GOD IS. E-ISSN 2278-4535 RESEARCH JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Biological Sciences Res. J. Biotech., Volume 10 (2), Pages 1-70, February 2015, SCI Impact Factor 0.262 Editor- in- Chief (Hon.) Dr. SHANKAR LAL GARGH Correspondence Address: M. Sc., Ph.D., M.B.A., LL.B., FICCE, FISBT, A. Inst. Pet. Phone: +91-731-4004000 Mobile: 094250-56228 “Research Journal of BioTechnology” Sector AG/80, Scheme No. 54, Indore 452 010 (M.P.) INDIA Phone and Fax: +91-731-2552837 Web Site: www.worldresearchjournals.com E-mail: infoshankargargh@gmail.com E-mail: biotek@shankargargh.org Member Portal:member.worldresearchjournals.com C O NT EN T S Research Papers: 1. Seed storage protein profiling and phylogenetic relationships of Capsicum annum L. cultivars using SDS-PAGE - Peddakasim D., Suneetha P., Lakshmi Sahithya U., Srideepthi R. and Krishna M. S. R. 2. Study on the usage of aquatic vegetation and combined feed in certain Cyprinids species feeding - Gîlcă Valerica, Gîlcă Ioan and Radu Rusu Răzvan 3. Isolation and screening of Aspergillus species for protease production - Tiwari K. L. and Rizvi A. F. 14-18 4. Encryption for Sharing of Secret Medical Images - Sangeetha M., Arumugam C. and Senthilkumar K. M. 19-21 5. Biological Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Colocasia Extract and their antimicrobial activity - Boruah Himangshu, Talukdar Binita, Parveen Assma, Goswami Gunajit, Barooah Madhumita and Boro Robin Chandra 22-27 Characterization and expression of PGK2 and PHKG2 in testis tissues from fertile and sterile Banna Mini-pig Inbred Line (BMI) - Wang Pei, Wang Shuyan, Qin Caiyan and Huo Jinlong 28-35 Isolation of a unique Phenol degrading bacterial strain Escherichia coli moh 1 from effluent of an edible oil industry in Chennai, India - Fayidh M. A., Kalleary Sabina, Kasirajan Sudharsan and Muthusamy Sukumar 36-42 8. Production and purification of peroxidase from horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) roots using ultrafiltration - Mei Qin 43-45 9. Relationships between endogenous hormonal content and direct somatic embryogenesis in Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) cotyledons - Hui Jun Zhang and Qing Wang 46-51 6. 7. ii 1-4 5-13 10. Purification and further characterizations of the cellulase from the spent mushroom compost of Hypsizygus marmoreus - Yunlong Yang, Caimei Huang and Kaihui Hu 52-57 11. Molecular characterization and expression pattern of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) TPX2 peroxidase gene - Xu Shengguang, Su Yuan and Liu Yonggang 58-62 Review Paper: 12. Survey of Radiology Clinical Methodologies for Breast Cancer’s Symptoms Detection - Sakthisudhan K., Saravana Kumar N. and Thangaraj P. 63-70 EDITORIAL BOARD: P IV INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS: P V MEMBERSHIP FORM: P IX LOGIN: P X iii
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