Weekly Essential Information Bulletin w/c 11th May 2015 Please find below the Essential Information Bulletin for this week. Please be aware that no bulletin was sent out last week due to technical issues with the email system. Email Issues Last week we experienced some technical issues with TCCR emails. Email access has been restored but there are still a few issues which we hope will be resolved by Wednesday. If you sent an email to a TCCR email address last week and did not receive a reply, please resend the email in case it was not received by the recipient. If you have any IT support issues, please contact the IT helpdesk helpdesk@tccr.org.uk. Audit Please be aware that the annual clinical audit will be taking place at the beginning of June. The audit will take place over the two weeks commencing Monday 1st June. Please take this opportunity to check all your case files are up to date and in order. Files are selected for the audit at random at both Warren Street and New Street. If one of your files is selected, a paper marker will be put in your file slot to let you know your file has been removed and who to contact if you need the file. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Clare Birch cbirch@tccr.org.uk. Confidentiality We would like to remind all clinicians of the importance of confidentiality and request that you remind yourself of the confidentiality policies contained in the Clinical Handbook. Clinical notes should not be digitally recorded as this is contrary to TCCR policies. HR Update New staff members/posts Madeleine Woof Katie Law Martha Nyman Couple Therapist/Clinical Lecturer Fundraising Manager Couple Therapist/Clinical Lecturer 05-May-15 11-May-15 11-May-15 Leavers Simone Matias Training Administration Manager 27/05/2015 Current Recruitment Opportunities Office Manager/IT Support – closing date 19 May PA to SMT – closing date 18 May Librarian/Information Manager – interviews 14 and 15 May Training Administration Manager – closing date 21 May Vacancy Board Audit We are doing an audit of the vacancy boards to ensure they are fully up to date. If you have a vacancy which you want a new case for, please can you email tccrallocations@tccr.org.uk and confirm the day, time, location and start date of the vacancy. We can then double check that we have you on the boards. Changing Session Times If you have a vacancy and decide to move an existing client into that slot (whether for a one off session or permanently), please can you ensure that you let clinical admin know so that rooms aren’t double booked. The Appointments Team can be contacted at appointments@tccr.org.uk. If the slot is on the vacancy board looking for a new case, please check with Allocations (tccrallocations@tccr.org.uk) that the slot hasn’t been allocated to a new couple before confirming the appointment with the client. Vacancies We currently looking for vacancies at all times across the week at both New Street and Warren Street. If you are able to take on a new case, please email tccrallocations@tccr.org.uk. If you place a vacancy for the boards please ensure you confirm a start date from when you will take the case from. The allocations process has the potential to cause unnecessary distress, particularly where there is delay in confirming a start date or where the start date has to be changed due to a change in the availability of the therapist. Have a great week everyone- next bulletin Monday 18th May.
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