04-05-2015 - Lindale Mennonite Church

This Sunday: April 5, 2015
The nurseries
are not staffed this morning,
but are open for parental use.
Next Sunday: April 12, 2015
Nursery Staff for Sunday School Hour
Nursery A: Jolene Wiseman,
Kristin Shoemaker
Nursery Staff for Worship Hour
Nursery A: Sharla Wenger, Krista Fetterman
Nursery B: Travis & Gini Trotter
Library: Brenda Shank
Library: Tracy Clark
Audio Visual:
Dickson Sommers and Craig Anders
Greeters: Ben & Rebecca Tyson
Audio Visual:
Matt Daniels and Natalie Beiler
Greeters: Irv Hershey
Karen Lemish
Primary Sunday School Snapshot
Early Childhood: Three women went to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body and a
young man told them Jesus had been raised. The women fled.
Primary: Mary Magdalene searched the tomb, unable to find Jesus. He
appeared to Mary Magdalene and told the disciples what Jesus had said.
DOLLARS and CENSUS: March 29, 2015
General Budget
Pray for healing and hope fo Ruth Miller as she continues dealing with health
Pray for Jim and Peg Engle, Mike and Marcy Engle and family, and Joe Engle who
lost a son, brother, and uncle yesterday. Charlie Engle died suddenly on March
30 at his home in Waynesboro, VA.
Everyone will experience the joy of the resurrection today and always.
Lindale Mennonite Church
6255 Jesse Bennett Way
Linville, VA
PO Box 1082
Harrisonburg, VA
Website: www.lindale.org
Ministers: All Lindale Members
Lead Pastor
Assoc. Pastor of Congregational Life
Assoc. Pastor of Christian Formation
Children’s Minister
Deacon & Deaconess
Administrative Assistant
Duane Yoder
Dawn Monger
Deb Horst
Diane Burkholder
Jay and Judy Leaman
Leanne Benner
cell phone: 540-746-6221
cell phone: 540-421-5427
cell phone: 540-820-6470
cell phone: 540-383-5298
Larry and Natalie Beiler
cell phone: 540-810-2997
Lindale Mennonite Church
April 5, 2015
Volume 62
CHURCH Number 14
5, 2015
9:30 AM
Sunday School
10:30 AM
Worship Hour
Candle Lighting
Prayer of Gathering
Congregational Singing
Calls to Authenticity and Grace
Children / Congregational Song
John 20.1-18
Laban Peachy’s 88th Birthday invitation was distributed in your mailboxes several
weeks ago. It will be held on April 12 from 2-4pm. Please RSVP by Monday, April 6 if
you are planning to attend. Email: info@vbmhc.org or call 540-438-1275.
The Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir will present its annual spring
concert, Daybreak, on Sunday, April 12th, 4:00 p.m. at Lehman Auditorium. The
Preparatory, Treble and Concert Choirs will present songs themed around light and
beauty. Tickets are available through the Eastern Mennonite University box office and
on-line. Admission is $15 for special reserved seating, $12 for adults, $10 for
seniors/students and $7 for children age 12 & under.
If you know already that you are interested in helping out with Bible school this
summer June 15-19, please fill out an orange sheet (found on the welcome table)
indicating your interest and the area in which you'd like to help. We are so excited
about this summer's Bible school and so grateful for your help.
Come to the final fall session of Wednesday Evening at Lindale this week, March 25.
The meal begins at 6:00 followed by activities for all ages. The evening meal will be a
fundraiser Potato Bar made and served by the MYF! Donations for the meal will be
gratefully received! Suggested amounts are: $5 per adult, $3 per child under age 6.
Easter: We Have Waited For This
Song of Response: Choir / Congregational Song
Announcements and Prayer Concerns
Prayer of Response
The Highland Benefit Auction is on Saturday, April 11 at Eastern Mennonite School
dining room. Doors open at 7:45 a.m. for the silent auction and the live auction begins
at 8:45 a.m.
Call to Commitment
Service Participants
Prelude: Leanne Benner Song Leader: Ruel Burkholder
Worship Leader: Judy Mullet Message: Duane Yoder
Next Sunday
Worship Leader: Seth Miller Message: Dawn Monger
This Week
Lindale Mennonite Women meet in in the
Fellowship Hall. Ladies whose names begin with
M-Z provide lunch.
JMYF Lock-In
Coming Up
EMHS Touring Choir
Lindale Annual Retreat at Highland
Bible School
April 26
June 12-14, 2015
June 15-19