news H ME CHILDREN’S MARCH/APRIL 2015 VOL. 53 • No. 8 Campus Spotlight page 3 • Compassion Tour Visits Monroe page 5 • HomePlace Experiences Hope page 9 A Publication of Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries Established in 1899, the Louisiana Baptist Children's Home and Family Ministries is a faith-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing love, care, and hope in Christ to children and families in need. The Children's Home is an agency of the Louisiana Baptist Convention and is governed by a 17-member board of trustees elected by the Convention to serve three-year terms on a rotating basis. The Children's Home receives no state or federal funding. Approximately 73% of all funding comes from individuals and churches; less than 24% of funding goes to administrative costs; less than 7% of funding comes from payment of services. Our major service areas include: Residential Child Care, Residential Family Care, Christian Women's Job Corps of Monroe, Granberry Christian Counseling Centers, Pregnancy Resource Ministries, Mobile Pregnancy Care Center, Connect 1:27 Foster & Adoption Ministries, Orphans Embrace International Orphan Care Mission Trips, Reclaimed - A Ministry of Hope and Healing to Child Victims of Human Trafficking. Services are provided without regard to race, gender, religion, or ability to pay. Our dedicated Christian ministry team strives to offer the highest quality of services. Please contact us for more information on how we can serve you or someone you know: 318.343.2244 • • Words From Home by Dr. Perry Hancock, President & CEO A few days ago I watched the incredible video of George quoting Mark 16:2-8 which describes the events on that first Easter morning. You might not find that very amazing but George is only three years old. I have placed a link to the video at the bottom of this article. When I saw George, I thought of our children here at LBCH. George’s family spent a great deal of time helping him memorize the Scripture passage because, as you might imagine, George can’t read yet. That is the kind of care that our staff provides every day at the Chldren’s Home. They teach them in word and deed about God’s great love and the fact that He has a plan for their lives. Most of the children come with little or no church background. Easter, for them, is only about bunnies and eggs. But here, they learn the true meaning of Easter; that Jesus, God’s Son, who loved us so much, came and died for our sins but rose from the tomb, a living Savior who can be our Savior and our Lord. I simply cannot thank you enough for giving us the opportunity to share the wonderful message of Easter with the children and families that God sends our way. Your support is helping us reach 1,000s with the message of love, life, and hope in Christ. Thank you again. Have a blessed Easter. George – The Easter Story LBCH Trustees: Rev. William L. Smith, Chairman Mr. Gerald Pool, Vice-Chairman Mrs. Salli Perry, Secretary Rev. Jason Dubea Mrs. Sunshine Elkins Mr. Clint Gulde Mrs. Carol Johnson Rev. James King Mr. Billy Nutt Mrs. Lana Rhinehart These Siblings Can Spell! Mr. Dwayne Rogers Dr. Clovis Sturdivant Mrs. Glenda Suggs Rev. Reid Terry Mrs. Margaret Wedgeworth Congratulations to brother and sister Jacob and Morgan for winning First Place in their school’s spelling bees! Jacob is in the 6th grade at Cypress Point Elementary School and Morgan is in the 7th grade at Lee Junior High. Dr. Steve Horn LBC President Dr. David Hankins LBC Executive Director Dr. Perry Hancock President & CEO We are proud of you! Marc Eichelberger Director of Development & Public Relations Julie Cupples Director of Communications HomeNews (ISSN 1094-3587) is published seven times a year in February, March, May, July, September, November, and December by Louisiana Baptist Children's Home & Family Ministries 7200 DeSiard Street, Monroe, LA 71203-3954 Subscriptions: Complimentary Postmaster: Periodicals postage paid at Monroe, LA and additional mailing offices. Send address corrections to: HomeNews, P.O. Box 4196, Monroe, LA 71211-4196 • OUR MISSION • The mission of the Louisiana Baptist Children's Home and Family Ministries is to provide love, care, and hope in Christ for children and families in need. • OUR VALUES • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We value the Bible as the foundation and guide for our ministry (2 Timothy 3:16). We value the worth of the Children and Families to whom we minister (Genesis 1:27). We value Servant Leadership as our model for ministry (Mark 9:35). We value Excellence as our standard for ministry performance (Colossians 3:17). We value Personal Integrity as our ministry standard for living (Romans 12:1-2). • CAMPUS SPOTLIGHT • By Debbie Robertson, HomeNews Writer Wade is quite excited to have an excuse to skip out on his studies for a few minutes. As he waves good-bye to his tutor, he insists that the Coke Room is a much better location for visiting than the Library and leads the way. Wade is surprised to be asked to share his story for HomeNews because he was interviewed recently for a video for the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home. He is certain that everyone has seen that video by now. He is very inquisitive about the process as well as who will read his story and why. Wade is very direct with his questions and comments, and he will quickly win your heart with his smiles, giggles, and charming personality. Wade, his mom Tammy, and three-year-old brother, Patrick, have been part of the HomePlace Ministry for about two months. They live in Peace Cottage with three other families. “I like it,” Wade says, and he adds his mom has been happier since their arrival. Wade and Patrick enjoy playing with two-year-old Joseph, or Joe Joe, who also lives there, but the other children in the cottage are “all girls,” he says with a lack of enthusiasm. A first grader at Cypress Point, Wade comments about school, “I like it.” Homework? Not so much. In his opinion, “All of our work should be done at school so we can play when we get home.” There’s no hesitation as he reports that his favorite subject is recess. After a little more discussion about a routine day at school, he adds that he also likes to color and read, and he likes his teacher, Mrs. Pace. He takes a brief break to concentrate on drawing a picture and writing a couple of addition problems. He makes up several math problems for you to solve, too. His mom says that he’s always been a good student and makes good grades. She loves the fact that this change has been so good for Wade and now he enjoys going to school. She adds, laughing, “If he ever gets in trouble, it’s for talking. He loves to talk!” Tammy says that like most boys his age, Wade enjoys video games and watching TV when time allows, but his favorite thing is campus rec time. After school, Wade is always ready for a game of “Monster,” or tag. With wide eyes and a huge smile, he says that his favorite times are “when I’m not the monster. And it’s not fun if the same person is the monster over and over again.” It’s very important that everyone has a turn. He likes to ride his bike and he likes the Coke Room! He frequently mentions visits to the Coke Room, although he’s a little disappointed that there aren’t any soft drinks available at the Wade... moment. The video was filmed in the Coke Room, and sometimes church or other activities are held there, so Wade considers it a very special place. Tammy and her boys like to eat out occasionally. Wade has been to Johnny’s Pizza once, and that is a new favorite. He also likes spaghetti and Mexican food. When asked about his little brother, Wade says that he and Patrick fuss and fight, “mostly because that’s what