图书馆信息简报 2012 年 第 2 期 ( 总 第 42 期 ) 北京服装学院图书馆 信息简报 本期要目 本馆简讯 服务推荐 资源介绍 第2期 北京服装学院图书馆编印 L I B R A R 新书通报 201 2 年 6 月 责任编辑:信息部 Y B U L L E T I N 图书馆“分享、信任、传播”读书月活动落下帷幕 图书馆 2012 年度读书月活动圆满结束,6 月 14 日,在图 书馆大厅举行了本次活动的总结暨颁奖仪式。 本次活动由图书漂流活动和在线有奖知识竞赛两部分组 成。其中有 60 名读者参与投漂,27 名读者登记传漂。在线有 奖知识竞赛答题 246 人,有效答卷 204 份。 一二三等奖和幸运奖在符合抽奖资格的读者中随机抽取, 另外还评选了若干热心读者奖和热心图书漂流奖。 图书馆参加第十三届教职工运动会取得优异成绩 4 月 26 日下午,由校工会精心组织筹备的第十三届教 职工运动会在校操场拉开帷幕。 图书馆全体馆员积极参与到本次运动会中,运动场上, 图书馆运动员们认真比赛,顽强拼搏,捷报频传;运动场边, 图书馆拉拉队员们为运动员加油助威,做好后勤。值得一提 的是,图书馆在集体项目“2 分钟踢毽比赛”中不负众望, 以绝对优势取得第一名的好成绩。 图书馆举办“CALIS 三期建设项目访问馆员子项 目”学习心得交流会 5 月 17 日下午,我馆举办了“CALIS 三期建设项目 访问馆员子项目” 学习心得交流会。 我馆学科馆员黎焰通过申请和严格筛选,获得了 CALIS(中国高等教育文献保障系统)三期建设项目访问 馆员子项目培训资格,在中山大学图书馆进行了为期五周 的访问学习,此次交流会由黎焰老师与全馆老师分享交流 学习心得。 —— 1 —— 图书馆信息简报 2012 年 第 2 期 ( 总 第 42 期 ) 图书馆外版艺术图书阅览室的图书即将由 原来半开架的借阅模式改为全开架;排架方法 由主题排架改为按《中图法》排架。 开架阅览加科学实用的排架,可更加方便 读者查找、使用,从而更大地发挥文献的使用 效益。 目前崭新的书架已全部安装完毕,所有图 书也按照新的排架方法按步就班地整齐上架 中。现在,该阅览室正以崭新的面貌迎接着各 位读者的到来。 先睹为快:来图书馆四层(B405) 在 2012 年读书月活动期间,图书馆于 5 月 9 日、5 月 11 日,组织了两次图书现场投漂活动。 图书馆在食堂门前设置了现场投漂点,投漂 点向经过的师生分发有关读书月活动和图书漂流 的宣传单,让更多的师生了解并参与到活动中来。 同时,投漂点在现场接受师生拿过来参与漂 流的图书,并回赠小礼品。 图书馆将把图书漂流活动长期开展下去,欢 迎全校师生积极参与。 如何投漂图书?将图书交付图书馆采编部 (一层 B106)登记即可。 2012 年 4 月—6 月,图书馆开展了“BALIS 馆际互借/原文传递宣传月”活动,这次活动主要 有如下几个特点:1.长线进行-活动时间相对较 长,宣传方式也采用细水长流的态势,将馆际互 借和原文传递的服务宣传揉进日常工作中;2.无 微不至-活动期间,采用各种方式向读者普及馆际 互借和原文传递的基本知识,随时解答读者各种 相关疑问;3.紧密合作-此次活动,图书馆流通阅 览部和信息部齐心协力,共同推进工作。 如何享用这些服务?见【图书馆主页】—【读 者服务】栏目下的“馆际互借”和“文献传递” 。 —— 2 —— 图书馆信息简报 “北京服装学院机构知 识库”旨在收集我校专家、 学者、教职员工们发表的学 术论著、设计作品、科研成 果及其他各类作品,并对其 进行整理和加工,为校内外 读者提供查询和阅览服务。 由于本知识库处于建设初期阶段,并且是边建设边服务,欢迎 大家多提宝贵意见,提供或推荐各类已发表的作品,以便不断完善 我们的知识库,力争使她成为记录和展现北服人风采的一个特别园 地,成为国内外读者了解北京服装学院的一个窗口。 访问: 【图书馆网站首页】-【数字资源】-【特色数据库】 2012 年 第 2 期 ( 总 第 42 期 ) 第一届『图书馆杯北京大学 生英语口说大赛』圆满落下帷幕。 我校获得最佳组织奖。外语 系 2009 级本科的杨澜获得三等 奖,外语系 2009 级本科的张蕾、 郭 伊 心 , 服装 艺 术与 工程 学 院 2010 级本科的龚子丹获得优秀 奖。此次大赛由“MyET”组织, 欢迎大家继续使用“MyET 英语 多媒体资源库” 。 利用途径:【图书馆网站首 页】-【数字资源】-【试用数据库】 图书馆新增 试用数据库 图书馆新开通了一些数据库的试 用,欢迎读者利用并填写推荐表。 1. 外刊资源服务系统(FPD) ; 2. 智 舍 外 文 博 硕 士 论 文 服 务 系 统 FDTS; 3. 读览天下(包括网站试用和 WAP 版试用) ; 4. NoteFirst 文献管理软件。 „„ „„ 点击【图书馆网站首页】-【数字 资源】-【试用数据库】下能看到相关 试用数据库和“ 《试用数据库推荐表》” “VERS 维普考试资源系 统”新近更新了考试资源,增加 考试题 8345 套,欢迎读者使用。 “VERS 维普考试资源系统” 是维普资讯专门为高等院校开发的集日常学习、考前练习、在线考 试等功能于一体的教育资源库系统软件。目前包括“公务员专辑”、 “职业资格专辑”、 “工程专辑”、 “法 律专辑” 、 “语言专辑” 、 “计算机专辑” 、 “经济专辑” 、“医学专辑”、 “研究生专辑”和“综合类专辑”。 利用途径, 【图书馆网站首页】 - 【数字资源】 - 【多媒体学习库】-“VERS 维普考试资源系统” 。 —— 3 —— 图书馆信息简报 2012 年 第 2 期 ( 总 第 42 期 ) 题名 : 《佐藤可士和的经营术》 作者 : 佐藤悦子 译者: 夏淑仪 ISBN : 7805888647, 9787805888644 出版 : 甘肃人民美术出版社; 2011 简介 : 如何把概念价值直观灌输给大众?如何在实现个人创意的同时让客 户买账?如何把个人风格打造成强势品牌?佐藤可士和又一重磅作品简体中文 版引进!看设计天才如何传授经营之道! 索书号: TB472/337 典藏情况: (即将上架) 艺术书刊阅览室(B412)1 本;中外文书库 2 本。 《奈良美智用小刀划开》 作者: 奈良美智 译者: 姜涛; 林少华 ISBN: 9787538551044, 7538551042 出版: 北方妇女儿童出版社; 2011 简介:奈良美智唯一一次以诗歌倾诉 的灵魂,中文版首发问世! 索书号: J238.2/52 典藏情况:(即将上架)艺术书刊阅览 室(B412) 《植物设计师应用手册》 作者: 周厚高 ISBN: 9787214078322 出版:江苏人民出版社; 2012 简介:按造景功能对园林植物进行分 类,内容既有植物形态特征、习性介 绍,又有景观特征、园林应用说明。 分类号: TU986.2-62 典藏情况: 即将上架 《中国版画史图录》 作者: 郑振铎 ISBN: 9787514902273 出版: 中国书店; 2012 简介:我国版画,歙人黄、刘 诸氏所刊,流丽工致,极见意 匠。十竹斋所刊昼谱,实臻彩 色版画最精至美之境。 