Term 1 ‘Learning for the Future ‘ 1st April 2015 Dear Parents & Caregivers, Tena koutou katoa On behalf of the staff I would like to say a big thank you for your support over Term 1, especially the assistance you have given us in classroom programmes, Home & School fundraising, and school trips. Our school cannot survive without your support, and we value your ideas, input and contribution. From all of us here at Kamo Primary have a wonderful Easter and a restful break with your children. Just a reminder that, Term 1 finishes on Thursday at 3pm, and Term 2 starts on Monday 20th April. Monday the 27th April will be the ANZAC public holiday this year. ANZAC Day Ceremony – Monday 20th April, 11:40am (First Monday of Term 2) Kamo Primary School will be holding a special ANZAC day ceremony next term to honour our fallen soldiers. A field of remembrance will be set up on the grass area outside the staffroom and Kowhai Syndicate to honour the sacrifices made across two World Wars. If you would like to join us at the ceremony, and maybe lay your own flowers at our field of remembrance, we encourage you to come along and join us. The format for the ceremony will be as follows… - National Anthems – Australia & New Zealand - Principals Address - Students to speak about ANZAC - Poppy wreaths to be laid by all classes - Parents and community members to lay flowers or wreaths at field of remembrance - Ode of Remembrance - ‘Lest we forget’ and Flanders Fields - Moment of silence – ‘Last Post ‘ - We are having this ceremony on Monday because Kauri syndicate Room’s 1, 2 & 4 will be on camp for the rest of the week. Reporting to Parents and Whanau Survey All completed surveys need to be returned to the school office by this Thursday, at the latest. Thank you to everyone who has returned them already. Hay Bales For Sale Turi Fricker, a parent of our school has 40 hay bales for sale, $8.00 a bale or 2 for $10.00. Turi will deliver them for you, or meet you at school for collection. All proceeds from the sale of the hay bales will go towards Kauri Syndicate camps. This is a very kind donation, and we really appreciate Turi supporting our school in this way. Turi can be contacted on 0272811166. Children Arriving Late to School We have been noticing that more and more children are arriving late to school in the mornings, sometimes up to 15-20 minutes late. We understand that in some circumstances children may be late, but in many instances, students are regularly late with no apparent reason. This is not only disruptive to the child who is late but to the entire class. If your child was late just 10 minutes a day, this would equal 50 minutes per week, which is nearly 1 ½ weeks per year! We ask parents and caregivers to be more vigilant in ensuring that your children arrive prior to the 8.55am bell, thank you. Ken Ward Principal SCHOOL NOTICES Stationery - Reminder Activities contributions/School Donation are now due please pay asap. Bank a/c number is 12 3093 0156736 01 - Please put child’s name and a reference: eg activities contribution/donation Contribution Fee $14.00 per child School Donations are now due 1 child $60.00 Family $90.00 Invoices will be sent out next term. Please collect the tabs off your cans and bring them to Room 19 thank you. Lost Property will be on display weather permitting this week . World Vision Famine Weekend coming up 22nd - 24th May. Get ready. Music Lessons available through the Modern School of Music - For more information please phone Alexis 4330298 or Erik 4307578 Ngā mihi nui kia koutou katoa Whakataukī Whāia te iti kahurangi. Me ka tuohu koe, me maunga teitei. Reach for the stars. If you have to bow, let it be to a lofty mountain. Kia ora koutou Whanau, Our first Whanau hui was a roaring success! The children made us proud with their kapahaka performance! A big thank you to all the parents and children who attended and contributed their kai and aroha and thank you to Matua Charles, Matua Thomas, Kaysen and their whanau for sharing their skills, time and effort with our school. Michelle shared the coming events for the year and the projects we are hoping to achieve. It was great to have ideas and input from our community. If you were not able to share your thoughts and ideas and would like to, please feel free to email or contact either Michelle or myself. We want to hear the thoughts and ideas of our community. This is your school. jnorman@kamoprimary.school.nz michelle_lee@clear.net.nz In Term 3, two marae stay-overs are planned for the kapahaka groups. Due to the size of our groups we will be