The Judson faith community is an American Baptist congregation, liberal and ecumenical in perspective, welcoming into its fellowship persons of differing religious and racial backgrounds and sexual orientations. Baptist Saints Ann Hutchinson (1591–1643) Colonial religious freethinker Muriel Lester (1885 – 1968 ) World peace worker Maria Stewart (1803 – 1880) abolitionist in New England Harriet Bishop (1817 – 1883) Ecumenist, educator, suffragist, in Minnesota 4101 Harriet Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55409-1442 612-822-0649 ▪ Eleventh Sunday of Kingdomtide All Saints Day November 2, 2014 ▪ 9:30 AM PRELUDE Richard Proulx “Variations on Sine Nomine” “You are invited to use the prelude to center yourself for worship” OPENING SENTENCES Leslie Rapp “It is consistent with what we know of God that in the life beyond there will be continuance of the individual soul, fellowship with those we love...a chance to grow in the things of Christ, the glory of God’s nearer presence.” by Georgia Harkness THE WELCOME *CALL TO WORSHIP One: Many: One: Many: One: Many: One: Many: Dave Zumeta On this All Saints Day We sing a song of the saints of God, Who bravely loved. They loved God and they lived that love, It was love that made them and others whole. They lived not only in ages past, There are hundreds and thousands still. The world is filled with living saints. Adapted from a Lesbia Scott hymn *OPENING HYMN #299 “For All the Saints” Sine Nomine A CALL TO PRAYER Dave Zumeta We are not to worry about how to begin praying, God will show each of us our way. It is our peculiar, particular, freely given response that God wants, not some pre-packaged formula, some assembly line product. By Ann Ulanov SILENCE “In the silence there is a presence.” Douglas Steere THANKSGIVING (unison) For our natural will is to have God, and God’s good will is to have us, and we can never stop willing or loving until we possess God in the fullness of joy. by Julian of Norwich THE BAPTISM OF WILLIAM THOMAS O’HARA HYMN Praise God, Praise God, All ye little children God is love, God is love. TIME WITH CHILDREN Re. Travis Norvell CHILDREN'S BLESSING: One: And now receive a blessing from the faith community who loves you. Many: God be with you. Children: And also with you. THE FIRST LESSON “Count Your Fingers” by C.D. Wright WORK OF THE CHURCH Dave Zumeta Please sign the registration pad in the pew CALL TO OFFERING OFFERTORY *DOXOLOGY “Pilgrims” Hymn” In memory of Stephen Paulus 1949-2014 Stephen Paulus Brian Wren/Lasst Uns Erfreuen Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God, all creatures high and low. Alleluia, alleluia! Praise God, in Jesus fully known: Creator, Word, and Spirit one. Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! NECROLOGY: HONORING THE SAINTS ANTHEM “Ubi Caritas” THE SECOND LESSON Hebrews 11:32-12:2 page 226 red pew Bible, New Testament HOMILY see insert Maurice Duruflé Dave Zumeta “Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and Women” Rev. Travis Norvell (Text: “in order to obtain a better resurrection.”…) (Heb. 11:35) *HYMN #331 “Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life” The Call MEMORIAL MEAL Welcome to the Table—All are welcome to receive Telling of the Story Prayers of the People Breaking of the Bread & Sharing the Cup Prayer after Communion *HYMN #78 “Part in Peace” BENEDICTION CHORAL AMEN *All who are able may stand Child care for all children age 0-3 is provided in the nursery during worship. Amplifiers for those who need hearing assistance are available from the ushers. Rollingbay THIS WEEK AT JUDSON Today November 2 8:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 11:00 pm Monday November 3 6:45 pm Tuesday November 4 7:00 pm Wednesday November 5 12:00 pm 12:00 pm 7:00 pm Saturday November 8 10:00 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm 7:00 pm NEXT WEEK Sunday November 9 11:00 pm 4:00 pm Christian Meditation Room No 1 in Office area Worship