June 2015 - LCHS Emmaus, PA

June 2015
The Lutheran Church of the Holy Spirit
Emmaus, PA
G-Force: God’s Love in Action
In God we live, move and exist. ~Acts 17:28a
G-Force Adventure Park VBS is coming to the Lutheran Church of Holy Spirit July 6 – 9 from
9:15 am – 12:00 pm each day. At VBS, the children will become “navigators” - they will explore and
experience serving God and others with an active love. The Bible stories were selected to introduce
the VBS participants to people from the Bible who used their actions to do something amazing with
God. At G-Force Adventure Park, the children will learn four “action
words” to help connect the Bible story to living as a follower of God
today. The action words are:
At VBS, the children will meet Checkers the Cheetah and expand on
what they’ve discovered by participating in a variety of activities. Fun games, great music, cool
crafts, tasty snacks, exciting science, and interactive storytelling complete the adventure.
Families helping families is the theme for our VBS mission project this year. The
Refugee Resettlement Program of Lutheran Congregational Services will be the
recipient of this year’s mission project. Many times all the belongings of a refugee will
fit into one small carry-on-bag. As a way to help them rebuild their household here in
their new country, we will be assembling “welcome boxes.” Each “box” focuses on a
different need of the family. Please look for the display at the Event Sign-Up center in
June and July to select a needed item and support the VBS mission project.
Sign-up to join us at our Adventure Park Vacation Bible School. We are inviting all children age 4
(as of July 2015 or age 3 by January 2015 with preschool experience) through entering grade 5.
Registration forms are available at the Information Desk, the church office, and on the website.
Bring a friend to join in the fun.
Youth and adults are encouraged to be part of the fun. Please prayerfully consider joining the
VBS staff! VBS would not be possible without the more than 60 dedicated volunteers that make it
happen each year. Volunteer forms are available at the Information Desk,
the church office and on the website.
Volunteers are needed to serve in the following areas:
Classroom Assistants (preschool and elementary age groups)
Nursery Care
If you have any questions or want to be a part of VBS, please contact Karin Kahler at
610-967-2220 ext 107 or Kahler@holyspirit-emmaus.org.
Karin Kahler
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June 2015
Summer Worship Schedule
beginning Sunday, June 14th
7:30 am- Traditional Liturgy with Holy Communion
8:45 am- Spirit Alive! Worship with Holy Communion
(Child Care and Word for God’s Children)
9:45 am- Summer Breakfasts resume June 14th
10:15 am- Traditional/Blended Liturgy with Holy Communion
(Word for God’s Children)
June 7 - 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
7:30 am- Traditional Music
8:45 am- Spirit Alive! Singers
Praise Band
10:45 am- Adult Choir
June 21 - 4th Sunday after Pentecost
June 14 - 3rd Sunday after Pentecost
Marriage Recognition
7:30 am- Traditional Music
8:45 am- Praise Band/Soloist
10:15 am- Soloist
11:30 am- Healing Service
2:30 pm- Rejoicing Spirits
June 28 - 5th Sunday after Pentecost
7:30 am- Traditional Music
8:45 am- Praise Band/Soloist
10:15 am- Soloist
7:30 am- Traditional Music
8:45 am- Praise Band/Soloist
10:15 am- Soloist
New Worship Service Beginning in September
Starting in September, there is a new worship service on Sunday mornings from 9:50 am to 10:30
am in rooms 10/11. This room is the large room directly on the right at the bottom of the stairs.
This will be a truly unique worship opportunity- it will be a casual gathering for adults
during Sunday School to address the needs of adults including parents of children and
youth. This is an exciting concept but we need fresh ideas from interested adults as
planning begins. We are seeking input and encourage you to share your ideas in one
of the following two ways:
We have a planning meeting scheduled for Sunday June 7th at noon following
the 10:45 am service.
Please contact one of the Pastors, Jane Elliott or any member of the Worship
Committee to pass along your ideas.
