Term 2 ‘Learning for the Future ‘ 20th May 2015 Dear Parents & Caregivers, Tena koutou katoa Roll Growth Over the past three to four years our school has been experiencing significant roll growth, predominately from within our school home zone. In the past we have taken out of zone enrolments to supplement our school roll, but as we are experiencing this upward trend in roll numbers this will not be possible for some years in the future. The Board are still yet to decide which priorities they will keep for out of zone enrolments, however NEW out of zone enrolments (priority 6 below) are not likely to be accepted in 2016. Zone priorities are as follows… 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Accepted for a special programme run by the school. Sibling of current student. Siblings of former students. Child of a former student of the school. Any applicant who is either a child of an employee of the board of the school or a child of a member of the board of trustees. 6. All other applicants. Roll growth has put our school under a bit of extra pressure lately and we thank you for your patience as we reshuffle students in new entrants and year one, as this is where most of the growth is happening. As part of this process we have employed another new entrant teacher who will be starting in Room 14 (beside the hall) in week seven of this term. The new teacher is Sharyn Ollard, and she is an experienced teacher of new entrant students. Sharyn has taught in a number of large schools in Auckland, and we look forward to working with her for the rest of the school year. If you have concerns about any of the above, please see me in the first instance. Modern Learning Environments - Furniture The vision of the New Zealand Curriculum wants young people who will be confident, connected, actively involved, lifelong learners. The Key Competencies want children who can manage self and children who can relate to others. Schools are currently researching aspects like the Herrmann Brain model on how teachers teach and how children learn. The results show that children learn in different ways and the teachers must instinctively teach from their preferred model. Turning the model around requires a complete rethink on teachers teaching styles and breaking down the mental models of how kids learn. Why then do we place children in desks, rows, tables when we know they learn in different ways? If we value our learners we must value their learning styles and provide learning spaces that complement the learning. The connected classroom is broken up into areas that acknowledge the needs of all aspects of the Herrmann model. Part of the challenge of the connected classroom is to ensure that the furniture can work for the entire cross section of the class. As you may have seen, we have begun this journey at Kamo Primary with a number of our classes. If you haven’t seen what we’re doing yet I suggest you pop in and see Room’s 2, 6 and 12. Ken Ward - Principal SCHOOL NOTICES Stationery - Reminder Activities contributions/School Donation are now due please pay ASAP. Bank a/c number is 12 3093 0156736 01 - Please put child’s name and a reference: eg activities contribution/donation Contribution Fee $14.00 per child School Donations are now due 1 child $60.00 Family $90.00 Invoices will be sent out this term. Please collect the tabs off your cans and bring them to Room 19 thank you. Music Lessons available through the Modern School of Music - For more information please phone Alexis 4330298 or Erik 4307578 Planting pots- If anyone has planting pots for our shade house we would love to have them. Please take them to Room 6 or Room 15. Wanted - Magazines for collage. Please take to Room 6 Kia ora koutou Whanau The numbers have been collated from those who expressed interest in the noho marae. In response, one noho marae has been arranged for Thursday 18th June - Friday 19th June. A form with the noho dates has been sent home asking for koha, permission and help with transport. A few children have brought in their expressions of interest forms after the arrangements had been made. Unfortunately they will have to wait for the next noho marae as the marae is at its limits and is unable to accommodate any more. For those of you trying to practise te reo at home, here are some simple patai (questions) we use at school. Kei hea . . ? Where . . ? He aha . . ? What . . ? He aha te tae . . ? What is the colour . .? kei: preposition, present time and place location - at, in Kei hea koe? Where are you? • this example uses hea to ask where Kei Disneyland au i nāianei! I’m at Disneyland at the moment! Kei te kāinga ahau. I’m at home. kāinga: house, home. tae: colour He aha te tae o tō hāte? What is the colour of your shirt? Sports Notices Hockey Hockey fees are overdue. Please pay to the school office asap. Year 5/6 $80 Year 3/4 $70 Year 2 $60. Green won 1-0 POD Kaydence Britton Black lost 6-2 POD Phoenix Runciman Yellow POD Shelby Huang Red won 2-1 POD Sofie Parker Pink lost 3-2 POD Abbie Cathcart Netball - Netball practices are on Thursdays. Netball Fees are now overdue. Students playing netball on Saturdays can go to www.whangareinetball.co.nz for the weekly game times. Contact details - It’s very important that we have the correct contact details in case