President’s Message Hello Everyone, Kings Point Art League MAY—JUNE 2015 I was in Costa Rico a few weeks ago and took a bunch of pictures in the rainforest and at the volcanoes. I found the temperature there to be delightful. The birds are beautiful and I think they know it; by the way they strut around. The songs are so different in the rain forest and the monkeys are really fun to watch. I have some excellent subjects to paint now. Just need to find the time. It seems like things are starting to slow down now. When I returned there was far less traffic and parking spaces are more readily available. It is amazing how quickly the year flies by. Some of our artist friends have headed north and others are making plans for trips. We all need breaks and having a change of scenery makes us appreciate all we have here. Our community is changing, with the addition of the 2020 Centre we now have a state of the art facility to exercise and more meeting rooms when needed. We need to continue to utilize our Art Room as much as possible. We currently share the room with the card players at night and that works well. I hope the survey will give us more ideas and suggestions for the programs for the fall. Please take the time to complete the survey. The Box is in the Art Room. Enjoy this hot spring weather, the Magnolias and Gardenias are blossoming and the fragrances are wonderful. See you in the Art Room. Mary Ann Meeker, President Mimosas with Marianne Acrylic Workshop with Marianne Wexler on May 2nd 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Drinks and cheese & crackers Price: $15 paid in advance She will provide paints and canvas Contact Greta May Barnes 634-8370 You need to bring a smock/apron, 2 paper plates, paper towels, and acrylic brushes - a wash brush, flat brushes, round brushes, and one with a good point. Please join your fellow artists in the Please Note! Art Studio for Open Workshop Every Tuesday - Wednesday - Friday 9:00 am to 12 noon *** Also, ALL are welcome to attend the Board Meetings, Tuesdays at 10:30am before the regular Friday meetings, in the Atrium of the KPCH. !!! Don’t forget to check out our KPAL WEBSITE for NEWS, UPDATES, SCHEDULES, ETC! The first Saturday of each month, any KPAL artist may bring in their art to display around our KPAL Art Room for the current month. Bring your art to the Art Room by 9am, Dixie is usually there around 8:30am, so that she and her crew have time to get everything hung. You will then be required to pick up your art the first Saturday of the following month. Congratulations Artists of the Month! May - Diane G. Simon June - Dixie Kraft Be sure to stop by to admire their wonderful displays! Heartfelt Thanks to our Outgoing Officers! Thank you Mary Ann, for being a wonderful President this past year. Thanks to your leadership, KPAL will enjoy the fruits of your labors for many years to come! Thanks also to Dixie, vice-president, who was instrumental in installing our great new panels to hang our art! Frances, thanks for filling in as Secretary for Glennys, whose presence will be sorely missed, and then continuing on the following year during her illness. And, last but not least, thank you Diane for stepping up as Treasurer once again when Carol moved out of Kings Point. All of your hard work, dedication, and timeless hours spent on your duties are very much appreciated! THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH! Page 2 KI N G S PO I NT A R T L E A G U E KPAL Art Show 2016 - “Reach For the Arts” Update from Greta May: Things are falling into place, committee chairs are getting filled, rules are being re-defined, and we will have an official meeting probably the first part of September. If anyone has any input they would like to send to me, by all means I am open to any suggestions. Or phone 813-634-8370. Need plenty of help, so plan to have fun and join the 'Reach for the Arts' bandwagon. Art Show '2016' Committees Chairman: Greta May Barnes 634-8370 Co: Mary Ann Meeker 634-7006 Co: Sandy McDermott (Winter) 774-218-2198 Coffee & Cookies: Chairman: Mary L. Carter 633-8323 Co: Reba Ready 634-5902 Signs & Banner: Co workers: Mary Chabot 634-7279 Robert Krowl 634-8345 Publicity: Kathy Pruschen 938-1477 Photos: Kathy Pruschen " " Registration spreadsheet for programs, etc. Chairman: Carol Culp 938-3384 Co: Vickie Robertson 938-4601 Artists' Party: Chairman: Sandy McDermott 774-218-2198 Take-in Paintings: Co workers Carol Anderson 633-3997 Dixie Kraft 419-4641 Runners: Chairman: Sue Corbett 633-2033 Co: Lynda Aquilo (winter) Hangers & Set-Up: Chairman: Lynn Bremermann 633-0896 Food for set-up Day: Judges: Co Chairman: Bernadette Mueller 634-4724 Pat Herzberg 633-4723 Awards, Peer and People's Choice Chairman: Sylvia Fell 642-9595 Registration: Chairman and two co-chairs Ribbons: Chairman: Marianne Wexler Music: Chairman: Reba Ready rdr 634-5902 Decorating: l. Stars...................Arlene Egert 419-4698 2. Piano Mobile...Don Egert " " 3. Badges...Barbara Wolons 633-7636 4. Set up for " Best of Show" and Peer Awards.. Edite McIlvaine 633-3326 5. Calligraphy.. Phyllis Masing 938-3891 Docents: Chairman: Phyllis Masing 938-3891 Raffle Chairman: Maggie Case (winter) 642-9680 Co: Pat Herzberg 633-4723 New Member Table Chairman: Ginny June Hansen 634-8890 Artists in Foyer Chairman: Sue Corbett 633-2033 Page 3 KI N G S PO I NT A R T L E A G U E KPAL 2015-16 Slate of Officers President Greta May Barnes 634-8370 Vice President Phyllis Masing 938-3891 Secretary Terry Mince 938-3968 Asst. Secretary Treasurer Peggy Cooper Nanci Goodstein 642-0464 Asst. Treasurer Diane Simon 385-5569 Supporting Officers Room Set Ups /Displays Dixie Kraft 419-4641, Robert Krowl 634-8345, Joe Saab (winter) 260-3248 Hospitality Carol Anderson 633-3997 Mary Carter 633-8323 Demonstrations Arlene Egert 419-4698 Newsletter/Publicity Kathy Pruschen 938-1477 Art Show Greta May Barnes 634-8370 Asst. Mary Ann Meeker, Sandra McDermott Public Relations Bernadette Mueller 634-4724 Librarian/Historian Sylvia Fell 642-9595, Sue Corbett 633-2033 Promotional Displays Bob Ewing 634-5381
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