April 2015 Our Church

Our Church
April 2015
A monthly publication of Lake Park Lutheran Church, an ELCA Congregation located on the East Side of Milwaukee,
“called to proclaim the Gospel, advocate for justice, and serve others in our diverse parish.”
Holy Week is one of the most moving weeks of the church year. It is the week that we remember the suffering
and crucifixion of Jesus, but also the time of year we remember his love for all of us as he washes the feet of his
disciples. Holy Week is filled with especially powerful services with movement and drama. The services are full of
rich tradition and movement.
What is this thing called Holy Week? As we near Easter we
remember the Passion of our Lord on Palm Sunday when the final
days of Jesus' life are read. The church season culminates in the
Easter Triduum (or Paschal Triduum) or Three Holy Days (Maundy
Thursday evening, Good Friday and the Vigil of Easter), when the
services follow Jesus' final days with Christ through death and into
We begin on Palm Sunday, March 29th
Worship at 8am or 10am will start outside with a procession of
palms and a recitation of the passion narrative. These readings
follow the final days of Jesus’ life and provide an overview of
the week of services.
Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday, March 30—April 1st
Join us for a time of silence and a brief Chapel service to start
your day.
8am – Chapel Prayer; 8:30am – Chapel Service
Maundy Thursday, April 2nd
Noon Worship; 7pm Worship
Good Friday, April 3rd
3pm Worship at Eastcastle
5:30pm Children’s Good Friday Worship at Lake Park Lutheran
7pm Tenebrae Service at Lake Park Lutheran
Holy Saturday, April 4th
9pm Easter Vigil Service
Easter Sunday, April 5th
7am Sunrise Service on the east side (the lake side)
of Lake Park Bistro in Lake Park
8am worship in the Chapel
8:30am Easter Breakfast
10am Festival Worship.
Come and rejoice in the power of life
over death, resurrection and life forevermore.
Holy Week and Easter 2014. Photos thanks to Laura Bray
A Message From Pastor David
Early Easter
We go on acting. Fearful, speaking lines
that we had trouble learning, lifting hands
in set gestures; but your existence,
vanished from us and our play,
will sometimes come across us as
a thought of that reality sinks in,
and for a while then, carried away,
we play life true, not thinking of applause.
These words are the conclusion of a poem by Rainer Maria Rilke entitled Death-Experience. I first gave them to my
mother on the death of my grandmother, her mom. I copied them in unsteady pen on water-colored paper and put
them in a silver hammered frame for my mom to hold. I felt they named for my mother something of the halting of
her life and the new space for a new authenticity that was created in the absence.
Holy Week does that for us Christians as well. It is a death-experience.
Good Friday is, after-all, a commemoration of the death of God . . . an
absence, an ending of God in our world. But Holy Week is also a
contemplation of our own death-experience; a time in which we
remember all those who have died and our own capacity for betrayal
and death and brokenness.
But, like the poem, Holy Week does not see death only as death. The
week, the reality, sees death as always opening to new life. Death, in
God, is life. We call it resurrection.
This April, Easter embraces us with the reality of a death experience that
pushes us to the new reality of God’s always present life. This April,
Easter breaks in to our acting and playing and all too workaday attitudes
to remind us of the ever-present power of God to bring resurrection.
I need Easter this year. I need the halting it gives to early April. I need
the Maundy Thursday foot-washing and Good Friday contemplations,
and Easter Vigil lilies smelling of spring. I need it because winter has
been too long. Join me, will you, this Holy Week in a death-experience.
But more so, join me, this Holy Week, in a life experience.
Your pastor,
Peanut Butter Needed!
For the second year in a row, Lake Park Youth is
challenging the congregation to collect peanut butter
for our Food Pantry. Palm Sunday is the last day to
add your contribution to the grand “peanut butter
cross” in the narthex.
Thanks to Bob Rondini who generously planted the
seed for Lake Park’s Peanut Butter & Push-Up
Challenge. At 9am on Palm Sunday the kids will do
30-seconds of push-ups and Bob has pledged to match each push up
with a jar of peanut butter! Thanks, Bob!
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Lake Park Lutheran Church
2647 N. Stowell Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211
Mission: “We are called to proclaim the
Gospel, advocate for justice, and serve
others in our diverse parish.”
Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs.- 9AM-4PM
Phone: 414/962-9190
Email: office@lakeparklutheran.com
Website: www.lakeparklutheran.com
Sunday Schedule
Worship at 8am & 10am
Education for all ages at 9am
Coffee and Conversation at 11am
Mid-week Prayer Service
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Saturday Meditations 10:45am
Church Council
Bill Hutchinson, President
Ian Elfe, Vice-President
Jennifer Doering, Secretary
Mary Jo Heim, Treasurer
Linda Gaalaas
Chris Gross
Dave Schneider
Rachel Roller
Colin Atkinson
Robert Roos
Church Staff
The Rev. David Dragseth, Pastor
The Rev. Kerstin Hedlund,
Dir. Of Cross+ Generational Ministry
Jennifer Jacobson, Office Coordinator
Jeff Bray, Choir Director
Laurie Rappa, Organist
Chris Hanson, Music Coordinator
Richard Ohly, Sexton
Sam Rappa, Groundskeeper
Reggie Jackson, Custodian
Council Corner
Greetings to you in Christ!
In our home we begin each meal with the prayer: “Come Lord Jesus, be our guest, and
let these gifts to us be blessed, Amen.” This helps us slow down and join together in
thanking God for the goodness, mercy and many gifts that he has given us. During
Lent, our pastors challenged us to consider communion and God’s Table. In reflecting
(from my kitchen table, I might add!), many such manifestations come to mind in our
recent life together at Lake Park Lutheran Church.
We communed before worship on Wednesday nights, and then we were graced with
the fresh sounds from the chimes of the new junior bell choir. We joined in reading
and discussing the wonderful book by Sara Miles, Take This Bread. We communed as
families at home, thanking God for his graces and the abundances with which we have
been richly blessed. Many members visited each other’s homes in small groups, joining in meals and fellowship
on “game nights.” Our youth collected peanut butter in an effort to share with those in need. We celebrated
together in joyful baptisms, and held each other in the pains of illness and in the grief of death. And, of course,
we partook in Holy Communion during weekly worship services.
As church council, we will be meeting soon to join in our annual retreat, which this year will take shape by gathering
in fellowship and community for a meal, followed by an extended council meeting. There we will prayerfully
consider how we can be the best stewards of the many blessings
and gifts that God has bestowed upon our congregation. This
will include how to best care for and maintain our beautiful
building, how to shape our staffing to meet need the needs of
our growing and evolving membership, and how to ensure that
we are fiscally responsible now and for the future.
I encourage you to take time to consider how you have
communed at God’s Table recently, and to give a warm
embrace to those brothers and sisters in Christ who have gathered
with you.
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together
in unity!” - Psalms 133:1
If you have anything you’d like to bring to the Council’s
attention, please feel free to contact me. I can be reached via
phone (414-430-6109) or email (hutchinson.bill@gmail.com).
In Christ’s peace,
Bill Hutchinson
Budget Update
Through March 2015
Pledged Giving
vs. Budget of
Total Income
vs. Budget of
Expenses Actual
vs. Budget of
Our Church: March 2015
Remember in Prayer
these family and friends of our community
Laurie Birmingham, Brian Des Plaines,
Linda, Christopher, Jason Jarosch, Joan
Collins, Gary Elfe, Jeni Heinemann's dad,
Kristy Hill, Kendra Monts, Kristen Kodzik,
Jean Creel, Ellyn Dzick, Brenda, Roberta
Klaeser, Tom Kettleson, Matthew Cogdall,
Norris Family, Alison and Brian Hinow,
George Gurria, Connie Anderson,
Grandma Gubended, Bobby Manske,
William & family, Sally Winter, Baby
Nora, Andrew Lewis, Char Heinemann,
Djily Drame, Saskia Nassalang, Peter
Lewis, Nancy Friebert, Susan Kowalski,
Carrie, Linda Joe, Laurie Rappa, Gina
Athy, Michael Neville, Renee Ristic.
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Worship Notes
Saturday, April 4th
Easter Vigil
Join us for Easter Vigil worship as we experience a foretaste of the resurrection. Hear story read, song sung.
See the sanctuary transformed from the darkness of
Good Friday to the brightness of Easter dawn.
