2015 June Newsletter - Lena United Methodist Church

Lena United Methodist Church
June Newsletter
From the Desk of Pastor Brian LeBaron
This past Sunday, May 24th, we had a dual celebration of
Confirmation and Pentecost Sunday. Confirmation is the
rite at which a baptized person, especially one baptized as
an infant, affirms Christian belief and is admitted as a full
member of the church. Rebecca Edler, Cole Gerber,
Kendall Lobdell, and Jack and Kendra Setterstrom
affirmed their baptismal vows and how they have put their
faith and trust in Christ for salvation and endeavor to be
disciples of Jesus. Pentecost is a Christian feast on the
seventh Sunday after Easter commemorating the descent
of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and all believers. A
special thanks to our Youth Director Christin Flucke and
all these young people’s families for their nurture and
Not only the confirmands, but many in the service testified to how the Holy Spirit is at work in
their lives through brief handwritten responses given as a “Thank offering” during the passing
of the offering plate. The result of these responses overwhelm me in a uplifting way to read
about how God is working in the hearts and lives of our congregation. Here is just a sampling
of what you had to share:
“Thank you for your love and grace. Thanks for loving me, and our family.”
“Blessed me with loving parents and siblings. A great life in the Lord so far.”
“God shows me how important I am in his kingdom by bringing to my attention people in my
neighborhood that need my help.”
‘The feeling I get when I help someone not expecting it. Pay back to next person.”
“The Holy Spirit allows us to experience family within the church walls and beyond.”
“Through sickness He taught me the truth about my weakness. Through healing me He taught
me to love.”
“I feel that the Holy Spirit has touched our lives by leading us to our house and a new, better
“He has given me the strength to lead a Bible study”
“Answered prayer request to set aside worries and distractions in church so I can grow and
“Love and support (concern) from church family. Food brought to the house many times.”
“A thank you to all the people who helped and did things for me and my family during my
“After prayers we received our children that we since have adopted.”
“The Holy Spirit has brought me through my life, always knowing its presence is with me and
there is love and hope for me to receive and to give.”
A word from our Parish Nurse……….
What is Parish Nursing, or as we call it now Faith Community Nursing???? It is a good and
complicated question.
First it was started by a Lutheran Minister named Granger Westberg in Park Ridge, Illinois.
He wanted to combine churches and medical clinics. He wanted clergy and doctors and
nurses to work together providing holistic care to the members. Prayer centered care added
in with science based care.
Remember every church is different, and Lena UMC is unique and has needs unlike any other
church. My plans are to collect data, which I did in the survey, then form a group to
brainstorm health related programs.
I want everyone associated with the Lena UMC to know that I am available for a call or visit
anytime if you just have a concern or question. I can make an appointment to see you, but
although the pastor has given me a file drawer in his office, I do not have a office of my own at
church. My phone number is 815-541-4203. You can call for emotion support, physical needs
or spiritual needs. I want to help anyway I can.
I would visit with, or without, the pastor for hospital visits or postoperative visits. I am here
for mental health or grief problems as I have experience in both areas of nursing.
My history in nursing may be of interest to you. I graduated as an LPN in 1979 and worked at
St Clare in Monroe orthopedics. Then went back to school and received my RN in 1985. I
worked in Monroe Hospital in inpatient Psych for 4 years, Medical, Surgical for 6 years, and
floated to the OB, Nursery, ICU, and ER, leaving in July 1998. I continued to work at the
hospital on availability status but also went to outpatient mental health clinic in 1998 where I
met your pastor. LOL, he worked there, too. In 2005, worked for the state of Wisconsin as a
RN in a long term care center for the profoundly mentally disabled and handicapped, until
2013. Now I sub occasionally for the Freeport school district.
I have found all my work rewarding. Please call for any needs you see for yourself or in the
Thank you.
