM
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