The E-Knightlighter The Official Publication of the Knights of Columbus, Msgr. James R. Jones Council 3303 and Kenneth I. Parker Assembly 1820, New Bern, NC Founders Day Breakfast 4, 11, 18, 25 - Bingo 6:30 PM, Hall 5 - 3rd Degree Meeting 7:00 PM, Chamber. 13 - 4th Degree Meeting, 7:00 PM, Chamber 15 - 17 - NC State Convention 26 - 3rd Degree Officer Meeting, 7:00 Pm - 8:00 PM, Hall Our annual Founders Day Breakfast held on Sunday April 26 was a big success. We collected 133 tickets and the food and fellowship was wonderful. Fr. Tully gave us some wonderful remarks about Fr. McGivney and how his message resonates in our community today-"help and care for the needy and less fortunate". Many thanks to all who attended and all who worked so hard to make this a success--especially the kitchen crew who arrived early and worked late. Thanks everyone and I hope to see you next year. Dick Dodson, Grand Knight Knight of the Month This month we honor a man whose life consists of God, the Church, the Knights of Columbus and his family and many friends – Danny Gennantonio. Danny has been a knight since 1966 (49 years). He has held more positions, chaired more committees, and recruited more new members for our Council than any other member. Danny has sponsored more than 500 members. At St. Paul Catholic Church, he serves on the Finance Committee, is a Eucharistic Minister, and a long- time volunteer for the Cemetery Ministry. You can find Danny at the Church every Wednesday and whenever else he is needed to assist families in their time of need purchasing plots, placing stones, marking graves, coordinating repair and maintenance work on the Cemetery and even coordinating the placement of flags for Memorial Day. It is a volunteer position that takes many hours each week. Currently Danny (and Cindy) is heading up the Raffle Committee for the State North Carolina Convention which will be held here in May, 2015 and which is being hosted by our Council. He has solicited many items for the raffle and filled many baskets for the Convention. He has also solicited ads for the Convention Booklet. Volume: 2015. 03 Editor: Michael Haynes As you know, Pat Rocco, our District Deputy, is running for State Warden at the Convention, and Danny has sent out letters to 124 Councils letting them know why Pat Rocco is such a worthy candidate. Please look for an ad in the North Carolina 95th Convention Booklet for Pat Rocco for State Warden. The members of our Council thank you Danny for what you are doing for us today and for all that you have done for us over the last 49 years. Jim Whetzel, DGK Grand Knight’s Knightlighter Comments Brothers, As our Easter Season continues we are constantly reminded of what a Blessing it is to live in the United States where we can worship freely and attend Mass and receive the Sacraments on a regular basis. As we read the horrible reports of Christians being tortured and executed for their Faith, please continue to pray for them and all Christians around the world. Also, continue to pray for Pope Francis and His Message of Serving God by serving others—especially others especially the needy and destitute. I continue to thank all who step forward and an help with all our charitable activities—you you are truly a Blessing. As you know, we have our State Convention coming to New Bern on May 15 15-17 17 and Jim Kelly and his committees are doing a wonderful job preparing for this big event. We expect approximately 500 to be in attendance. There is always room for more volunteers so please contact Jim Kelly @ 288-5668 288 or Jim Whetzel, the co-chairman, @675-8778 8778 to volunteer. Your help will be most appreciated. Please do not forget our need for new Brothers. Our new m membership embership has become dormant and we need to revitalize this effort. As we all get older we are constantly reminded that “many hands make light work”. Let’s make an extra effort to get at least one new Brother Knight in the next 2 months. Tony DiFede stands ready to help in anyway. Finally, I ask that you continue to support Council functions by attending the various dinners, breakfasts and other activities. Our recent LAMB Appreciation Dinner where we present checks to various organizations so they could continue ontinue their work was pretty sparsely attended. I’m sure we can do better than this. We have many Brothers who are ill, recovering from surgeries, receiving treatments or preparing for some medical procedures. Let’s remember to keep them in our Prayers. May God continue to Bless you and your families. Vivat Jesus! Dick Dodson Family of the Month The Family of the Month for May 2015 is Gloria and Jim Kelly. Jim is the current Chairman of the Knights State Convention to be held in New Bern on May 15 15-17 of this year. He is also the LAMB Chairman, Treasurer of the Columbus Club, Usher and jack of a all trades at the Knight’s Hall Gloria’s biggest job is taking care of Jim Jim—seriously, seriously, she does an amazing amount of work for the Knights and the Church. She volunteers at the Church Office, is a Eucharistic Minister, does the creative work for our ads and displays and helps with various Knights activities when requested. We are truly fortunate to have them on our team. Thank you Gloria and Jim for all you do for our Church, our Community and the Knights. Nick Dalessandro, Family Director Faithful Navigator’s Report Sir Knights, The latest Yard Sale results turned out to be one of the best we’ve experienced. We came within $200 of our very best past results. What is interesting is that our very best sale was achieved with almost 2900 shoppers com coming ing through our doors. The shopper count of this latest sale was about 1900. Everyone involved did a super job and should be proud of the results. Without all your participation and hard work we could not have achieve the great results we did. Thanks to you all we can continue to support our various charities and increase that support in the future. I’m sure you’ve heard the many positive comments from shoppers about the new look in the Blue Building. With your help and understanding we will