Friday March 20, 2015 - Knox United Church, Ayr

Friday March 20, 2015
“The longer I live, the more beautiful life becomes”
As we prepare for Easter, let us remember this is one of the
most important events on the Church calendar.
Spring arrives this weekend and reminds us to refresh our faith
as well as a time to enjoy the outdoors and all the beauty it has
to offer. The robin has returned, the snow is melting, the days
are longer, and the buds are forming on the trees.
Take time to appreciate all we have here in our
Friday March 20, 2015
Inside this issue:
New Announcements 2
This Week at Knox
Lenten Worship
Services Calendar
Scripture Readings
May your week be filled with God’s Greatness
Your Spiritual Corner
Kate Cressman
Knox Church Council
Easter Messy Church 8
Knox Family Curling
Lisaard House for
Lent Food Bank
Easter Lilies
We will be decorating the sanctuary on Easter morning with
Easter lilies once again.
If you would like to order a lily in memory of a loved one,
please contact Janet Furlong, 632-7878 before March 27.
Knox United Church, Ayr
Church office Tel: 519-632-7461
Minister: Rev.Terry Dunseith
Supply Ministers: Rev. Randy MacKenzie
Rev. Nora Fueten
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Friday March 20, 2015
New Announcements
Food Bank Sunday - March 29th
The Food Bank is in need of canned fruit
and fruit juices
Pie for Easter – Why Not?
Daniel Taylor will be heading to England in 2016 as part of his British Scout
Ready-to-bake homemade apple, dutch apple and blueberry pies will be
available the week of March 30th for only $9 each.
Please sign up on the Community Bulletin Board in the hallway or contact Kathi Taylor
at 519-302-0678.
Office Hours
Holy Week - March 29 - April 4
Monday 9:00 - 12:00
Tuesday 9:00 - 12:00
Wednesday 9:00 - 12:00
Thursday, 9:00 - 12:30
Please have all announcements into
the office by Wednesday at 10:00 am
Friday File will go out on Thursday!
Friday March 20, 2015
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Seniors’ Time Out
Put on your Easter Bonnets and join us for lunch on
Monday, March 30th at 12:00 p.m.
Everyone welcome.
‘Make a Joyful Noise….’
Lloyd has helped us do just that for years and now he is passing this task onto us.
There will be a time for training on Sunday, March 29th following worship. Please
consider joining the team.
For more information, contact anyone on the Worship Committee.
Ayr Community Breakfast
Saturday March 28, 2015
8:00 - 11:00 am
Ayr Fire Hall
Please bring along a donation for the food bank
Calendar of Monthly Events
March 21 - Messy Church
March 29 - Communion & Food Bank Sunday
March 30 - Senior’s Time Out
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Friday March 20, 2015
This Week a t Knox
10:30 am …. Worship Service & Sunday School
3:30 pm ….Curling followed by Potluck Supper at
5:30 pm - Ayr Curling Club
6:45 pm …. Cubs - Fell Hall
7:00 pm …. Knox Bell-Ayrs — Sanctuary
6:30 pm …. Air Cadets - Fell Hall/Youth Rooms/M.P. Room/Choir Room
7:00 pm …. Adhoc Sound System Committee — Room 11
1:00 - 3:00 pm …. Cambridge Self-Help Food Bank - Fell Hall
7:00 pm …. Scouts - Fell Hall
5:00 - 5:45 pm …. Angel Voices - Choir Room
6:45 pm …. Beavers - Fell Hall
11:30 am …. "Young At Hearts" Seniors Group - Fell Hall
(March 22, 2015)
Paul Bartle/Janet Furlong
(March 29, 2015)
Don Davidson/Christine Cochrane
All Day …. Rental - Fell Hall/Kitchen
10:30 am …. Worship Service & Sunday School
(March 22, 2015)
Dylan Carroll
As a church we are called to pray for each other and for our mission in the world On March 22, 2015, we
Pray for:
Rev Terry, Nancy Kyle
Ayr Ministerial - Cedar Creek Community
- Rev. Ian Elliott
Today and throughout this week we are called to pray for the members of Moorefield, (Waterloo
Presbytery) as we participate in the Hamilton Conference Prayer Cycle.
Pray for Our Church - Our French ministries and congregations
Friday March 20, 2015
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TCOW 2015 Nicaragua
Today we have started our great adventure. We are travelling to Managua, Nicaragua via Miami.
Then on to the Coffee Plantation in Jinotega on the weekend.
There will be some updates on our trip at
or check out Companeros’s Facebook page (the organization hosting TCOW) https://
Thank you again for all of your support. We look forward to sharing our adventure with you when we
Liam & Harrison.
