15.8.15 Serving us today and next Sunday.... Worship Leader TODAY NEXT SUNDAY Ruth Thomas John Bleyerveen Music Phil Rooke Reader Perce Marland Welcome Elder Louise Mattay Vestry Elder Iris Swan Door Stewards Prayers of the People Delma Marland Announcements Kathy Garland Flowers Lorraine White June Marks &Kay Callow Morning Tea Serving us this month Offering Lawn Stephen White Allan Counters Daniel Krueger Mowing Callow Diana White Perce Marland Iris Swan Michael Slinn Frank Lumley & Stephen White Ruth Thomas Kathy Garland Betty Allen ? Communion Elders Frank, Peggy Iris Activities of Leura Uniting Church Sunday Morning Worship - 9.15am Kids Connection - 9.15am - during school term. Contact: Liz McIntyre 4784 3095 Taizé Service - 5.30pm - fourth Sunday of each month M onday Thursday Quiet Reflection - 1pm in Church. Contact: Rev Louise Mattay 47822931. Leura Singers - 7.30-9pm. Contact: Jim Tulip 4758 8104 Primary Learning Support Centre 3.15pm TBAKat UC Playtime - 10am-12noon during school term. Contact: Rev John Bleyerveen 0416 307 133 Tuesday Open Table- 11am-1pm in Katoomba Hall. Contact: Alison Croft 4757 4394 KUCA Club (K-6) - 3:30-5:15pm - during school term. Contact: Lorraine White 4784 2160 W ednesday Primary Learning Support Centre - 3.15pm at Katoomba UC. Contact: Kay Callow 4757 1423 Recordings of the Leura Services are available to anyone who may wish to hear them. Please contact one of the Elders. Friday Open Table Evening Meal - 4.00-6.30pm- last Friday of each month in Katoomba Hall. Contact: Jenny Bradford 4757 1494 Ritz Nursing Home Service - 10.15am first Friday of month Priority One - (Yrs7-12) (twice-a-month) Contact: Diana White 0404 040 748 Saturday Leisure Learning - Sew & Chat - 10am-2pm in church hall (2nd Saturday of month). Bev Plaizier 4757 2580/Pat Slinn 4759 2668 Editor Louise Mattay 4782 2931 lmattay@bigpond.com Bulletin Deadline Wednesday 8pm Cnr Grose & Megalong Sts, Leura Palm Sunday 29 March, ‘15 Marching Orders In their thought provoking book, “The Last Week” Dominic Crossan and Marcus Borg contrast the Palm Sunday peaceful march of Jesus and his followers, coming into the city, Jerusalem, from one direction, with another procession, that of Pontius Pilate heading a Roman legion coming in from the other. Guess work, but pretty likely as the local garrison would have needed strengthening at this time of religious festival. Jesus’ last week was one in which the God kingdom of peace came head-to-head with the Empire kingdom of force and might, represented by Pilate, his legion and the Jerusalem religious elite. The trick question on taxes has Jesus ask for a coin, a denarius on which there would have been the inscription: : “Tiberius Caesar, son of God.” The answer: “give to the Emperor what belongs to him and to God, the things that belong to God,” is a carefully worded challenge to the Empire kingdom of power. In modern times, peaceful marches from Gandhi’s salt march in 1930, to the Civil Rights Marches led by Martin Luther King in the 1960’s, to the Australian Palm Sunday Marches in the 1980’s are ways in which the God Kingdom of justice and peace has given the empire Kingdom of power and domination its marching orders. Bill Thomas A warm welcome to worship today, especially to any visitors among us. We want to be a Church which encourages worship for all ages. At the conclusion of Morning Worship please join us for fellowship and a chat over morning tea in the hall. Minister Rev John Bleyerveen 0416 307 133 What's happening.... March Mon 30 Church Council 7.30pm Congregation Chairperson Kathy Garland 4757 2634 Congregation Secretary Stephen White 4784 2160 Congregation Treasurer Kerry Jordan 4784 3051 Website April Thur Fri Sun Sun Sun 2 Maundy Thursday service 7.30pm 3 Good Friday service 8am 5 Easter Sunrise Service 6am 5 Breakfast 7am 5 Easter Day Service 9.15am Sat 11 Living is Giving Stall Tues 21 Elders Meeting 10am at Slinn’s Sun 26 Congregation Meeting after church Dates for your diary: Mel Macarthur’s next Communion Service on Mt. Solitary – Sat 18 April departing from Leura Uniting Church at 8.30am Rev. John O Martin’s Closure of Ministry Service –Thurs 30 April Springwood Uniting Church at 10.30am – see noticeboard for details Bikes for Asylum Seekers! Teenagers and younger asylum seekers are desperately seeking bikes, to give them greater mobility. Please contact George Winston on bmrsg@aapt.net.au or 4782 7866 if you can help with any type of bike. Also wanted: Winter clothing, nappies and baby toiletries May Sun 24 Reminder! Read Ecclesiastes beforehand! leura.unitingchurch.org.au Palm Sunday & Easter Day Bible Readings 29 March ‘15 This week…PalmSunday Next Week …Easter Day Is 50:4 – 9a Phil 2:5 – 11 Ps 118:1-2,19-29 Mk 11:1-11 Acts 10: 34 – 43 Ps 118:1-2, 14-24 1 Cor 15: 1 – 11 Mark 16:1 - 8 Congratulations and best wishes to Stephanie Garland who celebrates her 21 st birthday today! For our thoughts and prayers… There will be an election for Elders and ChurchApril Councillors at the Congregational Sun 5 Easter Service meeting on Sunday 26 April. Nominations close Sunrise before the service6am on Sunday 11 April. Tues21 See Stephen White for nomination forms.Elders Meeting 10am at Slinn’s Ellie’s Ordination One could not fail to be impressed and inspired by Ellie’s Ordination Service at Burwood Uniting Church last Sunday. A cheerful throng of enthusiastic supporters, both old and young, filled the dignified, old sandstone building, which must have gladdened the hearts of all those who had gone before, the “faithful departed” now around the heavenly throne! Supported by a lively band, Adrian White’s “Rads” led the singing, with just the right balance of reverence and rhythm to please the young and not be a “turnoff” for the not-so-young traditionalists (like myself!) Ellie, playing her part with confidence and conviction, was warmly supported by those officiating (mainly ordained women) who carried the ancient liturgy with all the dignity and respect our 2000 years old Christian tradition merits. Our new Moderator, the Rev Myung Hwa Park, who preached the sermon, highlighted the multi-cultural composition of the assembled gathering. I, for one, felt privileged to be amongst those, who, in this deeply secular age, took such genuine delight in the setting apart of a beautiful, young woman to serve the Risen Lord. Ed. FOR THE HARD OF HEARING, OUR CHURCH IS FITTED WITH A HEARING AID LOOP Sun 26 Congregational Meeting after church The Who’s Who church directory is being updated. If you are missing from the directory or your phone numbers, address or email have changed please see Stephen White. A warm welcome to Leura Singers contributing to our worship this morning. They will present John Rutter’s The Lord is my Shepherd Other nearby Uniting Churches... Katoomba - Sunday Worship 9am - Contact: Joan Fell 4758 8295 Blackheath - Sunday Worship 10.30am - Contact: Bob Hendy 4787 7007 Hazelbrook - Sunday Worship 9.30am Website http://leura.unitingchurch.org.au/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LeuraUnitingChurch
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