Sunday, April 5th
Easter Sunday
Today we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord, and we
anticipate our own resurrection into Christ’s gift of new
life. The disciples begin their day with terror and end in
awe and wonder. God can and does bring hope out of
even the most hopeless of situations.
Sunday, April 12th
2nd Sunday of Easter
No matter which year cycle we’re in, the 2nd Sunday of
Easter is always the story of Jesus appearing to the
disciples who are in a locked room. Not even our fear
can stop the resurrected Lord from meeting us. Jesus
reveals himself in and through his scars, reminding us
“by his stripes we are healed.”
Sunday, April 19th
3rd Sunday of Easter
Once again Jesus appears to his disciples and shows
them his scars. He eats with them again to remind them
that he is real. Often, though we know Christ is with us,
we need something to remind us. What small thing
might Christ be using in your life to remind you he is still
Sunday, April 26th
4th Sunday of Easter
This fourth Sunday of Easter is also known as Good
Shepherd Sunday. Jesus reminds us that he is the good
shepherd who will never leave us. God prepares a table
for us, anoints us with oil, and leads us by still waters
and green pastures.
Weekly Worship
Attendance Numbers
Average through March 9, 2014 - 216
Average through March 8, 2015 - 220
Ministry Acts
Baptism: Kelly James Mathey, son of Lindsey
Elizabeth Ashlock and Richard Leonard Mathey, III,
baptized on March 1st. Vivienne Mae Zachar, daughter
of Kathryen Elizabeth McCormack and Nicholas
Adam Zachar, baptized March 1st.
Easter Vigil Treats Needed
We need some scandalously decadent
treats worthy for breaking our Lenten
fast at the Easter Vigil on Saturday,
April 4th. Absolutely anything with
chocolate, cheese and crackers, fruit,
vegetables with dip, hummus, breads,
or tasty appetizers are needed to
accompany the Champagne/Mimosa/Cosmopolitan
Toast following the Saturday Vigil at 9pm. If you are
willing to donate any extra bottles of wine, nonalcoholic or regular champagne, or juice, we will be
thrilled to accept these also.
Food and beverages, if not perishable, can be dropped
off in the kitchen if you are attending another worship
service during the week, but please indicate with a note
that it is for the Vigil so it doesn’t get mixed up with the
breakfast treats. Or stop by and deliver your treats to
the Mary Martha Room just prior to the service on
Please sign up in the narthex or contact Stacy Roller
(414-962-9484 or stacy.roller@gmail.com) if you can
bring a treat to share. We hope to see you at the Vigil!
Thank you!
Easter Breakfast & Egg Hunt
Easter is April 5th! Please join us for an
Easter Breakfast between the services
(starting at 8:30am), along with an egg
Pancakes (regular and gluten-free!) and
sausage are on the menu, but we are
looking for extra items to round out the
brunch, such as egg-bakes, potato casseroles, juice, fruit and other breakfast
delights. If you would like provide
Photo thanks
for the breakfast there is a
to Laura Bray
sign-up sheet in the narthex. We are
also in need of volunteers. Please contact Pastor Kerstin
if you have any questions.
Worship Assistants and
Holy Week Volunteers
Thank you for signing up early and making sure
everything runs smoothly through Holy Week. If
anyone would still like to help out, please contact
the church office. There are many ways to serve.
Memorials: Warren J. Harwick, memorial service
on March 7th.
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Partnership Updates
Maryland and Kenwood. You can be part of this lifetransforming community!
Lutheran Campus Ministry Update
Russell Fung, Tom & Linda Wissbeck, Chairs
El Salvador Update
Kendra Stea & Ann Ledbetter, Chairs
On April 6-12, Lake Park will join Grace Lutheran in
Theinsville and Ascension Lutheran in Waukesha on a
partnership delegation to El Salvador. We will visit and
worship with our sister church in Llano el Coyol, visit El
Mazote, the site of a civil war massacre, meet with
OIKOS Solidaridad and of course - eat pupusas!
Travelers include: Pastor David and his son Luke, Wes
Albinger and his daughter Mollee, David and Cheryl
Walker, Seth Kiefer, Chris Hanson and Kendra Stea.