brothers do!” Patrick loves his big brother and is always trying to either imitate Wade or get his attention, “and then I get mad,” says Wade. Tammy laughs and confirms that Patrick drives Wade crazy at times, wanting to play or just hang out with big brother. Wade is impressed with his little brother in that “he is not scared of anything!” Wade says he does not share that trait with his brother. Wade shares in amazement that Patrick doesn’t know a lot, “but our friend Joe Joe knows his alphabet, he knows shapes and colors and everything.” When encouraged that he could help his little brother learn these things, the response is a quick, firm, “No, Joseph can do that.” Wade just wants his space! Tammy loves the campus with the grounds where the kids can fly kites or just enjoy playing outside. On weekends, the family visits grandparents and other family members and they get to help with the horses. She’s thankful to the HomePlace Ministry and LBCH. “It’s a good place with lots of support. They are interested in you, your life and your children. They provide everything you need so that you learn to help yourself. The Christian Women’s Job Corp helps you brush up on your computer skills. If you don’t have a high school diploma, they help you get your GED.” She has been working part time. After completing classes offered through the Christian Women’s Job Corp, Tammy has just accepted a full-time opportunity that she’s very excited about. In addition to the support of LBCH, Tammy has been very impressed with the many churches and other groups that reach out to the campus families. “On Saturdays, we always have some kind of function with people here doing things with the children and the families.” It’s a beautiful, spring day and some of the kids are outside enjoying rec time. As Wade walks from the Coke Room back to the Library, he looks as though he’s trying to decide if he can make a run for it and join the group on the playground. With the tutor’s assurance that they are almost finished with homework, Wade agrees that the sooner he finishes his studies, the sooner he can join the next game of Monster! “He likes school, LBCH & playing Monster.” PRAYER CALENDAR Jenny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 3 Sevin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 4 Jillian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 5 Jennifer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 6 Joseph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 7 Tammy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 8 Wade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 9 Patrick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 10 Jade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 11 Penelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 12 LaQuita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 13 Remy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 13 Tonya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 14 Daniel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 15 Cari . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 16 Charlotte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 17 Kenny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 18 Ashlyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 19 Tabytha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 20 Mason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 21 Brady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 22 Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 23 Jayden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 24 Stephanie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 25 Nesa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 26 Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 27 Sharron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 28 Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 29 Stephen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 30 Kayden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 1 Jordan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 2 Isaiah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 3 Trey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 4 Baxter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 5 Jasper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 6 DeAnna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 7 Kaylena . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 8 Jade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 9 Lilly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 10 Starla . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 11 Snaya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 12 Braelyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 13 Happy Birthday! Tabytha . . . . . . . . . . . .April 12 Jacob . . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 17 Ashlyn . . . . . . . . . . . . .April 23 DeAnna . . . . . . . . . . . .April 25 Braelyn . . . . . . . . . . . .April 29 Wade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 16 Mason . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 20 Kayden . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 21 Kaylena . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 26 Lilly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 29 Baxter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .May 30 HomeBuilders Thank You! by Marc Eichelberger Director of Development & Public Relations Easter Reminds Us... “Do No Be Afraid!” Do you remember the angel who rolled the stone away from Jesus’ tomb? The first words he spoke to the women on that first Easter morning were, “Do not be afraid.” Just a few minutes later, our resurrected Lord told those same women, “Do not be afraid” (see Matthew 28:1-10). All of us are afraid at one time or another. The world today is a scary place. Life is so unpredictable. Fear flows, not just from TV news stories, but from real-life experiences. People generally deal with fear at three levels: (1) Surface Level – can I pay my bills, will I run out of gas, what if I’m in an accident (2) Subconscious Level (right below the surface) – fear of failure, rejection, abandonment, losing control, being found out, inadequacy (3) Soul Level – the source of all fears, at the deepest level of life, and is connected to our deepest inner need in life – to be loved and accepted unconditionally, just as we are. Most of the children who come to us have been neglected, abused, or abandoned. They are facing their greatest fear and wondering if they will ever be loved and accepted unconditionally. This fear can become a self-imposed prison that keeps them from becoming what God intends for them to be. We all need to know that we are loved and accepted unconditionally. Easter reminds us of how much God loves us. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Easter reminds us that we do not have to be afraid. “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear…” (1 John 4:18). The good news of the Gospel—God’s perfect love demonstrated to us through the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ—is the greatest truth that can overcome our greatest fear! Easter makes our mission here at the Children’s Home possible. God is working through those who serve at the Children’s Home to provide love, care and hope in Christ. The resurrection of Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, and everything that we are and have and hope to be is predicated on its reality. Please know that God is making an eternal difference in the lives of the children and families we serve. Thank you for helping us replace fear in the hearts of hurting children and families with the unconditional love and hope of Christ! “… Because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.’ So we say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid’” (Hebrews 13:5-6). Roy O. Martin 11th Annua l BHA Fall Golf Classic Benefitting Homeless Children & Their Moms Sept. 28, 2015 Alexandria, LA For more info contact Patti Busby: 318-448-0405 • Randy and Jan Lee, cottage parents in Joy Cottage, pick up Easter baskets from the LBCH administrative office for the children in their cottage. Carmen Caamano of Slidell, creates special, personalized Easter baskets for every child on campus. Carmen has been providing baskets for the boys and girls of LBCH since 2003! Thank you Carmen for your kind and faithful heart! Egg Drive 2015 Thank you for a great Easter tradition! For more than six decades, churches in the Beauregard, Vernon, Sabine, North Sabine, and DeSoto Baptist Associations have provided fresh eggs for the children at the Children’s Home in time for their annual Easter Egg Hunt! We are so grateful for your compassion and generosity for the children in our care. Thank you for expressing God’s love to them in such a practical way. Obituaries Former Staff Member: Devonne Lewis LIVING HOPE Dear Friend of Children, Someone has said that the great gift of Easter is hope. Sharing the gift of living hope in Christ with children and families in need is a great joy for us here at the Children’s Home. EASTER 2015 Jason* and Benjie* had never known a father’s love before coming into our care. Their mother has been absent from much of their young lives due to her struggles with addiction. These brothers, ages 8 and 10, need lots of unconditional love and the gift of living hope. Jason is a sweet, smart, second-grader who recently received two reading awards at his school. He is great with vocabulary words. He has an incredible imagination. He is learning to clean his room and he helps with dusting in his cottage. Jason likes attending his church. Benjie is an active, creative fourth-grader who is getting good grades in his classwork and conduct. He really enjoys drawing and any kind of artwork. He helps with vacuuming his cottage and he loves to give hugs. Benjie likes the children’s activities at his church. Jason and Benjie are thriving in our care because of friends like you who help us provide the love, care, and hope in Christ these precious little boys so desperately need. Please know that your partnership in this ministry enables us to not only meet the physical and emotional needs of children, but also helps us share the living hope of our resurrected Lord. Your gift this Easter will help change a life! Thank you and I pray that you and your family have a wonderful Easter! Keeping God's Children First, “Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to His great mercy, He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.” 1 Peter 1:3 Dr. Perry Hancock President & CEO Here is My Easter Gift for the Children IMMEDIATE NEED: __$25 Social Workers in the Alexandria and Baton Rouge areas Call 318.343.2244 __$50 __$100 __$250 __$500 __$1000 $ __________ Give online at NAME __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________ PHONE ( ) _____________________________________________ CITY ___________________________________________STATE ________________ ZIP _________________EMAIL _________________________________________ Credit Card Number and Type: Visa MC AmX Discover Cardholder Signature:____________________________________ Expiration Date:____________________________Code: ___________ (Optional): I would like to present my gift in ___ memory or ___ honor of Name_______________________________Please notify (honoree/relative) ___________________________________________ Address______________________________________City______________________________State________________Zip __________________ __Please send me your FREE Personal Will Planner __Please send me information on how to become a monthly sponsor We Need You In Nicaragua! NICARAGUA Saturday, August 1 – Friday, August 7, 2015 Registration Deadline Extended to April 15, 2015 Nicaragua is the poorest country in Central America and the second poorest in the Western Hemisphere. The country is plagued by severe income disparity among its people resulting in a great need for access to basic medical care. Malnutrition is a chronic problem throughout the country effecting both young and old. Many children survive by scavenging for food on the streets or in the sprawling public market of the capital city of Managua. Many families sell plastic and metal obtained from the city dump as their only source of income. Orphans Embrace partners with Nicaraguan Christian Outreach, a Louisiana-based ministry founded in 2000, to share the love of Christ with the people of Nicaragua. Mission projects include providing feeding programs, clothes, shelter, education, counseling, and medical care. Mission volunteers are needed and no special skills are required. For more information or to apply for the trip, contact Rhonda Hensley at or 318.366.2952. You may also apply for the trip online at www.lbchorphansembrace,org. Volunteer of the Year Award Presented! A Volunteer of the Year Award was presented to a very special friend of the Home, Mrs. Carol Pevehouse. Mrs. Pevehouse, a member of North Monroe Baptist Church, received the award during a Christian Women’s Job Corps class session in March. She has been delivering delicious homemade cookies to the participants of CWJC weekly for over 2 years. Every Wednesday at promptly 9:45 am, the ladies know that Mrs. Pevehouse wil arrive with platters of fresh cookies! Thank you Mrs. Pevehouse for your commitment to sharing God’s love! Pictured from Left: Christian Women’s Job Corps Director, Sissy Hammack, Carol Pevehouse and LBCH President and CEO, Dr. Perry Hancock TAKE THE NEXT STEP… Contact Rhonda Hensley at 318.366.2952 or We Are Proud of Jade! Jade, a seventh grader, won First Place in her school’s Social Studies Fair! She went on to compete in the regional fair at the University of Louisiana Monroe. Children’s Home Partners with Compassion International to Bring the Compassion Experience to Monroe Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home is always asking the question, “Where are the children who need us, and how can we meet their needs?” Through our Orphans Embrace ministry last year, Louisiana mission volunteers touched the lives of almost 2,000 needy children in Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Haiti. Realizing that not everyone has the opportunity to go on a mission trip and see the other side of the world, LBCH recently partnered with Compassion International to bring their mobile Compassion Experience to Monroe. Compassion International is a leading child sponsorship organization whose mission is to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Compassion has development centers in 26 countries around the world in Africa, Asia, Central America, and South America. They currently serve 1.6 million children with 1.3 million sponsors. The Compassion Experience is a landmark presentation, housed in one or two Compassion-branded semi-trucks, visiting churches, schools, and other venues across the country. When deployed in a parking lot, the structure allows guests to take an immersive tour through replicas of the homes, environments and stories of two or three children who have been a part of Compassion’s world-class development program. Each guest is equipped with an iPod Touch and headphones to guide them through the Experience. At the end of the tour, guests enter a World Impact Room where they can view photos and information about children of all ages who are waiting for sponsors. As