The Judson faith community is an American Baptist congregation, liberal and ecumenical in perspective, welcoming into its fellowship persons of differing religious and racial backgrounds and sexual orientations. 4101 Harriet Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55409-1442 612-822-0649 ▪ Eighth Sunday of Kingdomtide October 12, 2014 ▪ 9:30 AM PRELUDE “Prelude in g minor” Carlo Gambini OPENING SENTENCES Gayle Foster Lewis A writer’s heart, a poet’s heart, an artist’s heart, a musician’s heart is always breaking. It is through that broken window that we see the world… by Alice Walker THE WELCOME CHORAL INTROIT “I Want Jesus to Walk with Me” Sandi Knoche *CALL TO WORSHIP One: Many: One: Many: One: Many: Many: Lloyd Larson Living God, make us an instrument of thy peace; Where there is hatred, let us sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy. Amen! *OPENING HYMN #insert “Peace in the Valley” Thomas Dorsey “We Who Believe in Freedom Shall Not Rest” Sweet Honey in the Rock A CALL TO PRAYER Sandi Knoche Our greatest need is to be silent before this great God...for the only language God hears is the silent language of love. Silence is an urgent necessity for us; silence is necessary if we are to hear God speaking in eternal silence; our own silence is necessary if God is to hear us. Silence is necessary because salvation is about silence. From Into the Silent Land by Martin Laird SILENCE “In the silence there is a presence.” Douglas Steere THANKSGIVING (unison) If the only prayer we ever say in our entire lives is thank you, it will be enough. by Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) Praise God, Praise God, All ye little children God is love, God is love. TIME WITH CHILDREN HYMN Travis Norvell CHILDREN'S BLESSING: One: And now receive a blessing from the faith community who loves you. Many: God be with you. Children: And also with you. Please sign the registration pad in the pew WORK OF THE CHURCH Libby Turner SOLO PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE CALL TO OFFERING “All My Trials” OFFERTORY *DOXOLOGY Bahamian Spiritual/Luboff Brian Wren/Lasst Uns Erfreuen Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise God, all creatures high and low. Alleluia, alleluia! Praise God, in Jesus fully known: Creator, Word, and Spirit one. Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! THE FIRST LESSON Exodus 2:1-10 page 49 red pew Bible, Old Testament Rev. Travis Norvell CONTEMPORARY LESSON Sandi Knoche by Sue Monk Kidd “When the Heart Waits” Libby Turner SOLO SERMON “Imagining Beyond Brokenness” Rev. Travis Norvell (Text: "...When she saw him — that he was goodly...") (Ex. 2:1) *HYMN #insert “Medley of Justice Songs” BENEDICTION CHORAL AMEN *All who are able may stand We thank Libby Turner and Grant West for their gift of music today. Child care for all children age 0-3 is provided in the nursery during worship. Amplifiers for those who need hearing assistance are available from the ushers. THIS WEEK AT JUDSON Today October 12 Monday October 13 Tuesday Wednesday October 14 October 15 Friday Saturday October 17 October 18 NEXT WEEK Sunday October 19 Tuesday October 21 Wednesday October 22 Thursday October 23 Friday Saturday October 24 October 25 8:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 11:00 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 12:00 pm 12:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm all day 8:30 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 11:00 pm 1:30 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 am 12:00 pm 12:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 am 10:00 am 4:00 pm 6:00 pm Christian Meditation Room No 1 in Office area Worship Sanctuary Child care (infants-Grade 5) Birth—Age 3 Nursery Pre-K—Grade 