Sanctuary Child care (infants-Grade 5) Birth—Age 3 Nursery Pre-K—Grade 5 Rainbow room Ellen Kennedy - 2nd hour Ann Judson room Holocaust Cantata concert Sanctuary 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 am 12:00 pm 12:00 pm November 15 10:00 am Finance committee Library Spiritual Voyageurs Library Staff meeting Library Deadline for weekly bulletin submissions Deadline for weekly email submissions Art Group Ann Judson room Monday November 10 Tuesday November 11 Wednesday November 12 Saturday 8:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am Christian Meditation Room No 1 in Office area Worship Sanctuary Child care (infants-Grade 5) Birth—Age 3 Nursery Pre-K—Grade 5 Rainbow room Michele Garnett McKenzie - 2nd hour Ann Judson Worship committee Library Spiritual Voyageurs Library Deadline for weekly bulletin submissions Deadline for weekly email submissions Choir rehearsal Sanctuary Conversations/Alcohol use Ann Judson room Holocaust rehearsal Sanctuary Knitting group Karla McGray home TRUST Youth Movie Night Union Cong. UCC Starfish Info - October 2014 Requesters helped 7 Total aid: $2,517 (Rent & Utilities: $1,992/ Food, gas, bus: $525) Monthly budget exhausted: October 5 JUDSON’S TREE OF LIFE Please remember to hold those whose names are listed below in your thoughts and prayers during the upcoming week and beyond. CELEBRATIONS 11/5--Landon Peterson 11/6--Shirley Doyle 11/6--Jerry Larsen 11/7--Margaret Buystedt 11/8--Zoe Makila IN GRIEF Mary Gustafson, Jenny Simmonds, Carter, Charlie and family on the death of Mary’s mother Beverly on Wednesday, Oct. 15. Missy Durant, Samantha Hanson, Jimmi Langemo & Dreya Layman on the death of their friend Jeannie Androsoff on HEALTH CONCERNS Bev (Friend of Barbara York) Randy Bjork (Cousin of Margaret Mason) Vicki Burns (Sister of Kathy Urbaniak) Deb Donley Jerry Dye Helen Engen (Char Engen's mother) Linda Frederickson Gaia (Friend of Barbara York) John Giering (Father of Jane Giering De Haan) Lou Gonzalez Tai Hartley (Jane & Larry Jacobson's sister-in-law) HOMEBOUND Britta Hirsch Dick Gregory Bob Jayne Verna Hesse Iris Howe Pat Houge - Maplewood If you have an individual you wish to add to the “Tree of Life” or have a specific prayer request, please contact Jane Ann Nelson at 612-721-4465 or $35 AWAB $500 Starfish Ministry $50 Hrang Hlei $45 Food shelves Total this fiscal year $15,289 94 pounds of food donated in Aug. / total so far 222 (Sister of Joel Frederickson) Monday, October 13. Eileen McLaughlin, Jim ten Bensel and family on the death of Eileen’s sister Leslie Davis on Friday, October 10. Doris Appelquist Lola Boddy - Walker Pat Cafarelli - Northridge Helen Chapman John Francis MISSION GIVING THIS WEEK LIFE TRANSITIONS Kevin Brady Tom Brady (Kate Brady’s brothers) The Granger family Elsa & Kurt Jacobson (Paul Mendez's niece) Barb Hesse (Friend of Barbara York) Lulu Johnson Don Johnston IN OUR HEARTS Joel Hoefle, Trish Magal and daughters Nika, Cela & Katiana Hrang Hlei, with A Cer, Jessica & Luke Randy & Sarah Baker (Friend of Doug Weatherhead) (friend of Barbara York) Laurie Knutson Diana Larsen Ardelle Lewis Mary Nelson Health Concerns (cont.) Bill Peterson (Mother of Monica Lewis) (Cousin of Shirley Doyle) Colleen McCann (Uncle of Eileen McLaughlin) Sydney Rice Rob Rodgers Susan Tasa Chip ten Bensel Joan Weatherhead Paul Mendez Nancy Original Artwork by Doris Stewart (Friend of Gentry Holloway and Martha Whiteaker) Robert McLaughlin JUDSON CHURCH VISION STATEMENT We are a spiritually grounded community united in providing sanctuary for all who enter. We seek to open ourselves to the healing and transforming power of God’s love as we seek to follow the life of Jesus: honoring our deepest differences, seeking justice and mercy, discovering and implementing our gifts, and nurturing our children. JUDSON CHURCH STAFF Pastor C & Y Coordinator Director of Music Organist Church Coordinator Childcare Staff Members Custodian Rev. G. Travis Norvell (ext. 16) John