MAY EDITION IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: Meetings Resident/Relative: Carindale Brook: 1st May @ 10:30am in the Cove Carindale Court : 27th May @ 6:00pm Carindale Lodge: 27th May @ 6:00pm Marebello: 21st May @ 1:30pm Casa dámore: 28th May @ 10:30am A MONTHLY PUBLICATION FROM QUEENSLAND REHABILITATION SERVICES FOR STAFF AND RESIDENTS TO SHARE WITH THEIR FAMILIES At Queensland Rehabilitation Services, we promote the dignity and self worth of all residents, and strive to give them excellent quality of life, as defined by the residents, individually, and as a group.” What a Lifestyle at casa dámore Church Services Court & Lodge: Anglican: 12th May @ 10:45am Citipoine Singers: 19th May @ 10:45am Catholic Service: 26h May @ 10:45am Uniting Service: 27th May @ 10:45am Communion every Wednesday morning Marebello: Catholic Communion: 7th May @ 9:30am Anglican Service: 19tn May @ 10:30 am Catholic Mass: 20tn May @ 9:30 am Circle of Men Pizza Day at cása damore Apartments Hermina winning the weekly Bingo sweepstake Brook: Uniting Service: 5th May 10:30am @ Cove & 11am @ Lane Citipointe Sing-a-long 12th May @ 10:30am at Cove Catholic Service: 19th May @ 10:45am at Cove casa dámore Apartments: Catholic Communion: 3rd May Anglican Service: 12th May Catholic Communion:17th May Catholic Mass: 27th May Connections can be made for a Minister of your faith to visit you. This can be organised with the Lifestyle Coordinator at your home. ANZAC Day Service Steve Rowan, John Merritt & Reg Barnewall Residents watching Service from balconies Standing for the “Last post”. PAGE Janine’s Journal Hello again from Carindale Court and Lodge Lifestyle Department. As we have all noticed winter is setting in and the nights are getting longer. Our activities change slightly to take in the change of season and we look forward to bowls of soup and snuggling up under the blankets to watch TV. The Garden Club is getting together to discuss the new plants to put in the beds to brighten up some dreary days and we are still in need of more assistance out in the garden area, so please come along and have your input. Its been proven time and time again that spending time with your hands in the soil is good for your health and improves your mood, so if you have been thinking about joining the Garden Club, go for it! We are once again raising money for the Cancer Fund through ‘Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea’ on Thursday, 28 May. My baking skills are very basic at best so I need all the help I can get in this area!! If you or your friends and family would like to assist please get in touch or let the staff know and all the money raised goes straight to the Cancer Fund to help with the fantastic work they do. Most of us have been touched by this dreadful disease or know someone who has, so please consider helping with this great cause. If like me you are not a baker then by all means come along on the day and buy some goodies to share with your loved ones and contribute in that way. All welcome, so please put this date in your diary. Here at QRS we feel it is very important to ensure our residents are still connected to their community as much as possible and events such as this are a perfect way to be involved. You may have noticed the Lifestyle Department have a new noticeboard in the Urban Area. This board will be displaying photos from our outings, activities and special moments. Please take the time to have a look and see what your loved ones have been doing. I would ask that all photos are left on the noticeboard so everyone can enjoy them. If you see a photo you would like, I am more than happy to arrange a copy for you, so please come and see me. Once again we were lucky enough to be invited to St Laurence’s College to attend their moving service to commemorate 100 years since the ANZACS landed at Gallipoli. This is always a very emotional service and the staff and students look after the residents so well and treat them with dignity and respect, so thank you again to the school and especially to the wonderful students. The boys are regular visitors to our home, spending an hour with the residents every Wednesday. The students are currently assisting me with a project to map out the country of origin of our residents and staff. We pride ourselves on our diversity here and it will be every interesting to see all the different places our families are from. Look out to see the results of our project soon. Another exciting development is the installation of our flag pole. The local Lions Club very kindly donated and installed the pole for us and our Local Member Joe Keely provided us with a flag. This will add an extra dimension to our services for ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day and we will also display national flags for special days for other countries. Thanks again to the community for assisting with this. I hope you have found my Journal informative this month and please, if you have any questions, suggestions or comments come and see me, I love meeting family and friends of residents and am always happy to stop and have a cuppa and chat. Until next month keep busy and Ciao for now, Janine James Lifestyle Coordinator What’s on in May Circle of Men Group Les’ Concert Nathaniel’s Concert Shopping Trip Mother’s Day Celebrations Citipointe Concert Sing-a-long at the Court Happy Singers 1st,/15th/29th May 4th & 28th May 5th May 6th May 8th May 19th May 22nd May 29th May Don’t forget about our regular weekly activities: Exercises every morning @ 9:30am Cooking with Julia/Rae every Tuesday @ 2pm Pamper Sessions every 2nd Wednesday @ 2pm Hairdresser visits Wednesday mornings St Laurences visit every Wednesday morning Craft Club every second Wednesday afternoon Garden Club every other Wednesday afternoon 2 PAGE Activities “On the Hill” Grazia working hard on her Tapestry Emilia