THE MINUTES HAVE NOT BEEN FORMALLY APPROVED AND ARE SUBJECT TO MODIFICATION AT THE NEXT REGULAR BOARD MEETING. KITTATINNY REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING REGULAR MEETING March 19, 2015 *STATE MANDATED REQUIREMENT – BOARD MUST COMPLY AND MAY NOT DEFEAT BY MAJORITY NO VOTES. The Regular Meeting of the Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education was held on Thursday, March 19, 2015 in the High School Library. The Board President, Ms. Shaffer, called the meeting to order with the salute to the flag and the statement that the meeting was being held in conformity with the Open Public Meetings Act. Members Present: Ms. Eleanore Shaffer, President Mr. Carl D. Cooper, Vice President Mr. James Hunt Mr. David Ormesher Mrs. Judy Youngs Mr. Robert Greene Mrs. Moira Douglas Mrs. Barbara Andrews Members Absent: None Also present were Mr. Craig Hutcheson, Superintendent, Mrs. Kathleen Kane, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Mrs. Lorraine Walther, Assistant Board Secretary, and Public. At 7:00 pm, the Board President, Ms. Shaffer, called the meeting to order Call to with the salute to the flag and the statement that the meeting was being Order held in conformity with the Open Public Meetings Act as follows: The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meeting of the public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this Act, the Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date, time and place thereof posted: The New Jersey Herald, the Sunday New Jersey Herald, Constituent Municipal Buildings, Constituent Boards of Education, and the Kittatinny Regional High School. Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the Work Session Minutes of February 12, 2015, Regular Session Minutes of February 19, 2015, and the Executive Minutes of February 19, 2015. A motion was made by Mr. Hunt, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the Financial Statements of the Treasurer of School Monies and the Secretary’s Report of February, 2015. CORRESPONDENCE – None COMMENDATIONS The following students for being named Students of the Month for February: 7th: Jared Hensz, Olivia Redden 8th: Logan Stolk, Jordalin Taveras 9th: Sean Mahedy, Riddhi Sharma th 10 : Jason Zoellner, Taigan Murphy 11th: Austin Scrivani, Analise Carroll 12th: Dominic Alcantara, Abbey Miller Austin Scrivani for becoming a state qualifier finishing in the top 12 of the state wrestling tournament in Atlantic City. Andrew Givone for placing 10th in the State Swimming Meet of Champions in the 100 Meter Breast Stroke event. Emily LoCascio for qualifying in two event preliminaries – 200 Individual Medley and 100 Breast Stroke. Girls Basketball Team for qualifying for the State Sectional playoffs. Boys Swim Team for advancing to the second round of State Sectionals. Wrestling Team for qualifying for the State Sectional playoffs. Chris Angelillo for receiving his doctorate in Ed.D. and K-12 Administration from Seton Hall University. KRHS students and their achievements at the Sussex County Teen Arts Festival on March 17, 2015. (See attached.) PETITIONS FROM THE AUDIENCE – None Dr. Chris Angelillo introduced Miss Jennifer Makarevich, Scholar Athlete; Mr. Douglas Carnegie, Educator of the Year; and Mrs. Mary Ellen Leppert, Educational Services Professional to the Board of Education. Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 CSA REPORT Mr. Hutcheson reported on the following items: Asked about the Board’s identification cards to get into the building, who has received them and who needs a new one. Meeting with the leadership at Fredon Township regarding the budget. Mock Trial was very successful this year becoming County champions. They were one step away from States. Update on Parcc testing, we have 97 students on the refusal list, 10.4%. We could lose some Federal funding, don’t know when we will find out if we will lose any, and we don’t have any cushion to lose funding. Gave out an article regarding NJ School employees and lunches, new rules and regulations have been put in place about past due bills. We don’t have any issues in this area. Information in your packet about a private NJ school summer trip abroad to Germany and what took place. We are confident in our policies and procedures, but we may have to start thinking about this. FINANCE, BUDGET AND INSURANCE Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)3, I certify that as of March 19, 2015, no budgetary line item account has obligations and payments (contractual orders) which in total exceed the amount appropriated by the district board of education. ________________________________ Board Secretary _______________________ Date A. A motion was made by Mr. Ormesher, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to certify pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4 that as of March 19, 2015, after review of the appropriations section of secretary’s monthly fiscal report and upon consultation with the Business Administrator to the best of our knowledge that no major account or funds has been over expended in violation of N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-16.10(c)4 and sufficient funds are available for the remainder of the fiscal year. Certify Financial Statements B. A motion was made by Mr. Ormesher, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following finance items: February Transfers / March Bills Payment of bills – March 2015 List of transfers – February 2015 Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 FINANCE, BUDGET AND INSURANCE – con’t C. A motion was made by Mr. Ormesher, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried Monthly by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the attached monthly Travel travel for administration, Board members and staff as per Board policy. (Attachment F-1) D. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve a tuition contract with Somerset Secondary Academy for one student (#19254) for the 2014-15 school year at a rate of $2,090 per month, prorated from February 9, 2015. (Temporary medical residential placement – Kittatinny provides the temporary educational component.) Tuition Contract with Somerset Secondary Academy E. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by Tentative a unanimous roll call vote of the members present to approve the following 2015-16 resolution: Budget The Board of Education of Kittatinny Regional School District hereby adopts the following tentative budget for the 2015-16 school year: The proposed budget includes sufficient funds to provide curriculum and instruction which will enable all students to achieve the Common Core State Standards/Core Curriculum Content Standards, and is in compliance with N.J.S.A.18A and N.J.A.C. Title 6 and 6A. Anticipated Enrollment: 1075 General Fund Special Revenue Fund Debt Service Fund Total Budget $22,169,655 $ 265,069 $ 251,588 $22,686,312 Local Tax Levy $13,639,123 $ -0$__ 251,588_ $13,890,711 Be it further resolved, that included in line 600, Budgeted Withdrawal from Capital Reserve for Local Share is $1,507,882 for capital project costs for HVAC for a total of $1,006,800 and road resurfacing, roof, auditorium upgrades and storage garage for other capitol project costs of $501,082. The total costs of these projects are $1,507,882, which represents expenditures for construction elements or projects that are in addition to the facilities efficiency standards determined by the Commissioner as necessary to achieve the Common Core State Standards/Core Curriculum Content Standards. Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 FINANCE, BUDGET AND INSURANCE – con’t F. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mrs. Andrews and carried by a unanimous roll call vote of the members present to approve the maximum expenditure amount that may be allotted for travel and expense reimbursement for the 2015-16 budget at $45,000 as required by N.J.A.C. 6A:23B-1.2(b). The Business Administrator shall track and record these costs to insure that the maximum amount is not exceeded. Maximum Expenditure Reimburse – Ment for 2015-16 G. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve and advertise the Public Hearing for the 2015-2016 school budget on April 30, 2015. Advertise Public Hearing for School Budget H. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve contract with Xtel Communications, Inc. through The Middlesex Regional Education Services Commission dated 7/1/2015 through 6/30/2017 at a cost of the following: (Contract qualifies for e-rate funding.) Xtel Communica – tions, Inc. Century Link Territory Intralata (Toll Calls) $.10 per minute In-State Interlata (In-State Long Distance) $.10 per minute Interlata (Long Distance) $.10 per minute PIC-C Charge @ $4.25 for all lines Directory Assistance @ $0.85 per call I. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve contract with Net Access for internet services from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018 at a bandwidth rate of 1000 mb/s (1 Gig) at a cost of $2,649 per month. (An increase from 100 mb at same monthly rate. Contract qualifies for e-rate funding.) Net Access for Internet Services J. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve contract with Office Business Systems for 20 wireless access points at a cost of $14,730. (Contract qualifies for e-rate CAT 2 funding.) Office Business Systems Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 FINANCE, BUDGET AND INSURANCE – con’t K. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to accept the monthly bank balances for the following accounts: Bank Accounts Adult Education Cafeteria Driver Education Petty Cash School Store Student Activities Athletics Unemployment Trust Bank Account Balance Report 2/28/15 Balance $60,507.38 $105,880.44 $4,035.53 $247.77 $8,407.91 $190,177.82 $12,026.47 $207,930.30 Information: Mr. Hutcheson gave an update on the Cafeteria finances. We are in good shape, year to date we are down $2,900 considering the changes in regulations. PERSONNEL A. A motion was made by Mrs. Andrews, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following substitute teachers pending completion of necessary paperwork and satisfactory criminal background check as recommended by the Superintendent: Substitute Teachers Kyle Wilson Warden B. A motion was made by Mrs. Andrews, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to post/advertise for the following teacher openings for the Kittatinny Regional School District Summer School. Hourly rate will be $40/hour: Math, English, Literature Reading, Science, Social Studies and Special Education Post / Advertise for Summer School Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 PERSONNEL – con’t C. A motion was made by Mrs. Andrews, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to post/advertise for Summer Special Education Enrichment Teachers (two positions). Hourly rate will be $40/hour (7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – four hours teaching with one hour prep). (Program funded through IDEA Grant.) Summer Special Education Enrichment Teachers D. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to post/advertise for the following positions for the Extended School Year (ESY-Special Education) Program: (Program funded through IDEA Grant.) Extended School Year Program Positions Teachers of Special Education (Must have standard Special Education certification. Hours 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.) Paraprofessionals (Must have substitute certificate) Bus Aides Nurse Speech Therapist Lifeguard(s) Job Coach Coordinator E. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following Instructors for the Lifeguard and CPR Re-Certification Class, not to exceed a combined total of 12 hours: Instructors for Lifeguard & CPR ReCertification Class Joe Mate - $25/hour Jeff Gely - $25/hour F. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to post/advertise for summer painters (three positions). Post / Advertise Summer Painters G. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to post/advertise for two anticipated student summer workers (maintenance, grounds, painting, custodial). Post / Advertise Student Summer Workers Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 PERSONNEL – con’t H. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to post/advertise for anticipated high school Teacher of Mathematics maternity leave replacement, effective September 1, 2015. Post / Advertise Teacher of Mathematics – Maternity Leave I. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve expenses and resolution for Kathy Kane to reserve one room to attend the New Jersey Association of School Business Officials (NJASBO) Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 3-5, 2015, at the Borgata Hotel, room rate per night $100 plus tax; General Services Administration (GSA) meal allowance will be $66 per day – 75% first and last day. (Note: hotel rate exceeds GSA rate of $94.) (Attachment P-1) Business Administrator to Attend NJASBO Conference CURRICULUM A. A motion was made by Mrs. Andrews, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the monthly suspension report. (Attachment C-1) Monthly Suspension Report B. A motion was made by Mrs. Andrews, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to acknowledge no Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) incidents during this reporting period. HIB Report C. A motion was made by Mrs. Andrews, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and 4th Grade carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve schedule for Swim Safety the 4th grade Swim Safety Classes: Classes Fredon School: May 18 – May 20, 2015, May 22 & 26, 2015 Hampton School: May 11, 2015 – May 15, 2015 Sandyston/Walpack School: June 8, 2015 – June 12, 2015 Stillwater School: June 1, 2015 – June 5, 2015 D. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the Summer Enrichment Program (Special Education) to run for 20 days from July 6, 2015 through July 30, 2015, Monday through Friday, with two sessions: 7:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. (Program funded through IDEA Grant.) Summer Enrichment Program Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 CURRICULUM – con’t E. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the Extended School Year (ESY-Special Education) program for academic/vocational instruction to run six weeks from July 6, 2015 through August 14, 2015, Monday through Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. (Program funded through IDEA Grant.) Extended School Year Program F. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following fundraisers: Fundraisers Project Graduation - Candy to be sold after school at a cost of $1 each. Class of 2017 - Stillwater Cleanup Day on Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Student Council Officers will be supervised by Gordon Galloway and receive a $200 donation for their efforts. Football – Lift-A-Thon to be held Monday, June 15, 2015, 6:00 – 9:30 p.m. in the gymnasium. Pledge proceeds to benefit the Football program. (No admission will be charged.) G. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Anti-Bullying Theater Summit on Friday, April 17, 2015 for Junior High students. Montclair State University Undergraduate Theater Troop will perform a variety of skits on bullying in Kittatinny Auditorium. Cost of program is $350 and all costs will be covered by the KRHS Spring Musical program. Anti-Bullying Theater Summit H. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve field trip to Bickford Theater in Morristown to view a cultural show on Tuesday, April 28, 2015 for six Spanish IV Honors students. After the show, the students will eat lunch at Titos Burritos Restaurant. Cost of show ($20 per ticket) and lunch will be covered by students. Transportation via Kittatinny bus. Field Trip I. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Sussex Warren Activity Program (SWAP) Swim/Hawaiian Luau show on Thursday, April 2, 2015 for Life Skills students and schools participating in SWAP program. Alumni Ashley Spicer, owner of Aloha Ashley Entertainment, will perform at no charge and students will be given opportunity to swim. Hawaiian themed lunch will be provided from each school. Sussex Warren Activity Program Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 CURRICULUM – con’t J. A motion was made by Mr. Cooper, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve Junior Solar Sprints Competition on Tuesday, May 12, 2015, from 7:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Kittatinny tennis courts (if inclement weather, event will be held in gymnasium). Approximately 11-14 schools will participate with 240 attendees. (Second year that Kittatinny Regional High School will host.) Junior Solar Sprints Competition K. A motion was made by Mrs. Youngs, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve off-season stunt and tumbling conditioning at Kittatinny for 8th grade through 11th grade girls interested in trying out for the high school Cheerleading team, beginning March 23, 2015 through the end of the school year, one to two days a week from 2:30 – 3:15 p.m. There is no cost to students and Coach Lupo will be volunteering her time to run the workouts. Cheerleading Off Season Stunt & Tumbling Conditioning L. A motion was made by Mrs. Youngs, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve a three-day Community Cheerleading Clinic at Kittatinny for students in Grades 1 through 8 in the Kittatinny district on April 20, 21, 22, 2015 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Cost per child is $5. Community Cheerleading Clinic M. A motion was made by Mrs. Youngs, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following lifeguard classes for 2015: Lifeguard Classes for 2015 Full Certification for New Lifeguards: Cost: $275 Tuesday, April 28, 2015 - Eligibility Swim – 6:00-8:00 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 30, May 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 28, June 2, 4 - 6:00-9:00 p.m. Lifeguard and CPR Re-Certification Class: Cost: $155 Monday, May 11, 2015 – Eligibility Swim – 6:00-8:00 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays, May 13, 18, 20, 27 - 6:00-9:00 p.m. N. A motion was made by Mrs. Youngs, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following dates for Summer School: Monday, June 29, 2015 through Thursday, August 6, 2015 (no school on Friday, July 3, 2015) Summer School Dates Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 CURRICULUM – con’t O. A motion was made by Mrs. Youngs, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the School Calendar for 2015-2016. (Attachment C-3) School Calendar for 2015-2016 P. A motion was made by Mrs. Youngs, seconded by Mrs. Douglas and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve revised Kittatinny Regional Consortium Curriculum Assessment & Revision Schedule (Science will be a two-year revision.) (C-4) Revised Consortium Curriculum Assessment & Revision Schedule Information: Homebound Instruction count for February 2015: 4 Honor Roll changes to reflect new GPA calculation – Dr. Angelillo, the class of 2018’s weighted average is inclusive of AP and honors level classes. Discussions: Strategic Plan Update – we are in year three of the five year plan, will try to pull out the changes for the board members in future documents. School Performance Report – we are doing well, the data is useful from the report, our special education needs focus, and we still are looking to develop new programs like our alternate education program. POLICY A. A motion was made by Mrs. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve 1st reading of the following policies: First Reading of Policy Numbers: 2130, 2131, #2130 – Principal Evaluation (major revision-whole policy change) (POL-1) 3160, #2131 – Chief School Administrator (minor revision) (POL-2) 4111.1/4211.1 #3160 – Transfer of Funds Between Line Items/Amendments/Purchases Not 5141.8, Budgeted (minor revision) (POL-3) 5145.5, #4111.1/4211.1 – Non-Discrimination/Affirmative Action (minor revision) 5145.6, (POL-4) 5145.11, #5141.8 – Sports Related Concussion and Head Injury (minor revision to 5145.12, & include cheerleaders) (POL-5) 5200 #5145.5 – Photographs of Pupils (formerly Exploitation) (minor revision) (POL-6) #5145.6 – Pupil Grievance Procedure (date update) (POL-7) #5145.11 – Questioning and Apprehension (minor revision) (POL-8) #5145.12 – Search and Seizure (minor revision) (POL-9) #5200 – Non-Public School Pupils (date update) (POL-10) Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 POLICY – con’t B. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mr. Ormesher and carried by a unanimous roll call vote of the members present to approve 2nd reading and adoption of the following policies: #3000/3010 – Concepts & Roles in Business & Non-Instructional Operations #3100 – Budget Planning, Preparation and Adoption #3542.1 – Local Wellness/Nutrition #5141.21 – Administering Medication #5141.3 – Health Examinations and Immunizations #5141.4 – Child Abuse and Neglect #5141.6 – Crisis Intervention #5142 – Pupil Safety #5142.1 – Safety Patrols #5143 – Insurance #5145 – Rights #5145.2 – Freedom of Speech/Expression #5145.4 – Equal Educational Opportunity Second Reading & Adoption of Policy Numbers: 3000/3010, 3100, 3542.1, 5141.21, 5141.3, 5141.4, 5141.6, 5142, 5142.1, 5143, 5145, 5145.2, & 5145.4 TRANSPORTATION – No motions at this time. BUILDING AND GROUNDS A. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried by a Amendment unanimous vote of the members present to approve the amendments to the to Long Range district’s Long Range Facility Plan (LRFP) for the attached proposed Facility Plan capital maintenance projects. (B&G-1) B. A motion was made by Mr. Greene, seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to approve the following building use request as per the time, date and place listed on the application as recommended by the Superintendent: Kittatinny Little League, April 1, 2015 to May 30, 2015 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. NEGOTIATIONS – Executive Session LEGAL Building Use Request – Kittatinny Little League Kittatinny Regional High School Board of Education – Minutes con’t Regular Meeting – March 19, 2015 EXECUTIVE SESSION At 7:54 p.m., the following resolution was approved by Mr. Hunt, seconded by Mr. Greene and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present: Executive Session WHEREAS, The Open Public Meetings Act, Chapter 231, PL 1975, permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and WHEREAS, the Kittatinny Regional Board of Education is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Kittatinny Regional Board of Education, County of Sussex, State of New Jersey, that a closed session of this Board of Education (where the public shall be excluded) will be held at this time for the purpose of discussing: negotiations and legal. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the action of the Board with regard to the above entitled matters shall be disclosed to the public at a later date and to the extent that the same is not prejudicial to the interests of the parties involved, and would not result in a possible invasion of their right of privacy. At 8:30 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Hunt, seconded by Mr. Cooper and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to adjourn Executive Session, the results of which will not be made public this evening. Adjourn Executive Session MISCELLANEOUS Possible Executive Session for one or more of the exceptions allowable under the Open Public Meetings Act. Reminder: Scholar Athlete Dinner on March 27, 2015. ADJOURNMENT At 8:30 p.m., a motion was made by Mr. Ormesher, seconded by Mrs. Youngs and carried by a unanimous vote of the members present to adjourn the meeting. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Kane Board Secretary
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