典藏情况: 即将上架 《Sympathisch und natürlich wohnen》 作者:Skandinavisch einfach 语言: German ISBN-10: 3421038287 ISBN-13: 978-3421038289 出 版 : Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt;2010 典藏情况:即将上架 《中国面料时尚流行花样总汇》 著者:浙江绍兴光辉制版有限公司设计研发中心编 ISBN: 9787514902273 出版: 中国美术学院出版社; 2012 简介:该书扎根纺织面料流行趋势的前沿,内容主要包括服装面料、皮革箱包 材料、家纺服装面料三大版块。编辑入册的时尚流行花样主要有灵动、写意、 独一无二的原创设计,欧美的年度最新流行和历史沉淀三大类。 分类号: TS941.4 典藏情况: 敬请关注,即将上架 —— 4 —— (201206) 北京服装学院 2011 年科技文献被世界著名检索工具收录情况 20 Recordings SCIENCE CITATION INDEX 1.PREPARATION AND TECHNOLOGY STUDY OF FLEXIBLE ....... / Dai Guoliang, Xiao Hong; Wang Hao; Shi Meiwu; Xu Jian; Li Xin 2.Concerted or Stepwise Hydrogen Transfer in the Transfer Hydrogenation ....... /Guo, Xiaojia; Tang, Yanhui; Zhang, Xin; Lei, Ming 3.Electrospun Fiber Membranes of Novel ...... / Cao, Ding; Fu, Zhifeng; Li, Congju 4.Ditantalum Dinitrogen Complex: Reaction of H-2 Molecule with …… / Zhang, Wenchao; Tang, Yanhui; Lei, Ming; Morokuma, Keiji; Musaev, Djamaladdin G. 5.Static and Dynamic Mechanical Properties ...... / Liu, Haiming; Wang, Rui; Xu, Xi 6.Study on Hydrothermal Stability and Catalytic Activity of ...... /Fu Jiquan; Li Meng 7.Preparation and Magnetic Properties of …/ Li Cong-Ju; Zhang Lian-Lian; Wang Jiao-Na 8.Heat and compression molded electrospun poly ...... / Cao, Ding; Fu, Zhifeng; Li, Congju 9.Controlled Preparation of Porous Polysulfone Monolith Via Concentrated....... /Le, Yechen; Zhang, Chen; Li, Hangquan; Du, Zhongjie; Li, Congju 10.Morphology, Crystallization , and Mechanical Properties of Poly(ethylene...... / Zhu, Zhiguo; Wang, Rui; Dong, Zhenfeng; Huang, Xiuqin; Zhang, Dasheng 11.A constructive approach toward a parametric / Xiu, Yi; Wan, Zhen-Kai; Cao, Wen 12.Microstructure and Magnetic Property of M-Type SrRE(x)Fe(12-x)O(19) by Sol-Gel Method ...... / Li, Cong-Ju; Wang, Jiao-Na; Li, Xiu-Yan; Gong, Jian Ru 13.Cell adhesive and growth behavior on electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds...... / Cao, Ding; Wu, Yi-Pan; Fu, Zhi-Feng; Tian, Yuan; Li, Cong-Ju; Gao, Chun-Ying; Chen, Zhong-Liang; Feng, Xi-Zeng 14.Zn-Mn-O heterostructures: Study on preparation, magnetic ...... / Li Cong-Ju; Xu Guo-Rong 15.Functionalization of electrospun magnetically separable TiO2-coated SrFe12O19 nanofibers ...... / Li, Cong-Ju; Wang, Jiao-Na; Li, Xiu-Yan; Zhang, Lian-Lian 16.Influence of ammonia on the morphologies and enhanced....... / Li Cong-Ju; Xu Guo-Rong) 17.Electrospinning technique in the nano-photocatalyst research…… /Li, Cong-Ju; Xu, Guo-Rong 18.Preparation and Characterization of Gelatin-Poly(L-lactic) Acid/Poly……/Feng, Shuqin; Shen, Xinyuan; Fu, Zhongyu; Shao, Meiling 19.Template preparation of strontium hexaferrite (SrFe12O19) ……/Li Cong-ju; Xu Guo-rong 20.Polyethylene glycol-directed SnO2 nanowires for enhanced gas-sensing properties /Yin, Ya-Xia; Jiang, Ling-Yan; Wan, Li-Jun; Li, Cong-Ju; Guo, Yu-Guo 2 Recordings Index to Scientific & Technical Proceedings 1.Design of Simulation Model of Yarns / Fan, XiuJuan; Yang, Qing 2.Characterization of titania hydrosol and its / Wang, Ran; Wang, Yanqiu 68 Recordings THE ENGINEERING INDEX 1.Research of UHV application on East China power grid / Gao, Hailong; Liu, Yi; Chen, Weihua 2.Zn-Mn-O heterostructures: Study on preparation, magnetic....... / Li, Cong-Ju; Xu, Guo-Rong 3.Study on fabric drape evaluation based on Fuzzy