Check out this link for information on things
that are happening with the United Church:
‘Young At Heart’
Seniors Group
Lunches are Fridays
11:30 - 1:15
at Knox United Church
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Friday March 20, 2015
J o i n u s f or W or s h ip d ur i ng th i s
L ent en S ea s o n
Sunday, March 22 at 10:30 am
Lent 5
Sunday, March 29 at 10:30 am
Palm Sunday
Thursday, April 2 at 7:00 pm
Maundy Thursday Service - Fellowship Hall
Friday, April 3 at 10:30 am
Good Friday
Sunday, April 5 at 8:30 am
“Son” Rise Service - Fellowship Hall
Sunday, April 5 at 10:30 am
Easter Celebration Service
Next Week’s Scripture Readings!
March 29, 2015
Palm Sunday
Sixth Sunday in Lent
Isaiah 50: 4-9a
Psalm 31:9-16
Philippians 2:5-11
Mark 14: 1-15; 47 or Mark 15: 1-39, (40-47)
April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 25:6-9
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Corinthians 15:1-11 or Acts 10:34-43
John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8
Friday March 20, 2015
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Your Spiritual Corner: God is Holy
“To whom then will you liken Me that I would be his equal?” says the Holy One. (Isaiah 40:25)
“There is no one holy like the LORD(YHVH), indeed, there is no one besides You, nor is there
any rock like our God” (1Samuel 2:2)
Our God is Holy:
❑ Our God (YHVH) is unique, far above and beyond us having no equals or rivals among ‘gods’.
He is in a class by Himself.
❑ He is morally perfect, totally free from evil, sin or darkness
❑ All God’s attributes are holy.
❑ All three persons of the Godhead are described as holy.
❑ God’s holiness should be a matter of great importance for every single believer.
1. The holy God commands all who belong to Him to be holy as He is holy. (Lev.11:45;
2. We purify ourselves as He is pure. Holiness is our calling. (2Cor.7:1; Jn.3:3)
3. We treat Him as holy by our obedience and belief in Him and by His Word. (Ps.96:9)
4. When the holiness of God is grasped and then seen in the church, in our lives, and in our
worship, fear in Him results. (Ps.114:7; Acts 5:11,13)
5. The fear of the LORD (reverence, awe) is to hate evil and by it we keep away from evil. It is
a fountain of life. (Pr.8:13, 16:6, 14:27)
Our holiness is one choice after another. Let us worship God in holiness. Holy, holy holy is our
God. Give Him all the honour, praise and glory. Thanks be to God. Amen
(Discussion: Solid Ground Ministries)
P.S. Messy Church is a fun-filled, creative family event for people of all ages.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
4:00 to 6:00 pm
Creative Worship • Food
Fun • Crafts • Activities
and a Free Healthy Dinner!
Knox United Church, Ayr
ALL are welcome!
Curling Rocks!
Curling and Potluck Supper
Have you ever wanted to try it?
Are you a regular curler?
Is curling something you enjoyed years ago?
You are invited to a social curling event
for members, family and friends of Knox
Everyone is Welcome, it’s Fun for All Ages!
Instruction will be available for new curlers and equipment will be supplied
Bring clean running shoes
Children are welcome – “Little Rocks” are for children aged 4 years and older, and we
will have a movie/tv for toddlers
Non-curlers are also welcome – come join the fun, fellowship and potluck supper
Curling will be followed by a potluck supper for everyone
Where – Ayr Curling Club
210 Northumberland Street, Ayr
When – 3:30 pm on Sunday, March 22, 2015
Potluck Supper – about 5:30 pm – we’ll supply the
Cost - $10 per adult for curling, kids are free
Contact Helen Scutt for more information and to RSVP your participation
519-632-9680 or
Please RSVP by March 15th
Lisaard House for Lent
Lent is a time to prepare for Easter, to set aside time as Christians for reflection
on Jesus Christ and to do good deeds for others.
This Lenten season, the Communications Team invites you to support Lisaard
House, a residential cancer hospice in Waterloo Region that provides care, free of
charge, for individuals facing a limited life expectancy.
Your Call to Action: Pick an Easter egg marked “Lisaard House” from the
baskets at the back of the church. Gather your loose change (or folded bills or
cheques) in the plastic eggs and place them on the offering plate as you fill them.
Last year we raised over $900!
Lisaard House provides quality palliative care in a home-like setting for adults
dying of cancer, while supporting the individual and their family through the end
of life journey. Lisaard House is committed to helping people dying of cancer to
live the life remaining to them as fully as possible and easing the challenges facing
their loved ones. Lisaard House only receives partial funding from the provincial
government. As a registered charity, Lisaard House relies on the generous
donations of the community to continue operations.
If you would like a charitable receipt for your donation, please make the cheque
payable to Lisaard House.
Check out the website for more details:
Your on-going support for the Cambridge Self Help Food Bank is very
much appreciated! They provide a much needed service to members of
our community, and we’re proud to be their ‘home’ in Ayr.
This Easter season, we’re asking you to support the organization with
the following donations:
 Craft supplies for children
 Laundry soap
 New Towels
Please leave your donations in the boxes under the Food Bank shelves
(outside the Library Lounge).
Thank you for your caring and support!