REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL INSURANCE SERVICES The purpose of this request for Proposal is to contract with one insurance agent, pool or underwriter (contractor) to provide property and casualty insurance outline herein for the City of Lander. The period of the contract will be three (3) consecutive years beginning with the 2015-2016 fiscal year ending June 30, 2016. Proposals must be received by 2:00 p.m. Tuesday May 5, 2015 for furnishing the service described herein. All proposals shall be opened in public. The proposal should be mailed or delivered to City Clerk Robin Griffin, 240 Lincoln Street, Lander, Wyoming 82520. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Request for Proposal is to contract with one insurance agency to obtain insurance coverage outlined herein. BACKGROUND: The City of Lander is a local government entity. The City of Lander receives liability coverage through the State of Wyoming Local Government Liability Pool. The following documents are available to interested proposers by request to City Clerk Robin Griffin, 240 Lincoln Street, Lander, Wyoming 82520 (307)332-2870 Exhibit A – Outlines the current insurance coverage and recent loss history. The current insurance agent is HUB International Mountain States Limited, 7338 Stockman St, Suite B, Cheyenne Wyoming 82009. Exhibit B – List of the property currently owned or occupied. Exhibit C – List of staff employed or under contract. Exhibit D – List of automobiles owned or leased for property coverage only. Exhibit E – The City’s financial report summarizing City expenditures. Exhibit F – List of specialized equipment to be covered under inland marine insurance STATEMENT OF NEEDS: Insurance Requirements: Property insurance on items in Exhibit B. Coverage is to protect again risk of direct physical loss. Property coverage will also protect against the need for additional expense in the event of loss or the loss of income resulting from direct physical loss. This coverage is to include electronic data processing equipment. Coverage is to be blanket on all real and personal property with an agreed amount endorsement. The per occurrence deductible is to be $1,000. Higher deductibles may be considered if justified. Automobiles for physical damage only. Each accident deductible to be $1,000. Valuable papers and records coverage to pay for the cost of restoration and reconstruction of important documents. Power equipment and machinery coverage to protect against physical damages and loss of use of equipment which generates, transmits or uses energy. The deductible for this coverage should be concurrent with the property deductible. Loss Control and Related Services: These include: Periodic loss control surveys, including development of recommendations to prevent the frequency and/or reduce the severity of losses. Assistance in determining the insurance replacement cost value of buildings. REPORTING AND DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS Coverage Recommendation: No less than sixty days prior to the expiration or anniversary of any existing coverage, the insurer will present recommendations concerning the renewal or anniversary. Binders and Policies: It is desired that the insurer provides binders or other evidence of insurance within five working days of the effective date of any insurance policies. These should outline coverage, including limits and deductibles. One copy of the policy shall be delivered to the City of Lander no later than thirty days after the initial or anniversary date of any coverage. Endorsements to any policy should be delivered within thirty days of agreement on the endorsement. Review Requirements: The Insurer shall meet with the City of Lander when each policy is delivered and no less than 120 days prior to the renewals/anniversary of any policy. These meetings are to review exposures, coverage, premiums, losses and other items to verify the adequacy of insurance in anticipation of policy renewal or anniversary. Loss Control Reports: Reports should be submitted to the City of Lander within thirty days of the completion of any surveys unless otherwise agreed upon. PROPOSAL PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION REQUIRMENTS Proposals should be as thorough and detailed as possible so that the City of Lander may properly evaluate the services. The offerors are required to submit the following items as a complete proposal: A narrative statement as to the offeror’s qualifications to provide the services listed in the statement of Needs, including a statement of financial rating, value of investment assets and property under insurance. In addition if the offeror anticipates using subcontractor(s) the same information must be submitted concerning the proposed subcontractor(s). Proposed scope of work of the offeror’s implementation and performace of the contract. Proposal shall included: Proposed insurance coverage forms with justification for each; Claims handling procedures and guidelines, including claim reporting thresholds; Proposed outline and schedule of loss control support and services to be provided. This should include projected time frames to initiate survey’s hours of service to be provided education and training time, assistance required from and related items; Cost of insurance and related services for each coverage. All charges must incorporate routine office and administrative charges including, but not limited to postage, travel, photgraphic, office supplies, telephone charges, report preparation and typing. EVALUATION AND AWARD CRITERIA: Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria: Qualifications of Offerors and proposed subcontractor(s): Financial reliability/rating of the underwriter per two or more public reporting services; Experience in providing local governmental insurance services; References. Proposed scope of coverage: Proposed insurance coverage; Proposed claims handling procedures and support; Proposed loss control support. Proposed costs: Proposed insurance coverage costs; Other changes, if any. METHOD OF PAYMENT: Compensation to the insurer for insurance and other services will be in the form of yearly premiums. Invoices for all insurance coverages provided will be delivered with the policies or endorsements. Payment for additional insurance needed after the yearly renewal premium will be paid monthly. DEADLINE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: All requests for additional information should be received by the City Clerk by April 17, 2015, and the City will make best efforts to respond within five working days. Interested offerors may make arrangements to obtain any requested documents through email, fax or other means.
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