continue continue making improvements to make it easier for shoppers and staff. New Officers have been nominated for the 2015-2016 2015 2016 Fiscal Year. Elections will take place at our next General meeting on Wednesday, May 13th, please make it a point to attend. It’s import important that the largest majority of Sir Knights attend this meeting. It is the future of our Assembly. On a sad note we lost our Brother Sir Knight Bob Calabrese in April. He will be missed. Please keep his wife Betty and their family in your prayers as w well ell as all our other deceased Brothers. May is the month of Our Blessed Mother, so let us make an effort to say the Rosary as often as possible during the month. Also on May 31st Fr. Bill Lesak will be celebrating his 40th Anniversary as a priest at the 11 AM mass. We would like to have as many Sir Knights as possible attend. Remember: Prayer Changes Things Vivat Jesus, SK Vince Fragnito, Faithful Navigator Sir Knight of the Month In recognition of his many accomplishm accomplishments SK Charles s Knight is our SK of the month. Charles has been a dedicated member of the Knights of Columbus since day one and has been available when needed. He has helped with the Special pecial Olympics spaghetti dinner every year Charles keeps busy by being a member of the Special Olympics Bowling and Swim team. He also helps hel set up prior to these events. Charles is an usher at St Paul Paul, and helps at Monday night Bingo These are just some reasons why Charles has been selected for this recognition. When you see SK Charles thank him for all he does for our order Patrick Rocco, Faithful Captain Knight of Columbus Insurance Knights of Columbus life insurance offers something precious few other financial products can guarantee. As long as you pay your premiums, miums, the policy proceeds will be there for your beneficiaries should something happen to you. That’s peace of mind, and that’s what we offer with our every product in our portfolio. We guarantee the cash value in your whole life policies will be there. We guarantee the rates on your term insurance. We guarantee our retirement products will provide a stream of income when you need it. On top of those product guarantees, I guarantee that I will offer professional, high-quality service that you would expect from our organization. Our Order is among the highest rated life insurers in North America. AM Best has rated the Knights of Columbus “A++, Superior” for 38 consecutive years. It’s a testament to our track record for excellence and security. I would suggest that a principal reason that we were able to achieve those accolades is because we remain steadfastly committed to the vision of Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney by providing life insurance by brother Knights for brother Knights. That commitment is an essential core value of the Knights of Columbus, and our core values permeate all levels of our organization. We pledge to serve our brother Knights, and their families, according to our Golden Rule: “In all my professional relationships, I pledge myself to the following rule of conduct: I shall, in light of all conditions surrounding those I serve, render that service which, under the same circumstances, I would apply to myself.” Let’s talk soon to discuss how our products can bring that peace of mind to you and your family. Robert Leonardo Field Agent 910-708-1404 973-445-7809 (text) Brother SK Bill Elliott: Hospital Volunteer of the Year During National Volunteer Recognition Week, Department Heads for Volunteer Services at Carolina East Medical Center select nominees to be recognized as the CEMC Hospital Volunteer of the Year. At the end of the week CEMC salutes all of its 400 volunteers with a banquet, and honors its Hospital Volunteer of the Year. This year’s festivities were held April 17 at The Flame Restaurant in New Bern. At the event Director of Hospital Volunteer Services (DVS) Laurie Bennett recognized Bill Elliott’s dedicated years of participation in the hospital’s Life Line program, and presented him with the Carolina East Medical Center Hospital Volunteer of the Year Award. Congratulations, Bill! PGK Mikie Casem Officers and Program Chairmen of Msgr. James R. Jones, Council 3303 Chaplain Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Recorder Financial Secretary Treasurer Advocate Lector Warden Inside Guard Outside Guard Trustee (1 Yr.) Trustee (2 Yr.) Trustee (3 Yr.) Program Director Church Council Reverend Thomas Tully Dick Dodson Jim Whetzel Ray Savage Sandy Stewart Larry Spallanzani Larry Winsor Mikie Casem CJ Brooker Nick D’Alessandro Bill Bottcher Dean Reynolds Rich Tomasik Leo Minervini Pat Rocco Open Jim Anderson Open Community Family Youth Membership Director Hispanic Membership Bingo Pro-Life Operation Lamb Knightlighter House Golf 300 Club Columbus Club Bowling Special Olympics Public Relations Web Master Lounge Manager Walter Bock Nick Dalessandro Jeff Ross Tony DiFede Richard Mora Doug Uhland Bart Spano Jim Kelly Michael Haynes Jimmy Bottcher Chick Natella Chick Natella Gerald Boyle Don Monk John Scharf George Halyak Martin Culpepper Ralph Aviles Officers of Father Kenneth I. Parker Assembly 1820 Faithful Friar Faithful Navigator Faithful Captain Faithful Pilot Faithful Comptroller Faithful Scribe Faithful Purser Reverend William J Upah SK Vincent A. Fragnito SK Patrick Rocco SK David Rose SK William Camp SK Ralph Aviles SK George Halyak Inner-Sentinel Outer-Sentinel Faithful Admiral Trustee 3 Year Trustee 2 Year Trustee 1 Year Lounge Manager Yard Sale SK Doug Uhland SK Phil Nassef SK Rich Tomasik SK James Whetzel SK Sandy Stewart SK Ignacio "Budd" Rancatore SK Ralph Aviles Open THE KNIGHTLIGHTER THE KNIGHTLIGHTER is published bi-monthly (Feb., Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct., Dec.) by Council 3303 K of C, New Bern, NC. Editorial deadline is the 20th of the month preceding. The E-KNIGHTLIGHTER is ELECTRONIC ONLY and published (January, March, May, July, September, November) Editor: Michael Haynes ( ) Circulation: R. Andre, Wm. Camp
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