New Worship
Simplicity in God’s Presence
Sunday, June 14th at 11:30 am
Our next Rejoicing Spirits Worship is
Sunday, June 14th at 2:30 pm in the Sanctuary
followed by Fellowship in the MPR.
Join us for our Father’s Day Celebration.
Simplicity in God’s Presence, an informal
worship service of healing, wholeness and hope
will be offered on the second Sunday in the
months of June, September, December and
Join us in the All Saints Room
as we pray together, hear
God’s Word, lay on hands,
bless with oil, commune and
listen for God’s healing.
(Large print bulletins and handicap accessible.)
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June 2015
Summer Begins on June 21
Thurs, June 18th from 1-3 pm
Fri, June 19th from 1-3 pm
Sat, June 20th from 12-4 pm
Can We Borrow?
We are searching for several items to help
transform the church into a turbo charged
environment for G-Force VBS.
Hula Hoops
Pogo Sticks
Road Signs
Recycled car license plates
Child-sized Safety Road Signs
Please let Karin know if you have these items.
Snack Donations
VBS is asking for donations of snacks and
paper products to help make VBS unstoppable.
There is a poster in the narthex for people to
select items to contribute.
Please place the items
in the collection boxes in
the Narthex by June 28th.
Thank you!
Free CPR/AED Training
Classes will be held in the month of June. The
schedule is below With the purchase of an
AED, congregational support is needed. Please
sign-up on the poster at the
Event center.
Sun, June 14 at 11:45 am
Mon, June 15 at 7 pm
Sun, June 24 at 11:45 am
Mon, June 25 at 7 pm
Basement Clean-up
We are cleaning out the
basement and preparing room
10/11 for renovation. We could
really use your help.
On Thursday and Friday we will sort the smaller
items, and on Saturday we will move the bigger
pieces of furniture. All are welcome to come by
at any time to help. We hope to see you there.
Marriage Recognition Sunday
On Sunday, June 14th during all worship
services, we will honor all couples
married for 50 years or longer in
If you can attend, please sign-up
at the Event Center in the narthex or
contacting Jane Elliott, AIM.
Flower Delivery Drivers Needed
Help is critically needed for
flower delivery people. Each
driver delivers about 2 or 3 times
a year after the 10:45 Worship
Service to hospitalized or home
bound Holy Spirit members.
To continue this ministry, we need your help.
Contact Jeannine Schumaker by
jmsgarden1@gmail.com or 610-965-3075.
Project HELP Carwash
Bring your car to the Project
HELP fundraiser on
Saturday, June 6th
from 8:30 am - 1:30 pm
Rain date: Sat, June 13th
Christian Music Coffeehouse
Saturday, June 6th at 7 pm
Holy Spirit Café is opening again on June 6th for a Christian Music Coffeehouse.
Come and enjoy listening to Praise Music performed by our Holy Spirit musicians
and vocalists while having dessert and fellowship.
Please RSVP at the Event Sign-up Center. Limited seating available. Please
bring a dessert to share. See you there!
June 2015
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April 2015 Financial Results and Discussion
Operating Performance: In April, revenues totaled $68,279 while expenses were
$73,067, resulting in a deficit of $4,788 for the month. This was actually better than our
expected deficit of $6,461. Revenue was assisted by the transfer of $3,213 from the
building fund to cover the repair of heat pumps 3 & 4 and the water heater
replacement in the furnace room. With this we were just $593 short of the revenue
budget for the month.
Expenses were $2,266 better than budget. Even though electricity expense ran $413 over budget,
savings in building maintenance ($526), health and pension ($457), service contracts ($396), and
other mission areas helped expenses come in lower than planned.
Mainly because of last month’s surge, our pledge revenue year to date is still essentially on plan
through April. Unpledged revenue is $5,798 or 15.1% behind at this point. Loose plate and nonmember revenue is $1,448 or 24.1% under budget through April. Thrivent revenue was strong
($4,546) and beat budget in April, but we are still $1,567 behind our plan to date.