De Haan (ext. 10) Jim Wentink Eileen McLaughlin (ext. 10) Shefali Vyas Maren Aalgaard Juanita Vargas Cortes ADJUNCT MINISTRIES Judson Preschool TRUST Meals on Wheels TRUST, Inc. Kristie Roedl, Director Betsy Peregoy, Director Nancy Biele, Executive Director Pat McLaughlin, Parish Nurse 612.822.0915 612.822.6040 612.827.6159 612.822.2394 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS & GENERAL INFORMATION Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm Telephone: 612.822.0649 Email: Website: Contribution Income (includes: Pledges, Givers of Record and Loose Offering) as of 10/26/14 Actual amount $ 75,739.40 Budgeted Amount $ 80,627.00 Difference $ (4,887.60) Last Sunday's Attendance was 112 Capital Campaign Update Pledges as of 10/26/14: 64 Amount pledged: $128,505 Amount collected as of 10/26/14 $78,591 TODAY’S FELLOWSHIP TIME: after worship in the Ann Judson room, will be hosted by Beth Waterhouse. Thank You! USHERS: Joel Frederickson, Hendrix Johnson, Char and Barbara Engen-Mangskau PASTORAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Cindy Clague, Barbara Bozonie, Joel Frederickson, Greg Lehman, Karla McGray, Dave Zumeta. Feel free to speak with any of the these people to share ideas, concerns or thanks. ANNOUNCEMENTS WELCOME MICHELE GARNETT MCKENZIE- SECOND HOUR PRESENTER Michele Garnett McKenzie is the Advocacy Director at The Advocates for Human Rights. She received her J. D. cum laude from the University of Minnesota Law School and her B. A. from Macalester College. Ms. McKenzie joined the staff of The Advocates in 1999 as a staff attorney representing asylum seekers and immigration detainees and in 2003 became the Refugee and Immigrant Program Director managing the Asylum, Detention, and Walk-In Clinic Projects in addition to legal and policy advocacy relating to immigration. She will speak about The Advocates work with the kids and families fleeing Central America to seek asylum in the U.S. PEANUT BUTTER Kids love peanut butter and lots of families with children are using Joyce Food shelf right now. So let’s see how many jars of peanut butter we can donate to them this month. Consider picking up an extra jar next time you shop. There are lots of varieties out there and all of them taste good when you are hungry. ADVENT REFLECTIONS ON GRACE As a follow-up to our sessions with Karen Hering, the Worship Committee would like to compile a collection of your reflections and writings on Grace in time for the Advent session. Please consider sharing your writings, poems, reflections with the Judson community. You can forward your contributions to Polly Schrom, We would appreciate receiving your pieces by November 20th. We have gathered quotes, poems and other resources related to Grace to hopefully assist you and here is a link to that resource: Grace ( Copies can also be found at the back of the sanctuary. Thank you! TRUST YOUTH-MOVIE NITE: NOVEMBER 8 AT 7 PM Movie Night at Union UCC in St. Louis Park. This will take place from 7 to 10pm on Saturday, November 8th. We will watch the sci-fi classic “The Day the Earth Stood Still..” Drinks and popcorn will be provided. Bring something comfy to sit or lie on and a snack to share. Youth from 6th to 12th grade and adult drivers/chaperones are welcome. Please let Clay know if you plan to go and would like to arrange a car pool from Judson. ( JUDSON MUSIC SERIES PRESENTS THE HOLOCAUST CANTATA, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9 AT 4 PM The Judson Music Series presents a very special concert performance of the moving Holocaust Cantata, songs from the camps, a haunting homage to the stories of victims of the concentration camps in music and in their own words. The Judson Choir is directed by John De Haan and will be joined by renowned soloists Phillip Zawisza, baritone, Beth Bayley, soprano and April Hanson, mezzo soprano, Jim Wentink, piano and Ben Osterhouse, cello. Presented on the 86th anniversary of Kristallnacht, the concert will last a little under one hour and a free-will offering (suggested $10) will be gratefully accepted to help offset music costs. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOVEMBER MISSION OF THE MONTH– The Advocates for Human Rights After reviewing the wonderful work this organization does, the Missions committee decided to choose The Advocates for Human Rights as our November Mission of the Month. Ann will give a brief overview of the organization during the "Call To Offering" on Sunday, November 2nd. The Advocates for Human Rights is an international network of volunteers, partners, supporters, board members, and staff. It is an independent and nonpartisan nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that investigates and exposes human rights violations; represents immigrants and refugees seeking asylum; trains and assists groups that protect human rights; and uses research, education, and advocacy to engage the public, policy-makers, and children in human rights work. The Advocates for Human Rights organization envisions a world in which every person lives with dignity, freedom, justice, equality, and peace. They also believe that each one of us has a part to play in building respect for human rights and expanding the human rights movement. “GREAT GATHERINGS” AND MORE SILENT AUCTION SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014—12 NOON Some "GREAT GATHERING EVENTS" in the past have been: hosting a meal, lutefisk dinner, brunch, popover luncheon, tea, picnic, barbecue, and a tasting (whiskey or scotch). Other fun events include: skating party, sledding party, slumber party, pizza party, backyard weenie roast, dessert and book gathering, an off the grid weekend, cabin get-away, housing opportunity in Florida, sing-a-long, concert tickets, tours, garage sales, and much more. In order to make this a Judson "fundraising" success we need fun and exciting offerings by Judson people. There are forms on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Just fill out the form and drop it in the Green box. Or, take home a form fill it out, bring back to church or email Kathy Urbaniak at: with your Great Gatherings offering. Please submit them no later than midnight, Sunday, November 2nd . ART AND CRAFT SALE On Sunday, November 16, in concert with bidding on Great Gatherings, there will also be an opportunity for artists and crafters to share and sell your work. Because this is viewed as a fundraiser, we invite each participant to donate a portion of the proceeds to benefit Judson Church. We will leave it to the participants to determine the contribution, but we'd like to invite you to consider a 25% donation. If you are interested in participating, please contact Karla McGray by Thursday, November 13th and have your work delivered to the church no later than Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m., November 15th. Our hope is that this provides another avenue for giving to Judson Church by sharing your talent and gifts. Thanks in advance to all who decide to participate! ALCOHOL USE POLICY TASK FORCE NEWS There have been two INFORMATIONAL CONVERSATIONS held in the Ann Judson Room on October 26 and 27. The last of the conversations will be on Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 10:00 11:30 a.m. in the Ann Judson Room POINTSETTIAS FOR CHRISTMAS Each year at Christmas, the front of the sanctuary is decorated with dozens of poinsettias, thanks to your generosity. Once again, you have the opportunity to order a poinsettia (or more than one) to be used in the sanctuary for the last Sunday of Advent and Christmas Eve. After the Christmas Eve service, the poinsettias are yours to take home and enjoy through the rest of the holiday season and beyond. Cost per poinsettia is $11.00 They come in Red, White, and Pink. There are forms on the table in the back of the sanctuary. The deadline for ordering is Sunday, November 23rd.
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