Possibilistic C-Means...... / Hui, Li 4.Microstructure and magnetic property of M-type SrRExFe 12-xO19 by sol-gel method...... / Li, Cong-Ju; Wang, Jiao-Na; Li, Xiu-Yan; Gong, Jian Ru 5.Concerted or stepwise hydrogen...... / Guo, Xiaojia; Tang, Yanhui; Zhang, Xin; Lei, Ming 6.The study of female fashion model's basic ...... / Guo, Ruiliang; Liu, Bing; Hongyuan 7.Research on influence of pre-tension on elongation....... / Wei, Linna; Chen, Lihua 8.Linear singular blending rational spline curve / Wang, Chengwei 9.Static and dynamic mechanical properties of ...... / Liu, Haiming; Wang, Rui; Xu, Xi 10.End effect processing for empirical mode / Yuan, Ye; Yang, Zhong Kai; Li, Qing Fu 11.Hybrid programming for multicore processors ....... / Shan, Hongzhong 12.Influence of low boiling point ……/ Jia, Qingxiu; Shi, Chaoming; Zhao, Guoliang 13.Design of simulation model of yarns / Fan, XiuJuan; Yang, Qing 14.Controlled preparation of porous polysulfone monolith via concentrated ……/ Le, Yechen; Zhang, Chen; Li, Hangquan; Du, Zhongjie; Li, Congju 15.Template preparation of strontium hexaferrite …../ Cong-Ju, Li; Guo-Rong, Xu 16.The research on graphic outline capturing algorithm……/ Fan, Xiujuan; Hu, Shaolin 17.Characterization of cotton fabric treated with a Si/P flame retardant…… / Wang, Ran; Bai, Yijin; Wang, Xiaochun; Wang, Yanqiu 18.A study on clothing e-commerce based on web…… / Zhang, Haibo; Zhang, Aili 19.Functionalization of electrospun magnetically separable TiO 2-coated SrFe12O19 nanofibers: Strongly effective…… / Li, Cong-Ju; Wang, Jiao-Na; Li, Xiu-Yan; Zhang, Lian-Lian 20.Heat and compression molded electrospun poly(l-lactide) ….../ Cao, Ding; Fu, Zhifeng; Li, Congju 21.Influence of ammonia on the morphologies and enhanced …... / Li, Cong-Ju; Xu, Guo-Rong 22.Extracting human body feature measurement based on……/ Cheng, Dali; Li, Xuefei 23.Research on automation-computerized pattern-grading technology in ……/ Xiu, Yi; Wan, Zhenkai 24.Structure and properties research of multi-……/ Sun, Weiwei; Zhang, Hua; Zhou, Yongkai 25.Preparation of Poly(butylene succinate)(PBS) foaming materials…… / Sun, Qiang; Huang, Guan-Bao; Ji, Jun-Hui; Zhang, Chang-An 26.Electrospinning technique in the nano-photocatalyst research / Li, Cong-Ju; Xu, Guo-Rong 27.Network intrusion detection using D-S evidence .….../ Yuan, Ye; Shang, Shuyuan; Li, Li 28.Research on ink-jet printing process of the leather / Li, Chunhui; Wang, Jianming 29.Application of cone calorimeter on the flammability …/ Wang, Xiaochun; Wang, Ran; Chen, Caijun 30.Electrospun fiber membranes of novel thermoplastic ...… / Cao, Ding; Fu, Zhifeng; Li, Congju 31.A multi-agent based Web mining model / Geng, Zengmin; Li, Xuefei; Sun, Xiaodong 32.A mass-spring model for real time cloth deformation / Liu, Zhengdong; Shang, Shuyuan 33.Cell adhesive and growth …… / Cao, Ding; Wu, Yi-Pan; Fu, Zhi-Feng; Tian, Yuan; Li, Cong-Ju; Gao, Chun-Ying; Chen, Zhong-Liang; Feng, Xi-Zeng 34.Automatic skinning and animation of skeletal models / Li, Jituo; Lu, Guodong; Ye, Juntao 35.A constructive approach toward a parametric pattern-……/ Xiu, Yi; Wan, Zhen-Kai; Cao, Wen 36.Construction of human wireless sensor network in electronic