with her Tapestry Tha nk You d G oo Bye Goodbye to Phil, one of our wonderful volunteers Dulcie and Brenda dancing to Dennis Rae saying goodbye to Phil 3 PAGE Activities at the Brook Over the past month we had a diverse range of activities and events, including musical concerts and special celebrations. Easter is a special time of the year and all Easter activities, including a visit from the Easter Bunny who delivered Easter eggs, have been well appreciated by all. Also during this month we enjoyed the presence of speakers who spoke about a range of topics of interest to residents and care staff, including cultural awareness, commemorative war service and fishing talks. I am very pleased to say that lately we have been observing an excellent attendance at exercise programs and walking groups, with more residents keen to improve their lifestyle, while enjoying the Queensland sunshine. Furthermore, the music therapy program delivered by fully registered musical therapists Fiona and Sally, has been very successful and well received by residents and family members. We believe that music can bring emotional and physical closeness and when used appropriately, it can also evoke memories, stimulate positive interactions and coordinate motor movements. As a Lifestyle team, we meet regularly and brainstorm new ideas and initiatives to ensure residents have a variety of options in their lifestyle choices. With winter around the corner, our active knitting group, supported by the Dorcas team, meet on a Wednesday afternoon. A variety of different knitting projects and sorting activities are keeping our ladies and carers busy. So if you are a good knitter or you simply are interested in learning how to knit, please come along and join the team. On a personal note, the Lifestyle Department wish to express sincere thanks to the care staff and family members for the generous donations of wool and beautiful handmade hangers that will be used in order to support our residents’ activities. With Mother`s Day coming up we will celebrate and honour all the mothers and express gratitude for them. We will gradually bring up some special memories, while offering gentle hand massage and beauty treatments to all our ladies. For Mother`s Day, on the 7th of May, we will have a special morning tea, gifts and lots of singing and dancing with the amazing Dennis. So please, pencil this date into your calendar and join us. Last but not least, the next Resident Meeting will be held on the 1st of May at 10.30am in the Cove. All residents and their representatives are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings. This is an opportunity to provide suggestions, be informed and be involved in our home. Until next time, keep positive and live in the moment. Con affetto, Francesca Marchetti Lifestyle Coordinator Residents enjoying our Music Therapy What’s on in May at the Brook Mother’s Day Celebrations 7th May (Concert with Dennis) Music Therapy Group 9th May Multicultural Music with Nathaniel 20th May Poetry Group 21st May Music Therapy Group 23rd May Remember our daily Sunshine Walks and Cooking Classes every Wednesday morning Birthday Celebrations at the Brook Monica Turmarine Judith Chalmers Joan Lies Kath Wallace Kath McQueen Bronwyn Reiser Teodosia Cabaniuk 8th May 9th May 11th May 12th May 15th May 20th May 27th May 4 PAGE Brook bmail Dear Inside Q Readers, This year in March I was given the unique opportunity to represent QRS at LASA Q (Leading Age Services Australia Queensland) State Conference held at the Gold Coast. In collaboration with the aged services sector, this year’s speaking program was developed to cover a wide range of highly relevant topics aimed at delegates in “Running Rings ‘Round Reform” in 2015. With engaging and interactive presentations from leading professionals in the fields of aged services, business, law, finances, human resources and care, audiences were guaranteed access to the most current thinking and up-to-date industry information over the 2 ½ day, context-rich, event. The entire program was highly influenced by the recently published Intergenerational Study. Overall I had plenty of opportunity not only to learn from esteemed speakers, but also to network with industry peers, share ideas and experiences. I was fascinated by new trends and developments in customer directed care. In particular, the growing interest and demand for restorative care. Restorative care models focus on promoting independence through a variety of means, based on wellness, rather than a medical model. Subsequently we are seeing more allied health assistance, personal training as well as an increase in the use of alternative therapies supporting care teams. This is a very exciting innovation and we will discuss how, as organisation, we can assist our clients in this area. Until we speak again, `tÜàt UÉéâàt Manager What a Lifestyle at casa dámore In the month of April we had two wonderful music concerts held at the Brisbane City Hall featuring music from the Great War and jazz music from the Hollywood era. We also held a birthday party for Pat McAvoy to celebrate her 85th birthday. Our Easter Happy Hour was well attended, as usual, with everyone enjoying themselves with Alan Campbell providing the entertainment. We also had our regular entertainment with a flute concert by Nathaniel Ford and sing-a-long with the Singing Songbeams. Casa dámore Apartments were also fortunate to be able to conduct an outdoor ANZAC Service with Steve Rowan from the RSL and Reg Barnewall ably assisting him, reflecting on the fine young men and women who have sacrificed their lives in the service to our country. Grab a copy of the latest Lifestyle program to catch up with all the action or download it from the QRS website Pat with her birthday present and balloons Up and coming highlights for May 1st May: 6th May: May: 10th May: 8th 12th