Kathryn LeBaron RN
Lena UMC Youth and Children’s Summer Ministry Happenings
Gather in Community – Grow in Faith – Go to Serve Others
Youth Worship Services
Only offered on these special summer dates: June 7th, July 26th, August 23rd
Open to all students
Students will be dismissed part way through the Sunday morning worship service to attend a worship time
geared more towards young people. Participate in music, activities, and discussions about faith with other kids
your age! This summer we will only be holding these services once a month, and will be doing something
unique at each one. For our June 7th service join us as we experience worship at a neighboring church and talk
about the similarities and differences in the way that our brothers and sisters in Christ choose to worship God!
Youth Mini Golfing
Sunday, June 7th, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Open to students who will be going into grades 6-12
Kick off summer right as we celebrate some favorite Lena destinations. We’ll head to Lions Park for a round of
mini golf, hang out in the park for some ultimate Frisbee or just be silly on the playground, and then grab some
ice cream at the Lena Drive In! No charge, all are welcome! Please RSVP to Christin by Wednesday, June 3rd
Outdoor Worship, Brunch, and Pool Party
Sunday, June 21st, 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Open to all students, adults, and families!!!
Join us on Sunday, June 21st for the 2nd annual outdoor worship service at Lion’s Park. Worship will be at the
usual time of 9:00 am, but we’ll have the chance to worship God amidst His beautiful creation! Following
worship there will be a congregational brunch and time for fellowship together. This is a fun, family-friendly
event you are not going to want to miss!
1. We will be having children's worship on Sunday June 7th but will be staying at our church as normal for a
service of games and trivia instead of traveling to a neighboring church as the newsletter states (we will save that
trip for August)
2. At this point we are NOT planning to include a pool party as a part of the outdoor worship service on June
Also stay tuned for more details about these other awesome events coming up later this summer…
Tuesday, July 21st
10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Youth Trip to Magic Waters
Sunday, July 26th – Thursday, July 30th
VBS with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Friday, August 7th – Sunday August, 9th
Teens Encounter Christ Retreat
Dinner served at 5:00, programming from 6:00 – 8:00 pm
Sunday, August 16th
2:00 – 4:00 pm (tentative)
Elementary Kids Wet and Wild Fun Day
Have questions or want to get involved?
Please do not hesitate to talk to me!
Christin Flucke, Youth Ministry Director
Phone: 920-273-5963
Email: cflucke12@gmail.com
2015 Youth Mission Trip Update
What: Youth Mission Trip
Who: 7 youth and 3 adults
Where: Chicago, IL
When: June 28th – July 3rd, 2015
Why: To grow in faith and in community with one another
and to live out our Christian calling to love and serve others the way Jesus did
It is so exciting to think that our youth mission trip is just a few short weeks away!
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has helped to support this trip over the last several
months through our various fundraising efforts! We greatly appreciate your investment in our
youth and in those we will have the opportunity to serve in Chicago. This trip would not be
possible without you!
Even though our fundraising for the trip has come to an end, we still invite you to journey with us
through our final few weeks of preparation by continuing to lift our trip and all of the
participants up in prayer. Pray that God will be present in our final team meetings and in our
conversations with CSM (our coordinating organization) as we finalize all the details. Pray for
those going on the trip and for all those that we will meet throughout our journey. Pray that
hearts and minds would be open to the incredible experiences that are waiting for us in Chicago.
And most of all, pray that not only during our mission trip week, but each and every day we
would each find ways to answer the call to love and serve like Jesus!
We also invite you to join us on Sunday, June 28th for a special blessing and sending of our team
during the morning worship service. Following worship that day, our team will load up the vans
and head to Chicago for what is sure to be an incredible week of learning and service. Also, we
tentatively plan to have a special trip presentation for the congregation on Sunday July 26th,
during which we will be able to share with you some pictures, video clips, and personal stories
from the participants. It is our hope that, although we aren’t able to take you all along with us to
Chicago, this will give you a glimpse of what we were able to experience thanks to your gifts of
prayer and financial support. So please consider joining us in our journey through your prayers
and attendance at both of these special services.
Many thanks,
The 2015 Youth Mission Trip Team
Our condolences go to the family and friends of:
TJ Gilley, Charlotte Snow, Glenn Rauschenberger, Scott Rider and Russell Eilders.
