T2 Wk 3 2015 - Kamo Primary School

Term 2
‘Learning for the Future ‘
6th May 2015
Dear Parents & Caregivers, Tena koutou katoa
Yellow background represents the sun; the
giver of life – “without the sun, we wouldn’t
be here for long, so we pay homage to it”
Kete of knowledge represents what
we’ll never retain but continuously
strive for
Poutama/stepped pattern
represents a pathway to
6 koru represents the 6
years of primary school as
in our school logo
Unaunahi/fish scale design represents
a school of fish - teachers in blue;
students in white. They are mixed and
learning together – teachers from
students, and students from teachers.
Spirals represent
knowledge being learnt
specifically from teachers
Black background
represents knowledge
coming into this life, into
this realm and no longer
in thought only
Kete of knowledge
represents what we
already know
Kete of knowledge
represents what we
wish to learn
All kōrero has evolved to emphasise what is played on the TV – our kids continuously learning
Office Carving
Kamo Primary School is very fortunate to have a new carving in the front office/foyer of our school. Local carvers Shaun
Matekino and Takarei Topine have created this masterpiece for us, and we really appreciate the hard work that has gone into
the carving, which is unique to our school. I would also like to thank Michelle Lee and her whanau for organising this work on
our behalf. Michelle’s leadership on our Whanau Support Group is invaluable, and we are very grateful for the work she does in
partnership with our school. We would also like to thank Mitre 10 Mega for sponsoring the materials for this carving.
Kauri Syndicate Camp
I had the pleasure of visiting the second group of students at Marsden Bay camp last week. Mr. Leathley and Mrs. Norman also
did an outstanding job of organising their camp and providing the students with challenging but achievable outdoor activities. On
behalf of the school I would like to thank you for all your hard work and enthusiasm. Thank you to all the parents and family
members who helped out over the four days. Camps would not be successful without your invaluable help and assistance.
Ken Ward - Prinicpal
Stationery - Reminder Activities contributions/School Donation are now due please pay ASAP.
Bank a/c number is 12 3093 0156736 01 - Please put child’s name and a reference: eg activities contribution/donation
Contribution Fee $14.00 per child
School Donations are now due 1 child $60.00
Family $90.00
Invoices will be sent out this term.
Please collect the tabs off your cans and bring them to Room 19 thank you.
World Vision Famine Weekend coming up 22nd - 24th May. Get ready.
Music Lessons available through the Modern School of Music - For more information please phone Alexis 4330298 or
Erik 4307578
Car Seats - If anyone has car seats/booster seats that they are no longer using, the school would appreciate these .
Tie-Dye T- Shirt fundraiser - Ex pupil Rebecca Hamer is making tie-dye t-shirts to fundraise for the Kamo Intermediate
Vanuatu trip. T-Shirts are selling for $15.00. Please see Mrs Hamer if you would like to buy one.
Scholastic Bookclub orders due Thursday 14th May.
NAG 3 policies - We are currently reviewing our NAG 3 policies. You can view these on our website. If you have any
comments or suggestions please email the principal. principal@kamoprimary.school.nz
Planting pots- If anyone has planting pots for our shade house we would love to have them. Please take them to Room
6 or Room 15.
Tea-towels - If your child was part of the Room 1,2,and 4 camp and you didn’t get your tea-towel back, please see Mrs
Trimmer in Room 4. There is a bag full of unclaimed tea-towels.
Drama Classes:
Develop self confidence, creativity and team work, through improvisation activities, characterisation games and stage craft.
Classes run on Mondays at Youth Music, Lower Dent Street.
Ages 7-10 from 3.30-4.30 and ages 10+ from 4.30-5.30.
Call Debbie for more details. Ph 027 955 7843
We promote Healthy eating at our school. We are also a zero waste and water only school.
We are noticing an increase in packaged food in lunch boxes. Remember all that plastic is bad for our
environment and the food inside is usually high in fat, sugar and salt.
We encourage our children to have healthy choices in their lunchboxes. Whole grain sandwiches and fruit
should be the main food options and not snack foods.
Sports Notices
Hockey fees are overdue. Please pay to the school office asap.
Year 5/6 $80 Year 3/4 $70 Year 2 $60.