Year to date we now have a surplus of $198. Our overall revenue is $305,992, down $2,419 to plan,
while expenses are $305,794, up $6,652 to plan. So, while we are essentially at breakeven, we are
still $9,071 behind where we hoped to be at the end of April.
Available Operating Cash: Our available operating cash balance is $65,029. We began the year
with $63,492.
Available Capital Campaign Cash: Our cash balance in the capital campaign fund is $74,178. The
December year-end was $21,809.
Building Fund: We began the year with a balance of $35,509. The balance is now $13,844.
2015 LDR Mission Trip Summary
The 2015 Holy Spirit LDR mission trip is in the books and was an overwhelming
success. Eighteen participants found their way to our host church, the
Middletown United Methodist Church in Middletown, NJ, on Sunday, April 12th.
For the next five days, we worked through the United Way of Monmouth County
to assist two families recover from damage to their homes received during
Superstorm Sandy.
The United Way was a wonderful organization to work with- the work was well planned and
supplied. We had young adults from AmeriCorp acting as project managers on both sites. These
young people were wonderful representatives of their generation. One of the homes we worked on
was completely destroyed during the storm surge. Our group completed finishing work in the
basement and began building a deck. The other group worked demolishing a home which had
received significant water damage in the basement and ground floor. Demolishing the home and
rebuilding was a more cost effective plan than repairing the home and bringing it up to code.
This was another very rewarding trip- we all came home with our priorities readjusted and with a
feeling of accomplishment. The team thanks the congregation for the financial and spiritual
support that makes these annual trips possible. Our April 2016 trip may very well take us back to
New Jersey.
~Bob Mueller
I would like to thank our church family for your prayers, kind thoughts and cards
during my recuperation. Our church family is very important to us.
God is good!
~Pat Mattes
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June 2015
Summertime Spirituality
Ahhh! Summertime - a break from the routine of work, school, and yes, even church! Warmer
days, longer time spent outdoors, and hopefully a slower pace gives us time to relax and
participate in leisure activities. You may vacation at the beach, the mountains, the woods, or
another quiet natural setting. But whatever you do or wherever you go – take God with you. Be a
good steward of your relationship with God and use the summer to your spiritual advantage.
Some ways to grow closer to God this summer include:
Medtitative prayer: No words and formulas are needed here. Be inspired by Psalm
46:10 : “Be still, and know that I am God”.
Here’s how to do it. Find a comfortable spot to sit and relax. Breathe slowly, focus on
the air as you inhale and exhale. As you breathe, clear you mind of thoughts. Be still
and know that God is God, that God is with you, and God is giving you peace and
joy. Meditative prayer may take practice but it’s a great way to draw closer to God.
Nature appreciation: God made creation, and whether it’s the woods or the beach you can
draw close to God simply by appreciating the joys of the natural world.
Here’s how: when you walk, drive, or bike, view the scenery as if you were seeing it for the first
time – notice colors, textures, shapes , smells and the variety of life and landscape. When you see
something that makes you happy say a prayer: “ Thank God for … this flower, this leaf, this
animal, this sunset….
Spiritual reading: Along with the latest thriller, romance novel or autobiography, be sure to pack
some spiritual reading material to nourish your soul.
Some examples of the many resources include:
Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk in Kentucky, who wrote vivid,
deep reflections on the spiritual life.
Awareness and Other Perils of Reality by Anthony de Mello, an Indian-born Jesuit priest who
has a decidedly eastern slant on Christian spirituality.
The Gospel of Luke. Luke presents Jesus as an earthy soul, full of compassion and forgiveness.
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas a biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a
Lutheran pastor in Germany who opposed Hitler and is celebrated as a faith hero.
Do you have a practice or a resource that you would like to share? Email Fran Derhammer at
fderhammer@gmail.com or call 610-967-3092. Have a wonderful, safe and joyful summer
practicing good stewardship of your relationship with God!
