Quarterly Newsletter - Lebensraum Assisted Living

Deb Halm
118 S Ingalls St Grand Island, 308-382-9066
Joyce Cantrell
Activity Director
Nicole Reyes
Upcoming Birthdays
*No Birthdays
12-Berniece Dixon
13– Harry Ueckert
19-Joan Welliver
25– Alice Olsen
**The Big 100!!
25-Michael Chandler
25– Jo Mudloff
16– Don Smith
Thank you: Volunteers
April was Volunteer Appreciation Month! The Residents and
Staff would like to give a big Thank You to all of our Volunteers! We sincerely appreciate the time you take out of your
busy schedules to be with our residents! We appreciate
each and ever one of you for all you do!
If you our someone you know is looking to volunteer, we are
always looking for fun caring individuals to volunteer with
different activities in our facility. Please contact Nicole for
information. 308-382-9066
News from Administration
Again this year we are planning a resident/family BBQ or the
night of August 4th, this is the national night out. There will be
plenty of food and lots of fun and visiting for everyone. Hope
that all of you mark it on your calendars and plan to join us.
More information will be posted at the facility when the date
gets closer.
Want to say welcome to our new residents that are residing
with us and welcome also to their extended family members.
Please let us know if we can help with anything.
Always Ready to have Fun!
St Patrick's Day
Craft: Spring
Door Hangers
*We decorated
Easter eggs with
napkins and mod
podge, they
turned out great!
* Easter
Scavenger Hunt
and Fun Photo
Eddie the Comfort Dog comes to visit once a month and we sure do enjoy his company!
*Just a reminder: family is always welcome to join
us for outings and Activities!
Head Banz: A fun
game that we really
enjoy trying to
figure out what
card we have on
our head!
The weather is
warming up which
has allowed us to
do more outings!
Cinco De Mayo Celebration!
Show & Share: Residents
are invited to bring
something to share with
each other.
Lebensraum Assisted Living
118 S Ingalls St
Grand Island, NE 68803
Upcoming Events
*Sunday June 21 is Father's Day
*Forth of July
* August is National
Night Out. We look forward to having another
wonderful Family Picnic
and would love for you
to join us on Tuesday
August 4th.
Soft Pretzel Bites
Refrigerated Pizza Dough
3 Quarts Water
1/2 Cup Baking Soda
2 Tablespoons Melted Butter
1 Egg
Salt– Rock or Kosher
Cheese Sauce ( Cheese Whiz)
1. Preheat oven to 425 and line a cookie sheet with parchment
2. Roll the dough into nugget shaped pieces– while doing this
boil the water in a sauce pan and add in the baking soda.
3. Each dough piece will need to take a baking soda bath for
30 seconds then place onto the cookie sheet.
4. Whisk egg in a bowl and brush onto the nuggets
5. Add salt
6. Bake for 10-15 minutes– they should look golden brown
7. Once out of the oven brush with butter and enjoy!
Ever wonder what we are
going to be having for meals
each day? Or what activities
will be going on throughout
the month? You can always
find this information on our
Have you added us on
facebook? This is a great
way to see what your loved
ones are up to.
Find us on
Facebook at
New pictures added each