05.03.2015 bulletin - Lindale Mennonite Church

Next Sunday - May 10
SS Nursery A:
Rodney & Eve Knepp
Worship Nursery A:
Camron & Leah Conrad
Worship Nursery B:
Jimmy & Kari Miller
Library: Marti Eads
Audio Visual:
Dickson Sommers/ Craig Anders
Jay/Rebecca Yutzy & Diana Payne
SS Nursery A:
Mark & Ashley Miller
Worship Nursery A:
Mark & Debbie Horst
Worship Nursery B:
Doug & Christina Blyer
Martha Miller
Audio Visual:
Matt Daniels/Natalie Beiler
Kerry/Becky Leichty
Raymond/Gladys Shank
Primary SS Snapshot
Early Childhood & Primary:
April 26, 2015
General Budget: . $12,984
AƩendance: 388
Abraham and Sarai received and fed 3 visitors who said they would have a son in
their old age. Sarai laughed, but God
asked, "Is anything too hard for the
Lord?" God is not magical, but Almighty!
1) Pray for Geoff & Jenna Keens as they continue to deal with ongoing health
2) Pray for our college graduates as they anticipate what comes next in their
3) Pray for all those affected by the situations in Nepal, Baltimore & other places
in need of god’s presence and peace.
Lindale Mennonite Church
6255 Jesse Bennett Way , Linville VA 22834
P.O. Box 1082 Harrisonburg, VA 22803
Phone: (540) 833-5171
Email: admin@lindale.org
Website: www.lindale.org
Church Office Hours: Tuesday—Friday 8:30am— 4:30pm
Ministers: All Lindale Members
Lead Pastor
Assoc. Pastor of Congregational Life
Assoc. Pastor of Christian Formation
Children’s Minister
Deacon & Deaconess
Administrative Assistant
Duane Yoder
Dawn Monger
Deb Horst
Diane Burkholder
Jay and Judy Leaman
Leanne Benner
cell phone: 540-746-6221
cell phone: 540-421-5427
cell phone: 540-820-6470
cell phone: 540-383-5298
Larry and Natalie Beiler
cell phone: 540-810-2997
Lindale Mennonite Church
May 3, 2015
May 3, 2015
Volume 62
Number 18
9:30am ................... Sunday School
10:30am .................... Worship Hour
The next opportunity for baptism will be at Lindale’s Annual Retreat
at Highland on June 14. If you are interested in baptism at this point,
please contact Pastor Duane or Pastor Deb.
It's coming! Summer Bible School!! The Lindale Church family with
our neighbors & friends are encouraged to schedule the week
of evening Bible Studies during June 15 - 19 into our summer. Exciting plans are made to study the prophet Elijah. Please plan to bring
your family and join this week of renewal and learning.
Barbara Gautcher
Call to Worship
Pastor Dawn Monger
Prayer of Gathering
Congregational Singing
Ruel Burkholder
Children’s Moment
Pastor Duane Yoder
Congregational Song
Mennonite World Conference: Register now for the global Assembly
of Mennonite World Conference being held July 21-26 in Harrisburg,
PA. To register, go to https://www.mwc-cmm.org/PA2015.
Registration for Virginia Mennonite Conference Assembly is
open! Join us June 11-13 at Harrisonburg Mennonite Church for a
weekend of work, worship and stories of "Built into a Spiritual House,"
based on 1 Peter 2:4-10. Learn more and register
at virginiaconference.org/assembly
Ruel Burkholder
Scripture: John 17
“The Unity Of Our Witness”
Pastor Duane Yoder
Song of Response
Ruel Burkholder
Announcements and Prayer Concerns
Pastor Dawn Monger
All young Lindale musicians! May 20, Wednesday from 6 - 7pm will
be an opportunity for you to play one song on your instrument (violin,
harp, trumpet, piano, etc.) We are calling this our Young Musicians
Showcase; a chance for you to play for us at Lindale as we applaud
you for your hard work as a musician. Please let Diane Burkholder
know if you have a piece to play or sing for this event.
diane@lindale.org .
You are invited to join family and friends in helping to celebrate the
high school graduations of Brianna Brunk, Kathryn Leichty, and Alec
Vrolijk on Saturday, May 30 2-4 pm in the Lindale fellowship hall.
Light refreshments will be served.
Prayer of Response
This Week
Pastor Dawn Monger
Next Week
Message: Duane Yoder
Worship Leader: Deb Horst
MYF Convention Get Together ..EMHS May 6 @ 6:30—8:00pm
Lindale Mennonite Women ................................ May 7 @ 9:00am
Ladies with names beginning A-L will provide lunch
Events Coming Up
Lindale Annual Retreat at Highland ............................ June 12-14
Bible School ................................................................. June 15-19