Meal at The Corner House 2015. Photo thanks to Russell Fung
Our Lenten reflections this year center around the idea
of gathering around tables, sharing meals and bringing
people and communities together. At the Corner House
(Lutheran Campus Ministry at UWM), this happens
every Thursday. We join to worship, sing and share the
Eucharist in the intimate setting of the Living Room.
Afterward we move to the Dining Room for a meal
together. Lake Park members furnish and serve about
half of the meals in a semester. This is a joyful event
and students are always grateful for a home-cooked meal.
We are recruiting Lake Park members to cook for the
following dates: April 9th, April 23rd, and May 7th.
The meal sign-up sheet is on the table by the office.
The church will reimburse expenses for preparing this
meal (save your receipts).
Or join us at 5:30pm on any Thursday when school is in
session and meet the students. The Corner House is at
The action of visiting is integral to building our partnership. If you'd like to personally contribute to the trip,
please speak directly with Kendra Stea or Pastors David
or Kerstin.
Eco-Justice Update
Heather Albinger, Terri Lowder, & Lisa Vedder, Chairs
This spring The Labyrinth Society (TLS) invites the world
to cross mental borders in a shared symbolic walk for
peace in celebration of the 7th Annual World Labyrinth
Day (WLD). Held on the first Saturday in May (May 2,
2015), individuals or groups can participate by holding
private walks or public events on the labyrinth.
Waste Reduction: Individual households receive
thousands of pieces of junk mail each year. Reduce
your junk mail by 90% in one easy step: http://
April Birthdays
Oscar Kulke
Cari Jankuski
Mayouel Viviano Terando
Ella Dolgaard
Kristina Glocke
Jessica Mietzner
9 Janet Cavett
10 Mary Jo Heim
Brian Stahlkopf
Justin Nelson
Eden Pfefferkorn
Amy Parry
Joshua Landers
Ciara Tompa
Our Church: March 2015
13 Elaine Kressin
Marisa Mondragon-Jones
Silas Schumwinger
14 Oren Purves
16 Carl Mueller
Allison Utter
Ben Lindl
18 Edward Hammer
Katherine Atkinson
19 Alex Muszytowski
Rob Chuppa
22 Odin Peltonen
23 Elizabeth Anthony
24 Amber Hammer
Lora Peterson
Graham Wiemer
Lucia Rondini
25 Richard Lindberg
Art Sergiyenko
26 Heidi Peters
Lolly Rzezotarski
27 Nikki Tournoux Witt
Samantha Cerns-Rach
29 Matt Kruse
30 Mel Robbert
Daniel Klingler
William Eastham
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Community Highlights
Ministry of the Month – Communion Instruction for
Children – by Pastor Kerstin
Throughout the season of Lent, our children gathered on Sunday afternoons from 2:00-3:30pm to explore the mystery of communion and
to prepare for the Great Three Days. We shared a Passover meal
together, we talked about the Exodus and even had the opportunity to
cross over a River Jordan of our own, stepping into God’s Promised
Land as we sang together. We listened to stories that told us about how
Jesus feeds his people. We washed each others’ feet and even placed a
cross in the back of the sanctuary (see if you can find it)!
The experience we had together was truly Cross-Generational.
Students from the Corner House Campus Ministry taught two lessons;
parents and older members helped out as well. Our ages ranged from
three years old to 70 years old. We are grateful that we had this time
together to more fully participate in the Great Feast of Easter.
Photo thanks to Kerstin Hedlund
Polishing Party
Polishing Party! Saturday, March 28th, 9am to noon. Come for as long as
you are able. Free muffins, juice and coffee in exchange for elbow
grease! The Altar Committee is holding a polishing party to refurbish our
beautiful brass and silver. Here is a great way to share in a project with a
child or friend. Whatever your age, if you can hold a rag and rub, you are
welcome! Gloves, rags and polish are furnished.
Easter Garden
Your donations will help to make Lake Park festive
and beautiful for our Easter celebration. Please
watch for a form in the bulletin and return it, with
your contribution, to the church office, or put it in
the offering plate on Sunday. Please make sure it
is labeled “Easter Garden.” Cost: $15.00, deadline
is March 29th.
2nd Annual
Camping Retreat
Save the Date:
July 31st -Aug 2nd
Last year was enjoyed by all.