Black won 2-1 POD Baylee Gorrie-Brown
Green lost 2-1 POD Tyla Kirk
Pink won 4-0 POD Finn Gilbert-Keene
White played 3 games won 2 lost 1 POD Grace Kini
Yellow lost 4-1 POD Grace Edwards
Netball - Netball practices are on Thursdays. Netball Fees are now overdue
Team 2 won 4-2 POD Lisa Logie
Draw 9th May
9.15 Ct 5 Kamo Black Team 2
8.30 Ct 1 Kamo Yellow Team 1
10.00 Ct 3 Kamo White Team 3
Basketball - Any Rimu or Kauri Syndicate students who want to play basketball on Wednesday’s after school. Please
ring Helen Poa 4353902 or 0211405541
Welcome to the new Children/Families who have started at Kamo Primary this week.
Hunter Lee
Tyson Garton
Krystian Walker
Twilight Gala Night
Helpers Meeting
15 May 2015 at 3pm in the staffroom
This event will be upon us before we know it and there’s a lot to organise. If you can
spare some time over the coming months to help organise stalls and sponsorship we’d
really appreciate it! The old adage of ‘many hands make light work’ will allow the event to
run smoothly and efficiently. Come and be a part of the planning; everyone has their own
unique skill set and talents, so please share them with us.
We hope to see you there!
Room 18 stories
When Autumn Falls
I see yellow and red leaves
I hear crunchy sounds
I smell the dirt on the
I taste the wind in my
I feel the dryness on me
The Oak tree shades children. The Oak tree looks like it has big lovely arms.
Ngakau Gordon
The Oak tree reminds me of a skeleton. It is big and bony.
Lenix Faulkner
The Oak tree looks like my Mum and Dad because it is strong and it is a
Tanvir Chand
The Oak tree looks like my Mum because my Mum loves me and she is strong. Elijah Fricker Rm 15
Caitlin Henderson
Away from home serving their
New Zealand marching to glory,
Zooming away from the bullets.
Attacked by the enemy our
powerful foe.
Countless soldiers dying from
enemy bullets.
Away from home fighting in war
New Zealand soldiers fight in the
killing fields.
Zipping bullets zoom past the
Attacking the enemy soldiers
Crouching behind long grass
Deadly rifle bullets firing toward
Australia fighting in war beside
Years ago soldiers protected our
country in war.
Nikora Muriwai Room 12
Dying on Flanders Field
Attacking enemies forced me into
the trenches.
Years ago our soldiers fought in
war for us, we will remember
Vaniece Makoare Room 12
ANZAC day is the day they
went to war. RIP
New Zealand and Australia fight
side by side.
Zig zagging trying to get to the
Attacking their enemy for
Capturing an enemy on the spot.
Danger lying in Flanders Field
And in Flanders Field the poppy
You jumping off a plane and
fighting for victory.
Daniel Thompson Room 12
How can you prevent the flu (influenza)?
With winter on it’s way we need to start thinking about coughs, colds and flu…
Flu immunisation offers the best protection, however the following will also reduce the risk of catching the flu:
• make sure everyone in your family washes their hands regularly and thoroughly, including (but not only) before
preparing food and eating. Make sure everyone dries them well too. Soap and water for 20 seconds, then 20
seconds drying. Or use a hand sanitiser
• use a tissue to cover coughs and sneezes and then put it in the rubbish bin (and then wash and dry hands)
regularly clean surfaces in the bathroom and the kitchen
stay away from people who are sick. Keep your distance - at least one metre
if your child becomes sick, keep them at home and don't send them to school or day care until they are well
if you become sick – stay at home, and don't go to work
Pop in and see the friendly staff at
Davids Pharmacy.
Right next door to Savemart.
Specialising in all your RADIATOR
09 4351160
(directly behind McDonalds)
Julies Advanced
13 Parkland Crescent
Whau Valley, Whangarei
Phone 437 6079
Mobile 027 2474869
Treatments include waxing, tinting,
microdermabrasion, skin peels, and IPL.
Julie is a fully qualified beauty therapist with 16 years
experience. Call or text today for a free consultation.
Bookings by appointment - weekends and late nights
The First Saturday of The Month
9am - 1pm 2nd May, 6th Jun, 4th Jul,1st Aug,
5th Sept, 3rd Oct
For More Information, or to Apply for a Stall, Visit:
Or ph: Kate - 021439177 or Caro - 0211895392