intelligent …… / Liu, Hao; Liu, Yi 37.Effects of different kinds of…/ Wang, Baihua; Guo, Xiang; Hu, Zhiyu; Kong, Liping; Zhang, Baoguo 38.Study on web content acquirement technology b…… / Geng, Zengmin; Li, Xuefei; Sun, Xiaodong 39.Synthesis and application of isothiazolinone as durable ….. / Kong, Dejia; Liu, Zhendong; Li, Yanli 40.Effect of preparation parameters of titania sol ……/ Wang, Ran; Chen, Ying; Wang, Jia; Yang, Yue 41.Automatic skinning and animation of skeletal models / Li, Jituo; Lu, Guodong; Ye, Juntao 42.Research of style-based clothing image retrieval / Zhang, Haibo; Jiang, Yan 43.The application of Virtual Reality Technology on computer basis …… / Ma, Kai; Yan, Jiang 44.Preparation and properties of nanoporous polyimide films with low dielectric permittivity / Jia, Hong-Juan; Yin, Xun-Qian; Zha, Jun-Wei; Shi, Chang-Yong; Dang, Zhi-Min 45.The influence of dyeing & finishing process on mechanical…… / Wang, Jianming; Zhang, Hongbo 46.Study of detection method of cashmere and wool based ……/ Guo, Fei; Shang, Shuyuan; Qi, Ming 47.Dyeing properties of reactive dyes on hemp fabrics / Tan, Si; Wang, Jianming 48.α Extension of a class of trigonometric spline curve / Wang, Chengwei 49.Application of Elman neural network based on improved niche adaptive ….. / Guo, Fei; Qi, Ming 50.Polyethylene glycol-directed SnO2 nanowires for enhanced gas-sensing properties.../ Yin, Ya-Xia; Jiang, Ling-Yan; Wan, Li-Jun; Li, Cong-Ju; Guo, Yu-Guo 51.Image database system of clothing emotion / Zhang, Haibo; Huang, Tiejun; Liu, Ruipu 52.Research of system adjusted charac…... / Sun, Ye-Fei; Zhang, Wei-Hua; Chen, Wei-Hua; Liu, Yi 53.Characterization of titania hydrosol and its influence on light ……/ Wang, Ran; Wang, Yanqiu 54.Algorithm for extracting end feature point of 3D scanning human ……/ Chen, Min; Li, Xuefei 55.Human body modeling method based on FFD / Wang, Ying; Liu, Zhengdong 56.A construction strategy framework for M-Commerce websites / Long, Qiong 57.Adsorption properties of self-assembly synthesized ... / Ji, Yan-Yan; Zhang, Biao; Wang, Xiao-Chun 58.Real time head tracking of depth sequence with …... / Sun, Xiao-Dong; Zhang, Hong-Bin 59.Nanofibrous architecture of silk fibroin scaffolds prepared with a mild self-assembly process / Lu, Qiang; Wang, Xiuli; Lu, Shenzhou; Li, Mingzhong; Kaplan, David L.; Zhu, Hesun 60.Morphology, crystallization, and mechanical properties of poly(ethylene ……/ Zhu, Zhiguo; Wang, Rui; Dong, Zhenfeng; Huang, Xiuqin; Zhang, Dasheng 61.Degradation mechanism and control of silk fibroin / Lu, Qiang; Zhang, Bing; Li, Mingzhong; Zuo, Baoqi; Kaplan, David L.; Huang, Yongli; Zhu, Hesun 62.Preparation and magnetic properties…… / Li, Cong-Ju; Zhang, Lian-Lian; Wang, Jiao-Na 63.A new ellipse fitting method and its application / Qiao, Xuejun; Zhang, Li; Liu, Rong 64.Complementary percolation characteristics of carbon fillers based…… / Dang, Zhi-Min; Shehzad, Khurram; Zha, Jun-Wei; Mujahid, Adnan; Hussain, Tajamal; Nie, Jun; Shi, Chang-Yong 65.TiO2/SiO2 hybrid nanomaterials: Synthesis and variable …… / Zhang, Yihe; Yu, Li; Ke, Shanming; Shen, Bo; Meng, Xianghai; Huang, Haitao; Lv, Fengzhu; Xin, John H.; Chan, H.L.W. 