(Excerpts taken from Rob Blezard’s blog- Stewardship of Life Institute at www.stewardshipoflife.org)
Center for Faith and Life - Faith and Society
Many of us yearn for help in figuring out how God and our faith relate to the issues
we encounter in our lives and society. As a church, we confess that God is deeply
involved in our lives and world, but figuring out how and what that means in relation to
the specific issues and questions we face is often difficult. These social statements
from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) are teaching documents
that assist us in thinking about and discussing social issues in the context of faith and life.
Economic Life
Health & Healthcare
Church in Society
Human Sexuality
Criminal Justice
Death Penalty
Race, Ethnicity & Culture
The CFL Board is considering a series on Faith and Society with a focus on these social
statements, but we need your help. We invite you to consider leading a CFL session on a social
statement of your choice. If you have a specific passion or expertise and would like to share it with
us, we’d love to hear from you. Please contact Jane Elliott,AIM or John Mosovsky and thank you for
your prayerful consideration.
June 2015
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Vacation Bible School
Mon. July 6th - Thurs. July 9th
9:15 am - 12 pm
G-Force: God’s Love in Action
“In God we live, move and exist” ~Acts 17:28a CEB
For all children age 4 (as of July 2015) through entering 5th grade. We also
welcome children who are 3 ½ with preschool experience. Please turn in
registration forms ASAP so we can plan for materials and supplies. Any questions,
please contact, Karin Kahler.
Link to Registration Form
Link to Volunteer Form
VBS Volunteer Information
Volunteer Meeting Dates- Tuesday, June 16 at 6:30 pm
Monday, June 22 at 7:00 pm.
If volunteering at VBS, please plan on attending one of the meetings.
Protection of Minors- If you are new to VBS volunteering, you will need to complete a request for
Background Clearances form. Please see Karin Kahler for the required paperwork.
Volunteers Needed- We are still in need of volunteers for the nursery and to serve as group
leaders. We need youth and adults to serve in these areas. These areas do not require lesson
Graduation Recognition
Sunday, May 31st
On Sunday, May 31st, the members of Holy Spirit will recognize our High School and
College Graduates at the 8:45 & 10:45 am worship services. Join us as we connect and
celebrate with our graduates. May God continue to be active in their lives as they
move forward.
Stop by the MPR at 9:45 am to celebrate with the graduates. Come connect with
our graduates as they share their plans with our congregation. We give thanks to God
for our graduates as we celebrate their upcoming graduation. We are blessed to hear
and see the many ways they have been discovering and sharing the gifts God has
given them.
We look forward to celebrating with:
High School Graduates
College Graduates
(Those who have notified us)
(Those who have notified us)
George Allen
Katelyn Croy
Alexa Grazio
Greg Lind
Bekah Eichelberger
Eric Lind Jr.
Steven Niland
Abigail Scanga
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June 2015
Upcoming Shared
Youth Ministry Events
So what is Shared Youth Ministry? Well SYM is a few churches working together to create
awesome youth events for all of our congregations. Each month, a church plans a great event for
all the middle school and high school youth in the 4 congregations.
Basement Clean Out
Join us on Thursday, June 18th and Friday the 19th from 1-3 pm and
on Saturday, June 20th from 12-4 pm for a summer basement clean out. We
are getting rid of things that aren't used much anymore, as well as prepare room
10/11 for renovation. We could really use your help! Thursday and Friday we will
go through the smaller items, and on Saturday we will be moving the bigger pieces of furniture.
All are welcome to come by at any time to help out. We hope to see you there.
National Youth Gathering Prayer Partners
Our final fundraiser to get us to Detroit (and back) is asking for Prayer Partners. Starting May 31,
envelopes will be in the lobby numbered $1-$150 and the directions are simple.
1) Grab an envelop of your choice,
2) Take out the prayer card with information about a youth or an adult going to Detroit.
3) Return the envelop to the offering plate or church office with the amount of
money listed on the outside and your contact information.