5 Rainbow room Suzy Whelan, Director of Safe Journey - 2nd hour Worship Committee meeting Ann Judson room Finance meeting Library Council meeting Ann Judson room Deadline for weekly bulletin submissions Deadline for weekly email submissions Building Use committee Library Choir rehearsal Sanctuary Wedding rehearsal Sanctuary Wedding Sanctuary, Ann Judson room, Fellowship hall Christian Meditation Room No 1 in Office area Worship Sanctuary Child care (infants-Grade 5) Birth—Age 3 Nursery Pre-K—Grade 5 Rainbow room Karen Hering, - 2nd hour Ann Judson room Caregivers Group Ann Judson room Spiritual Voyageurs Library Staff meeting Library Deadline for weekly bulletin submissions Deadline for weekly email submissions Choir rehearsal Sanctuary JPS Indoor picnic Fellowship hall MLS meeting Library Hogwarts Party Soup Group Fellowship hall kitchen Twin Cities Mennonite Central Comm Relief Sale Mallard Island Fundraiser Sanctuary TRUST Auction Lake Harriet UMC Starfish Info - September 2014 Requesters helped 7 Total aid: $2,473 (Rent & Utilities: $1,973/ Food, gas, bus: $500) Monthly budget exhausted: September 9 JUDSON’S TREE OF LIFE Please remember to hold those whose names are listed below in your thoughts and prayers during the upcoming week and beyond. CELEBRATIONS HEALTH CONCERNS Jeannie Androsoff 10/12—Evan Zaremba 10/13—Louis Gonzalez 10/13—Charlie Gustafson 10/13—Jeanne Gustafson 10/14—Anna Lovat 10/14—Darren Weaver 10/17—Dimitri (Dade) Nair (Cousin of Margaret Mason) IN OUR HEARTS (Sister of Kathy Urbaniak) Joel Hoefle, Trish Magal and daughters Nika, Cela & Katiana (Char Engen's mother) (Friend of Missy Durant, Samantha Hanson, Jimmi Langemo & Dreya Layman) Bev (Friend of Barbara York) Randy Bjork Vicki Burns Hrang Hlei, with A Cer, Jessica & Luke Randy & Sarah Baker Deb Donley Jerry Dye Helen Engen Linda Frederickson (Sister of Joel Frederickson) Gaia (Friend of Barbara York) LIFE TRANSITIONS John Giering Kevin Brady Tom Brady (Kate Brady’s brothers) The Granger family Elsa & Kurt Jacobson (Father of Jane Giering De Haan) Lou Gonzalez Bev Gustafson (Mary Gustafson's mother) Tai Hartley (Paul Mendez's niece) Health Concerns (cont.) Martha Whiteaker) Robert McLaughlin (Uncle of Eileen McLaughlin) Paul Mendez Bill Peterson (Cousin of Shirley Doyle) Sydney Rice Rob Rodgers Susan Tasa Chip ten Bensel Joan Weatherhead Barb Hesse (Jane & Larry Jacobson's sister-in-law) Britta Hirsch Dick Gregory Lulu Johnson Don Johnston $25 AWAB $26 Youth Fundraiser $25 Starfish Total this fiscal year $13,954 94 pounds of food donated in Aug. / total so far 222 HOMEBOUND Doris Appelquist Lola Boddy - Walker Pat Cafarelli - Northridge Helen Chapman John Francis Verna Hesse Iris Howe Pat Houge - Maplewood IN GRIEF Eileen McLaughlin, Jim ten Bensel and family on the death of Eileen’s sister Leslie Davis on Friday, October 10. (Friend of Doug Weatherhead) Laurie Knutson Diana Larsen Ardelle Lewis (Mother of Monica Lewis) Colleen McCann (Friend of Gentry Holloway and Original Artwork by Doris Stewart MISSION GIVING THIS WEEK If you have an individual you wish to add to the “Tree of Life” or have a specific prayer request, please contact Jane Ann Nelson at 612-721-4465 or JUDSON CHURCH VISION STATEMENT We are a spiritually grounded community united in providing sanctuary for all who enter. We seek to open ourselves to the healing and transforming power of God’s love as we seek to follow the life of Jesus: honoring our deepest differences, seeking justice and mercy, discovering and implementing our gifts, and nurturing our children. JUDSON CHURCH STAFF Pastor C & Y Coordinator Director of Music Organist Church Coordinator Childcare Staff Members Custodian Rev. G. Travis Norvell (ext. 16) John De Haan (ext. 10) Jim Wentink Eileen McLaughlin (ext. 10) Shefali