66.Discussion on the convexity of cubic triangular Bezier surfaces / Liu, Rong; Qiao, Xuejun 67.Fast simplification of scanned 3D human body for animation / Sun, Xiao-Dong; Zhang, Hong-Bin 68.Preparation and characterization of gelatin-poly(L-lactic) acid/poly…… / Feng, Shuqin; Shen, Xinyuan; Fu, Zhongyu; Shao, Meiling 98 Recordings CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS 1.Influence of low boiling point nonsolvents on Morphologies of PA6 Electrospun Fibers /Jia, Qingxiu; Shi, Chaoming; Zhao, Guoliang 2. Research on ink-jet printing ....... / Li, Chunhui; Wang, Jianming 3.The influence of dyeing & finishing……/ Wang, Jianming; Zhang, Hongbo 4.Dyeing properties of reactive dyes on hemp fabrics / Tan, Si; Wang, Jianming 5.Effect of preparation parameters of Titania sol …… / Wang, Ran; Chen, Ying; Wang, Jia; Yang, Yue 6.Synthesis and application of isothiazolinone as …… / Kong, Dejia; Liu, Zhendong; Li, Yanli 7.Characterization of cotton fabric treated ….../ Wang, Ran; Bai, Yijin; Wang, Xiaochun; Wang, Yanqiu 8.Structure and properties research of multi-antibacterial…/Sun, Weiwei; Zhang, Hua; Zhou, Yongkai 9.Structure and properties of modified copolyester/nano-antimony doped tin dioxide composite / Wang, Jiandan; Wang, Rui; Zhu, Zhiguo; Dong, Zhenfeng; Zhang, Guoqiang 10.Interaction between Gd3….. / Song, Pei-pei; Li, Xie; Jia, Qing-xiu; Tang, Shu-ting; Zhao, Guo-liang 11.Stripping of cashmere fabrics dyed with……/ Li, Yuan; Wang, Jian-ming; Chen, Xiao-yuan 12.Development of new natural dyes …../ Liu, Meng-luan; Wang, Yue-ping; Wang, Hai-jian; Shi, Jin-jie 13.Preparation of phenolphthalein poly-aromatic ether…/ Zhang, Hui; Zhang, Tianjiao; Bao, Jianwen 14.Synthesis and characterization of gold…../ Zheng, Haixia; Huang, Boneng; Hu, Junman; Gong, Yan 15.Study on direct esterification of terephthalic acid and …… / Cai, Zhiyi; Huang, Guanbao 16.Study on dynamic adsorption and desorption of polysaccharide of …… / Xu, Su-xin; Liu, Ting-yue 17.Primary study of FT-IR self-deconvolution in… / Li, Shun; Zhang, Ju-hua; Li, Xiu-yan; Fu, Ji-quan 18.Study on catalytic decomposition of hydrogen ….../ Chen, Xiao-bin; Zhang, Ju-hua; Liu, Zhen-dong 19.Influence of UV light on the composition and properties of mulberry silk / Ma, Ling; Fu, Ji-quan 20.Influence of UV light on the structure and properties of mulberry silk / Ma, Ling; Fu, Ji-quan 21.Synthesis and application of polyether-modified …… / Shi, Chen-xi; Li, Qing; Bao, Li-hong 22.Preparation and performance characterization… / Shan, Xiao-hui; Pei, Guang-ling; Fu, Zhong-yu 23.Study on the melt-spinning of polyphenyl… / Zhou, Jian-long; Zhang, Tian-jiao; Xing, Hui-hui 24.Influence of regenerated temperature on UHMWPA6 dry-spinning fiber and its structure / Deng, Zhao-liang; Yang, Zhong-kai; Li, Xiao-ning; Jia, Qing-xiu; Fu, Zhong-yu 25.Blending of polyester polymers and polyester composite fiber / Wu, Rongrui 26.Preparation of poly(butylene succinate)(PBS) foaming materials…… / Sun, Qiang; Huang, Guan-bao; Ji, Jun-hui; Zhang, Chang-an 27.A study on the pad dyeing process of PET/PA superfine… / Li, Yuan; Chen, Sen; Wang, Jianming 28.Preliminary exploration of bicomponent halical …… / Jiang, Chenguang; Li, Congju; Huang, Li 29.Solvents selection by using of computer in extractive distillation ……/ Dong, Wenwei; Fu, Jiquan 30.Dechroming process of chrome ……/ Yuan, Wenhui; Zhang, Liping; Li, Hongwei; Wu, Shanshan 31.Application of spectroscopic technology in textile testing (A) application of energy dispersive x-ray fluorescence……/ Lin, Sujun; Wang, Yongsheng; He, Ronghui; Nie, Sushuang; Gong, Yan 32.Preparation and application of tetraethoxysilane……/ Wang, Ran; Wang, Xiao-chun; Wei, Bing-xin 33.Adsorption capability of D301 resin to tricolor ……/ Nie, Sushuang; Fu, Rongrong; Wang, Baihua 34.Preparation and characterization of poly(L-lactide) …… / Huang, Li; Li, Congju; Yuan, Junsong 35.Preparation and characterization of self-crimp composite …… / Rao, Dan; Li, Congju 36.Crosslinking modification of UHMWPE fiber by UV irradiation……/ Huang, Xin; Wang, Enzhao; Zhang, Tianjiao; Zhao, Guoliang 37.Effect of decomplexation time on structure and properties of UHMWPA6 fiber / Deng, Zhaoliang; Yang, Zhongkai; Li, Xiaoning; Jia, Qingxiu; Fu, Zhongyu 38.Determination of the content of Cr (VI) in wastewater / Yuan, Wen-hui; Zhang, Li-ping 39.Determination of cotton fabric fish odor by HS-GC-MS / Wang, Xiaoning; Wang, Hao; Liao, Qing 40.Study on PET fiber with… / Zhang, Da-sheng; Wang, Rui; Zhou, Jing-yi; Chen, Fang; Zhu, Zhi-guo 41.Dye-fixing process of PA carpet yarn / Li, Xinxin; Chen, Ying; Min, Wen 42.Preparation and properties of functionalized porous photochromic …/ Sun, Jing; Pei, Guangling 43.Microstructure and magnetic property …/ Li, Cong-Ju; Wang, Jiao-Na; Li, Xiu-Yan; Gong, Jian Ru 44.Bionic textiles and garment / Chen, Li-hua 45.Design of spinneret pore structure component in spinning and the ……/ Han, Xia; Zhao, Shi-ying 46.Preparation of all solid-state ele…… / Wang, Hao; Li, Xin; Xu, Jian; Xiao, Hong; Shi, Meiwu 47.Studies on dyeing properties of red rice red on leather / Zhang, Liping; Liu, Hongru 48.Modification and dispersion behavior of nano-TiO2 …… / Mu, Keyi; Zhao, Guoliang; Zhou, Wei 49.Detection of nonanal arom…/ Gao, Mingxing; Wang, Xiaoning; Gong, Yan; Wang, Hao; Liao, Qing 50.Application of cone calorimeter to flame retardant finish of polyester/cotton blends / Wang, Xiao-chun; Wang, Ran; Teng, Wan-hong; Wang, Xiao-na; Shi, Li-min 51.Fabrication of Fe/Co-Ti-O nanofibers: photocatalytic activity and ……/ Xu, Guorong; Li, Congju 52.Research progress …../ Shi, Chaoming; Zhao, Guoliang; Jia, Qingxiu; Song, Peipei; Yang, Zhongkai 53.Zn-Mn-O heterostructures: Study on preparation, magnetic ……/ Li, Cong-Ju; Xu, Guo-Rong 54.Impact of solvent content on UHMWPA6 dry-spinning nascent filament and fibers / Deng, Zhao-liang; Yang, Zhong-kai; Li, Xiao-ning; Jia, Qing-xiu; Fu, Zhong-yu 55.A study on dyeing of PET/PA superfine non-woven fabrics / Li, Yuan; Wang, Jianming 56.Optimization for alkylation process of ethylbenzene and ethanol to ……/ Lu, Tianpei; Fu, Jiquan 57.Dyeing performance of natural shellac red on leather / Zhang, Liping; Liu, Hongru; Liu, Zihao 58.Influence of solute volatility on the ebullioscopic method / Zhang, Ju-hua 59.Extraction and determination of pyrethroid pesticides residues in cotton textiles / Zhang, Yan; Yang, Ying; He, Xiao-lan; Wang, Xiao-ning; Qiu, Min 60.Wetting properties of ……/ Dai, Chun-fen; Zhou, Yong-kai; Li, Chen; Zhang, Hua; Zhang, Jian-chun 61.Study on improving the light fastness of dyed PA carpet yarn / Li, Xin-xin; Chen, Ying; Min, Wen 62.Optimal conditions and kinetics study in synthesis of ……/ Du, Yi-song; Li, Xiu-yan 63.Synthesis of the formaldehyde-free phosphorus flame retardant …./ Zhang, Ya-guang; Li, Wen-xia 64.Preparation of an amphoteric ion exchange fiber / Wang, Xue-fei; Wu, Zheng 65.Synthesis and properties test of solid-solid phase …/ Wang, Yu-ling; Fu, Zhong-yu; Pei, Guang-ling 66.Study on pretreatment and steaming conditions for ……/ Li, Yuan; Zhang, Yuan; Wang, Jian-ming 67.Influence of ammonia on the morphologies and enhanced ……/ Li, Cong-Ju; Xu, Guo-Rong 68.Synthesis and scale and corrosion inhibition performance of ……/ Ren, Baoyong; Zhang, Yufang 69.Study on modification of PET by hydrotalcite / Liu, Wei; Huang, Guan-bao 70.Determination of residual organic solvents in ……/ Wang, Xiaoning; Gao, Mingxing; Fu, Hao 71.Synthesis of novel ……/ He, Xiao-lan; Yuan, Yu-bing; Xu, Hai-long; Wang, Xiao-ning; Zhang, Yan 72.Biological modification of polyesters / Wu, Rong-rui 73.Determination of ……/ Tang, Chuan-jiang; Nie, Jin-mei; Wang, Xiao-ning; Li, Qing; Zhang, Yan 74.Apparent adsorption and desorption of polysaccharides from …… / Xu, Su Xin; Liu, Ting Yue 75.Fabrication and photo-absorption ……/ Zhang, Lianlian; Li, Xiuyan; Wang, Jiaona; Li, Congju 76.Research progress in PET surface modification / Wang, Tiantian; Wang, Xiaochun; Zhao, Guoliang 77.Method for improving pore channel regularity.../ Fu, Jiquan; Yin, Lifeng; Li, Xiuyan; Zhang, Juhua 78.Method for treating wastewater from wool colorization / Wang, Baihua; Nie, Sushuang; Xu, Yan; Du, Yingchun; Wang, Gang; Fu, Rongrong; Wang, Yongsheng 79.Device for measuring dynamic ……/ Fu, Jiquan; Chen, Tianwen; Liu, Hongru; Cui, Chengmin 80.Preparation and magnetic properties of ……/ Li, Congju; Zhang, Lianlian; Wang, Jiaona 81.Method for extracting and purifying saponins from traditional Chinese medicines using ion exchange fiber column / Liu, Tingyue; Nie, Sushuang; Sun, Jinglei; Wang, Chuang; Li, Chunhong 82.Manufacture and application of polyether-…… / Li, Qing; Bao, Lihong; Shi, Chenxi; Sun, Yang 83.Characterization of energy gap values of colored powdery materials…/ Li, Xiuyan; Wang, Qiang 84.Reactive antibacterial …/ Liu, Zhendong; Liu, Xia; Chen, Xiaobin; Wang, Xiaoning; Zhang, Bolun 85.Fish collagen composite fiber and its preparation method / Gong, Yan 86.Recycling method for wool-washing wastewater obtained from wool dyeing and finishing process / Wang, Baihua; Nie, Sushuang; Xu, Yan; Du, Yingchun; Wang, Gang 87.Antipilling UV-resistant finishing agent and its…/ Wang, Ran; Chen, Ying; Wang, Rui; Chen, Jingru 88.Blending of polyester polymers and polyester composite fiber / Wu, Rongrui 89.Study on the synthesis and thermal imidization …/ Wang, Kaishi; Zhu, Zhiguo; Gao, Yi; Wang, Rui 90.Electrostatic spinning apparatus for efficiently preparing nanoscale fabric / Li, Congju 91.Fluoro and silyl-containing hydrophobic… / Liu, Zhendong; Qiu, Min; Li, Baoyu; Wang, Xiaoning 