God leads, guests have the opportunity to sponsor one or more of these precious children. During the four-day visit to Monroe, the Compassion Experience hosted more than 2,600 guests from throughout the community and signed up 241 new child sponsors. LBCH is thankful for local Southern Baptist pastors and churches that encouraged participation in the Compassion Experience. Local television stations and the Cross Christian radio provided excellent coverage of the event that also contributed to its success. Compassion International provided alumni speakers, Samuel Orlando, at North Monroe Baptist Church and Ben Mwangi, at First Baptist West Monroe. Samuel was born in a very poor province of the Dominican Republic called Luperon, Puerto Plata. He had slim possibilities of gaining a decent education due to extreme poverty within the community. Through Compassion, Samuel was able to obtain an education, become a recording engineer, a musician, and a Christian singer. According to Samuel, “One of the greatest things is that now I am able to give to others in a similar opportunity that was provided for me!” Ben grew up in the slums of Korogocho, one of the largest in Nairobi, Kenya. Thanks to Compassion sponsors, Ben is now completing a Ph.D. in physics at the University of Colorado. Ben says, "To me, university was a dream until I got the Compassion scholarship. Sometimes I wonder, why I was chosen from all of the students in Korogocho. But I believe the Lord works in miraculous ways and Compassion is my miracle." Ben now aims to disciple teenagers through Teen-Teen Connection, which connects a teenager in a developed nation with another in a developing country. Mobile Pregnancy Care Center Wants to Visit Your Community! Fun In The Snow! No Sch ool! April 3 – Assembly of God, Monroe, South Campus 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, South 8th Street April 9 – First Baptist Church, Chalmette 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 305 E St Bernard Hwy. April 11 – Dream Center, New Orleans 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, 1137 St. Charles Ave. Memories! May 2 – Brookwood Baptist Church, Shreveport Missions Fair, 9014 Brookwood Church Way May 7 – First Baptist Church, Chalmette 9:00 am - 3:00 pm, 305 E St Bernard Hwy. May 9 – Dream Center, New Orleans 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, 1137 St. Charles Ave. April and May dates are still available! The Mobile Pregnancy Care Center, a ministry of LBCH, travels statewide with a registered nurse offering free pregnancy testing, counseling and ultrasounds to women facing an unplanned pregnancy. The Care Center is currently scheduling special events and outreach dates for spring and summer and would love to visit your community! For more information, please call Cindy at 318.816.3462 want u o y o D da to buil ? an snowm Highlights from HomePlace Together! By Susan C. Clark, Director Someone once said, “The day the Lord created Hope was the same day He created Spring.” After a March month of rain, snow and sleet, we at HomePlace have to agree. There is HOPE for sunshine again! There are no words to describe the fragrances and beauty of spring. Green is greener, blue is bluer and yellow is yellower in Springtime. Spring breathes new life into us and gives us a whole new outlook on things. There is HOPE! HomePlace is looking forward to the Big Easter Egg Hunt coming up on our calendar. More importantly, we are looking forward to the celebration of our Resurrected King. I am thrilled to announce that another one of our moms just surrendered her life to the Lord and was recently baptized. She has HOPE! Three of our ladies began new jobs in the last couple of weeks. Another one of our moms will begin her second job this month. I can say this for the very first time about HomePlace, “Every one of our moms are employed!” They have HOPE! In addition, three moms moved out this last month into a place of their own. Every mother who moves into HomePlace states that her number one goal is to have a place of her own to raise her family. We only have one opening left to fill. I cannot wait to see what family God sends our way. They will have HOPE! We celebrated three children’s birthdays this month. All three had birthday parties in their cottages. Patrick turned three, Brodiee turned five and Travion celebrated his sixth birthday. They found HOPE in birthday wishes. We were blessed to have the women’s ministry teams from First Baptist Church, Crowville, and First Baptist Church, Swartz, to come spend an evening with us in HomePlace Together. They have volunteered to become part of a mentoring team for HomePlace. They will bring HOPE. HOPE…. Jesus Christ in us, the HOPE of glory; Rejoice in HOPE; For in this HOPE, we were saved; But now Lord, what do I look for, my HOPE is in you; May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace; For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a HOPE. HOPE lives at HomePlace located at the Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home. And I give Him praise!!!!! Friends • Mentors Food • Fellowship Prayer • Encouragement Happy Birthday! Patrick Travion Brodiee Sponsored by Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries Congratulations Nesa! Nesa, a resident of Love Cottage, made the Neville High School Tigerette Spirit Squad for the 201516 school year! Nesa will be a Freshman at Neville next fall. Churches! Join our CONNECT 1:27 NETWORK and receive a FREE Orphan Care Tool Kit!! Connect 1:27 is helping families and churches across Louisiana to answer God’s call to minister to orphans through Foster Care, Adoption, and Orphan Care ministries. Over 4,000 children are in Louisiana’s foster care system. More than 300 of these children are lingering in foster care because they have no adoptive family. Many of these precious children are in our own back yards. All of these children are our modern-day orphans. God has given clear commands in His Word for Christians to take care of orphans. Churches joining the Connect 1:27 Network receive a FREE Orphan Care Tool Kit that includes: Orphan Care Ministry Guide, The Theology of Adoption, Orphan Care Sermon, Bible Study & Prayer Guides, Adoption Options, Foster Care & Adoptive Parent Guide, and Fields of the Fatherless by Tom Davis. In addition, churches will have access to online resources available only to Connect 1:27 Network members and will receive a monthly Connect 1:27 E-Newsletter. MEMBERSHIP IS EASY & FREE! To join the Connect 1:27 Network, your church is asked to commit to at least one of the following annually: • • • • • • Invite a speaker to share about the orphan crisis Host an orphan ministry workshop Establish an orphan care ministry Host a foster/adoptive parent orientation Host an event for foster/adoptive children or families Host training or appreciation event for Louisiana Department of Children & Family Services • Host the Heart Gallery of waiting children in need of adoptive homes • Establish an orphan prayer ministry To join the Connect 1:27 Network, visit or contact Beth Green at 318.343.2244 or Help with Attachment Issues Dr. Kathy Eichelberger, Director Granberry Counseling Centers Attachment is the deep connection established between a child and caregiver that profoundly affects the child’s development and ability to express emotions and develop relationships. If you are a parent of a child with an attachment disorder, you may find yourself exhausted from trying to connect with your child. A child with insecure attachment or an attachment disorder lacks the skills for building healthy, meaningful relationships. However, with the appropriate tools and effort, prayer, patience, and unconditional