Vyas Maren Aalgaard Juanita Vargas Cortes ADJUNCT MINISTRIES Judson Preschool TRUST Meals on Wheels TRUST, Inc. Kristie Roedl, Director Betsy Peregoy, Director Nancy Biele, Executive Director Pat McLaughlin, Parish Nurse 612.822.0915 612.822.6040 612.827.6159 612.822.2394 CHURCH OFFICE HOURS & GENERAL INFORMATION Monday-Friday, 8:00am to 4:00pm Telephone: 612.822.0649 Email: Website: Contribution Income (includes: Pledges, Givers of Record and Loose Offering) as of 10/5/14 Actual amount $ 67,790.75 Budgeted Amount $ 70,041.50 Difference $ (2,250.75) Last Sunday's Attendance was 101 Capital Campaign Update Pledges as of 10/5/14: 64 Amount pledged: $128,505 Amount collected as of 10/5/14 $71,213 TODAY’S FELLOWSHIP TIME: after worship in the Ann Judson room, will be hosted by Karla McGray Forsyth. Thank You! USHERS: Joel Frederickson, Hendrix Johnson, Gayle Foster Lewis and Mac Chatfield PASTORAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE: Cindy Clague, Barbara Bozonie, Joel Frederickson, Greg Lehman, Karla McGray, Dave Zumeta. Feel free to speak with any of the these people to share ideas, concerns or thanks. ANNOUNCEMENTS WELCOME SUZY WHELAN- SECOND HOUR PRESENTER Suzy Whelan, Director of Safe Journey, the Domestic Violence Program at North Memorial, will discuss the poverty of freedom, possibility and promise in men, women and children's lives who live with violence each day. LIBBY TURNER HERE TODAY Local musician Libby Turner will be joining us for worship today. Ms. Turner and her accompanist, Grant West, will bring and teach us new songs of justice and peace. MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK We got it done!!! A great crew of workers showed up last Saturday morning at 8:30 for donuts and coffee before getting down to work. Under Ron Cottone’s leadership we emptied out piles of junk stashed in Fellowship Hall and other adjacent areas. We filled two trucks with metal and hauled them off to the junk yard to be weighed, emptied and we were then paid for the scrap. Then we filled a green tote (2’X8’x4’wide) with insulation, scrap wood and other miscellaneous stuff to be picked up Monday by the Zoom Zoom trash collectors. Any somewhat usable items were put on the boulevard and advertised as free. A couple of us also vacuumed the sanctuary, scrubbed bathrooms and the Ann Judson Kitchen floor (Juanita had called in sick). So many thanks to Eileen and Jim, Ron, Larry, the Balcoms, the Clagues, the McGray/Forsyths, Craig Wiester, Greg Lehman, Gretchen Williams, Sandy Chatfield, and Jeanne Bodin McKusick THE GATHERING NEEDS VOLUNTEERS! The next volunteer training is Monday, October 13, from 8:30 –12:30 at Lyngblomsten in St. Paul. Please talk to any Judson volunteers for more information. You may volunteer once a month or only as often as you are able. To register for the training, please call Betsy Hoffman (651-414-5291. Please consider volunteering at “The Gathering” at Bethlehem. You’ll be soooo glad you did! TUNA, TUNA, TUNA Did you know that an albacore tuna weighs over 100 lbs. ? No need to go on a fishing trip and catch one for Joyce Food Shelf. Just raid your pantry or pick up a can or two of tuna next time you grocery shop. We are focusing on canned tuna and other canned meats for the month of October. You donated 146 pounds of fresh produce during our last food drive! To match that level of giving we would need to collect 467 cans (5 ounces each) of tuna. Oh my! I doubt if we will collect that many, but lets try for 100. Thanks ALCOHOL USE POLICY TASK FORCE NEWS There will be three INFORMATIONAL CONVERSATIONS held in the Ann Judson Room to continue our conversations on the alcohol use policy. Please plan to attend one or more of these sessions. The times and dates for these INFORMATIONAL