We have reserved the same two
group sites at Group at the Pine
Woods campground in Kettle
Moraine South, there is room for
80 people. Please contact Ian Elfe
Photo thanks to Ann Ledbetter
(ian.elfe@gmail.com) if you are
interested in joining us in 2015. More planners are also welcome.
Page 6
Small Groups
Brown Bag Bible Study
Meets weekly on Wednesday at noon.
Bring a lunch. Coffee is provided!
Knit Night
Because Holy Week is such a busy
time, we’ve decided to take a break
for the month of April. Mark your
calendars for May 7th when Linda
Gaalaas will host.
Gals’ Night Out
Join us on April 21st at Nicole
Sheldon’s place. We’ll gather at
6:30pm and conclude by 8:00pm.
Feel free to bring a beverage or
snack to share.
Guy’s Night Out
Wednesday, April 28th from 8:30 10:00 pm.
Youth and Family Ministry
Adult Education
Sunday School by Matt Schumwinger
Our Sunday School children are exploring the mystery of Easter this season.
We follow Jesus’ life from wordless baby to the Word resurrected. As a
teacher, I may present each part of the story, but the learning and discovery
is always a shared experience.
Last Sunday, we considered young Jesus in the Temple–a boy lost and found.
I wonder, have you ever been lost?
Once my brother took the elevator to the wrong floor.
I was at the park in a place I wasn’t supposed to be. Then I found myself.
I was at the store and thought my mom was behind me–but it wasn’t her.
I wonder how you felt? Scared. Alone. Okay.
I find that the roles of teacher and student seem to melt as we wonder
together. I am part of a circle of
souls – each of us encountering
one of our faith’s greatest stories
as if for the first time. I wonder,
have I ever been lost ?… how was
I found? Did I ever find someone
who was lost? Or not?
Also for Sunday School; April
26th is the Earth Day Parent
Open House. A few volunteers are
needed to help with Earth Day
crafts. If you are interested, please
contact Russell Fung.
Earth Day crafts 2014
Photo thanks to Dorthy Kulke
Hi Confirmation students and families, please participate in Easter
worship and breakfast with us on April 5th! We will not have class on
April 15th, but we’ll have “regular” classes April 12, 19, 22, and 26th. Please
note that our class for April 29th is Rock Climbing at Adventure
Rock. Mentors are invited once again to rock climb with us. Remember
that we have a day trip to Lutherdale next month (May 16th), for the High
Ropes Course. Please let Pastor Kerstin or Russell know by April 29th
whether or not you will be going to Lutherdale for High Ropes on the
16th! We still plan for our week of camp at Lutherdale this summer. Incoming
confirmands are also invited to camp with us at Lutherdale during the week
of July 19th-24th.
Adult Education begins again April
19th at 9:00am in the Prayer Room.
April 19th: El Salvador Presentation.
Hear about our fantastic trip with
the Lake Park Group
April 26th - Earth Day Adult Education. Come and hear about the
work we are doing in the state of
Wisconsin around Global Warming.
Paul Geenen from Organizing for
Action will talk to us about developments in Climate Change Advocacy
and the good work going on in our
own state. Join us for a discussion
at 9 and 11:15am.
Senior Ministry
Meets Tuesdays: 11:30-2pm
(includes lunch). Watch the
Sunday announcements for more
details. Suggested donation is $5.
April 7:
Presentation on El Salvador from
LPLC member Erik Kulke along
with others from ELCA Greater
Milwaukee Synod.
April 14:
Tour of American Geographical
Society map collection at UWM.
April 21:
Poetry from group member Ann
April 28th:
Tour of St. Francis of Assisi.
High School Group
Set aside the week for the summer trip.
Western Trip July 5th – 12th. Get back to Dave, Luke, or Jessie with the
best week for your family.
Congrats to Luke (big Luke!) on the birth of the new baby in the family.
Blessings to Dave and Jessie on the baby to come!
We meet at normal times April 29th.
Our Church: March 2015
Easter Monday, April 6th
The church office will be CLOSED.
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2647 N. Stowell Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53211
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©CreationSwap/Marsha Galyardt
A Look Back at Easter 2014
Easter Sunday 2014
Photos thanks to Laura Bray