love, it is possible to repair attachment challenges. Children with attachment issues have difficulty connecting others and managing their own emotions. This results in a lack of trust and self-worth, a fear of getting close to anyone, anger, and a need to be in control. A child with an attachment disorder feels unsafe and alone. So why do some children develop attachment disorders while others don’t? The answer has to do with the attachment process, which relies on the interaction of both parent and child. Attachment disorders are the result of negative experiences in this early relationship. If young children feel repeatedly abandoned, isolated, powerless, or uncared for—for whatever reason—they will learn that they can’t depend on others and the world is a dangerous and frightening place. Reactive attachment disorder or other attachment problems occur when children have been unable to consistently connect with a parent or primary caregiver. This can happen for many reasons: • A baby cries and no one responds or offers comfort. • A baby is hungry or wet, and they aren’t attended to for hours. • No one looks at, talks to, or smiles at the baby, so the baby feels alone. • A young child gets attention only by acting out or displaying other extreme behaviors. • A young child or baby is mistreated or abused. • Sometimes the child’s needs are met and sometimes they aren’t, so the child never knows what to expect. • The infant or young child is moved from one caregiver to another (can be the result of adoption, foster care, or loss of a parent). • The parent is emotionally unavailable because of depression, an illness, or substance abuse. As these examples show, sometimes the circumstances that cause the attachment problems are unavoidable, but the child is too young to understand what has happened and why. To a young child, it just feels like no one cares and they lose trust in others and the world becomes an unsafe place. If you are an adoptive or foster parent, you may not have been aware of attachment issues. Anger or unresponsiveness from your new child can be heartbreaking and difficult to understand. Try to remember that your adopted or foster child isn’t acting out because of lack of love for you. Their experience hasn’t prepared them to bond with you, and they can’t yet recognize you as a source of love and comfort. Your efforts to love them unconditionally will have an impact—it just may take some time. This helpful information is taken from “Attachment Issues and Reactive Attachment Disorder” by Melinda Smith, M.A., Joanna Saison, MSW, and Jeanne Segal, PhD. at MEETINGNEEDS CHANGINGLIVES Annual Offering • June 14, 2015 Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home Stephanie is Ready for Her Close-Up! Stephanie, a resident of Love Cottage, is ready to film her on-camera segment for the upcoming Children’s Home Sunday Offering video. Look for it in your church on June 14th! Mason, a resident of Joy Cottage, had a great time at the circus with his cottage family! memorials • 1/10/15-3/10/15 Memorial gifts are received by the Children’s Home in thoughtful tribute to the memory of a relative, friend or loved one. Names of deceased persons are printed in all caps followed by the names of those making gifts to the Home in their memory. SHERRY ACREE Barbara Nolan & Coot Nolan Family Donald D. Turner Rosalyn & Stan Smith Skip & Paulette Boyd CARL RAY ADAIR Myrtice Rials NEAL ADAMS Patricia Spear WILLIAM B. ADAMS Glynn & Barbara Averett EVELYN ADDISON Roy & Delma Addison Family HOWELL ADDISON, SR. Max C. Johnston NORA S. AINSWORTH Bobby, Patsy, Kristi, Russell, Taylor, & Nick OCTAVIA AINSWORTH Kenneth & Bonnie Mayes June Hebert Johnnie & Steve Buckley Cheryl & Glenn Adams LORAINE INEZ ALBEREZ Kenneth & Glenda Acreman M&M MARZEL ALBRITTON Merle Antley BILLIE ALDERMAN Lee Alderman Family, Ramona, Debbie, Donald, Lynda, Dianna, Barbette, Lisa, Jay, & Leebo CORWYN ALDREDGE Angela M. Mayeaux Linnye & Shawn Daily Warren & Susan Massia Carrie Lou Taylor Vicki Murchison DR. NIKOLAI ALEXANDRENKO Mary W. Crump WAYMON ALLBRITTON Johnny & Belinda Hinton LYNNE RABORN ALLEN Wanda McDaniel LAWRENCE ALONZO Dr. Kevin L. Kilpatrick CHARLES H. AMBROSE John & Brenda Parsons LILLIAN ANDERSON Arnold L. Anderson PENNY JEAN ANDERSON Mary E. Anderson Arnold L. Anderson ROBERT T. (BOB) ANDERSON Charles E. Mitchell WOSTER ANDERSON D/M Benjamin Rush Jerry & Karen Glover BRENT ANDREPONT Men's Cl, Maplewood FBC TREY ANTHONY Jane White & Family GLEN ARDOIN SS Cl FBC Eunice WALT ARDOIN Barbara Edwards A.W. ATES Kenneth & Pam Mauterer ARTHUR ATES Ronald (Charlie) & Karen Brown LEVIA LILLY ATKINS Glenda Bird & Family LOIS ATKINS Bernard Rogers, Henry Rogers, Mary Gray, & Judy Williams BOBBY AYMOND Reaford E. McKee BROOK BAILEY Ruby Jane Bailey JOHN HENRY BAKER Marilyn Cooper Loftin Charles & Shirley Godard RUTH BAKER Dr. Kevin L. Kilpatrick MARGARET BALDWIN North Monroe BC Singles III D. V. BARBER Earl & Ann Forrest LORRIANE BARRIOS Calvary BC, Slidell HAROLD BARRON Bert & Paula Kelly STEVEN & MARK BAUM Carl & Billie Baum NAOLA BELL Pine Grove BC, DeQuincy Marvin & Linda Marcantel Forest Service Employees Catherine Miller TOM BELL D. D. & Jackie LaCour ANNA K. BENANTI & PHILIP BENANTI Claudia Stack & Family EARL BENNETT Mark Sanders JAMES BENNETT Ruth Cl, FBC DOROTHY W. BERGERON Leon J. Bergeron JANELLE BEST Jo Ellen Clark YVONNE BETZING Bob & Doris Meredith DR. OSCAR BIENVENU Tynes & Julia Hildebrand GREGORY S. BIVIN, II Drs. W. Sheldon & Rosalie Bivin CAROLINE BLACK Charles & Shirley Godard JOE BOB BLACK Mary Edwards Sandy & Boyd Parker BO BLACKWELL Mike & Ginger Goings LINDA BLOVIN Dr. Kevin L. Kilpatrick LOUIS BLUSH Dr. Kevin L. Kilpatrick PENNY BOLTON Katheryn McLeod HOWARD W. BOND Onita Bond PHYLLIS K. BONHAGEN M&M Don Lewis PAM BORSKEY George M. Borskey, Sr. ESTEL BOWERS Adult V (Co-ed) Cl, FBC, Bastrop BILLIE BLANKENSHIP BRAME Ben & Marlene Creasy DOROTHY BRANTLEY James & Ellen Young MARY LOUISE KING BRANTLEY Bobbye Keyes DOROTHY BRASHER Lee Estes Cl Lou Nell Taylor BOBBY JOE BRAZZEL Jim & Fran Fish M&M Mack V. Martin ANNE GOODMAN BREARD Laurie Luffey Schexnaider George & Jane Luffey Jean Hamilton Brenda & Keith Bonin ALICE HENDRY BREWER Kenneth & Helen Bossaller Elaine H. Parker SYBLE ETHREDGE BRISTER Beech Springs BC, Minden Libbey Watkins WALTER BROOME Auditorium Cl, Fellowship BC BETTY CALDWELL BROWN Susie Handy JAMES ALTON BROWN M&M Alton Brown, Jr. BLISS BROYLES Mike & Renee Broyles RUTH POWELL BRUCE D/M Eddie Hamby GEORGE BENNETT BRYAN Frank & Janie L. Maxwell RICHARD BULLOCK Sandy & Boyd Parker OLAN (BUDDO) BUNCH Mark & Billie Sandel M&M Marvin W. Marcantel ANTHONY BUONAGURA Margaret Wedgeworth & Sabrina Hebert JANET BURNS M&M John W. Perkins BARBARA ALLEN BURROUGH Gerald & Lisa McCain REV. WILLIAM O. BUSBY M&M Jerry Ayres Bennie & Darlene Williams D. J. & Sandy Allen Mary Alyce Parsons D. L. BUTLER, JR. & GARY GRANT BUTLER Bob Pettitt Sr. & Bob Jr. & Jerry MARY LYNN BYNUM Howard & Brenda Bynum CHARLES BYRD Sonny & Jackie DePrang SARA BYRD Sandy & Boyd Parker BARNEY RAY CABRA Bobby & Lola Jean Williams JORY CAIN M&M Gerald Blazier MIKE CALDWELL Randy & Sheila Moroni & Boys Amy, Evan, & Carson Braswell JOHN C. CALHOUN Auditorium Cl, Fellowship BC CLINTON (BUD) CALLIHAN M&M Don Lewis CHARLOTTE SUMLIN CANTWELL M&M E. L. Henry Dr. Kevin L. Kilpatrick Paul & Colleen Jones JEWELL H. (JACK) CARAWAY Thelma Hukins Gerry & Laura Baker BONNIE JEAN CARLOCK Kent & Nelva Moss JIMMIE LEE CARLOCK Kent & Nelva Moss MARY CARMODY Mike & Laura Woodard MARY CARNEY Vikki R. Welch LOTTIE BELL CARPENTER Anne Crymes ROBERT CARROLL Baker & Jackie Boyd D/M JAMES CARTER D/M Scott L. Tatum DR. JAMES E. CARTER R/M Perry Webb, Jr. M&M Tynes Hildebrand Vicki Murchison