THE MINUTES HAVE NOT BEEN FORMALLY APPROVED AND ARE SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION AT THE NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING. KITTATINNY REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING REGULAR MEETING April 30, 2015 *STATE MANDATED REQUIREMENT – BOARD MUST COMPLY AND MAY NOT DEFEAT BY MAJORITY NO VOTES. The Regular Meeting of the Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education was held on Thursday, April 30, 2015 in the High School Library. The Board President, Ms. Shaffer, called the meeting to order with the salute to the flag and the statement that the meeting was being held in conformity with the Open Public Meetings Act. Members Present: Ms. Eleanore Shaffer, President Mr. Carl D. Cooper, Vice President Mr. James Hunt Mr. David Ormesher Mrs. Judy Youngs Mr. Robert Greene Mrs. Moira Douglas Mrs. Barbara Andrews Members Absent: None Also present were Mr. Craig Hutcheson, Superintendent, Mrs. Kathleen Kane, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Mrs. Lorraine Walther, Assistant Board Secretary, and Public. At 7:00 pm, the Board President, Ms. Shaffer, called the meeting to order Call to with the salute to the flag and the statement that the meeting was being Order held in conformity with the Open Public Meetings Act as follows: The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meeting of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place thereof posted: The New Jersey Herald, the Sunday New Jersey Herald, Constituent Municipal Buildings, Constituent Boards of Education, and the Kittatinny Regional High School. Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 Mr. Hutcheson introduced the Superintendents’ Roundtable Award Recipient, Mr. Nicholas Martin, to the Board. Mr. Martin will be back next month to introduce a project to the board with regards to organic composting. At this time Mr. Hutcheon presented the 2015 – 2016 budget for the public hearing. PETITIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE Mr. Szabo asked for a hard copy of the presentation and requested a list of state mandates. Mr. Hutcheson responded the commission puts the list together and it may be found on the department of education website. Mr. Szabo recognizes a very excellent job over the long period of time. His concern are the external factors in the county, ratables down, no jobs, and it may not get better over the long haul. He would like to see shared personnel with other municipalities, some communities around Kittatinny are not filled with year rounders. He asked the board to be frugal, because we cannot vote on our budget anymore. Mr. Hutcheson stated the board has been pretty frugal in the past and will be continuing going forward. Ms. Maryann Gross, Stillwater, asked if we were concluded with negotiations. A motion was made by Mr. Hunt, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the Work Session Minutes of March 12, 2015, Regular Session Minutes of March 19, 2015, and the Executive Minutes of March 12 & 19, 2015. A motion was made by Mr. Ormesher, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the Financial Statements of the Treasurer of School Monies and the Secretary’s Report of March, 2015. CORRESPONDENCE – None COMMENDATIONS The following students for being named Students of the Month for March: 7th: Jake Copeman, Kathleen Kriege th 8 : Joseph Rincon, Samantha Russell 9th: Tyler Reid, Kaylia Pierce th 10 : Dillon Rossi, Christina Metzgar 11th: Michael Holey, Audrey Morrison 12th: Joseph Sommer, Lauren Carstens Dominick Alcantara for being named Hampton Rotary Student of the Month for March. Jennifer Makarevich for being chosen as United Way’s Scholar Athlete. Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 COMMENDATIONS – con’t Austin Scrivani for being selected to the New Jersey Herald First Team for Wrestling. Austin was also selected by Coach John Gill as this year Wrestling MVP. Emily LoCascio and Andrew Givone for being selected to the New Jersey Herald First Team for Swimming. George Soutter for being chosen as 2014-2015 New Jersey Herald Coach of the Year for Boys Swimming. Cara Giovanetti for being selected as a New Jersey Governor’s School Scholar for the 32nd New Jersey Governor’s School in the Sciences to be held at Drew University from July 12, 2015 to August 1, 2015. The following students for being named Caring Award recipients: Jacob Brown – High School Jack Sweatt – Junior High Laura Haug for receiving the United Way’s Teacher of Excellence Award. Alexandra Pierson for being selected to receive the VSA New Jersey Dr. Frank Strockbine, Jr. Award for Excellence in the Performing Arts in Theatre. She will receive a distinguished Governor’s Award in Arts Education. Samantha Russell for qualifying for the NJ YMCA 13 & Over State Championship, NJ Swimming’s Junior Olympics and the YMCA Short Course Nationals. Junior High Student Council members and Advisors, Casey Heinke and Pat Mahon, for planning the annual Faculty Tea for all Kittatinny staff and faculty. Coach Jeffrey Gely and our Boys Track Team for winning the NJAC Colonial Division Championship and for going undefeated during their dual meet season. PETITIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE – None CSA REPORT Mr. Hutcheson reported on the following items: Several hand outs are in the packet for review. Mr. Mello, Assistant Principal, and his wife welcomed a baby girl. June 4th is the Kittatinny retirement/recognition dinner at Perona Farms. We also have several activities coming up, Band Concert, Chorus, Senior Awards, 8th Grade Recognition, and Graduation. Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:50 p.m., the following resolution was approved by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present: Executive Session WHEREAS, The Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, PL 1975, permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and WHEREAS, the Kittatinny Regional Board of Education is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Kittatinny Regional Board of Education, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, that a closed session of this Board of Education (where the public shall be excluded) will be held at this time for the purpose of discussing: negotiations, legal, and personnel. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the action of the Board with regard to the above entitled matters shall be disclosed to the public at a later date and to the extent that the same is not prejudicial to the interests of the parties involved, and would not result in a possible invasion of their right of privacy. At 8:12 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Hunt, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to adjourn Executive Session, the results of which will not be made public this evening. Adjourn Executive Session FINANCE, BUDGET AND INSURANCE Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3, I certify that as of April 30, 2015, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education. ________________________________ Board Secretary _______________________ Date Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 FINANCE, BUDGET AND INSURANCE – con’t A. A motion was made by Mrs. Andrews, seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried by a Certify unanimous vote of the members present to certify pursuant to N.J.A.C. Financial 6A:23A-16.10(c)4 that as of April 30, 2015, after review of the appropriations Statements section of secretary’s monthly fiscal report and upon consultation with the Business Administrator to the best of our knowledge that no major account or funds has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4 and sufficient funds are available for the remainder of the fiscal year. B. A motion was made by Mrs. Andrews, seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried by a March unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following finance Transfers / items: April Bills Payment of bills – April 2015 List of transfers – March 2015 C. A motion was made by Mrs. Andrews, seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried by a Monthly unanimous vote of the members present to approve the attached monthly Travel travel for administration, Board members and staff as per Board policy. (Attachment F-1) D. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried by a unanimous roll call vote of the members present to approve the following resolution: The Board of Education of Kittatinny Regional School District hereby adopts the following budget for the 2015-16 school year: The proposed budget includes sufficient funds to provide curriculum and instruction which will enable all students to achieve the Common Core State Standards/Core Curriculum Content Standards, and is in compliance with N.J.S.A.18A and N.J.A.C. Title 6 and 6A. Anticipated Enrollment: 1075 General Fund Special Revenue Fund Debt Service Fund Total Budget $22,169,655 $ 265,069 $ 251,588 $22,686,312 Local Tax Levy $13,639,123 $ -0$__ 251,588_ $13,890,711 2015-16 Budget Adoption Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 FINANCE, BUDGET AND INSURANCE – con’t Be it further resolved, that included in line 600, Budgeted Withdrawal from Capital Reserve for Local Share is $1,507,882 for capital project costs for HVAC for a total of $1,006,800 and road resurfacing, roof, auditorium upgrades and storage garage for other capitol project costs of $501,082. The total costs of these projects are $1,507,882, which represents expenditures for construction elements or projects that are in addition to the facilities efficiency standards determined by the Commissioner as necessary to achieve the Common Core State Standards/Core Curriculum Content Standards. E. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Extended School Year (ESY) tuition contract with Lenape Valley Regional School District for two (2) out-of-district students at a cost of $131.13 per day (30 days) for a total of $3,934 per student to be charged to Lenape Valley Regional School District. All related services will be billed to Lenape Valley Regional School District separately. One student will require a one-to-one full-time aide to be provided by Lenape Valley Regional School District (necessary paperwork and satisfactory criminal background check to be completed). Extended School Year Tuition Contract – Lenape Valley Regional School F. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve a five year financial service agreement for a postage meter rental with Pitney Bowes, Contract #043012-PIT, at a rate of $114.37 per month. (Expiring lease is $156 per month.) Pitney Bowes Contract G. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to accept the monthly bank balances for the following accounts: Bank Account Balance Report Bank Accounts Adult Education Cafeteria Driver Education Petty Cash School Store Student Activities Athletics Unemployment Trust 3/31/15 Balance $61,056.92 $121,481.22 $3,101.26 $212.79 $8,652.14 $209,002.80 $9,105.09 $207,948.53 Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 PERSONNEL All non-tenure and annual contract employees have been given Sunshine Law notices that their employment may be discussed in Executive Session. In the event you wish to discuss any employee, you must go into Executive Session. A. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried by a unanimous roll call vote of the members present to approve offering contracts to all tenured certificated staff for the 2015-2016 school year as recommended by the Superintendent. (Attachment P-1) (Final terms to be determined by collective negotiations process.) 2015-2016 Tenured Certificated Staff Contracts B. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous roll call vote of the members present to approve offering contracts to all tenured non-certificated staff (support staff and confidential employees) for the 2015-2016 school year as recommended by the Superintendent. (Attachment P-2) (Final terms to be determined by collective negotiations process.) 2015-2016 Tenured Non - Certificated Support & Confidential Staff Contracts C. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous roll call vote of the members present to approve offering contracts to all non-tenured certificated staff as per attached for the 20152016 school year as recommended by the Superintendent. (Attachment P-3) (Final terms to be determined by collective negotiations process.) 2015-2016 Non-Tenured Certificated Staff Contracts D. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous roll call vote of the members present to approve offering contracts to all non-tenured non-certificated staff as per attached for the 2015-2016 school year as recommended by the Superintendent. (Attachment P-3) (Final terms to be determined by collective negotiations process.) 2015-2016 Non-Tenured Non – Certificated Staff Contracts E. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve non-renewal of the following non-tenured certificated/non-certificated staff for the 2015-2016 school year: 2015-2016 Non-Renewal of Non – Tenured Certificated / Non – Certificated Staff Aaron Berger Robin Moro Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 PERSONNEL – con’t F. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to accept, with regret, the resignation of Janet Clough, Teacher of Special Education, due to retirement, effective June 30, 2015. Resignation / Retirement Teacher of Special Education G. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to accept, with regret, the resignation of Denise Keeler, Teacher of English, due to retirement, effective June 30, 2015. Resignation / Retirement Teacher of English H. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and Post / carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to post/advertise for the Advertise following positions for the 2015-2016 school year: Teacher of Students with Teacher of Students with Disabilities. Disabilities I. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to accept resignation of Michael Lupo as Head Boys Basketball Coach, effective immediately. Resignation Head Boys Basketball Coach J. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to accept resignation of Michael Lupo as Summer Sports Camp Director, effective immediately. Resignation Summer Sports Camp Director K. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to accept resignation of Melissa Fischer as Junior High Field Hockey Co-Coach, effective immediately. Resignation Junior High Field Hockey Co-Coach L. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and Post / carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to post/advertise for the Advertise following coaching positions for the 2015-2016 school year: 2015-2016 Coaching Boys Basketball Head Coach Positions: Boys Basketball Freshman Coach Boys Head & Junior High Field Hockey Co-Coach Freshman Basketball, Junior High Field Hockey Co-Coach Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 PERSONNEL – con’t M. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to post/advertise for Summer Sports Camp Director for Summer 2015. Post / Advertise Summer Sports Camp Director N. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Tim Shea as Kittatinny Robotics Summer Camp Director (for two weeks in Summer 2015) at $34/hour, not to exceed a maximum of 35 hours per week. (All costs to be borne by fees from camp. No cost to Board.) Robotics Summer Camp Director O. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Christopher Cummins and Thomas Orlando as proctors to administer Math placement testing for incoming 7th grade students on Saturday, May 30 and June 6, 2015 for two hours each day (total of four hours each) at a rate of $40/hour. Proctors for Math Placement Testing P. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Ellen Kolonski as proctor to administer Gifted and Talented screening assessment for incoming 7th grade students on Saturday, May 30 and June 6, 2015 for two hours each day (total of four hours) at a rate of $40/hour. Gifted & Talented Screening Assessment Q. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Carol Marinaro as Extended School Year (ESY) Nurse for thirty (30) days, 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., at $40/hour, ($200 per day) with funds being paid from the IDEA Grant. Extended School Year Nurse R. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following Summer Swim Personnel: (Instructors and program not to exceed 80 hours for the entire summer.) Summer Swim Personnel Suzanne Freund, WSI Instructor $30/Hour Dana Bitondo, WSI Instructor $28/Hour (Summer Swim Program and Mommy & Me Program with half hour prep time) Derek Wilpert, WSI Instructor $25.50/Hour Frances Gely, WSI Instructor $25.50/Hour Shannon Crane, WSI Instructor $25/Hour Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 PERSONNEL – con’t WSI Substitute Instructors $20/Hour Lisa Trusa Al Paolucci Rob Vesper Maggie Hoffman Jessica DeMartini WSI Instructors (Volunteers), Lifeguards (Summer Swim & Barracudas) $8.38/Hour Christine Freund Jack Freund Cassandra Hahn Kristin Trusa Lifeguards (Summer Swim & Barracudas) $8.38/Hour Carmelo Calascibetta Shawn Davis Ryan Doherty Elizabeth Dyminski Trevor Havens Garrett Hollar Luke Leonard Emily LoCascio Noah Maruska Cameron McNeil Thomas Mountford Rebecca Rodriguez James Santonastaso Dylan Snook Summer Taylor Blair Woersching If any instructor is unavailable to instruct for the entire session, alternate instructor from “Sub” list will be replaced and be paid @ $25/hour. Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 PERSONNEL – con’t S. A motion was made by Mrs. Andrews, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following mentors for the 10th Period Day Mentoring Program (after school) for Kittatinny students in need of additional support, $40/hour (not to exceed 10 hours per mentor): Anderson, Brandt Butler, Steve Carnegie, Doug Chiariello, Roy Craig, Dan Dippel, Amy Dow, Shawn Fischer, Melissa Fishbone, Carol Heller, Kurt Hoffmann, Michael Hegarty, Jolene Joyce, Joshua Mate, Joe Morelli, Kate Paparella, Tracy PastorPoe, Tara Reed, Joshua Smith, Scott Tryde, Chris Valenti, Grace Mentors for 10th Period Day Mentoring Program T. Action Taken at Work Session. (Approval of CSA Qualitative Goal #1 and Quantitative Goal #1.) U. A motion was made by Mr. Hunt, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Deborah FanningGardner as substitute bus driver, $18/hour, pending completion of necessary paperwork and satisfactory criminal background check as recommended by the Superintendent. Substitute Bus Driver V. A motion was made by Mr. Hunt, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following substitute teachers pending completion of necessary paperwork and satisfactory criminal background check as recommended by the Superintendent: Substitute Teachers Joseph Coltelli (renewal) Robert Comstock (renewal) Lauren Davis Sophia Gallagher (renewal) Guy Gordon (renewal) W. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to accept, with regret, the resignation of Christian Angelillo as Principal, effective July 13, 2015. Resignation of Principal Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 PERSONNEL – con’t X. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to post/advertise for the position of Principal. Post / Advertise for Principal Y. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to accept, with regret, the resignation of Gia Leo as Social Worker/Student Assistance Counselor, effective June 27, 2015. Resignation of Social Worker / Student Assistance Counselor Z. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to post/advertise for the position of Student Assistant Counselor for the 2015-2016 school year. Post / Advertise for Student Assistant Counselor CURRICULUM A. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by Monthly a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the monthly suspension Suspension report. (Attachment C-1) Report B. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) report. (Attachment C-2) HIB Report C. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by Kittatinny a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Kittatinny Robotics Robotics Camp to be held July 20 – 24, 2015 (Grades 4-6) and July 27 – 31, 2015 Camp (grades 7-11). Hours will be Monday – Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Estimated attendance to be 25 students. Camp cost to be $99 per sending district camper; $109 out of district camper; faculty children $79. All costs of camp to be paid through attendance fees. (Attachment C-3) D. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by 2014-2015 a unanimous vote of the members present to approve revised School Calendar Revised for the 2014-2015 school year. (Attachment C-4) School Calendar Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 CURRICULUM – con’t E. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve course name change from Personal Finance Management to Integrated Personal Finance Management. (Attachment C-5) Course Name Change F. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve a Faculty Grief Support Group to be held the third Wednesday of each month in the Faculty Dining Room (after school hours to be determined). The support group will deal with grief due to the death of a loved one. It is open to Kittatinny faculty and staff and their families. Mary Simpson will be the volunteer Facilitator. Faculty Grief Support Group G. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Summer Swim Program to run June 30, 2015, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Session I Testing), July 1, 2015, July 2, 2015, July 6, 2015 - July 10, 2015, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and July 13, 2015, 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Session II Testing), July 14, 2015 – July 22, 2015, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. (July 23, 2015 will be the makeup day for either session.) Cost is $65 (no increase). All costs to be paid through attendance fees. Summer Swim Program H. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Summer Swim Mommy & Me Program to run July 1, 2015 – July 10, 2015 (Session I) and July 14 – July 22, 2015 (Session II). Both sessions will run from 10:0010:30 a.m. Summer Swim Mommy & Me Program I. Action Taken at Work Session. (Approval of baseball clinic on March 27, 2015.) J. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by Fundraisers a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following fundraisers: Class of 2018 Car Wash on Saturday, May 9, 2015 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Cost will be $10 per car. Sale of Class of 2018 t-shirts starting May 1, 2015. Cost of shirt will be $10. Logo on shirt will read “Class of 2018 makes a great team”. Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 CURRICULUM – con’t Kittatinny Players Solicit sponsorship to upgrade the multimedia system with the purchase of two special projectors for daily use in the auditorium. Company name and logo will appear when projector is first turned on and then will disappear. Solicit sponsorship to purchase three Apple computers to run the sound, video and lighting departments. Company name will be engraved on the computer as well as on a plaque in the theatre department. K. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by Field Trip a unanimous vote of the members present to approve field trip to Dre’s Restaurant in Newton for French III and IV students on Tuesday, May 26, 2015 for traditional French cooking class and meal. Students will write, translate and present their own French recipes as a project. Cost of meal and gratuity borne by students. L. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Ultimate Frisbee after school activity on Tuesdays and Thursday until 3:15 p.m. at the Hampton Township fields. Tom Miller, Dan Chamberlin, Alison Gely and Carolle Im will provide supervision on a volunteer basis. (No cost to district.) Ultimate Frisbee School Activity M. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by TED Ed Club a unanimous vote of the members present to approve TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Ed Club for students in grades 7-12. Focus of club is to share, debate and discuss the ideas presented in TED Talks and ultimately develop and present students’ own ideas. Club will meet bi-weekly from September to December and Ashley Swords and Ellen Kolonoski will be the facilitators. No cost to district. N. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by Life Skills a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Life Skills field trip for Field Trip 13 students to Dare to Dream Conference at Sussex County Technical School on Wednesday, June 3, 2015. Transportation via Kittatinny bus. Will require a substitute Nurse to accompany group due to medical situations. O. Action Taken at Work Session. (Approval of field trip to Blair Academy Bio Technology Lab on April 22, 2015.) Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 CURRICULUM – con’t P. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by Charity a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Charity Jeans Day on Jeans Day Thursday, May 7, 2015. Staff would pay $5 to wear jeans and all proceeds would go to the March of Dimes. Q. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve district-wide Special Education Parent meeting on May 21, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Andrea Romano of Ed Services will present to the group on topics such as Managing Challenging Behaviors at Home and Working Effectively with Your Child to Complete Homework. Cost to be shared by all regional school districts, not to exceed $100 per district. (Meeting to be held at Kittatinny Regional High School.) Special Education Parent Meeting R. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the continued enrollment of Student #15700 as a regularly enrolled student for the remainder of the 2014-2015 school year. The senior student must stay in good standing for the remainder of the year. Continued Enrollment of Student #15700 Information: Homebound Instruction count for March, 2015: 4 Parent/Teacher Conferences on April 1, 2015 – a total of 581 conferences were held. POLICY A. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve 1st reading of the following policies: #2224 – Non-Discrimination/Affirmative Action – Sexual Harassment (date update) (POL-1) #3200 – Income (date update) (POL-2) #3210 – Local Funds (minor revision) (POL-3) #3220/3230 – State Funds; Federal Funds (major revision) (POL-4) #3240 – Tuition Income (minor revision) (POL-5) #3260/3270 – Sale and Disposal of Books, Equipment and Supplies, Sale, Licensing and Rental of Property (minor revision) (POL-6) #3290 – Funds Management/Investing (date update) (POL-7) #3293 – Depository (date update) (POL-8) #4111/4211 – Recruitment, Selection and Hiring (date update) (POL-9) First Reading of Policies: 2224, 3200, 3210, 3220/3230, 3240, 3260/3270, 3290, 3293, & 4111/4211 Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 POLICY – con’t B. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous roll call vote of the members present to approve 2nd reading and adoption of the following policies: #2130 – Principal Evaluation #2131 – Chief School Administrator #3160 – Transfer of Funds Between Line Items/Amendments/Purchases Not Budgeted #4111.1/4211.1 – Non-Discrimination/Affirmative Action #5141.8 – Sports Related Concussion and Head Injury #5145.5 – Photographs of Pupils #5145.6 – Pupil Grievance Procedure #5145.11 – Questioning and Apprehension #5145.12 – Search and Seizure #5200 – Non-Public School Pupils Second Reading of Policies: 2130, 2131, 3160, 4111.1/4211.1, 5141.8, 5145.5, 5145.6, 5145.11, 5145.12, & 5200 TRANSPORTATION A. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried by a majority vote of the members present with Mrs. Youngs refraining from voting to approve: Stocker Bus Company – Quoted Field Trips Identification# Destination Per Bus Cost Per Bus QFT-10 Food Bank, Hillside, NJ 1-54 pass bus $285.00 QFT-11 Band @ Mt. Olive HS 1-54 pass bus $325.00 QFT-13 Drew University 1-54 pass bus $295.00 QFT-14 Kutztown University/ 2-54 pass bus $645.00 Dorney Park Multi Contract # - KQFT14-3 – Total Cost $2,195.00 Total Cost $285.00 $325.00 $295.00 $1290.00 B. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried by a majority vote of the members present with Mrs. Youngs refraining from voting to approve: First Student, Newton – Quoted Field Trips Identification# Destination Per Bus Cost Per Bus QFT-12 Pax Amicus Theater 3-54 pass bus $225.00 Multi Contract # - KQFT14-4 - Total Cost $675.00 Stocker Bus Company – Quoted Field Trips Total Cost $675.00 First Student, Newton – Quoted Field Trips Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 BUILDING AND GROUNDS A. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following building use request as per the time, date and place listed on the application as recommended by the Superintendent: Kittatinny Travel Basketball Kittatinny Travel Basketball, April 1, 2015 to June 15, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. B. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following Resolution: Parette Somjen Architects RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, that the Kittatinny Regional School District Board of Education, in the County of Sussex, New Jersey, authorizes Parette Somjen Architects to submit all necessary plans and paperwork to the Department of Education concerning the D-Wing Roof Replacement at Kittatinny Regional High School to serve as an application to the Office of School Facilities and an amendment to the District’s Long Range Facility Plan; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this project shall be an “Other Capital Project” and the Board of Education is not seeking State funding for this project. NEGOTIATIONS LEGAL MISCELLANEOUS QSAC Waiver Request was accepted by the Department of Education. (Attachment M-1) We would like to recognize and thank the Stillwater Township Committee for their approval of a Resolution seeking the reinstatement of Impact Aid funding. Possible Executive Session for one or more of the exceptions allowable under the Open Public Meetings Act. Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – April 30, 2015 Mr. Chris Angelillo thanked the Board for the last eight years working here at Kittatinny Regional High School. It has been a pleasure and a privilege of working here and with the Board of Education. ADJOURNMENT At 8:28 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Ormesher, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Kane Board Secretary
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