Glenn’s son:
Robert Rauschenberger
2636 S. Homer Lake Road
Homer, IL 61849
Pray for Healing ... Anthony Welt, Espenanzia Williams, Ray Spielmann, Norma Streeb,
Kevin Davis, Audrey Adleman, Bill & Kathy Dixon, Jerry & Joan Kempel, Ron Buchenau
In treatment: Les Prince, Darlene Kossar, Marvin Kempel, Melissa LeBaron, Eleanor Flynn,
Christine Dayton, Anna Hancock, Rhonda Hooker
June Servants
6/7 Roberta Rogers
6/14 Jackie Edler
6/21 Gary Rich
6/28 Sally Buchenau
6/7 David & Joanne Gruendler
6/14 Wayne & Olga Benson
6/21 Beulah Haeft & Pat Phillips
6/28 Beulah Haeft & LaVone Gabel
Video Tech
6/7 Lisa Dascher
6/14 Elaine Williams
6/21 Marv Kempel
6/28 Cathy Rich
6/7 Elaine Williams
6/14 Kristie Flynn
6/21 Janet Lobdell
6/28 Jackie Edler
6/7 Kathryn LeBaron & Tracey Williams
6/14 Bert Rogers & Cathy Rich
6/21 church in the park, with brunch
following the service
6/28 Jackie Edler & Eleanor Holmes
Text & Testimony
6/7 Elaine Williams
6/14 Kathy LeBaron
6/21 Randy Kryder & Tom Edler
6/28 Sally Buchenau
Giving Update
In an effort to keep our congregation better informed, about the financial affairs that support
the mission and ministry of the church, we will be publishing ongoing summaries of our
balance statement. We have detailed financial reports available and our Finance Committee
can address any inquiries. Thus, we are starting with the publication of our first quarter actual
income to projected budget income balance. Our budget was approved last fall at our Annual
Church Conference. As we look forward to spring and summer, let us keep persevering and
remain consistent and faithful in the giving of our tithes and offerings.
Pastor Brian LeBaron
Income to Budget YTD - January through May 17, 2015
Actual Income
Budgeted Income
For anyone wishing to receive his or her newsletter by email in the future, please send the
email address that you would like the newsletter sent to, to the church at
lenaumc@mchsi.com. The office will save your email address and add you to the list of those
receiving email newsletters. Thank you.
June Birthdays
David Etnyre, Murry Lobdell
Scott Heitkam, Kendra Setterstrom
Kara Thomasson
Nancy Etnyre, Michael Liphart,
Dan Todd
Sharon Schwartz
Casey Roenneburg
Nancy Price
Eric Korte, Drew Rogers
Sylvia Vehmeier
Curt Goeke
Betty Daws
Gretchen Heitkam
Jr. Dascher
Gary Schwartz
Susan Bussian, Mick Flynn,
Kade Lobdell, Steve Rothschadl
Harold Meeker
Rory Schulz
Joanne Snyder
Bob Boyer, Andrea Hicks
Jim & Cheryl Hartney,
Jeff & Connie Stamm
Art & LaVone Gabel,
Stephen & Jenica Roenneburg
Kim & Nancy Lobdell
Betty & Bruce Daws,
Kim & Larry Nelson,
Laverne & Marcia Pax
Doug & Lori Robieson
Dick & Kara Thomasson
Pete & Allie Brown
Darin & Tammy Wybourn
Doug & Connie Kempel
Scott & Gretchen Heitkam
Dean & Barb Gerbick
Matt & Kathy Phillips
Doug & Darlene Pauley,
Gary & Aileen Schreiner
Thank You’s
On behalf of all of our staff and guests here at the Rockford Rescue Mission thank you
for our recent donation.
Your gifts help us care for hundreds of men, women and children who are homeless and
struggling with some of life’s most difficult challenges. Many have come to us with little
more than the clothes on their backs and must temporarily rely on the Mission for all their
basic needs.