4) During the trip pray for the person whose card was in the envelope and we
will pray for you too!
CAT Camp Registration Now Open
All youth starting 6-9th grade in the fall are invited to attend CAT Camp August 21-23
at Bear Creek Camp in Wilkes-Barre PA. Registration forms are on the bulletin boards
outside rooms 117/119 & 4/9 or email Pastor Becca for more information
SYM On Summer Hiatus
Shared Youth Ministry is taking the summer off from our monthly fun events. Mark
your calendar for Sunday, September 20 for our fall kick-off. Details to follow.
Youth Visioning Event
What do you want your child to be like on Graduation Day? Help LCHS help make that vision a
reality by attending a Visioning Event to help form a purpose
statement for Youth Ministry at LCHS. Our next brainstorming
event is Sunday, May 31 at 7pm in room 117/119. All youth
current in 5-12 grade and their parents are invited!
Update Addresses for Young Adults
We are requesting updated information for our college
students, military, graduates and young adults so we can stay
in touch.
Please send any school, address or email changes to
Alice at mudge@holyspirit-emmaus.org.
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June 2015
Center for Faith and Life
Fly to ABE
Join us for our upcoming session!
Monday, September 28 at 7 pm to
discuss Finding My Way Home:
Pathways to Life and the Spirit by
Henri J. M. Nouwen.
Please sign-up at the Event
Center in the Lobby. We
will meet at in room
Center for Faith and Life programs will
take a break during the summer
months. Thank you everyone for your
attendance and participation in the past
year. We look forward to starting our new
“season” on September 13th. Until then,
enjoy your summer and Sunday morning breakfasts.
CFL would appreciate your ideas for presentation
recommendations for CFL in the fall. Please contact
Jane Elliott, AIM or John Mosovsky with your ideas.
Dinner and Conversation
Table Discussions will be held again this summer. Come and explore topics and connect with
fellow Holy Spirit folk around a meal and/or drink. We will be meeting at the Superior Restaurant on
Main St., Emmaus at 6:30 pm.
Wed, June 17
Wed, July 1 & 15
Wed, August 5 & 19
Join us to share appetizers, a drink and some great conversation on the
Lutheran perspective on HOT button topics such as: immigration, global
warming, gun control, economic justice, healthcare, environment, abortion,
death penalty, and genetics facilitated by Pr. Ric. The group will decide the
topics. All ages welcome - no need to find a babysitter.
THE STORY Bible Series Available on CDs
For those who haven't been able to attend Holy Spirit's current Bible Study
program, the text being used is now available on a set of 16 audio CDs, for the
remarkably low price of $25. Entitled THE STORY, it is a condensed version of the Old
and New Testaments, with the omitted parts summarized in a distinctive voice.
The CDs include professional narration and dramatization, music and sound
effects. "Hearing the Bible read aloud drives it home in a unique manner," says Dr.
Franklin Sherman, leader of Holy Spirit's THE STORY program. "Even some regular
participants in the weekly sessions are buying the CD set as a means of
supplementing their learning experience." This would be inspirational listening during summer road
trips. How many CDs to your destination?
To order the set, please contact Jane Elliott, AIM, at jelliott@holyspirit-emmaus.org or 610-967-2220
ext. 108, or add your name to the list in the Sign-up Center in the narthex. Sign-up and pay by June
14 (made payable to LCHS and given to Jane) and they will be available June 28.
Summer Travel Reminder
Just as you rely upon receiving income on a regular basis, Holy Spirit relies on
your regular contributions. We appreciate the efforts of members to make
consistent donations throughout the year, including summer. If you have plans to
travel this summer and may miss some Sundays, please make arrangements to
keep your giving up to date. Electronic giving provides a convenient way to
keep up with your intended offerings. For information on electronic giving,
contact Pam Harshey at finsec@holyspirit-emmaus.org or call the church office, (610) 967-2220.