92.Method for improving hydrophilicity of …/ Chen, Ying; Chen, Sen; Li,Hongwei; Wang, Jianming 93.Method for preparation polyamide 6 fibers with ultrahigh molecular weight / Jia, Qingxiu; Xiong, Zujiang; Yang, Zhongkai; Li, Xiaoning; Liu, Zhendong; Fu, Zhongyu 94.Method for extracting, separating and purifying …/ Liu, Tingyue; Nie, Sushuang; Cui, Chengmin 95.Coal cinder and fly ash-based adsorbent and its application to recycling of wool dyeing wastewater / Wang, Baihua; Xu, Yan; Nie, Sushuang; Du, Yingchun; Feng, Buxue 96.Application of conductive fiber in the …../ Li, Qiu-yu; Zhou, Yong-kai; Shi, Li-min; Pei, Guang-ling 97.Application of cone calorimeter on the flammability… / Wang, Xiaochun; Wang, Ran; Chen, Caijun 98.Morphology, crystallization, and mechanical properties of poly……/ Zhu, Zhiguo; Wang, Rui; Dong, Zhenfeng; Huang, Xiuqin; Zhang, Dasheng 22 Recordings WORLD TEXTILE ABSTRACTS 1.Fabric image retrieved system based on color data ....... / Guo, Rui-Liang; Pan, BoChen; Li-Hua. 2.Study on dry ....... / Huihui Yin; Xiaoning Li; Zhendong Liu; Qingxiu Jia 3.A Study on Dimensional Properties of Wool Fabric Treated at 120°C / Qing Liao; Brady, P. R. 4.Dynamic Moisture Absorption Behavior of Polyester-Cotton Fabric and...... / Yingchun Du; Jin Li 5.Polymolecular Layer Adsorption Model and...... / Yingchun Du; Jin Li; Lingjie Liu 6.Chain extension of poly(ethylene terephthalate) with bisphenol-A dicyanate ...... / Zhang, Yanjun; Zhang, Chen; Li, Hangquan; Du, Zhongjie; Li, Congju 7.Impact of the content of extractable chrome on...... / Wang, Bai-Hua; Cui, Cheng-Min 8.Burning behavior ...... / Kang, Jia; Wang, Jian-Ming; Wang, Xiao-Chun; Wang, Yan-Ling 9.Application of activators in low temperature bleaching ……/ Zhang, Jing; Li, Hong-Wei 10.Stripping of cashmere fabrics dyed....... / Li Yuan; Wang Jian-ming; Chen Xiao-yuan 11.Development and testing of Viloft/polyester blended yarn / Guo Li-qiang 12.Identification of wool and cashmere based on light microscope ...... / WANG Bai-hua;HU Zhi-yu; GE Shun-shun; KONG Li-ping; ZHANG Bao-guo 13.Determination of the content of Cr(VI) in..... / YUAN Wen-hui; ZHANG Li-ping 14.Morphology, crystallization, and mechanical properties of poly……/ Zhiguo Zhu; Rui Wang; Zhenfeng Dong; Xiuqin Huang; Dasheng Zhang 15.A constructive approach toward a parametric...... / Yi Xiu; Wan, Zhen-Kai; Wen Cao 16.Static and dynamic mechanical properties of ...... / Haiming Liu; Rui Wang; Xi Xu 17.Application of conductive....... / Li Qiu-yu; Zhou Yong-kai; Shi Li-mm; Pei Guang-ling 18. Development of new ....... / Liu Meng-luan; Wang Yue-ping; Wang Hai-jian; Shi Jin-jie 19. Correlation between draping property of fabrics...... / Jiang Yan; Wang Rui; Ding Heng 20.Electrospun fiber membranes of novel thermoplastic …... / Cao, Ding; Fu, Zhifeng; Li, Congju 21.Colors of nature / Gong Yan 22.Research on proportion of …/ Guo Xiang; Wang Bai-hua; Hu Zhi-yu; Kong Li-ping; Zhang Bao-guo 1 Recordings Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index 1.Analysis of the Construction and Development of Beijing Municipal Level Key Disciplines/赵清;潘波;姜世军
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