Thank you again for your kindness and compassion. Your generosity is truly a blessing to
our ministry, God bless you.
Sherry Pitney
Executive Director
Thank you to Pat Phillips, Beulah Haeft, Donald and Elsie Lobdell for their help on this
June newsletter!
The entire congregation would like to extend a huge Thank You to Eleanor Holmes!
We all love the ‘goodies’ and fellowship that we are offered after Sunday morning worship.
But, without Eleanor, and the ladies who volunteer to bake (or shop), we would not be
enjoying that time. Eleanor assures that there are volunteers each week to bring the
goodies, AND she is here every Sunday making the coffee and cold drinks, or finding
someone to fill in for her on the rare occasion that she is not here.
The next time you see Eleanor, say thank you to her. In addition, the next Sunday you are
enjoying a delicious sweet and a hot cup of coffee – remember that without Eleanor you
would not be savoring that moment!
What is a Grief Support Group?
It is a group of persons who have each experienced an emotionally painful loss of a beloved
person, place or thing. There is no judgment that one person’s grief is more significant
than another person’s. So someone who has lost a pet or beloved collection of letters is
given the same attention and support as a widow or widower. The opportunity to openly
talk with people who understand the pain of grief is the best aid to learning how to live with
grief. Grief does not go away over time because love never quits, and grief is frustrated
The group is led by a trained and certified Grief Support Facilitator, who guides the group
to stay focused on attentive listening to one another as well as openly sharing their personal
story of grief. A signed agreement to keep everything said in the group strictly confidential
is the only requirement for participation.
Lena United Methodist Church offers an open Grief Support Group on the
second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. A Greeter will be at the West entrance
(across from the parking lot) to direct you to the meeting room. The next meeting will be
on June 9th.
Heal Grief Support Group through the Monroe Clinic
HEAL grief and education group offers sessions open to anyone 18 yrs and older who has
experienced the death of someone special.
Six week sessions: June 3 through July 8
Wednesday s from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at:
Monroe Clinic Hospice, St. Camillus Center
2101 Sixth Street, Monroe, WI 53566
There is no cost to attend. Space is limited, so please register by calling 608-324-1230 or
800-367-8406. More information is on their website www.monroeclinic.org.
Strawberry Social
St. Joseph’s annual Strawberry Social in Lena, IL. On June 10, 2015 from 4:30 pm to 7:00
pm at the new St. Joseph’s Hall, 410 W Lena Street, Lena, IL.
The menu consists of whole hog roast, BBQ, baked beans, potato salad, strawberry pie,
Sundaes, and strawberry shortcake. Whole pies are available also for purchase. We hope
you and your family can come for a good meal. Carry outs are welcome.
Thank you!
St. Joseph’s Parish
Lena Living Center June Community activities
Wed. June 3rd at 2:00 Afternoon Coffee Break at the Lena Mercantile Eatery. Enjoy a
piece of pie/dessert and a beverage compliments of Lena Living Center. RSVP to
Wed. June 17th from 5:00-6:00 pm. Community Supper. No cost or obligation—just good
food and good fellowship. All ages welcome. Doll Apartment community Room. 1008 S.
Logan, Lena, Il. Right next door to the Lena Living Center.
Thursday, June 25th is Senior Bingo Day. Complimentary Lunch at 12:30 pm and Bingo
with fun and prizes begins at 1:30 p.m. Both events held at the Doll Apartment
Community Room, 1008 S. Logan, Lena, Il. Right next door to the Lena Living Center.
Annual Rummage Sale
Saturday $1 Bag
JUNE 18, 19 & 20
First United Methodist Church
503 North Lily Creek Road
Freeport, IL 61032
Thursday & Friday
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Save the date for Vacation Bible School
Sunday, July 26th through Thursday, July 30th
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church *
5:00 PM dinner served at Lena UMC
Join your friends for Fun, Food, Learning and Music.
* A family Pool Party will be held on the last night at 8:oo PM *
At First United Methodist Church
503 Lily Creek Road, Freeport, IL 61032
Wednesday, JUNE 24, 2015, TIME: 6:00 P.M.