Enjoy the summer and travel safely. Stewardship Ministry Mission Team
June 2015
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Thank You Teachers/Mentors
As the Faith Formation year draws to a close, it is time for us to show our appreciation for those
individuals who are serving in our faith formation programs. On Sunday, June 7th, a Teacher
Appreciation Breakfast will be held in their honor. It is a time for us to let our Sunday School,
Catechism, and CAT Club teachers and substitutes know how much we value their ministry.
Here at Holy Spirit, we are blessed to have a fantastic group of teachers who have dedicated
lots of time and energy helping to form the faith of the children and youth. Our Catechism, Sunday
School and CAT Club teachers have devoted many hours of time planning lessons, gathering
materials for class each week, and forming relationships with our youth and children.
Congregation, please make time to thank and affirm the difference our teachers and parents
are making in forming faith in our children and youth. We are all vital to fulfilling the promises we
make at baptism as together we nourish seeds of faith so that we all know God, experience love
and forgiveness, and share it with the world in need.
Faith Formation Staff 2014-2015
3 Year Olds - Paul Bashus, Pearl Bashus, and Amy Scott
4 Year Olds - Julie Timmcke, and Joanne Volkert
Kindergarten - Donna Bhagat, Faye Casciano, Mary Haas, and Terri Lehr
First Grade - Carolyn Croy, Lauren Sands, and Michelle Schumaker
Second Grade - Tara Brady, Sue Mathieu, and Tena Rapp
Third and Fourth Grade- Audrey Erb and Jeff Erb
Fifth Grade - Denise Rohrbach, Candi Rosazza, and Victor Schmidt
CAT Club - Mark Blower, Kristin Ervin, Kathy Everleth, Adam Fermier, Christine Fermier,
Kurt Hammerbeck, Tracy Hammerbeck, Sue Kibrik, Becky Neitz, Jennifer Powell,
Nicole Roeder, and Angie Tobey
Catechism - Steve Grazio, Susan Grazio, Marian Schneck, Pete Schneck, Judy Shuman, and
Pastor Becca
High School - Emily Berkheimer, Anne Dordal, Becky Neitz, and Bill Smith
Substitutes - Liesel Blower, Kristin Ervin, Kathy Everleth, Nichole Hutnik, Eric Kahler, Sue Kibrik,
Megan McCormick, Nina McNally, Jennifer Peters, and Joe Tobey
Attendance - Nina McNally
Praise Kids! - Sharon MacCabe
Director of Faith Formation Ministries for Children - Karin Kahler
Please prayerfully consider helping to form faith in our youth and
children for the upcoming year. You and the life of a child or youth will be changed.
Host a Summer Breakfast
Our Summer Breakfast program begins on Sunday, June 14th and concludes Labor Day- Sunday,
September 6th.
Time to round up a few friends and practice your culinary skills on your
church family. Please sign-up on the poster in the Narthex to provide breakfast
for one of the 13 available Sundays. There is also an instruction page to lend
guidance on navigating the kitchen and number of people to anticipate.
For those consuming the delicious breakfast, we seek a free-will offering.
This year's proceeds will benefit our Local Mission Fund which helps local folks in the area, or Holy
Spirit members, who need food, gas or housing assistance. The Bible clearly directs us to care for the
needy and the sojourner in our midst, and this fund helps to extend that kind of Christian hospitality
to the needy in our area.
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June 2015
In the Event of Pastoral Emergency, please call the Office at
610-967-2220 and press #3 after the general announcement.
Website: http://lchsemmaus.org/
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/LCHSEmmaus
Church Office email: info@holyspirit-emmaus.org
Sign-up for church emails: http://eepurl.com/tIRNf
Address: 3461 Cedar Crest Blvd., Emmaus PA 18049-1599
Phone: 610-967-2220
The July Newsletter deadline is Wed, June 17th. It will
be issued by Wed, June 24th.
Submissions may be emailed to Angie at
newsletter@holyspirit-emmaus.org or placed in the
Newsletter Mailbox. Thank You!