Will & Evelyn Dark George & Mary George Sorrell MARSHALL WAYNE CARTER Howard & Brenda Bynum DORIS JANELLE CASKEY Dorothy Self ELLA MAE CAUSEY M&M Glenn Tanner Dr. Jack Irvine JIM CAYER Nancy Justice RUBY CHANDLER Marcus & Sue Paul SAM CHANEY Joy S. Jones DR. JAMES (JIM) CHRISTOPHER Jeraldine (Moms) Tolar MARJORIE CLAPPER Berthe Methe & Barbara Dyer Michael & Beth Martin E.M. CLARK Guy & Betty Parker JOE CLARY M&M Albert S. Greene, Jr. LISA SCOTT BUSBY CLEMENT Mitch & Gwen Fournet Dorothy Snoddy & Suzanne LeBlanc YVONNE COCKERHAM Sonny & Lena Peterson REITA COCKRELL Anne Crymes ELLA COLE D/M Hugh Raetzsch NAT COLE D/M Eddie Hamby LEONARD & LOUISE COLEMAN Dennis & Cindy Coleman MARYELLEN COLVIN Charles & Evelyn Hammons Taylor M&M Mack V. Martin AVIS COOK Westlake Ladies Bible Cl DR. VIRGINIA A. COOK Jerome Scalisi NYE COOPER Marvin & Linda Marcantel RALPH JACKSON COOPER Frank & Janie L. Maxwell M&M Thomas D. Hankins H. EARL CORKERN M&M Don Lewis RUTH ANN TYNES CORKERN Marius & Shirley Wagner Bill & Cheryl Wood Wilton & Mary Bruce Corkern Tom & Kathy Hudspeth SHIRLEY R. CORLEY Mary G. Edwards BECKY CORNETT Fred & Yvette Frantom ELBERT COUTEE Janice Coutee JOHN COVELLO Dean & Crissie Cirelli JIM COX Bobbie G. Ross SHIRLEY COX M&M Buford Benson TIMMY COX Dale Garcie WOODROW COX Adrene McKnight Tynes & Julia Hildebrand WOODROW COX Inez J. LaCour LOUIS LAVON CRAIN Floyd & Gloria Bonner BETTE CRANE Kathy & David Werntz CHRIS CRAWFORD Mrs. Gene Muckleroy JOSEPHINE STUCKEY CRAWFORD Charles H. Crawford ROBERT (BOB) CRAWFORD Maryellen G. Morgan BOBBIE CRAWLEY Nona W. Michaud WAYNE CRISWELL M&M Don Lewis ROSE CROSS Evelyn Burgess RODNEY CRUSE Mitchell & Gail Sumrall MITTIE CUMPTON Carol Pevehouse North Monroe BC Singles III EULA (BABY) CUPIT Linda C. Silmon EDWIN J. DANIELS M&M Leroy Wilson MARVIN DAVIDSON Billy & Rosemary Knowles Schuyler, Kathy, & Kaitlyn League Bobby G. McCullin Dale Deloach ALYCE FORTENBERRY DAVIS Doug & Margaret Salter EMOGENE DAVIS Merle Antley JOE DAVIS Port Hudson BC, St. Francisville PAUL DAVIS, SR. Ladies Cl COURTNEY A. DAY Kenneth & Glenda Acreman EILEENE CARR DAY Kathy & Joe Reljac WINIFRED & VIVIAN DAY Win & Beverly Day ROGERS DEHART, SR. Family of Elizabeth W. Turnage: Elizabeth Turnage, Liz Ducrest, Molly Flournoy, Don Turnage, Ruthie Larimer, & Becky Noel RENE DEHONDT Mary Talbot Arthur Ash Van R. Winn MARJORIE DENNY Leslie & Kenny Smelley HAZEL DEWITT M&M Hardy Palmer, Jr. Lake Bruin Ladies Golf Assoc. HAZEL DEWITT D/M Glenn Barnett CHRISTINE DICK Mack & Andrea Martin LUKE A. DIFULCO SR. Tony & Paula Rawson REGINA CAROL DILLARD Mary Jeanne Singletary KERRY DILLIARD M&M Buford Benson WES DONALDSON D/M Hugh Raetzsch JEANETTA DOSEFF Homebound Ministry BRUCE DOSS Ethelene Harris & David Hilburn JOYCE DOUCET Mrs. F. D. Gilbert DREW MAY DOWDEN Edward & Maxine Bridges JOE DOWDEN Charles, Kathy & William Isgitt PEGGY DOWNEY Steve & Carroll Swander JOE ROBERT DOYLE Marie N. Yates LAVENIA DOYLE Jesse & Alice Doyle ANNA BELLE DOZIER Sara G. Sikes MELVIN L. DUBOIS Comrade BC, Leesville MELVIN L. DUBOIS Bertha D. Crosby TAJA DUNAHOO M&M Marvin W. Marcantel CHARLES ALBERT DUNGAN Brenda Dungan ELLEN DUNN'S GRANDBABY JACK Renee' Melancon GENE & MARY DUPONT Ashley R. Walker Assuline BARBARA LYNN COLE DUPREE Mary A. Harville J.E. DUPUY, SR. STEPHEN DUPUY J. E. Dupuy Flooring & Acoustical LUCILLE DURHAM James M. Durham KATHERINE DURRETT Charles & Evelyn Taylor JOHN THOMAS DYE Friend from Mer Rouge BC Goldman Equipment Co., Inc. Robert J. Barham M&M Kent Blackard SANDRA EBY Randy & Sara Upton LARRY EDWARDS Joyce McElwee ROMA H. EICHELBERGER Norma Hughes LOLA ELLEDGE Buster & Brenda Gibson EMILY ELIZABETH ELLIOTT Mary Ellen Elliott D. J. ERNST Doug & Margaret Salter CHERRY ERWIN Steve & Carroll Swander LEON ETHEREDGE FBC, Olla CHIP EUBANKS David & Dianne Mason GENE EVANS Mangham BC, Mangham JESSE WAYNE EVANS Pansy E. Garner RAY EVANS Elda Glynn & Terri Wilson BLAKE W. FARR NORMAN E. FARR Laura Anne Farr SUE FARRAR Alice & Jesse Doyle, Jr. MARTHA FAULKNER Buster & Brenda Gibson STEVE LARRY FEDERICK Geraldine Desadier JOHN H. FETZER, JR. Berean Cl, Broadmoor M&M Lorris W. Bogan RICKY FINKLEA Stan & Roslyn Smith & Family FRED FLUITT M&M Marvin W. Marcantel J. PAUL FOLDS, SR. Halliburton Giving Choices JULIE FONTANA Cooper Buick GMC HUBERT FONTENOT JOHN FONTENOT Charles & Irma Andrus SHIRLEY FOOTE Wanda & Lewis Hall WAYNE FORBES M&M C. Mark Jarrell EUGENE FORD Evelyn Merhige & Joyce Crosby MARVIN FORD Mike & Laura Woodard MRS. CLEO FORDHAM Alton & Pat Williams RICHARD FORTENBERRY Dr. Kevin L. Kilpatrick INFANT FOY Auditorium Cl, Fellowship BC RUSSELL FRANKS SHERLYN FRANKS Morrow BC, Morrow J. D. FRAZIER Barry & Gay Bailey EUNICE FREEMAN Ed & Jan Buford Melba Dean WALLACE FROST Susan & Johnny Nolan MARION E. FULLER Halliburton Giving Choices ODIS FULLER Betty Reinhardt Lucille Stephens ALLEN GANEY M&M Sherman McDowell ROY L. GARRARD, SR. D/M Dennis L. Phelps DARLENE GAUDET Glynn & Dorene Billiot ROBERT C. (SONNY) GAYLE Bobbie G. Ross DELORA GILL Pine Grove BC, DeQuincy DORALEE GILL Gerald & Lisa McCain KAY STEVENS GIPSON Beth Smith JOHN N. GIRLINGHOUSE Rose R. Girlinghouse LINDA GIROD Randy & Sheila Moroni LARRY GIVEANS Calvary BC, Slidell PAT GOBAL Noble & Claudette Brister JEANETTE LEE GOODRUM Ruth T. Earwood & the Salisbury Book Club Andrea & Dan Barth JUANITA GORNOR FBC, Pearl River M&M ROBERT WILLIAMS’ GRANDSON M&M Charlie M. Flynn EVELENE GROOMS Billy & Janell Windham MARY GROOMS Sharon Hedrick MARY LUCILLE RITCHIE GROS Lee & Melody Wood DARRELL GRUBBS Auditorium Cl, Fellowship BC JEFF GUILLIAMS, JR. John & Sue Speir Tynes & Julia Hildebrand Vicki Murchison BEVERLY GUNN Owen & Ginny Bellon M&M R. G. GUNN Jimmy L. Gunn KENNETH N. HALEY Alton & Pat Williams BETTY HALL Leslie & Kenny Smelley Madden Family-Doug, Nancy, Tom & Ellen LIZZIE MAE HALL R/M Bill Fowler GLENN HAM Patsy Welch, Charlotte Thomas, & June Matheny Rep. Charles McDonald M&M Robert Gill DR. DOYLE R. HAMILTON, JR. Charlotte Wasmund DOROTHY HAMMONS Bernie & Midge Firestone GLENDA HANCOCK L.H. & Tricia Pourciau GWEN HENRY HARDY Cooper Buick GMC Gary Patterson & Jarod Patterson EVELYN RUTH HARLON Edward & Rebecca O'Neal Allen & Lisa Deen O'Neal's Feeders Supply, Inc. RUTH HARLON South Region WMU Hollis & Corky O'Neal Concord Union Baptist Assoc. STEPHANIE HARLOW & INFANT SON DAVIS Johnny & Liz McDonald BARBARA SPIER HARRELL Mary W. Crump RAMONA HARRIGILL Baker & Jackie Boyd FLOYD & RUBY HARRINGTON M&M William E. Maley ETHELENE HILBURN HARRIS Mike & Tyrena Sonnamaker MYRTLE HARRIS Joyce & Bob Miller TEET HATCH Erwinville BC REV. SHERWOOD HAWTHORNE Tommy & Betty Hollingsworth WARDELL HEAD Randy & Amy Braswell STEPHEN (DICK) R. HEARD Mary Anna Granberry ANNE STEWART HEARN Ben & Marlene Creasy INEZ DUPLISSEY HEARN Teresa George DONNA HECHT Dennis & Louise Copple ARLEY HENDERSON Bobbie J. Olson CARL W. HENDRY Elaine H. Parker HERBERT E. HENRY James & Ida Cook Gary & Dewana Richardson REBECCA LYNN HERNANDEZ Joyce & Adella Paul & Peggy Paul-Saizon TOMMIE DEAN HERREN Charles J. & Evelyn Taylor RUSH HIGGINBOTHAM Gloria & Lowery Herrington MARK HINES FBC, Pearl River SALLY HINES Bob & JoAnn Hines DANNIE HODGE Walter & Joyce Allen RITA HOLDEN Buster & Brenda Gibson JOHN HOLDMAN Auditorium Cl, Fellowship BC HELEN HOLLEY Jim & Marjorie White M&M Lorris W. Bogan New Ebenezer BC, Castor JESSE J. (BUCK) HOLLIS Mangham BC Tom & Denise Gullatt ALTON GWYNN HOLT Edna Mae Boyd & Dan J. Boyd ROBERTA HONEYCUTT Mary Alice Brown Ben & Marlene Creasy W. S. (PETE) HONEYCUTT Ruth Honeycutt GENEVIEVE HOOPER Westlake Ladies Bible Cl Linda Dowies Joana Robinson, Joe Savoie, Sally Fullington, Jenifer Freeman, Kent & Nelva Moss, Mike & Mary E. Slaydon, Mitchie & Lynda Wilson, George Scalia, & Archie & Lee Cline BIRCHETT C. HOPKINS Fred & Yvette Frantom THOMAS HENRY HOWELL Donald & Barbara Toutcheque HERBERT HUBBARD Beauton Huitt Robert & Nettie Joseph Mitchell & Gail Sumrall DARLENE B. HUDSON Donald Worth & Linda Worth PAUL HUDSON, JR. Susan & Keith Langheinz RALPH HUDSON Bob & Mary Nelson DANNY HUFF Gloria & Lowery Herrington LUDY HUGGINS Kenneth & Helen Bossaller ELAINE FIFE HUMPHRIES Vonell & Nick DeFatta JAY HUNSTOCK FBC, Covington BILL HUTH Noble & Claudette Brister WILMER BERNETTE (BUDDY) HUTSON Tom & Kim Cathey Sue Meyer Linda Bendixen, William E. Morgan, Edward & William Morgan Mark Sanders Joey & Jen Nickles (Hutson) DOROTHY IANNAZO Auditorium Cl, Fellowship BC TAMARA INDEST M&M Donald Worth FLORINE FUNDERBURK IRWIN Ernest D. Irwin WINNIE ISHEE Calvary BC, Slidell AMY ROXANNA IVY M&M Jimmie D. Jackson CHARLIE JACKSON Buster & Brenda Gibson M&M E. C. JACKSON Steve Jackson FRANCES G. JAMES Wanda Hilton & Family Frank & Joan Hickman ALICE RAWLS JARRELL Michael & Tomi Crow Martha & Skip Ragland INEZ JEFFERSON Ken & Katherine Bush EULA JENKINS M&M Leroy Wilson RHONDA JENNINGS Auditorium Cl, Fellowship BC JAMES S. JOHNSON Patricia A. West JULIA JOHNSON Dr. Kevin L. Kilpatrick RUDOLPH C. JOHNSON M&M Larry Daughtry RUDY JOHNSON Don & Marilyn Smith TOMMY JOHNSON Vicki Murchison BOBBY D. JONES Mike & Rhonda Ruddick Michelle & Casey Tripp DIANA JONES Fred & Diane Franklin Elizabeth C. Craft JAMES GRADY JONES Joy S. Jones JEAN JONES Frank & Flora Hover NAOMI JONES Cammie Johnson HUBERT JOYNER Patricia Madden John Cowen DEBBIE JUSTILIAN Johnny & Liz McDonald LOUISE KELLY Dale & Joyce Willis BILLY KENNEDY Charles & Evelyn Taylor Brenda Giddens LAWRENCE KENNY Troy & Carolyn Hughes JIMMY KILGORE Noble & Claudette Brister OTTIS (HAPPY) KING LaVera (Sister) Barker JAY KINZER Susan & Mike Saracino WALTER H. KIRKPATRICK Lila Smith TROY KNIGHTEN Tom & Gloria Galloway JERRY LAMBERT Lana & Wayne Foret JAY LANDRY Auditorium Cl, Fellowship BC CHARLES LASITER Kenneth & Pam Mauterer FLORENCE BATES LAVERGNE SUSAN LAVERGNE Linda Moran JIMMY LAWRENCE Lance & Nancy Thomas JEWEL DEAN LEE M&M Thomas D. Hankins MARVIN (PAPAW) LEE M&M Jerry Brunson HANS LEMKE M&M Thomas D. Hankins HAROLD DENNIS LENARD Dan Street THOMAS LINDLEY Sandy & Boyd Parker JAMES LINDSEY Mary Anna Granberry Kenneth & Margie Cruse WILL LEE LOFTIN, JR. Ron & Dianne Lawrence FRED LOUGHNER M&M John Cheatwood & M&M Chad Morgan & Jasmin GEORGE LOVE Vernon & Barbara Flemister LOREN LUKE Heather Mullins Dampier DORIS MADENFORT Carolyn Donald CLARA B. MAGEE Elmore M. Magee, Jr. VERA MAGEE Gwendolyn T. Odom Smith CARROLL JOHN MARCANTEL M&M Marvin W. Marcantel CHEAT MARTIN Lisa McCain T. J. MARTIN Frank & Su Hill LIL MARX Steve & Carroll Swander RAYMOND MASON Alton & Pat Williams Katie Dumas & Penny & Tim Coats DJ MATRANGA Auditorium SS Class, Fellowship BC MARGARET MAY Men's Cl of Maplewood FBC MARGARET MAY Joint Heirs Cl MELANIE MCCARTY Michael & Susan Saracino JOEY MCCLENDON M&M Don Lewis ADAM MCCOY Elsie Bell LEUMEL MCCOY M&M George A. Davis JOHN D. MCDANIEL Rita, Becky & Don Perkins ARNOLD (BOSH) MCDOWELL M&M Mannie Skursky DIANNE MCFARLAND Sarah B. White RUBY DIANNE MCKEE Charles & Kathy Isgitt CHARLES MEOLE, SR. Dr. Kevin L. Kilpatrick EARL & BETTY MERCER David Mercer JOHN MILAM, SR. Elouise Kent Phillip MinchewDonatic BOB MILLER M&M Charles E. Shaffett CONNIE MILLER Noble & Claudette Brister GINA ANDRUS MILLER M&M Frederick Rosteet BENNY MILLIGAN M&M James Tucker ELAINE MISCAR Redina Blanchard GLORIA N. MOBLEY Dawn Leggett Rodger & Donna Bryan RICHARD B. MOELLER Andy Payne MILDRED MOHR Calvary BC, Slidell ELDRED E. (BUDDY) MONCLA Anonymous GAY ANDERSON MONTGOMERY Ann & Bob Adams MIKE MOORE Sandy & Boyd Parker Sharon & Billy Maples OLIVION MOORE New Ebenezer BC, Castor REGINALD MOORE Hazel S. Hicks & Family ANN MORGAN M&M T. Doug Madden, Sr. Delma Dowler Jimmy & Sharon Miller ELMA MORGAN Bill Denny & Jerry Denny GARY MORGAN Calvary BC, Slidell WALTER MOROCK Carolyn Fisher IVAN O. MORRIS JR. Steve & Carroll Swander DEMETRIS MORTON Kris Fontenot ELMER MOSES & BILLY FAYE MOSES Gerald & Lisa McCain BILL COLLINS’ MOTHER M&M Tynes Hildebrand LAVONNE NAILE Nita Gilbert CARL T. NASH Guy & George Ann Snelling DONALD NEAL Mary Neal JAMES DALTON NEALY, SR. Jerry & Betty Slack M&M Don Thomas Jerry & Candy W. Waugh Roger & Pat Herron, Delbert & Barbara Wilks, Celia Hanson, & Bonnie Lain Chris & Lynn Pace Mike & Karen Terrell Fred & Becky Morecraft The Grove & Jones Families Frances P. Foster Florance Goyanes Leigh Ann & Paul Lintelman Roger & Shirley Goza Roger & Shirley Goza JOE NEITZ Nancy Justice BESSIE NELSON Maryland BC, St. Joseph HOLLIS (WHEAT) NELSON Hope's Camper Corner Steve & Carroll Swander M&M Leon Barmore Drew & Jennifer Routon Sonya Speir Jim & Pam McKay LOUISE NELSON Mary & Bud Swayze J. L. NESMITH Dr. Kevin L. Kilpatrick DAVID NETHERTON Henry & Barbara Cantrell Van R. Winn MICKY & DAVID NETHERTON Mark Tabor SHERYL NETTLES Maryellen G. Morgan JOANNA NEWNAM M&M B.J. Newnam MARILYN NISWANGER Cooper Buick GMC JANICE NIX The Breazeales ALPHUS C. NOLAND Polly Bridges ALPHUS C. NOLAND Sylvia N. Harrell OLLENE SUTTON NORMAN Nola H. Carpenter THOMAS NORRIS, SR. Delma Dowler TOMMY NORRIS Don & Marilyn Smith OUIDA O'BARR North Monroe BC Singles III CLIFTON OSBORN M&M James Sanders MARY ANN OWENS Randy & Sheila Moroni & Boys TOMMY OWENS Mary Talbot BOYCE PARDUE Jerald & Jane Bartlett CHRISTINE PARDUE Ray & Lenora Littlejohn DEMARIS WHITARD PARDUE Jim & Sue Ellen McCallum CHARLES PARKER East Fork Ladies Cl DURY PARKER M&M Mannie Skursky KARL PARKER Gerald & Lisa McCain MARY LYNN DEBUSK PERRET D/M Frank Mobley CURTIS NEWTON PETREY Kathy Breaux Ponder & Carol McInnis Mrs. Carroll W. Andrews & Family Marie Blair William & Dolores Porter Elizabeth & Ralph Jordan Buddy & Alice Bowden Robin G. Breithaupt, LCSW, DCSW, Inc. Bill & Karon Wheeless, Jr. Nancy P. Darwin Matt & Anne-Marie May IDA EVELYN PETREY LYNN PETREY Nancy P. Darwin JUSTIN PETTY Julie & Danny Petty JIMMY PHILLIPS John & Sheila Hixson M&M Frederick Rosteet MARY JANE PHILLIPS Mrs. John S. Pickett, Jr. DR. RAN PHILLIPS, JR. Steve & Carroll Swander CAROLYN PHRAILKILL Stanley & Roslyn Smith MYRTLE PICKERING Marie & Clyde Bartlett, Hugh Bartlett & Children CLAY PICKETT Kathy Sims Schuyler, Kathy, & Kaitlyn League Pauline Travis DOYLE PICKETT Sandy & Boyd Parker MARY PIGOTT M&M Mike Pigott RALPH PIKE Bob & Mary Nelson CARL PITRE Ralph & Becky Blessington HERBERT RAY PITTMAN FBC, Pearl River ROSS POOLE Dennis, Robbin, & Vestal Phelps MILDRED PRIMM Port Hudson BC, St. Francisville REESE PROCELL Terry E. Wells VIRGINIA (DALE) PROTHRO Joye Lynn Young Dr. Kevin L. Kilpatrick Bill Chapman family Faith Seekers Cl ELIZABETH PRUITT M&M John Boughton Ronny & Bobbie Magoun DALE PURVIS Mike & Donna Basham DELAINE PYLANT Auditorium Cl, Fellowship BC ETHEL RALSTON Patsy Welch, Charlotte Thomas, & June Matheny DAN RANKEN Arnold L. Anderson JERRY RATCLIFF Jan & Daniel Putman LEE ANN REARDON Amy Braswell RALPH REDD Betty Fischer DONNA KIRKLAND REED Carolyn Fisher Randy & Phyllis Patterson J. C. REED M&M Mannie Skursky MARTHA GREEN REICHERT M&M Robert R. Riser ANTHONY F. REINERS Farley & Judy Cloud ESSIE DICKERSON RHAME John & Peggy Dickerson THOMAS G (DUSTY) RHODES Rhonda Hensley DOROTHY RICHMOND Lisa McCain GAYE ROBERSON Beth N. McDougal Dr. Lawrence J. Danna DALLAS C. ROBERTS Mary W. Crump REV. DON ROBERTS Dondra Fuller, Billy Fuller, & Sarah Fuller RALPH ROBINSON Frances Womack ODA ROCKETT Spearsville TRIAD CLIFF ROGERS Edna Rogers CLIFTON ROGERS Donna Rogers CURTIS ALLEN ROGERS Paul & Shan Baum MARTHA LENORA ROGERS Delbert & Cynthia Johnson V.J. ROGERS Donna Rogers Edna Rogers SABRINA DIXON ROME M&M Raymond Woolie THELMA ROWLAND Randall & Janice Byrd H.T. RUSH Vicki Murchison Tynes & Julia Hildebrand Edward & Nelda Tolar CECIL RUSSELL Elda Glynn & Terri Wilson MYRA NELL ARMSTRONG RUSSELL Mark & Sandy Craft Barbara A. Houston Gary & Dewana Richardson James Machine Works, LLC Susan Weaver & Paul McElroy M&M V.J. Casamento JODIE ROCCO RUSSO, SR. M&M Kenneth R. Turpin ROBERT RYAN Cammie Johnson MICHAEL TODD RYDER II Bo & Chris Walker Nancy Raborn Officers & Staff of Sabine State Bank NICK SALADERO M&M Don Lewis BENJAMIN B. SANDERS Harvey & Carolyn Perry DICK ELLEN (DICKIE) SANDERS Linda Sanders GIRLEY SANDERSON M&M Thomas D. Hankins HERBERT CECIL SATERFIEL Johnny & Jeanette Wilbanks JOE SCHENDLE Steve & Carroll Swander JOHN D. SCOTT Mike an Laura Woodard SHIRLEY CRYER SEALS Nancy Perdue Wright BRO. MALCOLM SELF Frances Robinson Ronny & Sharyn Davis JULIE WELCH SERMONS Janice Baum LEAH SHAFFER M&M Bob Campbell & Melisse SUSAN JO SHARP Ray & Virginia Bennett Troy & Carolyn Hughes Hazel Riles BO SIBLEY Cedarcrest BC, BR MARTHA SINGLETON John Cowen NICHOLAS REED SISTRUNK Jerrie & Dennis Choate ELIZABETH MULHEARN SLAUGHTER Herbie & Sherry Frankowicz ANDREW SMITH Susan Nolan Emma Smith Carolyn & Timothy Frantz Shelby & Mary Neese Harold & Cynthia Collier Jack & Brenda Marler DAVID SMITH M&M Mack V. Martin DELTON (BLACKIE) SMITH Effie Hinton Travis & Janie Sayers Catherine Beach Rickie & Athie Bohnet V.J. & Peggy Casamento Estelle Wheeler Stan, Laura, Cade, Melain, & Landry Maclin EDNA & BUNYAN SMITH M&M Ronald M. Hess ELAINE SMITH Don & Marilyn Smith HAZEL SMITH M&M Buford Benson Martin L. Norris MARGUERITE THORNTON Mr. & Mrs Pat Johnson GLENN TIDWELL Agnes Wickham JEAN TILBURY Floyd & Hazel Carter GEORGE TOLBERT Bob & Doris Meredith ROBBIE TOMLIN Floyd & Gloria Bonner FLETCHER TOMPKINS Jo Ellen Clark M&M Tim E. Tettleton Arvel E. Newsom Lon & Mary Bass GERRY MAUN TOMPKINS Blanche & Wylie Harvey BERNICE TUBB’S BROTHER M&M Charlie M. Flynn NORMA TUGWELL Triple R Pipeline MAXINE TURNER M&M Don Lewis JAMIE F. VALIGOSKY Bob & Sherryl Tucker BILL VAN SANDT Barksdale BC Deacons RUBY VAVASSEUR Walter & Joyce Allen DOROTHY VERRETT Morrow BC BUDDY VEULEMAN Mike & Ginger Goings DON VILLAVASO Jane P. Villavaso SHIRLEY VINES Mary Talbot DEBORAH GREENE WADSACK Guy & George Ann Snelling D/M Roy M. Fleniken IRIS WALKER Maryellen G. Morgan JACK WALKER Mary A. Harville ROBERT WALKER Tynes & Julia Hildebrand BETTY WALL Earl & Ann Forrest SAMUEL E. WALLER Mary Edwards MRS. CARROLL WARD Ms. Mary W. Crump SARAH WARD Gloria Fay Smith WANDA HOGAN WARREN Ray & Lenora Littlejohn PATSY WASHBURN Jimmy & Mary Tidwell & Family OTIS WATKINS John W. Bates LOIS WATTS Calvary BC, Slidell VERNON LEE WATTS W. D. & Annette Watts CREIGHTON WEBB Sam & Bitsy Smith John Cowen PEGGY WELDON Peggy C. Mire NICK WHELESS Sandy & Boyd Parker KAY F. WHITE L. R. & Beth Collier PHILIP STUART WHITEHEAD Tracy L. Harrel, Jr. CHARLES (MEREDITH) WHITEHURST Ruth Honeycutt KATHERINE WHITTINGTON Barbara Edwards ROYCE HARLAN WHITTINGTON Norma Beyl Whittington HORACE LYNN WIGGINS Horace Wiggins LARRY GLEN WILKIE Lon & Mary Bass DR. DAVID LEE WILLARD Dorothy Ann Willard Wilson ARBY WILLIAMS Marilyn Cooper Loftin CARROL WILLIAMS Beech Springs BC, Minden ETTA WILLIAMS Officers & Staff of Sabine State Bank Bo & Chris Walker EUGENE WILLIAMS Tim & Terrill Coggins EVALENE WILLIAMS Baker & Jackie Boyd JESSE ELLIS WILLIAMS Don & Phyllis Dew Martha Gormanous D/M Michael Moore JOHN WILLIAMS Dean & Crissie Cirelli C. DREW WILLINGHAM MEMORIAL & HONOR GIFTS M&M Kent Blackard JAMES M. SMITH Charles & Evelyn Taylor Merle Antley JAMES M. (PETE) SMITH Ned & Mary Barron PATRICK SMITH Lionel & Sue Burke RUBY SMITH Jan & Gary Chandler THELMA SMITH Frankie N. King PHILIP AARON SOIGNIER Triple R Pipeline FRANCES SOILEAU FBC, Covington BOAZ BARBER SQUYRES M&M Lloyd A. Ponder M&M H. J. Daily, Jr. Bill & Yvonne Hicks PATSIE STINOFF Fred & Yvette Frantom HOYLE STOCKMAN M&M Mannie Skursky ETHEL STONE Arvel E. Newsom Wanda Lemke DR. BOB STOUT Joanne H. Rundell HOWARD & OMEGA STRAHAN Omega Strahan Leslie AMOS OTTIS STRAIN M&M Frank Maxwell Marilyn Pickett-Worsley MAXINE STRICKLAND M&M Don Lewis WESLEY STRIPLIN Buster & Brenda Gibson Charles & Nadine Harris AVIS SULLIVAN M&M Don Lewis GABE SULLIVAN Auditorium Cl, Fellowship BC PAT SULLIVAN Frank & Joan Hickman HAROLD SYLVEST Calvary BC, Slidell ALDA TASSIN Baker & Jackie Boyd DEE TAYLOR FBC, Covington JIM TAYLOR Steve & Carroll Swander OCILE TAYLOR Carroll B. Smith family PEGGY WALKER TAYLOR June W. Matheny DORIS FOTO TERRAL Otis & Ginger Peterson Lola Peterson TERRY THARP M&M Buford Benson AUDREY BARKLEY THOMAS L.J. & Tommie Rogers Laster Lee Royce & Bonnie Alford ROBERT PITTS THOMAS (DOC) Sam & Bitsy Smith MARTHA ANN ALBRITTON WILLSON Steve & Carroll Swander DOTTIE WILSON Sharon & Billy Maples SONNY WILSON Jim & Marjorie White New Ebenezer BC, Castor DOROTHY WINDHAM Carol Pevehouse ANN WOODARD Glen Woodard CHARLES WOOTEN Mary Talbot CLAYTON WRIGHT Clyde & Marie Bartlett, Hugh Bartlett & Children KEN WYATT Charles & Nadine Harris CHARLOTTE YANDELL Owen & Ginny Bellon CORRINE YOUNG Mrs. Michal Long EUGENIA HYDE YOUNG Joye Lynn Young MARY CORRINE YOUNG Loye Love & Ann Segura JO BOB ZUBER Nancy Justice Honors: 2/3/15–3/10/15 Honor gifts are received in thoughtful tribute to honor a relative, friend or loved one. Names of honored persons are printed in all caps followed by the names of those making the honor gifts. NADA ADAMS Delbert & Cynthia Johnson OLIVER CARMICHAEL Community BC, Lafayette HUDSON LANE DAVIS Bob & Jeanette Harrell MARY ALICE FOLDS RUTH FULLER Halliburton Giving Choices JAP GULLATT David & Sue Gullatt AVERY MARSALIS MADDOX MARSALIS Rodger & Donna Bryan PATSY MCDONALD Rep. Charles McDonald DENTON (OUE) MOORE Latanache BC, Batchelor DUTCH RUSSELL Rodger & Donna Bryan MARY RUSSELL Clarence & Letha Powell JACK F. SAXON, JR. M&M Ronald M. Hess OWEN SIMS Geraldine Hand DR. PERRY WEBB Vicki Murchison PATSY WELCH June W. Matheny ESTHER & LEON WHITE Harriett Dietz Enclosed is $ ________________, a gift in honor or memory of: (circle one) _________________________________________________________________________________________ Please notify (Honoree/relative) __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ (Address) ________________________________________________________________________________________ (State) (City) (Zip) Given by ________________________________________________________________ (Donor’s name) ________________________________________________________________________________________ (Address) ________________________________________________________________________________________ (City) (State) Credit Card Number and Type: Discover AmX MC Visa (Zip) (Email) Expiration Date:___________ Code:______ Cardholder Signature: ______________________________________________________ Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home P.O. Box 4196 Monroe, Louisiana 71211 318/343-2244 HomeNews Louisiana Baptist Children’s Home & Family Ministries March April 2015 FREE 2015 VBS NAMETAGS! This summer, the Children’s Home would like to be a part of your VBS journey! We are offering the following at no cost to help with your event: • • • • Free originally designed VBS Name Tags to Louisiana Baptist Churches while they last! (cords included) Children’s Home speakers are ready and waiting to visit your VBS and tell the Children’s Home story. (Call early! Speaking schedules are limited) Free LBCH DVDs are available for use at your VBS VBSers are invited to go on a field trip to our Children’s Home campus in Monroe. Children will discover first-hand how Louisiana Baptists help those in need. Contact us at 318-343-2244 or today! Order online at
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