Bring table service and one salad for every 2-3 attending.
Beverage, rolls, and dessert will be furnished.
Children and youth are welcome to attend!
Handicapped Accessible
June 2015
8 PM - AA
9AM - Worship
9:15 AM - Youth
10AM Fellowship
10:30 AM Adult SS
6:30 PM –
8 PM - AA
1 PM - Quilters
1 PM - Quilters
7 PM –
Grief Support
11 am - Youth
Mission Trip
2-4 pm – Youth
Mini Golfing
6 PM - Bible
study @ Kryder’s
6:30 PM - Bible
9AM –
Baptism of
Audra Goecke
10AM Fellowship
10:30 AM Adult SS
8 PM – AA
Father’s Day
9AMWorship at
Lion’s Park
10:30 AM Brunch in the
Pool party for
7 PM Stagecoach
9AM Worship
10AM Fellowship
10:30 AM Adult SS
8 PM – AA
1 PM - Quilters
9:45 AM Hymn Sing
2 pm – LLC
Afternoon Coffee
Break at the
Lena Mercantile
6 PM – Monroe
Clinic Grief
Group Session
1-4 PM Lion’s
Screening bus at
LUMC – free
1 PM Elizabeth
1 PM – Quilters
8 AM – Men’s
9:30 AM – UMW
Lunch & Outing
10:30 am –
1:30 pm AJ’s Youth
10 AM - Bible
Study @
4:30 – 7 PM –
St Joseph’s
6 PM – Monroe
Clinic Grief
Group Session
6:30 – Hannah’s
5 -6 pm – LLC
6 PM – UMW
District Salad
6 PM – Monroe
Clinic Grief
Group Session
6PM - Food &
Fun Potluck
6:45 Am – Men’s
Bible Study @
8 am – 4 pm –
First UMC
rummage sale
8 am – 4 pm –
First UMC
rummage sale
1:00 PM –
1:30 pm – LLC
Senior Bingo day
1 PM – Quilters
8 PM - AA
6 PM – Monroe
Clinic Grief
Group Session
6:30 PM –
Bazaar Craft
Youth Mission Youth Mission Youth Mission Youth Mission Youth Mission Youth Mission
Trip to
Trip to
Trip to
Trip to
Trip to
Trip to
8 am – noon – First
UMC rummage sale
UMW News:
We had our Mother-Daughter-Sister-Friend luncheon on May 2nd. Lots of good food and
desserts. We didn’t have any luck getting outside entertainment this year, so we entertained
ourselves. (Thanks for the suggestion Christin.) We played some games: Left/Right game
had us passing an envelope left and right as being read from a story. The winner at each
table got the beautiful flower center pieces that were made by Sally Buchenau. Purse game
had everyone emptying their purses of items mentioned until only one person had the last
item mentioned. Then we played some games of memory sayings. Our last game was Barn
Yard Bingo. You wrote down a farm animal and 4 numbers. When any of your numbers
were called you made the sound of the farm animal you wrote down. When you got all 4 of
your numbers you stood up and made your animal sound. We had some mighty strange
sounding animals. Some were shy and some a little more boisterous. We gave the game
winners Lena Money and note pads. I think everyone had a good time. We’re always telling
our kids to go entertain themselves, so I think we proved that we can entertain ourselves
too. Thank you to Pastor Brian, Larry & Ron Buchenau , Dwayne Robieson and Brad Moore
for serving us and cleaning up.
Our new group, Hannah’s Helpers started May 13th. Our first project was to decorate sugar
cookies as a group for the Lena Blood Drive. I baked the cookies. Judy made the frosting.
Then we had everyone else do the decorating. This is what life should be about, getting
together with friends and doing fun things. Next meeting we will work on the heart pillow
project for Hospice. If you know of a project that can be done for our community or around
Stephenson County, let Judy Buchenau, Eleanor Holmes, Pat Edler, Tam Kryder or me
know. We will certainly take the project under consideration. We are trying to encourage
women who like to work on physical projects to join us.