CONVERSATIONS are as follows: Sunday, October 26, 2014, from 12:30 - 2:00 p.m. in the Ann Judson Room; Monday, October 27, 2014, from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. in the Ann Judson Room and Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 10:00 11:30 a.m. in the Ann Judson Room . ANNOUNCEMENTS OCTOBER MISSION OF THE MONTH– ASSOCIATION OF WELCOMING & AFFIRMING BAPTISTS The Mission of the Month for October is the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists (AWAB). AWAB formed in 1993 to support the full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the life and ministry of the church. Judson has been a member of AWAB for many years largely through individual donations. AWAB has supported and will continue to support welcoming and affirming congregations and individuals seeking inclusion for all regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Please consider a donation to AWAB this month. For more information about AWAB, see their website: TWIN CITIES MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE RELIEF SALE Saturday, October 25, 2014, the Twin Cities Mennonite Central Committee Relief sale will be held at Woodland Hills Church, 1740 Van Dyke Street, St. Paul, and It Features Live and Silent Auctions of Quilts, Wooden Items, Artisan Market, Musical, Entertainment and Delicious Foods, All Welcome / Free Parking THE ANNUAL GREAT TRUST AUCTION is at 6:00 pm, October 25 at Lake Harriet UMC. This is TRUST’s big fundraiser of the year with good food, good entertainment, and tons of great items to bid on. Please plan to attend and show your support for TRUST. Tickets are $20 in advance, $15 for seniors and kids under 10 or $25 at the door. You can reserve your tickets by calling TRUST at (612) 827-6159. You may also get tickets from Clay Gustafson every Sunday at church until the auction. TRUST is also accepting donations of auction items. Need more information? Contact Clay Gustafson, Judson’s TRUST representative, at 612-782-0449. HOGWARTS SCHOOL OF WITCHCRAFT AND WIZARDRY We are pleased to announce Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will transport itself to the corner of Harriet Avenue South and 41st street in Minneapolis Minnesota for its annual visit on Friday October 24, 2014 We will begin with a feast of pizza downstairs in the Great Hall at 5:30 pm. Classes will begin at 6pm including offerings such as Potions, and Divination to name a few. Your tour will also include Wandmaking at Olivanders, and Treats at Honeydukes. Perhaps there will be a few Unusual Surprises… SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014—12 NOON—SAVE THE DATE! ARTS AND CRAFTS SALE & “GREAT GATHERINGS” DEBUT Calling all Judson people to gather up their arts and crafts and exhibit them to sell on November 16th in the sanctuary at Judson. Also, calling all Judson people to start brainstorming those wonderful, exciting “Great Gatherings” to be offered for bidding. There will be some super repeats from past years and some really new and creative “SURPRISE” offerings this year. Please save the date: Sunday, November 16th at 12 Noon. More information to follow. MALLARD ISLAND CELEBRATION AND FUNDRAISER-SAT. OCT 25 AT 4 PM Join those who love Mallard Island in a celebration of the flood restoration work accomplished in August and September. Please come to this event to applaud those efforts and to raise funds for flood repairs this year. So far, this event features readings by Gwen Westerman, Thomas R. Smith, Sarah Stonich, and Ernest Oberholtzer’s biographer-Joe Paddock. You’ll also enjoy music by Glen Helgeson, Gary Schulte, Lynn Cox and Beth Ray, and Prudence Johnson. CONTACT INFO FOR RANDY & SARAH BAKER / / blog:
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