June 7, 2015 Welcome to King's Grace Fellowship! We are glad that you chose to worship with us today. Our sincere hope is that you will have such an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ that it will revolutionize your life. Feel free to worship in the style that you are most comfortable with and open your heart and mind to hear God's Word. Lord's Supper Tonight you are invited to join us in a celebration of the Lord's Supper. This is a great time of fellowship which includes a meal, intimate worship, communion, and prayer. The meal begins at 6:00pm. Come, join us as we celebrate the Lord Jesus. Life Journal Reading For the Week of June 7, 2015 Sunday, June 7 - Ecclesiastes 4-6; Psalms. 18; Eph. 3 Monday, June 8 - Ecclesiastes 7-9; Eph. 4 Tuesday, June 9 - Ecclesiastes 10-12; Psalms. 94; Eph. 5 Wednesday, June 10 - Song 1-4; Eph. 6 Thursday, June 11 - Song 5-8; Philippians 1 Friday, June 12 - 1 Kings 12; 2 Chronicles 10-11; Phil. 2 Saturday, June 13 - 1 Kings 13-14; 2 Chronicles 12; Phil. 3 by phone 541-953-6519 or by email: cherie.capps19@reagan.com Up Day Is Coming Today is Up Day! All Sunday School classes will be moving up to the next higher grade. Later this Summer we will have a carnival to celebrate this great day. Take Heart Night Hey ladies, we are having a Flea Market and Salad Potluck Tuesday, June 9th at 6:30 PM. If you wish to participate, bring no more than 5 items in good condition that you are no longer in need of to trade. (No clothing please.) Ideas: Accessories, purses, jewelry, décor, kitchen and garden items, etc. Please bring a salad to share and be as creative as you please. For more info please contact Janna Swigart. Unsolved Mysteries? Help us solve 2 unsolved mysteries? #1 - We are missing 3 of our large round tables normally stored in the gray storage container. If you borrowed them, please return them. If you know their where-a-bouts let us know. (we need them) #2 - Some one placed a nice oak table top in the our table storage building. We are concerned that it will end up damaged. If you own this table top please let us know what you're planning for it. (If no one comes forward by the end of June, we will donate it to St. Vinnie's)
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