We have made a couple of changes to our UMW program booklet. We will be having a
regular meeting on Aug. 3rd, instead of a “Mystery Outing”. We will still have our regular
meeting on Sept. 5th also. We are going to try planning a Mystery Outing for Sept. 18th or
19th. Save those dates.
The next UMW meeting is our Lunch & Outing on June 6th, 9:30. We will have a short
meeting here at church and then we are going to Vince’s Italian Restaurant in Monroe. You
can enjoy a day of shopping and exploring our Wisc. neighbor.
So we can make reservations, please let one of us know if you will plan on going with us:
Judy B.
Cindy K.
Hope you’ll join us.
Maryanne Gritzmaker, UMW president
Council Meeting
Tuesday May 12th, 2015, 6:30 p.m.
Attendance: Pastor Brian, Judy Buchenau, Cathy Rich, Gary Rich, Larry Nelson, Vera Kempel,
Cindy Kerchner, Pat Edler, Wayne Benson, Eleanor Holmes and Maryanne Gritzmaker
Meeting opened with prayer by Pastor Brian.
Pastor Brian: Told us about Rev. Vijaya Babu and his Love & Compassion Ministries. Gave us an
article of the ministry. Gave the results of our Cure for the Common Church survey. We need to
reach out to the community more. Endeavor to be a church of newness and except people no matter
what their backgrounds are. Passed out an article on America’s changing religious landscape.
Committee Reports:
Eleanor - membership – reviewed visitor list. Starting a class for people who would like to join our
church. Class will be on May 31st, 10:30 following our church service. See what they expect from
the church. Also, invite spouses of members who are not members themselves. Church Growth
Forum May 30th at Lena Community Center 9-11:00.
• Van committee - talked to Barkau about a 2007 Chevy or Ford van. They said they could get
us one anytime for around $11,000.
• Carpet committee – Carpeting with ½”pad $2,776.31. UMW will pay $2,000 of it. Maybe
the Knitters & Knotters would pay $350 and will ask Food & Fun to pay $350. Pat Edler
motioned to purchase the Carpet and Gary Rich second it – motion passed.
• It was suggested to buy a cart for the Clavanova for $200-400. Check with Lisa Stich about
using money from the Finkenbinder Fund, which was given for music items.
• Looking into using a Smart TV system for the pulpit, so people in that area can see what
everyone else is seeing on the pull down screen. Talked about using the TV from the youth
room upstairs while the room is being revamped to see how the project works before
purchasing one.
• Vacuum cleaners are in for repairs. Jennifer is using a Back Pack Vac that was donated.
• Dwayne Robieson offered to assist with repairing the window casings in the small bathroom
and the nursery.
• Church could use a shop vacuum for bigger projects.
• Got the estimate for landscaping the front of the church with Holland stone edgers and
adding mulch. $850 to be paid for with money from Ham Loaf Supper.
• Will be inventorying church properties – last audit was in 2010. Lavonne will audit the
• Checking on loose electrical socket and steeple light.
• Move one (or both) of the old cabinets in the adult Sunday school room to the attic.
• Remodel of bathroom – remove the stalls, install one lift toilet, new sink & cabinet, put in
new stalls with outward swinging doors -$3000.
Boiler repair $100. Elevator repair $700. Lawn treatment $268. Ackerman adding coolant to big
refrigerator - $$$. Repair of lawnmower - $$$.
Wayne – Staff parish meeting on May 19th annual review.
Gary – Budget concerns – need wiser spending, put budget amounts in the bulletin weekly.
Lena Lion’s asked to use our parking lot for their pork chop dinners at Fall Festival and to use our
fellowship hall for serving the meals. A motion was made by Larry to allow them to use it, if that is
what they decide to do. Motion was second by Wayne. Motion was passed.
Meeting was ended with a prayer by Pastor Brian
Next meeting is Tuesday, July 14th, 2015 at 6:30
Meeting adjourned with prayer at 9:00 p.m.
Mary Anne Gritzmaker, secretary