April 2, 2015 Rebecca Sargable, Principal Lanier Elementary Dolphin Splash Rebecca.Sargable@sdhc.k12.fl.us UPCOMING EVENTS Sarah Garcia, Asst. Principal Sarah.Garcia@sdhc.k12.fl.us 4704 Montgomery Avenue • Tampa, FL 33616 Student hours: Dear Parents/Guardians, M 8:00-1:15, T—F 8:00am—2:15pm To report your child’s absence: It is hard to believe we have reached the final quarter of the school year. Our testing season has officially begun with some grade levels completing their assessments (SAT's for grades 1-2 and FSA for grades 3-4) and some ready to tackle them in the coming weeks (FSA and FCAT Science for grade 5 and numerous end of year assessments for grades K-5.) If ever there were a time of year where attendance/punctuality were critical, it is now. Please help us help your child and make sure they are at school each day and arrive on time until the end of the school year. One of the ways I communicate with our families is through ParentLink, an automated calling and email system. If you do not receive my calls and emails each Sunday evening we do not have your correct phone number or email. Please stop by or call the office and update your child's emergency information. It is important that we have current contact information for each of our students. I know most of you are aware that my last day at Lanier is April 24th before I begin my new assignment at Collins Elementary. A new principal will be appointed on April 21st and the transition should be smooth. I have truly enjoyed every minute I have spent with your children and on this campus. Lanier is a special place full of all kinds of champions! I will miss you all greatly and wish only the best for everyone. I hope our paths will cross again in the future. Thank you for your support of Lanier Elementary School. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me, Mrs. Garcia or your child's teacher. Your Proud Principal, Please call 272-3060, press 1 and leave a message. Upcoming Events Friday, April 3 No School Wednesday, April 8 Hock Family Breakfast Thursday, April 9 College Spirit Shirt Day Skate Night at United Skates! 6pm-8pm Friday, April 10 SOG Color Run @ 4pm April 13-14 FSA ELA 5th Grade Monday, April 13 Report cards go home Wednesday, April 15 Morris Family Breakfast Beef O’Brady's Night 4pm-9pm Friday, April 17 Honors Assembly April 20-21 FSA Math 5th Grade Saturday, April 25 PTA Yard Sale April 27-28 FSA Science 5th Grade SINGLE GENDER CLASSROOM Rebecca Sargable PERSMISSION FORM I, _______________________________, ***Attention 1st and 2nd Grade Parents*** Single Gender classes will be offered in the 2015-16 school year. Enrollment in Single Gender classes is completely voluntary, and parents must submit the enclosed request form with your signature if you would like to have your child in a Single Gender class next year. For more information on our Single Gender classes, please contact Carrie Octtaviani at 272-3060. parent of _________________________ _________________________________ would like my child to be assigned to a single gender classroom for the school year 2015-16. Parent Signature___________________ Students will not be assigned to a single gender classroom without this signed form. Our World Drummers had the unique opportunity to get “Bucket Drumming” lessons with Alvon Griffin through Project Promise. Several of our musicians represented Lanier well at the Multi -Cultural Festival last week! We are so proud of you all! Ms. Cook and her Irish Folk Band sang for our Kindergarten students in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day! Lanier Musicians were busy in March! Hillsborough County Public Schools is currently accepting applications for the We Deliver Award. For the past 9 years, the district, in partnership with the Hillsborough Education Foundation, has honored an employee who has gone above and beyond to deliver excellence to our students. This year, we are looking for someone who has gone the extra mile while dealing with their own personal, life changing struggle - maybe they have remained dedicated to our kids while caring for a sick family member, or dealing with their own illness. Anyone can nominate a district employee for the award - community members, employees, parents, students. The winner will receive a check for $10,000 and the honor of representing so many deserving employees who model what this award is all about. To learn more about the qualifications for We Deliver, or to nominate an employee go to our website: ~www.sdhc.k12.fl.us and type We Deliver in the search box. Nominations will be accepted until Friday April 17. PTA Yard Sale is right around the corner! Come join us on Saturday, April 25th from 8-2! Donations accepted! District officials as well as staff from the Education Foundation will have the opportunity to surprise the winner in early May. Gifted Gab Lanier’s gifted students continue to fund raise for flash drives selling Champion’s Crest for $2.00. Any student can purchase a blank shield and then color their own design. Please contact Ms. Murphy in the High Stakes Lab. st nd rd Our 1 , 2 , and 3 graders recently completed a light house design challenge. They learned about wind forces, light refraction and reflection, as well as constructing a structure within a budget. Now we are completing a book study and exploring endangered animals. The 4th and 5th graders continue to be challenged in Math, with the 4th graders beginning to examine renewable and nonrenewable resources and weathering and erosion. After FSA testing, 5th graders will be doing hands- on science inquiries. School Board www.sdhc.k12.fl.us
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