of an emergency. Please can you let the school office know if you have an change of address, landline number or cellphone number or any other details. You can phone the school office or email d.batten@kamoprimary.school.nz to update the details. World Vision Famine May Friday 22nd A Bowl of Rice a Day Welcome to the new Children/Families who have started at Kamo Primary this week. Elijah Rogers Samantha Nicholson David Wihongi There are 8 million malnourished children in Bangladesh. This is all many of them get eat in a day! To help raise money for the World Vision Famine, we will be selling bowls of rice for $2 in the school hall at lunchtime on Friday. Could you please send the $2 in on Thursday morning so that we know how much to cook. Thank you for your help and support. Kayaking - by Alyssa Kemp Rm 2 "Look at me, I'm a snail," I said as I crossed the road from camp. We were pretending we were in the Crossyroad game. When we got across the road we put our serious faces on to listen to Barry. As we put the dripping wet life jackets on it felt like a bucket of icy water splashing on to our chest! When I got to the kayak I hop-skip-jumped in to the water to push off the kayak from the beach. I went knee deep in the water, it was freezing like we were in Antarctica. As I was paddling around my hands felt like they were going numb and dipping them in the cold water probably made that worse. As I got deeper and deeper the water got bumpier. With all of us there it was like bumper boats at Rainbow's End! When we got around the corner all I heard was a big splash... Micaela had fallen in and was stuck under her kayak! Barry had to paddle over to help her get back on. "Time to go back in," said Barry. "Already?" we whined. When we got back to the beach I was overjoyed to take the icy cold life vest off. I was so happy to get back in to nice cosy clothes as soon as we got back to camp. How can you prevent the flu (influenza)? With winter on it’s way we need to start thinking about coughs, colds and flu… Flu immunisation offers the best protection, however the following will also reduce the risk of catching the flu: • make sure everyone in your family washes their hands regularly and thoroughly, including (but not only) before preparing food and eating. Make sure everyone dries them well too. Soap and water for 20 seconds, then 20 seconds drying. Or use a hand sanitiser • use a tissue to cover coughs and sneezes and then put it in the rubbish bin (and then wash and dry hands) • regularly clean surfaces in the bathroom and the kitchen • stay away from people who are sick. Keep your distance - at least one metre • if your child becomes sick, keep them at home and don't send them to school or day care until they are well • if you become sick – stay at home, and don't go to work Kauri Awards Week 5 Term 2 Rm 1 - Mikayla Lawrence - For your consistent hard work across all areas of your learning. You are a wonderful role model. Rm 2 - Bree Monaghan - For your positive approach to your learning and fabulous work ethic. Rm 4 - Mere Smith-Beazley - For your awesome attitude in all areas of the curriculum. Rm 5 - Christina Dickens - For your positive attitude and great role modeling. 2015 onwards enrolments If you have a child who attends school at Kamo Primary presently and you also have a preschooler due to start later in 2015 or from 2016 onwards, could you please fill in the form below in order for us to plan for the future. If your child attends a daycare outside of the Kamo Community can you please make sure they are on our list. Please check with the School Office in case we already have your child’s name on our records. New Entrants Preschoolers _________________________ Date Of Birth _______________ Siblings Name _________________________ Parents Name _____________________________________ Phone No:____________________ Address___________________________________________________________________ Pop in and see the friendly staff at Davids Pharmacy. Right next door to Savemart. KAMO RADIATORS Specialist KAMO RADIATORS Specialising in all your RADIATOR Repairs 09 4351160 11 CLARK ROAD KAMO (directly behind McDonalds) $XWXPQ:LQWHU7LPHWDEOH 0RQ DP :HLJKW)LWQHVV&LUFXLW DP <RJD SP %R[)LW 7XHV DP .LFN)LW DP 6HQLRU)LW6HQLRU&LUFXLW DP SP .LFN)LW SP <RJD 7KXUV DP %R[)LW SP .LFN)LW SP <RJD SP 0XD\7KDL SP )UL DP :HLJKW)LWQHVV&LUFXLW 6DW DP %RRWFDPS $OOFODVVHVDUHRQO\RUFOLFNFRQFHVVLRQFDUGV RQO\/RFDWHGDW.DPR5XJE\&OXE%XWOHU3O )RUPRUHLQIR/RRNXSZZZNDPRKXEFRQ] RUFDOO7ULVK/LNHXVRQ)DFHERRN Julies Advanced Skincare 13 Parkland Crescent Whau Valley, Whangarei Phone 437 6079 Mobile 027 2474869 Treatments include waxing, tinting, microdermabrasion, skin peels, and IPL. Julie is a fully qualified beauty therapist with 16 years experience. Call or text today for a free consultation. Bookings by appointment - weekends and late nights available. CRAFTY PEOPLE MARKET!!ART, CRAFT,MUSIC,COFFEE, FOOD!! The First Saturday of The Month 9am - 1pm 6th Jun, 11th Jul, 1st Aug, 5th Sep, 3rd Oct Except July Whangarei Club, 14-18 RUST AVENUE,WHANGAREI COME AND SUPPORT LOCAL TALENT!! For More Information, or to Apply for a Stall, Visit: http://craftypeoplemarkets.blogspot.co.nz/ Or ph: Kate - 021439177 or Caro - 0211895392
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