holding a Rimu Syndicate noho marae and a Kauri Syndicate noho marae. Please watch this space and we will give you the details at a later date. Have a great Easter holiday. Noho ora mai. Aranga: Easter E aha ana koe ā Te Aranga? What are you doing for Easter? Welcome to the new Children/Families who have started at Kamo Primary this week. Sheldon Michelsen Kidzone Holiday Programme: NEW DAY FOR LUNCH BOX CLUB ORDERS FOR TERM 2 IS FRIDAY. Kidzones will be open from 7.45am – 5.30 pm, Tuesday 7th April until Friday 17th April. The latest itinerary is now online at www.kidzones.co.nz Book in now to ensure a space in our fun filled programmes. Enrolments can made directly online. Contact Sandra North 021 249 3308 or 43 53342 Chocolate/Easter Egg Fundraiser Hopscotch for kids Holiday Programme – Hopscotch for kids is based right on Kensington Park and includes awesome fun themed days and outings for all primary and intermediate children! Open from 7.45am-5.30pm from 7 – 17th April. Earlybird fees are $38p/d if enrolled by 27th March, after that fees are $40p/d. We are CYFs approved and WINZ subsidised. Call Abbey on 0212372598 or email hello@hopscotchforkids.co.nz for more information or to enrol. See you there!! all This is a reminder that chocolate money needs to be back at school by this Thursday 2nd April. CHILDREN WITH Kowhai Syndicate - Merit Certificates OUTSTANDING MONEY WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO GO INTO THE DRAW FOR THE PRIZES. If you are unable to sell your chocolates please send the box back to school tomorrow. Cupcakes/ Mothers Days cookies Lisa Hansen has kindly offered to make these again next term as a fundraiser for the school. The order forms will be out on the first day of next term (Monday 20th April). Last day for orders will be Monday 4th May, Delivery day 7th May. Rm 3 - Cissy Huang - Lovely reading Rm 3 - Kruze Kelly - For a fantastic start to Room 3 Rm13 - Quintin Jack - Effort in reading Rm 13 - Destiny Fryer - Effort in reading Rm 15 - Levi Wilson - Great writing Rm 15 - Van Marsh - Effort in swimming Rm 15 - Solomona MacFarlane - Effort in swimming Rm 16 - Tyler Newby - Trying hard to work more independently with his writing Rm 16 - Cameron Spanhake - For his “don’t give up “ attitude with his reading Rm 17 - Wyatt Hitchcock - For fantastic maths skills Rm 17 - Karlisha Phillips - For fabulous contributions to our class discussions Rm 18 - Khloe Topp - For showing kindness to others Rm 18 - Henderson Parlour - Excellent reading and pointing to his words Rm 19 - Freya Norman - Great spelling Rm 19 - Jackson Walker - Great reading Sports Notices Saturday Hockey - The rally will take place today (Wednesday April 1st) at 3.00pm at school. Hockey Fees can be paid from now on. Year 5/6 $80 Year 3/4 $70 Year 2 $60. Northland Hockey are running a development Programme in the 2nd week of the holidays. Years 3-6 Monday 13th - Wednesday 15th April Whangarei ITM hockey centre. To register complete online registration form at www.surveymonkey.com/r/APRILREGO or visit Northland website (www.northlandhockey.org.nz) or email Brad Pitman on brad@northlandhockey.org.nz Netball - A reminder to all students playing netball for the school this year to return forms to Mr Burke. First practise will be the 23rd April. Subs are due by the 23rd April also. Pop in and see the friendly staff at Davids Pharmacy. Right next door to Savemart. The Whole Cake and Caboodle Phone Lisa 4355257 Email cakeandcaboodle@xtra.co.nz photo site ref www.flickr.com/ photos/lisas_cakes/ KAMO RADIATORS Specialist KAMO RADIATORS Specialising in all your RADIATOR Repairs 09 4351160 11 CLARK ROAD KAMO (directly behind McDonalds) $XWXPQ:LQWHU7LPHWDEOH 0RQ DP :HLJKW)LWQHVV&LUFXLW DP <RJD SP %R[)LW 7XHV DP .LFN)LW DP 6HQLRU)LW6HQLRU&LUFXLW DP SP .LFN)LW SP <RJD 7KXUV DP %R[)LW SP .LFN)LW SP <RJD SP 0XD\7KDL SP )UL DP :HLJKW)LWQHVV&LUFXLW 6DW DP %RRWFDPS $OOFODVVHVDUHRQO\RUFOLFNFRQFHVVLRQFDUGV RQO\/RFDWHGDW.DPR5XJE\&OXE%XWOHU3O )RUPRUHLQIR/RRNXSZZZNDPRKXEFRQ] RUFDOO7ULVK/LNHXVRQ)DFHERRN Julies Advanced Skincare 13 Parkland Crescent Whau Valley, Whangarei Phone 437 6079 Mobile 027 2474869 Treatments include waxing, tinting, microdermabrasion, skin peels, and IPL. Julie is a fully qualified beauty therapist with 16 years experience. Call or text today for a free consultation. Bookings by appointment - weekends and late nights available. The Home & School will be selling Easter Eggs outside the school office for $1 each tomorrow morning and at morning tea time.
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