May: Kind Regards, Sam Koch Leisure and Recreation Coordinator 26th May: Singing Songbeams Music Concert with Nathaniel Happy Hour with David Cheales Friend’s of Casa Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea Brisbane City Hall Concert: “The Two Kings” (Elvis Presley & Roy Orbison) Brisbane City Hall Concert: “Once Upon a Mountain Blue” (Bluegrass musicians) 5 PAGE 6 Update from casa dámore Apartments Hello to all from casa dámore It is quickly moving into winter flu season, most residents have had their flu shots and many staff also, please ensure that you utilise the hand sanitiser when entering and leaving the building to keep yourself and the residents of Casa safe. I would also ask, if you are planning on visiting someone at Casa dámore and you are not well, that you postpone your visit until you are well. The Friends of Casa Easter Fashion Parade Afternoon Tea was a successful event enjoyed by all, the volunteers who modelled, including Cathy Barron, did an excellent job, (see photo below), I would like to say that events like this are only possible due to our volunteers. Anyone who would like to join our Friends of Casa to assist with our functions every 2nd month is welcome, please contact me. The next event planned is a Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea scheduled for 2pm on the 9th of May, there will be heaps of cakes and entertainment provided. Keeping staff updated with new training initiatives is an ongoing concern, April and May are quite busy with training to ensure that staff are up to date with contemporary nursing practices. The photo beside is of Eldho Kurian, our Clinical Manager training the Circle of Men watching a documentary on extreme trains Residents enjoying Nathaniel’s Concert Registered Nurses in best practice. We frequently bring experts in from outside the organisation when we need their expertise in certain areas. If you see an area that you think we could improve in, I would like to hear from you. Please give me a call or drop me a note. Lastly I would like to mention that Indu Lamicchane, our Care Coordinator who went on maternity leave has given birth to a bouncing baby girl on Wednesday, the 8th of April, mum and baby are both doing well. Ciao, Ian Byron, Manager Eldho training our Registered Nurses in “Best Practice” Casa Easter Fashion Parade Frances in action tickling the ivories Residents enjoying Frances in Concert PAGE Marebello Musings Hello again We have had a wonderful month at Marebello. Our Easter Bonnet Parade featured beautiful hats made by the residents and were modelled with finesse. We remembered our “Diggers” and gave thanks for their sacrifice as we commemorated Anzac Day. We welcome some new staff to our team. Lynette, Nellie, and Barbara have started with us as carers and Towella is back from maternity leave. Susan has started with our Lifestyle Team following our farewell to Julie, who has retired. Julie will still be in some Tuesday afternoons to help out. Our best wishes go with Jo, who works in the Café, as she moves interstate and we welcome Kevin to our café team. Thank you to the team in the laundry who are doing a great job, evidenced by the lost property trolley that is empty in the Rose Room. Have a great month, Lizzie Sanders Manager What’s on in May A Word from our Lifestyle Team How many Easter eggs can one consume? Answer…. lots! In the lead up to Easter Holidays our residents took to the cat-walk to parade their Easter bonnets and it was a spectacular display. Our manager, Lizzie Sanders, had a difficult decision to make and she judged well. First Prize (chocolates of course) went to Jean Wilson with her ‘botanical creation‘ straight from the garden, very creative. Second Prize was awarded to Grace Beare who had the ‘Parisian’ look. Third Prize was won by Harry Chivers with the ‘cheeky carrots’ bowler hat. A fun afternoon was had by all. 5th May 7th May 11th May 14th May 19th May 25th May Music with Caroline Ballroom Dancing Mother’s Day High Tea Residents’ Fire Training Musical Memories Max the Magician Don’t forget about our Circle of Men Group who meet every Wednesday at 10am 7 PAGE Hello everyone, here we are into May and a quarter of the year has passed already. We at Con Noi have welcomed more new residents and are looking forward to another 2 couples moving in the next couple of weeks Residents have welcomed the new indoor bowls carpet. With all our bowlers at Con Noi we do have some competition. The difference is the length of the green. Another addition to Con Noi is the pool table. This has been a much welcomed piece of equipment, as residents and families are enjoying time spent around the table. Residents have expressed their thanks and appreciation to management. The residents have also given the gym a workout. It is great to see the equipment being used. Residents are now taking advantage of the meals from the Brook. The comments are: “The meals are great”; “Such a variety”. Over the Easter weekend many residents, and their families, took advantage of the B-B-Q area, the swimming pool and the function room for a special family lunch. Residents are also enjoying some of the older movies. It has been great to have the families come and visit. The apartments are selling fast. Now is the time to secure your apartment. We are 50% sold. Thirteen Apartments are occupied with another nine in the next five weeks. You can come and see for yourself the progress. Don’t forget, come on down to 30 Scrub Road. Give Allen Collishaw a call on: (07) 3843 4735 or Mobile 0418 588 468 to make an appointment. You can e-mail: or you can check out our web page, Until next month, Allen Collishaw, Manager Retirement Living Update from our Operations Team Welcome to Watch this space for more on “The QRS Way”. Until next month, take care from the Operations Team 8
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